18 Basic Fighting Tactics

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18 Basic Fighting Tactics

Sticking Upon contact, stick to your opponent. This lets you take advantage of a number of things: sensitivity, control,qinna, etc. Sensing Strive to feel your opponent's next move, before or as it happens. ou can accomplish this either physically or by anticipating it. Flo!ing Maintain an effortless flow. "ach techni#ue should flo! into the ne$t, adding po!er !ith each transition. ou should also flo! !ith your opponent%s moves in the same manner. &rossing Close your opponent off. This effectively crosses them up so that they may not have an easy counter attack !hile they are e$posed to your attacks. Tieing When possible, tie your opponent up with his own limbs. This is an e$tension of Closing, but can involve qinnaand multiple limbs, as !ell. 'nbalancing eep your opponent off!balance. To control your opponent and defeat them almost at !ill, stealing their balance (both physically and mentally) is a must. Baiting Make your opponent "o what you want by making certain actions seem attractive to them* give only the appearance of openings. +re,empting When possible, beat them to the attack !hile they%re starting to prepare for it. -hy !ait for them to e$ecute their attack or get near finishing it, !hen you sa! the preparation for it in the first place. /ominating #ress your opponent at all times, "ominating them . /o not let up until the situation is !ell in hand. (/o not 0ust stop attacking after a single move succeeds.) ielding

Sometimes it's better to go with your opponent's movements , at least part of the !ay. That !ay, you can take advantage of their momentum, their intent and1or their focus and gain the upper hand. 2pening Use your own opening$expan"ing to generate power, pushing off the very groun" you stan" upon. Basically, hit them !ith the biggest thing around, the "arth, !hile adding !hat you can. &losing Use your own weight an" ability to contract to a"" to your power. This is the counterpart and complement to %pening. T!isting Use the power of your hips an" legs by twisting. 'se this to add po!er to your techni#ues, and use it to dissolve your opponent%s. Sinking "lbo!s eep your elbows "own, relaxe" an" sunk. 'se this to add po!er to your techni#ues, and to provide that e$tra protection of cover for your middle and high gates. 3aneuvering Use your footwork to give you the a"vantage. 2ften, this means stepping off,line in such a manner as to close the opponent off and give you effective targets. Timing &ake a"vantage of your opponent's timing an" refine your own so that he can not do the same to you. ou must stay alert and rela$ed to apply this to the fullest. Breathing Use your breathing patterns to a"" power to your own movements an" absorb your opponent's strikes. Timing and coordination are paramount here, as are rela$ations and keeping a level head. Synthesis Combine 'pplications, 'ttitu"es, an" &actics to enhance your fighting ability. /on%t depend upon a single principle or movement alone to !ork, or even several in se#uence. &ombine them. 4gain, these are 0ust the most basic tactics !hich should be present. "ach style has its o!n refinements and additions to these, as !ell as counters.

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