Chap 6
Chap 6
Chap 6
Setup: We follow the procedure of Section 1, only this time starting by taking the curl of both sides of Amperes Circuit law. Solution: CTVxE + s V xE = - uct------- u s dt dt dt Using a vector identity (6.7) we also have: V x(V x H ) = V*H - V2H But V *H = 0, (since we know that V *B = 0 ) leading to
6.3: A wave with X = 6.0 cm in air is incident on a nonmagnetic, lossless liquid media. In the liquid, the wavelength is measured as 1.0 cm. What is the waves frequency (a) in air? (b) in the liquid? (c) What is the liquids relative permittivity? Setup: The student may wish to review Sections 1.6 and 5.6, in particular Equation (5.55). We are given a nonmagnetic media (meaning /ur = 1) that is lossless (meaning <j= 0). Solution: (a) f u =c = X X = 5GHz 0.06m
(b) the frequency doesnt change with the media (the wavelength does) so f = 5 GHz (c)
6.5: Given a= 1.0x10"5 S/m , sr = 2.0, /ur = 50., and f = 10. MHz, find y, a, P and n Setup: Here we will use (6.13): y = ^Jja/ur^ o ( a + j a s rs o) = a + j P And (6.31): n = J j ^ ^ a + j a s rs 0 Note that this is a very useful exercise in complex math. The results can also be obtained by using ML0601. Solution: ja/urM0 = j 2 n { 10x106^ (50)f 4nx10-7 H 1 ^ = j3948Q V sJ V mJH A V a + j a s s = 1x10-5S + j 2n^10x10e 1 ^ ( 2 )f 8.854x10-12 1 C A s V S Q V sJ V mJ V C Q A 1 = 1x10-5 + j1.11x10-3 S Inserting these terms into the expression for y: Y = j j a MrM o ( + j a s s o) = a + j p = 9 4x10-3 + j 21 / m, a = 9.4x10 3N p /m , P = 2.1 rad /m , And for n, n= \ a + j a s rs0 These results are confirmed by ML0601. = 1880ej 257Q
6.7: Suppose E(x,y,t) = 5.0 cos(nx106 t - 3.0x + 2.0y) a z V/m. Find the direction of propagation, a p , and H(x,y,t). Setup: In this expression we see that the media is lossless as there is no attenuation term; hence g = 0. We will convert E to its phasor, apply Amperes Circuit Law to find H s , and then convert this to instantaneous form. Note that we must assume the relative permeability of the material in order to calculate numeric values for H. As no information is given, we state assume nonmagnetic material. Solution: V _ E s = 5e13xeJ2ya m We assume nonmagnetic material and therefore have Vx E s = - jo/u0H s The left side of this becomes
a x a y
V xE, =
d dx 0
d dy IT ) 0
az d dz
y x
3 2
V m
H =
m _ A
_ _ . , . 110 10V ^m H A Confirming the units: ----- = ------2 --------- -----------7 = -2.53 -jH0 m nx10 4nx10 H V sm H (x,y,t) = -2 .5 3 co sn x 1 0 6 1 -3 x + 2 y )ax -3.80cos(;rx10 6 1 -3 x + 2 y )ay A
Now, we know that Es x H s will give us a vector in the direction of propagation. So to find the direction of propagation:
a a = E s x H s
Es x Hs
E s x H s = 19e- 16xeJ4yax - 12.65e^16xeJ4yay And with the exponential terms canceling in the top and bottom of the equation for ap, we have: a P = 0.83ax - 0.55ay.
6.9: Start with the Helmholtz equation (6.11). Assuming (6.15) and using y = j ' derive the traveling wave equation (6.41). Setup: Equation (6.11) is: V-Es - y 2Es = 0 . We then consider an x-polarized plane wave traveling in the +z direction, with field given by (6.15):
E , (z ) =
E xs ( z ) a x
d 2E , Then, with y = j ' we h a v e ---- - s-+ ' 2Es = 0 . We want to solve this and arrive at (6.41): dz
=0 The first
This can be factored: X2 + 0 1 = (X + j ' ( X - j ' ) = 0, suggesting two solutions. solution uses X = - j ' and Exs = Ae~ !' z = E+e~1' . Likewise, the second solution uses X = + j' and Es = Ae1' = E -e 1' .
6.11: In a lossless, nonmagnetic material with sr = 16, H = 100 cos(at - 10y) a z mA/m. Determine the propagation velocity, the angular frequency, and the instantaneous expression for the electric field intensity. Setup: Lossless and nonmagnetic implies c = o and /ur = 1, respectively. To find E, we will convert H to the phasor form and apply the second equation of (6.33): Es = -tjaP x H s. Well then convert E s to instantaneous form. Solution: a c
0.75 x108m
Then, Es = - ^ a P x H
6.13: Work through the algebra to derive equation a and P equations (6.52) from equations (6.50) and (6.51). Setup: The equations we start with are (6.50): y 2 = -a>2u s + ja /u u and (6.51):
( \ a = a /us
) and P = a u s
) - 1 4 1+ 1 - J V\
f \2 ) . f u as J1 +1 _ 1+lV V )
Solution: Y2 = - a 2u s + j a u u = ( a 2 - p 2) + j 2aP; Comparing the imaginary parts, we see co/uu = 2aP, or P = and comparing the real parts, a 2 - 0 1 + a 2u s = 0. Oa 2u 2 Rearranging and inserting our value for P. a 4 + a 2u s a 2 - O U U = 0 This is a quadratic expression (x2 + bx + c = 0), where here x = a 2, b = o 2us, c = a/uu ouu 2a
1- c - 1 V b J
1+4 o u u 2 - 1 4 a 4u 2s 2
a 2u s j 1+ ( aus 2P s O -
- 1
: a =a us
- 1
f OjUS^
- a 2u s = 0
P j
6.15: Given a material with a = 1.0x10"3 S/m, u = 1.0, and sr = 3.0, sr = 0.015, compare a plot of a versus frequency from 1 Hz to 1 GHz using (6.52) to a similar plot using (6.54). At what frequency does the % error exceed 2%? f \2 ^ jus 1 r 1+ |q 2 \i \ s . - 1 V y
and (6.54): a = In both of these formulas, we use the effective conductivity given by (6.47): a efr = a + a s
% MLP0615 O % Compares alpha calculated using (6.52) to % that calculated using (6.54). % % Wentworth, 1/25/03 % clc clear % Initialize variables ur=1; erp=3; erdp=.015; s=1e-3; uo=pi*4e-7; eo=8.854e-12; B=ur*uo*erp*eo/2; % Perform calculations for i=1:10 for j=1:10 m=(i-1)*10+j; f(m)=j*10A (i-1); w(m)=2*pi*f(m); seff(m)=s+w(m)*erdp*eo; A(m)=sqrt(1+(seff(m)/(w(m)*erp*eo))A2); alpha1(m)=w(m)*sqrt(B*(A(m)-1)); alpha2(m)=(seff(m)/2)*sqrt(ur*uo/(erp*eo)); diff(m)=abs(100*(alpha1(m)-alpha2(m))/alpha1(m)); C(m)=diff(m)<2; if diff(m)<2 if diff(m-1)>2 fdiff=f(m); Fstr=num2str(fdiff); end
end end end % generate plot loglog(f,alpha1,'-o',f,alpha2,'-*') legend( (5.52), (5.54)) xlabel(frequency (Hz)) ylabel('alpha(Np/m)') S=strcat(Error drops below 2% when frequency > ,Fstr); title(S) grid on
6.17: MATLAB: Make a pair of plots similar to Figure 6.4 for the 3 materials of Table 6.1. Instead of loss tangent, one plot is to contain the magnitude of n and the other is to have the phase of n Setup: We can use (6.31) to find n j aU n =. \ a +j a s where we use the effective conductivity given by (6.47): a eff = a + a s . This result will in general be complex, so we determine its magnitude and phase. Table 6.1: Parameters used for MATLAB 6.2 and Figure^ 6.4 a (S/m) sr sr Copper 5.8 x 107 1 0 Seawater 4 72 12 10-12 10 .010 Glass Solution:
%ML P6.17 clc;clear %want to plot intrinsic impedance vs frequency for %the data listed in Table 6.1 %Here, we'll plot the magnitude and phase of the %intrinsic impedance. %enter data sigC=5.8e7; sigS=4; sigG=1e-12; er1C=1; er1S=72; er1G=10; er2C=0; er2S=12; er2G=0.010; from Table 6.1 %conductivity of copper in % conductivity o f seawater % conductivity o f glass %real part of re l perm for %real part of re l perm for %real part of re l perm for %imag part of re l perm for %imag part of re l perm for %imag part of re l perm for
%enter constant values eo=8.854e-12; %free space permittivity, F/m uo=pi*4e-7; %free space permeability, H/m %calculations n=2:.2:14; f=10.An;w=2*pi*f; seffC=sigC+w*er2C*eo; seffS=sigS+w*er2S*eo; seffG=sigG+w*er2G*eo;
etaC=sqrt(i*w*uo./(seffC+i*er1C*eo)) etaS=sqrt(i*w*uo./(seffS*er1S*eo)) etaG=sqrt(i*w*uo./(seffG+i*er1G*eo)) magC=abs(etaC); angC=180*angle(etaC)/pi; subplot(3,2,1) semilogx(f,magC) ylabel(mag, ohms) title('copper') subplot(3,2,2) semilogx(f,angC) ylabel(phase, deg) magS=abs(etaS); angS=180*angle(etaS)/pi; subplot(3,2,3) semilogx(f,magS) ylabel(mag, ohms) title('seawater') subplot(3,2,4) semilogx(f,angS) ylabel(phase, deg) magG=abs(etaG); angG=180*angle(etaG)/pi; subplot(3,2,5) semilogx(f,magG) ylabel(mag, ohms) xlabel(freq (Hz)) title(glass) subplot(3,2,6) semilogx(f,angG) xlabel(freq (Hz)) ylabel(phase, deg)
1 0
freq (Hz)
freq (Hz)
Fig. P6.17
6.19: In seawater, a propagating electric field is given by E(z,t) = 20.ea cos(2nx106t - flz + 0.5) a y V/m. Assuming s =0, find (a) a and jB, and (b) the instantaneous form of H. Setup: For seawater, from Appendix E we have sr = 72, <j= 5, and /ur = 1. We will convert E to its phasor, then find H s from (6.33): H s = a P x Es n Solution: jMo = j 7 896, j aS r So = j 0.004 n = .l j n i = 1.257ej4498n \ a +ja s Y = -\Jj col L( + j a s ) = 4.441 + j'4.445 1/m : . a = P = 4.4 m Es = 20e -aze~pze]05radiansa V = 20e~aze~BzeJ286a V s ym ym Hs = 1 aP x X T ' = 1-az -B z j2 8 .6 20 -az B z j2 8 .6 e A Es az x 20e e p e1 a = -------e p e1 ax n n n m Converting this to instantaneous form: H(z, t ) = -15.9e-44z c o s ( x 1 0 61- 4.4z + 28.6 - 45)ax m or with appropriate significant digits: H(z, t) = -16e-44z cos(2nx1061- 4.4z -16) a x m
6.21: For Nickel ( a = 1.45 x 107, /ur = 600), make a table of a, ft, r up, and 8 for 1Hz, 1kHz, 1MHz, and 1 GHz. Setup: Since nickel is a good conductor we can use the equations of Section (6.4): (6.58): a = ft = yjn f d a (6.62): r = V 2e }4 5Q a We will express each term required for our table in terms of frequency. Solution: ' : S^ a = ft = s j n f d a = J n f (Hz ) (600) ^ 4nx1 0 7 ^ | ^1.45x107 = 734.35 x103f (Hz ) 8 = 1/a r = 4 2 ej45 Q = 18.08 x10-y f (Hz )ej45Q a u = , c , n6 m =12x10 1 V s QA 1 Hz s H A V S Q
6.23: In a nonmagnetic material, E(z,t) = 10.e-2 0 0 z cos(2n x 109t - 200z) ax mV/m. Find H(z,t). Setup: We note that /ur = 1 since the material is nonmagnetic. Also, since we see that a = P (= 200/m), the media is a good metal and we can use Section 6.4 equations: (6.58): a = j n f u Q a j4 5 " a We can convert E to its phasor form, and then find H s using (6.33): H s = a P x Es . Finally, we n convert H s to its instantaneous form.
Solution: r ----a = J n f Lia, a2 (2 0 0 / m )2 H A V Q S 1013 S or a = --------- = 7 -------------------------------------------------------- w- ----r ------- = 10.13 n f u o ^ ( x 1 0 / 5)(4nx10 H /m ) V s Q A 1 m
n = 4 2 a e45 = 4~2 200/m e4" = 28ej Q a 10.13 S / m 1 E s = 10e~aV jPza x, H s = - aP x Es = 1 a z x10e~aV jPzax = 10 e~aze~jPza y n n n H = 1 0 e~aze~jPza = 10 V^ e-aze-jPza = 0.357e-aV jPza A s n y 28ej45 Q V y ym Converting this to instantaneous form, with appropriate significant digits, ( \ mA 2nx1091- 200z - 45) a y---' m
6.25: Calculate the DC resistance per meter length of a 4.0 mm diameter copper wire. Now find the resistance at 1.0 GHz. Setup: The general expression for resistance (modified from (6.57)), is: r = 1 length a cross-sectional area So R 1 1 length a cross-sectional area For the DC resistance, the cross sectional area is simply na2. For the high frequency resistance, the area over which current flows is the product of the wire circumference and skin depth. Solution: DC: - = = - ------ ^ ^ L ana ( 58x10? S |n ( 0 .0 0 2 m ) m 1 GHz: - = L 2na 8= . 1 1 = 2.09 x10-6m = 1.37 mQ 1 m
6.27: A 600 MHz uniform plane wave incident in the z direction on a thick slab of Teflon (sr = 2.1, /ur = 1.0) imparts a 1.0 V/m amplitude y-polarized electric field intensity at the surface. Assuming c = 0 for Teflon, find in the Teflon (a) E(z,t), (b) H(z,t) and (c) Pav. Setup: The general expression for a y-polarized, z-directed electric field is: E(z, t ) = E ae~az cos ( t - Pz + f f a vV m We must use the given information to find each term in the expression. Since we dont have enough information to find f, we will assume it is zero. Solution: Applying the condition at the boundary to our wave expression, we have m or in general E(z, t) = 1e z cos (cot - Pz )a y m For Teflon (from Appendix E): c = 10 1 5 0, so a = 0,
6.29: The density of solar radiation is approximately 150 W/m2 at some locations on the earths surface. How much solar power is incident on a typical 100 Watt solar panel (.6 m x 1.6 m area) if the panel is normal to the radiation propagation direction? How much power is incident if the panel is tilted 45 to the radiation propagation direction?
Setup: The incident power is the product of the power density and the area the power is normally incident on. Solution: W / \ At normal incidence: P = P S = 150- ( . 6 m x1.6m ) = 144W m At angled incidence, the effective area is modified by a cosine term: P = PavgS cos 45 = 102W uvs
6.31: Suppose E(z,t) = 10.cos(ot-Pz)ax + 5.0cos(ot-Pz)ay V/m. What is the wave polarization and tilt angle? Setup: Since the two portions of the wave are in-phase, it is easy to sketch the tip of the wave vector, indicating linear polarization. Solution: To make the plot, a few points will suffice. (Ot-Pz 0 180o 270o 9 oo 10 cos(ot-Pz)a x 10 a x 0 -10 a x 0 5.0cos(ot-Pz)ay 5.0 a y 0 -5.0 a y 0
We can then plot these points and use the tangent formula to find tilt angle:
t = tan-
| | = 27 110 J
6.33: Given H(z,t) = 2.0cos(t-^z)ax + 6.0cos(at-Pz-120)ay A/m, find the polarization and handedness. Setup: We convert H to its phasor, then use (6.33), Es = - ^ a P
H s, to find E s . Finally, we
convert this to instantaneous E. Then, we can use ML0603 to determine the polarization. Solution: Convert to E(z,t):
(note that we dont need to multiply the rjo in this equation to do the polarization plot.) Now we can run ML0603:
Polarization Plot enter enter enter enter x-amplitude: 6 x-phase angle (degrees): -120 y-amplitude: 2 y-phase angle (degrees): -180
To determine direction of polarization, move from the o to + along the plot. >> From the figure, we have right-hand elliptical polarization.
Polarization Plot
4 3
> -0
-3 -4 -4
Fig. P6.33
6.35: MATLAB: For a general elliptical polarization represented by E( z, t ) = Exo cos (o t - f i z )a x + Eyo cos ( a t - fiz + $) ay,the axial ratio and tilt angle can be found from the following formulas (from K. R. Demarest, EngineeringElectromagnetics, PrenticeHall, 1998, pp. 451-453): a=|Ex o |, b=|Ey o | MAJ = length of majority-axis MIN = length of minority-axis a 2 + b2 +yja4 + b4 + 2a2b2cos2^ a 2 + b2 - t J a4 + b4 + 2a2b2cos2^ axial ratio=MAJ/MIN 1 2ab , t = tan cos^ 2 72 2 a - b Compose a program that not only draws a polarization plot like MATLAB 6.3, but that also calculates the axial ratio and tilt angle. Run the program on Drill 6.11. Setup: See Section 6.6. Solution:
% M-File: MLP0635 O % This program modifies ML0603. As before, it will % trace polarization ellipses, given the amplitude % and phase of a pair of linearlypolarizedwaves. % Now it will also calculate axial ratio and tilt %angle. % % Wentworth 1/28/03 % Variables: % Exo,Eyo amplitudes for the pair of waves % fxd,fyd phase angle for each wave % fx,fy phase (radians) for each wave % wtd ang freq * time, in degrees % wtr ang freq * time, in radians % x,y superposed position % x0,y0 position at wtd=0 degrees % x45,y45 position at wtd=45 degrees % a,b shorthand for Exo,Eyo % MAJ,MIN majority,minority axis length % AR,tiltangle axial ration, tilt angle % clc %clears the command window clear %clears variables % Prompt for input values disp(Polarization Plot) disp( )
Exo=input('enter x-amplitude: ); fxd=input('enter x-phase angle (degrees): ) ; fx=fxd*pi/18 0; Eyo=input(enter y-amplitude: ); fyd=input(enter y-phase angle (degrees): ) ; fy=fyd*pi/18 0; disp( ) disp(To determine direction of polarization,) disp(move from the o to + along the plot.) disp( ) %Perform calculations wtd=0:360; %wt in degrees wtr=wtd*pi/180; x=Exo*cos(wtr+fx); y=Eyo*cos(wtr+fy); x0=Exo*cos(fx); y0=Eyo*cos(fy); x45=Exo*cos(fx+pi/4); y45=Eyo*cos(fy+pi/4); fdiff=fy-fx; a=abs(Exo);b=abs(Eyo); temp=sqrt(aA4+bA4+2*aA2*bA2*cos(2*fdiff)); MAJ=2*sqrt(0.5*(aA2+bA2+temp)); MIN=2*sqrt(0.5*(aA2+bA2-temp)); AR=MAJ/MIN temp2=(2*a*b/(aA2-bA2))*cos(fdiff); tiltangle=(0.5*atan(temp2)*180/pi) %Make the plot plot(x,y,x0,y0,'ok',x45,y4 5,'+k') xlabel('x') ylabel('y') title(Polarization Plot) axis('equal')
To determine direction of polarization, move from the o to + along the plot. AR = 3.1997 tiltangle = 11.7874
Fig. P6.35
6.37: A UPW is normally incident from media 1 (z < 0, g = 0, /ur = 1.0, sr = 4.0) to media 2 (z > 0, g = 0, /ur = 8.0, f = 2.0). Calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients seen by this wave. Setup: This is the normal incidence case of Section 6.7. coefficients are, respectively: (6.112): Y = n nn +n (6.114): t = 1+ r The reflection and transmission
Solution: Vf r =
n n
; +n
= 1+ r = 1.60
6.39: Suppose a UPW in air carrying an average power density of 100 mW/m2 is normally incident on a nonmagnetic material with sr = 11. What is the time-averaged power density of the reflected and transmitted waves? Setup: Review Example 6.8.
= 1 + r = 0.463
[ X n ) +1
a v g 2 |n2|
=1K 1 v n
=712 m W . m2
We notice that the reflected and transmitted power densities sum to the incident power density.
6.41: The wave E 1 = 100 cos(n x 106 t - J3}z + n/4) a x V/m is incident from air onto a perfect conductor. Find E r and E t . Setup: For the perfect conductor, n = 0.
Solution: With r/2 = 0, we have from (6.112): r = = - = -1 n+n 0+ n Then, E r = -100 cos(n x 106 t + f i z + n/4) a x V/m Et = 0
6.43: The wave E 1 = 10.cos(2n x 108 t - faz) a x V/m is incident from air onto a copper conductor. Find E r , E t and the time-averaged power density transmitted at the surface. Setup: Copper isnt a perfect conductor, so we must calculate n 2 in order to find r and t .
Solution: For copper we have from (6.62): n 2 = 4 2 a ej 4 5 Q ^2 where a 2 =yjn f 2a 2 = J n ^1081 j |^4nx10 = 151x103 N p = P2 m 2 /-1 5 1 x 1 0 / m j S Q j so n = V2 ---------- ------ e1 = 3.7 e1 mQ 5.8 x10 S/m 1
3 7
= 2n2
n +n
= 19.6 x10-6ej 45
So E r = -10.cos(2n x 108t + fa1z) a x V/m E^ = (196)ea z e j 2 V 45ax , and E = 196e~2 z cos (c o t -fa 2z + 45 )a xV m v ' m t 1\Exo1 Finally, V* = avg 2 |n2| 1 (196(10 6V /m )2 t . ----------- V - c o s (45 )a z = 3.7 a z. 2 (3.7x10-3O) 1 > z m2 z
6.45: MATLAB: Write a program that prompts the user for the constitutive parameters in medium 1 and medium 2 separated by a planar surface. You are to assume a wave is normally incident from media 1 to media 2. The program is to plot r and t versus a frequency range supplied by the user. Use this program to plot r and t from 100 Hz to 10 GHz for the pair of media specified in the previous problem. Setup: The reflection and transmission coefficients are, respectively: (6.112): r = n - n n +n (6.114): t = 1+ r
%ML P0 64 5 clear clc %prompt user for constitutive parameters of media 1 & 2 %then plot ref & trans coeff over a freq range. %Well plot mag and angle of each. %enter constant values eo=8.854e-12; %free space permittivity, F/m uo=pi*4e-7; %free space permeability, H/m %enter media 1 values er1=input(enter er1: ); ur1=input(enter ur1: ); s1=input(enter s1: ); %enter media 2 values er2=input(enter er2: ); ur2=input(enter ur2: ); s2=input(enter s2: ); %calculations n=2:.5:10; f=10.An; w=2*pi.*f; eta1=sqrt(i*w*ur1*uo./(s1+i*w*er1*eo)); eta2=sqrt(i*w*ur2*uo./(s2+i*w*er2*eo)); Gamma=(eta2-eta1)./(eta2+eta1);
Gmag=abs(Gamma); Gang=180*angle(Gamma)/pi; Tau=1+Gamma; Tmag=abs(Tau); Tang=180*angle(Tau)/pi; subplot(2,1,1) semilogx(f,Gmag,-o ,f,Tmag,-* ) xlabel(frequency (Hz)) ylabel('magnitude') legend('reflection','transmission') subplot(2,1,2) semilogx(f,Gang,-o ,f,Tang,-* ) xlabel(frequency (Hz)) ylabel(phase angle (degrees)) legend('reflection','transmission')
Fig. P6.45
6.47: A wave specified by E 1 = 12n cos(2nx101t-p1 z+n/4)ax V/m is incident from a nonmagnetic, lossless, sr = 9.0 media (at z < 0) to a media (z > 0) with <j= 0.020 S/m, /ur = 2.0, and sr = 16.). Find H 1, E r , H r , El, Hl, and the average power densities for the incident, reflected and transmitted waves. Setup: This has some similarities to Example 6.8. We can use ML0601 in each media to find a, P and n Then, we can find reflection and transmission coefficients: (6.112): Y = n nr +r (6.114): t = 1+ r Well also apply (6.33) to find H in for each wave: H s = a p x Es
Solution: a = 0; P = 0.628 r a d ; r = 40nQ m a 2 = 1.01 N p ; P2 = 1.56 ; r 2 = 84.9ej33Q m m We also will need reflection and transmission coefficients: r = r r - r r = 0.353ej126; r +n Incident: E = 12ne jPzen 4a XV m H = az x E s = e-jPzej n aVA = 0.300e^jPzej n a V A , n n m m H (z, t) = 0.300 cos I 2nx10 71- 0.628z + \a yA . 4j m 1 (12n)2 W K g = ^ ----- L a z = 5.655 a z 2 r m Reflected: E: = r( 1 2 n ) e + jP lZe]n4a xV = 13.3e+;PV 45"ej126ax V = 13.3e+;PV 1 7 1 "ax V m m m E r (z, t ) = 13.3cos ( x 1 0 71+ 0.628z + 1 7 1 ) ) . m H ^ = (-a z) x Es = - i l l e+]Pzej171a yA = 0.106e+jPzej171a yA n 40n m m
t = 1+ r
= 0.84ej198
1 (13.3)2
W ,
pv g = - T 4 n a z = 0704 m ^(-a z) Transmitted: E = r(1 2 x)e-ip1 ze]n4a x = 31.67eih zej 648a x , m m Et (z, t ) = 31.7 cos ( 2nx107t - 1.56z + 64.8) a x . m HS = a z x Es = 3 1 6 7 e- '3 3 e ^ P 2ze1 '648av = 0.373e1 ze]'3L 8av . n2 84.9mm , . A H t (z, t ) = 0.373 cos (2nx107t - 1.56z + 31.8) a . m ( (31.67)(0.373) ( N W P lg =- ------- ^ ------- cos (64.8 - 31.8 )a z = 4.954 az 2 v m (Check: 5.655W/m2 = 0.704W/m2 + 4.954W/m2)
6.49: A 100 MHz TM polarized wave with amplitude 1.0 V/m is obliquely incident from air (z < 0) onto a slab of lossless, nonmagnetic material with sr = 25 (z > 0). The angle of incidence is 40. Calculate (a) the angle of transmission, (b) the reflection and transmission coefficients, and (c) the incident, reflected and transmitted fields. Setup: The material parameters in this problem are the same as for P6.48. We also use equations (6.141) and (6.142) to calculate r and t. Equations (6.138)-(6.140) will be used to find the fields.
Solution: oo 2^(100x10 ) (a) = - = \ 108 c 3x10 = y Sr25 (b) r TM _ n c o s Q - n c o s Q _-0.589 n2 cos Q t + n cosQ 2n2 cos Q = 0.318 TM n2 cos Q t + n cosQ (c) Incident:
ES = 1e- j134xe- j160z (cos 40 ax - sin 40 az)
rad m
co^ls c
rad = 2 0 9 --- , = m
= 10.45-.
E (z, t ) _ (0.766ax - 0.643az) cos (cot - 1.34x -1.60z) H = e- jL34xe- j'1 60za s 120^ ym m H (z, t ) _ 2.65cos (cot - 1.34x -1.60z ) a y---m Reflected: E ; = -0.589e~j134xe+jL60z (cos40ax + sin40az)
E r (z, t ) = (-0.452ax - 0.379az) cos (cot - 1.34x +1.60z) ) m H r = -0 589 e- j1.34xe +j1.60za s 120^ ym m H r (z, t ) = -1.56cos (cot -1 .3 4 x + 1.60z )a y---m
transmitted: = 0.318e~j135xe ~jW A z (cos7.4ax - sin7.4az) E (2, t ) = (0.315ax - 0.041az) cos (a t - 1.35x - 10.4z) ~m A H t (z, t ) = 4.22 cos (a t - 1.35x -10.4 z )a ) ---m