The Divorce Papers by Susan Rieger - Adapted Excerpt
The Divorce Papers by Susan Rieger - Adapted Excerpt
The Divorce Papers by Susan Rieger - Adapted Excerpt
This is a work of f iction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination
or are used f ictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons,
living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
ISBN 978-0-8041-3744-7
eBook ISBN 978-0-8041-3745-4
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
First Edition
—B r a m S tok e r, Dracula
My Durkheim File
February 1, 1999
Dear Stephanie:
I need your help. Life is falling apart here. I’m sure you’ve heard our
news. Daniel has asked for a divorce. It’s so wrong, for him, for me, for
Tom, most of all for Jane. Our marriage has its problems, God knows,
but there’s life in it yet, and I cannot bear the thought of putting our
daughter through a divorce. You’ve been a close friend of Daniel’s
since medical school; he listens to you and trusts your judgment.
Would you ask him to slow down, talk things through, maybe give
marital counseling a shot? We’ve been together 18 years; he shouldn’t
throw it all away.
February 6, 1999
Maria Durkheim
404 St. Cloud Street
New Salem, NA 06556
Dear Mia:
You should think about the future and all its myriad
possibilities. Don’t cling to the past. Put the bad times
behind you and move on. Honestly, this is the best thing
that could happen. You’ll see.
Dear Stephanie,
You are a complete and utter asshole. Whose idea was
David Greaves
Traynor, Hand, Wyzanski
222 Church Street
New Salem, NA 06555
Dear David,
The upside of senior status is the lighter docket, and I’m ready for that;
the downside will be the diminishing quality of my clerks. I have to
face it (without complaining): I’ll no longer get the very best. I shall
miss that. I loved working with you, the original who set the standard,
and all your descendants down through Sophie, and I’ve taken pride
and pleasure in my role as a Supreme Court feeder. At last count (and
I do count), I’ve sent 10 on to clerk for the Court. Ruth will still take
my calls, no doubt, but the others are likely to plow greener pastures.
I don’t blame them. I’ve had a great run.
I wonder what she’ll end up doing. I had her pegged as a professor, like
her father, but when I said that once, she looked at me as though I were
out of my mind: “Can you imagine anything worse than reading and
writing all day, and then only being allowed out to lecture to a class
of entitled, fledgling Gordon Gekkos who expect an A for showing
up? Whose parents call when they don’t get one? I’d rather defend
meth heads. Which I do.” I’m glad she’s under your wing while she
tries to figure out what she wants. She’s so quick, so lively. Prickly
too, of course. She told me she regularly goes down to your office at
the end of the day, to “take off my shoes and take down my hair—
metaphorically.” It was good work I did, making this connection—for
you both. You missed out on a daughter, with those fine, handsome,
brainy sons of yours, and now a grandson. And she missed out on—
well, you’ll figure that out, if you haven’t already.
Dear Mags,
I will turn 30 in 6 months and I don’t know what I should be doing. You
know what you want to do; Matt knows what he wants to do; my sibs
know what they want to do, except of course Francoise, who just likes
kicking around the world. But still, that’s something. I’m treading water.
Do you remember swim class at Brearley, the 30 minutes of drown-
proofing, as if we might find ourselves one dark night floating on a
mahogany plank in the Atlantic with Leonardo DiCaprio?
I know I shouldn’t write emails after midnight, but I can’t fall asleep;
I drank too much tonight and I’m feeling sorry for myself. (I promised
myself I wouldn’t gripe to you before I sat down at the computer, but
as you know better than almost anyone, I can be a self-pitying drunk,
which is a step above a mean drunk, but not much. I apologize.) I will
pull up my socks in proper Diehl fashion and try to find the silver lining.
One bit of news: I saw Andrew Bellow on the street on Friday with the
chickie he’s taken up with, looking tired and unhappy. Chickie wasn’t
looking so good either. Roots showing, black tights with a run. I can’t say
my spirits lifted at the sight of them (Andrew smiled brightly and said
hello as we passed. I nodded.), but I may have walked on with a lighter
step. I updated my bad boyfriend list earlier: Andrew makes 5.
I did have a good time tonight, though it’s triggered all these anxieties.
David had a dinner party for Judge Howard and her clerks. She’s retiring.
Great food (oysters, lobster, the finest trayf in the land), great stories,
great toasts. The judge was so happy with the occasion and all of us. As
a group, they seem pretty happy with their lives and work. They’re also
pretty impressive, a deputy U.S. AG, the New York State AG, the deans
of Mather and Narragansett Law, the managing partner of THW (and
Attorney Work Product
I’d like you to interview a prospective client in a divorce case this Wednes-
day. I know you haven’t done a matrimonial, but the situation calls for
white-glove service and there’s no one else available that day. Fiona is out
of the office this week, Felix will be in court, and I’m trying to close the
Pericles deal. The downside of a boutique firm. But the upside too; we all
become utility infielders.
Let me know if you’re free Wednesday morning. It’s only a couple of hours
of your time, and you might even enjoy it. Divorcing couples harbor mur-
derous thoughts; they just have better impulse control than your regular
Attorney Work Product
I’ll do the interview, of course, if you need me to do it, but I can’t believe
you don’t have better choices. Proctor? Virginia? I have two serious defi-
ciencies, both of which make me a lousy candidate for the job.
1st. My rank inexperience as a lawyer who’s never done a civil case, let
alone a divorce, should stop you in your tracks. I put into evidence So-
phie Diehl’s CV Lite:
2nd. If, despite the clear and convincing evidence presented above, you
persist in your request, I would ask for an ironclad dispensation from any-
thing beyond the intake interview. I cannot do a divorce. I am not only ill
equipped legally; I am ill equipped temperamentally. (i) I don’t like client
contact. I suspect it’s why I settled on criminal work. I like that most of my
clients are in jail. They can’t get to me; I can only get to them. (ii) I don’t
like divorcing parents. I had my very own set, both of whom behaved very,
very badly in ways that would make your hair stand on end.
Gentleman’s Agreement?
Attorney Work Product
(i) Get from the library copies of the Divorce Work Sheet: Summary
Biographies, and fill one out for both Durkheims during the interview.
(ii) Take a look at a negotiated settlement; I recommend the Haberman
divorce; it will give you an idea of how the upper-middle classes divide
the spoils.
(iii) Cast an eye over Sections 801ff., Title 33, of the Narragansett
Code, the Narragansett divorce and custody statutes. I’ve made a list
of the most relevant sections. I’m assuming you took a course in Fam-
ily Law at law school, yes? And you must have taken Civil Procedure.
Your job is to think and listen like a lawyer but talk to her as a kind ac-
quaintance, someone who doesn’t know her well but is nonetheless warmly
disposed toward her. (You’ve got to drop the criminal lawyer’s skeptical
demeanor.) Prompt her, encourage her to answer your questions, but don’t
press. It may take an hour; don’t let it go much beyond that. Nothing new
will be said after that. (Shrinks stop after 45 minutes, on the same basic
theory, I believe, and they do it with a level of ruthlessness that is the envy
of appellate judges.) Take notes, of course; there’s no other way to remem-
ber the details (wherein God and the Devil reside). Then write it up. Or
you can tape it. You’ll be off the case after that.
Fees: You’ll need to talk money with her, not something you do with your
clients. The usual retainer for a divorce with children is $6,000, which
covers the first 40 hours (at $150/hour), not including costs. She may wish
only to consult, in which case you should bill her at $150/hour for the time
you actually spend with her. If she decides to sign on, we’ll add the write-
up to the bill; if she’s just shopping, we’ll eat it.
Client Conduct: Yes, find out if there’s another man or woman, for both
Durkheims. We’re a no-fault divorce state, but if the case goes to trial,
the judge can consider fault, and in custody fights, even the kitchen sink
comes in. It’s always better to know what they’ve done—though of course,
they always lie to you.
One last thought, which is not, strictly speaking, relevant but is none-
theless interesting. You might find out if Dr. D’s parents are dead. I’ve
found that people are more likely to seek divorce—and do it more cold-
bloodedly—after their parents are gone. I get the sense that Dr. D is the
one pushing for divorce. Meiklejohn didn’t say this outright, but he men-
tioned his daughter’s reluctance to speak to an attorney. She felt it was too
VIP Clients: The Meiklejohns and the Mathers (distaff side) are long-
time clients of the firm. Proctor’s grandfather was the executor of Mrs.
D’s great-grandfather’s will, and Proctor is the executor of her mother’s.
Mrs. D’s mother (née Maria Mather) died more than 20 years ago. Ten
months later, her father remarried. The current Mrs. Meiklejohn, Cindy,
is, as you know, Society (if you can say there is any Society left in New
Salem. Everyone—except you, of course—belongs to the Cricket Club
these days: no more inherited memberships). She’s a good deal younger
than her husband but more than ½ HA +7. My guess is she doesn’t care
what happens with the Durkheims—except insofar as their behavior up-
sets her husband. She doesn’t like to see him unhappy. I’m with her on
that. Good luck—and again, thanks.
People who get divorced are still attached. Separating is hard, even
when husband and wife agree it’s the right thing. And usually they
don’t agree on that any more than they agree on custody, alimony,
or child support. They have to despise each other to go through
with it. Otherwise, they can’t do it; they don’t have the stamina.
They demonize the other person so that they can justify their de-
linquencies, their selfishness. And every party’s the injured party.
Often the person who initiates the divorce is the angrier, the more
self-righteous, the more vindictive. Not in the beginning necessar-
ily. Guilt has a part but usually only in the early stages. People want
to be right but never so much as when they’re divorcing. . . .
Attorney Work Product
You won’t believe this. Mrs. Durkheim’s husband’s lawyers (K&B! Get
out the shovels) had her served with the divorce summons while she was
having lunch with a friend at Golightly’s. I almost fell off my chair. I would
have been less surprised if one of my regular clients told me he had offed
someone during lunch at Golightly’s.
My box of tissues went unused. Mrs. Durkheim did not vent. She was
composed, collected, articulate. While she answered questions willingly,
easily, she expected me to take the lead in the interview. She asked me to
summarize the law and explain her options. I came clean early on and told
her I was pinch-hitting for the firm’s ace divorce lawyer, who was out of
town. She seemed fine with that.
I asked her questions about her marriage, the family’s finances, her daugh-
ter. She was very knowledgeable, no baby-wife she. I was able to pull to-
gether a rough chronology, synchronizing salary history and marital
history. (See the Divorce Work Sheet: Summary Biographies for both
Durkheims.) I explained Narragansett’s no-fault/fault statute and the
principle of equitable distribution in dividing property and awarding sup-
port. I told her she could not effectively contest the divorce or refuse to
cooperate. The parties do not have to agree to a divorce; if one of them
wants out, she can get out. (“Not like a get,” she said.) I said it was in her
interest to cooperate. A divorce, I explained, is simply a civil action which
dissolves a civil union and allocates property, obligations, and progeny; it
does not provide “closure” or any other cathartic function. (“I get it,” she
said. “It’s all—it’s only—about money.”) I gave her a brief rundown on
custody (best interest of the child) and explained the difference between
joint and sole, legal and physical. I told her that most divorces were settled
by negotiation, not trial, and that the parties could make any agreement
they wanted so long as it wasn’t against public policy. I did my reading
but reading isn’t experience. (By the way, I didn’t bill for the 2+ hours I
spent doing homework last night; it didn’t seem right. A real divorce law-
yer would have known it all.) If anything I said was incorrect, Fiona can
set her straight.
I told her she had two options: she could wait until her husband made her
an offer, or she could make an offer to him. I gave her a copy of the Divorce
Work Sheets and told her to take a stab at pulling together a projected an-
nual budget, post-divorce, for herself and her daughter. She said she would
do whatever was necessary.
Mrs. Durkheim has acted out a bit, though nothing too extreme. She con-
ducted a brief, unpleasant correspondence with the woman she believes is
her husband’s new lover. She brought copies with her and gave them to me.
I’ve put them in the file, along with the note she wrote her husband after
she had been served the summons at Golightly’s. Her epistolary style, as
you will see, is very much to the point.
Mrs. Durkheim is 41 years old but looks younger. She’s tall (my height)
with blond hair, straight black eyebrows, and eyes that look black. Al-
though her Christian name is Maria, she goes by Mia and always has. She
was named for her mother, who was called by her full name. Since her
mother’s death, her father sometimes calls her Maria. She doesn’t think he
does it out of sentiment, only carelessness.
I like Maria Durkheim. She still has a sense of humor (which was the first
casualty of my parents’ divorce), and she loves her child. She probably
sounds harder in the interview than she actually is. I don’t think her brave
talk is all bravado—maybe half. She is determined not to feel sorry for
herself, at least not publicly. Good for her. Dr. Durkheim’s father died in
1992, his mother in September, 1998. He inherited a small amount of cash
and a 10-year-old car.
2. The initial retainer paid by the Client shall be applied against legal
services actually performed for the Client by the Attorneys (as well as
any attorneys working under their direction). There shall be no mini-
mum fee. The services shall be charged at the hourly rate of $150.00.
3. Hourly time charges for legal services performed include but are not
limited to: court appearances; office conferences; telephone con-
ferences; legal research; depositions; review of file materials and
documents sent or received; preparation for trials, hearings, and con-
ferences; and drafting of pleadings and instruments, correspondence,
and office memoranda.
6. Accounts not paid by their due date shall be subject to interest at the
rate of 1.5% per month until paid. Failure to pay billings promptly will
permit the Attorneys after notice to the Client to terminate the Attor-
neys’ representation of the Client, and the Attorneys shall be entitled
to file a notice of withdrawal in any pending judicial action.
7. If the total cost of the legal services performed by the Attorneys shall
be less than the amount of the initial retainer paid by the Client, the
balance shall be refunded to the Client.
8. The Court may award counsel fees to one party and order the other
party to pay the amount awarded. Alternatively, the parties, to avoid a
contested trial, may agree by settlement contract to provide that one of
the parties will contribute an agreed amount toward the other party’s
legal expenses.
b. In the event a contribution is obtained from the other party for
the benefit of the Client, the amount in question shall be credited
against the Attorneys’ final bill to the client.
We, the Client and the Attorneys, have read the above Fee Agreement
and understand and accept its terms. Both have signed it as their free act
and deed, and the Client acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Agreement.
___________________________ ____________________________