DR. JSK, Invasive Alien Species
DR. JSK, Invasive Alien Species
DR. JSK, Invasive Alien Species
Species invasions are one of the main conservation threats today and many have caused major economic losses in agriculture and forestry as well as negatively impacted ecological integrity. The introduction of species outside their native territory contributes to the loss of biodiversity, change the structure and functioning of ecosystems, and damages to the economy and human health. Biological invasions principally by insects have drawn great attention especially by alien species that establish as pests on crop plants. Over the last many decades, hundreds of alien arthropods, native to different continents have been introduced in India knowingly or accidentally and crop losses to alien arthropods total $16.8 billion per year. What are Invasive Alien Species? Invasive alien species are plants, animals and other organisms that are non-native to an ecosystem, and whose introduction may likely to cause economic or environmental harm or adversely affect human health.
A complex of ecological factors allows alien species to become abundant and emerge as ecological Host availability: The availability of valuable hosts has strongly influence the success of insects
invasion. Generalist feeders have a higher probability of finding a suitable host plant than those of polyphagous, which may have greater competitive success when species shift ranges and habitat changes than monophagous or oligophagous species. Natural enemies: The natural enemies also influences development of invasive species, when an and to the consequent damage.
specialist which are restricted to one or few a plants. Several invasive insect species are
exotic pest colonizes a new habitat, the absence of natural enemies can contribute to its settlement Reproductive rate: Reproduction rate plays an important role in establishment of a self-sustaining it will be dependent on the dispersal abilities of the insect and the area of the habitat that it is invading. If higher the propagule pressure greater the chance of successful establishment.
population. Frequency and number of propagules introduced into a habitat is crucial in success and
Size of Insects: Insects body size also influence the invasion success as smaller-bodied organisms are more likely to be successful invaders as they have higher rate of intrinsic growth and can establish quickly. Changes in land-use patterns that increase habitat fragmentation and alter/ disturbed regimes will increase the prevalence of invasive species.
Does climate change cause Insect invasions? (Sir, pl quote some more example)
Climate change influences invasive species by affecting their movement, establishment, spread and colonization of new habitats. There are sufficient reasons for accepting that climate change will facilitate invasive. The establishment rate of invasive alien insect species has been increasing worldwide during the past century. Rising ambient temperature is an important factor, especially for insects Europe, increase because for flight warmer the they instance activity are in of pine poikilothermic,
galls in Eucalyptus seedlings and in mature trees, the galls occurred only on leaf midribs. Eucalyptus trees up to two years of age were found more prone to the pest. Gall formation by L. invasa on growing shoot tips and leaves, resulted in quicker abscission of leaves and drying up of shoots. A heavy infestation of the wasp resulted in loss of vigor and growth retardation in seedlings.
Andhra Pradesh and Lakshadweep. It poses great threat to coconut towards management of this pest.
plantation and annually more than Rs.100 crores are being spent
Damage: The mites feed on the meristematic tissue found under the perianth of growing nuts and also adhere to the inner surface of sepals. Severe incidence cause scarring and distortion of the fruits, and may cause premature fruit drop.
What harmful does invasive insects? Invasive alien species are causing profound changes to
natural ecosystems around the world and What does mean biological pollution? Biological Pollution is the disturbance of the ecological balance by the accidental or deliberate introduction of an invasive alien species into an environment. considered the second greatest threat to biological diversity after habitat loss. Ecologists condemn to these invasive organisms as biological pollution.
Invasive alien insects can affect native plant populations by consume or defoliate, sometimes extinction. forceful them to local
What is Invasion meltdown? The process by which the negative impacts induced on native ecosystems by one invading nonindigenous species are intensified by interactions with another exotic species.
forest, kill native trees, degrade wildlife habitat, alter nutrient cycles, and threaten basic ecosystem structure and functions.
with decreasing the abundance of plants on which they depend for at least part of their life-
Invasive alien species can transmit diseases to humans, plants and animals. nesting sites.
Invasive pollinators may also compete with native pollinators for floral resources and
Prevention: preventing the spread of invasive species across international or domestic borders is the first and most effective option. Plant quarantine is the first line of protection in managing invasive insects. Inspection at entry points is recognized as the primary phytosanitary measure that checks establishment. alien pests. Effective implementation of this act could potentially prevent more introductions and Early detection of introductions and rapid response can restrict the spread of alien invasive pest species and also it is vital in eradication of the species. The Pest Surveillance and Forecasting System is an essential component in preventing the spread of invasive pests. exclusion, or reduction through integrated pest combination of cultural, chemical, biological,
Management: many established introduced species can be managed by eradication, containment, management approach involving the suitable mechanical and others are recommended so that their populations remain restricted and their impacts are minimized. Amongst the different management approach, the classical biological introduction of exotic natural enemies. What are classical biological controls? Controlling an invasive species by introducing exotic natural enemies from the native range of the introduced pests in order to permanently establish them so that they will provide continuing pest control.
Future thrust:
The rates of pest invasions have increased with increased global agricultural trade, and movement invasive species, as the diverse climate provides a highly favourable environment for the invader.
of seeds and planting materials between and within continents. India is particularly vulnerable to In India, more than 100 alien insect species known to have successfully invaded and their impact
on agricultural production and environment is remarkable (e.g. papaya mealy bug invasion). In fact
there are many areas that need to be strengthened to control the alien insect species. Abide by international and domestic quarantine and early detection and rapid response will prevent spread of invasive species in order to reduce their impact.
The authors acknowledge the help rendered by Mr. P.P. Gireesan, Technical Officer, for helping in photography and all the reference sources from where some of the statements or diagrams were reproduced in this article. Selected Reference:
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