Auditions Complete
Auditions Complete
Auditions Complete
3",, 4564
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Auuitions aie iequiieu of all peicussionists wishing to enioll in applieu lessons. As
iequiieu by the School of Nusic, all stuuents eniolleu in piivate lessons must
peifoim in one of the laige conuucteu ensembles. To be cleai: 0nless you aie
excuseu by the Biiectoi of the School of Nusic, you will be playing in a laige
ensemble if you aie eniolleu in lessons. This means that you N0ST take this
auuition. If this still isn't cleai to you, please contact Bi. Weinbeig.
The auuition will help ueteimine peisonnel best qualifieu foi these ensembles as
well as give all stuuents the expeiience of piepaiing anu taking a piofessional
auuition. The auuition will consist of two paits: 1) the solos specifieu in the auuition
list 2) piepaieu oichestial exceipts as specifieu in each aiea below.
If you aie a new stuuent, oi have not foimally stuuieu exceipts, you will neeu to
piepaie youiself as best you can on the exceipts anu play the solo selections. Apply
youi own goou musical sense about ihythm anu technique, get a scoie anu stuuy the
exceipts foi musical context, anu listen to seveial iecoiuings foi style, tempo anu
phiasing. Bo youi best foi youi ability anu expeiience.
Auuitions will be helu Satuiuay, August 18th staiting at 9:uu a.m. in ioom 17u with
the peicussion faculty. Auuitions will be scieeneu. All instiuments will be pioviueu
at the auuition site. Playeis may biing theii own instiuments if piefeiieu but must
be set up befoie theii playing time. (Room 17u is ieseiveu foi peicussionists
staiting at 8:uu a.m. on August18.) Peisons auuitioning founu to be less than
piepaieu will be uismisseu fiom the auuition.
This yeai, as last yeai, we'll be taking oui auuition iepeitoiie uiiectly fiom the "ieal
woilu". Foi the 2u122u1S Laige Ensemble Auuition, we'll be using the list fiom the
0ilanuo Symphony 0ichestia Piincipal Peicussion Auuitions. The following pages
contain the auuition list anu the iequiieu iepeitoiie. Since the 0ilanuo list is quite
long, only the items highlighteu in yellow will be iequiieu. All of the music is
pioviueu in this file. If you have any questions, uon't hesitate to contact Bi.
Weinbeig at nweinbeiu.aiizona.euu
The Peicussion Faculty
A. Required Solo Literature:
1. Delcluse: Douze tudes pour Caisse-Claire Etude No. 1
2. Kreisler: Tambourin Chinois for xylophone, measures 1-102 (up to Pi Lento)
3. Jim Chapin: Solo Exercise IV C from Advanced Techniques for the Modern Drummer (q =126)
B. Orchestral Excerpts (if no specific measure numbers or movements are given, please prepare entire selection):
1. Copland: Appalachian Spring 5 measures after [48] until downbeat of [50]
2. Gershwin: An American in Paris
3. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess (opera) Introduction up to the downbeat of 4 measures before [B]
4. Gershwin/Bennett: Selections for Orchestra from Porgy and Bess measure 274 (Allegro vivo) to the end
5. Hayman: Pops Hoe-Down
6. Kabalevsky: Overture to Colas Bruegnon
7. Kodaly: Hary Janos Movement VI
8. Shostakovich: Polka from The Golden Age
1. Dukas: Sorcerers Apprentice
a. 4 measures after [17] to 3 measures before [20]
b. [22] [24]
2. Ravel: Mother Goose Movement V (Le jardin ferique), [5] to the end
3. Respighi: Pines of Rome Movement I (I pini di Villa Borghese)
1. Bernstein: Symphonic Dances from West Side Story
a. Measures 567 577
b. Measures 583 607
c. Measures 620 655
Bass Drum
1. Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring [72] to 6 measures after [78]
2. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4 Movement IV (Finale), measure 272 to the end
Snare Drum
1. Bartok: Concerto for Orchestra Movement II (Giuoco Delle Coppie)
a. Measures 1-9
b. Measures 254 to the end
2. Prokofiev: Lieutenant Kij The Birth of Kij, [1] to [2]
3. Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade
a. Movement III
b. Movement IV
4. W. Schuman: Symphony No. 3 Part 2 Toccata, measures 143-199
5. Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Ballet No. 7 Scene
OPO Principal Percussion Repertoire List, continued
1. Mussorgsky: Night on Bald Mountain [S] through 7 measures after [7]
2. Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2 Movement III, [32] through 13 measures after [32]
3. Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet 13 measures after [N] through 12 measures after [O]
4. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4 Movement IV (Finale), 11 measures after [G] to end
1. Bizet: Carmen Suite No. 1, Aragonaise
2. Bizet: Carmen Suite No. 2, Danse Boheme 3 measures before [D] through
3 measures before [F]
3. Chabrier: Espaa
4. Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Ballet
a. Danse Arabe
b. Trepak
c. La Mere Gigogne [D] to the end
Drum set
Trading four bars time with four bars solo drums in various styles
C. Sight-reading from the standard orchestral repertoire may also be required for all applicants.
D. Playing with the OPO Percussion Section may be required.
E. All applicants should be prepared for a personal interview.
The Orlando Philharmonic does not provide copies of the audition material prior to the audition.
Music may be obtained from the following:
Lucks Music Library: 800-348-8749 or
Kalmus Music: 803-366-4446 or