Z FOW - German Sicherungs & Walkure
Z FOW - German Sicherungs & Walkure
Z FOW - German Sicherungs & Walkure
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Operation bagration
However, by 1944, these security units, out of necessity, began to increase their responsibilities. With the German Army placed more and more on the defensive, Sicherungs and Feldgendarmerie found themselves closer and closer to the front lines. This forced them to become front line troops in the case of Sicherungs and battleeld security in the case of Feldgendarmerie. By the time of Operation Bagration in June 1944, Sicherungs divisions, who had been ghting the partisan eorts in Byelorussia, were thrown into the front lines in a desperate eort to stem the tide of the advancing Soviet Army. They found themselves in Kampfgruppen, or battle groups, with the remnants of infantry, panzergrenadier, or panzer divisions that had been ghting and retreating against the massive Soviet oensive. Feldgendarmerie also found themselves in a determined eort to halt the retreat. They were ordered to keep the combat troops from eeing westward away from the Red onslaught. Given the authority to immediately shoot deserters the Feldgendarmerie soon reaped the ire of their soldiers fear and desperation. Referred to as Feldmuse or eld mice by their contemporaries they became despised gures of the collapsing Third Reich. Neither were trained or equipped for the duties they faced during Operation Bagration. Placed in a no win situation, Sicherungs and Feldgendarmerie became cannon fodder for the Germans and at best, a speed bump for the Soviet Army.
Security Missions
Sicherungs divisions were organized exactly like regular infantry divisions without the heavy support weapons. This allowed them to conduct military operations against partisans and provide local security behind the lines for rail and road transportation networks. Feldgendarmerie were more in the line of a traditional military police unit. Assigned specically to individual military divisions they provided security, order, and general law enforcement for the military unit to which they were assigned. This would include mapping and controlling march and supply routes for their supported eld army. They would also hold and process prisoners of war taken by their combat units.
Combat Support
Together these forces provided an extremely important support function in keeping the eld armies combat ready. The ability to keep supply, transportation, and communication routes open is essential for combat units to remain eective.
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Panzergruppe Hoppe
391. Sicherungsdivision 252. Infanteriedivision 519. Schwere Panzerjger Battalion One of the rst groups to be organized in an attempt to halt the Soviet oensive during Operation Bagration was Panzergruppe Hoppe from 3. Panzerarmee. In the area around the town of Svencionys, Panzergruppe Hoppe engaged and destroyed two enemy battalions capturing a considerable amount of weapons and equipment. Their counterattack achieved a surprisingly deep penetration against the Soviets and allowed for the line to stabilise for a bit. The Panzergruppe contained StuG assault guns and Hornisse tank hunters.
Bergen Sperrverband
HQ of the 390. Reservedivision 791. Sicherungs Battalion 915. Sicherungs Battalion II Battalion, 603. Sicherungs Regiment III Battalion, 22. Artillery Regiment Organized to provide a blocking force to keep the Soviets out of Ossipovichi, the Bergen Blocking Formation or Sperrverband, was committed without heavy weapons except artillery. Just as the battle around Bobruisk and Ossipovichi came to a head the Bergen Sperrverband was reinforced with the rst arriving elements of the 12. Panzerdivision. Two companies from the 25. Panzerregiment (the 1st and the 4th) were immediately subordinated to the Bergen Sperrverband. On 28 June, additional elements of the 12. Panzerdivision arrived and control of the Kampfgruppe was transferred to Lieutenant General Lindig of the 307. Artillery. Now, Kampfgruppe Lindig was responsible for holding the line between Marina Gorka and Slutsk. Reinforced with the panzers of the 12. Panzerdivision, it was expected to hold a front of about 100 kilometres. Orders then came to have the 12. Panzerdivision attempt to relieve Bobruisk. Additionally, conicting orders came for Kampfgruppe Lindig to counterattack to the southeast. Attempting to accomplish both missions left their primary mission of holding precarious at best. The two counterattacks were successful in temporarily halting the Soviet attack on Minsk but Soviet success at Slutsk forced the Kampfgruppe to withdraw westward towards Baranovichi.
Kampfgruppe Metz
14. Infanteriedivision 299. Infanteriedivision 31. Polizei Battalion 221. Sicherungsdivision Stab (sta) Kampfgruppe Lendil 18. FlaK Division As additional reserves from the 170. Infanteriedivision and 299. Infanteriedivision arrived along with retreating divisions from 4. Armee, Kampfgruppe Metz was formed near Molodeczno. This new group was ordered to take over the mission of Kampfgruppe Lendil and keep the rail open between Minsk and Molodeczno. With the initial success of Kampfgruppe Lendil in keeping the rail line open the new Kampfgruppe Metz was ordered eastward to assist the other three Kampfgruppen of the 5. Panzerdivision while they fought a withdrawing action from Borizov. With the fall of Minsk and the continued advance of the 5th Guards Tank Army, Kampfgruppe Metz found itself ghting its way back towards Vilnius with the rest of Kampfgruppe von Saucken.
Page 3
(Infantry Company)
Headquarters HEADQUARTERs
Company HQ
A Sicherungskompanie must field a Company HQ, and three Sicherungs Platoons. It may also field one of any of the weapons platoons and one Support Platoon from each Support box shown (Armoured, Infantry, etc.).
Weapon Platoons
Combat Platoons
14 15
Sicherungs Platoon
Tank Hunter Platoon Veteran Tank Hunter Platoon Assault Gun Platoon
18 18 15
Sicherungs Platoon
14 16
Sicherungs Platoon
When the German 4. Armee (4th Army) retreated from Orsha and Mogilev they headed towards Minsk. Behind them were the Sicherungs (zish er-roong) or Security Forces that had been ordered to hold and defend key transportation nodes from partisans forces behind the lines. Unfortunately for the Sicherungs, they rapidly became the new front line. Though hastily reinforced with retreating Luftwae Flak battalions, they had to rely on the appearance of the armoured reserves from the 5. Panzerdivision and the 505. Schwere Panzerabteilung to have any hope of stopping the advancing Soviet Army. . Armed with inadequate weapons for defending against front line Soviet troops the Sicherungskompanie was nevertheless expected to hold until a new defensive line could be established with the retreating German infantry divisions.
16 17
Feldgendarmerie Platoon
Armoured Light Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon Luftwaffe Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon Luftwaffe light Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon Luftwaffe Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon Luftwaffe light Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon Luftwaffe light Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon FlaK Nest
17 19 20 19 20
20 20
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Company HQ 30 points
Add a machine-gun section for +40 points. Add a mortar section for +35 points.
Company HQ Unteroffizier MG42 HMG MG42 HMG Unteroffizier 8cm GW34 mortar 8cm GW34 mortar
The Sicherungskompanie was primarily used to hunt down partisans and rear area troops retreating from the front lines. However, as the front lines in Byelorussia crumbled German security forces were thrust into the front lines in a desperate eort to stem the Red tide. Security forces often found themselves confronting mechanised forces with little organic heavy support. Their only hope of halting enemy advances was by receiving direct support from local Panzer Divisions. A Sicherungskompanie possessed some light support but any real hope of success would require immediate support from
Machine-gun Section
Mortar Section
Sicherungs HQ
whatever counterattacking mechanised forces available. A Sicherungskompanie was also responsible for guarding the rail and roadways behind the lines but swiftly advancing Soviet spearheads sometimes forced German security forces to build a hasty defence and attempt to hold until heavy support could arrive.
CombAT PlATooNs
HQ Section with 3 Sicherungs Rie Squads 70 points
Add 3-ton trucks to the platoon at no cost.
Security platoons were formed by integrating military police forces, convalescing infantryman, and older recruits not physically t for frontline duty. Though trained in local police work with some combat capability against local partisan forces they were totally unprepared to face the brunt of the Red Army. The Sicherungs platoons were ill-equipped with sucient repower to hold o Soviet front-line units. Possessing only rie teams, Sicherungs platoons are hard-pressed to hold o advancing enemy infantry. They have no oensive capability but they are still fully-manned and can be used to hold key transportation nodes if they have sucient outside support.
Rifle team
Rifle team
Rifle team
Rifle team
Rifle team
3-ton truck
Sicherungs Platoon
Page 5
3 Sd Kfz 221 (MG) 3 Panhard 178 (f) 1 BA 10M 60 points 65 points 25 points
Armoured Car Patrols are Reconnaissance Platoons. Supporting your Sicherungskompanie with an armoured car patrol provides a reconnaissance capability as well as a light mobile counterattack force against partisans, light enemy reconnaissance, or mounted infantry.
Armoured Car Patrol
Add horse-drawn limbers at no cost.
Attaching an infantry gun platoon to your security forces will give you additional direct and indirect re support. They can bolster your defence while enhancing your ability to hit the enemy before they can close in on your Sicherungs platoons. Dont forget their smoke capability to hide your movement until you can get your counterattack forces into position.
As the main threat against security forces came from light armoured vehicles the older 3.7cm PaK36 was deemed sufcient for the Sicherungskompanie. While this remained true for advancing enemy mechanized transports it proved insufcient in stopping enemy armour columns in 1944. You can use the Stielgranate ammunition in a last ditch eort to stop enemy tanks but they must be at close range and it works best if your units are dug-in and in cover.
3.7cm PaK36
Kfz 70 truck
Page 6
2 Feldgendarmerie Sections 1 Feldgendarmerie Section 40 points 20 points
Feldgendarm team
Feldgendarm team
Feldgendarm team
Feldgendarm team
Feldgendarmerie Section
Feldgendarmerie Section
Feldgendarmerie (Field Police) platoons must make Combat Attachments to Infantry Platoons or Gun Platoons with all their sections. If a German platoon containing a Feldgendarmerie team that is In Command fails its Motivation Test to rally from being Pinned Down, to Counterattack in an assault, or to pass a Platoon Morale Check (but not to launch an assault against tank or any other Motivation Test), you may immediately Destroy any other Infantry or Gun team from the platoon within Command Distance of the Feldgendarmerie team and reroll the Motivation Test. If you roll a 1 for the new Motivation Test, however, the soldiers are pushed past the point of breaking and revolt against the Feldgendarmerie! In this case the Feldgendarmerie team is Destroyed as well. If a Company Commander joins a platoon with a Feldgendarmerie team attached, the Company Commander overrules the Feldgendarmerie capability. Thus the unit may only use the Company Commanders ability to reroll motivation. As with any unit, a German platoon Pinned Down by Defensive Fire fails to assault its target. It must wait until its next turn to rally as normal.
Feldgendarmerie Platoon
With losses mounting and reinforcements coming from non-line units, the ability of German units to hold the line became harder and harder. In a questionable attempt to keep front line units from retreating, the Feldgendarmerie were ordered to prevent deserters, traitors, and cowards from forsaking their duties to the Fatherland. To accomplish this directive the Feldgendarmerie would position themselves behind the front lines and attempt to stop German units from retreating. They had strict orders to shoot any retreating German personnel. This tactic was not always eective. The presence of German ocers within the retreating formations would preclude the Feldgendarmerie from carrying out their orders.
Page 7
Walkre Regiments were organized like regular Grenadier Regiments without heavy weapon support. They were assigned as Home Guard units in Germany and as such were trained but had never faced combat. When infantry divisions began to disappear rapidly under Soviet attack the Walkre Regiments were sent east as replacements. Since they arrived with all their weapons and in full regiments they were immediately assigned to supplement depleted infantry divisions.
In essence, though the infantry divisions retained their support and headquarters units, its combat units were more and more made up of Walkre regiments. Though fully manned, these Walkre Regiments lacked the experience and heavy weapons to stop the advancing Soviet army who had just decimated the regular infantry regiments. Some Walkre Regiments were thrown into Kampfgruppen by themselves but most were attached to existing Infantry Divisions. If the division survived through the summer of 1944, they formally picked up their Walkre regiments when the division was eventually reconstituted. Walkre regiments were some of the rst reinforcements to reach the eastern front during Operation Bagration. They were quickly integrated into the retreating infantry divisions to form Kampfgruppen in a hasty attempt to halt the Red Army.
This would allow an infantry division to keep one regiment of veterans in reserve while having two regiments of Walkre replacements in front. They could also integrate remaining veterans within the Walkre Regiments to provide leadership and training. Though the idea seemed feasible in practice the swift destruction of infantry divisions during Operation Bagration saw the Walkre Regiments hastily assigned under infantry divisions that had been severely depleted.
Kampfgruppe Metz
14. Infanteriedivision 299. Infanteriedivision 31. Polizei Battalion 221. Sicherungsdivision Stab (sta ) Kampfgruppe Lendil 18. FlaK Division Remnants of the 14. and 299. Infanterie divisions were married with the 1068. and 1069. Grenadier (Walkre) regiments near Molodeczno. With these new units, Kampfgruppe Metz grew to become one of four Kampfgruppen under Kampfgruppe von Saucken. It incorporated Kampfgruppe Lendil with additional units and was sent eastward to assist the other three Kampfgruppen of the 5. Panzerdivision in their attempts to halt the Soviet oensive northeast of Minsk near the Byelorussian town of Borizov. Though unsuccessful in stopping the Soviet oensive, Kampfgruppe von Saucken held up the Soviet advance long enough to allow many units of the 4. Armee to escape encirclement at Minsk.
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Many more Kampfgruppen were formed in the attempt to halt the Soviet Oensive in Operation Bagration. As the entire front collapsed the retreating German Army would marry up with any units available. This included in place security, reserve, replacement, and training units as well as reinforcement units of arriving Panzerdivision and Walkre Regiments. Initially, because of the serious lack of mobile and mechanised units in Armee Gruppe Mitte, most Kampfgruppe were formed as Sperrverband in hopes of holding back the Soviet tidal wave long enough for remnant units to escape to the west. Once reinforcements began to arrive near the end of June the panzers and panzergrenadier units became the core of the Kampfgruppen formed. They fared somewhat better against the Red Army but they too were overwhelmed by Operation Bagration. However, some of these Kampfgruppen were able to hold the line for a few days and eventually began to retreat in good order as the German Army began to implement the old Soviet tactic of trading space for time.
Sperrverband Weidling
50. Infanteriedivision 14. Panzergrenadierdivision 3. SS-Panzerdivision Kampfgruppe von Gottberg SS-Polizei Rgt 2, 4, 17, 22, 26. I/SS-Polizei Rgt 34 II/SS-Polizei Rgt 36 Artillery Abteilung 861 Panzer Artillerieabteilung 12 Panzer Artillerieabteilung 20
507. Schwere Panzerabteilung 1st Hungarian Cavalry Division 4. Panzerdivision 904. Strmgeschutes Brigade 447. Regimental Group 245. Strmgeschutes Brigade 474. Panzerjger Abteilung 576. Pionierabteilung 731. Panzerjgerabteilung I/FlaK Regiment 3 37. Sicherungs Regiment 118. Panzerabteilung
Flak Nests
Sicherungs and Walkre companies also incorporated the assets of the Luftwae that had been defending the towns, cities, and depots throughout occupied Byelorussia. Their inherent repower can greatly increase the defensive abilities of the lightly armed Sicherungs and Walkre troops. In particular, the open bunkered FlaK Nest can provide the higher rates of re needed to defeat light armour and infantry.
Von Saucken was repeatedly called upon by Der Fhrer to prevent Soviet breakthroughs with thrown together forces. Von Sauckens proven ability to organize and launch mobile counterattack became his forte, having demonstrated his tactical skill many times on the Eastern Front. All platoons within Command Distance of von Saucken may reroll any failed Skill Tests to make Stormtrooper moves.
Von Sauckens keen tactical abilities and strong leadership skills provided his forces the opportunities to provide decisive force when needed to stop Soviet spearheads. Time and again, across the Eastern Front, von Sauckens units managed to apply the right force at the right point in meeting Soviet advancing formations. Each turn von Saucken may re-roll one die rolled to receive Reserves for his company.
Page 9
WALKRE kompanie
(Infantry Company)
Headquarters HEADQUARTERs
A Walkrekompanie must field a Company HQ, and three Walkre Platoons. It may also field one of any of the weapons platoons and one Support Platoon from each Support box shown (Armoured, Infantry, etc.).
Company HQ
Weapon Platoons
Combat Platoons
14 15
Walkre Platoon
15 18
Walkre Platoon
Walkre Platoon
The Walkre were the German Home Guard formations that were fully equipped but had never faced enemy re. They arrived on the Eastern Front with a full complement of regimental support but with no divisional support as German infantry battalions. They were quickly assigned as replacement formations for the now severely depleted German infantry divisions. As such they were thrust into the front lines with their only support coming from the recently arrived 5. Panzerdivision and 505. Schwere Panzerabteilung. Retreating Luftwae Flak battalions also provided some support. With little combat experience the Walkrekompanie was expected to halt the advancing Soviet mechanised formations. Luckily the veterans from the panzer divisions aorded them a ghting chance.
Motorised Artillery Battery Self-propelled Infantry Gun Platoon Armoured Artillery Battery Armoured Light Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon Luftwaffe Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon Luftwaffe light Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon Luftwaffe Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon Luftwaffe light Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon Luftwaffe light Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon FlaK Nests
16 17 17 17 19 20
19 20
20 20
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Company HQ 35 points
Add up to two HMGs for +25 points each. Add up to 2 Anti-tank teams for +20 points per team.
The initial Walkrekompanie came from the home front. These borders guards had been outtted with as full combat infantry units but had been stripped of heavy equipment. Having been trained as regular army they lacked combat experience but were a ready made reinforcements for the beleaguered German infantry.
Panzerschreck team MG42 HMG Machine-gun Section Panzerschreck team Anti-tank Section
Walkre HQ
CombAT PlATooNs
HQ Section with 3 Walkre Squads 2 Walkre Squads 110 points 80 points
Walkre platoons provide excellent infantry reinforcements for developing a coherent defence against an advancing mechanised enemy. Arriving fully combat equipped, they can easily be integrated into existing formations to form a ready defence. Though elded as full companies they were generally supported by more veteran formations. This allowed for a quick development of a solid defence backed by crack combat veterans able to stop, hold, and then counterattack enemy incursions.
Rifle/MG team
Rifle/MG team
Rifle/MG team
Rifle/MG team
Walkre Squad
Walkre Platoon
Page 11
HQ Section with 3 Walkre Mortar Sections 2 Walkre Mortar Sections 160 points 115 points
Command SMG team HQ Section Unteroffizier Observer Rifle team 8cm GW34 mortar 8cm GW34 mortar Unteroffizier Observer Rifle team 8cm GW34 mortar 8cm GW34 mortar
Replace all 8cm GW34 mortars with 12cm sGW43 mortars towed by a 3-ton truck or RSO tractor for +20 points per mortar section. A Mortar Platoon upgraded to 12cm sGW43 mortars may not have more than two Mortar Sections.
Mortar Section
Mortar Section
As fully-equipped combat units the Walkre mortar platoons can provide full artillery support to your defensive formations. Use them to slow down infantry assaults or provide smoke to cover your counterattacks.
Mortar Section
Command SMG team HQ Section Unteroffizier MG42 HMG MG42 HMG Machine-gun Section Unteroffizier MG42 HMG MG42 HMG Machine-gun Section
Two fully equipped machine-gun sections can provide the re support needed to defeat most enemy infantry assaults. Dug-in and well-placed machine-gun nests provide the cornerstone of a good defensive network. The MG42 heavy machine-gun has proven its worth time and again. Dont underestimate the eectiveness of this primary support weapon.
Page 12
Replace both 7.5cm leIG 18 guns with 15cm sIG33 guns for +65 points. Add horse-drawn limbers at no cost.
An underrated asset to any infantry formation, eld guns provide repower, artillery support, and smoke for almost all combat situations. Place them to provide support for both your defensive and counterattack plans. They can provide the last piece to tip the balance in your favour.
Add 3-ton trucks for+5 points for the platoon.
Fielding 7.5cm PaK40 anti-tank guns in support of any infantry company will provide the needed repower to dispatch most enemy armour attacks. They provide the range and armour-piercing capability to penetrate most enemy tanks. Keep your Pak40 guns hidden against heavy enemy armour until the big tanks get close enough for ank shots. This will enable you to stop their advance while your infantry takes on their infantry.
Page 13
Divisional Support
5 Panzer IV H 4 Panzer IV H 3 Panzer IV H 475 points 380 points 285 points
5 Panther A 4 Panther A 3 Panther A 940 points 750 points 560 points
Tank Tank
As the divisional counterattack reserve your Panzers must be ready to advance and destroy any enemy formations that make it through your defences.
Panzer Platoon
HQ Section with 3 Panzergrenadier Squads 2 Panzergrenadier Squads 205 points 145 points
Leutnant or oberfeldwebel
Leutnant or Oberfeldwebel
Command MG team
Replace the Command MG team with a Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points. Replace the Kfz 15 eld car with an Sd Kfz 251/1 or Sd Kfz 251/10 half-track for +25 points and all Kfz 70 trucks with Sd/Kfz 251/1 half-tracks for +15points per squad.
MG team
MG team
MG team
MG team
Use your Panzergrenadiers to strike at a key point in the enemys advance causing confusion, dismay, and defeat. Do not squander this valuable oensive resource. Panzergrenadier Platoons mounted in half-tracks may use the Mounted Assault special rule.
MG team
MG team
Kfz 70 truck
Panzergrenadier Squad
Panzergrenadier platoon
Page 14
Unleashing your Tigers upon the enemy will certainly cause their commander great concern. His armour losses will swiftly mount and his battle plan will suer immediate reassessment. Whether counterattacking alone or in support of your other units, the Tigers can carry the battle to the enemy and reverse the fortunes of war. Remember to roll for your Tiger Ace Skills before each game.
Replace one or all StuG G assault guns with StuH42 assault guns for +5 points per assault gun
One of the rst groups to be organized in an attempt to halt the Soviet oensive during Operation Bagration was Panzergruppe Hoppe from 3. Panzerarmee. In the area around the town of Svencionys, Panzergruppe Hoppe engaged and destroyed two enemy battalions capturing a considerable amount of weapons and equipment. Their counterattack achieved a surprisingly deep penetration against the Soviets and allowed for the line to stabilise for a bit. The Panzergruppe contained StuG assault guns and Hornisse tank hunters.
Page 15
HQ Section with 3 Pioneer Squads 2 Pioneer Squads 195 points 140 points
Command Pioneer Rifle/MG team
Kfz 15 field car HQ Section Unteroffizier Unteroffizier Pioneer Supply 3-ton truck
Replace the Command Pioneer Rie/MG team with a Command Pioneer Panzerfaust SMG team for +10points. Replace the Kfz 15 eld car with an Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track for +20 points and all Kfz 70 trucks with Sd Kfz 251/7 half-tracks for +30 points per squad. If you replace the Kfz 15 eld car and Kfz 70 trucks with half-tracks, you may add an additional Sd Kfz 251/7 half-track to each squad for +5 points per half-track. Replace any or all Sd Kfz 251/7 half-tracks with SdKfz 251/1 (Stuka) half-tracks for +35 points per half-track. Add a Pioneer Supply Truck for +25 points or Pioneer Supply Maultier half-track for +30 points.
Kfz 70 truck
PanzerPionier Platoon
You may replace up to one Pioneer Rie/MG team per Pioneer Squad with a Flame-thrower team at the start of the game before deployment.
Mobile pioneers can assault to reverse an enemys advance. They can also rapidly plug a hole in the defence or advance through the lines into the enemys rear. Panzerpionier Platoons mounted in half-tracks may use the Mounted Assault special rule.
Add Kfz 15 eld car, Kfz 68 radio truck and SdKfz11 half-tracks at no cost. Replace all 10.5cm leFH18 howitzers and SdKfz11 half-tracks with 15cm sFH18 howitzers and SdKfz7 half-tracks for +60points per Gun Section. Replace all Kbelwagen jeeps with SdKfz250 halftracks for +5points per half-track. Replace any or all Observer Rie teams and their Kbelwagen jeep with Observer Panzer II OP tanks for +10points per tank.
Observer Panzer II OP tanks cannot launch assaults. Divisional towed artillery is an eective and cost ecient means of supporting your defence. The 10.5cm gun can deliver a high volume of re with the ability to destroy the toughest enemy targets. Motorised Artillery Battery Motorised Artillery Batteries equipped with 15cm sFH18 howitzers may not be deployed in Ambush.
Page 16
Add up to one Wespe self-propelled gun to each Gun Section for +70 points per vehicle. Replace all Wespe self-propelled guns with Hummel self-propelled guns for +25points per vehicle. Replace any or all Observer Rie teams and their Sd Kfz 250 with Observer Panzer III OP tanks for +5points per tank. Add an Sd Kfz 9 (18t) recovery half-track for +5points.
SdKfz 250
SdKfz 250
Observer Panzer III OP tanks cannot launch assaults. Providing direct support to counterattacking Panzers with concentrated artillery re will create the environment needed to halt the enemy advance and send them reeling back to their lines. Armoured Artillery Battery
Replace all Grille H (15cm sIG) self-propelled guns with Grille K (15cm sIG) self-propelled guns for -10 points for the platoon.
HQ Section Unteroffizier
The self-propelled infantry gun brings mobility to the exibility of a eld gun. It can support your initial defensive operations and then move forward to support counterattacks with indirect and direct re.
Upgrade to armoured half-tracks with Front, Side and Top armour rating of 0 for +10 points per half-track. 3 Mbelwagen (3.7cm) 2 Mbelwagen (3.7cm) 180 points 120 points
Anti-aircraft tank Anti-aircraft tank
Keeping enemy aircraft o your support platoons is critical to the success of your defensive and counterattack plans.
Page 17
Veteran Tank-hunter Platoons and Tank-hunter platoons are rated Condent Veteran.
A Veteran Tank-hunter Platoon benets from the Shoot and Scoot, and Manoeuvre and Fire special rules.
4 Marder III M 3 Marder III M 2 Marder III M 265 points 200 points 135 points
Tank-hunter Platoon
Replace all Marder III M with Marder III H for +5 points for the platoon. 4 Hornisse 3 Hornisse 2 Hornisse 495 points 370 points 245 points
As long as the whole platoon remains Concealed within or behind the selected terrain feature, they may shoot using their full ROF when they move as if they had not moved. If the platoon leaves the selected terrain feature, or is no longer Concealed from enemy teams other than aircraft, they lose the benet of the Manoeuvre & Fire special rule for the remainder of the game.
If any Tank-hunter from the platoon leaves the selected terrain feature, the platoon loses the benet of the Manoeuvre & Fire special rule. Tank-hunters can use Manoeuvre & Fire by remaining behind and right up against a Linear Obstacle
Linear Obstacles that are not continuous prevent Manoeuvre & Fire
Tank-hunters may move freely within the area terrain and re at their full rate of re.
Page 18
Hs 129B Hs 129B3 Ju 87D Stuka Ju 87G Stuka 115 points 115 points 100 points 100 points
Hs 129
Hs 129
The Hs 129 was a formidable ground-attack aircraft nicknamed the Panzerknacker by the Luftwae. Armed with the 7.5cm main gun from the Panzer IV tank, the Hs 129B3 was able to knock out any tank in the world.
Hs 129 Flight
Model 8.8cm FlaK36 guns with eight or more crew and increase their ROF to 3 for +10 points per gun.
Flak battalions of the Luftwae have supported the defensive operations since the beginning of the war. Though not your primary operation you can, when called upon, bring the power of the 8.8cm gun to bear.
AA section
AA section
Page 19
Add Kfz 15 eld car and 3-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon. Replace all trucks with RSO tractors at no cost.
Fielding anti-aircraft guns protect your soft rear-area assets from enemy ghter bombers. Providing this point defence is best accomplished when your guns are in fortied positions. This also aords some protection against enemy reconnaissance and infantry platoons. The high rate of re of antiaircraft guns eectively clears the skies of aircraft or brings much needed support to your dwindling infantry when ghting advancing enemy formations.
3-ton truck
Anti-aircraft Section
3 Flak Nests 2 Flak Nests 135 points 90 points
FlaK Nest bunker Flak nest FlaK Nest bunker Flak nest
In a particularly ingenious idea to quickly protect their antiaircraft assets while still providing direct support for their infantry, the Germans would place 2cm quad anti-aircraft guns on the roofs, attics, or the top oors of buildings. This tactic allowed the guns to re at Soviet aircraft as well as providing direct repower against assaulting infantry. By sand bagging and fortifying the house, the Flak Nest was protected against all but heavy calibre high explosives.
Flak Nest Flak Nests follow the rules for Flak Nests on page 49 of Hammer and Sickle.
Page 20
German Arsenal
Name Mobility Front Weapon Range ROF Armour Side Anti-tank Top Firepower Equipment and Notes
Panzer IV H 7.5cm KwK40 gun Panther A 7.5cm KwK42 gun Tiger I E 8.8cm KwK36 gun Fully-tracked 32/80cm Fully-tracked 32/80cm Fully-tracked 40/100cm 6 2 10 2 9 2 3 11 5 14 8 13 1 3+ 1 3+ 2 3+ Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schrzen. Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Wide tracks Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo, Slow tank, Wide tracks. Slow traverse.
Wespe 10.5cm leFH18 howitzer Firing bombardments Hummel 15cm sFH18 howitzer Firing bombardments Sd Kfz 251/2 (8cm) 8cm GW34 mortar Sd Kfz 251/9 (7.5cm) 7.5cm KwK37 gun Grille (15cm sIG) H 15cm sIG33 gun Firing bombardments Grille (15cm sIG) K 15cm sIG33 gun Firing bombardments Fully-tracked 24/60cm 72/180cm Fully-tracked 24/60cm 80/200cm Half-tracked 40/100cm Half-tracked 24/60cm Fully-tracked 16/40cm 56/140cm Fully-tracked 16/40cm 56/140cm 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 2 2 1 - 0 1 - 1 10 4 1 13 5 0 2 0 9 1 13 4 0 13 4 0 2+ 4+ 0 1+ 2+ 0 6 0 3+ 0 1+ 2+ 0 1+ 2+ AA MG, Protected ammo. Hull mounted, Smoke Smoke bombardment AA MG, Protected ammo. Bunker buster, Hull mounted, Smoke Smoke bombardment AA MG. Hull mounted, Portee, Smoke bombardment. AA MG. Hull mounted. AA MG. Bunker buster, Hull mounted. AA MG. Bunker buster, Hull mounted.
Sd Kfz 7/1 (Quad 2cm) 2cm FlaK38 (V) gun Sd Kfz 7/2 (3.7cm) 3.7cm FlaK43 gun Flakpanzer 38(t) (2cm) 2cm FlaK38 gun Mbelwagen (3.7cm) 3.7cm FlaK43 gun Half-tracked 16/40cm Half-tracked 24/60cm Fully-tracked 16/40cm Fully-tracked 24/60cm - 6 - 4 0 4 0 4 - 5 - 6 0 5 0 6 5+ - 4+ 0 5+ 0 4+ Anti-aircraft. Anti-aircraft. Anti-aircraft. Anti-aircraft.
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Name Mobility Front Weapon Range ROF Armour Side Anti-tank Top Firepower Equipment and Notes
Sd Kfz 221 (MG) Panhard 178(f ) 2.5cm KwKf gun BA 10M 4.5cm KwK(r) gun Wheeled Wheeled 16/40cm Wheeled 24/60cm 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 6 0 7 0 0 5+ 0 4+ AA MG. Co-ax MG Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Limited vision, Unreliable
Weapon MG42 HMG 8cm GW34 mortar 12cm sGW43 mortar Mobility Range ROF 6 - - - 2 - 1 - 4 6 4 3 1 2 2 1 - 1 - Anti-tank 2 2 2 3 9 3 13 4 5 5 6 6 12 12 13 10 4 13 5 Firepower Notes 6 6 6 3+ 3+ 6 1+ 2+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 4+ 1+ 2+ Gun shield, Smoke. Bunker buster, Gun shield. Anti-aircraft, Gun shield, Turntable. Anti-aircraft, Gun shield, Turntable. Anti-aircraft, Gun shield, Turntable. Gun shield. Gun shield. Gun shield, Heavy anti-aircraft, Turntable. Gun shield, Smoke. Smoke bombardment. Bunker buster, Smoke. Smoke bombardment. ROF 2 when pinned down. Smoke bombardment. Smoke bombardment. Man-packed Man-packed Light 24/60cm 32/80cm 40/100cm 56/140cm 16/40cm 48/120cm 16/40cm 56/140cm 16/40cm 16/40cm 24/60cm 24/60cm 8/20cm 32/80cm 40/100cm 24/60cm 72/180cm 24/60cm 80/200cm
7.5cm leIG18 gun Light Firing bombardments 15cm sIG33 gun Heavy Firing bombardments 2cm FlaK38 gun 2cm FlaK38 (V) gun 3.7cm FlaK43 gun Light Immobile Immobile
3.7cm PaK36 gun Light Firing Stielgranate 7.5cm PaK40 gun 8.8cm FlaK36 gun Medium Immobile
10.5cm leFH18 howitzer Immobile Firing bombardments 15cm sFH18 howitzer Immobile Firing bombardments
Team Rie team Rie/MG team MG team SMG team Feldgendarmerie team Panzerschreck Flame-thrower team Range 16/40cm 16/40cm 16/40cm 4/10cm 4/10cm 8/20cm 4/10cm ROF 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 Anti-tank Firepower Notes 2 2 2 1 1 11 - 6 6 6 6 6 5+ 6 Full ROF when moving. Full ROF when moving. Tank Assault 5. Flame-thrower. Moves as a Heavy Gun team.
Sta team
cannot shoot
Panzerknacker teams are rated Tank Assault 5. Pioneer teams are rated as Tank Assault 4.
Vehicle MG 16/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 1 if other weapons re.
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Vehicle Mobility Front Weapon Range ROF Armour Side Top Anti-tank Firepower Equipment and Notes
BMW motorcycle & sidecar or Kbelwagen jeep Schwimmwagen Kettenkrad half-track or Horch Kfz 15 car Horch, Krupp, or Steyr Kfz 70 truck Opel Blitz 3-ton truck Opel Maultier Opel Kfz 68 radio truck RSO Horse-drawn wagon Jeep Jeep Jeep Wheeled Wheeled Half-tracked Wheeled Fully-tracked Wagon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Slow tank. Optional Passenger-red hull MG. Amphibious, Passenger-red hull MG.
Sd Kfz 10 (1t), Sd Kfz 11 (3t), or Sd Kfz 7 (8t) half-track Horse-drawn limber Sd Kfz 250 half-track Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track Sd Kfz 251/1 (HMG) half-track Sd Kfz 251/1 (2.8cm) half-track 2.8cm sPzB41 Sd Kfz 251/10 (3.7cm) half-track 3.7cm PaK36 Sd Kfz 251/7 (Pioneer) half-track Sd Kfz 251/1 (Stuka) half-track 28cm sW40 Rocket Launcher Half-tracked Wagon Half-tracked Half-tracked Half-tracked Half-tracked 16/40cm Half-tracked 16/40cm Half-tracked Half-tracked 40/100cm - - 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 - - - 0 0 0 0 7 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 5+ 0 4+ 0 0 1+ Hull MG, Passenger-red AA MG. Hull MG, Passenger-red AA MG. Hull MG, HMG Carrier, Passenger-red AA MG. Passenger-red AA MG. Hull mounted, No HE. Passenger-red AA MG. Hull mounted. Hull MG, Passenger-red AA MG, Assault bridge. Passenger-red AA MG. Hull mounted, Stuka zu Fuss.
Aircraft Hs 129B Hs 129B3 Ju 87D Stuka Ju 87G Stuka Weapon Cannon Cannon MG Bombs Cannon To Hit 2+ 4+ 3+ 4+ 3+ Anti-tank 9 15 6 5 11 Firepower 4+ 3+ 5+ 1+ 4+ Notes Flying Tank Flying Tank, No HE
Team Flak Nest Range 16/40cm ROF 6 Anti-tank Firepower Notes 5 5+ ROF 2 when pinned, Anti-aircraft.
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