TMP 610 C
TMP 610 C
TMP 610 C
Edited by Shu Chien, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA, and approved October 16, 2008 (received for review May 17, 2008)
Recently, there has been a major thrust to understand biological fact that the spatial variation of the concentration of intracellular
processes at the nanoscale. Optical microscopy has been exceed- solids (e.g., proteins, DNA, RNA, lipids) gives rise to spatial
ingly useful in imaging cell microarchitecture. Characterization of fluctuations in the refractive index of the tissue. However, light
cell organization at the nanoscale, however, has been stymied by scattered by cells and tissues is typically recorded after its 3D
the lack of practical means of cell analysis at these small scales. To propagation within tissue. As a result, although light scattering
address this need, we developed a microscopic spectroscopy tech- does depend on a wide range of length scales of refractive index
nique, single-cell partial-wave spectroscopy (PWS), which provides fluctuations including those smaller than the wavelength of light,
insights into the statistical properties of the nanoscale architecture the sensitivity to subwavelength length scales decreases fast with
of biological cells beyond what conventional microscopy reveals. size because of the Fourier-transform relationship between the
Coupled with the mesoscopic light transport theory, PWS quanti- scattering signal and the scattering potential (5).
fies the disorder strength of intracellular architecture. As an illus- On the other hand, if photons propagating in 1D are recorded,
tration of the potential of the technique, in the experiments with a completely different scenario emerges. According to meso-
cell lines and an animal model of colon carcinogenesis we show scopic light transport theory (6–11), the reflected signal in 1D,
that increase in the degree of disorder in cell nanoarchitecture which is the result of the multiple interference of light waves
parallels genetic events in the early stages of carcinogenesis in ref lected from refractive index f luctuations, is non-self-
otherwise microscopically/histologically normal-appearing cells. averaging* for all length scales for weak refractive index fluc-
These data indicate that this advance in single-cell optics repre- tuations (6–8, 12). In other words, the reflected signal is sensitive
sented by PWS may have significant biomedical applications. to any length scale of refractive index fluctuations including
those below the wavelength (13–16). This presents an opportu-
light-scattering spectroscopy 兩 nanoarchitecture 兩 subdiffusion nity to characterize cell nanoarchitecture by detecting waves
propagating in 1D. This, however, has not been feasible by using
20124 –20129 兩 PNAS 兩 December 23, 2008 兩 vol. 105 兩 no. 51 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0804723105
receptor (EGFR), proteins implicated in early colon carcino- ments with deterministic nanostructured model media (lc from
genesis. After this, we used a mouse model in which the 20 to 125 nm). Both sets of experiments are discussed in
adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene underwent a germ-line supporting information (SI) Text. Importantly, these studies
mutation, the initiating genetic event in ⬇80% of human colon demonstrated that, in principle, there is no limitation on the
carcinomas. We report that, although these molecular events do minimum lc that can be assessed by PWS, in contrast to con-
not result in histologically detectable changes in cells, PWS ventional microscopy, which is limited by the diffraction limit of
imaging demonstrated profound alterations in the statistical the system. (In practice, of course, the limit of sensitivity to lc is
properties of cell nanoarchitecture. This has future applications determined by the signal-to-noise ratio.)
in early diagnosis of cancer.
Experiments with Cell Lines. To demonstrate the ability of PWS to
Results identify nanoarchitectural changes in cells that are otherwise
Partial-Wave Spectroscopy (PWS). The design of the PWS instru- histologically indistinguishable, we performed our first set of
ment is discussed in Methods. A focused wave of broadband, experiments on HT29 human colonic adenocarcinoma cell line.
low-spatially-coherent light (spatial coherence length is in the We focused on colorectal cancer, given that it is a major public
order of the diffraction limit, ⬇700 nm in our case) illuminates health problem (second leading cause of cancer deaths in
a sample, and an image formed by back-scattered photons is Western countries). The choice of this model was based also on
acquired in the far field. The spectrum of the back-scattered light the fact that the malignant behavior of the HT29 cells can be
intensity from 390 to 750 nm is recorded for each pixel of the controlled by genetic modification of these cells (19–21). We
image with 3-nm resolution. PWS combines certain aspects of selected the tumor suppressor gene CSK and the protooncogene,
microscopy and the spectroscopy of light elastically scattered by EGFR. We constructed stable Sh-RNA in HT-29. Thus, we used
cells. However, unlike conventional microscopy, in which an 3 variants of HT29 cells: original HT29 cell line transfected with
image is formed by integrating the reflected or transmitted empty vector, HT29 cells after CSK knockdown, which leads to
intensity over a broad spectrum, PWS measures spectral fluc- increased malignant aggressiveness, and the cells after EGFR
tuations in the back-scattering spectra. Unlike elastic scattering knockdown, which partially suppresses the malignant aggressive-
spectroscopy, where a signal is formed by the far-field interfer- ness of the cell line (discussed in SI Text). We noted, as expected,
ence of all waves propagating within a scattering particle, the that CSK knockdowns behave more aggressively, whereas EGFR
spectrum analyzed in PWS is formed by a subset of these waves was less aggressive, using proliferation (proliferating cell nuclear
(i.e., ‘‘partial waves’’). antigen) as a surrogate marker (Fig. S1). Importantly, as dem-
PWS virtually divides a cell into a collection of parallel onstrated in previous literature (19–21), the 3 cell lines are
channels each with a diffraction-limited transverse size, detects microscopically/histologically indistinguishable, which was fur-
back-scattered waves propagating along 1D trajectories within ther corroborated by a pathologist examining the stained cyto-
these channels, and quantifies the statistical properties of the logical preparations of these cells. This is related, at least partly,
nanoarchitecture of a cell by the analysis of the fluctuating part to the relatively modest knockdown achieved (⬇30–50%), mean-
of the (normalized) reflected intensity R(, x, y), where is the ing that the magnitude of genetic alterations were insufficient to
wavelength of light, and x and y are the spatial coordinates of a cause microscopic alterations but did result in the modulation of
particular channel. The spectral fluctuations in R(, x, y) arise cellular physiology such as proliferation (CSK ShRNA ⬎ HT-29
from the interference of photons reflected from refractive index empty vector ⬎ EGFR ShRNA).
fluctuations within a scattering object, e.g., the cell. Although PWS measurements were conducted on ⬇50 cells randomly
the lateral size of each channel is determined by the diffraction- selected from each of the 3 cell types (⬇500 1D channels per
limited resolution of the imaging system, information about cell). The protocol for PWS measurements and signal analysis
refractive index fluctuations at subwavelength scales along the are discussed in Methods and illustrated in Fig. 1. Three major
channel is imbedded into R. The spectral fluctuations are conclusions can be made from the inspection of Fig. 1 (A–E).
analyzed by means of 1D mesoscopic light transport theory First, A, B, and C illustrate that PWS signals are in agreement
(6–11), which calculates a disorder strength Ld(x, y) ⫽ 具⌬n2典lc with 1D mesoscopic theory (see Methods for detail). The second
(following terminology used in the condensed matter physics) conclusion is that PWS enables sensing architectural changes in
for each channel (x, y), where 具⌬n2典 is the variance of refractive otherwise histologically indistinguishable but genetically and
index fluctuations ⌬n within a channel, and lc is the spatial physiologically different cells. Fig. 1 D and E compares H&E and
correlation length of these refractive index fluctuations. PWS images of 3 representative cells from the 3 cell lines: control
Therefore, a 2D map of the disorder strength Ld(x, y) depicts HT29, EGFR knockdown, and CSK knockdown cells. As can be
the spatial distribution of the degree of disorder in the cell under seen from the images, the 3 representative cells appear cytolog-
analysis. In practice, it is convenient to quantify a particular cell ically similar. This was also confirmed by the analysis of at least
or a group of cells by a finite number of parameters, rather than 10 cells from each of the cell line. For comparison, PWS images
an entire 2D image. For example, a cell can be characterized by are clearly different. Overall, a cell from the most aggressive cell
2 convenient statistics: the mean intracellular disorder strength line (CSK knockdown) has the highest intracellular disorder
d (i.e., Ld(x, y) averaged over x and y) and the intracellular strength, whereas the least aggressive cell line (EGFR knock-
standard deviation (c) of Ld(x, y). The averages of L(c)
d ,
(c) over down) exhibits the least disorder. This suggests that a higher-
a group of cells, such as all cells from a particular cell line or a disorder strength is associated with an increased malignant
particular patient, are termed the group means L(g) d and .
(g) behavior. Fig. 1E also shows a PWS image of a glass slide with
The disorder strength quantifies the spatial variability of no cells to illustrate the noise level in Ld images: The disorder
refractive index and, thus, the local concentration of intracellular strength of the pure glass is negligible compared with Ld of cells
material. At a given point in a cell, ⌬n is proportional to the local and is spatially uniform, as expected. This further validates that
concentration of intracellular solids (17, 18), whereas lc can be PWS is sensitive to nanoscale refractive index fluctuations given
viewed as the characteristic size of the intracellular ultrastruc- the current signal-to-noise ratio.
ture of a cell (e.g., macromolecular ‘‘building blocks’’ of a cell). Fig. 1F plots intracellular averages of disorder strength vs. its
intracellular standard deviation L(c) d vs.
We have confirmed the dependence of Ld, as measured by (c) for all cells for the 3
PWS, on nanoscale refractive index fluctuations by conducting cell lines with each cell being represented by a single point: [L(c) d ,
rigorous numerical experiments using finite-difference time- (c)]. Clearly, L(c)
d and
(c) parallel increased malignant potential
domain (FDTD) simulations (lc from 5 to 45 nm) and experi- of the cell lines. This is further illustrated by Fig. 1 G and H,
Subramanian et al. PNAS 兩 December 23, 2008 兩 vol. 105 兩 no. 51 兩 20125
Fig. 1. PWS detects architectural changes in genetically modified HT29 cell lines that are otherwise histologically indistinguishable. (A) Steps involved in PWS
signal acquisition and analysis. The spectrum of a typical reflection coefficient R() obtained after removing the noise and the background reflection. (Inset) A
typical back-scattering spectrum I() from a single pixel of an HT29 cell image. (B) A representative p.d.f. P(⬍R⬎) of the mean fluctuating component 具R典 (circles)
in HT29 cells. The solid lines are the fitted P(R) curve that follows the log-normal distributions (r2 ⬎ 0.95). (C) The representative correlation decay C(⌬k) computed
from R(k). The logarithm of the autocorrelation function ln(C(⌬k)) (circles) follows a linear dependence on (⌬k)2 (solid line) (r2 ⫽ 0.98). (D) Representative
cytological images (H&E staining) from 3 variants of HT29 cells. The nucleus and cytoplasm of a cell is marked for reference. The cytology images look similar
for all of the 3 types of cells. (E) The representative pseudocolor PWS images from the 3 cell types shown in D: Color shows the magnitude of the Ld in a cell. These
representative cells are chosen such that they correspond to the average Ld for each cell type. Each color map shows the entire cell. Although the cytology images
shown in D appear similar, the PWS images are distinctly different from each other. To see the noise level, we also provide an Ld image of a pure glass that shows
very low Ld relative to those of the cells. It is important to note that the HT29 cell, as an adenocarcinoma cell line, is dominated by a large nucleus. Hence, the
PWS images indicate that the disorder is increased in the cell nucleus. However, the changes in disorder are not localized in the nucleus only and are present
throughout the cytoplasm as is seen in cells with small nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio. (F) Cells with a more aggressive malignant behavior have a higher intracellular
disorder strength. The values of Ld and Ld averaged over a cell, that is Ld(c) and (c), from 3 variants of HT29 cells plotted in Ld(c),(c) parameter space. As can be
seen, for each cell type there is a separate regime in the parameter space that only slightly overlaps with the regimes of the other cell types. (Inset). The part
of the parameter space for the EGFR and control HT29 cells with small Ld and Ld values is amplified to show their separation in the parameter space. (G) The
relative values of Ld(g) from 3 variants of HT29 cells. The error bar represents the standard error of the mean. The average Ld(g) is significantly decreased for the
least-aggressive EGFR-knockdown cells compared with that of HT29 cells (P ⬍ 0.001) and significantly increased for the most-aggressive CSK-knockdown cells
(P ⬍ 0.001). (H) The values of (g) for the 3 cell types. (g) is progressively increased from the least-aggressive EGFR-knockdown, to the control and to the
most-aggressive CSK-knockdown cells (all P values ⬍ 0.001).
which shows that L(c) d and (c) are progressively and highly achieve a statistical power of 90%, the dataset shown in Fig. 1F
statistically significantly increased from EGRF knockdown to required 23 cells to differentiate EGFR vs. control HT29 cells
control HT-29 and to CSK knockdown cell lines (ANOVA P and 15 cells to differentiate CSK vs. control HT29 cells.
value ⬍0.001). We also point out that, intriguingly, there is a
certain degree of intercellular heterogeneity among cells be- Experiments with the Animal Model of Colon Carcinogenesis. Based
longing to the same cell line as illustrated by a spread of data on our cell line studies, we hypothesized that the degree of
points in the L(c)d vs.
(c) plot. The intercellular heterogeneity disorder of cell nanoarchitecture correlates with the neoplastic
appears to be the highest for the most aggressive CSK- behavior and can be used as a marker of carcinogenesis. We
knockdown cells. We note that despite partial overlap among wanted to test this hypothesis in animal studies. We used 1 of the
cells from different groups, it was still possible to differentiate best-validated models of intestinal carcinogenesis, the MIN
the 3 cell lines by analyzing a group of cells. For example, to mouse. In this model, there is a truncation in the APC tumor
Standard deviation of
1 1
Wild type Min mice Wild type Min mice
x 10-6
5.0 4
0.0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 4 8 12 16 20
x 10-6
sorder strengt
ngt Ld (μm)
( ) x 10-4
Theoretical disorder strength, Ld = lc <Δn2> (μm)
Fig. 2. Histologically normal-appearing precancerous cells from the MIN-mouse model of intestinal carcinogenesis possess alterations in their nanoarchitecture
detectable by PWS. (A) The bar graph shows that the Ld(g) is significantly increased in the precancerous cells obtained from the MIN mice relative to that of the
control wild-type animals (P ⬍ 0.001). (B) Comparison of (g) in the wild-type and MIN mice. There is a significant increase in (g) (P ⬍ 0.001) for the MIN mice
compared with the control wild-type animals. (C) Ld and Ld averaged over a cell [i.e., Ld(c) and (c)] for the cells obtained from the wild-type and the MIN-mice
plotted in the [Ld(c),(c)] parameter space. Each point in this diagram corresponds to a single cell. Both the wild-type and MIN-mice cells have a separate regime
in the parameter space with slight overlaps. (D) Comparison of the theoretical (true) Ld(Ld 具⌬n2典 lc) and the one calculated by using Eqs. 1 and 2 based on the FDTD
simulations of light reflection from a 1D weakly disordered random media. The simulations were performed on a homogeneous dielectric slab with random
additive refractive index fluctuations around the background refractive index n0 ⫽ 1.38. Ld was obtained for the following parameters: (i) standard deviation
of the refractive index fluctuations ⌬n between 0.01 and 0.05, (ii) the correlation length lc between 5 and 45 nm, and (iii) the thickness of the sample L between
1.5 and 4 m. As can be seen, the calculated and theoretical values of Ld agree well with each other (r2 ⫽ 0.91), thereby confirming its agreement with the
mesoscopic theory.
suppressor gene (codon 850), which results in spontaneous mutation in otherwise microscopically normal-appearing cells
development of intestinal adenomas. Importantly, given the results in the increase in the disorder of cell nanoarchitecture.
germ-line nature of the mutation, all intestinal epithelial cells It has to be pointed out that although cells obtained from the
(including those that were histologically normal) contained the same animal exhibit a certain degree of intercellular variability
d and , these parameters are quite well conserved
in their L(c)
mutation in this tumor suppressor gene. The relevance of this (c)
mutation is underscored by the observation that ⬇80% of among cells from different parts of the intestine and even
sporadic colorectal cancers are believed to be initiated by APC different mice. The intercellular standard deviation of L(c)d for
truncation. control animals is ⬍15% of its mean, L(g) d . For comparison, this
The question we asked was as follows: Although appearing intercellular variability of L(c)
d increases in MIN mice up to
normal by the criteria of microscopic histopathology, do pre- ⬇50%. This suggests that the population of precancerous cells is
cancerous intestinal cells possess alterations in their nanoarchi- significantly more heterogeneous compared with the cells from
tecture that are detectable by PWS? In our studies, we used 4 control animals. The biological significance of this finding
C57 Bl male wild-type mice (negative control) and 4 age- remains to be explored.
matched male C57BL APCmin animals. The mice were killed at
the age of 15 weeks, and intestines were washed. Samples were Length Scale Probed by PWS. Because Ld is a product of ⌬n and lc,
taken from visually normal mucosa by using a cytology brush. it is impossible to determine lc explicitly. However, an approx-
Care was taken to avoid any possibility of contamination with imate value of lc can be estimated. For ⌬n ranging between 0.02
adenomas through examination with a dissecting microscope of and 0.10, which is typical for a biological tissue (22), the
dry ice-treated epithelium. The wild-type animal intestines were experimentally measured values of Ld for the cell lines and mice
treated identically. Cells from the cytology brush were smeared cells correspond to lc less than or ⬇100 nm. This is the length
onto a glass slide and alcohol-fixed according to a standard scale of the fundamental ‘‘building blocks’’ of the cell, such as
protocol (discussed in SI Text). For each mouse, ⬇30 cells were protein complexes, cytoskeleton, intracellular membranes, and
randomly chosen for PWS analysis. All cells were obtained from nucleosomes. It needs to be emphasized that lc is not a mere size
the macroscopically and histologically normal mucosa outside of a particular cell structure but instead characterizes the
any neoplastic lesion. The cytology specimens were then exam- statistical properties of the entire complexity of the intracellular
ined by a surgical pathologist, who confirmed that all cells were refractive index fluctuations.
histologically normal.
d and
Fig. 2 A–C shows that both L(c) (c) are highly significantly Discussion
(P ⬍ 0.001) increased in the cells from the MIN mice compared PWS provides a unique way of isolating 1D back-scattering
with those from wild-type mice, in agreement with the findings photons, which are sensitive to minute changes in the refractive
of the cell-line study. Thus, we conclude that the germ-line index fluctuations at subdiffractional length scales. Combined
Subramanian et al. PNAS 兩 December 23, 2008 兩 vol. 105 兩 no. 51 兩 20127
with mesoscopic light transport theory for statistical analysis of our understanding of the significance of cell architecture and
the back-scattered photons, PWS provides a unique statistical what we consider to be a ‘‘histologically normal’’ cell.
view of subcellular architecture at nanoscale beyond what con-
ventional microscopy reveals. In particular, PWS measures the Methods
disorder strength, a statistical parameter of the complex refrac- PWS Instrument. The design of the PWS instrument is shown in Fig. S2. The
tive index fluctuations at a single-cell level. white light from Xe lamp (100 W; Oriel) was collimated by a 4f-lens relay
We demonstrate that PWS has the ability to provide unprec- system (⬇0.8° divergence angle) and focused onto a sample by a low numerical
aperture objective (Edmund Optics, NA ⬃ 0.4) with the illumination beam
edented detail about the nanoscale architecture of a cell. This
diameter of ⬇120 m. At the sample level, the illumination beam was much
was validated in studies where defined genetic alterations were larger than the sample size (i.e., micron-sized biological cell), had spatial
introduced both in vitro and in vivo and the disorder conse- coherence length ⬍1 m, and was well-collimated (with respect to the size
quences were assessed in histologically normal cells. In the in and curvature of a single cell). The back-scattered image was projected on the
vitro study, PWS was used to image cells from 3 genetic variants slit of the imaging spectrograph coupled with the CCD camera and mounted
of HT29 colon human tumor cell line (original HT29 cell line and on a motorized 1D linear scanning stage (Zaber Technologies). The image was
EGFR and CSK knockdowns). Although microscopically indis- acquired by scanning the slit of spectrograph in the horizontal direction. In
tinguishable, these 3 types of cells exhibit different degree of each scanning step, the CCD camera records a matrix with the vertical axis
malignant behavior, from less aggressive (EGFR knockdown) to corresponding to a spatial position of the image and the horizontal axis
corresponding to the wavelength of light, . Therefore, the instrument ac-
more aggressive (CSK knockdown). Our results demonstrate
quired back-scattering spectra I(, x, y) ( ⫽ 390 –750 nm, 1,392 wavelengths,
that PWS was able to differentiate cells from these lines by spectral resolution ⬇3 nm) for each pixel (x, y) on the image. All spectra were
quantifying the disorder of cell nanoarchitecture. In particular, normalized by the spectra of the incident light.
the increase in malignant aggressive behavior was associated I(, x, y) were further analyzed (see the following section) to calculate the
with the increase in the disorder strength of intracellular orga- fluctuating component of these back-scattering spectra, R(k, x, y) (k is the
nization. The increase in the disorder of cell architecture was wave number) that arises from the interference of photons reflected from
further confirmed in the study with the MIN-mouse model of refractive index fluctuations within a scattering object. Because of weak
intestinal carcinogenesis. Again, the same trend was observed: A refractive index fluctuations existing in biological cells and the low spatial-
germ-line mutation in intestinal epithelial cells in the MIN mice coherence illumination, this detection scheme isolates photons localized in
1D. In essence, PWS decomposes a complex 3D weakly disordered medium into
that were normal-appearing by conventional histologic stan-
many spatially independent parallel 1D channels and acquires 1D reflection
dards resulted in a profound increase in the disorder strength spectra R(k) originating because of the interference of photons propagating
compared with the control mice. This suggests that early carci- in these 1D channels. The condition of the weak scattering within the medium
nogenesis is accompanied by increasing disorder and progres- and the low-coherence illumination essentially prevents the interference of
sively higher heterogeneity of the intracellular nanoarchitecture. the back-scattered light emerging from different 1D channels (Fig. S3). Al-
These results may have profound biological and medical though the lateral size of each channel is determined by the diffraction-
implications. From the cancer-biology perspective, PWS may be limited resolution of the system (⬇700 nm), information about refractive
used to better understand early cellular events in carcinogenesis. index fluctuations at subwavelength scales is imbedded into R(k).
Cell architecture may be much more ‘‘in tune’’ with the molec-
Calculation of Fluctuating Component R(k) from the Back-Scattering Signal. R(k)
ular events than previously thought. Although it may not be
was computed from I(k) for each pixel in a cell image. This was accomplished
possible at this point to identify which specific structures are in 3 steps. First, we filtered out the high-frequency noise by using a 6th-order
responsible for the increase in the disorder and associated low-pass Butterworth filter with a normalized cutoff frequency of 0.08. The
molecular mechanisms, we can get some insights into the kinds determination of the amplitude and the normalized cutoff frequency is discussed
of nanoscale changes developing in preneoplastic cells. Because in SI Text. The result was a noise-filtered spectrum I(k). Second, a low order
Ld ⫽ 具⌬n2典lc, a higher disorder strength is due to the increase in polynomial [Ip(k)] was fit to I(k). Third, R(k) was obtained as R(k) ⴝ I(k) ⫺ Ip(k).
the refractive index fluctuations ⌬n2, or refractive index corre-
lation length lc. A higher ⌬n2 may be associated with the Calculation of Disorder Strength by Using Mesoscopic Light-Transport Theory.
increased spatial variation of the density of intracellular material Because R(k) is formed primarily by 1D back-scattered photons, R(k) can be
(e.g., DNA, RNA, proteins and lipids) (17, 18). As discussed in analyzed by means of the 1D mesoscopic light-transport theory in disordered
media (6 –11). This theory has been well-studied and used for electron trans-
Results, lc ⬇ 100 nm. Thus, a change in lc may represent
port in conductors and light transport in dielectric media. The mesoscopic
aggregation or ‘‘packing’’ of some of the basic ‘‘building blocks’’ theory enables quantification of the statistical properties of the spatial re-
of the cell. Similarly, the increase in lc can be related to the fractive index variations within a 1D scattering medium, e.g., a 1D channel
increase in fractal dimension reported by other groups (1) and within a cell. A corresponding measurable statistical parameter obtained for
also to the log-normal size distribution of particles (23, 24), each channel is the disorder strength Ld ⫽ ␣具⌬n2典lc (following terminology
where the increase in lc would indicate the increase in the average used in the condensed-matter physics), where 具⌬n2典 is the variance of refrac-
and standard deviation of the log-normal distribution. Further- tive index fluctuations ⌬n within a channel, lc is the spatial correlation length
more, our data also suggest that the increase in the disorder of these refractive index fluctuations, and ␣ is a numerical factor ⬇1.
strength is not limited to a specific organelle or a type of One can determine Ld for each pixel in a cell image from 2 experimentally
acquired quantities: R(k) and its autocorrelation function C(⌬k) ⫽ 具R(k)R(k ⫹
molecule. Instead, it represents the progression of global intra-
⌬k典/具R(k)R(k)典 (6 –11). In a weakly disordered medium (i.e., R ⬍⬍ 1), the prob-
cellular organization toward a more disordered state. ability density distribution of R is log-normal for all length scales of the
From the clinical perspective, our data indicate that PWS has disordered scattering medium (8, 9, 12). The ensemble average of the R
the potential to detect cell changes that would otherwise be distribution over the ensemble of 1D independent parallel disordered chan-
missed by conventional histopathology. PWS may potentially 1
nels 具R典 ⬵ [exp(4k2LdL/n02) ⫺ 1)], where n0 is the average refractive index of the
provide another dimension to histopathology and complement medium, and L is the longitudinal (i.e., along the direction of incident light
and expand its use. Moreover, PWS could be useful to detect propagation) dimension of the medium. If klc ⬍⬍ 1 and 4k2LdL/n02 ⬍⬍ 1,
field carcinogenesis in organs such as the colon providing a
potential means of using easily accessible normal-appearing 具R典 ⬵ 2k2LdL兾n20. [1]
mucosa to determine the risk of neoplasia throughout the colon (8, 9, 12, 23). Furthermore, C(⌬k) ⬵ exp[⫺(⌬k)2f(ld)AL], where f(Ld) is a slowly
without the need for interrogation of a formed dysplastic lesion. varying function for realistic values of the disorder strength and is neglected
This may also be applicable to other cancer sites where field in the following analysis. Thus,
carcinogenesis is known to be important (e.g., lung, breast, etc.).
If the results are confirmed in humans, we may have to redefine ln(C共⌬k兲) ⫽ ⫺ 共⌬k兲 2 AL, [2]
domain (FDTD) (26) simulations of light propagation in random cell-emulating by the Canary Foundation/American Cancer Society Early Detection Postdoc-
media with controlled refractive index distributions (lc varied from 5 to 45 nm). toral Fellowship.
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Subramanian et al. PNAS 兩 December 23, 2008 兩 vol. 105 兩 no. 51 兩 20129