Building With Earth 1

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A project of Volunteers in Asia




Published by: Office of International Affairs US Department of Housing and Urban Development USA Washington, DC 20410 Available only in microfiche; groups in developing countries. free to serious

Available from: Office of International Affairs US Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington, DC 20410 USA Reproductic,b of this microfiche document form is subject to the same restrictions of the original document. in any as those

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Prepared for the AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT By the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSIMG AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Office of International Affairs, Washington, D.C. 20410











Department of Housing and Urban Devslolxwk Office of International Affairs Washington, D. C. 20410 for the use of United States A.I.D. Missions Third Printing Revised September 1956 Reprinted !Jlay 1969 Reprinted June 1970 Reprinted October 1974

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CONTENTS Page .............................................................................. List of Illustrations ............................................................................................ Foreword ................................................................................. Acknowledgments ......................................................................................... Introduction Chapters I. II. III. Early Uses of Earth .................................................................. Soils ............................................................................... General Simple Tests ........................................................................ Methods of Earth Wall Construction ............................................................................... General ......... Determination of Some Properties of Earth for Construction ........................................................................ Compression Modulus of Rupture ................................................................ ........................................................................... Absorption ............................................................................... Erosion Wattle and Daub .................................................................... Cob ..................................................................................... Poured Adobe or Mud Concrete ................................................ Adobe Brick ......................................................................... Soil Rating Chart for Adobe Brick ............................................ Earth Nogging and Cajon ......................................................... Rammed Earth ...................................................................... Pressure Compacted Machine Made Blocks ................................ ............................................ Stabilization of Earth by Admixtures ............................................................................... General ..................................... Simple Tests for Weather Resistance Stabilization of Adobe ............................................................. .. Stabilization of Rammed Earth and Pressure Compacted Blocks.. ............................................ Stabilization of Cob Constructions Earth Floors ............................................................... Soil-Cement Floors The Gil-Surfaced Floor .......................................................... Earth Roofs Adobe or Mud Roofs ............................................................... Mud Brick Roofs ................................................................... Elliptical Rammed Earth Roof ................................................. ........... Domed Roof of Stabilized Cob Construction.. Experimental

... iv

vi 1 3 4 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 13 18 19 24 29 29 31 31 35 37 39 40 42 43 43 43


V. VI.


-Continued Page



Wall Finishes .......................................................................... Introduction Heavy Rain Test .................................................................... Cement and Lime Stucco ......................................................... Dagga-Mud Plaster ................................................................ Mud Paint ............................................................................ Wall Paints .......................................................................... 0.................................................~, Interior Finishes ............................................................................ Pozzolana ......................................................... A Test of Paint Finishes The Design of Earth Walls Common Properties of Earth ................................................... ............................................................ Design Considerations ....................................................... General Design Practices In Earthquake Areas ..............................................................


44 45 45 47 48 48 49 50 50 51 52 52 54 55 59

Appendix Appendix

......................................................................... k - -Glossary ....................................... of Earth Construction B. - - Bibliography





A Simple How Wattle






on the Site........

a 10

Is Constructed of Stabilized

in Greece Adobe Brick

. . . . . . . ..*........................... in North America .......... are

A Residence

12 16 ia

The Wide Joints of this Adobe House (inLitharia, Greece) Typical of Adobe Construction ..*................................*......* Adobe A Three Corner Forms Brick Used as Nogging Rammed Wall Earth . . . ..*......................................... Earth Forms Home for in Southern Earth Rhodesia....

Bedroom and Straight for Rammed

19 22 23 25 36 37


................. ...........

as Used in Southern


House Construction in Taiwan Using Pressure Compacted Earth Blocks Made in Hand Operated Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7;OO Soil Cement Blocks Machine at Ho Hsiang, per Day Were Made in a Hand Operated Taiwan . . . . . . . . . . . . ..e..........*.......*.........

Plating an Earth Block with a Weather Resistant Soil-Cement Mixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*...................................


.. .

As one means of providing technical backstopping services to housing technicians abroad, the Office of International Affairs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development under the terms of an agreement -&th the Agency for International Develoment, prepares and releases ideas, methods, and techniques which have been reported by those on overseas assignment This is done in the form of an Ideas and Methods or elsewhere. Exchange Series of which this current issue, "Earth for Homes," is the twenty-second release.

Earth for Homes" represents an assembly and summary of available information and is released solely upon that basis. It does not reflect conclusions of the Staff although limited experiences in that field have been of value during the task of assembling and summarizing the material.

Senior Housing and Urban Development Advisor Agency for International Development

Director Division of Technology & Documentation Office of International Affairs Department of Housing & Urban Development



This Ideas and Methods Exchange was originally prepared in the office of the Division of International Affairs under the direction of B. Douglas Stone, Acting Assistant to the Administ rator, by George A. Speer, International Housing Construction Advisor. It is an assembly and summary of information from various sources, mainly those listed in the bibliography. Grateful acknowledgement is made to those who prepared the references from which much of the material has been borrowed and to manufacturers of materials and equipment who have supplied specialized information. Photographs and drawings reproduced herein are by the courtesy of the Ministry of Housing and Reconstruction, Athens, Greece; the American Bitumuls & Asphalt Company, San Francisco, U. S. A. ; and the United States Department of Agriculture; the Agency for International Development; and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D. C.

Because of war, preparation for war, great migrations,and many other reasons, the world-wide housing situation has w,orsened in the last forty years. Meanwhile, prevailing aspirations for better homes have intensified. Demand for higher standards for the house and its surroundings have; not only intensified but actually hhve spread to many areas where inadequate housing was heretofore philosophically accepted, both by those who lived in the insanitary shacks and those who attempted, often unsuccessfully, to develop a productive:capacity in the ill-housed. For both political and economic1 reasons great interest has developed in improving shelter for the ill-housed--; the great majority of the people of the world. All too often a quick look at the hard cold facts has indicated to those responsible that significant progress in housing improvement under prevailing methods was Even slight improvement was prohibive impossible. in the cost, both from ti:e standpoint of materials and labor.,:In many instances it seemed that better housing must wait for economic development. And the kind of economic development which appeared to be practical and logical seemed to be waiting for improved morale and vigor, which in turn would reflect itself in increased productive capacity and in political stability of the despondent, frustrated, ill-housed ma.jorities. , At the time when the situation seemed the darkest, rays of light began to glow here and there in various parts of the world. Sincere thinkers were simultaneously, almost spontaneously, combining two age-old principles and adding to them new techniques. The combination often makes it possible to effect widespread improvement in shelter, within available resources and to do it now. The principles to which we refer are the use of earth as a building material and the aided self-help method of house construction. The new techniques result from extended research into.the use of earth for road construction and make possible better earth construction than has heretofore been generally possible. The introduction of earth as a home building material into areas where it has never been used before and its reintroduction and improvement where it had fallen in ill -repute and disuse, has resulted in a revival of earth home construction, as evidenced by its widespread use, for instance in Australia where over 9000 earth wall houses were recorded as far back as 1933; in India where 4000 permanent earth homes for displaced persons were built in the year 1947; in the southwestern portions of the United States of America where stabilized adobe is popular; and in the recent emergency programs in Korea and Taiwan, among others. The revival has received added impetus through common sense use of aided self-help, whereby the heretofore unused time of the ill-housed--the greatest resource of all--bolstered by aid in the form of technical know-how, minor loans, provision of small amounts of heretofore unobtainable materials, and the like, make it possible for man to build much better shelter for himself than he ever could produce unaided--a 11 within available resources. vi

Thus, in many instances who could never hope to pay now produce it for themselves. has been prepared. for Homes, on the uses of earth and to with which they are intimately

and under many conr&za:ions of circumstances those to have adequate shelter built for them by others may It is because of these facts that thispaper,Earth It is directed to those who wish to become iuformed perhaps investigate its possibilities under conditions concerned.

This paper is not highly te zhnical. It contents itself merely to refer to highly scientific phases of soil mechamlcs and only attempts to present field experiences and information which have developed as a result of the scientific background, or trial and error experiments which often have confirmedthe findings of the scientists. It includes among its recital of ?he experience of others, a number of simple tests and criteria which have been reported to bear out, with more or less accuracy, the It concerns itself only with housing complex investigations in the soil laboratories. construction and does not dwell on the use of soil for walks, drives, and roads. A glossary the information become informed. of terms used in of those who have earth construction is included in Appendix A for not had the opportunity or the time to previously in Appendix B for the use of those in house construction. who wish

A partial bibliography to acquire further information

is included on earth




because he had developed tools to provide other Man emerged from caves shelter for himself. The first form probably was a hole dug in the ground roofed with branches and skins or sod. Later he built frames of poles above the ground, plastered with mud (sometimes called daub). Stones set in mud were used as a wall building material in the early days of man. Sod was used to form walls. With advances in shelter construction came crude cob in which mud of a fairly stiff mixture was applied by hand in clumps in consecutive layers to made a wall. Rammed earth, pis& de terre (amixture of sandy clay soil and water, of slightly moist consistency, compacted between rigid forms) and adobe (soil mixed with water to a plastic consistency, often with a mechanical binder of straw or twigs, and poured between forms or moulded into bricks) were later but still early developments. was well known in Egypt and Syria in the form of sun-dried bricks, Adobe, The children of Israel made mud brick for the Egyptians at the at an early date. time of Moses. At Chan-Chan, Peru, there is an elaborate structure of earth believed by some archeologists to be of an age comparable to that 02 the biblical It is thought that the earliest houses at civilization excavated in Mesopotamia. were built of a crude form of cob before 4000 B.C. The Sialk, an oasis in Iran, state that the watch towers of rammed earth constructed by writings of Pliny Hannibal were in use 250 years after completion. Unverified reports indicate that gigantic pyramids near Sian Fu, the ancient capital of China, said to be over six thousand years old, were built of alternating layers of earth and lime. has continued in use since those early days to present time. Earth, of course, This is evidenced by the rondavels of Africa, in adobe and daub and various other forms in undeveloped areas in many parts of the world, the sun-dried brick of the adobe in the Mediterranean area, and the Americas, among others. Middle East, The Palace of Governors, still standing, was erected of adobe brick in Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States of America, in 1609. Variations of the usual methods of earth construction introduced under many names, including among others, Tapia, and Terracrete.* were, from time to time, Tubali, Teroni, Nogging,

However, to an extent not justified in the light of present-day knowledge, earth was gradually superseded by the use of material of greater durability in some of the more highly developed parts of the world because earth, although adequate from the point of -view of strength with reasonable limits, was found to be generally unsatisfactory from the viewpoint of durability. /

*See glossary

of terms used in earth construction


on page 55.

Thus reach of exhorbitant of water. the early be the case. methods of

one of the cheapest methods for building normally within the earth, the poorest person* has often been neglected because of its apparent demands for maintenance and its structural instability in the presence This condition has developed in spite of the fact that, as evidenced by constructions still standing, these undesirable factors need not always The problem therefore has been to find what made some earths and some construction stable and others generally unsatisfactory.

This is where the application of the principles of soil mechanics, mainly to find ways to build better roads, have resulted in new ways to make soil construction more durable and have explained more clearly why some examples of the past have demonstrated extremely long life. And what is more, it has been found that even the new techniques which place emphasis upon careful soil selection, compaction, the addition of admixtures or a combination of any or all of these to increase resistance to water, impact, and erosion, need not be beyond the capabilities and ultimate needs of the average low-income people. forms Desirable earth construction, then, still seems to be one of the simplest possible and an extremely low cost one under many conditions. It is well suited to aided self-help housing since it offers no obstacle to good architecture and a man and his friends or family can easily build during periods of leisure and unemploythey may not work economically from the standpoint of production, or ment. True, job, yet they may construct what is a comfortable, they may not do a finished well-designed home with the least possible outlay of money. Before discussing the use of admixtures available earth, it will ties. in some detail the various methods for stabilization which, after all, are be well to briefly discuss the various of building in earth and both dependent upon the soils and their proper-

General Soil in most matter and soluble cases salts. consists of disintegrated




an admixture

of organic often which When tightly

Lateritic soils which have weathered from rocks in moist, warm climates do not shrink or swell much upon wetting. They have high stabilizing qualities are apparently connected in some way with their iron compounds and colloids. dried out they do not readily absorb water, they consequently remain sticking desirable characteristic for earth construction. together for years on end--a

Soils weathered in temperate climates are often high in silica compounds and low in iron and aluminum. They swell and shrink appreciably and have low inherent stability. They are sticky when wet and dusty when dry. However, through proper use they too are generally suitable for earth construction. Soils are usually graded into divisions according to the size of the soil particles. soil classification exists and is generally accepted in Although an international system has been widely accepted in earth agricultural science, the engineering construction. The various classifications include coarse sand and fine gravel, fine sand, silt and clay. Often sand and fine gravel are simply called sand. The silt and clay in a soil are, under the engineering system, those portions of the soil which However, in many areas soil portions are .05 millimeters and below in diameter. silt and clay--those repassing a 200 No. U. S. Sieve (.074 mm.) are considered Clay is that part of the fines which is .005 mm. and below tained, sand and gravel. in size. Colloidal clay, which is quite important in soil mechanics, is the very fine clay, .002 mm. and below in diameter. In general, soils containing less than 20 percent clay are classed as sand and gravel, loamy sauds, sandy loams, and loams, depending on the clay content. Soils containing from 20 to 30 percent clay are called clay loams and those over 30 percent clay are classed as clays. Although the nature of the soil at the site of proposed construction may well govern the type of earth construction to be used, i.e ., rammed earth, adobe: etc., it is often possible to mix two readily available soils to provide the optimum soil texture for any or all of the various methods. In this connection it might be well to point out that, in any one area, it is often found that earth near the top. of hills or ridges may contain a comparative excess of clay while those in the bottomlands often contain too much sand. If so, suitable earths may be found somewhere up the slopes. Also, the clay content of soils may vary at different depths below the surface. This variation is not marked or consistent. 3

In any event, to use earth most successfully, one must know all that he can reasonably learn about the available soils. Basic things to remember are that very fine clays, colloidal in character, readily take up moisture and cause trouble, warping and cracking because of their instability. Sand reduces shrinkage but excessive of construction to be used) prevent proper amounts (depending upon the method bonding. Too much silt produces a wall which erodes readily. Clay is the bonding granular minerals together into a durable wall. agent which bonds the coarser While the clay content of soil can easily be determined by mechanical analysis, and we will later discuss *short cut* tests to approximate this, the nature of the clay can only be found by scientific method beyond the scope of field test and ordinary soil mechanic laboratories. Such properties as hardness andangularity of the coarse fractions and chemical combinations of the finer fractions are often not, for practical This explains why soils do not always behave as they should. purposes, explored. Tightly cemented calcareous soils do not exhibit the same characteristics as would be indicated by their texture and character. Therefore, while physical tests which measure a soils behavior are invaluable in selecting soils which should perform they are not infallible and must be supplemented by empirical ones satisfactorily, of weathering, wear, and tear. Standard methods of surveying and sampling soils, preparing soil samples, mechanical analysis of soils, determination of materials finer than No. 200 U. S. Sieve, tests for liquid limits, plasticity, shrinkage, moisture density relations, and specific gravity, and methods of determining the optimum content of cement and bituminous mixtures in soils stabilized by these materials are among other tests, including ASTM Standards.* They are discussed in detail in various publications, precise investigations and, although of extreme importance, have no place in a paper of this kind except by reference. Simple Tests

In preliminary investigations, knowledge of a few simple tests will be invaluable the composition of a soil may be roughly gauged by for the prospector. For instance, visual examination and the feel; the texture being determined by the combination of gravel, sand, silt, and clay. When dry and rubbed between the fingers the sand particles are gritty to the touch, the silt and fine particles adhere closely to the With little experience one learns to roughly gauge the skin and have a silky touch. composition as possibly satisfactory for further investigation for his purposes or as worthless, at least without admixture. Going a little further a simple test can be made to approximate the amount of sand and gravel in a soil as follows: Put an average sample in a flat pan and dry it in an oven for about three hours. A wash basin will serve very well. Next pulverize: the soil quite well. Leave pebbles and stones in the sample. Fill a quart measure with the dry soil tapping the measure to settle the soil. Place the soil in a wash basin or other flat container and cover it with water. It is important that the container
*Published by the American Society for Tesing Materials, 1916 Race.Street. Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania. U. S. A.

Stir well and pour off dirty water slowly. Repeat the be completely free of grease. clear. What is left operation until the silt and clay are gone and the wa l ?r remains in the pan is sand and gtavel, some of it possibly quite fine. Dry the sand and gravel a i pint measuring cup. If there is a full cup there is approxiand measure it in mately 30 percent by weight. If more than three cupfuls, the soil probably contains more than 85 percent sand and gravel and may be unsuitable even for rammed earth or compaction in a pressure machine, without admixture of another soil. As the quantity degree of plasticity suitable for rammed not more than 15. of clay increases in a soil its plasticity increases and the may be determined by standard laboratory tests. Most soils by the tests, of earth have a plasticity index, as determined

In India, a quick method to get a rough idea of the plasticity index of a number of soils has been used quite successfully after the operator gains experience. It could be quite effective in making early determinations of the possible suitability The apparatus consists of a tube about six inches long and one inch in diaof soils. meter. A cap is placed on one end of the tube with two or three holes in it l/8 in diameter. A tightly fitted piston is placed in the other end with a short handle. It is operated on the basis that a sample of soil, at field moisture equivalent, placed in the tube and compressed with the plugger will extrude through the holes..Soils -with a plasticity index of less than seven usually do not form threads of clay. From seven to 11 threads are formed but their surfaces are rough. Above 11 the filaments formed have a polished appearance. It is not possible to distinguish these from the threads of soils with a higher plasticity index. soil Approximations are sometimes (a) of the necessary amounts as will a small and voids of alkali and soluble salts, if any, present in belater seen. Simple field tests are as follows: amount left will of hydrocloric acid on the soil and the indicate some amount of carbonates in

Soluble salts--Pour effervescent action the soil.


Fill a small open-mouth glass container about half full of soil and Alkali-add pure water to bury contents to about 2/3 full. To this add a small amount of 1% Phenolphthalein. A purple coloration of the water will indicate alkali in the soil.

These few approximations, together with other simple tests later discussed in connection with the various earth construction methods, will enable a prospector to determine whether or not even preliminary laboratory investigations are advisable. However, before going to the trouble of running laboratory tests, the prospector must determine if enough of the soils which seem satisfactory are available to complete the proposed constructions. In this connection remember that for adobe the excavations must be about l- l/4 times the volume of the walls minus the openings. For rammed earth and pressure compacted blocks it is probably more depending upon the soil and the amount of compaction. 5

Of course, the soil must be readily available. Too often samples are points which later are found to be too far from the building site. To make brick of average size almost 15 tons of earth are involved.

taken from 1000 adobe

It is recommended, at any time that earth is to be used in large volume at any particular site, that standard laboratory tests be made of the soil prior to determining how it should be used and what amounts of stabilizing agents, if any, shall be included. This may seem to involve complicated testing procedure but comparatively is built in one place, one set little testing is done s i nc e, when a group of buildings of tests is all that is necessary if all of the soil used is of the same type. In professional tests, the soil is analyzed for materials which would be detrimental, and it is tested for sand, silt, clay and colloids, andgeneral physical characteristics. Based on this information, a determination is made as to what method of earth construction will be used (adobe, rammed earth, etc., all as discussed in detail later in this paper) and test samples are made up. These samples are then tested for their (a) compressive and flezcural strengths, (b) length changes due to and moisture content comparable to extreme weathering variations in temperature conditions, (c) resistance to natural weathering, and (d) heat conductivity values and resistances to wet-dry and freeze-thaw tests. Recommended moisturecontent for determined at this time, as is the advisability of using stabilplacing is , of course, izing agents to increase the resistance of the earth to moisture. it might be well to discuss the various methods by which earth At this point, is formed into walls before becoming involved in design which is based in a measure upon the method in which the earth is to be used.




General Soils which are suitable for building by one method may not be suitable for in the cob method and in poured a.dobe, shrinkage may cause another. For instance, too much wall cracking, while the same soil may be satisfactory for use in the adobe brick method since the building unit is shrunk before building in. In the rammed earth or compacted block methods consolidation reduces shrinkage which must be eliminated Soils unsuitable for most techniques may be used to the greatest possible extent. in the wattle and daub (brushwork) method because the timber reinforcement supports the earth. The years of trial and error in building in earth have seen cob, wattle and daub, and poured adobe falling into disuse in many areas where the soil texture permitted the use of the more satisfactory bricks, rammed earth, and the newer methods of machine compacted earth blocks. Because of that fact, the little used methods of and poured adobe will only be discussed briefly in this paper although cob, daub, the prmciples of soil stabilization may soon make them of more interest. Emphasis will be upon the presently satisfactory methods and how these may be made more if necessary, by the use of admixtures for additional stability. Soil satisfactory, stabilization will be the subject of a chapter by itself and will follow the description of the various construction methods outlined in the pages which follow. All of the methods of building in earth have one characteristic in common--the earth is mixed with water to a greater or lesser extent before being placed or formed. During these discussions of the various methods, simple field tests to determine the proper moisture content, by feel of the soil or its behaviour when handled, will be outlined. These, in general, are based upon experience and often suffice as practical field controls. Until experience is gained, it which will enable one to check construction process and, thus, by the technicians. One such test is well to use some sort of a more precise method upon the free moisture content of a soil during the to approximate the moisture content recommended is outlined below.

Take several soil sam-1 -&es (to avoid possibility of error) weighing approximately 500 grams. Weigh them carefully, dry them to constant weight, then reweigh. The percent of moisture is then determined by dividing the loss of weight by the net weight of the wet sample. Regardless of the method earth construction provided it rial or mineral salts. of construction, does not contain 7 any type of water may be used for excessive amounts of organic mate-

-._ ) _a ,_ B_ ,

_ ; \


of Some Properties

of Earth



Although a designer will want precise information on the earth he is to incorporate into a bui 1 ding, prepared by a responsible laboratory using recognized the following information is included here as an indication of testing procedures, ways in which an inexperienced operator may obtain approximate information on and absorption of samples he has the compressive strength, modulus of rupture, prepared a& a result of preliminary investigations. Compression The specimens may be given a rough check for strength at this time by making several 2 diameter cylin,ders of the soil mixture which offers the bestpossibilities. Form themin sections of pipe, 2 high. After initial drying place the specimens in an oven and dry at about 150F. to a constant weight. The cylinders may be then tested for compressive strength 1n a regular test compression machine, if available, or with any simple lever device by which known loadings can be applied Figure I. A Simple Machine for Making Deptmdable Comprr;sion Tests on the Site. at a uniform rate (for Length L slnuld be determined by trial as it will depend upon tlxz strength of the instance by slowly addmaterials and tk weight necessary m produce failure. ing water or lead shot to a pail at the end of a wooden lever). To insure that bearing faces are parallel, cap with plaster of paris or neat cement mortar. If cylinders of this size and shape* crush under less than 300 pounds total loading, deficiency in strength is indicated. Modulus knife of Rupture sized specimens, or pipe supports thoroughly cured and free from 10 inches apart. A concentrated cracks, are laid over load is then applied

Large edge

*Compressive strengths abplined by testing cylinders of mixes are helprun for checking tk comparative quality of spscimms, kause tiw s&z. in all cases, is uniform and can be testrd with relatively simple equipment. In this canedon rvprcol full si;ceadobebricks of higheszWty might averas 500 poundsper square inch in compressim while kicks halfthat size, idmtid otherwise, might e-9 only slightly half over that amount.

through a knife edge or pipe, midway between the support, at a rate of .05 inch, or 500 pounds, per minute and the load necessary to rupture each brick is recorded. or similar yielding material, Sponge rubber mats, should be placed between the knife edges or pipes and the bricks to insure even bearing surfaces. The modulus of rupture is calculated by the following formula: R= R 15

15xL bd2

b d

-Modulus of rupture in pounds per square inch -Factor -Load in pounds centrally applied over a 10 inch -Width in inches -Thickness in inches of rupture (average less than 40 pounds in a series of three.


Modulus average not for one brick Absorption

of three full sized specimens) per square inch with a tolerance

may be expected to to 10 pounds less

Four-inch cubes, cut from representative bricks or blocks, or samples similar to those used to make the compression tests are dried to a constant weight. After are placed on a constantly watercooling to room temperature, the specimens After seven days the gain in weight of absorbed water is saturated porous surface. determined for each specimen and expressed as percentage of dry weight. Erosion which has become more or less a standard, uses a standard A spray test, pressure gauge andafour-inch diameter shower head fitted to a water outlet. A cured specimen i? placed seven inches from and parallel to the face of the shower head. The water is directed horizontally against the vertical face of the test specimen for two hours, at a pressure of 20 pounds per square inch. Test results are indicative only and slight erosion and pitting of stabilized earth should not be interpreted unfavorably. In the pages that follow typical methods of using earth in walls are briefly discussed without mention cf such. --g--ements -L as stabilization, wall finishes, or design requirements, which are all the subject of other chapters of this text. Wattle and Daub

In the wattle and daub method of earth construction a framework of posts and poles is built up unto w h i c h is woven or fastened reeds or rods to form a base for mud plastering. The plaster, at the proper consistency for easy working, is applied to both sides of the framework. Shrinkage cracks in the thin wall are common. A somewhat similar construction consists of a double wall of poles and withes filled 9

with mud. struction, provement.

Almost although

constant maintenance the admixture of

is to be expected a stabilizing agent

with these types offers possibility

of conof im-

I. ++.y. _ _. ---_ .1

. .. c ,z-

Figure II, How Wattle Is Constructed in Greece for Wattle and Daub Residential Construction.

Cob In cob construction, as it is used in West Africa, the soil is prepared by mixing with other soils if necessary, by adding water, and by treading with the bare feet. After a curing pe r i od in a pile to insure uniform moisture content and, possibly, bacteria action, the pile is broken down and retrodden immediately prior to use. Balls of the material about the size of footballs are then formed and manually pounded into a solid mass to make acourse on the wall. Each course, 12 to 18 inches high, is left to dry for from one to three days before the new course is laid. Faces are pared off with a stick or trowel and worked smooth. 10


As the height of the courses of earth are thrown up to him.

increases the workman sits astride Thus no scaffolding is required.

the wall


As the walls dry shrinkage occurs usually over the entire external and internal of the wall. When shrinkage is complete a mud plaster is spread over both surfaces surfaces. This coat must be renewed periodically. Poured Adobe or Mud Concrete

One method of forming such walls is to handle the mud much as monolithic portland cement concrete is used in common practice. Water is added to the soil, and the mass is thoroughly mixed to a mushy consistency. Straw may be added. The mixture is then shoveled or poured into the wall forms. The water content must will prove difficult be adjusted to give the most workable mass; too dry a mixture while too wet a mixture will shrink more in drying to work into place in the forms, and will take longer to dry out thoroughly. The walls are usually poured in courses although full height forms are sometimes built and the entire wall poured as rapidly as possible. Since water must be added in amounts which will give workability for placing, it is essential that the earth be of a type which reaches this state with a minimum an excessive amount of shrinkage amount of water. Even then, with many soils, during drying makes this type of construction unsuitable* If weather conditions are the weather during construction Adobe Brick unfavorable, poured adobe walls if they are to be satisfactory. must be protected from

Adobe brick have enjoyed wide spread use in South and Central America, the southwestern portion of North America, southern Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, Sizes of the b r i c k vary from the comparatively large building block u s e d, for instance, in North America to the small sun dried mud brick of Egypt and the Middle East. However, regardless of the size of the building unit, it seems to be common practice to call them all brick--adobe or mud brick. Adobe construction need not be so restricted true since techniques the resistance of the discussed later. It is period prevail during by rain after they are has been used largely in areas of low rainfall but its use if the buildings are constructed properly. This is especially in the use of admixtures have been developed which increase earth to the effects of moisture. Stabilization of adobe will be necessary that, even if a stabilizing admixture is used, a dry which the brick c an be moulded as they are easily damaged moulded and before it is possible to stack and protect them. from clay in a plastic state, often with a moisture This is because enough water must be gdded so that forms, as we shall see later. Although authorities in of adobe brick apparently find it difficult to outline 11

Adobe brick are moulded content as high as 30 percent. the clay can be pressed into the manufacture of and use

Figure LII. A Residence of Stabilized Adobe Brick in North America.

specific recommendations as to the optimum percentages of sand, silt, and clay, soils c on taining as high as 70 percent clay are considered by some to be satisfactory. If so, this makes adobe construction possible in areas where, for instance, rammed earth would not be practical. Adobe is not limited to the use of high clay content soils and it may be found desirable to add sand to certain types of clays, if sand is available, to produce a better product. In the United States of America sand is now being added to most of the adobe soils. To obtain a rough idea as to whether a soil is suitable about two inches in diameter from a sample taken below the dries in a slow oven without cracking andis not easily crushed If not, a simple test may be usedto determine if the admixture the quality of the product. Make six full sized samples (as 12 for adobe, mould a ball ;Irass roots. If the ball it may prove suitable. of sand would increase cracking tendencies are

i,(, :~:., ,,, I_

. ._ ,, ,

not always disclosed by small for full scale construction.




as later


lf the soil is heavy clay, mix the first brick of the straight soil. Mix the second, 24 parts soil and 16 parts sand; the 3 parts of soil and 1 part sand; the third, the fifth 1Q parts soil and 24 parts sand; soil and 2 parts sand; 2 parts fourth, ,and the sixth, 1 part soil and 3 parts sand. contains high proportion of sand, fewer trial blends are lf the original soil Also fewer trial specimens might be needed if sand is added to a soil necessary. until the mud will just barely slip off a hoe leaving traces of dirt on it. Usually adobe bricks are considered satisfactory from the standpoint of cracking if not more than three cracks exist in any one brick, none of them more than l/S wide Some authorities would limit the length and none of them clear through the brick. of the allowable cracks to 3 inches. A method to rate the above test specimens, of clay and sand, or to rate specimens made from is to use the following soil rating chart. SOIL made from the various the various soils available mixtures locally,


which easily but possible. has a tendency economically describe

BRICK Soil Sample 2 -3 of each - 1

--X x x

(Mark Squares sample ) Mixing A. B. Soil mixes Mixing soaked

the characteristics

difficult or soil

Lumps .in soil to be sticky




C. Impossible
Cracking k B. c. Weathering k B. No samples

to mix crack

One or two samples All samples crack of the bricks expose evidence of washing coarse of sur---

Wetting and drying aggregate but little

Evidence of washing but no serious evidence face cracking or flaking of the bricks crumble, large surface 13 cracks appear


C. Bricks




CHART which



BRICK--Continued of diffioff --enough --Soil ---1 Sample 2 3

(Mark Squares each sample ) Strength A.


the characteristics

Corners of bricks and surfaces firm. aricks cult to break. (A hammer is needed ,o break corners) Bricks slightly to handle Bricks crumble, or stacked. crumbly break on comers easily, but firm

B. C. Examples:

and cannot

be handled --No. 1 (Rated to mix (Rated **A*) B).

Soil samples mixes easily.

No. 1, 2, and 3 rated for mixing. Nos. 2 and 3 are more difficult

A soil with excellent possibilities will rate A in each classification of the test. B in all classifications might make passable bricks for light A soil which rates but the bricks would probably need a protective covering. A soil cannot structures, in any one of the divisions. be used to make bricks if it rates C are indicative and might be considered Simple tests such as outlined above satisfactory for the construction of a small one story struc~re, at least one for test purposes. However, as has been saidbefore, if a project is seriously considered, test reports by a responsible testing laboratory should be demanded. Our limited experience has indicated the presence of competent laboratories widely dispersed in most countries of the world. Even the most underdeveloped countries usually have a competent soil technician somewhere available who can arrange to conduct reliable tests upon short notice. Once having determined to manufacture adobe brick. west portions of the United suitable for aided self-help as follows : that suitable soil is available it is a simple process Adobe produced by th- 2. :rerican Indians in the southStates is made in a manner which might be especially shelter improvements in many parts of the world,

Either on or near the site a crater-like mound of earth is made. Then, after pouring water into it, it is puddled to a plastic consistency, often by tramping barefooted through the mass and by hoeing to ensure thorough mixture. Then a l-1/2or 2-inch thick layer of straw or chopped hay, in short lengths, is spread over the top and the entire mass kneaded to distribute this binder. To prevent the straw from settling to the bottom it should not be added until the mixture has been well puddled. Although some authorities do not agree that a vegetable binder should be added, it is interesting to note that in parts of Africa and also in Trinidad adobe is used under the name Tapia, using a grass binder having a strong durable fiber (Sporobolus indicus ), cut into 3- or I-inch lengths and mixed with the clay. Often the cut grass is left mixed with a slurry of clay for a considerable period before mixing with the soil. This is done to permit the non-fibrous materials in the grass to decompose. 14

__ r,:, /I .

Investigations into the extent of decomposition of fibres in adobe was carried on in the United States of America. Bricks one hundred years old were found to contain dried grasses in such perfect condition that the species could be identified. A relatively level convenient site over which straw or sand is strewn (to from sticking to the ground) is selected for the molding prevent blocks or bricks floor. The prepared mud is conveyed from the puddle. and placed in wooden forms. After tamping by hand, using care to fill all comers, the top surface is leveled and then the form, holding from two to four bricks, is lifted, washed of any loose mud, and is ready for the next batch. Slight tapping loosens the bricks if the mould does not lift easily. them Within a few days the bricks are ready for curing which consists of standing on edge. Later they are piled to finish several weeks of curing and, if necessary, Bricks should not be made when weather is unsuitable for are protected from rain. drying. If freezing conditions are likely, they should be covered for protection.

Brick sizes vary; generally they are from 4 to 5 inches thick by 8, 10, and 12 inches wide, and 16, 18, and 20 inches long, depending upon the thickness of the wall. Average crushing strength is about 300 pounds per square inch. Only dry, well seasoned bricks should be used at from 2.5 to 4 percent moisture They are laid with l/2-inch to l-inch joints using an adobe mortar idencontent. tical to the b r i c k s but with the straw and gravel omitted. This is done not only for convenience but mainly because they both possess the same coefficient ofexpansiaa. The adobe walls should be allowed to cure for over a protracted period before applying any .protective covering material if such is necessary (as later discussed). Sufficient time must be provided so that settlement of the wall, often as much as 1 inch to every 10 feet of height, has taken place. Should reinforced concrete be used as lintels, tie beams, etc., the Indians take unusual care to prevent moisture from the concrete reaching the mud walls since it is believed that adverse chemical reactions may take place. Layers of heavy waterproof building paper are placed over the top course of adobe brick directly under the concrete. Adobe brick are laid in the wall in much the same manner as burned brick, care being taken to break joints and to build up strong, well bonded comers. A crew of three men should place between 300 and 350 brick in the average wall in eight hours. Although much can be said for using the same mud for mortar as is used in the block, because of similarity in expansion and contraction, some authorities recomment the use of ordinary lime or cement mortars. Although they cost more, they set faster and, or course, the mortar is stronger. Sometimes limited amounts of portland cement is added to a mud mortar. 15

Figure IV. The Wide Joints of this Adobe House in Litharia.

Greece. are typical

of Adobe Construction.

To determine the amount of mortar required for a wall multiply l/7 of the wall area in square feet by the wall thickness in feet, then divide by 27. The result is in cubic yards of mortar with some allowances for wastage. In attempts to increase production of adobe brick over what is possible by the method of forming the brick as outlined above, some authorities recommend a large rectangular wooden frame one brick deep. The dimensions of its sides are in multiples of the breadth and length of the brick. It is filled with packed adobe earth and levelled off. Then the brick sizes are cut into the mass of earth with a knife drawn along a straight edge. Mechanical methods have also been introduced into the making of adobe brick. Mixers are used such as pug mills or dough or plaster mixers. Concrete mixers are generally not considered satisfactory. Smoother surfaces on the brick an d rapid cleaning are made possible by the use of all metal forms or metal lined wooden forms.

ln large scale mechanized plants earth is often moved by scraper or bulldozer to a conveyor belt which carries it to large mixers where water and any stabilizing The proper mixing process is one where agent considered necessary are added. control to insure a quality product is maintained. From the mixer the soil is dumped into a hopper on a movable forming unit which is driven over a smooth area where the brick are to be cast. The forming unit often lays paper on the ground, casts a series of fifteen, twenty or more brick and moves over them laying paper on them to control early drying. Often 1,200 or more brick are cast per hour by these methods. Also regular burned brick manufacturing been used for making ordinary sized sun It is believed that this method may be factorily. After mixing, a ribbon of earthis manner as brick for burning would be controlled temperatures. plants have , with minor modifications, dried mud brick, stabilized with asphalt. used for unstabilized bricks just as satisforced through a die, wire cut in the same cut, and then dried in curing ovens under

by the Egyptian The age old method of making sun dried mud brick typified In this method, since smaller units than processes may also be useful if desired. especially in the forming prothe so called adobe brick are made, modifications, cesses, are possible and practical. One brick maker, a boy to handle the mould and place plus one woman to carry prepared earth to the brick and this despite the fact that the bricks brick per minute; smooth surface to dry since unusual on a relatively reasonably thin mortar joints. the brick on the ground, maker, can produce eight must be carefully placed roughness would prevent

Earth is moulded by forcibly throwing by hand a slight excess of mud into the mould cavity. The excess is removed from the top surface of the mould with either a straightedge or simply by scraping the material off byhand. The moulds used often produce a brick with a volume of about 1.8 liters, the dimensions of which when dry are 6 cm thick by 12 cm wide by 25 cm long. Usually a brick mould is constructed so that two bricks are moulded at one time, and sometimes two brickmakers are employed, each one filling only one cavity. In most cases, however, the brickmaker fills both cavities of the mould and can complete a cycle in about 15 seconds. With two expert brickmakers on a mould it is possible to reduce this time to about 5 seconds. Two types of brick are commonly moulded in Egypt, corresponding to what are known in North America as water-struck brick and sand-struck brick. For the water-struck brick, the mould is open on both faces and it is completely wetted with water in a suitable container before the mould is filled with mud. The sides of the moulds are frequently scraped to assure a good clean surface. In making the brick, the mould is laid on a board upon which has been spread some sand. The brickmaker then forcibly throws the mud into the mould cavity and removes any excess by either his hand or a straightedge. As soon as the smoothing operation has taken place, a boy or helper removes the board, takes it to the brick yard, the mould, and leaves the wet mud on the ground places it on the ground , removes in the form of a brick. 17

For the sand-struck bricks, the molds are very similar except that one face (or the bottom) is closed. In this case, the moulds are wetted with water and then sand is shaken over the surfaces of the mould so that the brick can be removed easily. These moulds have four holes for each brick cavity situated near the corners of the brick on the face in contact with the mould. The purpose of the holes is to act as vents so the wet mud brick may be removed from the mould. Sand-struck bricks are more easily dried than water-struck bricks and are commonly used in large-scale manuordinarily makes a water struck facture. The country brickmaker in the village brick and may use only a single-cavity mould. For publications Earth more precise information listed in the bibliography and Cajon concerning adobe the reader which is part of this publication. is referred to


which are somewhat similar, a clay soil mix of In these types of construction, either in monolithic form or moulded into bricks, is used in the proper consistency, form of wall panels supported by a structural wall frame. Methods of mixing and


V. AdobeBrick used as Bogging.


placing follow the same general rules which apply to adobe either the earth into building units. In earth nogging and Cajon construction between the framing members, as insulation, and as a base for Rammed Earth (Pisd de Terre)

poured or formed serves as a filler stucco or plaster.

Rammed are rammed to those used

earth walls are made by tamping moist earth into forms. The walls directly upon the foundations and in sections. The forms are similar for concrete except they must be stronger.

One distinct advantage of rammed earth construction claimed by its proponents is that the earth used to make the walls requires less handling than is required by Many believe that this advantage more than any other form of earth construction. of the heavy and relatively complex form which must be offsets the disadvantage periodically moved and carefully levelled as the work progresses. Inthis connection, it will be recalled that in adobe brick construction about 15 tons of earth are needed to make 1000 average sized adobe brick as used in the southwestern Darts of North America.
R amme d earth walls made of the most favorable soils show some signs of weathering initially but become very resistant after two or three years. The best walls may become slightly roughened by Walls from medium driving rains. grade soils may crumble somewhat during the first three years time.

Thus it will be seen that rammed earth walls, unless made from the most favorable soils will need some protection fromthe elements except in moderate climates. This need not eliminate the method of construction from consideration however as will br later seen. Figure VI. A Three Bedroom Rammed Earth House in Southern Rhodesia Certain wall finishes have sometimes been successfully used for protection. Roof overhangs and water resistant foundations often suffice. Admixtures of sand, lime, or, cement to medium quality soil will often produce excellent walls. in the case of adobe, modern methods of using rammed earth require (a) preliminary study of the constituent elements ef the soil, (b) proper proportioning, if necessary, (c) determination of the water. content, (d) nature and amount of stabilizer, if any, and (e) conditions of compaction-steps necessary to obtain mixes with low shrinkage and absorption, or capillarity, proper compressive strength, maximum resistance to water and erosion, and minimum volume change.


content for rammed eara varies roughly in inverse The optimum moisture proportion to the amount of sand in the soil. Often a sandy soil containing only seven or eight percent moisture would be satisfactory while a clay soil would require from 16 to 18 percent of moisture to bring it up to optimum for ramming. In the case of any particular soil, the amount of shrinkage varies with the amount of moisture, provided enough moisture is present to bond the soil particles well. Soils compacted at a moisture content of less than the shrinkage limit should have little or no shrinkage cracks in the structure. It is possible in time to determine the correct moisture content of any soil by the feel of it when compressed in the hand. A simple procecure outlined he r e will produce a bit of earth with roughly twelve percent moisture content--an average. Sift a sample of earth into a pan and dry it in an oven. Place 8 pounds of the dried earth in a flower pot or similar container having a hole in the bottom. Place the The earth, through capillary attraction, pot in a pan containing one pound of water. The soil thus uniformly moistened will contain about will absorb all of the water. 12 percent of moisture by weight and be of average consistency for ramming. The Lyons architect, Jean Rondelet (1743- 1829), is said to have stated that earth was deemed to have the proper moisture content when a handful of it, for pise when thrown back on the heap, will retain the shape given to it by pressing it lightly in the band. It has also been said that content) a ball of material rolled of the ball becoming shiny. at the point of maximum density (optimum water in the hand will just moisten it without the surface

In selecting soils it is well to remember that the amount of moisture in the soil when it is rammed has a decided effect upon strength in compression. When too many soils lose strength markedly and in most cases soils that are too wet dry, show low strength. Soil that is too dry can be corrected by sprinkling the pile with water and turning it carefully on the mixing board. If left overnight, the moisture distributes quite evenly. In adding moisture it will save a measured amount of water is added time if batches each time. are kept of a constant size and

It is not necessary to screen soil that is to be rammed unless foreign objects roots are in it or unless the soil contains hard dry clods. Stones as such as tree large as hens eggs do no damage if there are not too many of them. Aggregates up to l/4 inch in size and in quantities up to 45 percent increase compressive although desirable in reasonable quantities, will decrease strength. Those larger, the stren@h if reaching a proportion of 35 percent. The most satisfactory soil for rammed earth one with a considerable amount of sand and gravel 75 percent, with the latter the more satisfactory. 20 construction usually seems to be in it, ranging from 40 percent to Many agricultural soils will be

found with from slightly deficient

30 with

to 50 percent little trouble,

of sand and gravel. Sand can be added through mixing on a mixing board.

to soils

soils containing 30 percent and more of sand It is probable that, in general, ratio. Of course, too little sand causes excessive decrease in strength in inverse cracking and checking of the rammed earth. However, strength usually is of secondary importance and sand in soil does make walls durable. This is of first importance. , Instances have been found where soils having a low sand content showed high Investigations into this seeming discrepancy indicate that as weather resistance. soils show an increase in colloids, the walls show a decrease in quality. Thus, even soils comparatively low in sand content but containing less than 40 percent colloids Walls having a colloidal content of 30 percent or less are usually are favorable. and might stand for years without protective coverings. exceptionally good walls This matter of the colloidal content may partly explain why some soils perform in a manner different from what might be expected. For instance, in India it has been found, as might be expected, that the best soils will have from 50 to 80 percent sand content being 75 percent. However, certain soils sand by volume--optimum containing only 20 percent sand have also been found to be reasonably satisfactory. For a rough idea as to whether any particular soil might be suitable one if the sides of an excavation remain firm, rather than note, for instance, sluff down. If so, it may very well be suitable for further investigation. The would be true if the soil in a footpath remains hard in wet weather, if a clod soil is difficult to crush between the fingers. might easily same of dry

A simple test gives a good idea of the suitability of soil (or a mixture of soils) Place a bottomless tub or pail in a hole dug for use in rammed earth construction. in the ground surrounded by well tamped earth. The soil to be tested should then be rammed in the tub in layers 3 or 4 inches thick. When the tub is full strike off the invert it and allow it to dry overnight so that the earth will top approximately level, shrink enough so that the container may be removed. Cover the top of the sample to protect it from direct rain and observe it at intervals. If on continued exposure to air it continues to gain in density and compactness and does not crack or crumble it often will be reasonably satisfactory.

a Again, a soil with suitable for rammed earth. was discussed in Chapter II. Forms the outward

plasticity A quick

index of between test to approximate be made

2 and 15 probably will be the degree of plasticity of heavy material since

for rammed earth construction should thrust caused by ramming is tremendous.

At least two sections of forms are necessary so that corners may be built especially if the length of sections will suffice, monolithically. Often only two one of the forms does not exceed the least dimension on the inside of the building. l-1/2 Boards inches for the sides of thick. Removable the large vertical type of form are not less than standard struts not less than 4 by 4 inches in cross 21

section for a form 3 feet high are used if placed not more than 30 inches on center. top and bottom, which pass through Ihe forms are held together by through bolts, the wall, the side boards. and the top and bottom of the vertical struts. Usually one end of the bolt is contained by an or d in a r y nut while on the other end (on the outside of the wall) is a wing nut,used in the interest of speed. Special arrangements of short nuts on cleats applied to the faces of the forms give stability at the corners. A slightly lighter form which has been reported to have given satisfactory service is shown in the drawings making up Figure VII. In a slight adaptation of this type of form vertical cantilever type clamps, tightened only at the top, hold the two sides from spreading. At each end a roller is placed between the two sides of the form, at the bottom at one end and at the top at the other. When in use the bottom roller rests on the completed section of the wall in the course below and the top roller on the just completed section in the course then being rammed. After a section is rammed the form is loosened and rolled forward to its new position. It has been said that considerable time in resetting forms is long straight walls are

Yavwd I*mai Wall Thiclul~


Figure VII.

Corner and Straight Wall Forms for Rammed Earth.

saved by involved.




e s p e c i a 11 y


In still another attempt to facilitate construction small light forms have been developed, which can be handled with comparative ease. In these cases two separate one for the straight runs of wall and the other for the forms are usually used, for a straight run of wall, six feet long and eighteen One typical form, comers. inches high was designed with plywood side pieces 3/4 thick. Framing members 2 x4 were placed vertically about three feet apart with 2 x4 stiffners the full length of the form at the top and bottom and 5 /8 diameter tie rods eighteen inches on center. Its weight is about 140 pounds. Small metal forms have also been developed. before Wooden forms are often oiled each use with old crankcase immediately upon completion oil to prevent the dirt from 22 with linseed sticking. oil a n d

To secure a plumb straight wall the forms must be levelled each time they are set up. Bevelled inserts placed in the corners eliminate sharp external corners which might break from impact during use. Door and window frames are often made the thickness of the wall and placed in proper position in the forms before ramming. Otherwise temporary casings are placed and later removed. in withdrawing the bolts is If &.fficiiliy experienced, when the forms are stripped, place a little dry sand around and over the bolt before placing the soil for ramming. After the bolts are removed the holes are patched, as are any imperfections in the wall, by filling them with very dry portland cement mortar. A small V shaped trough and a wooden tamping rod make this task easier. If large patches are necessary a neat mortar is applied over nails driven into the wall to provide bond. After much experience some authorities have found that a quite satisfactory rammer is one with a cast iron or steel head cubical in shape about three inches in dimension each Cigure VIII. Forms for iianlrned Earth as used in way. The shaft often is formed of a one-inch Southern Rhctiesia. Note that the window frame is the full thickness of the wall: also that exiron pipe about 51-6 long. The tamper should panders are placed inside the frame to prevent weigh from 13 to 18 pounds. For other size bowing from pressure during ramming. faces it is well to use a tamper with an average weight of from one and one -half to two pounds per square inch of surface. Wooden tampers tipped with metal, with wooden handles are just as satisfactory if the weights approximate those outlined above. Pointed tampers have not, in the main, been found as satisfactory as those with flat faces. In building does not ram it, the moisture the wall only a few inches of loose dirt are placed in the form. If it until perfectly hard, giving off a ringing sound as the tamper strikes content is not quite right--probably too wet. close to until the rammed slightly the sides of the form should form is 2~11. After the form section, the top of the lower moistened.

In ramming, the earth in the corners and be rammed first. Layer after layer is rammed is moved to a new position above a previously course should be roughened, brushed clean, and

The intensity of the tamping stroke is quite important since the compressive strength, and probably the general durability of the w~.ll, varies with the intensity of tamping. For practical purposes, using a tamper weighing 18 pounds, with a nine square inch face, proper intensity may be attained by raising the tamper about 12 inches above the soil with all force possible exerted in the downward stroke. 23

In placing rammed earth with a crew of four men, one can mix the dirt on a mixing board to insure a uniform water content and place it in the forms and three can tamp. In one such experience each man tamped about two cubic feet of wall in an hour. In another recorded experience a three man crew, with one mixing and placing the dirt and two tamping and all working together to move the forms, placed an average of about 54 square feet of 18 inch wall (in the first story of a structure) in one day. If labor is expensive and mechanization is desired, the compressed air tamper appears to be the most logical tool. Forms for use with the pneumatic tamper should not be over two feet high. Construction work can be carried on in any reasonable weather if the soil is not frozen and the temperature kept dry. In cold periods, little damage may be expected. However, it too much below freezing, to avoid freezing weather when possible. Care of the soil is of great In building gables it is often slant of the roof. Rather the gable a notched effect, to be filled in later. if the soil is does not fall is advisable importance.

not considered advisable to ram the wall on the ends are rammed in horizontal sections leaving

Often rammed earth blocks, made in the same manner and of the same soil as too, to build are used to build gable ends. Blocks often are convenient, the walls, interior partitions. One mortar found to be satisfactory for such rammed earth with a mixture of portland cement--that is, for an blocks consists of dagga average soil, two measures of plaster sand, one measure of sandy clay,andone third measure of portland cement. Lime has also been used. For referred Pressure detailed information to publications listed Compacted Machine on the use of rammed in the bibliography. Made Blocks earth in building the reader is

A method has been developed to use power driven or hand operated machines to compact earth into blocks, with or without a stabilizing admixture. The method shows extreme promise and has been used extensively in Africa, as well as in many other parts of the world. hand operated machines pressures of from 1000 to Even with small, portable, 1500 pounds per square inch are placed upon the earth in forming. The blocks are have sharp arrises, and are extremely dense. A variety of dies usually true to size, are usually provided so that the block may be made in different sizes and shapes and may be made for laying in the conventional manner or, if desired, made with V joints so that they are built directly into the wall without mortar. With the most satisfactory soils the blocks show good weather resisting properties without the admixture of stabilizing ingredients. Usually, however, a small percentage of cement or lime is added to insure a wall, or at least the portion in contact with the ground, which will successfully perform in the presence of moisture under almost any conditions. Compressive strengths up to 1400 pounds per square 24

Figure Ix.

House Construction

in Taiwan Using Pressure

Compacted Earth Blocks Madi in a Hand Operated Machine.


-; ,A. -__ I,:,,::~. , 3,) :

inch have been recorded, when stabilizing admixtures have been used. Thus, under certain conditions the massive walls common to adobe or rammed earth may no longer be required. Portland cement admixtures of from two to ten percent or more In at least one instance high grade plasterers lime by volume have been reported. in the ratio of one part to ten of soil produced results comparable to portland cement. Labor requirements are optional, but it takes aminimum of four men to produce a maximum output of bricks or blocks in the hand operated machines. One mixes and one carries and stacks the units for drying. the soil, two operate the machine, Manufacturers claim that any soil containing the correct proportions of sand and not less than 18 percent of clay is suitable for use in the machines, if stabilized. Laterlitic type soils of Africa and, no doubt, many other soils throughout the world may be used effectively without stabilizing admixtures. It is extremely probable that soils to any degree suitable for rammed earth would show reasonably similar properties when pressure compacted in machines (large gravel and stone are removed from the earth). However , since the size of units made in the machines is limited and thus a practical limit is placed upon wall thicknesses, stabilizing admixtures probably will be used toevenagreater extent in pressure compacted blocks than will be deemed necessary in adobe or rammed earth. Equipment needed operation includes: a. b. c. d. e. Pick, shovels Two screens, to produce pressure compacted blocks in a small scale

and wheelbarrow. one of 5/16 mesh; the other a l/8 mesh. capacity. one block.

Measuring box which one man can handle, often of one cubic foot This is necessary only if cement or lime is to be added to the soil. Measuring box which will hold the right amount for making

Wooden trays or These can be made nailed to 2~ 2 s be enough of these One pressure

palettes, large enough to hold several stacks of blocks. from rough timber. The platform may consist of 1 boards which extend as handles beyond the boards. There should to store over night one days production.



The following description of making blocks in Burma may be considered typical of a small operation using a hand powered machine. In this case cement was added to t&e soil. Except for obvious omissions the process would be the same if no admixture were intended. It should be noted that the blocks which were used were those formed with a V projection on one side and end and a V groove on the others (with special blocks fo- corners) so that, theoretically, the wall could be laid up without mortar. In reading the description it will become apparent that some difficulties in laying dry walls were encountered. This, no doubt, was the result of local conditions since such difficulties have not always been experienced elsewhere. 26

3, _, ,,^ ./

Controlled tests in the laboratory were made to determine what moisture content and what cement content would make the best blocks. Sample blocks were made containing from 1% to 20% moisture content and from 1% to 10% cement content. It was found that blocks with 11% to 13% of moisture, containing 5% cement To determine stability, the blocks were subjected to the 24 hour were stable. test, that is, they were subjected to 12 hours of water spray at night and to 12 hours a long period of time there was little deterioration. of sun during the day. After The 4% blocks deteriorated after about 30 days. Soil mixed with 12% moisture is just damp enough to pack well when pressed in the hand. There was very little variance in strength between the samples containwould not materially ing 115, 1270, or 13qb, hence it was felt that a slight variance What applied to the soil in Burma might not be affect the strength of the blocks. applicable to the soil elsewhere. Our people learned to tell the correct and by compacting a handful in the hand. the villagers quickly learned this. amount of moisture by feeling Our workers in the laboratory the soil and also

Soil is dug in the quarry and is broken up as much as possible inthe digging. It is carried to the mixing area and nut through thetwo screens. If the soil is dry it is advisable to add water from a sprinkling can or from a spray nozzle periodically Water should be added after about as the soil comes through the second screen. every inch of screenings. Adding water as the screening progresses permits a better distribution of the moisture, which should permeate every particle of soil. This must be thoroughly mixed in order to distribute evenly the moisture. After the second screening the soil was left in the pile overnight to permit thorough moisture distribution. Then the cement was added in measured amounts. For one mixture we used 27 boxes of one cubic foot each for each one bag of cement. In the other instance the amount of cement was doubled. After careful mixing the soil was again screened through the smaller screen and the blocks were made. Obviously cement should not be mixed -with the soil until just before the blocks are to be made. The digging, the screening The actual making of the blocks jobs should be rotated. and the mixing are dusty and hard and tedious jobs. is simple. If a team is working together, the various

Two men are required to operate the machine in order to obtain the leverage for proper compaction. While one removes a block from the machine and places it on the palette the other fills the measuring box and pours the mixture into the well of the machine. One great disadvantage of the machine is that the well is not large enough to hold all of the loose soils which is required for a block unless it is packed with the hands, which of course slows up production considerably, One answer to this is to make 3 thick blocks instead of 4 blocks. A small bag of cement dusted over the inside of the well before each block is made will prevent sticking to the sides of the well. Without exerting themselves a team of six men can average about 27

,: i ,,>I _

,. .

400 blocks per eight hour day. For required. Therefore for a sixmanteam, to make enough blocks for one house.

the house which we designed 2900 blocks are just over one week of work would be required one on top of the other 1;vithout as ten freshly made blocks one

When freshly made, blocks may be placed damage. We have placed on a level surface, as many on top of the other without damage to any of them. In order to avoid evaporation preferable to place blocks in the takes about 30 days to cure them a building 3 or 4 days after making

of moisture before the setting of the cement it is shade for the first 24 hours after making them. It completely but they may be placed in the walls of without apparent damage to them. of soil adhere to the cannot be laid evenly every fourth course process. Until the

Blocks cure unevenly. Also sometimes small particles For both of these reasons an earth block wall surfaces. a stabilized earth mortar course (without mortar). However, stabilizes the wall very well and improves the wall tremendously.

Laying a mortar course >ttith stabilized earth mortar is a very slow It required 8 times as long to lay a mortar course as one without mortar. men learn how to use the mortar the result is quite messy.

The vertical tongue (V shaped projection on the end of the block) must point one direction only, that is either clockwise or counterclockwise, all the way around Each course of blocks in any length of wall the building, with each course reversed. consisted entirely of stretchers with a single header at one end. take Nails The 4 blocks we used tested about 300 pounds per square inch. They will nails. Door jambs and window frames may be nailed directly to the blocks. should not be near the edge of the block but as much in the center as possible.

Our blocks chip very easily. They cannot stand the rough treatment of ordinary building blocks or bricks. Hence any surface which is likely to be receiving much This applies to threshholds, window sills, and even to wear should be protected. A cement wash applied to an earth block wall has protruding corners in the house. With a cement wash a wall is quite difficult to chip, it a strong stabilizing effect. makes a very smooth finish, and effectively keeps rout the moisture. It may be applied with a rag or with a brush. Blocks may be cut with an ordinary saw if one is not particular what happens to the cutting edc. They will not take direct pounding. For that reason the floor joists could not be keyed into the walls but extra piers were required.


Gene ra.I



we have seen how earth, used for building houses, In the preceding chapters So far, except for brief references may be processed and assembled into walls. we have discussed soil held together for building to the use of certain admixtures, by its clay acting as a binder or cementing agent, with its sand content purposes as an important constituent in reducing volume changes. The addition of vegetable We also have seen how compaction, aa in the case of fibers has been mentioned. ramxned earth and pressure compacted machine made blocks, imparts increased weather resisting qualities. However, the information so far included in this paper has not told the whole story. All too often the villager with few resources and few tools in attempting to build with earth has found the result unsatisfactory. All too often his house has especially during the rainy seasons. Replacements required constant attention, When he becomes ill or too old to maintain it properly it has have been frequent. often become a source of danger to himself and his family. The same problems he faced resulted in the comparative abandonment of earth as a building material in more highly developed societies. These conditions need not always exist. Earth can be further stabilized or less degree depending upon the soil involved. And, of course, application knowledge has b n responsible in part of the revival of the use of earth. Before characteristics agents. discussing stabilizing of the soil to afford agents it might be well a better basis upon which to review to evaluate to more of this

some of the stabilizing

The stability of earth in its natural state is due to the presence of silt and clay, including the colloidal fractions, whicB bind the sandand granular minerals.together. The silt and clay particles are of excessive fineness, and each particle is surrounded by a minute film of water whose thickness determines the binding power of the earth. Sand is inert and the particles do not absorb moisture so that when quantities of additional water are applied to an earth, the films of moisture surrounding the clay particles become thicker, thereby causing expansion and lubrication of the material, Repeated wetting and drying causes gradual disintegration increasing its plasticity. at the surface, or at that part which is most intimately in contact with the water. With the development of techniques of stabilization it has been found that it is possible to give permanent water-resistant stabilization to walls of proper composition by adding certain materials to the natural earth frurn which they are built. is popularly known as soil stabilization. Thus it can be that soil This process stabilization is any process by which soil is made hard, water resistant to a greater degree than before stabilization and reasonably free from volume changes. Although 29

_ ,,, . ,

stabilization in some cases gives earth an increase in compressive strength it is well to remember that stabiliaationof earthis considered mainly a means to increase Design criteria used for untreated earth walls usually its resistance to weathering. apply unless responsible tests indicate otherwise. Stabilizing agents which have commonly been used with more or less success include cement, lime, road oil, and emulsified asphalts. Less commonly used but with more or less promise are resin emulsions, soaps, stearates, water glass, and other silicas. Aniline--Furfural treated with Plasmofelt has received attention. With few exceptions the high costs of these materials preclude their use without further research. Calcium acrylate and chrome-lignin show promise, and limited experiments indicate that costs in some areas are roughly comparable with cement It is believed possible that these processes may be effective where \ and asphalt. other measures are not. Continuing research to explore the possibilities may pay which increases in volume Powdered bentonite, or colloidal clay, big dividends. very rapidly when wet may offer promise as a means to hinder moisture penetration as portions near the surface of the earth wall swell. Lignin, briefly mentioned above, .which is the cellulose cementing material from wood fibers secured as a by-product apparently serves as a colloidal barrier to moisture in a .in the paper industry, manner similar to bentonite. It also seems to cement the grains of the soil. Vinsol hydroxide cement. r e s in, solution a by-product shows some from the distillation both alone promise of turpentine, in a sodium when used with Portland


However, it may be safe to say in general that when using the more common and better known stabilizing agents, soils which have more than 50 percent of their component particles passing through the 200 mesh seive (those being roughly more than 50 percent silt and clay) fall outside the realm of presently recommended Actually, what this probably means is that such soils practices for stabilization. do not possess an internal skeleton of sand and larger sized particles touching or interlocking with each other. It may be that liquid limits and plasticity indices are excessive in such soils when they do not respond to attempt at stabilization. Research has indicated that stabilization of even these soils may be possible but, if so, it will only be on the basis of a thorough understanding of the physico--chemical character of the internal surface of the soil. We have said that many examples of structures of earth built long periods ago show exceptional weather resisting properties, and so do certain soils used under current practices. Thus, when considering ssil stabilization, the first question which comes to mind is--must our soil be stabilized and if so, how and how much--a reasonable question which cannot be answered with investigation. The character of the soil governs as does climatic conditions at the point of use. Although soil technicians can and should predict performance and recommend treatment, the fool proof method is to make samples and conduct tests. Standard tests have been developed and are well known to soil technicians. 30





Resistance to as

For the prospector and those making preliminary investigations, simple tests determine resistance to the presence of moisturehave been developed which serve practical indications of what might be necessary under local conditions,

One empirical test, usedin Africa, is to make several samples, with varying proportions of stabilizer. After curing, subject the samples to alternating immersions iri water by night andexposure to sunbyday and observe results. If any of the blocks fall crack, swell, burst, flake, or show other defects, then the proportion is to pieces, the soil unsuitable. Further trials will give the answer. Unstabilized defective --or samples might be also included in the test. Those of local unstabilized soil often do not survive the first immersion, unless they are exceptional. after proper curing, samples were subjected to twelve In still another instance, cycles of wetting, drying, and abrading. Each cycle consisted of soaking for five hours, drying for 42 hours, andlightly brushing the surface of each sample with a wire brush The loss in weight is plotted against strength of the stabilizer. The several times. different soil combinations and varying percentages of stabilizers were related to pyrformance. In India, samples were subjected to wetting and drying. One cycle consisted of immersion in water at room temperature for five hours and heating to 71*C for 42 hours and cooling one hour. Between each cycle loose material was brushed from After twelve such cycles samples were considered satisfactory if loss the samples. in weight did not exceed one percent. follows

h~ Egypt,






and unstabilized,




One drop of water fell every second for 18 hours from a height of 1.0 meter The stabilized bricks showed a tiny trace due to the effect of the on the samples. drops (3 millimeters in diameter by 2 millimeters in depth) while the unstabilized brick failed, showing a hole through the total thickness of the bricks ranging from 4 centimeters to 5$ centimeters in diameter. A quick test method consists of making smalldiscs of earth together with varying amounts of the stabilizer, 2 inch e s in diameter and $ thick. After drying they are submerged in cold water for six hours. The mix containing the least amount of stabili,er which does not soften or discolor the water may be considered the most satisfactory. A spray t e s t which has become more or less of a standard uses a 4 diameter shower head, directing water against the face of a sample. This test is discussed in more detail in the introductory statements at the beginning of Chapter III. Stabilization of Adobe of adobe is generally accomplished by mixing oil, asphalt, with the soil as stabilizing admixtures. Of these emulsified 31 Portland asphalt

Stabilization cement or lime

and ail have &n the most plastic state with a relatively mixedwiththe puddledsoils.

widely used, probably high moisture content

because adobe is formed in the and the emulsion c&n be easily

A soil for asphalt stabilized adobe bricks course, must have those other characteristics which contains more than -2% of or water, water shoarld be discarded---it usually causes may not appear in the relatively short periods

must be free from alkali salts and, of necessary to make good adobe. Soil, any salt wholly or partially soluble in the bricks to crumble. This crumbling allowed to test samples.

When using an emulsified stabilizer, during ,the drying period, the globules of l absorbed as films upon the clay particles the stabilizer in the enmlsicm become of the soil, When fully dried, the material is water repellent and its natural strength of bond is pnserved against water fm r a in s or capil.lary moisture from the ground. The erxo&ion rarely has anunpleasant effectupon the appearance of the walls and, if the coil&dal r-a&o is proper, the emulsion somewhat increases comprossivc --mA+alt normaltemp!ea. wats!rpzas Tppe z?lc-3, age (a.spklt applied : cement in plus suspension a highly medium of volatile liquid consistency at

R&d CP~ RC-l,RC-2,



'0, lb&diumCu~ xc-2 amdMc-3. c.



Emulsified Asphalt (asphalt cement plus water plus SLOW Setting Type EMSified Asphalt** emulsifying agent). is applied to adobe constractiop uder a process patented in the United States of America by the American lLlitamnls and Asphalt company.

The quant%y of asphalt emulsion depends primarily upon the amount of fine silt and clay contained in the soil. It can usually be determined only be experiment. For purpases of rough estimating the following table has been suggested to approximate the amount of Sow Setting type (emulsified in water) which will be needed: Soil: Soil (Basic Types ) Bituminous Bitumen Emulsion Proportions (Slow Setting) Percentage of the Soil Fines, Loams 7 to 12% Heavy Clays by Weight 13 to 20%.



4 to 6%; Clay

Thus based on a proportion of 15 percent of commercial density of mixing emulsion to the fines in the soil, by weight, a soil with 70 percent sand and 30 percent fines would require 30 times 15 one-hundredths or four anl one-half pounds, equivalent to about one-half gallon of emulsion, for each 100 pounds of soil. Fifteenpercentprobably would be high for this particular soil. 32

These rules when used for preparing samples or making quick estimates are helpful but it must be remembered that the amount of stabilizer required will, in not only with the amount of clay in the soil but also with the increase general, colloidal content. It should be recognized that the water affinity of the fines in various is a variable. soils may vary and, also, that the nature of the stabilizer The Rapid Curing Types of asphalt cement with a volatile distillate have been used with success in stabilizing adobe. RC-1 and RC-2 are both considered suitable although RC-2 has a higher viscosity and the solvent evaporates a little slower in cool weather. Recent experiments in Egypt disclosed liffle difficulty in dispersing the emulsions in properly tempered soils from which the small sun dried mud brick were made, Experiments to use the Medium Curing Types under job conditions may prove satisfactory and of value. Bunker C oil, which is normally used as a fuel oil, has also been successfully with Diatol, a proprietary used as a stabilizing admixture in adobe. Experiments of diatomaceous earth, water and in Egypt containing a mixture product made Mazout (similar to Bunker C oil) are promising. of the stabilization of adobe has-been confined almost Although this discussion entirely to the use of emulsified asphalt and other oily substances, cement and lime have been used and merit further research and widespread dissemination of the re50 portland cement has been used with adobe soils containing sults. Reportedly, results when mixed as a of silt and clay, often with satisfactory percent or less Suitable cement contents, by volume, are said to range about 4 perplastic mixture. centage points above those used with soil-cement compacted at optimum moisture content to maximum density, as is the case in rammed and pressure compacted blocks. Stabilized adobe is mixed in the same manner that plain adobe is made. The whatever additional water is needed to achieve proper plasticity, stabilize r , with may be mixed by puddling with the feet or with a hoe. A positive mixing action is an absolute necessity. Because of this fact, if quantity is desired, a mechanical mixer is desirable. As in the case of unstabilized adobe, dough mixers discarded from baking use are suitable and paddle mixers designed for preparing mortar are excellent. In larger operations , pug mills and continuous mixers are often used and, of course, if the size of the operation makes it practical, it is possible to produce asphalt stabilized bricks on a commercial scale using a complete brick making plant, with minor modifications. Wet pan roller type mixers are especially efficient with oils. Whatever type of mixer is used there mustbe uniformity of mixture and complete dispersion of the stabilizing agent and water under careful control. Stabilized bricks should be moulded without delay after the admixttire is mixed with the soil. Even properly made stabilized bricks may be damaged by rain the first day or two after they are moulded until they have dried sufficiently so that the stabilizer (especially in the case of *asphalt) will not wash out. Bricks should be cured for about thirty days (or until they have a constant weight) before being laid in the wall. Because of the quick setting and hardening properties of portland cement 33

. i_

even in wet weather, a small amount in damp weather, a distinct advantage

of cement in making

is often added and curing.




Plastic soil-cement mixtures when used in block form should be placed in forms at the proper consistency established by test and puddled or vibrated until it is a certainty that air voids are filled. Puddling or vibrating should be discontinued before excess water rises to the tops of the forms. Blocks should be damp cured before air curing. The quality of stabilized adobe bricks is often criteria determined by recognized testing methods: checked against the following

General. Finished bricks shall be reasonably true to size with parallel sides and free from excessive cracks and other defects. Moisture Content of brick when dried ready for use shall be not more than 4 percent. Shrinkage Cracks shall be not more than l/8 inch in width and 3 inches in length, and there shall be not more than three .cracks per brick. Compression Strength shall average 300 pounds or more,under recognized test methods, per square inch with tolerance to 250 pounds for one brick in a test series of five. Absorption shall average less than 2* percent of dry weight in 7 days. Erosion. Bricks should not be appreciably pitted or eroded in two hours under a fine spray of water of 20 pounds pressure. Modulus of Rupture shall average not less than from 40 to 50 pounds per square inch with tolerance to 30 pounds for one brick in a test series of five. In laying up stabilized adobe building units a mortar which is the same mix as the bricks has been recommended for use, if coarse materials--(thosenotpassing an l/8 inch screen) are rejected. A mortar also found satisfactory by some is made using one sack of portland cement, 2i or 3 cubic feet of sand, l$ gallons of a good waterproofing admixture for masons mortar and enough water for proper mortar consistency. Lime mortar is not recommended for use in laying up asphalt or oil stabilized bricks. Well cured bricks should not be adversely affected but it is best not to take a chance. However, a cement-lime mortar has been successfully used. It may be prepared by mixing one volume of cement and one volume ofhydrated lime (or one volume of quicklime putty) with approximately six volumes of sand, adding sufficient clean water. to produce the desired consistency. If quickIime is used it must be slaked first. Different kinds of quicklime vary in the way the-y behave with water. If this is not identified in the manufacturers directions a simple procedure may be followed to determine how to slake the particular lime available. Place a small quantity in anempty bucket, add water to just cover the quicklime, and observe how long it takes to begin slaking. If slaking begins in less than five minutes the quicklime is caIIed quick slaking; from five to 30 minutes, LsI~~ slaking. * With quick slaking quicklime, the lime should always be added to the water by having all the water in the mortar box and adding the lime. For slow 34

lime the water slaking water being added slcwly Stabilization of Rammed

should be added by having all the quicklime to expedite the slaking action. Earth and Pressure Compacted Blocks

in the box,


In the previous discussions of rammed earth building techniques it has been seen often may produce a stable weather resistant that sand and gravel as an admixture wall from a soil otherwise not too suitable. Authorities have said that, in soils typical of the United States of America,probablynot more than 10 percent would rate as high quality without an admixture of sand and gravel. However, under to increase weather expended in exploring weather resistance. soil when puddled grinding up before it Some believe that stabilizing properties conditions which are severe an additional degree of stabilization resistance is often desirable. Much time and effort has been Tests using asphalt emulsions indicate increased this field. However, it is difficult to use since the oil must be added to the necessitating subsequent drying out an& or very wet, therefore orpressure compacted by machine into blocks. can be rammed, this delay before final forming nullifies, at least in part, the of the emulsion.

Although mixing lime with soil for building puyposes goes back to ancient times the use of portland cement with soil has been contrary to generally accepted ideas cement and lime are especially adaptable for about the use of cement. However, stabilization of rammed earth and pressure compacted blocks, as has been briefly mentioned elsewhere in the paper and discussed in some detail in Chapter III in connection with an experience in Burma in the use of block compacted by machine under pressure. These methods capitalize upon soils with a high sand content since the grain surface per unit of volume is reduced as the proportion of coarser material increases. Slightly larger percentages of lime are usually needed than are required for cement. The methods of introducing either admixture are similar and limited tests have indicated favorable results with lime and cement mixed in the ratio of l/3 cement and 2/3 lime. When portland cement is used as the stabilizing agent soil-cement. The soil, cement, and water may be mixed in a mill or revolving paddle type mixer is availalbe. Otherwise ing of the soil is similar to the hand methods described earth. However, if earth is to be stabilized with either methods, the stabilizer should only be added to an amount be used within one hour--not longer. the combination is called single operation, if a pug the preparation and mixearlier for plain rammed cement or lime by these of soil which can finally

In mixing, accuracy and good control are important. One interesting development, to insure correct proportions of soil and cement, even with extremely unskilled labor, accents the use of gauge boxes. One huge bottomless gauge box containing, as much as one half cubic yard may be set on the ground, filled, top struck off level, and then lifted leaving a measured pile of soil on the mixing area* A small gauge box, 35

Figure X. 700 Soil-Celnent Blocks per Day Were Made in a Hand Operated hlachine at tie ~lsiat~p, Taiwan. with a bottom may be used to add the proper proportions large pile of soil --after the soil has been spread out into cement until it is of an even color before adding water. Optimum water content discussed in the use of plain should be determined rammed earth without 36 of cement or lime to the a thin layer. Mix soil and general methods The percentages as of

by the same stabilization.

cement or lime added to the soil for proper stabilization vary, as would be expected, Colombia, a study was carried out by the with the texture of the soil. At Bogota, to evaluate the factors involved in using soil-cement for Colombian government building simple structures in rammed earth and hand compacted earth blocks. Most of the soil samples with admixtures as low as 2 to 5 percent of cement by weight were found to be erosion resistant and maintained a 28-day compressive strength in the range of 200 to 400 pounds per square inch. and lime appear to be the most practical admixtures to inAlthough cement crease the stability of soil for ,lse in rammed earth and pressure compacted blocks, where conditions require stability in excess of thatprovided by the soil itself (with or without the addition of sand) other agents have been investigated. These include,.in soft coal cinders, which had somewhat the addition to those previously mentioned: effect of sand and after initial erosion presenteda roughened surface which might be a key for a plaster coat; common salt, which results in a damp, crumbly, unsuitable wall; and tannic acid which has no effect favorable or otherwise. Vinsol resin in a solution of three percent sodium hydroxide offers possibilities. It has been used in proportions of one-half percent to three percent dry soil weight. III proportions of one-half to two and one-half percent together with portland cement, properties of weather resistance and repellancy with high strength were encouraging. In both rammed earth and pressure compacted blocks, successful experiments have been made in plating the surfaces exposed to the weather by the introduction of soil-cement in the ratio of about 1:5 into the form in a thin layer before compaction. While this takes considerably more time when used with rammed earth it affects production of pressure compacted blocks little since a thin divider is placed in the form and easily withdrawn before pressure is applied. Although some difficulty has been experienced with plating, the plating layer usually appears to bond with the wall or block without difficulty and has often been found to be practical and successful. Stabilization of Cob Constructions
Figure XI. Plating an Earth Block with a Weather Resistant Soil-Cement Mixture to Provide a Cast-irl- Flace Impervious Facing. The divider is removed before thesoil is compacted !n the hand operated machine.

In addition to being a suitable stabilizing admixture for rammed earthandcompacted blocks, experiments in Africa with soil-cement improved the weather resist37

>_, ,-,y ;, .,,) ,/)

.__ < .

ante of cob. Also, shrinkage, which is the bane of those who build with cob, was found to be concentrated in a few large cracks rather than in a number of small ones common in unstabilized cob walls. Proportions of cement varied from 5 to 10 percent by volume. Experiments should continue. Also, it wouldbe reasonable to assume that experiments in introducing oily substances to soil for cob construction would produce somewhat similar results as have been experienced in adobe construction.



Experiments on earth stabilized floors for light use indicate cement or oil can be used for reasonably dust-proof, sanitary housing, especially in underdeveloped areas. Soil-Cement Floors soil stabilized with floors in low-cost

Soil meeting the tests for soil-cement discussed under stabilization of rammed Experiments have indicated that the earth above may be used for soil cement floors. sand-clay ratio should be about 75 percent sand and gravel and 25 percent silt and clay. The proper moisture in the soil mixture should be the same as the optimum for making rammed earth walls in order that it will pack firm and hard. Methods of mixing soil, cement,and water are also similar. Keep soil moist before use. Soil that is too wet can be spread out and turned for drying. To build soil-cement floors, the same general techniques are used as in building concrete floors. The sub-base, well compacted, is provided in the usual form. Many authorities believe that the floor itself should be of a minimum thickness of at least the finished base course would be a 3 inches, composed of two layers ; one, called minimum of l-3/4 inches thick when compacted. It could be of= soil mixture without the cement stabilizer. ln the loose form, it would normally be about 3: inches deep before compaction. Metal tampers are normally used for compacting purposes; A popular unit has a head 6 inches square with a wooden handle and weighs from 20 to 25 pounds. A rammer made for use in walls could also be used successfully. A refinement is to use two rammers, one 10 inches square weighing 15 to 20 pounds for going over loose material the first time and for smoothing and finishing the surface, and a small rammer 4inches square weighing 12 to 17 pounds for packing the material a little harder than the larger rammers. Usually the material is rammed twice yith the smaller rammer and finished with the large one. Pneumatic rammers could, of course, be used but considerable experience might be necessary to obtain proper compaction. The finished top course is of soil-cement. Cement is added to the soil mixture in the proper prop=tion determined as for rammed earth walls. In some cases, one part of cement to nine parts of soil has been found to be satisfactory. No pebbles larger than 5 inch are used in the finished top course since the larger stones have a tendency to pop out, leaving holes to hasten disintegration. In fact, there is no They merely are allowed to remain to reason for larger stones in the lower course. avoid the need for unnecessary screening. The top course is laid in loose form about 3 inches thick so that, when compacted, it is lg inches thick, making a total .thickness of floor of about 3$ inches. using As in normal concrete floor construction, form boards or strips. These forms 39 the floor is usually built in must be secured to solid stakes


considerable pressure is exerted against straight edges are used to place the loose ness.

the forms during ramming. Templates and material and to check its compacted thick-

If the soil mixture consists of subsoil plus additional sand and gravel, the mixing may be done on mixing boards or upon a section of the floor which has already been laid and cured for at least a week. The soil and sand for finished base course could be mixed in a conctrete mixer if mixing is necessary, but the finished top course containing the cemex:t should be mixed by hand, according to many authorities. After the cement is added tothe soiland the whole is mixed, it may be necessary to add more water to the mixture to obtain the proper consistency. If too dry, a poor floor will result. When cement comes in contact with the earth, it soon starts to can be mixed at one time. If the forms are only small batches set up.* Thus, spaced into floor sections about 6 feet wide, a batch of about 70 shovels works well since only batches that can be rammed in place within an hour should be mixed at This will make a course about 6 x 6 feet in area. Always, when stopping one time. work for the day, use a cross formso that the entire last batch may be rammed. The new work then starts at a joint. The spreading surface of the the top course. bottom Water course should be moistened thoroughly should not stand on the surface. just before

After the floor is finished, it should be allowed to cure. It should be kept moist for from two to three days to a weeks time, according to local conditions. Straw or newspapers retard the drying out process. The Oil-Surfaced Floor floor up to of placing for the soil consists of

The oil surfaced floor is laid in the same manner as the soil-cement the finished top course. In fact, the finished base course and the thickness it and the finished top course are the same in both cases. Requirements The only difference lies in the finished top course which are the same. soil and asphalt instead of soil-cement.

The same type of oil may be used for all operations in building the floor. One good product is cut-back asphalt-cold mix, substantially the same as type RC-2 (rapid curing) road oil. RC-1, a lighter oil, has also been successfully used. Cut-back asphalts contain volatile oils that evaporate readily. Before placing the finished top course, a primer coat is brushed over the surface of the finished base course at the ratio of about six quarts of the oil to one hundred square feet of surface. It is sprinkled on and brushed out evenly with an ordinary scrub brush placed on a long handle. The loose soil mixture manner as used in soil-cement be in this mixture which is then work. sprinkled is placed Again, after 40 in the finished top course in the same no pebbles larger than l/4 inch should spreading with a filling oil coat of the

same cut-back asphalt. This is sprinkled on the loose fill. For estimating purposes, it may be assumed that it is sprinkled at the rate of 33 quarts per one hundred square feet of surface. Since the oil is sticky, it often is advisable to spread the oil with a sprinkler which can be discarded after use. Large tin cans with holes in the bottom made with a 6d box nail are suitable for use in warm temperatures. Sprinkling should be from a plank above the loose fill and should be done evenly. Then the surface is Do not attempt to ram before curing. During the curing period, covered for curing. on the loose soil which must not be broken since a rubbery covering is forming After it has been allowed to dry for about 24 hours, patching is extremely difficult. or until the operator can stand on it and follow the rammer, give it the first light If properly dried the soil will not stick to the rammer head. It is then ramming. rammed sharply twice more and then once again rammed lightly to a smooth surface. If two sizes of rammer are used, the second and third ramming should be with the small-headed, heavy rammer and the last ramming should be lightly done with the large rammer to finish the floor smoothly. A seal coat of the same oil is then applied at about the rate of 5 quarts to 100 on and brushed out to even coverage with a scrub square feet. It should be sprinkled may be accelerated by brush. After drying, the floor is ready for use. Final drying lightly sifting fine sand over the seal coat. Although is reasonable feet of floor. oil in the proper to assume that, proportions as determined by tests must be used, it 11 gallons of oil will make 100 square as an average,

heavier road oils may be used. If the If cut-back asphalt oil is not available, weather is not very warm, it will be necessary to heat them before using. Oil heavier than (medium curing) MC-3 probably will be hard to handle even in very warm weather. If heavier oils are used, more time must be allowed for drying. Emulsified asphalt similar to that discussed in stabilizationof adobe walls could although lc! cx rded experiences have probably be used in the stabilization of floors, experimentation would be nect2ssary to determine the not come to light. Of course, best way to mix the emulsion with the soil at a dry enough consistency for ramming. Othe r Stabilize proof Almost earth rs used for road construction was popular in ancient times. could produce reasonably dust

any stabilizer floors. Lime


)I ,,; ,>_ ,




Earth has been used as a building material for roofs since the early days of man. Often earth roofs have been satisfactory on the basis of reasonable standards. No doubt the application of the knowledge gained in stabilizing earth for walls, if applied to roof construction, can and will result in roofs of earth which should be of longer life and reduced maintenance than has heretofore been generally possible. This point should be kept in mind as the following paragraphs are read and, if considered advisable, experiments should be cox.ducted to attempt to so improve roofs of earth, using soils available locally. Adobe or Mud Roofs

In what may be considered typical techniques, Indians of the southwest portion of the United States of America construct earth roofs by placing poles as rafters or resting on wood blocks or continuous reinforced concrete joists, pitched for drainage, beams which in turn rest on the earth walls. These poles (vigas) support wood ceiling boards generally placed at right angles to themupon which a 3-inch layer of dry earth or volcanic dust is placed as insulation. A good grade of building paper is usually placed over the boards to prevent the dirt insulation from sifting through. The dirt is rolled or tamped until it is sufficiently solid to walk on. Over this a protective layer of saturated felt is placed carefully flashed against low parapets which are used with this type of construction in the Southwest. The poles (vigas) serving as rafters are carefuliy wrapped for the full thickness of the walls with tarred or oiled oakum and set in a bed of asphalt mastic or other caulking compound. After any shrinkage of the earth wall has taken place additional caulking compound is forced into the exposed opening around the poles. For economy wood latillas or poles 1; or 2 inches in diameter, either full round or split, are laid in herringbone pattern across the vigas in place of the boards as discussed above. A layer of mud mortar often replaces the top layer of saturated felt. In Cape Coast, Africa, earth-built houses withmud roofs over 100 years old, kept in good repair, have been reported. Mud _ roofs are still common since a stable micaceous clay provides excellent material. Here flat roofs are made by laying rough poles 4 to 6 inches in diameter cut from bush at intervals of about 15 inches as joists with their ends intersecting the walls. As in the case in North America, smaller sticks are then placed tightly together over the joists to form a platform. A mixture of lateric clay and sand to which a very small quantity of slaked lime has been added is then prepared and laid over the platform. The mixture is rammed into position and its surface screeded off in such ip manner that substantial falls are obtained to the rain water outlets,, The thickness of the lime-earth mixture therefore varies from 18 inches or more to 8 inches. 42

Mud Brick


In 1934 a village ofthirty brickhouses was built, together with a mosque, schools and public baths in Bahtim, Egypt, with rtofs of wood, covered with sun-dried brick years later, these and plastered with mud as is the custom in that area. Eighteen houses were reported to be in good condition. Of perhaps more interest is a second set of twenty houses built in 1936 with both walls and roofs of sun-dried brick. These houses have an area of 125 square meters each with two rooms in the front and a large court and stable in the back. The most noteworthy thing about this development is that eight of these units have dome roofs of sun-dried brick, there being sixteendomes in all. The only protection for the brick The roofs were replastered in 1951, but on the whole, upis a layer of mud plaster. These domes have remained in excellent condition. The fact keep has been small. that they withstood the heavy rains of the winters without showing signs of failure speaks well for domes in the Delta even when built of ordinary sun-dried brick. similar houses were recently built of At the village of Gourna, also in Egypt, earth using sun-dried mud brick in both the walls and domed roofs. Mechanics skilled in brick dome construction were able, in a short time, to teach local bricklayers to build domes of sun-dried brick without forms or centering. About 60 houses are involved. Elliptical Rammed Earth Roof still giving good service after three years, was rammed earth semi-elliptical house containing two done between wooden planks supported on a semiNo stabilizer was used in the soil. A mud plaster one-half inch thick to the exterior surface. Cob Construction

An experimental building, erected in India in the form of a rooms and porch. Compaction was elliptical collapsible iron frame. containing 5% cement was applied Experimental Domed

Roof of Stabilized

An experimental domed roof of stabilized cob was built in Africa in 1944. The roof was a success during its short life, which ended when the walls of the building shifted and cracked the dome. A room 12 feet square with stabilized earth walls 12 inches thick was built by the cob methodup to plate level. A wooden platform was then erected level with the plates, and sand heaped upon it to form the inner shape of the dome. Stabilized earth in the proportion of five parts of earth to one part of cement was then placed by the cob method over the sand, with a minimum thickness of five inches at the crown. After three weeks, a hole was cut in the platform and the sand run out. The platform was then taken down. The roof remained in a safe and satisfactory condition for a month, during which time rain fell on several occasions but failcdto penetrate. After a month had elapsed the walls of the dwelling began to crack and in opening out caused the dome to crack. It was then taken down, the walls repaired, and a conventional roof erected in ita place. 43

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CHAPTERVII WALLFINISHES Introduction Walls of earth, to be of most value, must successfully resist moisture to which This resistance may come from the nature of the earth itself, they are subjected. from stabilization, from applied protective wall coverings, and from the actual design of the structure so as to give protection by means of resistive foundations, damp proofing courses in the walls, overhangs, verandahs, etc. This chapter will be devoted entirely to applied protective wall coverings. Although authorities differ in expressing their opinions as to the need for protective wall coverings in different areas and whenusing different methods for building in earth, this difference of opinion is easily understandable when one considers the variables involved in the earth itself and in the techniques applied to its use. In general, it may be said that plain rammed earth made of the most suitable soils, properly placed, may be expected to withstand erosion quite successfully in moderate climates if placed on proper foundations and protected at the top. Rammed earth of medium soils, if properly stabilized, maybe expected to show very satisfactory characteristics. Plain adobe walls in dry climates, with reasonable roof overhang protection often remain in excellent condition unless subjected to flooding. What erosion o c cu r s often may be readily repaired. However, a protective surface coating for natural adobe is generally considered necessary in other than dry climates. Normally, properly stabilized adobe does not need an exterior protective covering. Pressure compacted, machine made , earth blocks may be expected to perform similarly to rammed earth as it is used with or without stabilizing agents. In what may be considered a typical example, well made, unprotected, machine compacted, stabilized earth blocks in Africa have withstood the effects of weather for considerable periods of time and give promise of many more years of life before repair or protection will be necessary. However, with any particular type of s o i 1 used with any of the methods which are adaptable to earth construction, so many variables are involved that tests, similar to those mentioned previously, should be made to determine whether or not a wall made from a particular soil by a particular method needs protective covering. In this connection remember that, in addition to the general reduction of the structural properties of earth which can come about through contact with moisture, wall leakages through joints in certain types of construction sometimes occur. All of these factors will determine whether or not protective wall finishes are indicated. One other factor, sometimes important, must not be lost sight of--protection of the wall against normal wear and tear. At times, too, wall finishes are applied purely for aesthetic reasons. 44




In many areas the permeability of a wall is one of the most important factors. that the lower the water absorption of the material at It seems, as a general rule, the time of laying, the lower the permeability of the wall, other things being equal. to ascertain the amount of resistance to moisture Tests have been developed rain test, as described in BMS 7*, was penetration of earth walls. One, a heavy performed as outlined below: The specimen wall formed one side of a pressure chamber where air pressure of 10 pounds per square foot above atmospheric was maintained. Water from a perforated tube was sprayed on the exposed face at a rate of 40 gallons per hour for one day. Observations were for time of appearance of moisture (dampness) and of maximum rate of leakage through wall visible water on back of specimen wall; (moisture collected by flashing for collection and measurement of rate of flow); and extent of damp area on back at end of one day. Ratings: Good: Fair:

No visible water on back in one day. Less in one day; no leaks through wall.


50 percent and less

of wall than


Visible water on back in more than three hours Rate of leakage less than one liter per hour. Visible water on back five liters per hour. Poor: Rate of leakage greater in three than five hours liters or less. per hour.

one day. less than


of leakage


Coverings of a protective nature while having many records of durability are, considered by experienced operators as short lived, subject to conin the main, to be avoided if possible. On the other hand, the siderable repair and, in general, of others would indicate that protective coverings can be quite satisexperiences factory when properly designed. All agree, however, that finishes must not be placed Many believe that when failures do on a wall until it has completely dried out. occur they often result from moisture penetration through the finish and consequent softening-of the wall with a failure of the bond. The following the use of cement Cement and Lime discussions and lime Stucco of the various stuccos through types may be helpful. They oil paints and mud plasters range from to washes.

Probably cement and lime stucc7,0 should be used only with a mechanical bond-at least under most conditions. Many believe that the use of a coating of strong material (cement and lime) over a weaker material (earth) is fundamentally u.nsound, as differences in expansion and contraction are said to cause cracking, leskag.:c,
*National Bureau of Standards. United States Department of Commerce, Washington 25. D. C.


In any event, it may be said that such breaking of the bond and ultimate failure. over some form of mechanical bond. One method, are usually applied stuccos in which earth is used as a wall material, is to provide applicable to most ways in each brick, if adobe, or about bond by making several 3/4deep depressions 8 inches apart, if monolithic, on the exposed face by striking with a hammer. Into these depressions zinc coated nails are driven downward at an angle and galvanized steel wire mesh is then attached covering the entire wall surface. Another practice of applying wire mesh suitable of using a 6-foot length of l-inch mesh, light gauge (every sixth course if adobe brick construction) over The ends are allowed to hang down on both sides where staples to the wall faces for interior plaster and exterior in a 12-inch wall with 4-inch thick brick and a i-inch overlap the wire below by 2 or 3 inches on both sides of only for adobe or cob is that woven wire, laid at intervals the wall as it is being built. they are stapled with Z-inch stucco bases. For example, mortar joint the wire would the wall.

For economy the wire netting is at times omitted and reliance is placed entirely on nails and depressions for bond. Under these circumstances the nails are spaced as discussed above and the heads are driven flush with the exterior face of the wall. the wall surface is swept down and sprayed with water and the In a slight variation, immediately, nails are driven scratch coat is applied by dashing it on. Following The wall is then allowed to stand for three through this fresh stucco i:lto the wall. days to three weeks and the second coat of stucco is applied. A third or finish coat can be used, if desired, or this second coat can be sand finiehed with a carpet float. No attempt should be made to apply extra thick coats of etucco. Ordinary thickness is better as the expansion forces will be less. After stuccoing in any weather the walls are kept damp by spraying or covering with wet bagging to facilitate curing and reduce tendency to crack. Cement stucco in the southwestern part of the United States is often prepared part of cement to three parts of sand by volume with the addition of about ten pounds of hydrated lime to each bag of cement used. Lime stucco as used in the same area consists of one part of lime putty to three parts of sand by volume.

of one

Statements from a 1926 report on the conditions built between 1820 and 1854 near Sumter, South Carolina, of the stucco on a church built in 1850, are quoted below:

of rammed earth USA, concerning

buildings the state

The stucco is of lime mortar rough cast, coated with coarse sand and varying in thickness from l/8 inch to 3/J inch. The original color of this finirh was a dull red, but later the stucco was whitewashed. The whitewash was covered recently with a cream colored commercial waterproofing preparation. All evidence points to the fact that cracks in the stucco are an indication of cracks or other defects in the wall underneath for where there are no wall cracks the stucco is solid and apparently as good as the day it was placed, even though only of lime mortar . . . . No etucco has fallen without an evidence of there first having been a crack. 46

The 4000 rammed earth houses previously mentioned, which were built in India as were protected with a portland cement a portion of an emergency housing program, was reported as completely satisfactory. The stucco stucco which, after four years, was composed of a 1: 15 cement sand mixture applied over a cement wash of 1: 3 cement Results of experiments without the cement wash as an undercoating water mixture. when one-half inch thick stucco bond were not satisfactory; with the undercoating, the adhesive strength was determined to be a was placed between two sample blocks, minimum of 12 pounds per square inch. Dagga-Mud Plaster

Dagga is a mud plaster that has been used over earth walls for many centuries under many names. In dry climates or when well proin many parts of the world, tected from driving rains and sharp mechanical injury natural dagga plaster will Often striking colors may be secured from various colored clays. last indefinitely. One form used in the southwestern portion of the United States of America, satisfaction contains enough fine sand so that the plaster will which has given The sand and clay are screened through a No. 12 sieve (an dry without checking. The actual volume of clay to sand is approximately three ordinary fly screen). Since almost any clay contains sand in considerable parts of sand to one of clay. often is approximated by mixing two measures of quantities the proper mixture sand to one of average sandy clay subsoils. If the proportion of sand in the clay is not known, trialmixtures can be made and applied to the wall upon which they are to be used. If they do not check in from two to four days and the bond is good it is probable that they will be satisfactory, with the limitations mentioned above. Because of these limitations, efforts have heen made to improve dagga so as to take advantage of one of its most desirable characteristics--its similarity to the material in *the wall itself. Two methods for improvement have been satisfactory in many instances. In the first, dagga plaster is stabilized by adding asphalt emulsion. In the other, portland cement (or sometimes lime ) is added. Oil might also perform satisfactoriiy 38 an admixture. In adding asphalt emulsion it has been found that quantities ranging from onehalf to one gallon of emulsion per 100 pounds of dry soil usually suffice when mixed with the mixing water. The proper proportions can be determined. by mixing trial batches and testing them for cracking, adhesion, and weathering qualities in the same manner as discussed for walls. Xn India, a plaster of this type withstood the following test: A spray of water under a head of twelve feet played on the specimens continuously for six days after which they were subjected to alternate wetting and drying (wetting at night and drying during the day) for 50 days. No moisture penetration into the surface was observed. No reduction in the original adhesion resulted. 47

When portland cement is used with dagga resonable satisfaction is often excement-s o il ratios not exceeding 10 percent by volume. Actually perienced with the mix should be as weak as practical. In Africa, a soil which has inherent stabilizing properties is used with sand and very low lime and cement content. It is called never exceeding one to eight by volume. Dutch Plaster. Lime isusedinproportions If the lime is a poor quality a small percentage of cement is added, not often exceeding one third of the volume of lime. Although stabilized dagga plasters are sometimes applied with mechanical bonds as discussed above under stucco, they are often applied directly to the wall, usually in two thin coats. The wall is dampened before the first coat is applied and the dagga is kept moist during the early curing period. Mud Paint Especially in using adobe, it is sometimes desired to treat the walls in sornim their appearance, even though additional protection is not manner to improve One such simple treatment consists of applying a light coat of very necessary. 5uid soil, the same as used to make the wall, using a wet cloth or burlap. This smooths the wall and removes protruding mortar from the joints, leaving all bricks neatly outlined. Wall Paints for durable finishes on protection or improved

Although painting has not been considered satisfactory earth walls this method of providing at least temporary appearance has widespread use.

Natural (unstabilized) walls may be treated with waterproofing materials such as boiled linseed oil or tung oil. Sodium silicate may be applied. Parrafin dissolved in bensine and sprayed at a temperature of 700F has been used. Commercial grades of masonry waterproofing have been applied. A cheap whitewash finish may be made by adding 5 pounds of casein glue to 2 gallons of boiling water and disolving 3 lbs. of trisodium phosphate with 3 gallons of water. Then both are mixed together and, to this mixture, is added a lime paste made of 50 lbs. of hydrated lime in 8 gallons of water stirring the whole mixture thoroughly. Just before. using, add 3 pints of formaldehyde dissolved in 3 gallons of water. The whatewash can be colored to any tint by the addition of dry pigment. Apply only to shady side of wall by spraying --or work on cloudy days. In dry weather spray wall with water to allow mixture to cure slowly. Portland cement washes have been used on earth walls. In this method loose particles are brushed from the surface and the wall is primed with a brush coat of white portland cement mixed with water, one sack of cement to six gallons of water. The coating is kept damp for five or six days until fully set and then painted with any good oil base paint or a second coat of cement wash, tinted as desired. One would expect that, except for color, natural portland cement would be as effective an ingredient as the white cement mentioned above. 48

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Surfaces of rammed earth walls in Southern Rhodesia are successfully sprayed with a bitumastic emulsion and, when tacky, are harled with clean sharp sand thrown against the wall. The sand, then, provides a surface for a cement wash. A method of using oil paints on asphalt stabilized earth which has been recommended by some authorities is to apply one coat of asphalt base aluminum paint to with the emulsion in the the clean dry surfaces. The asphalt base is compatible wall. The aluminum flakes in the paint lie flat and overlap thus preventing leeching The surface presented by the aluminum paint through of the asphalt in the wall. is believed to be suitable for oil painted finish. of the kind of painted wall finishes under consideration it is well Regardless that the final finish is a property of both the character of the wall to remember and the character of the finish. Because of the variables involved probably the only sure test of a painted finish is the test of time. Accelerated laboratory tests may help. A simple field test which gives some sort of a relative approximation is to prepare samples with and without the proposed painted finishes and to then immerse The length of time that the specimens resist the water being the them in water. criterion. Painted ii. the finish, finishes which do not perform are difficult well. to apply, thus often resulting in pin holes

A common plant which grows wild and in abundance in many tropical countries a hard elastic white called Euphorbia lactea, a form of rubber plant, will provide film on earth walls which is said to give considerable protection from tropical storms. Cuttings from the plant chopped up ina container exude a sticky liquid which is dashed on the walls. Often it is mixed with lime before using. A form of cactus Caution South Africa. reported to be toxic. Interior Finishes of the Optuntia family should be exercised or Agave in using leaves are similarly the materials since used in they are

Coverings on the interior sides of earth walls are not as critical as the protective covers often necessary on the outside wall faces. In addition to whitewash, which usually needs annual touching up, finishes range from cold water paints, oil paints, through common commercial plaster. Often, of course, no finish is considered necessary. On rammed earth walls painted finishes may be applieg directly to the wall, or if desired, over dagga plaster applied as discussed elsewhere in the paper and as used frequently on adobe walls. Dagga plaster is often left exposed without other finish especially when the color of soil used in making the plaster results in an attractive appearing final product. In this case, waterproof glue is often used to reduce the amount of dusting on many types of interior walls. It may be made of six parts of cottage cheese and one part of quicklime with sufficient water to make it 5ow smoothly. It is transparent and thus retains the color ofthe earth.

Psrzzolana A pozzolana may be defined as a material which, though not ccmentitious of contains silicious constituents which will combine with lime at ordinary itself, temperatures to form cementing products related to those in portland cement. Poaeolana has been to flat and vaulted masonry found type to be especially roofs. satisfactory for providing a finish

Pozzolana is suitable as a mortar and as a stucco rendering. In earth construction poazolanas may be valuable because they donot develop the higher ultimate strengths of, for instance, portland cement. A Test of Paint Finishes

In a recent study of surface painted finishes for bitumen stabilized walls, outlined in Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 14, March 1954,* experiences reported in Colonial Building Notes found, generally, that: brush applied surface finishes such type distempers, as lime wash, exterior bituminous emulsions, polyvinyl acetate emulsions (flat finishes), and styrene emulsions in general showed high permeability to water (with bituminous emulsions variable) and in general high resistance to bleeding of bitumen (the exceptions were distempers and alkyd emulsions ). Porous finishes tested were cement paints and colorless waterproofers. Both showed high permeability to water and cement paints showed high resistance to bleeding. Oil paints had a low water permeability factor and poor resistance to bleeding. Bitumen and tar paints had low permeability and, of course, resisted bleeding.





One of the greatest advantages of earth in construction is the fact that the wide range of methods by which it may be used permits almost any soil to fall within one of the many catagories as a building material. This very fact, of course, becomes, in a sense, a disadvantage to the designer. He must treat the wide range of resulting products almost as though they were separate and distinct building materials rather than one material--earth. Common Properties of Earth

Thus, only a few basic properties are common to all or most types of earth from test made by the National Bureau of construction. For instance, it is known, Standards, United States of America, Department of Commerce,* that the thermal asphalt stabilized adobe, and monolithic rammed conductivitie s of natural adobe, earth walls are in the range expected for sand and gravel concrete. It might also be expected that blocks compacted by pressure in machines would show similar characteristics. Although weights vary according to soil texture and compaction, typical samples of adobe (natural and stabilized) anri rammed earth may be expected to range from 140 down to 100 pounds per cubic foot. Some commonly accepted strength requirements for natural earth construction are in the range of 300 pounds per square inch in compression and 50 pounds per square inch in tension or shear. Although these factors vary with soil types and may be effected by stabilization, they are obviously lower than the usual for concrete. For the structural design of walls of earth, recommendations range from a of 6 to one of 10, thus permitting an extremely low or zero stress factor of safety in tension or shear. Therefore it often becomes necessary to provide comparatively thick walls or introduce reinforcement. Many authorities recommend that walls of unstabilized earth be limited to one story and suggest a wall thickness of one-eight to one-tenth of the wall height, under average circumstances, unless otherwise substantiated by responsible tests. In this connection it should be noted that, among other instances, heavy two story adobe construction is used in the southwestern part of the United States of America, and that comparatively thin walls of machine made, pressure compacted blocks have been quite extensively used in many areas. It is earth in be less instance ,
l BMs-7a

well for monolithic dependent adobe.

the designer to remember, other things being equal, that rammed form or earth compacted into blocks under pressure appear to upon good drying weather during the curing period than, for


material in areas of inexpensive Earth is at its best, costwise, as a building materials, since the materials fdr earth labor and high costs of other_ _ building construction cost little or nothing. It would appear that the labor requirement per cubic foot of wall is something in the neighborhood of: for poured adobe about l/4 for hand tamped rammed earth 3/8 man hour; for adobe brick l/2 man man hour; hour; and for hand operated machine made pressure compacted blocks about l/2 man hour. Design Considerations

When the designer gets down to cases he will decide whether to use rammed material and compacted blocks, adobe, or cob as a construction earth, pressure whether or not a protective covering will be necessary, or the kind and amount of he will stabilizer, if any, that is to be used. In order to best make these decisions use information from simple field tests and laboratory investigations and his knowledge of local desires, customs, building practices, costs, and climatic conditions. In a dry or semi-arid area he ma.y determine, for instance, that the use of If climatic conditions made it advisable natural adobe would be most practical. of a stabilizing admixture to the soil and the economy permitted it, the addition Perhaps rammed earth or compacted blocks with might result in the best solution. or without a protective finish or a stabilizing agent would be the best answer in an area where proper drying periods for adobe brick were uncertain. If earth had previously been used in a particular manner he might decide to continue that method and meet the standards he had set through the introduction of better techniques. Thus it is possible that improved cob, poured adobe, or wattle and daub might offer In any instance earth might be the only hope for immediate shelter improvement. introduced to make practical floors or roofs. Once a decision is made he will, on the basis of technical information available to him, prepare specifications outlining the manner in whxh the earth is to be used and the quality controlled. Structurally, he will be interested mainly in compressive absorption, moisture content, and resistance to erosion, strength, modulus of rupture, as reported by a responsible testing laboratory using recognized testing methods or-in those rare cases where he decides togo on his own --as determined by short cut as previously outlined for making early investigations. In either case field tests, he must be fully aware of the limitations as well as the advantages of earth as a building material. General Design Practices

Of course, earth construction should be located on -well drained sites, free from Goading. Impervious masonry is desirable to a height above the finish grade which will prevent possible erosion from the splash* of rain water and reduce capillarity. In certain instances stabilized earth has shown such qualities under test as to be suMable for this purpose with, perhaps, unstabilized earth above. In any event a damp proof course of suitable material shouldbe placed in the wall below the finished floor line to prevent capillarity above. In the absence of typical damp proofing 52

slate or other dense local material may be built into the wall for the material, If a protective wall finish is to be placed on the surface of the walls it is purpose. so as to take the finish considered advisable to project the impervious masonry A substantial foundation and footing, designed for the unit compressive cove ring. soil bearing capacity, is essential. In monolithic earth construction it appears that the amount of shrinkage varies with the amount of moisture in soil when it was placed. In any event vertical shrinkage cracks often seem to appear at fairly regular intervals along monolithic walls. in this case, vertical construction joints can be so placed in the walls as to take care of the cracks. Although it has not been adopted as regular practice, some authorities so design that any wall spans over eight feet in length are broken by a joint which would control the cracking, if any, to a regular pattern. It is well to bevel or round of the walls to reduce the possibility of injury to the sharp the external angles corners by impact. Vertical shrinkage resembling settlement occurs in most types struction at the rate of about one inch per 10 feet of height of wall. Jn this is a result of curing of the wall while in adobe block it probably To allow for this, door and window frames drying out of the mortar. .;et as to leave a clearance between the top of the frame and the lintel the opening so that the structure may later settle down on the tops One method used in bolting roof plates to drill holes in the top of the wall, place bolts length protruding, and grout them in. A layer which may be placed at this time, wall, precaution against moisture penetration. In not to continue the earth wall over the tops arranged as to avoid it. of earth conrammed earth results from are often so or plate above of the frames.

to the top of well bonded earth walls is in them head down with the necessary of cement mortar over the top of the is often recommended as an additional one story construction it is desirable of the openings if the design can be so

Even under the most favorable conditions, accepted practices place a maximum length of one story wall at 25 feet between masonry cross walls unless buttresses are provided. It also seems customary to limit openings in any length of wall to 35 percent of the length of wall and to establish a minimum of three feet of wall between openings or between opening and corner* Lintels, if any, usually bear at least nine lineal inches on each end of wall. Wall chases are often limited to allow a minimum of a 1 O-inch thick section of wall exclusive of the cut. One possible exception to any generalization as to construction standards is the wall, built up of comparatively small units, laid dry without mortar, often of small, special shaped machine made compacted earth blocks, and sometimes only nine inches thick. Special care must be observed in a wall of this nature to avoid eccentric loading and to limit wall lengths and slenderness ratios in an appropriate manner. of Some earth. design In dry practices appear to have been and semi-arid regions parapet quite walls widely adopted are introduced. f o r houses If so, they

should be carefully flashed, tops protected, and care should water as does fall on the roofs wellout from the wall. ln less earths are often given protection from weathering by extending distance from the wall, while in rainy areas, many authorities gives complete protection from the rains at all seasons. In Earthquake Areas

be taken to direct such arid areas unstabilized the roof a considerable insure that the design

Since earth wall construction has lower unit structural strength than many where earthquake resistance is a deciding factor standard construction materials, other materials might well be employed. However, in the opinion of some authorities well bonded earth will withstand seismic loads of moderate intensity if properly incorporated into a building of low, compact, and regular plan. In this case well bonded bearing walls should have a slenderness ratio not greater than 8. The foundations should be monolithic and a substantial continuous reinforced concrete bond beam should be placed on top of the wall bonded to all wall plates. Lightweight ceilings and roofs shouldbe used, with the trusses or rafters and joists tied together and so placed on the plate as to avoid eccentric wall loading. Ceilings (and roofs) should brs anchored to both side andend walls and constructedto serve as diaphragms to resist distortion.


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ADOBE: when mixed with water to a plastic consistency Any kind of clay soil which, (sometimes with a mechanical binder), can be made into a part of a structure. A structure made of such clay. AZ ARAS: Split palm trunks used as earth mix reinforcement in the construction of floors and flat or domed roofs in the arid zones of West Africa. Aearas are approximately 8 feet long. BAUGE: A mixture consisting of clay soil and straw, used for building earth walls between forms. (French) CAJON: type of earth wall construction in which a clay soil mix of appropriate consistency is used in the form of wall panels supported by a structural wall frame. (Spanish) COB: Walls built of a fairly stiff mixture of clay soil, water, andsmall quantities of The mix is applied in consecutive straw or other suitable mechanical binders. the wall faces being pared down as the layers without the use of shuttering, work proceeds. Cob walls have also been built of a mixture of crushed chalk and water. DAGGA: A mixture of clay and sand used as a mortar in laying up earth blocks and as a plaster to protect the walls. Often stabilizing admixtures are added. DAUB: A rough coating of clay mortar applied by hand or trowel to both sides of a supporting framework of lathing or brushwork to form thin walls. DUTCH PLASTER: used in Africa, made of soil possessing inherent stabilizing A dagga plaster, cement content. properties mixed with sand, often with a very low lime and/or LATERITIC SOILS (LATERITES): Aeolian clay soils formed under tropical climatic conditions by the weathering of igneous rocks, usually of basic composition. They consist chiefly of hydroxides of iron and aluminum. LATER12 ATION: The process of weathering whereby rocks are converted into laterites. LIQUID LIMIT: That moisture content in percent of dry soil weight at which the soil changes from a plastic to a liquid state. MAXIMUM DENSITY: See Optimum Moisture Content. MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP: Used to determine the percent of moisture in a soil at which the maximum density can be obtained for a given compaction effort.


MONOLITHIC ADOBE: term is often used to indicate cob. At other times it refers This to Poured Adobe. MUD CONCRETE: See Poured Adobe. MUD WALLING: See Cajon and Nogging. NOGGING brick, or concrete masonry used to fill in the open spaces of a Rough earth, structural frame. OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT (MAXIMUM DENSITY ): Under a constant force of compaction the density of a soil-cement mixture varies as the moisture content of the mixture varies. If the moisture contents are plotted against corresponding dry densities the points will usually form a parabolic the peak of which will indicate optimum moisture content and maximum curve, density. OSIERS: A form of wattle made of willow branches and dry wood rods which are woven into a basket-like frame to receive a plaster of plastic earth. PI&de-TERRE: The French term for rammed earth. PLASTIC CONSISTENCY: That moisture cor;.@ent at which a mixture will begin to flow together in mixing. PLASTIC LIMIT: That moisture content in percent of dry soil weight at which the soil changes from a solid to a plastic state. PL,%STICITY INDEX: The numerical difference in the moisture content of the plastic and liquid limits, PLATING : A technique combining stabilized earth with common rammed earth by placing a thin cement-stabilized soil mix against the outward side of the formwork (forming the exterior wall face), the remainderbeing compacted with an ordinary unstabilized soil mix. Plating techniques. may also be used in the manufacture of earth blocks. POURED ADOBE: of a fairly moist consistency enabling it to A mixture of clay, soil, and water, be cast between formwork and thenleft to dry. The process of casting may either be carried out in one operation to full wall height, or in successive operations by means of climbing formwork. Ftocks are often embedded in the earth. PGZZOLANA: A mixture which, though not cementitious in itself, will combine with lime to form cementing products. PRESSURE COMPACTED MACHINE MADE BLOCKS: Earth formed into building units by pressure, in hand operated or power driven presses, which are capable of exerting high pressures, applied by means of levers and linkages. Pressures of 1000 to 1500 pounds per square inch are not uncommon in forming the blocks. 56

PRESSURE STABILIZED: Earth which has been stabilized by pressure. RAMMED EARTH: A mixture of sandy clay soil and water, of a slightly moist consistency enabling it to be compacted between shuttering for monolithic walls or in moulds for individual blocks. Ramming may be carried out by either hand or making machine. SHRINKAGE LIMIT: That moisture content expressed in percent of dry soil weight below which a change in moisture content causes no change in volume of the soil mass. SOD HOUSES (Soddys ): Houses with walls and perhaps roof constructed of close matted sod cut into Usually laid in the wall with grassy side down. Used extensively in blocks. early days of the development of the Great Plains area of the United States of America. SOIL-CEMENT (Lime) MIXTURE: A mixture of soil and cement or soil and lime to produce a building material which will develop the desired properties after proper curing. STABILIZED EARTH: A mixture of sandy clay soils, water, anda limited quantity of certain stabilizing agents added to increase the strength, hardness, and moisture resistance of the material for structural purposes. Commonly used stabilizers include sand, and bituminous emulsions. Stabilized earth is used for lime, Portland cement, both shuttered wall and block or brick wall construction, apart from its wide application to road construction work. STABILIZER (Stabilizing Agent or Admixture): Materials which, when mixed with immediately available earth, increase the weather resistant qualities of the product. Compressive strength may or may not be effected. STANDARD CONSISTENCY: A mixture which contains the optimum moisture content. (A soil-cement mixture at standard consistency will feel damp in the, hands and will form a cast when squeezed that will stick together when handled.) STANDARD STABILIZER CONTENT: The stabilizer content is usually referred to as a percentage by volume of the compacted or puddled specimen. SWISH: A term applied in the Gold Coast inore often than not to laterite. SHWISHCRETE: Swish (laterite) mixed with cement for use in construction. TAPIA: A form of adobe used in parts of Africa ,and Trinidad using a strong fibrous grass, often Sporobolus indicus, cut into short lengths, as a mechanical binder. TERONI: A form of construction similar to adobe brick and soddys in its application in which a sod block is cut in its natural bed in marsh lands and, after sun curing, is laidup in a wall, (A church built of Teroni in Albuquerque, New MexicoD in 1621 is still standing in good condition). 57

TERRACRETE: An earth mixture containing portland cement as a stabilizer. TORCHIS: mixture consisting of claysoil and cow hair, used for building daub walls. (French) TUBALI: A West African term for hand-made, pear-shaped bricks* made from a mix and short pieces of fresh or dried grass. Tubalis consisting of clay soil, water, are laid with their wide base downward in a bed of mortar, three, four or more Consecutive courses are placed with their bases interlocking between abreast. Tubali walls are built with a taper. the pointed tops of the lower course. VIGAS: Poles used as rafters for earth roof construction. WATTLE: A twig or flexible rod. A frame made of such rods. WATTLE AND DAUB: A woven frame of wattle which is smeared or daubed with plastic earth, the operation being continued until all construction cracks are filled.



Adhesion of Plaster, Stucco, and Mortar to Various Structural Backings. Bulletin Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacks NO. 68, Engineering Experiment Station, burg, Va. Alhambra, Calif., 1946. 40 pp. Adobe . George W. Ramirez, Its Design and Construction. W. E. Groben. U. S. Forest Adobe ArchitectureDepartment of Agriculture, Washington 25, D. C., Pub. M-5123, 1941. Service, Colorado Agricultural Experimental Adobe as a Building Material for the Plains. Station, Fort Collins, <;olo., Bulletin 174, 1910. Adobe as a Construction Material in Texas. E. L. Harrington. Texas Engineering Texas, Bulletin No. 90. 1945. Experiment Station, College Station, Adobe as a Historical Source. Agricultural History, Chicago, Ill., July, 1931. Services, Adobe Brick Construction. Morris M. Sparks. U. S. Office of Technical 1951.13pp.Bibliographyonpp.9-l3.(PB105844). Washington 25, D. C., December, Construction Methods, New York, pp. 98- 100, Adobe Brick Stabilized with Asphalt.* April, 1948. News Record, New York, pp. Adobe Brick Stabilized with Asphalt. Engineering 132-133, January 22, 1948. Adobe Construction. J. D. Long. University of California, Berkeley, Calif., Bulletin 472, Revised 1946. Available free from Agricultural Extension Service, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. College of Agriculture, Adobe Construction .I Harold C. Schwalen. Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, Mich., pp. 387-389, September, 1936. Adobe-Construction Branch Libraries--Kern County Free Library, Bakersfield, California. D. Knief. Library Journal, New York, pp. 1 OO- 101, February 1, 1939. Illus. Nations Schools, Chicago, Ill., pp. 33 Adobe Has Its Place, Too. C. A. Popkin. and 39-40, September, 1944. Adobe House. John W. Byers, Architect and Engineer, San Francisco, Calif., pp. 12-25, October, 1946. Country Life, Vernon, B. C., pp. 71-72, October, Adobe House . A. H. Verrill. 1927. Illus. Adobe House Around a Patio in Los Altos, California--P. L. Bernhard Home. American Home, New York, p. 28, August, 1940. Zlus. House Beautiful, New York, pp. 60-62, Adobe House Electrical . E. E. Wbitehorne. January, 1922. Illus ., plans. Adobe or Sun-Dried Brick for Farm Buildings.* Farmers Bulletin No. 1720, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington 25, D. C., 1934. Christian Science Monitor Magazine, Boston, Adobe Renaissance . R. F. Welch. Mass., p* 4, July 24, 1948. The Adobe Sweetpotato Storage House in Arizona. F. J. Crider and D. W. Albert. Available from Arizona Agricultural University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Experimental station, Tucson, Arizona. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 18, Aided Self-Help in Housing Improvement. International Housing Activities Staff, U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington 25, D. C. Revised January, 1955. 59 *Prepared

by the HUD library.

*Ancient Adobe Restored--Winter Home of S. C.Hamilton, Santa Fe. L. L. Cassidy. Sunset, Menlo Park, Calif. pp. 54-55, September 1928. Illus. of Soil Cement to Low-Cost House and Farm Construction. (No. *Application Available from Portland Cement Association, 33 Grand Avenue, SCB-13). Chicago, Ill. (Free in United States and Canada). of Soil Stabilization to Low-Cost Housing. Chas. Biggs and The Application Princeton Humbert Causing. Princeton, N. J., 133 pp. (MS thesis in Engineering, University). Bibliography, pp- 129-133. Arizona Adobe House with the Old Mesa Spirit--Home of B. J. 0. Norfeldt, Santa Arts & Decoration, New York, p. 72, July, 1927. Fe . Arts and Uses of Adobe. T. Conner. House Beautiful. New York, pp. 78-79, January, 1922. Illus. Turned Architect--Millard Sheets Creates Modern Rammed Earth Home at M. H. Rector. American Home, New York, pp. 38-39, Claremont, California.* June 1944. Illus. Block Used with Post and Girder Frame. Southwest Asphalt Stabilized Adobe Builder and contractor, Los Angeles, Calif., pp. 18-19, September 22, 1950. Queensland Agricultural Journal, Brisbane, Australia, Attractive Pise Dwelling. August 1937. Basic Principles of Soil-Cement Mixtures. Frank T. Sheets and Miles D. Catton. Engineering News Record, New York, June 23, 1938. Housing and Town and Country Planning Bulletin Bibliography. Special Issue. No. 4, United Nations, New York, pp. 5-67, Obtober 1950. (See Rammed Earth. Special Is sue --this bibliography). Bitudobe Block Construction.* American Bituminous Company, Baltimore, Maryland. T. Samaha, Bourge-Hammond, Beirut, Lebanon. Bituminous Adobe Bricks . Melhem (Unpublished manuscript). Stanford University Press, Stanford Build Your Own Adobe . Paul and Doris Aller. California 1946. 110 pp. with Mud. Building Rural New Yorker, New York, p. 167, February 8, 1930. Rammed Earth or Pise de Terre. Blair Action Burrows. *Building with Mud, Toronto, Canada, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, n. d. 46 pp. Built by Hand with Bitudobe. James R. Brugger. American Home, New York, pp. 148-150, April 1950. A. H. Verrill. Scientific American, New York, pp. llO- I1 1, August Built of Mud. 1930. Illus. S. MacDowell. Sunset, Menlo Park, Calif., p. 23, February Castles of Mud. 1926. Illus. A Cheap Coating of Unstabilized Earth Walls. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 2, Item J, International Housing Activities Staff, U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington 25, D. C., December 8, 1952. *A Cheap Hard Floor of Earth Stabilized with Portland Cement. Ideas and Methods Housing Activities Staff, U. S. Housing and Home Exchange No. 1, International Finance Agency, Washington 25, D. C., November 1952. Clay Soil Unfavorable for Rammed Earth Walls. Ralph L. Patty. Brookings, South Dakota, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Experiment Station South Dakota State College,March 1936. 23 pp. (Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 29 8).


Cohesion in Colloidal Soils . F. Hardy. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge, England, pp. 430-433, NO. 4, 1925. A_a Comparison Method and the Pipette Method for Making of the Hydrometer of Soils with New Direction. George J. Buoyoucos, Mechanical Analyses Journal of the American Society of Agronomy, Washington, D. C., pp. 747-751, 1930. La Construction en Beton de Terre. Bureau Central dEtudes pour les Equip-, ments dOutre-Mer, Service de ZHabitat, Paris 1952. 66 pp. and Clay. Clough Williams-Ellis, New York, Cottage Building in Cob, Chalk Charles Scribners Sons, 1920. Demonstration of Stabilized Mud Brick in Egyptian Village Housing. Arthur D. 25, D. C., September Inc.. U. S. D e par tm en t of State, Washington Little, 1953. G. Anthony Atkinson. Housing and Town Design and Construction in the Tropics.* and Country Planning, Bulletin No. 6, United Nations, New York, pp. 7-22, January 1952. Determining Colloids in Soil for Rammed Earth Construction. Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, Mich., July 1935. of Earth Building Blocks. John Edward Kirkham. Engineering Development Oklahoma A & M College, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Publication Experiment Station. No. 46, October 1940. R. L. Holman. Colliers, New York, p. 45, February 3, 1945. Dirt Cheap Houses. Illus. California Citograph, Los Angeles, Calif ., July 1945. **Dream in Adobe. American Home, New York, July 1947. Earth Blocks by %uddling, Elbert Hubbell, Education Division, Office of Indian Earth Brick Construction, Printed at Chilocco Agricultural U. S. Department of the Interior. Affairs, School, Chilocco, Oklahoma, 1943. 50 $ Earth Manual--A Manual on the Use of Earth Materials for Foundation and ConU. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo., 1951. 332 pp. struction Purposes. Choice of Soil and Methods of Construction, Earth Wall Construction. Part I NO. SB13, no date. Part II Rammed Earth, No. SB18, June 1951. Part III Adobe Blocks (Puddled Earth) No. SB20, no date. Part IV Stabilized Earth, No. SB22, March 1952. on the Science of Building published by the Commonwealth All 4 are Notes Department of Works and Housing, Chatswood, Experimental Building Station, N.S.W., Australia, P. 0. Box 30. Earth Wall Construction: Pise or Rammed Earth, Adobe or Puddled Earth, Commonwealth Experimental Stabilized Earth. G. F. Middleton. Sydney, 1952. 46 pp. (Australia Commonwealth Experimental Building Building Station, Station Bulletin No. 5). Supersedes Duplicated document No. 28. References on pp. 45-46. Treatise on Tapia and Pise Walls .* E. Gilman, The Economical Builder --A Washington, D. C., 1939. Effect of Soil Texture upon the physical Characteristics of Adobe Bricks. Harold C. Schwalen, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Technical Bulletin 58, 1935. Available free from the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station, Tucson, Arizona. 61

Patio Type Adobe Dwelling in Desert Sand. Design by Frank Paso, Texas-Lloyd Wright. Architectural Forum, New York, pa 97, January 1948. H. M. Stationery Office, London, England, Experimental Cottages . W. R. Jaggard. 1921. Experimental Features on Public Housing Projects. Frank J-Duane. U. S. Federal public Housing Authority, Washington 25, D. c., 1945 22 pp Experimental Results with Rammed Earth Construction. Agricultural Engineering, St. Jdseph, Mich., November 1934. Experiments in Rammed Earth Construction. U. S. Department of Agriculture, (Succeeded by the Farmers Home AdminisFarm Security Administration. November 1938. Reprinted June 1942. 8 pp. tration), Washington 25, De C., (FSA Pub. 59). Experimental Soil-Cement Stabilization at Sheboygan, Michigan. Reprint Series No. 12, 1938, Department of Engineering Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 32 pp. 50$ American Society for Testing Materials, Extracts - - 1944 Book of ASTM Standards.* Philadelphia, Pa. A Fundamental Approach to the Stabilization of Cohesive Soils . H. F. Winter Proceedings of Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C., 1948. korn. pp. 415-422. Fundamental Similarities between Electra-Osmotic and Thermo-Osmotic Phenomena. H. F. Winterkorn. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Washington, D. G., December 1947. pp. 443-455. E. Roorbach. Arts and Decoration, New York, Grandaddy of the Old Dude Ranch. pp. 28-30, June 1937. Illus. American Home, Gumption Story No. 6- - This $1,020 Home Took Git Up and Get. New York, May 1941. Hard Surfaced Floors for Farm Buildings. Bulletin 393, J. L. Wiersma. DepartSouth Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, ment of Agriculture Engineering, Brookings, South Dakota, May 1949. He Built His House on Weekends. House Beautiful, New York, March 1946. Hearths of Santa Fe. R. L. Barket. House and Garden, New York, p. 86, February 1927. Heavy Rain Test. In Water Permeability of Masonry Walls, BMS 7, National Bureau of Standards, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C., 1938. p. 12. Historic Hacienda Grande, San Diego. C. Emery. Sunset, Menlo Park, Calif., pp. 50-51, September 1926. Illus. Home Integrated with Creative Arts and Crafts--C and P Bolsius Home, Tucson, B. M. Wadsworth. School Arts, Worcester, Mass., pp. 229-232, Arizona. March 1944. Homes Built of Rammed Earth. Compressed Air Magazine, Phillipsburg, N. J., March 1927. Homes of Earth. Jacob L. Crane. United Nations, New York, 1951 (?I, 12 pp. Issued for 1950 West Indian Conference. House Adobe Built .* Travel, New York, June 1945. House of Earth in New Mexico.* F. Glidden. American Home, New York, p. 32, November 1937. Illus. House That Ben Built in Mesilla Park, New Mexico.** L. C. Rutz. American Home New York, pp* 95-96, May 1940. Illus. El


Alabama. Architectural Record, New York, Houses Built of Earth, Birmingham, October 1936. Houses Built of Rammed Earth. Literary Digest, New York, p. 21, April 24, 1920. Illus. Earth Building. S. Robinson. Rotarian, Chicago, Houses Dirt Cheap-- Rammed Ill., pp. 24-27, August 1939. Illus. Robert C. Cook. New Republic, New York, pp. 328-330, September Houses of Earth. 6, 1943. A. B. Lee, Box 171, Washington, D. C., 1937. 44 pp. Houses of Earth.* Houses of Mud. J. W. Porter. Scientific American, New York, p= 233, April 1924. Illus. U. S. Department of Agriculture, ResetHouses of Rammed Earth Construction. tlement Administration, Washington, D. C., n. d., 4 pp. (Out of Print). Farwell Bemis Foundation, MIT, Cambridge, Housing Bulletin No. 2 of the Albert including : Mass., of Soil by Means of ,Chemicals. Supervisor, Prof. T. William 1. Solidification Lambe. 2. Stabilization of Soi!s with Calcium Acrylatc. Reprint from Journal of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 38, No. 2, April 1951. 3. The Stabilization of Soils by In-Situ Polymerization. Presented before the American Society of Civil Engineers in New York, October 26, 1951. Report by the National Building and Housing Board de Terre. Housing in Pise Office of the High Commissioner for Southern Rhodesia, to the Secretary, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. How Germans Build Mud Houses.* Popular Science, New York, p. 93, November 1947. New York, American Book Company, How the World is Housed. A. G. Carpenter. 1930. HOW to Build a California Adobe. Mark R. Harrington. Los Angeles, W. Ritchie Press, 1948. 57 pp. References on pp. 56-57. George C. Follis and Louis E. How to Build Adobe and Concrete Block Houses. Dobson. Culver City, California, Murray & Gee, 1948. 32 pp. John Edward Kirkham. Engineering Experiment How to Build Your Home of Earth. Station Publication No. 54, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1943. How to Build Your Own Home of Earth. Oklahoma Engineering Experiment Station, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Publication No. 64, 1946. HOW to Sling Mud Constructively. H. R. C,hapin. Better Homes and Gardens, Des Moines, Iowa, pp. 14-15, January 1941. Illus. plans. The Hydrometer as a New and Rapid Method for Determining the Colloidal Content George John Bouyoucos. Soil Science, Baltimore, Md., p. 319, of Soils . April 1927. The Hydrometer as a New Method for the Mechanical Analysis of Soils. George John Bouyoucos. Soil Science, Baltimore, Md., p. 343, May 1927. I Wanted an Adobe House. V. Fincke. Arts and Decoration, New York, pp. 26-28, October 1937. Illus. Importance of Volume Relationships in Soil Stabilization.* H. F. Winterkorn and A. N. Dutta Choudbury. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C., December 1949, pp. 553-560. Improve Physical Properties of Clays by Controlling pH Values. H. G. Scherecht. Brick & Clay Record, Chicago, Ill., pp. 18-21, March, 1938. _ -. 63

Investigation of Soils and Building Techniques for Rammed Earth Construction. Edsel J. Burkhart, Texas Engineering Experiment Station, College Station, Texas, Research Report No. 6, 1949. Compressive Strength of Soil-Cement Mixtures.* * Investigation of the Unconfined U. S. Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss., Technical Memorandum NO. 187-1, February 1942. *Laboratory Experiments with Lime-Soil Mixtures. A. Morgan Johnson. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C., December 1948. Lime as an Admixture for Bases and Subgrades. K. B. Woods. Presented at the 3 1st Annual Convention of the National Lime Association, Washington, D. C ., May 1949. Low Cost Houses. India, Building Research Unit. Roorkee, U. P., September 1949. 44 pp. (B.R.U. Bulletin No. 1). Making Mechanical Analyses of Soils in Fifteen Minutes. George John Bouyoucas. Soil Science, Baltimore, Md., p. 473, June 1928. Mansions from Mud. Popular Mechanics, Chicago, Ill., p. 107, November 1947. Illus. Machine for Making Stabilized Earth or Sand-Cement Bricks. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 10, Item F, International Housing Activities Staff, U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington 25, D. C., July 1953. NPW York. p. 218, Mansions of Mud. J. L. Von Blon. Scientific American, February 28, 1920. Illus. A Method of Soil Section and Job Control for Ramm ed Earth Construction. Civil Engineering Department, Texas Agricultural A thesis by Alva E. Koch, and Mechanical College, College Station, Texas. Minimurn Property Requirements for Properties of One or TWO Living Units. U. S. Federal Housing Administration. Phoenix, Arizona Insuring Office, Section Section 406-I; Albuquerque, California Insuring Office, 406-I; Los Angeles, Section 406-I; Houston and San Antonio, Texas New Mexico Insuring Office, Insuring Offices, Section 406-O. Modern Pioneers in Arizona. American Home, New York, October 1945. Sunset, Menlo Park, Calif., pp. 68-70, Modernizing the Adobe . M. Brownfield. October 1920. Illus. Scientific American, New York, pp. 174-175, More Mud Houses. K. J. Ellington. March 1925. Illus. Sun s e t, Menlo Park, Calif., pp. 64-66, Inglebys Adobe.* A. L. Murray. Mrs. November 1922. Process Revives Ancient Building Mud House Comes Back-- New Weatherproofing New York, p. 30, June 1937. Illus. Popular Science, Art. M. 0. Williams. Sunset, Menlo Park, Calif., Mud House Won a National Rise. pp. 50-51, October 1928. Illus. --Detroit Co-op Builds Rammed Earth Homes. Business Week, Mud Mansions New York, pp. 63-64, December 12, 1942. Illus. A Mud Ranch House Designed by a California Engineer. R. M. Gray. Agriculhrral Engineering, St. Joseph, Mich., p. 276, 1926. Floors for the Farm Poultry House.* R. L. Patty New Hard Surfaced 42, 1943. The Department of Agricultural and L. F. Larsen, Circular No. South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Brookings, South Engineering, Dakota. 64

Methods, Old Type of Houses for Future, Rammed Earth Houses. Science News-Letter, Washington, D. C., p. 252, April 19, 1947. New Slant on Solidifying Mud. Chemical Engineering, New York, January 1952. Purdue Agriculturalist, Lafayette, Ind., March 1941. New Use for Mud. New Way to Make Low-Cost Drives, Walks, Terraces, Barbeques--Stabilized Soil . Hans F. Winterkorn. The Countrymans Guide. The Country Bookstore, Noroton, Connecticut. --Cinco Pintores Colony, New Mexico.* L. L. Cassidy. *No Garrets for these Artists Sunset, Menlo Park, Calif., pp. 64-65, November 1925. Illus. Nouvelles Recherches en Matiere de Stabilization des Sols. H. F. Winterkorn. Annales de 1Institut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics, Paris, pp. 933-942. September 1952. Old Adobe Comes Into Its Own--Finely Restored House in Monterey, California. House Beautiful, New York, pp. 565-567, P. Ackerman. December 1924. Illus. Gut of the Good Earth Will Come Our Dream House--Rammed Earth Houses.* American Home, New York, pp. 24-26, September 1943. Illus. Paints and Plasters for Rammed Earth Walls. RalphL. Patty, Department of AgriSouth Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Brookings, cultural Engineering, South Dakota, Bulletin No. 336, 1940. (Gut of Print). The Physical Properties of Adobe Used as a Building Material. Thomas T. Eyre, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Engineering Bulletin 263, 1935. 25$ Testing of Soils and Application of the Results in Practice. Physic0-Chemical Reprint from Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the H. F. Winterkorn. Highway Research Board, Decembur 1940, pp. 798-806; Washington, D. C. Pise Construction.* Journal of Jamaica Agricultural Society, Kingston, Jamaica, May 1941. Pise Construction of Farm Buildings. Queensland Agricultural Journal, Brisbane, Australia, July 19 3 1. Pise de Terre. Agriculture and Livestock in India, Calcutta, India, July 1939. Rhodesia Agricultural Journal, Salisbury, September 1925. Plse de Terre. **Pneumatic Tamping in Rammed Earth Wall. Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, Mich., August 1929. Ressed Clay for Building Construction. H. E. Glenn. Clemson, S. C., Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina, Engineering Experiment Station, October 1951, 23 pp. (Engineering Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 5). The Properties of Compacted Soil and Soil Cement Mixtures for Use in Building.* T. F. Gilliers, and N. Stutterheim. National Building Research T. L. Webb., Institute, South African Council on Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria 1950, Series DR2. Protective Coverings for Rammed Earth Walls. Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, Mich., March 1933. *Puddled Earth and Rammed. Earth Walls.** Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, Mich., August 1939. PuyC in New Mexico. Geoffrey Grigson. The Listener, London, - DD. a* 297-398. August 21, 1952. "A Qualitative Comparison of Rammed Earth and Sun-Dried Brick. Richard H. Clough. Albuquerque, N. M., University of New Mexico Press, 1950, 73 pp. (New Mexico University Publications in Engineering No. 4). $1.00. 65


Rammed Earth, One of Mans Oldest Building Materials. Architectural Forum, New York, pp. 147-149, December 1946. Illus., plans= and Town and Country Planning Bulletin Rammed Earth. Special Is sue. Housing No. 4, United Nations, New York, pp. 5-67, October 1950. Articles: Rammed Rammed Earth Technique in the Earth Technique in France, by a. Marini; Rammed Earth Technique in West Africa, by L. W. Neubauer; United States, by A. E. S. Alcock; Training Course for Building Rammed Earth Houses in Nyasaland, by P. Williams. Glossary. Bibliography. Agricultural Rammed Earth Building Construction.* H. E, Glen, South Carolina Experiment Station, Clemson, S. C., Bulletin 3, 1943. Rammed Earth Building Improved in Australia. American Builder, Chicago, Ill., pp. 182, 184, 186, 188, 190, May 1950. Rammed Earth Construction. Rockwell King Du Moulin. Consumers Research, New Jersey, 1939. Inc ., Washington, Thomas Hibben, U. S. National Youth AdministraRammed Earth Construction. tion. Technical Information Circular No. 16, Supplemental No. 1, 1940. (Out of in larger libraries .) print- - available Rammed Earth Construction--Supplementary Information. Consumers Research, New Jersey, 1940. Inc ., Washing ton, Rammed Earth for Farm Building Walls. Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, Mich., January 1934. The Rammed Earth House. Anthony F. Merrill. Harper 8~ Brothers, New York, 1947. 230 pp. Louis J. Horn. Cappers Farmer, Topeka, Kan., November *Rammed Earth Ho-uses. 1951. Rammed Earth Lowers House Cost. G. H. Dacy, Popular Mechanics, Chicago, Ill., pp. 838-840, November 1924. Illus. (Marini); Rammed Earth Technique in the Rammed Earth Technique in France United States (Neubauer); and Rammed Earth Technique in West Africa (Alcock). Bulletin No. 4, Housing and Town and Country Planning, United Nations, October 1950. Rammed Earth Walls for Buildings . Farmers Bulletin No. 1500. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington 25, D. C., 1937. (Sup?. of Documents, Government Washington 25, D. C .) (Out of Print). Printing Office, Rammed Earth Walls for Farm Buildings. Ralph L. Patty and L. W. Minium, Bulletin 227, 1933. (Rev. 1938, 1945, and 1947). The Department of Agricultural South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Brookings, South Engineering, Dakota. R-.-I..I.II zmnmmrl Earth Construction, Experiences in Indonesia.* Ideas Walls in House and Methods Exchange No. 15, Item J, International Housing Activities Staff, U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington 25, D. C., May 1954. Rammed Soil for Building. Science News-Letter, Washington, D. C., p. 86, August 6, 1949. Rapid Preparation of Soil Samples. Bob M. Gallaway. Excavating Engineer-, South Milwaukee, Wise., pp. 25-29, May 1952. Recommended Minimum Requirements for Masonry Wall F,onstruction. Bureau of Standards, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C., BH 6, 1924. The Relationship of Colloids in Soils to its Favorable Use in Pise or Rammed Earth Walls .* Ralph L. Patty. Department of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Experimental Station, South Dakota State College, Brookings, South Dakota, Bulletin 298, March 1936. 24 pp= 66

G. E. Kidder Smith. Architectural Forum, New York, Report from MorOCcO. pp. 64, 68, 72, June 1950. "Report on Conditions of Rammed Earth Buildings Built 182fi-1854, Sumpter, South U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of AgriculCar oiina . T . A. H. Miller, Washington 25, D. C., 1926. tural Engineering, "Report of Committee on Lime--Soil Stabilization. American Road Builders AssoBulletin No. 147, 1948. ciation, Washington, Do C., Technical Report of the Construction of Some Sample Rammed Earth Building Blocks which is the First Phase of a Continuing Experiment. Hindustani Talimi Sangh. S pon s or e d by the Ministry of Education of the Government of Bihar, India. "Report on Egyptian Village Housing, Building Materials and Methods of ConstrucArthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., April 1952. tion. Resinous Water Repellents for Soils. Technical Memorandum No. 217-1, May 1946. U. S. Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Restored Adobe in Santa Barbara. M. D. Kern. American Home, New York, pp. 32-34, March 1936. Illus. C. F. Ansley. Survey, New York, pp. 222-223, Restoring Our Devastated Regions. November 15, 1926. of the Adobe. A. L. Murray. Overland, San Francisco, Calif., Romance new series, p. 349, August 1924. Illus. Santa Barbara Adobes. Clarence C. Cullimore, with approval of Santa Barbara Historical Society; Santa Barbara, California, Santa Barbara Book Pub. Co., 1948. 225 pp. Short-Cut Soil-Cement Testing Procedures for Sandy Soil. Soil-Cement Bureau, 1953. Available from Portland Cement Association, 33 Grand Avenue, Chicago, Ill. A Six-Room I House $2,800 Complete. G. W. Pierce, Jr. The Technical Press, Swampscott, Massachusetts. $2.00 The Sod House. Louise WI Mears. Journal of Geography, Chicago, Ill., pp. 385-389, June 1916. Soil Admixtures for Earth Walls. Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, Mich., September 1942. Soil Bituminous Roads . Current Road Problems No. 12, Highway Research Board National Research Council, Washingt0.n 25, D. C., September 1946. Soil Cement Construction. J. H. Forbes. The Builder, London, DD. 359-360, -September 14, 1951. Soil Cement for House Construction. Ralph Stone. Civil Engineering, New York, pp. 1005-1007, December 1952. Soil Cement for Low-Cost House and Farm Building Construction in Rural Areas. Portland Cement Association, Chicago, Ill., Rev, 1946. Soil Cement Mixtures . A laboratory handbook containing directions of a technical nature for testing soil-cement mixtures for road paving. The same procedures are useful for testing soils for buildings. Portland Cement Association, Chicago, Illinois. Soil Engineering at Princeton U n i v e r s it y. G. P. Tschebotarioff and H. F. Winterkorn. Reprint from Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Rotterdam, 1948. Vol. VI, pp. 230-232. 67

Stabilization in Tropical Areas for Mass Construction of Cheap Permanent Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 9, Item J, International Housing Housing .* Activities Staff, U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington 25, D. C., May 1953. --Symposium at Institution of Highway Engineers. The Surveyor Soil Stabilization and Municipal and County Engineer, London, England, pp. 789-792, December 8, 1951. Soil Stabilization with Emulsified Asphalt. C, L. McKesson. Highway Research D. C. 15 th Annual Meeting , 1935. Washington, Board Proceedings, Soil Survey Manual. Charles E. Kellogg. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous Publication 274, Washington, D. C., 1938. 136 pp. Soil Tests for Stabilized Soil Construction. Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 11, Item G, International Housing Activities Staff, U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington 25, D. C., September 1953. Chemical Week, New York, May 10, 1952. Solid Ground for Progress. Specifications for Rammed Earth Construction. Agricultural Engineering, St. 1936. Joseph, Mich ., November Stabilized Earth Walls--Construction. Colonial Building Notes No. 8, United Watford, Herts, England, August 1952. 12 pp. Kingdom Building Research Station, Stabilization of Soils by In-Situ Polymerization. T. William Lambe. Reprint of a paper presented before the American Society of Civil Engineers in New York, October 26, 1951. Lambe. Reprint from Stabilization of Soils with Calcium Acrylate . T. William Journal of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers, Boston, Mass., April 1951. Engineering, New York, August 1952. Stabilize with Chemicals ? Chemical --Manufactured in Tropical Countries.* British ConstrucStabilized Soil Blocks London, England, August 1951. tional Engineer, Statement on Condition of Rammed Earth Houses. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers Home Administration, Washington 25, D. C., 1940. Rural New Yorker, New York, p. 260, April 9, 1938. A Story from the Southwest.* Structural Heat-Transfer and Water Permeability Properties of Five Earth- Wall Ambrose H. Stang, Elbert Hubbell and Constructions . H. L. Whittenmore, Richard Dill, National Bureau of Standards, U. S. Department of Commerce, GovernWashington 25, D. C ., BMS Series No. 78, 1941. (Supt. of Documents, ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D . C .) 20 + The Suitability of Stabilized Soil for Building Construction. Edwin L. Hansen. Bulletin 333, Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. 45$ Ideas and Methods Exchange No. 14, Surface Finishes of Stabilized Earth Walls. Item G, International Housing Activities Staff, U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington 25, D. C., March 1954. Notes on stabilized cement-earth building on the Gold Coast. A. E. S. Swishcrete. Alcock. Colonial Building Notes No. 16, Building Research Station, Watford, Herts, England, September 1953. Exchange No. 2, Item I, International Tapia Brick Buildings . Ideas and Methods Housing Activities Staff, U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington 25, D. C., December 8, 1952. Tentative Method of Freezing and Thawing Test of Compacted Soil-Cement MixD560-40T, 1940. American Society for Testing ASTM Designation tures . Materials, Philadelphia, Pa. 68


*Tentative Method of Test for Moisture-Density Relations of Soil-Cement Mixtures.* D558-40T, 1940. American Society for Testing Materials, ASTM Designation Philadelphia, Pa. Tentative Method of Wetting and Drying Test of Compacted Soil-Cement Mixtures. D559-40T, 1940. American Society for Testing Materials, ASTM Designation Philadelphia, Pa. Terracrete, Building with Rammed Earth-Cement. *Obtainable only from the author, Mr. Francis MacDonald, Salinas, California, for $1 .OO. They Build with Dirt. E. A. Mumert. Country Gentlemen, Philadelphia, Pa., p. 27, September 1941. Twenty-Nine Palms. M. V. Trigg. Atlantic Monthly, Boston, Mass., pp. 65-69, March 1945; pp. 65-66, April 1945. American Builder, Chicago, Ill., pp. 169- 171, The Use of Adobe in Construction. April 1951. The Use of Earth as a Building Material. F. C. Fenton. Engineering Experiment Station, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kans., Bulletin 41, 1941. Free. Utilizing Earth as a Quantity Construction Material. Louis J. Horn. Texas Engineering Experiment Station News, College Station, Texas, pp.3-7, March 1952. Cohesive Soil by Resinous Treatment. H. F. Winterkorn, R. G. **Waterproofing Reprinted from Soil Science Society of America Fehrman and G. W. Mc Alphin. Proceedings, Morgantown, W. Va., 1945. pp 458-460. A. R. Legault, Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, Waterproofing of Adobe. Ft. Collins, Colorado, Bulletin No. 5. 1943. Free. Waterproofing of Adobe Tested to Extend Its UseInto the Rainy Areas of the State. Adrian R. Legault. Civil Engineering Section, Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colo. Reprint from Colorado Farm Bulletin, July-September 1943. Mat Kauten and Marie Kauten. Womans Home Well Build it of Rammed Earth. Companion, New York, pp. 62-63, February 1949. Illus., plans. Why I Built an Adobe Cottage. Charlotte P. Larkin. Kawakawa, Bay of Islands, N. 2 ., Northland Gazetie, 1947. 51 pp. R. L. -Patty. American Home, New Why Not Build Your Garden Walls of Earth? York, p. 12, August 1938. Illus. Why Not Dirt Houses.* E. Kirmser. American Mercury, New York, pp. 86-90, July 1947. Why Not Rammed Earth? Rotarian, Chicago, Ill., August 1946. You Build Your Next House of Molasses. Michael Day. Popular Mechanics, Chicago, Ill., p. 110, September 1951. Your Dream House Gets Down to Earth. * M. D. Nelson and M. Kauten. American Home, New York, pp. 36-40, July 1944. Illus., plans.


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BIBLIOGRAPHIES U. S. Public Housing Administration, Bibliography on Rammed Earth Construction. Washington 25, D. C., April 1952. 2 pp. (Library Bibliography No. 76/ JBB), Department Bibliography on Soil Stabilization. of Scientific and Industrial Research, Road Research Laboratory, Harmondsworth West Dragton, .M.iddlesex, England, October 1952. H. H. Barrows. In Presidents ConList of References on Earth Construction. ference on Home Building and Home Ownership. Vol. II, Housing Objectives Washington, D. C., 1932. pp. 96-99. and Programs, Rammed Earth Construction: Selected Bibliography. Housing and Town and New York, pp. 60-67, October Country Planning Bulletin No. 4, United Nations, 1950. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Sources of Information on Earth Construction. Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Division of Farm Buildings and Rural Housing, Washington 25, D. C., Revised July 1952. 4 pp.

of Housing and Urban Development does not have, either for NOTE: The Department distribution or sale, copies of the preceding identified publications, other than its own. They should be consulted at a technical library or public library or they may be ordered only directly from their respective publishers, if given. This is a partial bibliography and the inclusion of particular references is not to be interpreted as an indication that is intended by the inclusion or omisthey arc the best of their kind. No discrimination sion of particular items and no preference can be expressed or implied. Suggestions for additions to the preceding list will be welcomed.


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