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0503 Cross References

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Performing Settings for Cross-reference Display......................................3

Performing Settings for Contact Image Display.........................................6


Define contact image settings on a project-specific basis.........................6


Define the contact image at the component..............................................8

2.2.1Change the contact image position.......................................................... 9


Creating Device Cross-references ............................................................12


Create device cross-references between multi-line and single-line

displays ...................................................................................................14

Creating Pair Cross-references .................................................................17

Creating Interruption Point Cross-references ..........................................19


Create star cross-references...................................................................19

Creating Mounting Panel Cross-references .............................................21


Mark mounting panel cross-references...................................................24

Creating PLC Cross-references.................................................................25


Create cross-references between PLC connection points ......................25

Creating Device Tag List Cross-references..............................................28


Display device tag list cross-references to auxiliary functions ................30


Mark device tag list cross-references......................................................30

Manually Creating Cross-references.........................................................32


Optimizing the Cross-reference Display...................................................34

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training


Performing Settings for Cross-reference


The cross-reference is important in order to locate a component within a multitude of

pages. For this reason, the cross-reference must uniquely designate the page that is
being searched. An orientation within the page is also required, the column. Since a
column can also be relatively large, the row provides a further orientation within the
You have opened a project.
Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references / contact
1. Select the Interruption points settings section.

2. In the Display group box, define how the cross-references to interruption

points are to be displayed.

3. Select the settings area General.

EPLAN Training

4. In the Display group box, define how the cross-references at the item are to
be displayed.

5. In the Separator group box, you define which character is to be used as a

separator betweenPage and column as well as Row and column.

6. In the Marker for group box, you define which character is to be used as a
marker to visually distinguish between the various cross-reference types.

7. Select the Display settings section.

8. For each of the different page types, you define here which cross-references
to other page types are to be displayed and in what order.

9. You also use the Display overview cross-references group box in the
Display section to specify the treatment of overview cross-references.

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10. Click [OK].

The settings are adopted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

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Performing Settings for Contact Image Display

The contact image settings can be pre-defined on a project-specific basis, but they
can also be individually defined for every device. The component settings have
priority over the project settings.


Define contact image settings on a project-specific


You have opened a project.
1. Select Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references
/ contact image.

EPLAN Training

2. Select the General settings section.

3. In the Contact image table group box, enter the character for labeling the
contact image table.

4. In this group box, you also enter the Width and Height values for the contact
image table.

5. Select the Motor overload switch settings section.

6. Here you define how cross-references and contact images for Motor overload
switches are to be displayed.

7. Select the Show in tabular form check box if page number and column
designation in the cross-reference are to be entered in tabular form; the table
headings for NC and NO contacts are taken from the Contact image table
headings: Labeling ( General settings section.

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8. Select the Table cross with variable length check box if the table cross
should be automatically adjusted to suit the maximum size of the contact
image entries, in this case, the setting Contact image table: Width / height
(settings area General) is not taken into account.

9. In the Rotation field, select the desired value if the contact image is to be
displayed at a different angle to the default value.

10. If the part and / or type numbers on the contact image of the motor overload
switch are to be displayed at different positions, select the appropriate entries
in the Display of 1st / 2nd part number and Display of 1st / 2nd part type
drop-down lists.

11. Select the Contactors settings section.

12. Here you define how cross-references and contact images for Contactors are
to be displayed. (The data entry possibilities are identical to those for motor
overload switches).

13. Click [OK].

The settings are adopted.


Define the contact image at the component


EPLAN Training

You have opened a project and selected a schematic page for editing.
You have used a double-click to open the properties dialog of a component for

which you can define a contact image (e.g. general device, cable, or shield).
1. In the Display tab of the property dialog, in the Contact image drop-down list,
select the Coil or Motor overload switch entry.
EPLAN displays the Contact image settings tab.
2. Select the Contact image settings tab.
3. Select the User-defined check box if you do not want to use the default
settings from the project settings.
4. In the Display group box, define how the contact image for the currently
selected device is to be displayed.
5. Click [OK].
The contact image is displayed according to the component settings.
You can change the component-specific settings at any time by double-clicking the
device and then selecting a different entry from the Contact image drop-down list, or
by changing the settings in the Contact image settings tab.


Change the contact image position

You have selected the Coil or Motor overload switch entry in the Display tab of the
property dialog from the Contact image drop-down list.

EPLAN Training

1. Click [...] next to the Contact image drop-down list.

2. In the Contact image position dialog, select the Automatically aligned

check box if EPLAN is to automatically position the contact image vertically
below the associated main function.

3. Deselect the check box if you wish to define the contact image position
yourself, and enter the distances by which the contact image is to be offset in
the X position and Y position fields.

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4. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

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Creating Device Cross-references

A device may be composed of different items for which different components may be
used for the graphical display in the schematic. The components belonging to a
device may be distributed over several project pages; in this case we refer to a
"distributed display" of the device. All components belonging to the same device
receive the same device tag. EPLAN automatically adds a cross-reference to all
components with the same device tag.
You have opened a project that contains several multi-line schematic pages.
Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references /

contact image > General, you have defined the display settings for crossreferences.
You have placed a function on one of the schematic pages (e.g. a contactor

You have placed further functions on other schematic pages (e.g. NO contacts).
All functions have different device tags.

1. Select the menu item Project data > Devices > Navigator.

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2. Select all newly inserted functions in the device navigator.

3. Select Popup menu > Properties.

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4. In the Displayed DT field of the <Function category> tab of the DT
Properties <...> dialog, specify the DT that is to receive all selected functions.

5. Click [OK].
Cross-references are now created and displayed at the affected
components in the schematic. The display of the cross-references depends on
the display settings.


Create device cross-references between multi-line

and single-line displays

Cross-references can also be created between devices in schematic pages having

multi-line and single-line displays.

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You have opened a project.
You have loaded a multi-line and a single-line symbol library into your project.
You have created a multi-line schematic page.
You have created a single-line schematic page.
Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross references /

contact image > Display, in the Display device cross-references group

box, you have specified that cross-references between multi-line and singleline displays are to be displayed, and vice-versa.
1. Open the multi-line schematic page and insert a multi-line symbol from the
Multi-line symbol library.

2. Enter the device tag into the properties dialog and click [OK].

3. Open the single-line schematic page and insert an appropriate symbol from
the Single-line symbol library.

4. Enter the same device tag into the properties dialog and click [OK].

5. Open both pages in separate editors to observe the cross-reference display.

On a multi-line schematic page you have inserted a 3-pole switch from a multi-line
symbol library and given it the device tag "-Q1" (left side of the illustration). You have
also inserted the same symbol into a single-line schematic page from a single-line
symbol library and given it a device tag of "-Q1" (right side of the illustration). The
cross-reference is now created and displayed with the components on both pages.

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The 3-pole switch "Q1" on the multi-line schematic page (left) points to the 3-pole
switch "Q1" on the single-line display (right) and vice-versa.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training



Creating Pair Cross-references

A pair cross-reference is usually used with motor overload switches or power circuit
breakers. It is created by doubly placing a contact in the schematic. The first-placed
pair cross-reference contact, at the main function, points to its counterpart, the
second contact, which is "wired" in the schematic. This wired contact in turn points
back to the associated pair cross-reference contact at the main function. To allow
EPLAN to create a pair cross-reference, the Representation type of the pair crossreference contact must be set to Pair cross-reference.
Display of a pair cross-reference

You have opened a project and are in a schematic page.
Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references /

contact image > General, you have defined the display settings for crossreferences.
The schematic contains a motor overload switch or a power circuit breaker which

you have defined as a main function.

1. Double-click the component that you wish to define as a pair cross-reference.

2. In the Displayed DT field of the <Function category> tab of the properties

dialog, enter the DT of the device with which the component is to be crossreferenced.

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3. In the Representation type drop-down list of the Symbol / Function data
tab, select the Pair cross-reference setting.

4. Click [OK].
The "Pair cross-reference" and the "logical" device are cross-referenced,
i.e., the cross-references point to each other and no longer to the main
element. The existence of a pair cross-reference symbol thus changes the
cross-reference behavior of the main and auxiliary functions.

A motor overload switch Q1:1;2;3;4;5;6 (main function) and the two contacts
Q1:13;14 and Q1:23;24 (both auxiliary functions) are placed in the schematic. As
with a normal device cross-reference the motor overload switch points to both
contacts, and the contacts each point to the motor overload switch.
A pair cross-reference Q1:13;14 is now inserted. This changes the cross-reference
behavior as follows:
The contact Q1:13;14 now points to the pair cross-reference symbol but no

longer to the main function.

The pair cross-reference symbol points to the contact Q1:13;14.
The main function still points to the contact Q1:23;24, but no longer to the

contact Q1:13;14.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training



Creating Interruption Point Cross-references

Interruption points carrying the same displayed DT form cross-references. Two forms
of cross-references are distinguished:
Star cross-reference: With a star cross-reference, an interruption point is defined

as the starting point. All other interruption points of the same name refer to this
starting point. At the starting point, a formattable list of the cross-references to
the other interruption points is displayed. Here, you can define how many
cross-references are to be displayed alongside or between each other.
Chain cross-reference: With chain cross-references, the first interruption point

refers to the second, the third to the fourth, etc., meaning that the references
follow from page to page.


Create star cross-references

You have opened a project.
You have inserted several interruption points with the same displayed DT.
Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references /

contact image > Interruption points, you have defined the display settings
for interruption point cross-references.
1. Double-click one of the interruption points in the schematic.

2. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Star source check box in the
Interruption point tab.

3. Click [OK].
The interruption point defined as the star source now points to all other
interruption points with the same DT in the project. These in turn now point to
the star source.

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You automatically receive a Chain cross reference if you deselect the Star
source check box.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

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Creating Mounting Panel Cross-references

At a part or device placed on a mounting panel, you can create a cross-reference

pointing to the associated main function in the schematic. You can also do the
reverse and create a cross-reference at the main function in the schematic that points
to the placed part or device on the mounting panel.
You have opened a project.
You have created a multi-line schematic page.
You have created a page of the type "Panel layout".
Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross references /

contact image > Display, in the Display device cross-references group

box, you have specified that cross-references between multi-line schematic
pages and pages of type "Panel layout" are to be displayed.
1. Open the multi-line schematic page in the graphical editor and insert a symbol,
for example, a contactor coil.

2. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter a Device tag for the contactor coil, for
example, "K1".

3. Select the Symbol / function data tab of the properties dialog and, if not
already selected, select the Main function check box in the Function data
(logic) group box.

4. Switch to the Part tab, and in the first free field under Part Number click [...].

5. Navigate through the Part selection tree view under "Electrical engineering"
to the "Relays / contactors" product group.

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6. Select the appropriate part containing width and height information.

7. Click [OK].
The part selection dialog is then closed and you are back in the properties

8. Click [OK].

9. Open the page of "Panel layout" type.

10. Select the menu item Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel >
Mounting panel, and draw a rectangular mounting panel.

11. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter the Device tag of the mounting panel and
click [OK].

12. Select the menu item Project data > Devices / parts > Panel layout

13. In the tree view of the Panel layout - <Project Name> dialog, select the
current project and navigate under >Unplaced" to the part number of the

14. Select the part and then select Popup menu > Place on mounting panel.

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A rectangular graphic now hangs on the cursor whose dimension EPLAN
has taken from the part information of the selected contactor.

15. Move the graphic inside the mounting panel and place it there with a mouse
A cross-reference is now created at the contactor coil in the schematic,
pointing to the placed part on the "Panel layout" page. Conversely, a crossreference is created pointing to the contactor coil in the schematic on the
"Panel layout".

16. Open both pages in separate editors to observe the cross-reference display.

The contactor "-K1" in the schematic (left side of the illustration) points within the
panel layout (left side of the illustration) to the part "001ART" placed inside the
mounting panel "U1" and vice-versa.

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Mark mounting panel cross-references

To use a marking for highlighting mounting panel cross-references to main functions

in the schematic, proceed as follows:
1. Select the menu item Options > Settings > Projects > "Project Name" >
Cross-references / contact image > General.

2. In the Settings: General dialog, in the Marker for group box, enter any
desired character for the Panel layout.

3. Click [OK].

4. Update the display using the menu item View > Redraw.

You have entered the "%" character as marker text for cross-references to the
mounting panel (panel layout). In the schematic, this setting is displayed at the main
function as follows:

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training



Creating PLC Cross-references

A PLC usually consists of several PLC cards, each of which may contain a different
number of PLC connection points in the form of inputs and outputs. A PLC card is
represented in EPLAN using a PLC box, where a physical PLC card can be placed
distributed over several schematic pages. In this case, there are then several PLC
boxes with the same device tag that are actually all part of a single PLC card. For
example, a PLC card with 32 inputs can be displayed on four pages, with a PLC box
with eight inputs being drawn on each page.
For distributed display of PLC cards, the so-called PLC card overview eases the
process of finding PLC connection points within the schematic. It represents the
physical cards of the PLC, which are represented in the distributed schematic view by
the individual PLC boxes. It graphically displays which inputs / outputs are occupied
and which are available, which actuators and sensors they are connected to, and on
which schematic page they are displayed. This type of overview can depending on
the manufacturer and type contain a different number of inputs and outputs. You
draw PLC card overviews on pages of type "Overview". A synchronization in the form
of cross-references occurs between the PLC card overview and the schematic
pages. The PLC cross-reference then points to its reference in the overview page
and vice-versa.
In order for EPLAN to create and display PLC cross-references between a PLC
connection point in the schematic and a PLC connection point in the overview, the
following properties of both connection points on both pages must agree:
The device tag
The connection point number
The function definition.


The PLC address does not provide identification and has no importance in the
formation of cross-references.


Create cross-references between PLC connection



EPLAN Training


You have opened a project.
You have created a multi-line schematic page.
You have created a page of type "Overview".
Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references /

contact image > Display, you have selected all check boxes in the Display
overview cross-references group box.
1. Open the multi-line schematic page in the graphical editor.

2. Select the menu item Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel >
PLC box , and draw a rectangular PLC box representing the PLC card.

3. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter the Device tag of the PLC card and click

4. Open the overview page and draw a PLC box representing a PLC card.

5. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter the Same device tag as the PLC card on
the schematic page and click [OK].

6. Select Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel > PLC connection
point (DI) and place a PLC connection point inside the PLC box in the
overview page.

7. In the Properties <...> dialog of the PLC connection point, enter the
Connection point designation and click [OK].

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8. Open the schematic page and insert a PLC connection point within the PLC

9. In the Properties dialog, enter the Same connection point designation as the
PLC connection point on the overview page.
Both PLC cards now "inherit" the PLC connection point device tags, since
the connection points are located within the drawn boxes. Since the DT,
connection point designation, and function definition of both PLC connection
points are identical, EPLAN creates cross-references between both
connections and displays them at the components in the schematic and in the
overview page.

10. Open both pages in separate editors to observe the cross-reference display.

The PLC connection point "-A1:1" in the schematic (left side of the illustration) points
to the PLC connection point "-A1:1" in the overview page (right side of the illustration)
and vice-versa. The address "I1.0" has no effect on the cross-reference creation.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training



Creating Device Tag List Cross-references

For all main functions and auxiliary functions in the schematic, an extra crossreference can be created and displayed that points to the device tag list containing
the respective device. The cross-reference can be identified by marker text, a special
character that allows it to be distinguished from other cross references.
You have opened a project.
You have created a multi-line schematic page.
Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross references /

contact image > Display, in the Display device cross-references group

box, you have specified that cross-references between multi-line schematic
pages and pages of type "Device tag list" are to be displayed, and vice-versa.
1. Open the multi-line schematic page in the graphical editor and insert a few
symbols, e.g., a transformer, a fuse, and a signal lamp.

2. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter the Device tag for each of the
components, for example, "-T1" for the transformer, "-F1" for the fuse and "H1"
for the signal lamp.

3. Switch to the Symbol / Function data tab of the Properties <...> dialog for
each component and, if not already selected, select the Main function check
box in the Function data (logic) group box.

4. Also switch to the Parts tab for each part, and use the Parts selection to
assign a suitable part number to each component.

5. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training


6. Select the menu item Utilities > Reports > Generate.

7. In the Reports - <Project name> dialog, click [New].

8. In the Select report dialog, in the Select report type list, select the "Device
tag list" entry and click [OK].

9. In the Filter / sorting - Device tag list dialog, click [OK].

10. In the Device tag list <...> dialog, enter the appropriate structure identifier for
the classification of the device tag list in the project, define the page number
and click [OK].
The device tag list is created.
Cross-reference information is now displayed at the main function of the
components in the schematic, which points to the appropriate components in
the device tag list. Conversely, cross-reference information is now displayed in
the device tag list, which points to the associated components in the

11. Close the Reports - <Project name> dialog.

12. Open the schematic page and the device tag list in separate editors to observe
the cross-reference display.

The transformer T1, the fuse F1, and the signal lamp H1 in the schematic (left side of
the illustration) point to the appropriate components in the device tag list (right side of
EPLAN Training


the illustration). Conversely, the cross-references in the device tag list point to the
appropriate components in the schematic.


Display device tag list cross-references to auxiliary


If you wish device cross-references from distributed displayed devices in the

schematic also to be displayed at the auxiliary functions, then proceed as follows:
1. Select Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references
/ contact image > General, and select the Auxiliary functions also refer to
the device tag list check box.

2. Click [OK].

3. Update the display using the menu item View > Redraw.


Mark device tag list cross-references

To use a marking for highlighting device cross-references in the schematic, proceed

as follows:

EPLAN Training


1. Select Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references
/ contact image > General , and in the Marker for group box enter a marker
text character for Device tag lists.

2. Click [OK].

3. Update the display using the menu item View > Redraw.

You have entered the ">" character as marker text for cross-references to the device
tag list. This setting is presented in the schematic as follows:

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training



Manually Creating Cross-references

Manual cross-references are simple multi-line texts that can be displayed at the
component together with the "normal" cross-reference. EPLAN positions the manual
cross-reference before the automatically created cross-reference.
You have opened a project.
1. Select a schematic page for editing.

2. Double-click the component where you wish to display a manual crossreference.

3. In the <Function category> tab of the Properties <...> dialog, in the

Properties group box, click

4. In the Property selection dialog, select the Manual cross-reference


5. Click [OK].

6. In the Value field of the Manual cross-reference property, enter the desired

EPLAN Training


7. Select Popup menu > Line break to force a line break, or select Popup
menu > Multi-line input to enter multi-line text in the Multi-line editing
dialog. A line break is then forced using [Ctrl]+[Enter].

8. Click [OK].
The text is entered into the Value field.

9. Click [OK].
The manual cross-reference is written to the symbol.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training




Optimizing the Cross-reference Display

The cross-references displayed in the project are basically composed of the full
device tag, the page (including the defined separator before the page) and the
position in the plot frame used, which is output as a column and/or row designation.
Cross-references allow you to quickly find the functions of a device represented as
distributed over a project. The relevant function can be quickly found through the
page, column and/or row information. Page, column, and row are only displayed
when a device identifier (for example, for the "Higher-level function" identifier block) is
not equal to the superior level (page). The following rules apply to this display
As the superior level, only the current page is visible, meaning that no location

box, etc., is taken into account.

[Separator]Page number[Separator]column[Separator]row is displayed when a

device identifier (for example, for the "Higher-level function" identifier block) is
not equal to the superior layer (page).
If the identifying identifier blocks are identical to the superior level, they can be

If all identifying properties are identical, the page number can also be

[Separator]Page[Separator]Line is never hidden.

If the cross-reference only points to the column (the row), the cross-reference
element is on the same page.
The following settings can be made in addition to the automatic optimization:
You have opened a project.
Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references / contact
image > General
1. Select the Apply cross-reference abbreviation rules to DTs check box if the
rules above are not only to be used for the page information but also for the
full DT.

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2. Select the Suppress identical page check box, if the page number is also to
be suppressed; this is only possible for cross-references for which all
identifying properties are identical.

3. Click [OK].

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