Disquietude Jan10
Disquietude Jan10
Disquietude Jan10
Techniques in Deanes
Dis Qui Etude
By Joshua D. Smith
16 JANUARY 2010
Figure 2
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
17 JANUARY 2010
Figure 8
1. Christopher Deane, interview by author, Denton,
Texas, April 22, 2008.
2. The solid rubber stoppers used are commonly
referred to as solid #4 (size number, measuring
one inch tall by 25/32-inch wide) rubber stoppers,
and are typically used to plug bottles, pipes, or
scientific laboratory vials and beakers.
3. The dimensions of the completed mallet should be
18 inches long, 1 1/16 inches wide, and 1/4 inch
4. This stopper should be glued 3/8 inch down from
the tip of the wooden stirrer.
5. Christopher Deane, interview by author, Denton,
Texas, April 22, 2008.
Figure 9
percussive notes
18 JANUARY 2010