Learn From Near Accidents

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Learn From Near-Accidents

When youre driving down the highway at a pretty good clip and another car pulls out in front of you, its necessary to hit the brakes or e ecute a !uick maneuver to avoid an accident" #hances are that youll be pretty hot under the collar over the other drivers action, and youll run your hand over your forehead to remove the perspiration" $ut if youre smart you wont let anger overpower your safe driving habits, and youll also make a mental note that you should be more alert and watch the cars in ad%oining lanes" &his could save your life ne t time" #lose calls or near-accidents on the %ob should be converted into safety precautions" A near-accident is an indication that something is wrong" 'ts a warning" A machine isnt operating correctly, materials arent stacked properly, or someone has done something that is unsafe" When youre driving and you notice a red light glowing on the dashboard, you know that our engine is overheating or that theres another problem" (ven a simple headache signals trouble in the human body, though it may be minor" Now lets consider some typical accidents that could have been avoided if the close call warning had been heeded"

A shop employee stumbled over a two-by-four and fractured an ankle" A %anitor tripped over a loose floor title and fell against a metal guardrail" After slipping on some trash, and grabbing a metal file cabinet in an attempt to break the fall, the cabinet landed on the falling secretary" An in%ury resulted to a machine operator when a hi-lo struck the machine being operated"

'ts pretty obvious that the proper handling of near-accidents could have prevented the real thing from happening in the cases %ust mentioned" &he two-by-four in the aisle and loose tile or trash on the floor probably caused other employees to step aside to avoid tripping or even caused them to stumble" And how many near-misses did the hi-lo operator have with machine) #hances are there were several" *owever, in all of these cases no one paid any attention to the warnings" Nothing was done to correct the situations, and accidents resulted"

2-Learn From Near-Accidents 06/2003

We cant go through life depending on luck to keep us healthy" We have to make our own luck, as the saying goes" We have to act in a safe manner and take proper precautions" 'ts not hard to recall accidents that youve had" +ou may still have the pains or scars to remind you" 'f you get burned at any early age, you dont need a slap on the wrist to remind you to be cautious from that point on" $ut as weve noted, a near-accident is often forgotten without any benefits resulting from the e perience" How can we turn a close call into a contribution to safety? &here are several ways, and maybe some of you are already using them" First, we have to think safety and become concerned over near-accidents" &he ne t step is to correct the situation or remove the ha,ard that caused the nearaccident" 'f you cant handle it routinely, then report it to your supervisor" 'n fact, near accidents should be reported regardless of the action to be taken" &his gives your supervisor an opportunity to get a line on potential problems and to make plans for the overall security of his-her employees" (very plant has a N(A. /'00 bo where people can anonymously report a near miss" 1nfortunately it has turned into a tiny trash can, and ' have stopped checking them" 'll go around and clean them out and make a point to check them on a regular basis" 23o your safety guy a favor and keep the trash out"4 &heres at least one good lesson to be learned from every near-accident, and in many cases there may be two or three" 0o dont discount the value of reporting close calls and correcting ha,ardous situations" 0afety awareness is always important" 'ts a case of preparing yourself mentally to act in a safe manner and to recogni,e a close call as a warning" 0o when a stack of bo es tips over5or the handle on a tool snaps5or a ladder slips5you should get the message and then do something about it"

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