Entrance: Welcome Luke Lawson
Entrance: Welcome Luke Lawson
Entrance: Welcome Luke Lawson
Luke Lawson
Sign, Welcome to the National Luke Lawson Energy Museum
Side note: Be sure to include interactive floor game when building museum (not yet shipped) screen on floor displays speech bubble, when stepped on side information is given.
Solar energy is used by separating an electron from the rest of a solar atom and running it through wires to power electric devices.
Solar Exhibit
Solar energy has few drawbacks besides some areas not having enough sunlight
Solar energy directly comes from the suns rays Solar energy is renewable because the sun wont burn out in the near future.
Solar energy was first invented by Alexandre Edmond Becquerel. Building the first photovoltaic panel at the young age of 19.
Light bulb
The SUn
Wind Exhibit
Wind energy is renewable since wind does not stop moving on Earth.
Wind energy is used when wind turn the blades on a windmill which turn a generator inside the windmill to produce electricity.
Wind energy can have drawbacks such as the fact that it wont generate electricity when the wind is not blowing
Wind is connected to the sun because changes in heat from the solar radiation cause the wind to form.
Hydroelectric Exhibit
Hydroelectric power is renewable because the water cycle continues constantly on Earth. iPod
One of the drawbacks of Hydroelectric power is that water turbines arent convenient for most urban areas Hydroelectric energy is used when moving water spins a turbine which generates electricity.
Electricity The sun causes water to evaporate which starts the water cycle.
The Sun Water Turbine
Tidal Exhibit
Tidal power is renewable because the tides never stop. The Sun controls the tides through its gravitational pull. A drawback of Tidal power is that most areas near the ocean are public beaches, making it hard to find a place to place a tidal turbine
Tidal energy is used by setting up turbines specially made to use the energy from moving waves to generate electricity similar to Hydroelectricity.
Light bulb
Biomass Exhibit
Biomass is renewable because waste/ food is readily available on Earth. TV Biomass is used by taking organic matter (animals, plants, waste, etc.) and burning that as fuel to turn a generator, like renewable fossil fuels.
The sun is linked to Biomass because the sun provides food for plants which is the food for animals which is food for other animals.
Biomass can cause pollution when burned like other things, but it is significantly less pollution than non-renewable options. Electricity
The major drawback to Fossil Fuels is that they cause a lot of pollution an arent renewable. The world uses 82.4 million barrels of oil each day.
Nuclear/Geothermal Exhibit
Nuclear energy is used by creating nuclear fission from uranium pellets, and using that heat to turn water in to steam which turns a turbine. Geothermal energy uses heat from the Earth to turn water in to steam and turn a turbine like Nuclear energy.
Geothermal is renewable because the heat in the Earth is readily available and not actually used up during the process of making energy. Nuclear energy is nonrenewable but will last a long time because the uranium is technically limited, but lasts a long time.
Nuclear energy causes a small amount of pollution while Geothermal energy needs certain conditions to be harnessed in an area.
Uranium pellet
Light bulb
Magma Steam