Evaluation of Pre-Engineering Structure Design

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol.

1 Issue 5, July - 2012

Ms. Darshana P. Zoad Department of Civil Engineering Karmaveer Dadasaheb Kannamwar College of Engineering, Nagpur 440 009

Evaluation Of Pre-Engineering Structure Design By IS-800 As Against Pre-Engineering Structure Design By AISC


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 1 Issue 5, July - 2012

Technological improvement over the year has contributed immensely to the enhancement of quality of life through various new products and services. In structural Engineering, apart from structural and aesthetic design requirements, the major hurdle was the rate of construction and the safety norms. Development of Pre-Engineering Structure (PES) accelerated the rate of construction maintaining all the safety factors reducing the erection time of the structure. PES has also been satisfying a wide range of aesthetic and structural design requirements. Thus PES fulfils wide range of building configurations, custom designs, requirements and applications. India being one of the fastest growing economies, infrastructure development is inevitable. Thus there is wide scope of PES in India. As compared to other countries Indian codes for building design are stringent but safer. Thus, PES being an upcoming field in construction industry in India, it becomes necessary to study the PES design using IS 800 over AISC, which is discussed further.

past 50 years. These advantages include: Low Initial Cost, Superior Quality, Fast Project Construction, Functional Versatility, Architectural Flexibility, Low Maintenance and Operating Costs.[1] [1]Source: Z. Steel Tech. manual

Pre engineered steel buildings can be fitted with different structural accessories including mezzanine floors, canopies, fascias, interior partitions etc. and the building is made water proof by use of special mastic beads, filler strips and trims. This is very versatile buildings systems and can be finished internally to serve any functions and accessorized externally to achieve attractive and unique designing styles. It is very advantageous over the conventional buildings and is really helpful in the low rise building design. Pre engineered buildings are generally low rise buildings however the maximum eave height can go upto 25 to 30 metres. Low rise buildings are ideal for offices, houses, showrooms, shop fronts etc. The application of pre engineered buildings concept to low rise buildings is very economical and speedy. Buildings can be constructed in less than half the normal time especially when complemented with the other engineered sub systems.[2] - [2]Source: Civil engineering portal (http://www.engineeringcivil.com)

In the USA, where the PES concept was originally conceived during the early years of this century, nearly 70% of all single storey nonresidential construction now utilizes pre-engineered Structures. Applications range from small car parking sheds to 90 m (+), wide clear span aircraft hangars to low-rise multi-storey buildings. Almost every conceivable building use has been achieved using the pre-engineered structure approach. Until 1990, the use of pre-engineered structure was confined mostly to North America and the Middle East. Since then, the use of pre-engineered structures has spread throughout Asia and Africa where the PES construction concept has now been widely accepted and praised. A growing number of prominent international contractors and designers, who previously specified conventional structural steel buildings exclusively, have recently started using the pre-engineered building approach. They now enjoy significant cost savings and benefits from the faster construction cycle resulting from this concept. From excavation to occupancy no other building system matches the pre-engineered building system when it comes to speed and value. The advantages of pre-engineered steel buildings are numerous and are the major reason for the spectacular growth of the PES industry during the

Stability Approach: Pre-engineered building (PEB)

Metal Building, A System
In PEB, the components such as walls, roof, main and secondary framing, and bracing are designed to work together. Thats why it is also called as metal building system as it satisfies the classical definition of a system as an interdependent group of items forming a unified whole. A buildings first line of defense against the elements consists of the wall and roof materials. These elements also resist structural loads, such as wind and snow, and transfer the loads to the supporting secondary framing. The secondary framingwall girts and roof purlinscollects the loads from the wall and roof covering and distributes them to the main building frames, providing them with valuable lateral restraint along the way. The main structural frames, which consist of columns and rafters, carry the snow, wind, and


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 1 Issue 5, July - 2012

other loads to the building foundations. The wall and roof bracing provides stability for the whole building Even the fasteners are chosen to be compatible with the materials being secured and are engineered by the manufacturers.

Stability approach
As loads on the building are applied in both vertical as well as in lateral and longitudinal direction, we have to make building stable in all directions. Vertical support for the whole building is provided by Main frame. It also provides lateral stability for the building in its direction while lateral stability in other direction is achieved by a bracing system.

Part 5 Special Loads and Other Load Combination IS1893 Part I Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design Of Structures. Part I. General Provisions and Buildings. Design of structural steel i.e. built up and hot rolled section is govern by IS800: Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel

Structural loads
Different structural loads that the building typically must carry are - Dead load - Collateral load - Live load - wind load - Seismic load Forces that act vertically are gravity loads like dead load, collateral load, live load. Forces that act horizontally, such as stability, wind and seismic events require lateral load resisting systems to be built into structures. As lateral loads are applied to a structure, horizontal diaphragms (floors and roofs) transfer the load to the lateral load resisting system.

Building Parameter
Building under consideration for the captioned project is as follows: Clear span Building Building dimensions Width 25.8m Length 56.0m Clear ht 7.0m Bay spacing 7.0m 2.5m brick wall along the periphery of building. 1:10 slope Wind speed 39 m/sec Seismic zone II

Design Codes
American codes - Code which governs load calculation is, MBMA (Metal Building Manufacturers Association), Low Rise Building Systems Manual - Code which governs the design of hot rolled section & build up component is, AISC (American Institute Of Steel Construction), Manual Of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress Design. Indian codes - Design load calculation by IS 875(PART I TO V) and IS 1893. - IS 875: Code Of Practice For Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) For Buildings and Structures. o Part 1 Dead load o Part 2 Imposed load o Part 3 Wind Load o Part 4 Snow load

Load calculation by IS 875 & IS 1893

Dead Load Calculation: Along with self
weight, we have to add Imposed dead load due to secondary elements like roof sheeting, purlins etc. Consider dead load for 0.5 mm Panel and supporting purlin = 0.15 KN/m2 We must also add general collateral load i.e. only for Lighting = 0.05 KN/m2 Dead Load = (0.15+0.05) x 7.0 (Tributary = 7.0 m) = 1.40 kn/m


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 1 Issue 5, July - 2012

Live load calculation: (IS: 875 (Part 2) -1987)

Live load includes all loads that the structure is subjected to during erection, maintenance and usage throughout the life time of the structure. From Table 2 of IS: 875 (Part 2) for flat, sloping or curved roof with slopes up to and including 10 degrees when Access not provided except for maintenance Live Load = 0.75 KN/m2 = 0.75 x 7.00 = 5.3 kn/m

K2 = 0.82

(Table 2 of IS : 875 (Part 3)) (Clause K3 =1.0 K3 =1.0 to 1.36

Topography factor (K3) Upwind slope <=3 Upwind slope >3 K3 = 1.0 Design wind speed, Vz = V b x K 1 x K 2 x K 3 Vz = 44 x 1.0 x 0.82 x 1.0 Vz= 36.08 m/sec Design Wind Pressure, Pz = 0.6 Vz2 Pz = 0.6 (36.08)2 Pz = 0.718

(Tributary = 7.0 m)

Wind loads calculation: ( IS : 875 (Part 3)

1987) Basic wind speed (Vb) = 44 m/sec Design wind speed (Vz) = Vb x K1 x K2 x K3 (Clause 5.3) where, K1 Probability factor (risk coefficient) K2 Terrain, height, and structure size factor K3 Topography factor Probability factor / Risk coefficient (K1) - Class of structure - All general buildings & structures Mean probable design life of structures - 50 yrs Basic wind speed- 44 m/sec K1 = 1.0 (Table 1 of IS : 875 (Part 3))

(Clause 5.4)

Wind load on individual members, F=(Cpe-Cpi)* A* Pd (Clause 6.2.1) where Cpe = external pressure coefficient, Cpi = internal pressure coefficient A = surface area of structural element Pd= design wind pressure Now we have to find Cpi and Cpe : Internal Pressure Coefficients (Cpi) Enclosed = 0.2 (Clause Partially enclosed = 0.5(area bet 5 to 20%) = 0.7(area more than 20%) (Clause Internal Pressure Coefficients (Cpi) = 0.2 External Pressure Coefficients (Cpe) H/W = 8 / 25.8 = 0.31 (H/W < ) L/W = 56 / 25.8 = 2.17 (3/2 < L/W < 4) Roof angle = 5.71

Terrain, height, and structure size factor (K2) K2 depends upon terrain category, class of structure and height of structure Terrain category (Clause

The building under consideration falls under Category 3 Class of structure (Clause Depends upon diamension i.e. greatest horizontal or vertical dimension of Structures and/or their components Class A Diamension < 20m Class B Diamension = 20m-50m Class C Diamension > 50m Dimension represents maximum horizontal or vertical dimension of structure and /or their components. The building under consideration falls under: Class C (as 56.0 m > 50 m) Height of structure: Eave ht. = 8.0 mm (< 10 m) Hence, Height = 10.0 m

Coefficients for wall (Table 4-IS: 875 (PART 3))

Wind angle = 00


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 1 Issue 5, July - 2012




+0.7 +/- 0.2


Different wind load cases -0.6

Wind angle = 900 WL2 WL1 WL1 Wind angle = 0 + 0.2 internal pressure coefficient wind from left. Wind angle = 0 + 0.2 internal pressure coefficient wind from right WL3


-0.5 +/- 0.2


Wind angle = 0 - 0.2 internal pressure coefficient wind from left. Wind angle = 0 - 0.2 internal pressure coefficient wind from right WL5

-0.1 Coefficients for roof (Table5 of IS: 875 (PART 3) )

Wind angle = 00 WL7 WL6

Wind angle = 90 + 0.2 internal pressure coefficient wind in +ve z- direction Wind angle = 900 + 0.2 internal pressure coefficient wind in -ve z- direction



Wind angle = 90 -0.2 internal pressure coefficient wind in +ve z- direction Wind angle = 90 - 0.2 internal pressure coefficient wind in -ve z- direction Final wind coefficients for different wind cases (Cpe-Cpi):

Wind angle = 900

WL1 Left Column Left Rafter Right Rafter Right column 0.90 -0.74 -0.20 -0.05

WL2 -0.05 -0.20 -0.74 0.90

WL3 0.50 -1.14 -0.60 -0.45

WL4 -0.45 -0.60 -1.14 0.50

WL5 -0.30 -0.60 -0.60 -0.30

WL6 -0.30 -0.60 -0.60 -0.30

WL7 -0.70 -1.00 -1.00 -0.70

WL8 -0.70 -1.00 -1.00 -0.70

Final wind pressure for different wind cases


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 1 Issue 5, July - 2012

F=(Cpe-Cpi) A Pd

WL1 Left Column Left Rafter Right Rafter Right column 4.92 -4.06 -1.09 -0.27

WL2 -0.27 -1.09 -4.06 4.92

WL3 2.73 -6.25 -3.28 -2.46

WL4 -2.46 -3.28 -6.25 2.73

WL5 -1.64 -3.28 -3.28 -1.64

WL6 -1.64 -3.28 -3.28 -1.64

WL7 -3.83 -5.47 -5.47 -3.83

WL8 -3.83 -5.47 -5.47 -3.83

We are considering medium soil, for the captioned project. natural time period T is as follows: O.1O<T<O.55 Thus, Sa/g =2.5 Now design horizontal seismic coefficient (Ah) for a structure shall be determined by the following formula, z I Sa --- x ---- x -----2 R g (0.1) (1.0) (3.5) -----------------(2 ) ( 4.0) 0.0438

Seismic load calculation (IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002) Zone Factor (Table 2 of IS 1893 (Part 1))
The building under consideration falls under seismic zone II Zone Factor = 0.10

(Ah) =

Response Reduction Factor (Table 7 of IS 1893 (Part 1))

We are using cross angle bracing which is concentric bracing thus for Steel frame with concentric braces. Response Reduction Factor = 4.0 Importance Factor depends upon the functional use of the structures, post-earthquake functional needs and historical value. The captioned building under consideration falls under all other buildings Class. Importance Factor = 1.0 Height of Structure (h) (clause 4.11): It is the difference in levels, in metres, between its base and its highest level. As peak height of the structure is 9.29 m. Height of structure, h = 9.29 m Fundamental Natural Period: Ta= 0.085 h0.75 (for steel frame building) Where, h = Height of building, in meters Ta = 0.085 h0.75 = 0.085 x (9.29)0.7 Ta = 0.452 sec Structural Response Factors (Sa/g): Depending on type of soil, average response acceleration coefficient Sa/g is calculated corresponding to 5% damping by using formulae in clause 6.4.5 of IS 1893 ( Part 1 ) :2002.

(Ah) =

(Ah) =

Design Seismic Base Shear (Vb): It is the total design lateral force at the base of a structure. It is determined by using following expression: Vb = Ah W where, Ah = Design horizontal acceleration spectrum and W = Seismic weight of the This design base shear (Vb) shall be distributed along the height of the building as per the following expression: Design Lateral Force Qi =Vb.(Wi.Hi2)/(Wi.Hi2 ) Using above calculated Vb & by calculating seismic wt. corresponding lateral force is calculated.

Load calculation by MBMA

Dead load calculation:
Consider dead load for 0.5 mm Panel and supporting purlin. Dead load = 0.15 KN/m2 =0.15 x 7.0 (tributary = 7.0 m) =1.05 kn/m

Collateral load calculation:

Consider general collateral load i.e. only for Lighting. Collateral load = 0.05 KN/m2 =0.05 x 7.00 (tributary = 7.0 m) =0.35 kn/m

Live load calculation:

Live Load = 0.57 KN/m2 (section 3 table 3.1 of MBMA=0.57 x 7.00 ( tributary = 7.0 m)


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 1 Issue 5, July - 2012

Live load =3.99 kn/m


Calculation by using section 5 of MBMA A basic wind speed is specified from which a velocity pressure is calculated. This velocity pressure and a peak combined pressure coefficient are used to determine the design wind pressure according to the following equation q = 2.456 x 10-5 x V x H 2/7 where, q = velocity pressure in kilonewton per square meter (kN/m). V = specified basic wind speed in kilometers per hour (km/h). H = mean roof height above ground in meters (m). (H must be greater than or equal to 4.6 m.) Note: Eave height may be used instead of mean roof height if roof slope is not greater than 10 q = 2.456 x 10-5 x 39 x 8 2/7 q = 0.8737kN/m2 PEAK COMBINED PRESSURE COEFFICIENT (GCP) Table 5.4 (a) and 5.4 (b) I-5-7 We are considering the building where, 00 <= 0 >= 100

Seismic force calculation: Peak acceleration coefficient(Aa) = 0.05 For Aa=0.05 Seismic coefficient, Ca = 0.08 For lateral Direction: Interior Frame - Ordinary Moment Resisting Frame, R = 4.5 For Longitudinal Direction: Concentric Braced Frame, R = 5 Seismic design coefficient (Cs) =2.5*Ca/R (equation 7-2) For lateral direction (Cs) = 2.5*0.08/4.5 (Cs) =0.044 For Longitudinal Direction (Cs) = 2.5*0.08/5 (Cs) =0.04 Seismic force V=CS*W

Following are some of the major differences in IS code methodology and AISC methodology observed during the study are: 1. Live load is 0.75 KN/sq m as per IS code whereas it is 0.57 KN/sq m as per MBMA. Thus, live load by IS code (IS 875-part II) is greater than live load by MBMA. Calculation of % of opening for wind load calculation: As per MBMA, Windows, doors, and other building accessories, designed to resist the wind pressures set forth in Section 5.5 need not be considered as openings. Thus, In MBMA, framed openings like doors, rolling shutter are not considered as open area as they are not permanently open. Whereas as per IS, we take them into account while calculating % of openings. Calculation of wind coefficient: MBMA gives final wind coefficient for enclosed, partially enclosed and open building. Whereas IS 875 part III gives external wind coefficient and (+/) internal wind coefficient. One has to calculate final wind coefficient using external and (+/-) internal wind coefficient. Thus, calculation of wind coefficient using MBMA is much simplified as compared to IS code.

WL1 0.25 -1 -0.65 -0.55

WL2 -0.55 -0.65 -1 0.25

WL3 0.65 -0.6 -0.25 -0.15

WL4 -0.15 -0.25 -0.6 0.65

WL5 -0.70 -1.00 -0.65 -0.70

WL6 -0.70 -0.65 -1.00 -0.70

WL7 -0.30 -0.60 -0.25 -0.30

WL8 -0.30 -0.25 -0.60 -0.30


Design wind pressure p = Iw x q x (GCp) where, p = Design wind pressure q = Velocity pressure GCp=Peak combined pressure coefficient Iw= Importance Factor Wind force = p x tributary Here, q = 0.8737 KN/m Iw = 1.0 Tributary = bay spacing = 7.0m


WL1 1.9 -7.8 -5.1 -4.3

WL2 -4.3 -5.1 -7.8 1.9

WL3 5.1 -4.7 -1.9 -1.2

WL4 -1.2 -1.9 -4.7 5.1

WL5 -5.4 -7.8 -5.1 -5.4

WL6 -5.4 -5.1 -7.8 -5.4

WL7 -2.3 -4.7 -1.9 -2.3

WL8 -2.3 -1.9 -4.7 -2.3


4. Calculation of opening condition: Internal wind coefficient, as discussed earlier depends upon the % of opening.


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 1 Issue 5, July - 2012

Internal pressure coefficient, cpi = 0.2 if % of opening cpi = 0.5 if % of opening is between 5 % to 20 cpi = 0.7 if % of opening is more than 20% Thus, when % of opening is less than 5%, the building is called as enclosed building. When % of opening is in range of 5% to 20%, the building is called as partially enclosed building. When the % of opening is more than 20%, the building is called as open building. The percentage of opening area with respect to the gross sheeted area determines the opening condition of the building. Whereas in MBMA, Open building is a structure having all walls at least 80 percent open. Partially Enclosed Building is a building in which the total area of openings in a wall that receives positive external pressure exceeds the sum of the areas of openings for the balance of the building envelope (walls and roof) and exceeds 5 percent of the area of that wall; and the density of the openings in the balance of the building envelope does not exceed 20 percent. Enclosed Building is a structure that encloses a space and does not have openings that qualifies under the definitions of a partially enclosed or open building. Building with only roof sheeting & all walls open comes under enclosed building category as per MBMA. Whereas, it is considered as open building as per IS codes. 4. In IS code, wind pressure depends upon various parameters like, terrain category, class of structure, horizontal and vertical dimensions of the structure, mean probable design life of structure and basic wind speed. Regardless of any other parameter, wind pressure in AISC depends only upon wind speed and mean height of building. Bending moments on typical portal frame by AISC

Bending moments on typical portal frame by IS By observing bending moment diagrams on both the frames it can be concluded that load calculated by IS code is higher than load as per MBMA. 6. Load Combination : Load combinations for strength as per IS codes are as followsDL+LL 0.75( DL+WL) 0.75 ( DL+SEISMIC) 0.75 ( DL+LL+WL) 0.75 (DL+LL+SEISMIC) Factors applied to forces in load combination in order to increase permissible stresses should not be taken into consideration while measuring deflection thus all force factors are 1.0 while measuring deflection as per IS. Therefore, load combination for deflection as per IS codes are as follows: DL+LL DL+WL DL+SEISMIC DL+LL+WL DL+LL+SEISMIC Whereas as per AISC, there is no need for different load combinations for strength and deflection. Thus



International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 1 Issue 5, July - 2012

common load combination for both strength and deflection as per AISC are as follows DL + CL + LL 0.75( DL+WL) 0.75( DL + 0.5 WL) ((1.1+0.5Av)DL)+seismic ((0.9-0.5Av)DL)+seismic 7. Serviceability criteria: MBMA says that Whether or not a structure or element has passed a limit state is a matter of judgment. In the case of strength limits, the judgment is technical and the rules are laid down by building codes. In the case of serviceability limits, the judgments are frequently non-technical. They involve the perceptions and expectations of building owners and building users. Serviceability limits have in general not been codified in the past in part because they concern the contractual relations with the owner rather than the protection of the public at large. Because of the nature of serviceability limits, it is proper that they remain outside the building codes. AISC just provides guidelines for deflection limit but ultimate decision is of customers. PEB companies following MBMA codes use deflection limit- vertical deflection = span(L) /180 and - Horizontal deflection = height (H) /90. Deflection limit as per IS codes are - vertical deflection = span(L) /325 and - Horizontal deflection = height (H) /325. But, IS code also says that, this limit may be exceeded in cases where greater deflection would not impair the strength or efficiency of the structure or lead to damage to finishing. Thus, PEB companies following IS codes, use deflection limit- vertical deflection = span(L) /180 and - Horizontal deflection = height (H) /150, which are still higher than deflection limit by MBMA. Deflection limits by IS code are higher than deflection limits by MBMA. Because of above mentioned differences, it can be stated as IS code gives more conservative design of portal frame as compared to AISC

AISC : American Institute Of Steel Construction, Manual Of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress Design. IS 875 : Part 1 to 5 Code Of Practice For Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) For Buildings and Structures IS1893 Part I Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design Of Structures part I. General Provisions And Bldgs IS800 : Code Of Practice For General Construction In Steel Z. Steel Tech. manual Civil engineering portal (http://www.engineeringcivil.com)

MBMA : Metal Building Manufacturers Association, Low Rise Building Systems Manual


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