KeraMed v. Network Medical Products Et. Al.
KeraMed v. Network Medical Products Et. Al.
KeraMed v. Network Medical Products Et. Al.
US 8,029,515 B2
Oct. 4, 2011
ghfilst 6t
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International Search Report andWritten Opinion of PCT Application No. PCT/US06/02918, dated May 1,2008, 11 pages total.
Assislanl Examiner i
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constrained corneal implant into a corneal pocket. The holloW member may be tapered and the system may further include
an implant deformation chamber and an axial pusher to
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12 page total.
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grafts). Recently tWo neW surgical techniques for placement
of a lamellar corneal stromal endothelial transplant grafts have been devised. These surgical techniques are useful in the
treatment of endothelial diseases of the cornea such as Fuchs
The present application is a continuation-in-part of US. application Ser. No. 11/341,320, ?led on Jan. 26, 2006, Which claims the bene?t of Provisional Application No. 60/648,949, ?led Jan. 31, 2005, the full disclosures of Which are incorpo rated herein by reference.
excised along With a layer of corneal stroma. Healthy lamellar corneal stromal endothelial tissue is then transplanted into the space left by the excised diseased tissue. Another technique is called Descemets stripping automated endothelial kerato plasty (DSAEK). In this technique, a lamellar corneal stromal
helium is stripped aWay With surgical instruments and then the lamellar corneal stromal endothelial transplant graft is
inserted into the anterior chamber through a full thickness
There are many different types of corneal implants that have been developed for the treatment of refractive error and
corneal incision. The graft is then held in place against the stripped posterior corneal stromal surface by an air bubble until the graft is able to heal in position.
In both DLEK and DSAEK it is advantageous to be able to
external opening Width that is less than the maximum internal Width of the pocket. These tWo methods are pocket creation
signi?cant problem With prior art methods of inserting cor neal transplants into the anterior chamber through a small
incision is that they all involve folding of the transplant and grasping of the transplant With forceps. Moreover, the trans plant is typically severely compressed as it passes through the
corneal incision. It has been demonstrated through the use of
insertion process. Like corneal transplant grafts for DSAEK or DLEK, synthetic corneal implants e. g. corneal inlay pros
theses are also very delicate. In many cases, these corneal inlays may be as thin as 30 to 40 microns, Which make them
very easily torn by forceps. Therefore, there is also a need for an improved method to place these corneal inlays atraumati cally through a small incision.
Delivery systems for placement of intraocular lenses (IOLs) into the posterior chamber through a small incision have been described. HoWever, these delivery systems
corneal pocket. Most small incision cataract surgery lens implants are usually too thick to be placed Within a corneal pocket. For example the typical thickness of a cataract sur
gery lens implant is 1 mm or more Which is substantially
designed for small incision cataract surgery IOLs are not Well adapted for use as a delivery system for corneal implants
thicker than the human cornea, Which is usually betWeen 0.5 to 0.6 mm. Some corneal implants that have been designed only have a thickness of about 0.05 mm. Moreover, the cata ract surgery lens implants have haptics, Which are extensions
before, the thickness of a corneal inlay prosthesis may be as little as 30 to 40 microns. In addition, the siZe and shape of an IOL is different from that of a corneal transplant. An IOL is typically 12 to 13 mm in length and 5 to 6 mm Wide, Whereas a corneal transplant Would typically be circular in shape and
Would have a diameter of 8 to 9 mm. In the case of a corneal
ery system for small incision corneal implants. These delivery systems have been designed for cataract surgery lens implants
that are much thicker than the usual corneal implant. The delivery systems for small incision cataract surgery lens
mm. Finally, IOL delivery systems are designed to greatly compress the IOL during the insertion process, Whereas this type of compression Would be likely to either damage or destroy a living corneal transplant. The amount of compres sion used for IOL delivery systems could also damage the much thinner corneal implants.
Improved systems and methods for implanting corneal implants are provided by the present invention. The phase
US 8,029,515 B2
corneal implant refers to any natural (biological) or syn thetic implant or graft that may be implanted into a human
cornea. These systems and methods can place a corneal
implants are useful in restoring optical clarity or structural integrity to the cornea in lieu of corneal transplantation. The corneal prosthesis may be used to replace only a partial thick
ness portion of the cornea or a full thickness portion of the
implant through a corneal incision that is substantially less than the Width of the implant. The placement of the implant
may be Within or betWeen any of the layers of the cornea
cornea. In preferred aspects, the corneal implant may be coated With extracellular matrix proteins such as collagen,
Width of the implant. In additional preferred aspects, the system alloWs the placement of a corneal implant through an
incision that is less than or equal to 3 mm, Which advanta
geously avoids the need for suturing of the incision in most cases and also greatly decreases the chance of unWanted
otherWise bound to the epithelial side of the corneal implant by the methods described in US. Pat. No. 6,689,165, to Jacob
et al. Such surface treatments are intended to promote epithe lialiZation on the surface of a corneal implant.
induced astigmatism.
In accordance With a ?rst aspect of the present invention,
half of the Width of the implant. The corneal implant is bio compatible With the cornea, the eye, and the body. In certain embodiments, synthetic material Which can meet these crite ria may potentially be used for the implant. Suitable synthetic
materials include one or more compounds selected from the
In alternate preferred embodiments, the surface of the cor neal implant may have a texture that promotes epithelialiZa tion on the surface of the corneal implant. Textures, such as surface indentations, may be applied to the surface of the corneal implant to promote epithelialiZation, as described in
US. Pat. No. 6,454,800 to Dalton et al.
Examples of such materials include polymers selected from the group consisting of collagen and N-isopropylacrylamide,
modi?ed animals, in vitro cell culture, or the like. In a preferred embodiment, the material comprises a
corneal tissue into and through the implant in order to pro mote retention and biocompatibility. Such porous implants
may be fabricated as described in US. Pat. No. 6,976,997 to Noolandi et al. and US. Pat. No. 5,300,116 to Chirila et al. Optionally, at least a portion of the lens or other corneal implant may be colored. Coloration can be useful for cos metic purposes or for therapeutic purposes e.g. treatment of
patibility of the implant by alloWing nutritive substances and gasses (e.g., Water, glucose, and oxygen) to pass easily through the implant in order to maintain healthy metabolism
in the cornea. In still other preferred embodiments, the poly mer material may have thermoplastic properties such that the
implant Will have one desired shape at one temperature and then deform into another desired shape at a second tempera
be assembled in situ placed inside the corneal pocket. Such in situ assembly advantageously minimiZes the incision siZe
needed to insert a corneal implant.
turing, may be used to color the corneal implant. Particular coloring methods are described in US. Patent Applications 2003/0054109 and 2003/0025873, the disclosures of Which are incorporated herein by reference. In alternate preferred aspects, the corneal implant may be colored With photosen sitive inks that change color With exposure to electromagnetic
Waves. This alloWs the color of the corneal implant to be
placed Within a corneal pocket. In preferred embodiments, the corneal implant is substantially round. In alternate pre
ferred embodiments, the corneal implant is not round. A corneal implant Which is not round has the advantage that it is less likely to rotate Within a corneal pocket. This property is useful in the implants Which correct for astigmatism. In preferred other embodiments, the corneal implant is a lens. The lens can be a monofocal, multifocal, Fresnel, dif fractive, prismatic, or other type of lens that can be used to treat refractive error (such as myopia, hyperopia, or astigma tism) presbyopia, or ocular disease eg macular degenera
tion. The lens may also be made of a polymer that can have its
In yet other alternate preferred embodiments, the corneal implant may be a device. Examples of potential implant
devices include miniature cameras and aqueous glucose monitors. The improved corneal implants of the present invention are deformable into a reduced Width shape that alloWs passage through a corneal incision that is substantially less than the Width of the implant When undeformed or unconstrained. In preferred aspects, the incision Will be less than or equal to one-half of the Width of the implant.
US 8,029,515 B2
A system according to the present invention comprises a hollow member and implant mover or other axial pusher used
to deliver a corneal implant that has been constrained to ?t inside an axial holloW passage of the holloW member. The implant may be deformed or constrained in any shape or con?guration having a reduced Width that alloWs it to be ?t inside of the holloW member e. g., rolled or folded. By reduced Width it is meant that a maximum Width of the implant, such as a diameter of a circular lens, is reduced by
assembly of the disposable component, but Which are easily
destroyed if there is an attempt to disassemble the system for
Optionally, the system may be designed so that the corneal implant is pre-loaded inside of the holloW member prior to use by the surgeon. This advantageously minimiZes the need for manipulation of the delicate corneal implant by the sur geon, Which could result in damage to the corneal implant. Once the corneal implant is inside the holloW member, the
implant mover or other axial pusher is used to engage and
implant that has been restrained to ?t inside of the holloW member. Once the corneal implant is inside the holloW mem ber, the implant mover is used to move the implant into a corneal pocket or the anterior chamber.
corneal implant Within the deformation chamber during the deformation process. Optionally, the holloW member is
tapered, i.e., narroWer at a distal end than at a proximal end.
Optionally, the system may further comprise a deformation chamber Where the implant is deformed into a shape and siZe that Will ?t inside the holloW member. In preferred aspects,
Such tapering alloWs additional deformation (siZe or Width reduction) of the implant as it is advanced through the holloW member and passes out through a smaller distal opening. The interior of the holloW member may contain ridges, protru
sions, indentations, or recesses Which help to maintain orien tation of the corneal implant as it travels inside of the holloW
priate for the type of corneal implant Which is being used. For
example in the case of a corneal transplant, the minimum internal dimensions of an open deformation chamber should be betWeen 6 and 10 mm, more preferably betWeen 8 and 9 mm. In the case of a corneal implant prosthesis, the minimum internal dimensions of an open deformation chamber dimen sions should be betWeen 1 mm and 10 mm, more preferably betWeen 2 .0 mm and 7 mm. In additional preferred aspects the deformation area may be tapered or funnel shaped, i.e. nar
roWer one end than on the other end. The tapered or funnel
of the implant, hoWever, the system can also be used to place an implant through a corneal incision that is greater than one-half of the Width of the implant.
FIGS. 2A through 2C illustrates a ?rst embodiment of
small incision Without the need for folding or being grasped by forceps. The system is designed to alloW a corneal trans
plant to be placed through an incision equal or less than 3 mm. HoWever, the system can also be used to place an implant through an incision that is greater than 3 mm.
Optionally, the system may be designed to be sterile and disposable for single use. This advantageously decreases the
chance for contamination and infection. It also obviates the need for the surgeon to autoclave or to provide other methods of steriliZation such as ethylene oxide. To insure that the system Will be both sterile and single use only We can add one or more of the folloWing features. In preferred aspects one or more components of the system may be made of a polymer Which Will melt or deform into an unusable shape upon auto
principles of the present invention for collapsing and advanc ing a corneal implant.
FIGS. 13A and 13B illustrate an alternative tool in accor
dance With the principles of the present invention for collaps ing and advancing a corneal implant.
venting reloading of another corneal implant. In alternative preferred aspects, the system may be assembled through the
use of breakable tabs or snaps, Which alloWs the secure
FIGS. 14A and 14C are cross-sectional vieWs of the tool of 13A and 13B shoWing the implant as it is advanced as shoWn
US 8,029,515 B2
FIGS. 15A through 15D illustrate use of the tool of FIGS.
implant 15 into a folded or rolled corneal implant 17. FIG. 4C
13A and 13B for advancing and reducing the cross-section of an implant in accordance With the principles of the present invention.
FIG. 1A shows a top vieW of a cataract surgery lens implant
2. A round optic 5 of the implant 2 has haptics 10 Which extend from the periphery of the optic. The haptics 10 are used to help the optic center and ?xate Within the capsular
bag. FIG. 1B shoWs a side vieW of a cataract surgery lens
of the optic 5 makes it inappropriate for use as a corneal lens implant. FIG. 1C shoWs a top vieW of a corneal implant 15. Note there are no haptics on the corneal implant. FIG. 1D shoWs a side vieW of corneal implant 15. Note that the thick
shoWs axial pusher 30 engaging deformed corneal implant 17 by implant mover tip 35. FIG. 4D shoWs deformed and folded corneal implant 17. Axial pusher 30 engages corneal implant 17 to push the deformed constrained implant inside holloW passage 25. FIG. 4D shoWs that corneal implant 17 has been advanced by axial pusher 30 out of the holloW passage 25 While retaining a constrained shape. The constrained con?gu ration of corneal implant 17 alloWs passage into the corneal pocket (not shoWn) through a small incision. The presence of the optional deformation chamber 27 and deforming member 28, advantageously alloWs the corneal implant 15 to be easily deformed into a con?guration that Will alloW it to be placed through a small corneal incision into a corneal pocket. FIGS. 5A-5D shoW side vieWs of the corneal implant 15 being deformed into an exemplary deformed and folded or
ness t2 is substantially less than cataract surgery lens implant 5. The thickness t2 of corneal implant 15 Would in general be
less than the thickness of the human cornea.
implant 115 is placed into a deformation area 122. When the Wings 123 of the deformation area are closed, a deforma
FIG. 2A shoWs a corneal implant delivery system 18 in partial section. A holloW member 20 having a distal tip 21 (Which is preferably beveled or chamfered) de?nes holloW axial passage 25 (eg an axial lumen). Axial pusher 30 has a tip 35 that engages a corneal implant 15 that has been deformed in shape and constrained to ?t inside the holloW
axial passage 25 of the holloW member 20, as shoWn in FIG. 2B. The cross-section of holloW passage 25 may be circular, polygonal, or any other shape that is conducive to constrain
tion chamber 124 (FIG. 6B) is formed Which deforms the corneal implant 115. In this embodiment, the corneal implant 115 is folded in half. A tip 132 of an axial pusher 130 engages corneal implant 115. The holloW member 120 is tapered so
that holloW passage 126 is narroWer at a distal end 121 that
ing the corneal implant 15. The holloW axial passage 25 of the holloW member 20 may contain ridges, protrusions, indenta tions, or recesses (noW shoWn) Which help to maintain orien tation of the corneal implant as it advances distally of the holloW member (not shoWn). Axial pusher 30 engages one
end of the constrained corneal implant 15 to advance the constrained implant through holloW passage 25. FIG. 2C shoWs the constrained corneal implant 15 emerging from a distal end of the holloW passage 25 still in its deformed and
as the implant is advanced distally and through the distal end 121. Advantageously in this embodiment, the implant mover tip 132 may also be deformable to ?t Within the narroWing holloW passage 126.
FIG. 7A shoWs a side cross-sectional vieW of corneal
implant 115 being inserted into corneal pocket 140. FIG. 7B shoWs the ?nal shape of corneal implant 115 after it has been
inserted into corneal pocket 140 and unfurled or otherWise expanded back to its unconstrained siZe Within cornea 145.
FIG. 8A illustrates a cross-sectional vieW of a corneal
a portion of the anterior layers of the cornea. In this embodi ment there is a central optic 52 that protrudes anteriorly from a rim 54. In preferred aspects, the central optic Would pro trude anteriorly from the rim by 1 to 600 microns. More
order to anchor the corneal implant prosthesis to the cornea. to 3 mm and an internal Width from 0.3 mm to 4.8 mm, 50 The rim may be a continuous skirt as illustrated or may be preferably from 0.8 mm to 2.8 mm.
FIG. 3A shoWs a side vieW of corneal implant 15 in its
crenellated or otherWise distributed in sections about the
Within the holloW member 20. Note that the corneal implant 15 has been deformed and constrained into a rolled con?gu ration. The rolled con?guration Will preferably have a diam
eter in the range from 0.3 mm to 4.8 mm, more preferably from 0.6 mm to 2.6 mm, to ?t into the holloW passage 25 of the
52 and the rim 54. The rim 54 may optionally contain holes or be porous in nature so as to promote groWth of corneal tissue
and biocompatibility.
FIG. 8C shoWs a cross-sectional vieW of corneal implant prosthesis 60 Which is meant to replace a full-thickness area of the cornea. In this embodiment there is an anterior portion
In this embodiment of the invention, the corneal implant 15 is placed into the chamber 27 in an unconstrained and unde
formed con?guration and is then deformed into a folded or
of central optic 62 Which protrudes anteriorly from a rim 64. The anterior portion of central optic 62 Will replace diseased anterior corneal tissue that has been removed. In preferred
rolled corneal implant 17 Within deformation chamber 27 by deforming member 28. Deforrning member 28 is moved
Within deformation chamber 27 to deform and fold corneal
rim by 1 to 600 microns. More preferably, the central optic Would protrude anteriorly from the rim by 50 to 400 microns. In addition corneal implant prosthesis 60 has a posterior
US 8,029,515 B2
portion of central optic 66 Which protrudes posteriorly from rim 64. In preferred aspects, the central optic Would protrude
posteriorly from the rim by 1 to 900 microns. More prefer
63 is optional and is not necessarily required for the corneal implant to properly function. It is to be understood that the relative dimensions, shapes, and angles of the anterior central
ably, the central optic Would protrude posteriorly from the rim by 50 to 800 microns. The posterior portion of central optic 63 Will replace diseased posterior corneal tissue that has been removed. The rim 64 Will anchor corneal implant prosthesis
60 Within the peripheral recesses of the corneal pocket and provide a Water-tight seal. The rim 64 may optionally contain
holes or be porous in nature so as to promote growth of
optic 62, posterior central optic 63, and rim 64, may each be
modi?ed to promote improved retention as Well as optical
corneal tissue into and through the implant, in order to pro mote retention and biocompatibility. The rim may be formed from any of the lens materials described above.
FIGS. 9A-9F shoW a method of treating an anterior corneal
bling individual smaller pieces of the corneal implant Within the corneal pocket, a relatively large corneal implant can be
constructed While using a relatively small external incision. The top portion of FIGS. 11A and 11B shoW a cross-sectional
vieW of a cornea With an intra-stromal pocket. The bottom portion of FIG. 11A shoWs a top doWn vieW of a cornea With
an intra-stromal pocket. In both FIGS. 11A and 11B, it can be seen that the ?rst half of the rim 70 has already been inserted
inside the pocket. A second half of the rim 74 is being inserted through the small external incision. Note that because the corneal tissue is partially elastic, the rim may be made of a
relatively rigid material e. g. polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and still be inserted through the external opening 42
that is less than half of the diameter of the assembled corneal
implant. The vertical dashed lines in the top of the ?gure and
a more compact shape by its movement through narroWing holloW passage 126 and is being extruded into pocket 40. FIG. 9E shoWs that corneal implant 50 has been restored to its
the circular dashed lines in the bottom ?gure represent an opening 76 left by a circular disk of anterior stromal tissue that has been excised (eg with a trephine). FIGS. 11C and 11D shoW that the optic 72 may ?t into opening 76. FIGS. 11E and 11F shoW that the optic 72 has been attached to the tWo halves of the rim 70 and 74 to complete assembly of the
corneal implant. The individual pieces of the corneal implant may be attached to each other by interlocking ?ttings (not
shoWn), by glue, or any other appropriate mechanical or
chemical method of ?xation. In this embodiment of the inven tion the corneal implant is shoWn as a three piece prosthesis that replaces part of the cornea. HoWever, it is to be under stood that the invention includes any corneal implant that can
be assembled as tWo or more pieces Within a corneal pocket. FIGS. 12A-12B are end vieWs of the back of a deformation chamber 86 on a holloW member 80 Which shoW hoW the
vieW is seen beloW. In FIG. 10A it is shoWn that pocket 40 has been created Within the layers of the diseased cornea 41. The pocket divides the cornea into diseased anterior cornea 43 and diseased posterior cornea 44. FIG. 10B shoWs that anterior diseased cornea 43 has been excised With a circular trephine
presence of a protrusion 82 Within the deformation chamber can help to maintain the orientation of a corneal implant 90 as it is pushed in an axial direction. Deformation chamber 86
includes three hinged sections 80a, 80b, and 800 Which make
up a holloW member Which opens in order to receive corneal implant 90. At the lateral aspects of deformation area 80 are
tWo protrusions 82, Which help to hold the rim 94 of corneal implant 90 in place. FIG. 12B shoWs hoW sections 80a, 80b,
member 120 has been inserted into pocket 40 through exter nal opening 42 and corneal implant 60 has been folded in half
Within deformation chamber 122. FIG. 10D shoWs that cor neal implant 60 has been further deformed into a more com
together form an axial pusher or implant mover) to create holloW member 80 and deformation chamber 86. Corneal implant 90 is noW securely ?xated Within the holloW defor mation chamber 86 by the protrusions 82 and can be manipu lated. The corneal implant 90 can thenbe moved axially along holloW member 80 by an axial pusher or other implant mover
Please note at least some portion of the corneal implant could be colored in any of the embodiments of the invention
Referring noW to FIGS. 13A and 13B, a corneal implant insertion device 200 includes a deformation chamber 202
de?ned by tWo-circular hinged sections 204. The hinged sec tions 204 are attached to Wings 206 Which permit the hinged sections to be closed in order to capture the corneal implant C,
US 8,029,515 B2
after the implant has been introduced into the deformation
chamber, as shown in FIG. 13B. Protrusions 210 having interior arcuate surfaces 212 are attached to the hinged sections 204 so that the surfaces 212
the biological corneal implant remain everted but do not touch the interior surface of the biological corneal implant such that damage to the implant is reduced. 2. A method as in claim 1, Wherein constraining comprises
closing semi-circular halves of a deformation chamber on the
form radially inwardly directed ramps, as illustrated in FIG. 14A. Thus, after the corneal implant C is introduced into the deformation chamber 202, as illustrated in FIG. 13B, closure of the chamber using the Wings 206 Will curl the corneal implant C into a C-shaped pro?le, as shoWn in FIG. 14A. This
can be an advantage over the corneal insertion tool embodi
implant, Wherein each half carries an inWardly directed ramp to evert the edges of the implant inWardly as the halves are closed. 3. A method as in claim 1, Wherein advancing comprises pushing a pusher member against a rear edge of the corneal
ment of FIGS. 12A and 12B Where the edges of the implant are held in a generally open con?guration by the outWardly
4. A method as in claim 3, Wherein a forWard portion of the
pusher member conforms to the interior of the tapered cham ber as the pusher member is pushed. 5. A method as in claim 1, Wherein the biological implant comprises a lamellar corneal stromal endothelial transplant. 6. A method as in claim 1, Wherein the protrusion extends over the entire length of the chamber and remains betWeen the
approximately 9 mm in order to receive the corneal implant C such that its edges are disposed beneath the arcuate surfaces 212 of the protrusions 210, as illustrated in FIG. 13B. Referring noW to FIGS. 15A through 15C, a pusher shaft 230 having a forWard member 232 may be advanced into the deformation chamber 202 of the corneal implant insertion device 200. The forWard element 232 Will have a pro?le Which is similar to the shape of the holloW passage so that it can pass over the protrusions 210 and Will typically be com pressible so that it can pass into a tapered region 240 of the insertion device, as shoWn in FIG. 15D. Thus, the forWard member 232 Will ?rst be introduced into the constant-diam eter portion of the deformation chamber 202, as shoWn in
8. A system for delivering corneal implants, said system
a deformation chamber having a proximal end, a distal end, and a pair of semi-circular halves hinged to each other along a common side, each semi-circular half having an
FIG. 15B, and used to advance the corneal implant C for Wardly. The shaft 30 and forWard member 232 Will continue
to be advanced so that the corneal implant C is pushed from the distal tip of the tapered region 240, as shoWn in FIG. 15C.
through 14C. In FIG. 14A, the corneal implant C is shoWn as it is in FIG. 15A. As it advances forWardly, as shoWn in FIG. 15B, the corneal implant C is reduced in diameter With the
ther evert the opposite edges of the corneal implant radially inWardly as the insert is axially advanced through the passage, Wherein the inWardly oriented
arcuate surfaces of the holloW member are disposed on
opposite sides of a protrusion Which extends axially through the holloW passage to form inWardly directed ramps to curl the opposite edges of the implant into a C-shape Wherein the opposite edges are everted but do
not touch the interior surface of the implant as the
9. A system as in claim 8, further comprising a corneal implant constrained Within the deformation chamber on a
1. A method for delivering a biological corneal implant having an exterior surface, an interior surface, and laterally opposed edges to a cornea, said method comprising:
distal side of the axial pusher. 10. A system as in claim 8, Wherein the axial pusher is
tapered in a distal direction. 11. A system as in claim 10, Wherein the axial pusher is deformable so that it Will reduce in diameter as it is distally
constraining the implant so that the laterally opposed edges evert inWardly to provide a C-shaped pro?le;
advancing the implant through a chamber With a protrusion
EndoGlide System
A new DSAEK donor delivery system with reduced endothelial cell loss.
DSAEK Corneal transplantation is undergoing a paradigm shift with the development of Endothelial Keratoplasty. The main focus today is to reduce iatrogenic damage of donor endothelium caused by manipulation and insertion of the donor through a small incision. The EndoGlide is a device for surgeons to use which consistently delivers a donor lenticule through a small incision, with minimal endothelial loss, whilst making the insertion procedure relatively reliable and consistent, with the surgeon in full control of the donor at all stages of insertion.
Minimal endothelial touch during donor coiling - double coil Minimal endothelial touch when the donor is pulled through the wound
Stable anterior chamber throughout insertion procedure closed eye system Reliable consistent results Supplied sterile for single use only.
Developed with:
Professor Donald Tan FRCSE FRCSG FRCOphth FAMS Medical Director, Singapore National Eye Centre. Chairman, Singapore Eye Research Institute, Department of Ophthalmology, National University of Singapore.
No folding assists with unfolding and orientation in the anterior chamber Can be used in small eyes with shallow anterior chambers or high vitreous pressure Transparent cartridge allows for good visualisation
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Supplied one per box Supplied sterile for single use only
Supplied one per box Supplied sterile for single use only
Modern technology, materials and design are at the heart of the Coronet programme and drives our product innovation.
Page 2
The most important part of a trephine is the blade. All CORONET trephines utilise the unique CORONET blade technology to create an ultra-sharp cutting edge of reliable and repeatable quality. The ultra-sharp, thin-profile cutting edge minimises damage to the endothelial cells and reduces undercut and tissue distortion.
Page 3
51-840-6.50 51-840-6.75 51-840-7.00 51-840-7.25 51-840-7.50 51-840-7.75 51-840-8.00 51-840-8.25 51-840-8.50 51-840-8.75 51-840-9.00 51-840-9.50
Blade progresses 63 microns downward per quarter turn and 250 microns per full rotation Marker pin allows the operator to calculate the quarter and full turns through which the blade has progressed.
Supplied one per box Supplied sterile for single use only Sterilisation by Ethylene Oxide (EO) Declared 3-year shelf life
Page 4
51-835-6.00 51-835-6.25 51-835-6.50 51-835-6.75 51-835-7.00 51-835-7.25 51-835-7.50 51-835-7.75 51-835-8.00 51-835-8.25 51-835-8.50 51-835-8.75 51-835-9.00 51-835-9.25 51-835-9.50 51-835-9.75
51-850-6.00 51-850-6.25 51-850-6.50 51-850-6.75 51-850-7.00 51-850-7.25 51-850-7.50 51-850-7.75 51-850-8.00 51-850-8.25 51-850-8.50 51-850-8.75 51-850-9.00 51-850-9.25 51-850-9.50 51-850-9.75
The unique CORONET Donor Trephine Punch has been designed to award the surgeon with best approach and visualisation. 100% visualisation of the graft at all times Graft tissue may be manipulated through the windows for optimal positioning The ultra-sharp, thin profile blade minimises damage to the endothelial cells and reduces undercut Cover protects the graft from contamination during transfer Marker holes in base assist when centering the tissue and reduces the likelihood of bubbles forming under the epithelial tissue
Supplied one per box Supplied sterile for single use only Sterilisation by Ethylene Oxide (EO) Declared 3-year shelf life
Page 5
51-860 Guarded Trephine (300 micron) 51-865 Guarded Trephine (400 micron)
Size (mm) Code
300 micron 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 51-860-7.00 51-860-7.50 51-860-8.00 51-860-8.50
400 micron 51-865-7.00 51-865-7.50 51-865-8.00 51-865-8.50
The CORONET Guarded Trephine has been designed to meet the requirements of the surgeon when performing a lamellar keratoplasty. The fixed blade depth awards the surgeon control over the blade penetration.
Supplied one per box Supplied sterile for single use only Sterilisation by Gamma Irradiation Declared 5- year shelf life
Suitable for both recipient and donor Especially useful for any lamellar technique
300 micron
Choice of two fixed-depth blades; 300 microns or 400 microns Cross hair to assist with centralisation
51-900-6.00 51-900-6.25 51-900-6.50 51-900-6.75 51-900-7.00 51-900-7.25 51-900-7.50 51-900-7.75 51-900-8.00 51-900-8.25 51-900-8.50 51-900-8.75 51-900-9.00 51-900-9.25 51-900-9.50 51-900-9.75
Page 6
51-901-6.00 51-901-6.25 51-901-6.50 51-901-6.75 51-901-7.00 51-901-7.25 51-901-7.50 51-901-7.75 51-901-8.00 51-901-8.25 51-901-8.50 51-901-8.75 51-901-9.00 51-901-9.25 51-901-9.50 Supplied one per box Supplied sterile for single use only Sterilisation by Gamma Irradiation Declared 5-year shelf life
51-903-6.00 51-903-6.25 51-903-6.50 51-903-6.75 51-903-7.00 51-903-7.25 51-903-7.50 51-903-7.75 51-903-8.00 51-903-8.25 51-903-8.50 51-903-8.75 51-903-9.00 51-903-9.25 51-903-9.50
51-903-10.00 51-903-10.50 51-903-11.00 51-903-11.50
Supplied one per box Supplied sterile for single use only Sterilisation by Gamma Irradiation Declared 5-year shelf life
Page 7
Page 8
51-905-15 51-905-17 51-905-18 Supplied one per box Supplied sterile for single use only Sterilisation by Gamma Irradiation Declared 5-year shelf life
The Exactor trephine is the only stainless steel ground blade trephine in the CORONET range. Designed for the preparation of the donor tissue in the eye bank, the trephine is available in three sizes; 15mm, 17mm and 18mm diameters.
51-915-7.00 51-915-8.00 Supplied five per box Supplied sterile for single use only Sterilisation by Gamma Irradiation
Page 9
Titanium forceps specifically designed to grasp and pull the endothelium into the anterior chamber of the recipient.
Titanium forceps specifically designed to grasp endothelium and load into the endoglide cartridge.
Page 10
Network Medical Products Ltd. Coronet House, Kearsley Road, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 2SG, UK. Tel: (44) 01765 609555 Fax: (44) 01765 608476 email:
Distributed by:
All the products in this catalogue have been manufactured in accordance with the requirements of ISO 13485:2003 and the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC and, where appropriate, are authorised to bear the CE mark.
CAT. REF. NO: CL_COR_001 Rev. 01 08/12
Network Medical Products Ltd. Coronet House, Kearsley Road, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 2SG, UK. Tel: (44) 01765 609555 Fax: (44) 01765 608476 email:
Accepts single lenticule 250 - sub 100 donor* Minimises endothelium damage Sealed system Best operator control
Distributed by:
Easy to load
All the products in this brochure have been manufactured in accordance with the requirements of ISO 13485:2003 and the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC and, where appropriate, are authorised to bear the CE mark.
The well is wetted with BSS and the endothelium is placed, endothelium side up, into the donor well (the donor endothelium may be a single lenticule*).
The donor endothelium is eased forward towards the cartridge, a small amount of dispersive viscoelastic may be applied to the endothelial surface.
Tan EndoGlide Loading Forceps are introduced through the cartridge to grasp the stromal edge of the donor lenticule. The lenticule is pulled into the cartridge, the saddle naturally rolls the tissue into the cartridge reducing any tendency to curl out.
Remove the saddle using a rocking motion.
The introducer is attached, LOADING facing upwards.
The assembled EndoGlide is removed from the base and inverted with INSERTION facing upwards.
An AC maintainer can be used to stabilise
Continue to hold the donor in the anterior chamber and withdraw the EndoGlide. The donor will naturally uncoil in the AC without any risk of donor inversion. Simple manipulation can be used to assist the deployment.
A small air bubble is injected beneath the donor to position it on the cornea and the forceps are removed.
Preparation base
Cartridge Saddle
the chamber, the flow angled away from the 4.5mm scleral incision. The EndoGlide is carefully inserted through the scleral tunnel, the EndoGlide Placement Forceps are introduced through the nasal paracentesis, the stromal edge of the donor is grasped and
EndoGlide Forceps
* Donor endothelium may be between 250 - 70 , single or double lenticule, and up to 9.50mm diameter.
C o r n e a Tr a n s p l a n t P r o d u c t s
Item Number
EndoGlide - Ultrathin
Glide Introducer
Design Features
Oval diameter designed to fit through a 4.5mm scleral or 4.9mm Clear Corneal wound to fully protect the donor from the wound margins Designed with an integral glide platform in front for ease of device insertion Transparent cartridge allows for good visualization
* Available only in North & South America (except Brazil), where approved
Note: Additional clinical studies are needed comparing taco folding technique, Busin Glide technique and EndoGlide technique to further assess and compare endothelial cell loss. Reference: 1. Khor WB, Mehta JS, Tan DTH, Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty with a graft insertion device: surgical technique and early clinical results. American Journal of Ophthalmology. doi:10.1016/j.ajo.2010.08.027. Reference: 2. Busin M, Bhatt PR, Scorcia V. A modied technique for descemet membrane stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty to minimize endothelial cell loss. Arch Ophthalmol 2008;126(8):11331137. Reference: 3. Price MO, Price FW Jr. Endothelial cell loss after descemet stripping with endothelial keratoplasty inuencing factors and 2-year trend. Ophthalmology 2008;115(5): 857 865.
Item Number
Curved Placement Forceps
Item Number
Straight Loading Forceps
* Available only in North & South America (except Brazil), where approved
Support Platform*
Item Number
Support Platform
* Available only in North & South America (except Brazil), where approved
For more information or to place an order, contact your local Sharpoint sales representative or our customer service team at: 877.991.1110 (USA and Canada only), +1.610.404.3520 (International), or visit
The trephine product line consists of disposable vacuum trephines, donor punch sets, and short or long handled trephines in sizes ranging from 6.00mm through 9.75mm, in 0.25mm increments. Advanced trephine blade technology provides an exquisitely sharp cutting edge to achieve the critical fit needed for successful cornea transplants.
Item Number
11840 11850
Vacuum Trephine - All metal, ergonomic design and ultra sharp blade with cross hairs. Designed for full-penetrating keratoplasty; Sterile; Single use; 1 piece/box Donor Punch Set - Unique design providing precise control and full visualization throughout the procedure; Sterile; Single use; 1 set/box
Item Code
11840 11850 11901 11903
* Available only in North & South America (except Brazil), where approved
Clear Corneal Knife, Double-Bevel
The Sharpoint 4.9mm Clear Corneal Knife is designed to create a 4.9mm clear corneal incision needed for insertion of the EndoGlide cartridge. This knife features tapered bevel cutting edges designed to compensate for corneal curvature, creating a self-sealing linear incision. Patented incision depth indicators (1.5mm, 1.75mm, 2.0mm) are visible on each blade. 6 per box.
Knife Description
72-4963 4.9mm Angled, double-bevel, depth indicators
Knife Description
72-4561 4.5mm Angled, bevel-up
1.1mm Angled
UltraGlide Sutures
UltraGlide Sutures
UltraGlide sutures are a perfect choice for corneal transplant procedures, offering the surgeon reliable sharpness, pass after pass. The tips ultra-sharp point and concave facets ensure precise placement, smooth penetration and dependable strength. Complementing this superior cutting geometry is an innovative lift and cut ramp that counters the corneal tissues tendency to roll under and follow the needle. An added benefit of this cutting geometry is the ability to bury suture knots more easily. Unique lift and cut design action Reduced tissue drag Effortless penetration with each pass Non-glare finish
Needle Description
Bicurve Length 4.88mm
AU-8 CSB-6
Black Monolament Black Monolament Black Monolament Black Monolament
NU-1, CU-1 CS140-6 SE-140-6
Radius 1.52/2.79mm Chord 3.71mm Wire 1.5mm Radius 2.54mm Chord 4.82mm Wire .15mm Radius 2.54mm Chord 4.82mm Wire .15mm Radius 2.03mm Chord 4.06mm Wire .15mm Radius 2.03mm Chord 4.06mm Wire .15mm
Curvature 90/50 3/8 Circle Length 6.15mm Curvature 135 3/8 Circle Length 6.15mm Curvature 135 1/2 Circle Length 5.51mm Curvature 160 1/2 Circle Length 5.51mm Curvature 160
NU-1, CU-1 CS140-6 SE-140-6
CU-5 CS160-6 SE-160-6
CU-2 CS175-8
Black Monolament
Product numbers are color coded respectively as Sharpoint (blue), Alcon (brown), Ethicon (black), and Syneture (aqua blue). B or N denotes a box of 12; D denotes a box of 36.
Place a small amount of BSS in the well of the preparation base for lubrication. Inject BSS into the inner chamber of the cartridge, which can be completely filled. Carefully place the donor cornea endothelial surface up in the well of the preparation base and place a very thin stream of dispersive viscoelastic onto the donor surface.
Using the straight loading forceps grasp the edge of the donor, and gradually pull it into the cartridge chamber. As the donor tissue enters the cartridge, the sides of the donor tissue will naturally curl upwards and form a double coil configuration in the cartridge.
Remove the saddle by lifting off vertically, and attach the introducer with the word LOADING facing uppermost, into the posterior end of the cartridge until it fully engages with a hard stop. Remove the loaded cartridge and introducer from the preparation base by sliding the assembly backwards and out of the grooves of the base. After removing the introducer and cartridge from the base, turn the assembly right-side up, with the word INSERTION facing uppermost.
With the AC maintainer on a low flow, gently slide the anterior glide of the cartridge through the temporal wound. With one hand still holding the introducer and cartridge in position, insert the curved placement forceps into the anterior chamber through the nasal paracentesis with the other hand. Grasp the donor and gently pull the donor tissue out of the cartridge.
While still holding onto the donor tissue with the curved placement forceps, retract the cartridge and introducer out of the eye. The donor tissue will automatically uncurl in the anatomically correct endothelial down position.
Inject a small amount of air beneath the donor tissue, and release the donor tissue from the curved forceps and retract the forceps out of the eye. Full wound closure, air tamponade and completion of the DSAEK procedure should then be performed in the usual manner.
**Always refer to the full instructions for use supplied with the product before use.
For more information or to place an order, contact your local Sharpoint sales representative or our customer service team at: 877.991.1110 (USA and Canada only), +1.610.404.3520 (International), or visit
Surgical Specialties Corporation, 100 Dennis Drive, Reading, PA 19606, U.S.A. 610.404.3520 877.991.1110 (USA and Canada only) Fax: 610.404.4010 OPG-PM-425R1 10/13 SHARPOINT, THE SURGEONS EDGE, CLEARPORT, and ULTRAGLIDE are trademarks of Surgical Specialties Corporation. ENDOGLIDE is a trademark of Coronet Medical Technologies Ltd. 2012-2013 Surgical Specialties Corporation. All Rights Reserved.