The Signal and The Noise in 30 Minutes
The Signal and The Noise in 30 Minutes
The Signal and The Noise in 30 Minutes
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Introduction Chapter Summaries Chapter 1: A Catastrophic Failure of Prediction Chapter 2: Are You Smarter Than a Television Pundit? Chapter 3: All I Care About Is Ws and Ls Chapter 4: For Years Youve Been Telling Us That Rain Is Green Chapter 5: Desperately Seeking Signal Chapter 6: How to Drown in Three Feet of Water Chapter 7: Role Models Chapter 8: Less and Less and Less Wrong Chapter 9: Rage Against the Machines Chapter 10: The Poker Bubble Chapter 11: If You Cant Beat Em Chapter 12: A Climate of Healthy Skepticism Chapter 13: What You Dont Know Can Hurt You Conclusion
According to Nate Silver, author of The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail but Some Dont, the information age has given people access to so much data that theyre having real trouble making accurate predictions. In the first half of the book, Silver describes how predictions can fail. For example, when peoples political or personal biases interfere with how they receive information, their predictions often amount to little more than overconfident guesswork, since theyre basing them not on the truth (the signal) but on what distracts them from the truth (the noise). Peoples failed predictions can even have catastrophic impacts on their own and others economic and social well-being. In the second half of the book, Silver shows how people can correct the inherent biases in their thinking and improve their prediction-making abilities in all areas. People can do this, he says, by applying Bayess theorem to the task of making predictions. Bayess theorem, Silver explains, is a stunningly simple and yet surprisingly rich mathematical formula that can guide everyone toward the kind of probabilistic thinking most likely to produce safer, more reliable predictions.
The Signal and the Noise, published in 2012, is Nate Silvers first book. Its publication is clearly an outcome of Silvers growing reputation as a statistician and political analyst. The book earned instant praise, as did Silver himself. The Boston Globe called Silver a stats whiz and deemed him responsible for remaking the art of political punditry. Esquire lauded The Signal and the Noise for bringing a humanistic approach to statistics. The Los Angeles Times called the book insightful, and the reviewer for the Wall Street Journal praised the scholarship of the author, describing Silvers arguments and examples as painstakingly researched. Some critics have found the quality of the writing uneven, but the quality of the books content has not been disputed. The Signal and the Noise was an instant success, and it quickly took its place among the top ten New York Times best sellers.
Chapter Summary
For Nate Silver, catastrophically bad predictions by Wall Street ratings agencies and governmental institutions were at the heart of the US financial crisis of 20072008. Silver says that these predictions were bad because they all ignored key aspects of the contexts in which they were made. As one effect of this tendency, a panel of economists who participated in a December 2007 Wall Street Journal forecasting exercise made the confident prediction that there was only a 38 percent chance that 2008 would see a recession in the United States. Silver also points to the decades-long US housing bubble, which finally collapsed in 2008, and to the variety of complex financial instruments that were created from collections of mortgage-backed securities. When the ratings agency Standard and Poors (S&P) said that one category of complex mortgage-backed securities had only 1 chance in 850 of going into default, the agency miscalculated by a factor of 200. Silver claims that S&P, hoping to avoid responsibility for its poor statistical models, placed the blame on the housing bubble while also claiming not to have known anything about it even though information about the housing bubbles impending collapse had appeared in news reports 3,447 times between 2001 and 2005, and even though additional documents show that S&P and other ratings agencies did indeed anticipate the housing bubble while ignoring its possible risks. In fact, their predictions about the housing bubble were based on what Silver calls irrelevant comparisons to the 1950s postwar US housing boom, whereas more relevant data was ignored. For example, some of the data that did not factor into the ratings agencies accounts included information about the rates of default in Japan after the bursting of that countrys real estate bubble in the 1990s. In discussing the US housing bubble, Silver distinguishes risk (something on which a definite price can be put) from uncertainty (risk that is hard to measure). According to Silver, the ratings agencies performed a kind of alchemy that was designed to make
uncertainty look and feel like risk. In other words, they claimed to know exactly how much risk was contained in what actually turned out to be unprecedented types of financial products, which were vulnerable to enormous amounts of systemic uncertainty. In early 2009, several months after the September 2008 financial collapse and the resulting freeze-up of the credit markets, the new Obama administration made what Silver considers an inexcusable mistake. The administration boldly forecast the nature and characteristics of the post-stimulus economy without first preparing the public for the possibility of uncertainty, even though uncertainty is inherent in all macroeconomic forecasting. In this case, the administration ignored the possibility of uncertainty for the sake of appearing to make a confident, precise prediction one that was ultimately wrong. Silver uses the example of target practice to illustrate the difference between confidence and precision, on the one hand, and accuracy, on the other. You can know from long experience that your bullets always hit the target in the same place, and so you can be confident that your shooting is precise. But if the point is to hit the bullseye, and you never do, then you cant claim to be a good shot that is, you cant say that your shooting is accurate. When people make a prediction, Silver says, they often have their political, personal, and/or professional image on the line. But when they acknowledge uncertainty, their model may seem less rigorous, and their PowerPoint presentation may look less impressive. Nevertheless, Silver cautions, people should not allow an apparent lack of precision to discourage them from making better, more accurate predictions. Making better predictions requires people to acknowledge that they are biased, and that their thinking is always tainted by a subjective viewpoint. Human beings, as Silver says, instinctively like confidence and precision, just as they instinctively dislike uncertainty, even though uncertainty is a part of life, and a big part of forecasting. But, Silver says, most forecasters continue to avoid expressions of uncertainty, just as key financial forecasters did several years ago when their confident predictions failed to warn Americans of the catastrophic financial crisis that loomed just ahead.
Chapter Summary
In this chapter, Nate Silver describes how a maxim attributed to the ancient Greek poet Archilochus The fox knows many little things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing became a central metaphor in research conducted by Philip Tetlock, a psychologist and political scientist. Tetlock studied how the forecasting ability of two sets of political experts was influenced by their thinking skills. He classified his experts along a spectrum that had specialists (hedgehogs) at one end and generalists (foxes) at the other, and he published his findings in a 2005 book, Expert Political Judgment. Hedgehogs, according to Silver, are type A personalities whose faith in big ideas is as inflexible as it is unjustified. Hedgehogs have spent their careers bringing a narrow focus to bear on a few big ideas in their fields of expertise. Nate Silver describes hedgehogs thinking style as stubborn, order-seeking, confident, and ideological. When hedgehogs encounter new information, he says, they use it to adjust their existing models, and when hedgehogs predictions turn out to be wrong, they simply blame bad luck or outside forces. Silver notes that hedgehogs, such as television pundits, can be highly entertaining. As forecasters, however, they cant claim that their successful predictions are due to anything other than random chance. In the realm of forecasting, Silver says, its the generalists, or foxes, who excel. Foxes draw data from multiple fields. They approach problem solving from numerous
angles, and they adapt their opinions as necessary. Silver describes the foxes thinking style as tentative and empirical. Foxes qualify their positions, he says, and they take responsibility for their mistakes. Foxes also tolerate complexity as well as uncertainty, and they accept that some problems simply may not have solutions. Silver identifies three primary characteristics of fox-like thinking the ability to be probabilistic, the capacity for being adaptable, and openness to using multiple perspectives and he says that his own political forecasting model, as illustrated by his FiveThirtyEight blog, incorporates these characteristics. He acknowledges that no one can be purely objective, but he affirms that accurate forecasting depends on the ability to notice and question ones personal biases.
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More than a decade ago, forecasters using statistical models to make predictions shook up the world of Major League Baseball starting with the baseball scouts, who worried that a bunch of stats geeks might be poised to throw them out of their jobs. Nate Silvers own innovative model, known as PECOTA, emerged during this period, an era depicted in the film Moneyball, based on Michael Lewiss book of the same title, which tells how Billy Beane, general manager of the low-payroll Oakland Athletics, used statistics to build a winning team and a victorious 2002 season. Any forecasting system in baseball has to account for a players statistics, determine how much of the players performance has to do with blind luck, and adjust for how the players performance alters as the player ages. PECOTA was designed to predict any one players performance by comparing his statistics with those of earlier, similar players, using data culled from ten thousand player seasons. Silvers PECOTA system did miss a few calls, but it also scored some impressive hits. Nevertheless, Silver reports, in the contest between PECOTA and the baseball scouts, it was the scouts who actually made the more accurate predictions. What made the scouts predictions superior, he explains, was their access to more information than just stats the availability of qualitative information in addition to quantitative data. According to Silver, when good forecasters get their hands on more information, their predictions improve (unlike the predictions of hedgehogs, which get worse and worse as more and more information becomes available). Therefore, Silver says, the computerbased forecasting models gave the scouts statistical data that they could use in tandem with such hard-to-quantify information as a players habits or the range of his mental capacity. Silver speculates that the competition presented by statistical models actually
improved the baseball scouts performance by challenging them to look past such biases as the one that overvalues a players physical characteristics. (Because of that bias, scouts were dismissing Boston Red Sox star second baseman Dustin Pedroia while PECOTA was signaling his huge potential. Incidentally, the title of this chapter All I care about is Ws and Ls, or wins and losses is a verbatim quote from Pedroia.) Silver says that good predictions, in baseball and other areas, require constant innovation as well as the ability to think both big and small in the quest for information that just may turn out to have value.
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Nate Silver says that the accuracy of weather forecasts has improved 350 percent in the last twenty-five years, in great part because of computers. But the weather is hard to forecast because its a complex system that is, a system that is both dynamic and nonlinear. With an ever-changing system like the weather, Silver says, forecasts are difficult not only because the system is characterized by chaos, or inherent unpredictability, but also because even the tiniest input error can produce exponentially large outcome effects. Silver explains that accurate weather forecasts also require input from the human eye, which can quickly observe what a computer cannot. In fact, he says, human judgment can improve forecasts of rain by 25 percent and temperature forecasts by 10 percent. But human judgment, for various reasons, also plays a role in making forecasts less accurate. In 2005, for example, the National Hurricane Centers forecasts concerning Hurricane Katrina were accurate and timely enough for New Orleans to have been evacuated before the storm surge breached the citys levees. But the mayor failed to make evacuation mandatory, Silver says, and some 1,600 people lost their lives. For Nate Silver, perhaps the most important test of a forecast is calibration over the long run, if it actually did rain about 40 percent of the time for every time you predicted a 40 percent chance of rain, then your forecasts were well calibrated. But calibration depends on probabilistic thinking, something Silver says most people arent very good at.
Chapter Summary
Geological systems, like weather systems, are inherently chaotic, Nate Silver says that is, theyre characterized by unpredictability. But as little as people really know about weather systems, they know even less about whats going on in the unobservable underground geological systems that produce earthquakes. An earthquake may also belong to an inherently complex system, one marked by long periods of stasis that are periodically and catastrophically upset. If so, Silver says, the ability to predict earthquakes is even further beyond peoples reach, and seismologists must rely on statistics alone, not to predict earthquakes but only to establish parameters for their probability and frequency. Because earthquake-related data is noisy and limited, Silver explains, and because seismologists have a poor understanding of the relationships within earthquake systems, conditions are ripe for a statistical error called overfitting . This error takes the form of providing an overly specific solution to a general problem. As one example, Silver cites the tsunami that inundated Japans Pacific coast and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant after a March 2011 earthquake measuring 9.1 on the Richter scale. That quake was five times larger than the 8.6 earthquakes that the nuclear plant had been built to withstand, and the tsunamis 130-foot waves also proved too high for the structure to handle. At the time of the plants construction, archaeological evidence had been available to suggest a history of tsunamis capable of producing such huge waves. Apparently, however, that evidence of earlier devastation was either forgotten or ignored. Overfitting can be an honest mistake, Silver says, but sometimes its deliberate, as when planners, for the sake of producing successful-looking models, give more weight to the noise (distraction) of their own rationalizations than to the signal (truth) of actual data. According to Silver, irresponsible predictions of earthquakes disrupt peoples lives, spread misinformation, and impede the progress of seismological science. These are three reasons why the seismological community does not get involved in issuing earthquake predictions.
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As Nate Silver argues in this chapter, an economy is a complex system to begin with. Moreover, economic forecasters face the daunting challenge of trying to separate causes from effects when causes and effects are not only intertwined but also susceptible to feedback loops that depend on unpredictable, emotional human behavior, such as what is seen during panics and bubbles. Economic forecasting also suffers from forecasters bias toward overconfidence as well as from their fear of looking bad if they acknowledge uncertainty, which leads them to let their reputations take precedence over accuracy. But Silver says that economists should always include uncertainty in their predictions, and that they should never commit the error of seeing causal relationships where none exist. This is known as the error of confusing correlation with causation . To illustrate the difference, Silver uses the example of forest fires and ice cream sales. These two phenomena are statistically related, since they both spike during the summer, but it would be absurd to conclude that one causes the other. Nevertheless, he says, this kind of error is very common in economic forecasting, and so is the error of ignoring data that doesnt support the forecasters existing model. Silver believes that the entire system of economic forecasting needs to be overhauled, because forecasters working in the current system are often motivated less by making accurate predictions than by looking good to their colleagues. As a result, they lack incentives for overcoming their biases. He cites evidence that anonymous forecasters tend to make more accurate predictions than those whose names and reputations are known. On that basis, he seconds the economist Robin Hanson in suggesting that a market-based approach such as the use of prediction markets, where bets are made on future outcomes might improve the accuracy of predictions by attaching forecasts to financial stakes. That kind of shift, he says, might increase demand for accurate economic forecasts and reduce demand for forecasts that are overconfident and wrong.
As Nate Silver explains, accurate prediction of the outbreak and spread of an infectious disease is a matter of life or death. As a result, medical statisticians have no incentives for posturing, but they do have every reason to correct for their own distortion of the signals theyre receiving. According to Silver, thats what makes these statisticians among the most thoughtful and honest forecasters in any field. Because of medicines intimate connection with life and death, doctors tend to be appropriately cautious. In their field, stupid models kill people.
Nate Silver, The Signal and the Noise
Chapter Summary
In 1976, public health forecasters erroneously predicted a deadly US epidemic of swine flu (H1N1) and pressed President Gerald Ford to rush a nationwide vaccination program into operation. As Nate Silver reports, the epidemic never materialized, but a significant statistical anomaly did occur some five hundred people who received the vaccine came down with Guillain-Barr syndrome, a rare and very serious autoimmune disorder. Prediction models can be flawed in numerous ways, Silver says. They can create both self-fulfilling and self-canceling predictions. They may extrapolate from data that can be useful only after an outbreak has run its course, or they may take peoples reports of symptoms at face value when such reports merely reflect obsessive media coverage of an outbreak, to the point where its not clear whether a disease is truly spreading or just more prominent in the news. Simplicity in a model can be a good thing, Silver says a model thats too complicated can pick up too much noise and misrepresent the underlying structure of a problem. But simplicity can be a flaw when its not paired with adequate sophistication. As an example of one solution to such flaws, Silver describes agent-based modeling , a technique now being developed to predict the spread of the staph infection commonly known as MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). This technique is so complex that it requires the support of supercomputers. Agent-based modeling takes account of very granular details, such as how many people in a neighborhood have been to prison (where staph infections thrive) and the culture-based frequency of hugging (a means of transmitting the infection). As sophisticated as this technique is, however, it still lacks data, Silver says theres just not enough. This is partly because agentbased modeling anticipates trends that have not yet appeared, and partly because the rarity of certain diseases makes agent-based modeling hard to test.
Chapter Summary
According to Nate Silver, Thomas Bayes observed that probabilistic beliefs get formed when human beings are confronted with new information about the world. In that situation, people make mental approximations of reality, revising them whenever new evidence is gained, and with each approximation, people move closer to the truth. For Bayes, thinking itself was a probabilistic endeavor. At its most basic, Bayess theorem is simply an algebraic expression with three known variables and one that is unknown. To use it in testing a hypothesis about an observed phenomenon, three elements are necessary: (1) an estimate of how probable it is that the hypothesis is true, (2) an estimate of how probable it is that the hypothesis is false, and (3) a prior probability, or the probability that would have been assigned to the existence of the observed phenomenon before it was actually observed. Silver says that as long as frequentist methods dominated twentieth-century statistical science, there were high rates of false positives as well as high failure rates for statistical predictions. As evidence for this claim, he cites a 2005 paper by John P. A. Ioannidis, Why Most Published Research Findings Are False, a study that illuminates the flawed statistical and theoretical foundations that have made predictions worse in the age of Big Data. Silver even says that exponential growth in data production has done little more than magnify errors in thinking. Human thinking cannot attain objective purity, he says, because people approximate their way toward truth.
Chapter Summary
According to Nate Silver, a disjunction has occurred between human evolution and technological progress. Evolution, he says, takes place over thousands of years, but the processing power of computers doubles approximately every twenty-four months. One result of this disjunction, Silver says, is that people are simply not capable of making perfect decisions in the face of vastly greater amounts of information than any human being can ever hope to process at any one time. The best people can expect of themselves, he says, is to make the best possible decisions, specifically by acknowledging their human limitations, in keeping with Bayess theorem. Computers, too, have limitations, Silver notes. For example, they cant think creatively or see the big picture. Computers cannot make accurate predictions within complex systems, and so they are unreliable forecasters of economic trends or events like earthquakes. When computers are most useful as they are in fields like weather prediction and chess its because the context is one in which a system operates by relatively simple and well-understood laws, and because good forecasting depends on the ability to solve repetitive equations much more rapidly than a human being can.
Chapter Summary
For Nate Silver, the game of poker is a process that is Bayesian to the core. This is what makes it such a practical example of how mathematical skill can be used to make probabilistic judgments in the face of constant uncertainty. According to Silver, its math, not some mystical ability to read another players poker face, that allows a skilled player to make probabilistic forecasts of the cards in other players hands. Good players, he says, think in terms of conditional probabilities. They mentally calculate and weigh numerous possibilities, and their calculations also include those possibilities that their opponents may be calculating. For Silver, nothing beats Bayesian methodology for knowing when to hold em and when to fold em. In all fields and across disciplines, Silver says, sometimes the point is not how good your predictions are in an absolute sense but rather how good they are as compared to those of the competition. In other words, you can be making accurate predictions 95 percent of the time, but that wont matter much if your competitors are nailing theirs 99 percent of the time. And so, Silver explains, sometimes the best thing is to focus less on the results of forecasting and more on the process of forecasting. In other words, he explains, if theres so much noise in a forecasters sample of predictions that people cant tell whether those predictions are any good over the long run, they can ask themselves whether that forecaster is applying the attitudes and aptitudes known to be associated with successful forecasts over the long run. In this way, Silver explains, people are actually making a prediction of sorts about how good that forecasters predictions are likely to be.
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Stock market predictions are never perfect, because they reflect fallible human judgment. But if people use Bayesian thinking in the stock market, they can adjust their probabilistic beliefs as they encounter new information. Nevertheless, Silver warns, it is important not to become overconfident in personal forecasting abilities. Group forecasts are better than individual forecasts, he explains, when individual forecasts are made independently, before aggregation. But this doesnt mean that a group forecast is necessarily better than the best individual forecast. Prices in the stock market can be predictable over the short run but not over the long run. Silver explains this phenomenon by pointing to the behavior of stock traders, which has its own impact on the market. For example, if a trader buys and the market goes up, then the trader thrives personally and professionally. If the trader sells and the market drops, then the trader is a genius in that scenario, too. If a trader follows the herd and buys, and the market crashes, then the traders position becomes tenuous. But if the trader, refusing to follow the herd, decides to sell and the market rises, then that traders career is ruined, and no one is likely to hire that trader again. Silver cites evidence showing that herd behavior is common among traders on behalf of institutional investors. Traders are judged by their short-term performance, and this is just the type of incentive that leads to market bubbles. Silver believes that bubbles will always occur in the economic system. But even though bubbles cant be prevented, Silver argues, people can hope to become better at detecting them while theyre inflated.
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According to Nate Silver, the current debate over climate change is an example of what can happen when science becomes crossed with politics the result, he says, is more noise than signal. Silver claims that most climate scientists agree on the existence and current activity of the greenhouse effect, as intensified by human-generated emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). What they disagree on, Silver says, is the effectiveness of the computer models that are forecasting climate change as one result of these two phenomena. Although increases in temperature and rises in sea levels have been fairly well modeled, there is a great deal of uncertainty about changes that may still come as CO2 levels exacerbate the greenhouse effect. In the scientific realm, that kind of uncertainty is all in a days work. But in the political realm, Silver says, uncertainty is equated with weakness. As a result, Silver claims, although some overconfident forecasts about climate change can be ascribed to modeling errors, others have been the results of deliberate attempts by politically engaged scientists to influence governmental actions on a global scale. But, Silver reminds everyone, overconfident predictions about complex systems are always indicators of inaccuracy. Moreover, scientists are inclined to learn from failed forecasting models, in keeping with Bayesian principles. But political players whove seen poor forecasting models exposed as such have used those failures to mislead the public into discounting the greenhouse effect. As a result, Silver says, fewer Americans over the past several years have believed in the possibility of global warming. The real problem, according to Silver, lies in the polarized political system, which does not reflect the intelligence of the American people. In politics, Silver explains, truth takes a backseat, and there is little incentive to separate signal from noise. Silver advises scientists to avoid the political realm, and to keep climate-change theory distinctly within the realm of science, where it is likely to be refined by other scientists who are using Bayesian methods.
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In security intelligence, Nate Silver says, it is extremely difficult to detect signal from noise. Only after an attack has occurred does the signal leap out from the noise. Only then does it seem possible that the signal could ever have been buried. The problem is the human bias for equating the strange with the implausible. But people can overcome this bias by intentionally imagining implausible events. To prevent future attacks, Silver explains, advance detection will require effortful imagination thinking about the unthinkable, such as a nuclear or biological attack on the United States, with casualties that are exponentially greater than those of the 9/11 attacks. Mathematics, as applied to terrorism, reveals indications of frequency and intensity, showing that the attacks of 9/11, instead of being outliers, belonged to a pattern, one in which a power-law distribution was at work. In this kind of pattern the same pattern that characterizes earthquakes a very small number of incidents (earthquakes or terrorist attacks) accounts for a greatly disproportionate amount of impact. In terms of this analysis, the scale of the 9/11 attacks should not have been beyond imagining, and people should be able to imagine even more massive attacks in the future. In situations where decision makers face high uncertainty, Silver advises intelligence analysts to use the Bayesian approach to think probabilistically about numerous hypotheses, routinely update them, and imagine possibilities that can reduce what Donald Rumsfeld famously called the unknown unknowns (in other words, what people have failed to imagine). For Silver, the greatest failure with respect to making a difficult prediction is to make no prediction at all.
Human beings are biased toward thinking that they are good at predicting things, Nate Silver claims. And yet, he says perhaps especially in the age of Big Data, as Silver characterizes this era people actually have a great deal of trouble making accurate predictions. According to Silver, people can begin to improve their predictions by taking a Bayesian approach to forecasting. This approach, based on Bayess theorem, requires people to recognize that, because of the way their brains are wired, they perceive truth by making approximations from simplified models of reality. The Bayesian approach also requires people to accept the expression of uncertainty as a necessary part of thinking. People who are just beginning to make predictions may do poorly at first. But as they slow their thinking down and consider not only the data but also the personal biases that they bring to their analyses, they are likely to experience improvement in the skills that make up probabilistic thinking. In fact, Silver reminds everyone, Bayess theorem requires people to be honest right from the start about their beliefs in an events likelihood. Flexibility is the key to Bayess theorem as people acquire new information, they update their forecasts and learn from their mistakes (something that Philip Tetlocks ideological hedgehogs are characteristically too proud to do). Finally, Silver says, if people want to distinguish the signal of truth from the noise of their biases and other distractions, they need not only knowledge of science but also ever-increasing knowledge of themselves.