Experiment and Mechanism Research of SKOV3 Cancer Cell Apoptosis Induced by Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Field
Experiment and Mechanism Research of SKOV3 Cancer Cell Apoptosis Induced by Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Field
Experiment and Mechanism Research of SKOV3 Cancer Cell Apoptosis Induced by Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Field
The volume of the treated cell diminished significantly and
was approximately two-thirds of the untreated, as shown in
Fig.3. With intact cytomembrane and fewer microvilli,
vesicular protuberances of different sizes appeared on the
surface of the treated cell, which was forming apoptotic
bodies, indicated by arrows. The untreated cell was spherical,
with intact cytomembrane and stubby microvilli of different
types at the cell surface.
D. Effect of nsPEF on [Ca2+]i of SKOV3 cancer cell
A Control group (h200) B Treatment group (h200) From each group we randomly collected 15 SKOV3 cancer
Fig.2 Results observed after AO/EB staining
cells with clear structure and intact cytomembrane, and
measured their relative fluorescence intensity by LSCM.
Fluorescence intensity of the treatment group [Ca2+]i was
(12.80±2.10)%, higher than that of the control group
(9.22±1.63)%, P<0.01, as shown in Fig.4.
E. Effect of CaCl2 on [Ca2+]i of SKOV3 cancer cell
After nsPEF treatment combining with CaCl2, using
LSCM, relative fluorescent intensity of [Ca2+]i in each group
A Untreated cell (h2500) B Treated cell. (h5000) was obtained and given in Table 1. The difference between
Fig.3 SKOV3 cancer apoptosis observed under SEM two random groups had no statistical meaning (P>0.05). The
group was (22.21±2.71)%, higher than that of the control result shows that the [Ca2+]i change of SKOV3 cancer cell
group (3.04±0.44)% (P<0.01). The total rate of late only depends on nsPEF treatment, and is independent of
apoptosis and necrosis of the treatment group was concentration change of extracellular calcium ion.
(9.78±2.71)%, while that of the control group was TABLE1. EFFECT OF CaCl2 ON [Ca2+]i ( x ± s )
(0.45±0.32)%. The difference between them was meaningful Relative fluorescent
Group Repeat times/n
statistically (P<0.05). The early apoptosis rate of the intensity of cell [Ca2+]i
treatment group was much higher than its total rate of late nsPEF combining with
15 11.14±1.02
apoptosis and necrosis (P<0.01). 0mmol/L CaCl2 group
nsPEF combining with
15 10.73±1.60
B. Results observed after AO/EB staining 1mmol/L CaCl2 group
nsPEF combining with
There were much more apoptotic and necrotic cells in the 15 11.61±1.73
2mmol/L CaCl2 group
treatment group, as shown in Fig2. The living cell has intact nsPEF combining with
15 10.55±1.53
cytomembrane and uniform nuclear chromatin, and looks 3mmol/L CaCl2 group
green. The cell in early apoptosis has intact cytomembrane
but diminished cell body, and its nuclear chromatin is IV. DISCUSSION
yellowish green, condensed and bead-like. The cell in late Apoptosis is that under definite physiological or
apoptosis also has intact cytomembrane but diminished cell pathological conditions, cells kill themselves following their
body while its nuclear chromatin is orange-red, condensed own program. The mechanism of traditional cancer therapies
and bead-like. The necrotic cell, with orange-red nuclear is to kill tumor cell and restrain its growth and proliferation.
chromatin, has swelled cell body and broken cytomembrane, In contrast, apoptosis can make tumor tissue diminish and
and is disintegrated or close to disintegration. In the control even disappear, decreasing the side effects and the harm to
group were only fusiform cancer cells with regular morphosis, normal cells. In a word, apoptosis plays a significant role in
intact cytomembrane and the nucleus exhibiting uniform, cancer therapy. Nowadays, experiment and mechanism
strong and green fluorescence. research on cancer cell apoptosis induced by nsPEF have
C. Results observed by SEM become a research hotspot in the field of tumor therapy
In this study, after nsPEF (10kV/cm, 100ns) treatment, the
Relative fluorescent intensity
was significantly higher than that of the control group intracellular Ca2+, this study observed the effect of nsPEF on
(P<0.01), and that the early apoptosis rate of the treatment SKOV3 [Ca2+]i when extracellular suspension did and did not
group was much higher than its total rate of late apoptosis and contain calcium, respectively. There may come two results: 1)
necrosis (P<0.01). This study detected the specific if Ca2+ is only from the influx of extracellular calcium, or
transforms of apoptotic cells according to morphological and from both the influx of extracellular calcium and the release
ultrastructure changes. Typical apoptotic cells have been of intracellular calcium, the fluorescent intensity of calcium
observed by the fluorescent, scanning electron microscopes. ion may intensify with the increased concentration of
After nsPEF treatment, SKOV3 cancer cells were in the extracellular CaCl2; 2) if Ca2+ is only from the release of
change from early to middle apoptosis. In summary, these intracellular calcium, the fluorescent intensity of calcium ion
experiments quantitatively and qualitatively indicate that the may be independent of the concentration of extracellular
nsPEF (10kV/cm, 100ns) can induce apoptosis of SKOV3 CaCl2. The results showed that there was no significant
cancer cell. difference (P>0.05) in fluorescent intensity between the
Then how does nsPEF induce apoptosis of cancer cells? group only applying nsPEF and that combing nsPEF with
Considering that Ca2+ is a second cell messenger that CaCl2. It suggests that when exposed to nsPEF, the increase
participates in inducing cell apoptosis, the LSCM was used to in [Ca2+]i might only originate from the release of
observe the effect of nsPEF on Ca2+ concentration inside the intracellular calcium stores. The results show that one of the
SKOV3 cancer cell. Increase in intracellular [Ca2+]i can take mechanisms of nsPEF-induced apoptosis may be that
part in inducing cell apoptosis in the following ways: 1) activating intracellular calcium stores can increase the [Ca2+]i
activating protein kinase and/or phosphorylase depended by and induce the apoptotic signal pathway
Ca2+ can activate many apoptosis related genes; 2) activating According to bioelectricity characteristics of each part, a
caspase can lead to cracking of cell frame protein and laminin; cell can be regarded as conductive cytoplasm and organelle
3) activating endogenous endonuclease can result in the DNA (equivalent to resistance approximately), which are
specific fracture and the formation of the characteristic DNA surrounded by dielectric outer and inner membrane
fragment; 4) activating the enzyme that keeps symmetry of (equivalent to capacitance approximately). Considering the
plasma membrane phospholipids. The PS externalization and equivalent capacitance of cell membrane, nsPEF can
exposure is a Ca2 dependent process. Fluo-3/AM, a penetrate cell interior due to its high frequency components,
fluorescent marker for calcium, can enter into cell interior leading to a series of functional changes in mitochondria,
and combine with intracellular free Ca2+. Therefore, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleolus and cell signal transfer (e.g.
fluorescence measured by LSCM can reflect the level and the activation of intracellular calcium stores). This may be
distribution of Ca2+. This study found that [Ca2+]i of SKOV3 one of the bioelectric mechanisms of how nsPEF affects
cell in the treatment group increased significantly, and that SKOV3 cancer cells and then induces the cell apoptosis.
the intracellular [Ca2+]i fluorescence is non-uniformly
distributed, with a few cells’ interior exhibiting spot strong V. CONCLUSION
fluorescence. All these suggest that nsPEF affects the nsPEF can induce cell apoptosis, and consequently, wound
concentration and distribution of intracellular [Ca2+]i. and kill cancer cells. Compared with EPT, nsPEF can kill
Since the extremely short duration of nsPEF does not meet cancer cells without aids of toxic drug. Therefore, nsPEF can
the membrane opening time (microseconds) required for make up deficiencies of surgery, radiotherapy and
electroporation of cell membrane, Ca2+ cannot enter into the chemotherapy, and may be a promising new approach for
cell interior through the membrane pores. Therefore, under cancer therapy. Presently, researches on mechanism of
the condition of intact cell membrane, there are two sources nsPEF-induced apoptosis and relevant animal experiments
of increased Ca2+: one is the influx of extracellular Ca2+, are still ongoing and further studies are needed.
mainly resulting from the opening of membrane calcium
channel; the other is the Ca2+ released from intracellular
calcium stores. In order to study the source of increased
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