Heat Stress
Heat Stress
Heat Stress
Its summer in Iowa again and the days of 90 degree temperatures and 95% humidity are back. We cant do anything about the weather, but we can work and play smarter when its hot to a oid getting sick. !irst lets re iew the types of heat"related illnesses# Sunburn. $ot only are sunburns painful at the time, but e%posure to too much sun could lead to skin cancer. Heat Rash. &ometimes called prickly heat, the best way to a oid this is to bathe regularly and keep your skin clean and dry. Heat Cramps. 'ainful cramps, often in the legs, arms or stomach, heat cramps can happen when you are sweating hea ily but are not getting enough of the minerals your body needs to replace the minerals lost in sweat. (he symptoms of heat cramps may not show up until after work. ) oid heat cramps by drinking plenty of fluids and eating a balanced diet. Heat Exhaustion. &ymptoms include# hea y sweating, thirst, clammy and pale skin, fatigue, weakness and loss of coordination. ) person with heat e%haustion may also be an%ious, faint, confused, ha e a headache, nausea or omiting and loss of appetite. *eat e%haustion can be serious. +o e the person to a cool area and encourage them to drink water to pre ent dehydration. (hey may also need medical attention. &omeone with heat e%haustion should not operate machinery, dri e or do anything strenuous until they ha e reco ered. Heat Stroke. *eat stroke is the most serious heat"related illness. (he body has lost its ability to cool itself. ,eath can -uickly result if not treated promptly. .sually the most striking symptom of heat stroke is the absence of sweating. (he skin is red, dry and hot. (he pulse is rapid. (he person may complain of headaches, di//iness or nausea and may appear confused or delirious. !ainting, sei/ures or collapse may occur. ) person in heat stroke needs immediate medical attention at an emergency room or hospital. While help is on the way, mo e the person to the coolest spot nearby and try to cool their body. (hey can be immersed in water, but dont place them in ice water. ,ont gi e them anything to drink since they may lose consciousness. We cant do much about the weather in Iowa e%cept wait for fall, but there are some things you can do to help reduce the likelihood that you will ha e a heat"related illness#
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1radually get used to working in the heat. It takes about two weeks for your body to adapt to hot conditions. If you are away for as little as a week 2on acation, for e%ample3 your body losses this ability4 you will ha e to get used to the heat again. ,ress for the heat. 6ight colored, loose clothing 2that wont get caught in machinery3 is better than going bare skinned. If you will be outside wear a hat4 use sunscreen to pre ent sunburn. ,rink plenty of fluids throughout the day. +ake sure you ha e ample cool, clean water on the 9ob. :our body needs water before you feel thirsty. Water, fruit 9uice or sports drinks are best. &odas, coffee and tea all contain caffeine and should not be your main source of fluids. 6imit your intake of alcohol. )lcohol causes dehydration and can be a big contributor to the more serious heat"related illnesses. <at well"balanced meals. :ou need to make sure your bodys stores of itamins and minerals dont get depleted. !resh fruits and egetables contain needed nutrients plus water. 1et plenty of rest. We all ha e lots of things going on during the summer, but when we dont get enough rest that puts additional stress on our bodies. (ake fre-uent breaks in the shade or a cooler area. (hese breaks help reduce the heat load on your body. 'lan your work to take ad antage of cooler morning hours. +o e work to shaded areas when possible. ?eep an eye on new hands who arent used to the heat and co"workers who ha e health conditions that may make them more susceptible to heat"related illnesses. If someone looks like they are ha ing heat e%haustion or a heat stroke take action fast to get them to a cool area and get medical attention.
(ake care of yourself and your co"workers this summer and youll ha e it "