Text Book Vision Sceincies
Text Book Vision Sceincies
Text Book Vision Sceincies
Visual Science
Clinical Optometry
Textbook of
Visual Science
Clinical Optometry
Debashish Bhattacharya
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First Edition: 2009
ISBN 978-81-8448-599-8
Typeset at JPBMP typesetting unit
Printed at
My parents Prativa Bhattacharya and
Late Biresh Chandra Bhattacharya
along with
My parents-in-law
Geeta Roychowdhury and
Late Satyabrata Roychowdhury
Dr Debashish Bhattacharya
Disha Eye Hospital and Research Centre (P) Ltd
Barrackpore, West Bengal, India
Bikas Bhattacharyya
e-mail: drbhatta_bikas@yahoo.co.in
1. ANATOMY OF THE EYEBALL ........................................... 3
i. Cornea ............................................................................................ 4
ii. Sclera ............................................................................................... 8
iii. Limbus ............................................................................................ 9
iv. Anterior Chamber ...................................................................... 10
v. Posterior Chamber ..................................................................... 12
vi. Uveal Tract ................................................................................... 12
vii. Retina ............................................................................................ 18
viii. Optic Nerve ................................................................................. 24
ix. Lens ............................................................................................... 25
x. Vitreous Humour ....................................................................... 27
xi. Blood Supply of Eyeball ........................................................... 28
i. Conjunctiva .................................................................................. 31
ii. Eyelids ........................................................................................... 32
iii. Lacrimal Apparatus .................................................................... 36
iv. Muscles of the Eye ..................................................................... 38
v. Levator Palpebrae Superioris ................................................... 41
3. ANATOMY OF THE ORBIT ............................................... 43
i. Roof ............................................................................................... 43
ii. Medial Wall .................................................................................. 44
iii. Floor .............................................................................................. 45
iv. Lateral Wall .................................................................................. 45
v. Orbital Contents ......................................................................... 45
vi. Superior Orbital Fissure (Sphenoidal) .................................... 45
vii. Interior Orbital Fissure (Sphenomaxillary) ........................... 46
viii. Optic Foramen (Optic Canal) ................................................... 46
ix. Surgical Anatomical Spaces within the Orbit ....................... 47
AC Anterior chamber
AC/A Accommodative convergence / Accommodation ratio
add Addition for near vision
ARC Abnormal retinal correspondence
ARMD Age-related macular degeneration
BE Both eyes
BIO Binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy
BOZD Back optic zone diameter
BOZR Back optic zone radius
BRAO Branch retinal artery occlusion
BRVO Branch retinal vein occlusion
BVP Back vertex power
CB Ciliary body
cd Candela
C/D Cup disc ratio
CF Counting fingers
CL Contact lens
CLARE Contact lens acute red eye
CME Cystoid macular oedema
CNV Choroidal neovascularisation
cpd Cycle per degree
CRAO Central retinal arterial occlusion
CRVO Central retinal vein occlusion
CR-39 Columbia Resin 39
Ct Carat
CVS Computer vision syndrome
D Diopter
DBL Distance between lenses
DBR Distance between rims
Dk Oxygen permeability
xviii Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Anatomy of the
Eyeball is the peripheral organ of vision. Image of external world
is reflected here and is transferred into visual impulses. It consists
of segments of two spheres, where the smaller transparent one
called cornea is placed in front of the other. Due to this anatomical
shape anteroposterior diameter is more than vertical and horizontal
Eyeball consists of three coats or tunics (Fig. 1-1):
a. External fibrousIt is formed by transparent cornea in front,
opaque sclera behind and their junction called limbus.
b. Intermediate vascularIt is formed by uveal tract consisting of
iris, ciliary body and choroid.
c. Internal neuralIt is formed by retina, which along with optic
nerve is considered as the anterior prolongation of the brain.
a. Aqueous humour
b. Crystalline lens held by zonule of Zinn
c. Vitreous humour.
It is situated in the anterior part of the orbit, closer to the roof than
the floor.
There are three chambers inside the eyeball:
a. Anterior chamber
b. Posterior chamber
c. Vitreous chamber.
Movements of the eyeball are governed by six extrinsic muscles.
Cornea forms the transparent and anterior 1/6th of the external
fibrous coat of the globe of the eyeball.
It is just like glass cover of a watch which is set on the sclera.
It is oval from front and circular from behind.
It is the main refracting medium of the eye.
Anatomy of the Eyeball 5
Front/anterior Horizontal diameter 12 mm
Vertical diameter 11 mm
Back/posterior Horizontal diameter 11.5 mm
Vertical diameter 11.5 mm
Thickness At the center 0.50 to 0.58 mm
At the periphery 1 mm
Radius of curvature Anterior surface 7.8 mm
Posterior surface 6.5 to 7 mm
Refractive index 1.376
Dioptric strength +42.5 Diopter
At birth the size of the cornea is 80% of its adult size and it reaches
its adult size at 3 years of age.
Cornea consists of five layers (Fig. 1-2).
Bowmans Membrane
It is the modified condensed anterior layers of the corneal stroma.
It is acellular and composed of randomly oriented fine collagen
Anatomy of the Eyeball 7
Descemets Membrane
It is formed by secretion of corneal endothelium. Hence, it is a
modified basement membrane of the endothelium. It is well-defined
from the corneal stroma. It has wart-like elevations at the periphery
termed as Hassall-Henle bodies. It terminates peripherally at the
Schwalbes line. It is strong and capable of regeneration after injury.
It is the deepest layer of cornea consisting of a mosaic of single
layer of hexagonal cells, bound together and continuous with the
endothelium of the anterior surface of the iris. Endothelial cells are
responsible for maintaining relative dehydration (deturgence) of
corneal stroma and transparency. Endothelial cells of the cornea
can be seen by specular reflection with the slit-lamp biomicroscope.
Once damaged, the endothelial cells do not regenerate. At birth the
endothelial cell count is 4500 cells/mm2. In the first year of life 25%
reduction in cell count occurs. Thereafter, a progressive reduction
in endothelial cell count occurs with increasing age. Average
endothelial cell count in adult is 2800 cells/mm2. Great variation
8 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
The cornea is avascular. However, small plexuses from the anterior
ciliary vessels penetrate the periphery of the cornea for roughly 1
mm and are actually within the subconjunctival tissue which
overlaps the corneal periphery.
It is supplied by anterior and posterior ciliary nerves, branches of
the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal (Vth cranial) nerve. They
form a pericorneal plexus and enter the cornea via the limbus, as
60 80 myelinated trunks. They shed their myelin sheaths after
reaching few mm inside the cornea and divide into two groups.
The superficial group forms plexuses under the Bowmans
membrane and the epithelium. The deeper group forms plexuses
within the peripheral area of the stroma. The Descemets membrane,
endothelium and the central part of the stroma are devoid of any
Sclera forms the tough, white, opaque posterior 5/6th of the
external fibrous coat of the eyeball.
Sclera is thickest posteriorly (1 mm) and thinnest just behind
the insertion of the extraocular muscles (0.3 mm). The thickness
around the limbus is 0.6 mm.
Scleral spur is a concentric band of sclera, triangular in section,
lying posterior to the Schlemms canal and trabecular meshwork
Sclera is pierced by 3 sets of apertures:
a. Posteriorly around the optic nerve through which pass the
long and short posterior ciliary vessels and nerves.
b. In the middle, vortex veins (four in number) exit 4 mm
behind the equator of the globe.
Anatomy of the Eyeball 9
It is relatively avascular. However, a rich vascular plexus is formed
by episcleral and choroidal vessels, anterior to the insertion of the
rectus muscles of the eye. The congestion of these vessels is the basis
of the clinical sign ciliary congestion.
It is richly supplied by short ciliary nerves posteriorly and long
ciliary nerves anteriorly.
It is the transitional area between the cornea on one side and
sclera along with conjunctiva on the other.
Dimensions Width Superiorly 2 mm
Inferiorly 1.8 mm
Nasally and Temporally 1.4 mm
Thickness 0.7 mm
Knowledge of surgical anatomy of the limbus (Fig. 1-4) is
essential due to the fact that virtually all surgery for glaucoma
is performed at the limbus since it contains trabecular meshwork
(TM) internally.
Midlimbal line is useful landmark because it overlies Schwalbes
line. It represents the junction between the bluish zone and the
white sclera.
10 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
It is a space filled with aqueous humour.
It is bounded in front by the cornea and behind by the iris and
pupil, i.e. part of the anterior surface of the lens. It is bounded
laterally by the angle of the anterior chamber which is bounded
by cornea and sclera anteriorly and root of the iris, the anterior
part of the ciliary body and the scleral spur posteriorly (Fig.
Volume of anterior chamber 0.25 cc
Depth of the anterior chamber 2.5 mm
The filtration structures present at the angle of the anterior
chamber consists of (Fig. 1-5) from inside outwards the following:
It lies between the deeper part of the trabecular meshwork and the
Schlemms canal.
It is a circular venous sinus and plays significant role in the
drainage of the aqueous humour. It is lined by a continuous layer
of endothelial cells joined by junctions which are not truly tight.
Only 1% of aqueous drains through these tight junctions. Villi from
the cytoplasm of the endothelial cells projects into both
juxtacanalicular tissue and the Schlemms canal. Macropinocytic
vesicles and micropinocytic vesicles presents in the cytoplasm act
as the major outflow pathway.
12 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Twenty-five to thirty-five collector channels drain aqueous from the
outer wall of the Schlemms canal to the anterior ciliary veins via
the intrascleral and episcleral plexuses. Aqueous vein also drains
aqueous directly into the anterior ciliary veins.
It is also a space filled with aqueous humour
Aqueous humour is secreted here by the ciliary processes
Volume of posterior chamber 0.06 cc.
It is bounded in front by the posterior surface of the iris and
anterior surface of the lens and zonules of Zinn from behind.
It is bounded laterally by the ciliary processes of the ciliary
This is the intermediate vascular coat of the eyeball consisting of
the three following parts; Iris, Ciliary Body and Choroid.
It is the most anterior part lying in front of the crystalline lens and
behind the cornea. It is circular in shape with a central opening
called pupil (like a diaphragm of a camera). It is peripherally
attached to the middle the anterior surface of the ciliary body.
Anterior surface of the iris is divided by a ridge called collarette
(thickest part) into smaller pupillary zone and larger ciliary zone
(Fig. 1-6). The collarette is formed by roughly circular series of
ridges and minor arterial circle of iris. Major arterial circle which
supplies blood to the iris is located in the ciliary body adjacent to
the root of the iris (Fig. 1-7). The peculiarity of the iris vessels is
that, they usually do not bleed when the iris is cut. This is due to
the fact that they are enclosed by thick collagen bundles.
It consist of 4 layers:
a. Anterior endotheliumIt is continuous with the corneal endo-
thelium. Iris crypts of Fuchs are pit-like depressions (Fig. 1-6)
Anatomy of the Eyeball 13
Blood Supply
It is from the minor and major arterial circle of the iris.
Nerves Supply
a. Sphincter pupillaeOculomotor (IIIrd cranial) nerve
b. Dilator pupillaeNerves from the cervical sympathetic
c. SensoryNasociliary nerve [a branch of 1st division of the
trigeminal (Vth cranial) nerve].
It is the intermediate part of the uveal tract. It extends from ora
serrata to the root of the iris, where it is attached to the scleral spur.
It is a circular band width of which is 5.9 mm nasally and 6.7 mm
temporarily. It is divided into two anatomical parts:
a. Pars plicata: Anteriorly about 70 ridges (ciliary processes) are
arranged in a radiating manner. The region of the ciliary
Anatomy of the Eyeball 15
Blood Supply
It is supplied by two long posterior ciliary arteries and seven
anterior ciliary arteries via major arterial circle of iris.
Nerve Supply
i. Ciliary muscle It is supplied by the oculomotor (IIIrd cranial)
nerve and the sympathetic nerve.
ii. Sensory Nasociliary branch of the trigeminal (Vth cranial)
Anatomy of the Eyeball 17
It is a highly vascular thin tunic located between the sclera and
the retina and extends from ora serrata to optic nerve. It consists
of four layers from outside inwards (Fig. 1-8):
a. Suprachoroid (Lamina fusca)
b. Layer of blood vessels
i. Outer larger vessel layer (Hallers layer)
ii. Inner smaller vessel layer (Sattlers layer).
c. Choriocapillaries It is a layer of capillary plexus of fenestrated
vessels and it nourishes outer half of the retina.
d. Membrane of BruchIt is avascular, separating chorio-
capillaries from the pigment epithelium of the retina. It consists
of outer lamina elastica and inner lamina vitrea, i.e. basement
membrane of the pigment epithelium of the retina. It is an
important constituent of the blood retinal barrier.
Arterial Supply
it is supplied by the following group of arteries:
i. Short posterior ciliary arteries (20 in number)
ii. Long posterior ciliary arteries (2 in number)
iii. Anterior ciliary arteries (7 in number).
Venous Drainage
Venous blood from the iris, ciliary body and choroids is collected
by a series of intermediate small veins, which drain into vortex veins
(usually 4 in number). The vortex veins are located behind the
equator of the eyeball. The vortex veins drain into cavernous sinus
through superior and inferior ophthalmic veins.
The walls of the choriocapillaries are fenestrated which allow
relatively free movement of fluids and solids between the choroids
and the adjacent retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) via the Bruchs
membrane. The Bruchs membrane offers no resistance to the fluid
It is the light receptive inner neural coat of the eyeball consisting
of outer retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and inner sensory
retina with a potential space called subretinal space between
It lies between the choroid and the vitreous.
It extends from the optic disc to the ora serrata.
Point of importance must be noted that the two pigment
epithelium layers of the iris may be traced back upto retina. The
anterior pigment epithelium of the iris continues as the outer
pigment epithelium of the ciliary body and later forms the retinal
pigment epithelium (RPE). The posterior pigment epithelium
layer of the iris similarly continues to become the inner
nonpigmented epithelium of the ciliary body. This again
continues to form the inner nonpigmented sensory layer of the
retina (Fig. 1-9).
Surface area of the retina 266 mm2
Anatomy of the Eyeball 19
Retina consists of 10 distinct layers (Fig. 1-10) from outside inwards
of the following layers:
a. Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE): It is a single layer of flattened,
mostly hexagonal cells which is firmly adherent to lamina vitrea
of the choroid. On direct ophthalmoscopy the retina exhibits
fine mottled appearance due to the following facts:
i. The RPE cells are not equally pigmented.
ii. Pigments in each RPE cells are distributed at the periphery
of the cells and the central nuclear area remains relatively
pigment free.
The taller and narrower pigment cells at the macula confer
darker colour to this region. RPE cells transport substances to
the photoreceptor cells which are needed for metabolism. Free
exchange of products of metabolism occur between the RPE
cells and the photoreceptor cells.
b. Layer of the rods and cones: Rods and cones with their nucleus
and processes form the sensory receptor. They are arranged on
the external limiting membrane like a palisade. The rods contain
visual purple called rhodopsin which combines vitamin A with
protein. Rhodopsin is responsible for vision in dim light
(scotopic vision) and peripheral vision. The cones are
responsible for acuity of vision, vision in strong light (photopic
vision) and colour vision.
No. of rods 125 million No. of cones 7 million
Each photoreceptor, i.e. rod and cone consist of 3 parts;
i. Outer and inner segment connected by a tubular connection
called cilium in the layer of the rods and cones.
ii. Cell body and nucleus in the outer nuclear layer.
iii. Cell processes, i.e. axons that extend into the outer plexiform
Rod outer segment, cylindrical in shape, contains dense vertical
stack of numerous lamellar discs. The inner segment of the
photoreceptors consist of outer ellipsoid (containing large
number of mitochondrias) and an inner myoid portion
(containing endoplasmic reticulum). The cone outer segment is
conical in shape. New rod discs are produced in the inner
Anatomy of the Eyeball 21
Optic nerve consists of approximately 1 million axons of the
ganglion cells of retina, glial cells and the meningeal sheaths.
It extends from the optic disc to the optic chiasma.
It can be divided into 4 portions depending on its location;
i. Intraocular It extends from the optic disc to just posterior
to the lamina cribrosa
ii. Orbital
iii. Intracanalicular The portion within the optic foramen
iv. Intracranial.
The optic disc is vertically oval, 1.5 mm in diameter. It is
strikingly paler in colour than the surrounding retina. It is located
3 mm nasally and slightly at a upper level than the fovea.
Physiological cup, the funnel shaped depression within the optic
disc is lighter in colour than the peripheral neuroretinal rim. The
nerve fibres are transparent within the retina and at the optic disc
since, they are nonmyelinated. Just behind the lamina cribrosa they
Anatomy of the Eyeball 25
The optic nerve is supplied from following sources;
Arterial circle of Zinn
Choroidal vessels
Branches of retinal arterioles
Intraneural branches of central retinal artery
Pial branches of choroidal arteries
Ophthalmic artery.
It is a transparent biconvex crystalline structure situated
between the iris and the vitreous humour.
The older cells are concentrated towards the centre, whereas
the younger cells remain at the periphery of the lens.
It is attached to the ciliary body by the zonules of Zinn (or
suspensory ligament). Zonuler fibres form 3 groups;
i. Arising from the pars plana and insert into the lens capsule
anterior to the equator.
ii. Arising from the summits and valleys of the ciliary processes
and pass backward to be inserted into the lens capsule
posterior to the equator.
iii. Arising from the summits of the ciliary processes and insert
directly at the equator.
It is devoid of any nerve, vessel and connective tissue.
Diameter 9 mm
Thickness 4 mm
Radius of curvature of anterior surface 10 mm
Radius of curvature of posterior surface 6 mm
26 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Lens consist of (Fig. 1-12) the following:
Lens Capsule
It is acellular and envelops the lens completely. It is a basement
membrane of the lens epithelium. It is thinnest at the posterior pole.
Only the anterior capsule is lined by the single layer of epithelium.
Lens Epithelium
It consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells present in the anterior
lens capsule (A cells) and in the equatorial bow region (E cells).
The A cells (LEC) present in the anterior capsule are not directly
involved in the formation of new lens fibres. The equatorial bow/
E cells show mitotic activity to form new lens fibres. As new cells
are formed, these lens fibres elongate and lose their nuclei. Older
fibres are continuously pushed centrally.
Lens Substance/Material
It consists of the cortex, epinucleus, nucleus and sutures. The most
externally located lens fibres which lie beneath the lens capsule
form the cortex.
The fibres of central embryonic nucleus meet at the sutures
shaped Y. The anterior Y suture is erect, whereas the posterior
suture is inverted Y. As development proceeds successive layers
of nucleus are formed externally and added to the central embryonic
nucleus, viz. foetal, infantile and adult nucleus.
It is a clear, transparent, colourless jelly that fills the posterior 4/
5th of the eye, i.e. the space behind the lens and the zonule of Zinn.
Volume of vitreous is 4.5 ml (approx.). Anteriorly vitreous has a
saucer like depression called fossa patellaris to lodge the lens.
Through its centre runs hyaloid canal, which is remnant of the
hyaloid artery. Vitreous humour is loosely adherent to the retina.
However, it is firmly attached to the;
i. Margin of the optic disc (Area Martegiani)
ii. Pars plana of the ciliary body near ora serrata. 1.5 mm broad
zone of the ciliary epithelium next to ora serrata (termed
vitreous base).
iii. Macula
iv. Central 9 mm diameter zone of the posterior capsule of the
lens (ligamentum hyaloideo-capsulare of Weiger, (Fig. 1-13)).
It occurs through:
i. Vortex veins Majority of venous drainage occurs through
the tributaries of 4 vortex veins, which enter the sclera just
behind the equator and pass obliquely through it. They drain
into ophthalmic veins.
ii. Anterior ciliary veins They drain blood from the outer part
of the ciliary muscle and the ciliary body via ciliary venous
iii. Short posterior ciliary veins They drain blood away from
the sclera.
iv. The retinal veins The 4 tributaries that correspond roughly
to the branches of the central retinal artery unite at or just
behind the optic disc to form the central retinal vein. The
central retinal vein usually drains into cavernous sinus, after
giving a branch to the superior ophthalmic vein. It may drain
into the superior ophthalmic vein occasionally.
The major branches of the central retinal artery and tributaries
of central retinal vein are located within the nerve fibre layer of the
retina. In most of the retinal area two groups of capillary network
exist. The superficial one is located within the nerve fibre layer,
whereas the deep one is located between the outer plexiform layer
and inner nuclear layer.
It is easy to distinguish the retinal arteries from the veins. The
arteries are narrower (3/5th of the veins), bright red in colour with
a well-defined light streak along their lumen. The veins are wider
and less bright in colour. Retinal venous pulsation is physiological
and is seen in significant number of people. Retinal arterial
pulsation is pathological and is seen in glaucoma, aortic
incompetence, etc.
Anatomy of
2 Appendages of the
It is a thin mucous membrane which attaches eyelids to the eyeball.
It covers inner surface of the eyelids and reflected to cover anterior
part of the sclera upto the limbus (Fig. 2-1).
a. Palpebral
i. Marginal
ii. Tarsal
iii. Orbital.
b. Fornix
c. Bulbar
d. Limbal.
It consists of:
Marginal and limbal parts are lined by stratified squamous
epithelium. The tarsal and orbital parts are lined by 2 layers of
epithelium. The deeper layer is composed of cubical cells and
superficial one is of cylindrical cells. At the fornix, often a 3rd layer
of polyhedral cells is encountered between the 2 layers. But the
tarsal conjunctiva of lower eyelid is composed of 3-5 layers of cells.
From the fornix to the limbus more layer of cells are added between
the superficial cylindrical and deep cubical cells. Goblet cells, i.e.
32 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Substantia Propria
It consists of:
i. Superficial adenoid layer consisting of fine connective tissue
meshwork containing lymphocytes which is most developed
in the fornices.
ii. Deeper fibrous layer.
a. Protection of eyeball from injury.
b. Protection of eyeball from excess exposure to light, thereby
regulates the entry of light through pupil.
c. Swabs the tear film over the cornea by the process of blinking.
Anatomy of Appendages of the Eyeball 33
Both upper and lower eyelid margin is 2 mm broad, has a rounded
anterior border and a sharp posterior border. The lacrimal puncta
divides it into medial smaller lacrimal part and larger lateral ciliary
part. The lacrimal part is devoid of any eyelashes and tarsal glands.
Just in front of posterior border lies a row of small openings of tarsal
glands. Just in front of these openings, a thin grey line can be seen,
where the eyelid can be easily separated into 2 distinct layers
(Fig. 2-3).
34 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Fig. 2-4: Section through the upper eyelid (schematic). 1 = Orbicularis oculi,
2 = Sweat gland, 3 = Gland of Zeis, 4 = Eyelash, 5 = Gland of Moll, 6 = Meibomian
gland, 7 = Gland of Wolfring, 8 = Crypts of Henle, 9 = Goblet cells, 10 = Gland
of Krause, 11 = Mller muscle, 12 = Levator palpebrae superioris , 13 = Fat
and 14 = Tarsal plate.
Glands of Zeis
i. They are also sebaceous glands and their ducts open into the
follicles of the eyelashes directly (Fig. 2-4).
ii. They also secrete sebum and contribute to the outer lipid layer
of the precorneal tearfilm.
iii. In addition, the secretion prevents the dryness and brittleness
of the eyelashes.
Glands of Wolfring
i. They are accessory lacrimal glands of the upper eyelids.
ii. They are located in the region of the upper border of the tarsal
Glands of Krause
i. They are also accessory lacrimal glands.
ii. They are located within subconjunctival areolar tissue of the
fornices, mostly in the superior fornix.
The lacrimal apparatus consists of the following:
Superior oblique
Inferior oblique.
All the extrinsic muscles except inferior oblique have a common
origin from the annular tendon of Zinn, around the optic foramen,
at the apex of the orbit. Inferior oblique arises from a small
depression just behind the inferior orbital margin, near the medial
wall, close to the lacrimal fossa.
All the extrinsic muscle tendons are inserted into the sclera (Table
2-1) after piercing the Tenons capsule.
Table 2-1: Distance of the insertion of the recti from the limbus
Extrinsic muscle Distance from the limbus (Insertion)
Superior rectus 7.75 mm
Lateral rectus 7 mm
Inferior rectus 6.5 mm
Medial rectus 5.5 mm
All the muscles are supplied by the oculomotor (IIIrd cranial) nerve
except the superior oblique which is supplied by the Trochlear (IVth
cranial) nerve and lateral rectus which is supplied by the abducens
(VIth cranial) nerve.
40 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
It ends in a membranous aponeurosis to insert as following
i. Anterior slipMain insertion is at the skin of the upper eyelid
by passing through the orbicularis fibres.
ii. Central slip Upper margin and anterior lower third of tarsal
plate of upper eyelid
42 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Oculomotor (IIIrd Cranial) nerve. Superior division of the IIIrd nerve
innervates the muscle usually by traversing through the medial side
of the superior rectus muscle.
It elevates upper eyelid.
Anatomy of
the Orbit
The orbits are pear-shaped cavities and act as sockets for the
eyeball. It is formed by the following seven bones (Fig. 3-1):
i. Frontal
ii. Sphenoid
iii. Ethmoid
iv. Lacrimal
v. Palatine
vi. Maxilla
vii. Zygomatic.
It is of great importance to know the structures adjacent to the
orbit. They are;
AboveAnterior cranial fossa, frontal sinus
BelowMaxillary sinus
MediallyNasal cavity and sinuses, ethmoid sinus
Laterally (From behind forwards)Middle cranial fossa,
temporal fossa.
Volume of the orbit is 30 ml. Eyeball occupies only 20% of the
orbital volume.
Medial walls of the orbits are parallel to each other, while the
lateral walls are inclined at 90 to each other.
It is very thin and very much vulnerable to penetrating injury
through the upper lids. It presents fossa for the lacrimal gland and
44 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
the depression for the attachment of the trochlea for the superior
oblique tendon.
It is the thinnest of the orbital wall. The part formed by the orbital
plate of the ethmoid is as thin as paper (lamina papyracea).
Fracture of the orbital part of the ethmoid by blunt injury is very
common and it causes orbital emphysema by trapping of air escaped
from the ethmoidal sinuses within the eyelids. It presents lacrimal
fossa and bony nasolacrimal canal. Lacrimal fossa lodges lacrimal
sac and is formed by the frontal process of the maxilla and the
lacrimal bone. It is bounded anteriorly and posteriorly by the
anterior and posterior lacrimal crest respectively. Lacrimal bone
Anatomy of the Orbit 45
separates ethmoidal air cells in the upper half of the fossa and
middle meatus of the nose in the lower half. Inflammation of the
ethmoidal sinus spreading to orbit is also very common probably
due to thinness of the medial wall.
It is the shortest of the orbital walls and separates maxillary sinus
from the orbit.
It is most exposed to external injuries. However, it is the thickest
of the orbital walls providing protection from external injuries.
Lateral to it lies temporal fossa and middle cranial fossa from
anterior to posterior.
Optic nerve
Extrinsic muscles
Lacrimal apparatus
Adipose tissue
Fascia bulbi (or Tenons capsule)
Nerves and vessels which supply the above structures.
a. Through the annulus, i.e. between the two heads of the lateral
rectus muscle (from above downwards)
i. Superior division of the oculomotor nerve
ii. Nasociliary nerve
iii. Inferior division of the oculomotor nerve
iv. Abducens nerve.
b. Through the narrow lateral portion, i.e. above the annulus
i. Lacrimal nerve
ii. Frontal nerve
iii. Trochlear nerve
iv. Superior ophthalmic vein
v. Recurrent lacrimal artery.
c. Through the wider medial portion rarely, inferior ophthalmic
Physiology of the
Ocular Structures
It is a clear, colourless, transparent fluid that fills the anterior and
posterior chambers of the eyeball.
It involves following mechanisms:
a. Secretion:
It accounts for 95% (approx.) of the volume of aqueous
It is secreted by the cells of the ciliary epithelium of the ciliary
processes by an active pump.
The active pump mechanism is responsible for 50 times
higher concentration of ascorbate in the aqueous than in the
b. Ultrafiltration:
It is simply ultrafiltration through the capillaries in the
ciliary processes.
The ultrafiltrates constitute the smaller particles and
molecules from the blood, sparing the proteins.
c. Diffusion: It is flow of certain ions along an electrochemical
However, aqueous thus formed is modified by metabolic activity
of the cornea and the lens. This results in excess of
lactic acid (from the lens) and a fall in glucose and bicarbonate
52 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Once secreted and formed in the posterior chamber from ciliary
body, it flows into the anterior chamber through the pupil (Fig.
4-1). It leaves anterior chamber through:
a. Angle of the anterior chamber (90%)
It maintains intraocular pressure.
It carries nutrients for the cornea, lens, vitreous body and the
trabecular meshwork which are devoid of vascular supply.
It is component of the optical system of the eye with the refractive
index of 1.336.
It removes waste products from the intraocular tissues.
Physiology of the Ocular Structures 53
It is quite similar to aqueous humour. However, it contains greater
amount of collagen, hyaluronic acid and acidic glycoprotein. Water
content of vitreous is 98.5%. Bicarbonate content is less than in the
aqueous humour.
It consists of a delicate meshwork of collagen fibrils embedded
in water, hyaluronic acid and vitreous cells (hyalocytes). These
hyalocytes, present only in the cortical area, produce hyaluronic
acid and posses phagocytic property. The fibrillar meshwork is
more dense at the periphery, i.e. cortical area than the centre.
There is presence of an active transport pump probably located
in the ciliary body and retinal pigment epithelium to actively
transport materials out of the vitreous. Most of the metabolic activity
of the vitreous is confined to the cortical area.
Physiology of the Ocular Structures 55
Cornea requires a constant supply of oxygen and other essential
metabolites, e.g. glucose, vitamins and amino acids to perform its
vital function.
Water 7580%
ElectrolytesElectrolyte level varies in different layers
CollagenIt is destroyed by the enzyme collagenase
Soluble proteinAlbumin glycoprotein
ImmunoglobulinsIgG, IgA and IgM
Glycosaminoglycans (GAG)It is highly concentrated in the
stroma than in the epithelium and endothelium. It is present
in the interfibrillary space. Keratan sulphate, chondroitin
sulphate and chondroitin are the three fractions of GAG found
in the cornea
a. Oxygen from the air via diffusion across tearfilm
b. Glucose and amino acids from
i. Aqueous humour
ii. Perilimbal capillaries
c. Tearfilm.
Cornea requires energy for renewal of tissues and maintenance of
transparency. Energy is derived in the form of ATP (Adenosine
Triphosphate) from anaerobic glycolysis (glucose metabolism).
Metabolism is a process in which nutrients are converted into
energy by a process of biochemical reactions, to be used by the cells
for viability. Most of the metabolic activities occur at the level of
the epithelium and endothelium. The metabolic pathways in cornea
for generation of ATP, through glucose are following:
a. Anaerobic glycolysis (or EmbdenMeyerhof pathway)This
is essentially an anaerobic pathway and accounts for majority
of corneal metabolism. In this pathway, glucose is first oxidised
to pyruvate and then subsequently reduced to lactate. This gives
a net yield of two molecules of ATP. This pathway is most active
in the corneal epithelium.
56 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Cornea maintains high level of transparency to transmit more than
90% of incident light. Several factors contribute to the corneal
a. Epithelial
i. Uniform regular arrangement of epithelium
ii. Homogenous refractive index throughout the epithelium
iii. Presence of precorneal tearfilm
iv. Tight junctions between superficial epithelial cells.
b. Stromal
i. Regular crystalline lattice arrangement of corneal collagen
fibrils (Fig. 4-3), in a mucopolysaccharide ground substance,
separated by less than the wavelength of light (Maurice
ii. Absence of blood vessels
iii. The diameter of the corneal collagen fibrils are smaller
than the wavelength of light and therefore, do not interfere
with the light transmission (Goldman and Benedek
iv. Demyelination of corneal nerves.
c. Endothelial
Uniform regular arrangement of endothelial cells.
Intraocular Pressure
High intraocular pressure will give rise to epithelial oedema, i.e.
increased corneal thickness and loss of transparency. This is
accentuated by endothelial damage.
The fluid traffic in the crystalline lens is controlled by the semi-
permeability of the lens capsule and the subcapsular epithelium
lining the anterior capsule.
a. Carbohydrates from the aqueous humour
b. Oxygen from the aqueous humour.
Metabolic activity of the lens is mainly attributed to the cortex, the
younger component. The lens requires energy in the form of ATP
from carbohydrates through:
60 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
a. Water66%
b. Protein33%.
i. Soluble proteins (85%)Mainly in the lens cortex , and
ii. Insoluble proteins (15%)Mainly in the lens nucleus.
Lens is the least hydrated (66%) structure of the body and it is also
the structure with the highest concentration of the protein (33%) in the
It is the clear watery fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland which
along with the secretions from the meibomian glands, the gland
of Zeis, and Moll, the goblet cells and the accessory lacrimal glands
of Krause and Wolfring helps to maintain the cornea and the
conjunctiva moist and healthy. Precorneal tearfilm is composed of
the following layers (Fig. 4-4):
Physiology of the Ocular Structures 61
It converts the corneal epithelial surface from the
hydrophobic to a hydrophilic one.
It helps to retain the aqueous layer.
Mucous or glycoproteins have a polar and a nonpolar end. The
nonpolar end aligns with the hydrophobic epithelial cells and the
polar end attracts water.
Basically two types of tear secretion exists:
a. Basic tear secretion: It occurs normally without any stimulation
and its source are accessory lacrimal glands of Krause and
Wolfring. It is responsible for maintenance of moistness of
cornea and conjunctiva. It is reduced in elderly people and in
dry eye.
b. Reflex tear secretion: It occurs in response to an irritant, i.e.
stimulation. It is also dependent on psychological (emotional)
factors. It is produced mainly by the lacrimal gland.
Average rate of normal tear secretion is 30120 l (microlitre)/
hour or 0.52.2 l/minute. In young adults it is 2 l/minute,
whereas in elderly individual is 1 l/minute.
pH of tear varies between 7.3 and 7.7
OsmolarityNormal osmotic pressure is equivalent to 0.9%
NaCl solution
ElectrolytesNa, Cl, Ca++, Mg++, K+, HCO3, Mn+
Sodium and chloride is present in high concentration.
VitaminsVitamin A and Vitamin C
ProteinsLysozyme, Lactoferrin, Albumin and others. Total 60
types of proteins are present in tear. Lacrimal gland is
responsible for production of lysozyme, lactoferrin, albumin.
Albumin constitutes 60% of tear protein whereas, lysozyme
constitutes 2035%. Lysozyme destroys cell walls of many
bacteria. So, it plays an important role in immune system of
the eye.
Physiology of the Ocular Structures 63
a. Evaporation (25%)
b. Lacrimal system (75%)To nasal cavity
i. Upper puncta (3035%)
ii. Lower puncta (6570%).
64 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Physiology of
Rods and cones present in the retina serve as visual sensory nerve
endings. So, when light falls upon the retina, the image of the object
is focused on the retina by the dioptric system of the eye. Stimulation
of these visual nerve endings by the light results in visual sensation.
However, light falling upon optic disc doesnt give rise to any visual
sensation due to absence of rods and cones. Therefore, it is called
blind spot (of Mariotte). When light falls upon the retina, two essential
reaction occur, photochemical and electrical changes.
It is initiated by the pigments present in the rods and cones.
Rhodopsin is the pigment found in the rods with a peak absorption
spectrum at 500 nm, and is responsible for night (scotopic) vision.
Rhodopsin consists of a chromophore (11cis retinala Vitamin A
aldehyde) the reactive part and a protein called opsin. The
bleaching of rhodopsin involves a complex chain of transfor-
mations. When light falls on the rods, it converts 11cis retinal
component to Alltrans retinal (vitamin A) through several
intermediaries (Fig. 5-1). This reaction is reversible in the dark, i.e.
11cis retinal is again formed from Alltrans retinal within the
retinal pigment epithelium (Fig. 5-1). The photochemical changes
initiate visual process and give rise to alteration in electrical
potential, which are transmitted to the brain through the bipolar
cells, ganglion cells and optic nerve successively. Lack of retinol
may result in impaired dark adaptation, i.e. night blindness.
Physiology of Vision 65
Based on the alteration in electrical potential which is initiated by
the photochemical reactions, several electrophysiological tests are
invented. These tests are clinically used to assess retinal integrity
and its connections to the brain. These are:
a. ERG (electroretinogram)
b. EOG (electrooculogram)
c. VER (visually evoked response).
It is the recording of mass electrical response of the retina following
stimulation by light. It is recorded by placing one electrode in
contact with the cornea (often via a contact lens). The second
electrode is placed on the forehead.
66 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Clinical Significance
a. It is used to diagnose objectively early stages of retinal diseases
particularly of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and photo-
b. It is used to diagnose retinal diseases specially in situations
where fundus cannot be visualised.
Light sense is defined as the faculty which permits us to
perceive light in all its gradations of intensity.
Light minimum is at a point when light is just no longer
perceived, if light falling upon the retina gradually decreased
in intensity. The light minimum for fovea is higher than the
other areas of the retina.
Form sense is defined as the faculty which enables us to perceive
the shape of an object.
Cones are responsible for form sense. So, form sense is most
delicate and acute at the fovea and falls off very rapidly towards
the periphery.
Form sense has also psychological component to perceive
composite forms, e.g. letters in addition to the cone function.
Visual Acuity
Visual acuity is the measurement of spatial resolving capacity of
the eye and is applied to central vision. There must be an
unstimulated cone in between the two stimulated cones to allow
for the resolution of two objects. The distance between two cones
at the macular region is 0.004 mm and the object must subtend a
visual angle of 1 minute at the nodal point of the eye to produce
70 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Snellens Chart
It is the most commonly used test for visual acuity. It consists of
a rows of letters of diminishing size (Fig. 5-3). Each Snellens letter
is constructed in such way that it can be perfectly placed in a square
which is further subdivided into 25 small squares. Each component
part of the letter subtends an angle of 1 minute (1/60) and the
whole letter subtends an angle of five minutes of arc at the nodal
point of the eye from a particular distance. The largest letter in a
top row will subtend an angle of 5 minute at the nodal point if
it is 60 metres from the eye. Hence, each row is assigned a specific
number which indicates the distance in metres at which a person
with normal visual acuity will be able to identify properly the letters
(Fig. 5-4).
Snellens chart have a single letter at top row and increasingly
more letters of smaller sizes in lower rows. The test chart is
illuminated by a lamp of 100 ft (foot candles) cs. The Snellens chart
is read from 6 metre or 20 feet distance.
Interpretation of visual acuity
a. First note the lowest line which a subject can properly identify.
Viewing distance
b. Visual acuity = -
Lowest identifiable line notation
Thus, if a subject is able to identify upto row of letters on the
24 line from six metre distance, he has a visual acuity of 6/24
or 20/80. A visual acuity of 6/6 (or 20/20) is accepted as normal
However, if a patient cannot identify the letter on the top row,
his vision is < 6/60 and he is told to walk towards the acuity chart.
If he is able to identify the letter of the top row at 3 metre
distance, his visual acuity will be 3/60 and so on.
If the patient cannot identify the letter even at 1 metre distance,
he is asked to count the fingers of the examiner at 1 metre
distance. If he is able to count fingers, his visual acuity is
counting figures at 1 metre (CF 1m).
Physiology of Vision 71
Decimal Acuity
The Snellens fraction can also be converted into a decimal number
which is termed as decimal acuity or decimal notation. Thus, 6/
6 (or 20/20) becomes 1.0, 6/12 (or 20/40) becomes 0.5 and 6/60
(or 20/200) becomes 0.1.
Minimum angle of resolution (MAR): It is expressed in minutes of arc.
This is simply arrived at by inverting Snellens visual acuity and
converting it into a decimal number. So, a Snellen visual acuity of
6/60 (or 20/200) corresponds to 60/6, i.e. MAR of 10 min. of arc
and a Snellen visual acuity of 6/12 (or 20/40) corresponds to MAR
of 2 min of arc. Therefore, MAR in min of arc is also reciprocal of
the value of the decimal acuity.
LogMAR (Logarithm of MAR): It is the basis of constant geometrical
progression from one letter to the next in each line and from one
line to the next line. The lines progress in 0.1 logMAR steps and
each letter accounts for 0.02 score of each line. So, when the visual
ecuity is 6/60 (or 20/200), the MAR is 10 min of arc. So, logMAR=
log10(10) = 1.0. Similarly, visual acuity of 6/6 (or 20/20) corresponds
to MAR of 1 and logMAR of log10(1), i.e. 0. If the patients visual
acuity is 6/12 (or 20/40) and he is able to read 3 letters in next
line his logMAR will be = log10(2)+ (3 0.02) = 0.30 + 0.06 = 0.36.
Physiology of Vision 73
Test Types
a. N system of notationThis is based on typesetters point system
to specify size of the letters and Times Roman font is used. Each
point equals 1/72 inch. Thus, N6 letters measure 6/72 inches
in height and N8 letters measure 8/72 inches in height.
b. Jaeger notationThere is lack of uniformity in Jaegers text print
sizes progression. It is indicated by the letter J followed by a
print size, e.g. J6, J8, etc.
c. Bailey-Lovie word reading chartIt is composed of words in
Times Roman font and progression of size in each line in
logarithmic. The range of size varies between 80 point and 2
point print.
It is defined as the faculty which enables us to perceive contrast
in luminance between regions which are not separated by
definite margins.
Physiology of Vision 75
This is defined as the faculty which enables us to distinguish
between different colours.
Cones are responsible for colour sense and occurs only in
photopic condition.
There is existence of three types of pigments in different cones
which are responsible for preferential absorption of wave-
lengths of light corresponding to red, green and blue colour.
All other colours and white colour can be formed by their
suitable proportional combination.
An object is perceived as a coloured one when light rays of a
particular wavelength are reflected from it to reach the retina.
The normal colour vision is turned trichromatic and people with
normal colour vision are called normal trichromats.
receptor level, while, the opponent theory results from the receptor
Colour Blindness
It is defined as significant departure of an individuals colour
perception from that of an normal individual.
Aetiology and types:
a. Congenital
Congenital defect in colour vision occurs due to absence of a
cone pigment or a shift in spectral sensitivity of the cone pigment
(Table 5-1).
It accounts for majority of cases of colour blindness and is
genetically inherited (Table 5-2) as sex linked disorder in which
the defective gene is either on the X-chromosome carrying genes
encoding for red and green pigments or chromosome 7 carrying
genes encoding for the blue pigment.
It affects mainly males who inherit the defective gene from their
It is very rare in females since they have to carry the defective
genes on both the X-chromosomes.
Defective colour vision occurs in 8% of male population and
0.5% of female population.
It is stationary and stable in congenital type and affects both
the eyes symmetrically.
It is found in following genetic disorders:
i. Klinefelters syndrome
ii. Turners syndrome
iii. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
iv. Haemophilia, etc.
Deuteranomaly is commonest and occurs in 5% of male and
0.3% of female population.
People with a colour defect of congenital origin are classified
as in Tables 5-1 and 5-2.
b. Acquired
This is relatively rare and mostly tritanopic, i.e. the blue colour
sensation is missing.
The defect may progress or regress and may be unilateral.
78 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Congenital Acquired
Onset Present since birth Onset at a later age
Sex prevalence Affects mostly male Equal incidence
Progress Stationary and stable Progresses or Regresses
Involvement of eyes Always both eyes May be unilateral
Predominant types Deuteranomaly Mostly tritan
Visual acuity Normal, except in Reduced
Rod monochromats
Treatment Early detection and Treatment of causative
counseling disease
A. Numeral
B. Winding path
C. Hidden
Figs 5-6A to C: ISHIHARAs pseudoisochromatic test plates
82 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
The Neurology of
The visual pathway can be described in the following order (Fig.
I. End organ (or sensory receptor)Rods and cones, with their
nuclei and processes, of the retina constitute the end organ,
i.e. sensory receptor of vision (Fig. 6-1).
half of the retina of the same side and nasal half of the retina on
the opposite side. Therefore, such a lesion will cause hemianopia
which represents loss of vision in the opposite half of binocular
field of vision.
Fig. 6-2: Course and distribution of the nerve fibres in the visual pathway.
1 = Optic nerve, 2 = Optic chiasma, 3 = Optic tract, 4 = Lateral geniculate body,
5 = Optic radiation and 6 = Occipital cortex
The size of the pupil is controlled by the opposing forces of two
involuntary muscles present in the iris; the sphincter pupillae and the
dilator pupillae. The sphincter pupillae muscle is innervated by the
parasympathetic system through the 3rd cranial nerve (Fig. 6-3).
Parasympathetic fibres from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus enter the
main trunk of the oculomotor nerve and run upto the orbit. Here, the
fibres pass into the branch supplying the inferior oblique muscle.
Soon they enter the short root of the ciliary ganglion to reach the ciliary
ganglion. Then, they pass through the short ciliary nerve to pierce the
sclera near the optic nerve and pass forward through the choroid and
the ciliary body into the iris (Fig. 6-3).
The Neurology of Vision 87
Fig. 6-4: Innervation of the dilator pupillae muscle. 1 = Trigeminal nerve, (I = Ophthalmic
division, II = Maxillary division, III = Mandibular division), 2 = Nasociliary nerve,
3 = Long ciliary nerve and 4 = Dilator pupillae, 5 = Hypothalamus, 6 = Ciliospinal centre
of Budge and 7 = Superior cervical ganglion
If light is focused into an eye, the pupil of that eye constricts (direct
light reflex) and the pupil of the other eye shows equal constriction
(consensual or indirect light reflex).
It is the constriction (or miosis) of the pupil on convergence. It is
initiated by contraction of the fibres of the medial rectus muscle
on convergence. It consists of three complex components;
90 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Sensory Reflex
It is a more complicated reflex process since both the dilator centre
and the constrictor centre is involved in its pathway. Sensory
stimulation initially causes a rapid dilatation of the pupil
(mydriasis) due to enhanced dilator tone through the cervical
sympathetic nerve. It is followed by another dilatation, rapid in
onset but slow in disappearance, due to inhibition of the constrictor
It is characterised by absence of pupillary reaction to light
reflexes (both direct and consensual) and retention of pupillary
92 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
It is characterised by unilateral miosis, partial ptosis, slight
elevation of the lower lid, enophthalmos and heterochromia (in
congenital variety).
It is occasionally accompanied by unilateral absence of sweating
of the face (anhidrosis) and flushing of the face.
Pupillary reactions to light and near reflexes are normal.
AetiologyUsually, it results from damage of the cervical
sympathetic nerve in apical bronchial carcinoma.
10% cocaine eyedrop dilates a normal pupil, whereas pupil in
Horners syndrome will not dilate.
Hydroxyamphetamine eyedrop (1%) is clinically used to
distinguish between 3rd order neuron defect and, 1st and 2nd
order neuron defect.
3rd order neuron lesion is indicated by failure of the pupil with
Horners syndrome to dilate to an equal degree as the fellow
The diameter of the pupil can be measured using Haabs pupil-
lometer. It contains a series of graduated circles for comparison with
the pupillary diameter.
Light and Human Eye: Basic Optical Principles 95
Light and Human
7 Eye: Basic Optical
It is actually composed of seven colours of specific wavelengths.
The red colour is on the longer wavelength side and violet is on
the shorter wavelength end. In photopic conditions (bright light)
the retina is maximally sensitive to 555 nm (yellowgreen)
wavelength, whereas in scotopic conditions (dim light) it is sensitive
to 510 nm (blue) wavelength.
Infrared rays are also invisible and are further subdivided into three
bands, depending on their absorption spectrum (Fig. 7-1);
1. IRA (7001400 nm)Excess exposure to these IR rays may
cause eclipse blindness and cataract.
Light and Human Eye: Basic Optical Principles 97
Schematic eyes are designed to simplify optics of the eyes to replace
the complex optics of the human eye. Schematic eyes assumes:
The eye is homocentric, i.e. presence of a common optical axis.
The refracting surfaces are spherical.
The cornea and the lens form the optical refracting elements.
Different types of schematic eyes are designed taking into
account various parameters from a simple one to a complex
Optic Axis
It is the straight line which passes through centres of curvatures
of different media of the eye, as close as possible (Fig. 7-5).
Pupillary Axis
It is the straight line which passes through the centre of the pupil.
Visual Axis
It is the straight line which passes through the fovea and the nodal
point (Fig. 7-5) of the eye.
102 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Fixation Axis
It is the line joining the fixation point with the centre of rotation
of the eyeball (Fig. 7-5).
Angle Alpha ()
It is the angle formed between the optic axis and the visual axis
(Fig. 7-5).
Angle Kappa ()
It is the angle formed between the pupillary axis and the visual
axis (Fig. 7-5).
Angle Gamma ( )
It is the angle formed between the optic axis and the fixation axis
(Fig. 7-5).
Fig. 7-5: Axes and angles of the eye. OA = Optic axis; = Angle alpha;
VF = Visual axis; = Angle kappa; VC = Fixation axis; = Angle gamma and
N = Nodal point
These angles are usually positive i.e., the visual axis is nasal
to the optic axis. They approximately measure 5.
In a convex spherical lens the refractive power of the peripheral
areas are more than the central areas. So, in a convex lens central
parallel rays are brought to a single point focus (F1). However,
peripheral rays come to a focus (O) nearer to the lens then the point
focus F1. This results in a blurring of images particularly at the edges
(Fig. 7-7A). It is termed positive spherical aberration. However, in
104 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
It is a type of monochromatic aberration that effects only off-axis
objects, i.e. oblique rays. Rays passing through the periphery of the
lens are more refracted than the central rays and come to a focus
nearer the principal axis than the central rays. This results in
unequal magnification of images formed by the rays passing
through different areas of the lens. This gives rise to a composite
elongated image simulating a comet or coma (Fig. 7-8). If the head
of the comet point towards the optical axis, it is called positive coma
while if it points away from the optical axis it is called negative
coma. Aplanatic lens can correct both spherical aberration and
coma. Also a combination of lenses with positive and negative coma
can cancel each other.
Axial astigmatism occurs with toric lens, whereas spherical, i.e.
nontoric lenses exhibit oblique astigmatism with only oblique rays,
i.e. off-axis objects. It occurs due to the fact that spherical lenses
Light and Human Eye: Basic Optical Principles 105
Image distortion occurs due to increased prismatic effect of the
periphery of the lens resulting in difference in lateral magnification
at different points on an object. A classical example of distortion
is a grid object distorted as either barrel or pincushion observed
in concave lens and convex lens respectively (Fig. 7-9). Image
distortion persists even after elimination of all other Seidel
Curvature of field is closely related to oblique/radial astigmatism
and means that a plane object gives rise to a curved image. After
optical elimination of spherical aberration, coma and radial
astigmatism irrespective of parallel/oblique rays a point object will
form a point image. These points will be seen to fall on a curved
surface (Petzval surface) which phenomenon is called curvature
of field (Fig. 7-10). Due to this curvature of field if an extended image
is projected on a flat surface some of the points will not be in focus.
Wavefront aberration is defined as the amount of difference between
an ideal wavefront and the actual wavefront emanating from an optical
system. This wavefront aberration is measured by the method
aberrometry. Clinical applications of aberrometry include:
Corneal refractive surgery
Intraocular lenses, etc.
White light consists of seven colours. The component colours are
refracted differently at spherical surfaces and the image formed
have a coloured edge, which is recognised as chromatic aberration.
The short wavelength blue rays are refracted the most and come
to a focus in front of the retina, i.e. the eye is myopic for blue rays
Light and Human Eye: Basic Optical Principles 107
(Fig. 7-11). Similarly, the red rays with longer wavelength are
refracted the least and come to a focus behind the retina, i.e. the
eye is hypermetropic for red rays (Fig. 7-11). The yellow light rays
with medium wavelength will come to a focus in the retina, i.e. the
eye is emmetropic for yellow rays (Fig. 7-11). However, in human
eye visual acuity is surprisingly good although there should be
considerable blurring due to uncorrected chromatic aberration. The
reasons are:
The xanthophyll pigments present in the macular area filter out
the blue rays, the most offender in chromatic aberrations.
Since luminous efficiency of the eye is brightest for the yellow
rays (in the middle of the visible light spectrum) blue and red
coloured rays appear significantly less bright to cause visual
blur noticeably.
Additionally, the lens even in younger subjects filters out UV-
A rays.
Blue rays are filtered out by the lens which turns yellow in
nuclear sclerosis with advancing age.
Chromatic aberration is clinically applied in duochrome test
(subjective refraction test). Chromatic aberration is corrected by
using achromatic lens. This is made by combining a convex lens
of crown glass of refractive index 1.523 with a concave lens of flint
glass (RI = 1.7) of half dioptrical strength. The principle is to
neutralise the chromatic aberration by combining the lenses that
induce opposite chromatic aberrations.
These are four in number (Table 7-1) and they are the images of
a light reflected from the different refracting surfaces of the eye,
described first by JE Purkinje, a Czech scientist.
Usually 1st and 2nd images are easily seen. However, in a dark
room or in a dilated pupil all the images will be better visualised.
If the light source is located 1 m from the eye, 1st, 2nd and 4th
images are located between 3.5 to 5 mm behind the anterior corneal
surface, while the 3rd image is located 11 mm (approx.) from the
anterior corneal surface (Fig. 7-12).
In a reduced eye, the rays passing through the nodal point (N) are
not refracted and passes straight to the retina (Fig. 7-13). The retinal
image (ab) is formed of the object AB.
and its Anomalies
Accommodation is defined as the phenomenon/process to focus
near objects clearly on the retina by increasing the convergence
power of the eye. This is achieved by increasing the refractivity of
the crystalline lens through increasing the curvature of its anterior
surface mainly. At rest, i.e. in unaccommodated state, the radius
of curvature of the anterior surface is 10 mm and that of the
posterior surface is 6 mm. In accommodation, the radius of
curvature of the posterior surface remains almost unchanged. But
in strong accommodation the radius of the curvature of the anterior
surface becomes 6 mm, i.e. more convex and takes on a more
hyperboloid form.
Fig. 8-1: Anatomical changes in the eyeball in cross section during accommodation
(upper half) and at rest (lower half), N1 = Front nodal points, N2 = Back nodal points,
P1 = Front principal points and P2 = Back principal points
Accommodation and its Anomalies 111
It is a situation where the accommodative power of a person is
persistently lower than appropriate level expected for the persons
age. It is the most common form of accommodative disorder.
Early onset of presbyopia.
Fatigue of ciliary muscle due to general weakness, influenza,
poor health, anaemia, debilitating illness, etc.
Impaired effectiveness of ciliary muscle due to increased IOP
in primary open angle glaucoma (POAG).
Working in dim/poor light for long hours.
Blurred vision
Difficulty in maintaining good vision at near
Frontal headache.
Treatment of the causal factor or illness.
Near correctionWeakest convex lens which allows near vision
at normal reading distance. Full correction is avoided to
encourage exercise and stimulation of the available
Encourage near work at good illumination.
Bilateral paralysis of accommodation is less common than paresis
(partial paralysis/weakness).
114 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Aetiology of paralysis of accommodation can be classified as
follows (Table 8-1).
i. Treatment of causative factor or illness
ii. Appropriate convex lens for adequate near work is advised.
It is defined as a situation where accommodation is found to be
always higher than expected. The excess accommodation is caused
by involuntary contraction of the ciliary muscle. Myopia develops
due to the excess of accommodation. Pseudomyopia develops in this
accommodative disorder.
i. It is typically seen in young myopic patient.
ii. It is also found in young patients involved in too much of
near work in insufficient illumination and bad posture.
iii. It is also observed in young patients suffering from mental
Accommodation and its Anomalies 115
i. Eye strain or Asthenopia
ii. Blurring of vision for distance due to induced myopia.
Atropine paralyses the tone of the ciliary muscle which is +1.00D.
Retinoscopy under atropinisation (cycloplegic refraction) reveals
that the value is higher in such cases.
i. Removal of environmental, working condition and
aetiological factors.
ii. Atropinisation, i.e. use of cycloplegic drugs for several weeks
and reassurance.
iii. Psychotherapy, if indicated.
iv. Correction of refractive error.
Errors of Refraction 119
Errors of
The refractive status of an eye during minimal accommodation may
be of the following types: (Fig. 9-1):
It is also called long sightedness.
Based on Anatomical Features
a. Axial Hypermetropia
It is due to relatively short axial length.
1 mm axial length shortening will cause +3.00D of hyper-
Physiologically majority of all infants are axial hypermetropic
due to small size of the globe at birth.
Pathologically, axial hypermetropia will develop when the
retina is pushed forward in ocular tumour, central serous
retinopathy, etc.
b. Curvature Hypermetropia
It is due to the increased radius of curvature of the refractive
surfaces, i.e. cornea and lens.
1 mm increase in radius of curvature, i.e. flattening will cause
+6.00D of hypermetropia.
It is seen in cornea plana.
c. Index Hypermetropia
It is due to increase in refractive index of the lens cortex relative
to the nucleus, which is often seen in elderly.
d. Absence of Refractive Element
It is due to removal of the lens, i.e. aphakia.
Errors of Refraction 121
Based on Accommodation
Total hypermetropia can be divided into:
a. Latent hypermetropiaHypermetropia which is
physiologically masked by accommodation, i.e. by the tone of
the ciliary muscle. It is not detected by noncycloplegic refraction
and is revealed only after complete cycloplegia.
b. Manifest hypermetropiaHypermetropia which is corrected by
strongest convex (plus) lens required for optimum clear distance
visual acuity and is composed of:
i. Facultative hypermetropiaIt is that part of manifest
hypermetropia which is masked by accommodation but can
be estimated by noncycloplegic refraction.
ii. Absolute hypermetropiaIt is that part of manifest
hypermetropia which cannot be corrected by accommodation.
So, total hypermetropia = latent hypermetropia + manifest
hypermetropia (facultative + absolute). In young children the
hypermetropia represents latent hypermetropia. As age advances,
the lens become less elastic and it changes towards manifest
hypermetropia. So, the older the subject, the more the manifest
In hypermetropia parallel rays of light come to a focus behind the
retina (Fig. 9-2A). Hence, formation of a clear image is not possible.
It may be corrected by either the effort of accommodation (Fig.
9-2B) or by placing a convex lens or contact lens in front of the eye
(Fig. 9-2C). These converge the rays more and the image is being
focussed on the retina (Figs 8-2B and C).
Eye strain, i.e. accommodative asthenopia.
Blurred vision for near with frontal headache and occasional
neckacheIt occurs in older patients with early onset of
122 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Shallow anterior chamber depth and a very small eyeball.
Amblyopia is more common with high hypermetropia.
Apparent divergent squint in children.
Ophthalmoscopy (or Fundoscopy)A bright reflex simulating
watered silk is common. Size of the optic disc may be small.
Sometimes, the small hypermetropic disc with blurred margins
simulates papillitis (pseudopapillitis).
I. Glass
i. Young individual with low hypermetropia and without any
symptom or divergent squint or latent squintglasses usually
not required.
ii. Older patient with hypermetropiaThe strongest convex lens
with which the subject maintains 6/6 (or 20/20) distant
Errors of Refraction 123
It is also called short sightedness.
Based on Anatomical Features
a. Axial myopia
It is due to relatively long axial length.
1 mm axial length lengthening will cause 3.00D of myopia.
b. Curvature myopia
It is due to decreased radius of curvature of refractive surfaces,
i.e. cornea and lens.
1 mm steepening will cause 6.00D of myopia.
It is found in keratoconus, lenticonus and megalocornea.
c. Index myopia
It is due to increase in refractive index of the lens nucleus which
occurs in nuclear sclerosis.
124 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
In myopia parallel rays of light come to a focus in front of the retina
(Fig. 9-3A). Hence, a clear image is possible only by increasing the
Errors of Refraction 125
Diminished distant vision
Eye strain or asthenopia
Exophoria or Latent divergent squintIt results from
disproportion between accommodation effort (less in myopia)
and convergence effort (lesser in myopia)
Floaters and/or flashes of light in front of the eyes
Photophobia and/or impaired vision at night.
Prominent eyes
Large pupil and deep anterior chamber
Apparent convergent squint
Vitreous degeneration leading to floaters composed of vitreous
framework elements
Ophthalmoscopy (or Fundoscopy)Reveals the following
combination of signs.
Large optic disc with large physiological cup, temporal crescent,
chorioretinal degeneration imparting Tesselated appearance, dull
foveal reflex, macular degeneration, posterior staphyloma,
etc. Peripheral retinal degenerations are visible only with indirect
ophthalmoscopy (i.e. Lattice degeneration, pigment clumps, etc).
126 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
I. Glass
i. The weakest possible concave lens with which the patient
maintains 6/6 (or 20/20) distant vision is prescribed for
constant wear.
ii. The subject is advised to hold near work at ordinary reading
iii. Myopia should preferably be under corrected.
iv. In myopics, the presbyopia sets in at a later age depending
on the strength of myopia. So, weaker lenses may be advised
for near work for presbyopic correction.
v. Myopes should wear their spectacles close to the eyes.
II. Contact lensIt offers the following advantages over spectacles wear;
i. Wider field of view.
ii. Larger image size since it is worn closure to eyes than glasses.
iii. Cosmetic attraction.
iv. Elimination of image distortion through peripheral part of
v. May arrest progression of myopia in some casesclaimed by
III. Surgery, i.e. Refractive Surgery
i. LASIK/LASEK is the most popular choice and is undertaken
if the following conditions are fulfilled:
The patient must be more than 18 years of age.
The refractive error must be stable for 2/3 consecutive
examinations at an interval of 6 months.
Corneal thickness should not be less than 500.
Errors of Refraction 127
Based on relative position of image of distant object on
the retina (Fig. 9-4).
a. Simple astigmatismHere one image is located in the retinal
plane and based on the location of the other image it may be:
Simple myopic astigmatismThe other image is located in
front of the retina (A in Fig. 9-4).
Simple hypermetropic astigmatismThe other image is
located behind the retina (B in Fig 9-4).
128 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Based on Aetiology
A. Orientation of maximum curvature of cornea
a. Astigmatism withtherule (or direct)Usually vertical
corneal meridian is more curved than horizontal one due
Errors of Refraction 129
A regularly astigmatic surface have a toric curvature and have the
following features:
i. The maximum curved meridian have greater refractive power
than the least curved one.
ii. If parallel rays of light fall upon a convex astigmatic surface
the vertical rays will come to a focus earlier than the
horizontal rays.
iii. However, both the vertical and the horizontal rays after
refraction will be perfectly symmetrical in their planes but
they will have two foci.
iv. The whole bundle of rays is termed STURMS CONOID.
The distance between the two foci is termed Focal interval
of STURM. At a point the vertical and horizontal rays
symmetrically diverge and converge respectively to form a
circle on section. This is termed as the Circle of least
diffusion (Figs 9-4 and 9-6).
i. Diminished distant visual acuityThis is least in mixed
ii. Eye strain or asthenopiaIt is often more common and worse
in lower degree of astigmatism than the higher one. This is
due to effort of the eye to accommodate so that the circle of
least diffusion falls upon or near the retina
iii. Headache and eyeache
iv. Blurring of letters while reading.
i. Retinoscopy
ii. Keratometry
iii. Placido keratoscopic discThis test reflects irregularities on
the corneal surface. The examiner looks through a hole in the
centre of the disc, with alternatingly painted black and white
circles, at the corneal image reflected from a light behind the
iv. Computerised corneal topography.
i. Astigmatic fan (Fig. 9-7)It is used to measure the strength
of the cylindrical lens and its axis. The end point of
cylindrical lens correction is achieved when the outline of the
whole fan becomes equally clear and sharp. The axis of the
cylinder is at right angles to the line which was initially most
clearly defined.
ii. Stenopaeic slit testIn this test the slit is rotated till the patient
sees the chart clearest. Then required spherical lenses are
added. Then the slit is rotated 90 and again vision is adjusted
132 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
It is a situation in which refractive status of the two eyes are
different, i.e. unequal. However, an insignificant difference in
refractive status of the eyes is quite common.
a. HereditaryIt is due to congenital cataract, congenital glaucoma,
b. AcquiredIt is due to surgical or nonsurgical trauma, unilateral
aphakia and inequality in the rate of refractive changes in both
I. Based on refractive error
Errors of Refraction 133
a. Binocular vision: > 2.50D of difference in dioptric strength
between the two eyes leads to eye strain due to effort of fusion.
Binocular vision is not possible with spectacle correction if the
anisometropia is > 4.00D.
b. Amblyopia: Often a difference of > 2.00D in hypermetropic
patient is sufficient to induce amblyopia in the more hyper-
metropic eye. However, in myopic patients with anisometropia
amblyopia is less likely to develop unless the difference is very
c. Squinting: Convergent squint in childhood and divergent squint
in adults.
d. Diplopia: It develops due to difference in image size of > 8%.
e. A difference in stimulus to the accommodation between the two
134 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
b. Contact lenses
c. Iseikonic lenses
d. If the patient is amblyopic (anisometropic amblyopia)treatment
of amblyopia.
Aphakia means absence of the crystalline lens in its normal
anatomical position.
In aphakia the eye consists of a curved surface, i.e. cornea (radius
of curvature8.00mm) in between two media of different refractive
indices (air = 1, aqueous and vitreous humour = 1.33). The anterior
focal distance is 23 mm and the posterior 31 mm, as opposed to
15 mm and 24 mm respectively in an emmetropic eye. The absence
of lens leads to extreme hypermetropia (Fig. 9-8A) and loss of
accommodation. If the eye was previously emmetropic, the
correcting convex lens in spectacle required to focus the image on
the retina is estimated to be approximately +10.00D (Fig. 9-8B).
a. Blurring of vision for both distance and near
b. History of cataract operation or injury
c. Patient may wear very thick convex glass.
If extracapsular (ECCE)/intracapsular (ICCE) cataract extraction
is done:
Vision is finger counting at few feet without glasses.
Upper limbusPresence of linear scar with or without sutures
(100 nylonUsually interrupted/continuous) may be seen.
Anterior chamber depthDeep.
Iridodonesis, i.e. tremulousness of iris due to lack of support.
Peripheral button hole iridectomy (PBHI) may be seen.
PupilJetblack due to loss of IIIrd and IVth Purkinje image (in
ICCE) and IIIrd image (in ECCE).
OphthalmoscopyThe optic disc is very small.
Spectacles are usually advised after 6 weeks of surgery. The time
is required for complete wound healing and stabilisation of
refractive error particularly astigmatism. If the patient was
previously emmetropic usual prescription for glasses will be
roughly as follows:
Glasses advised Right Eye = +10.00DSPH with +2.00
DCYL 180 (astigmatism with-the-rule)
Add: +3.00DSPH for near vision
The +3.00DSPH near addition is due to loss of accommodation
due to absence of the lens. Aspherical lenticular resin lens (CR
39) is ideal for aphakic patients than crown glass lens.
Optical disadvantages of aphakic glasses:
i. Image magnification is 2530%. So, in uniocular aphakia
binocular vision is not possible due to aniseikonia. Hence,
to avoid diplopia (where phakic eye vision is > 6/36),
136 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Contact Lens
All the disadvantages of glasses are neutralised:
i. Image magnification is 67%. Hence, binocular vision is
possible in uniocular aphakia.
ii. Aberrations are lessened, i.e. pincushion distortion, etc.
iii. Increased visual field.
iv. Better physical coordination.
v. Cosmetically attractive.
i. Inability of elderly patients to insert and remove contact lens
ii. Foreign body sensation.
iii. Additional glasses required for reading correction. However,
bifocal contact lenses are available and becoming
increasingly popular.
Errors of Refraction 137
Pseudophakia means replacement of the natural crystalline lens
by a synthetic intraocular lens (IOL).
Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA)
It depends on location/support of the IOL (Fig. 9-9).
Presbyopia is defined as the slow, gradual, age-related and
irreversible decline in the physiological process of amplitude of
accommodation, i.e. recession of near point beyond comfortable
near work and reading distance. The condition becomes first
noticeable, clinically, usually between the ages of 38 and 42.
Lenticular Theories
Fincham theory and Hess-Gullstrand theory
Increase in hardness and consequent decline in plasticity of the
lens nucleus as part of an ageing process.
Decline in elasticity of the lens capsule.
These two factors contribute to requirement of more energy to
deform the lens material with increasing age. The lens becomes
more resistance to change in the shape age as advances.
Geometric theory
Increase in size and curvature of the lens
Change in orientation of the zonules due to shifting of zonule
insertions. Following ciliary muscle contraction the zonular
relaxation leads to less radial force of tension on the surface
of the lens capsule.
140 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Extralenticular Theory
Weakening of the ciliary muscle (Duane theory)
Progressive deterioration in the elastic components of zonules
and ciliary body.
The aetiology of presbyopia possibly is multifactorial. In recent
years restoration of accommodation by implantation of an
accommodative IOL in the capsular bag is demonstrated clinically.
So, lenticular origin of presbyopia (Fincham theory) along with
geometric theory seems most acceptable and scientific.
Blurring of vision particularly small prints, in the evening or
in dim light, at the normal reading distance.
Eyestrain and headache after close work.
Reading materials are held at a distance further away from the
normal position.
Prescription of appropriate corrective convex spherical lens to bring
the near point within normal reading distance. The following steps
are followed;
i. Correction of distance power of each eye separately (static
ii. Addition of appropriate convex lens to both eyes for near
work. Minimum near correction glass is +0.75DSPH. Usually
following standard notation table is followed while correcting
presbyopia (Table 9-1).
Contact Lens
Various types of bifocal contact lenses are available for presbyopic
Errors of Refraction 141
Table 9-1: Standard notation table for presbyopia correction. The glasses may
be unifocal, bifocal, progressive addition lens or multifocal
Age of the patient Near addition prescribed
40 +1.00 DSPH
42 +1.25 DSPH
45 +1.50 DSPH
47 +1.75 DSPH
50 +2.00 DSPH
52 +2.25 DSPH
55 +2.50 DSPH
60 +2.50 DSPH to +3.00 DSPH
Aphakia +3.00 DSPH
Pseudophakia +2.50 DSPH to +3.00 DSPH
10 Correction of
Refractive Errors
The methods employed in measuring and correction of refractive
errors consist of:
I. Initial estimation by objective methodsObjective method
refers to preliminary estimation of refractive error without any
verbal response from the patient. However, some co-operation
from the patient such as steady fixation is required. Objective
methods are:
i. Retinoscopy (plane mirror or streak)
ii. Autorefractometry
iii. Photo refraction.
II. Subjection methodsSubjective method refers to refinement
of refractive error estimated from objective method, to obtain
best visual acuity. Subjective method requires verbal response
from the patient. However, subjective method cannot be used
for patients who cannot speak or are unable to respond. In
those cases, the practitioner must rely on objective methods
It is the most common objective method used for estimation of
refractive error, with accommodation at rest. It involves a study of
the movements of the retinal image produced by a patch of light
on the patients retina, through a peephole in the centre of the
mirror. Retinoscopy can be done by either a plane mirror or a streak
Estimation and Correction of Refractive Errors 143
the trial set in the trial frame. Speed and brightness of the
retinoscopy reflex/shadow increases as point of reversal is
g. The procedure of point of reversal is done in both vertical and
horizontal meridians separately in each eye. In spherical
refractive errors the point of reversal will be the same in both
the meridians. In astigmatism, the point of reversal will be
different in both the meridians. In astigmatism with oblique
axes, the mirror is tilted aligning with the oblique axes.
h. In patients with high refractive errors the reflex/shadow is faint
and the movement is often so slow it is quite difficult to discern.
In this situation, try a high convex lens or a high concave lens
to ascertain the nature of the movement. If the refractionist sits
at 1 metre away from the patient and the light source, the point
of reversal is 1.00D, i.e. the patient is 1.00D myopic with the
addition of the lens required for neutralisation of movement.
However, it is often convenient for the refractionist to hold the
lens in his left hand instead of trial frame and perform the
retinoscopy. Here, he sits at arms length distance from the
patient, i.e. 2/3rd of a metre. The point of reversal will be then
Figs 10.3A to C: (A) Oblique astigmatism absent (horizontal axis), (B) Oblique
astigmatism present, (C) Oblique astigmatism absent (vertical axis)
f. Tilt the vertical streak horizontally across the pupil and notice
whether the reflex in the pupillary area moves in the same
direction as the streak or in the opposite direction.
g. Rotate the focusing sleeve until the streak is horizontal (Fig.
10-3C) and tilt the streak vertically across the pupil and notice
whether the reflex in the pupillary area moves in the same
direction as the streak or in the opposite direction.
h. Depending on the refractive status of the patient the reflex will
behave as follows:
i. In myopia of >1.50DThe reflex and the streak moves in the
opposite direction (against the movementFig.10-4A)
ii. In myopia of 1.50DIt is the point of reversal, i.e.
neutralisation. The streak disappears and the pupil is flooded
with light. There is absence of against the movement or with
the movement (Fig.10-4C)
iii. In hypermetropia, emmetropia and myopia of < 1.50Dthe
reflex and the streak moves in the same direction (with the
movement (Fig.10-4B)
i. Point of reversal is confirmed by:
i. Lean forward a little towards the patient and definite with
the movement appears and move a little away from the
patient and definite against the movement appears.
ii. Put an additional + 0.25D lens in the trial frame and against
the movement appears.
j. If with the movement is observed, add increasingly convex
lenses until point of reversal is reached. Similarly, if against the
movement is observed, add increasingly concave lenses until
Estimation and Correction of Refractive Errors 149
Figs 10.4A to C: (A) Against the movement, (B) With the movement
(C) Point of reversal
It is a very precise objective automated electronic method to measure
refractive error. They can be operated either manually or in
automatic mode. The autorefractometers work on the basic
principal of retinoscopy and Badal optometer. The patient is asked
to look at a visible coloured fixation target. The refractionist aligns
the instrument panel to sharp focus and pushes a button which
initiates the process of estimation of refractive error. An inbuilt
microprocessor analyses the focal power of emitted rays from the
patients eye and processes it into accurate refractive error correction
in diopters in few seconds. Usually 3 readings in each eye are
averaged to give a final assessment in a print out. Modern
autorefractometers are very quick and accurate.
It is an objective method of measurement of refractive errors by
employing photographic method. It is ideal in patients who cannot
maintain fixation, e.g. in infants and mentally unstable. However,
it is less accurate than retinoscopy and autorefractometry.
The assessment of objective methods are further refined by
subjective methods. If cycloplegia is used in objective (retinoscopy)
method the subjective method is tested after the effect of cycloplegia
wears off. Hence, often it is termed as postcycloplegic test/post-
mydriatic test.
Estimation and Correction of Refractive Errors 151
i. Each eye is tested separately, the other eye being blocked. The
right eye is conventionally tested first for subjective refraction.
ii. Spherical error is corrected initially by appropriate spherical
lenses and then the astigmatism is corrected by appropriate
cylindrical lenses. This is done by refining the refractive errors
obtained by objective method. Correction for astigmatism will
be discussed later in this chapter in details.
iii. As a rule, hypermetropia is corrected with strongest convex
lens and myopia is corrected with weakest concave lens to
achieve best corrected visual acuity.
iv. Next step is binocular balance to eliminate differences in
accommodation between the two eyes during monocular
subjective refraction.
v. Binocular subjective refractionIt is initiated by using more
convex lens or less concave lens than the patients refractive
error assessed by monocular subjective refraction. It is termed
as fogging method and it is employed to relax
accommodation. The eyes are made artificially myopic by
addition of high convex lens or less concave lens to form an
image in front of the retina. Any effort by the patient to
accommodate will result in a poorer image and relaxation of
accommodation is thus achieved. Now the convex lens power
is gradually reduced or the concave lens power is gradually
increased by the small fraction, e.g. 0.50D until best visual
acuity is reached. The whole exercise of reducing convex
power or increasing concave power is done by keeping the
earlier lens in place until the next is in place in the trial frame.
Then the earlier lens is removed. This is done to prevent
accommodation becoming active again.
vi. Then, the addition for near vision is tested (if required)
monocularly and binocularly.
vii. Finally, the spectacle is prescribed with necessary instructions
for the optician and the patient. A model specimen of final
prescription is written as discussed later in this chapter.
152 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Name: - Age: - Sex: -
Address: -_________________________________________________________
Glasses advised
Right Eye (or OD) = + 1.75 DSPH with + 1.25 DCYL X 90 6/6 (or 20/20).
Left Eye (or OS) = + 1.25 DSPH with + 0.75 DCYL X 60 6/6 (or 20/20).
For Near Vision add + 1.75 DSPH to both eyes (OU) N6
Unifocal/Bifocal/Trifocal/Progressive addition lens (PAL).
Crown glass/CR39/Polycarbonate lens.
A.R. Coating/Photochromatic/Colour tint/Hard coating.
Remarks: - For constant/distant/near wear.
P.D.. mm
Date: Signature
(Name of the Eye specialist/
Refractionist in capital letters).
Regn. No.:
N.B. Please bring this prescription during future eye check-up.
Estimation and Correction of Refractive Errors 153
The axis of the cylinder is marked in each trial lens. The trial
frames are also marked as per standard international convention
from 0 to 180.
Fig. 10-6: Jacksons cross cylinder (JCC) with axis marking (on the left)
and orientation of power of the cylinders (on the right)
Duochrome Test
It is based on chromatic aberration of the eye. The test consists of
two rows of black Snellen letters, silhouetted against illuminated
Estimation and Correction of Refractive Errors 155
Subjective Autorefraction
Nowadays, subjective autorefractors are also available. However,
they are not so convenient and are quite expensive. Further, good
proportion of patients show more concave or less convex power
than with the conventional subjective refraction. Frequently, they
show more concave lens power in children probably due to
accommodative effort.
156 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Pinhole Test
It is a useful initial test to assess whether the diminished visual
acuity is either due to refractive error or due to other causes. If the
pinhole visual acuity (visual acuity through the pinhole) is
significantly increased, the causal factor is definitely refractive error.
If the pinhole visual acuity is same then the cause is ocular disease
other than macular involvement. In macular disease the pinhole
visual acuity is significantly reduced.
Accurate refraction is an art achieved through patience and
experience. There are certain practical tips to avoid spectacle
Pseudophakic patients usually tolerate full astigmatic
It is inadvisable to advice larger degree of cylindrical correction
to a patient who is not used to cylindrical correction earlier.
It is inadvisable to overcorrect hypermetropia.
It is inadvisable always to undercorrect myopia.
It is not advisable to change prescription of glasses unless there
is a gross refractive change.
MaterialsOphthalmic Lens and Spectacle Frame 159
11 Ophthalmic Lens
and Spectacle Frame
Glass is available in different refractive indices for ophthalmic use.
Glass of 1.523 refractive index, termed crown glass, is most
commonly used as ophthalmic glass for the following properties:
i. High level of transparency
ii. Colourless
iii. Resistance to heat
iv. Resistance to scratch
v. Good optics, i.e. very little distortion through the lens.
Glasses of higher refractive indices (1.70, 1.80 and 1.90) are
thinner but heavier than resin lenses. High index lens is a
specialised lens made with higher refractive material than crown
glass. High index (1.8) lenses are used for correcting higher
refractive errors as they can be made much thinner than crown grass
lenses of equivalent dioptric strength.
Photochromatic glasses darken on exposure to bright sunlight.
They become colourless again on removal for light. Photochromatic
glasses are made by incorporating silver halide crystals within the
glasses. Silver deposits form on the surface of the crystals within
160 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Stainless Steel
It is particularly suitable for rimless mount and temple parts of
frames. However, it needs protection by electroplating or other
suitable methods to prevent corrosion. Distinctive features of
stainless steel frames are:
i. Frames made of stainless steel are more durable and flexible
than an ordinary metal frame. The spring effect is an
additional advantage for the wearer.
ii. It is suitable for patients who are susceptible to allergic
reaction to ordinary metal frames.
iii. It is less tough than the titanium.
It has the following special features:
i. Very economic
ii. Very much resistant to corrosion
iii. Extremely light weight
iv. Cosmetically attractive. It can be dyed in different attractive
v. It can also be anodised, i.e. aluminum oxide forms the surface
layer which is very hard. It is also possible to add decorative
finish to the anodised metal.
Only disadvantage is that it may become very cold, being a good
heat conductor, which may be overcomed by insulating it with
plastic end covers. However, aluminum frames are rarely dispensed
nowadays despite having special features as mentioned earlier.
However, in future it may return as fashionable framewear due to
its modern design look and cosmetic appeal.
MaterialsOphthalmic Lens and Spectacle Frame 165
Titanium as spectacle frame material has some unique properties:
i. It is more flexible and durable than any other metal frame.
ii. It is ultra light. Pure titanium frames are 48% lighter than
conventional metal frames, i.e. stainless steel.
iii. It is highly resistant to corrosion from perspiration.
iv. It is possible to add colourful enamelling, i.e. designs.
v. It is extremely heat resistant and comfortable to wear.
vi. It is nonallergenic.
However, it is quite expensive material. Hence, titanium frames
are available in three different types utilising different proportion
of the metal:
Pure titanium
Clad titaniumA surface layer of nickel envelops the core
metal of pure titanium.
Partial titaniumIt is a frame formed by a combination of
parts made up of pure titanium, clad titanium and other metals.
However, it is safer to avoid nickel alloy in titanium frames
since it may cause contact dermatitis.
Titanium frames should be perfect fit during selection since it
returns to its original shape after accidental bending due to its
high memory property.
Memory Metal
Memory metal frames are able to hold onto their adjustments even
after twisting or bending. It is produced by a special blending of
166 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
titanium and nickel alloys. So, they are used in parts of the frame
which are subject to stress, notably bridges and temples of the
Rolled Gold
Rolled Gold is a material which is produced by bending a bar of
base metal to a gold alloy, which is further rolled, i.e. compressed
between rollers. This makes both the gold and the base metal
harder and springier. Rolled gold spectacle frames are still available
and occupy the upper end of the exclusive gold frame market.
Pure gold is very soft. So, it is alloyed with other metals to achieve
necessary strength and hardness of a spectacle frame. Gold is very
resistant to corrosion, very easily adjustable and convenient to work
with. Fine gold is termed as 24 carat (ct). However, 9 carat (ct) gold
is considered as the most ideal for gold spectacle frames.
Before the advent of synthetic plastics, natural plastics were
commonly used for making frames. These natural plastics include
bone, ivory, animal horn, tortoise shell. As a material tortoise shell
is unique due to its durability, plastic bonding properties,
attractive colour and mottled appearance. However, it has now
become obsolete due to declaration of the hawksbill turtle, the
source of tortoise shell as endangered species by WWF (World
Wildlife Fund). Synthetic plastics are made from organic materials
and are divided into two distinctive types:
MaterialsOphthalmic Lens and Spectacle Frame 167
On exposure to heat, they soften to allow reshaping without
undergoing any fundamental change of the plastic property. They
are also referred to as thermosoftening.
They undergo irreversible loss of plastic property on polymerization.
On exposure to certain degree of heat the material breaks up.
Spectacle frames are made from the raw material by several
methods, e.g. compression moulding, injection moulding, casting
etc. Varieties of plastics used as frames are:
a. Cellulose nitrate: It is the earliest cellulose plastics used in
spectacle frame industry. It is commercially marketed first time by
the Hyatt brothers of USA under the trade name Celluloid. It is
obtained by nitration of cellulose, the main constituent of cell walls
of plants. Short fibres left on the surface of the cottonseeds are the
source of cellulose. Nitrocellulose thus produced is mixed with a
plasticiser, ideally camphor, to manufacture blocks of cellulose
nitrate through complex processes. Advantages of cellulose nitrate
i. It is strong and stable even in tropical and humid climates.
ii. It is convenient to work with.
iii. Its surface can be polished brightly.
The disadvantages of cellulose nitrate are:
i. It is very much inflammable.
ii. Therefore, it is banned in several countries as spectacle frame
b. Cellulose Acetate (or Zylonite): It is produced by acetylation of
cellulose. The manufacturing process is essentially same as that
of cellulose nitrate. Usually phthalate compounds are used as the
plasticiser. It is the most commonly used material in plastic frame
industry. Usually cellulose acetate is not affected by perspiration.
Advantages of cellulose acetate are:
i. It is also very strong.
ii. It is much less inflammable.
168 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
12 Ophthalmic Lenses
An ophthalmic lens is defined as a transparent optical system
bounded by two polished surfaces, either plane or curved.
Refractive errors are corrected by different types of ophthalmic lenses
depending on the type of ametropia.
Correction of refractive errors
Protection against harmful rays of electromagnetic spectrum
Protection against external bodies.
Spherical lenses correct refractive errors unaccompanied by
astigmatism. A spherical lens is defined as a lens in which each
surface forms a part of the surface of a sphere. However, a plane
surface may be considered as part of a spherical surface of infinite
radius. Power of spherical lens is expressed in diopter spherical
Convex or Plus Lens
Convex lenses are worn by patients who are hypermetropic, i.e.
farsighted. The image of an object falls behind the retina in hyper-
metropic people (Fig. 12-1A) and convex lens converges parallel rays
of light to bring the image forward on the retina (Fig. 12-1B).
Ophthalmic Lenses 171
Cylindrical lenses correct regular astigmatism. It is a segment of
a cylinder of glass cut parallel to its axis.
than 1.73 are termed as very high index. High index lenses are
available in both glass and resin lens variety.
Advantages of high index lens:
Comfortable to wear and cosmetically superior
Thickness of the lens is reduced
Weight of the lens is either same or slightly less
Particularly suitable for myopics due to reduction in edge
Disadvantages of high index lens:
Increased transverse chromatic aberration due to lower
constringence/Abbs number (see chapter-11).
Higher surface reflectance (see chapter13)
The idea of lenticular lens is to reduce the weight of the lens by
decreasing the thickness of edge substance. In lenticular lens, the
central area called aperture, is responsible for the dioptric
strength of the high-powered glass lens or resin lens. Other lenses,
i.e. spherical lens, cylindrical lens, toric lens and aspheric lens fall
within full aperture category. Lenticular lenses are of two types:
Minus/Concave Lenticular
Minus lenticular lens can be created in both planoconcave glass
and resin lenses from normal blank (Fig. 12-6A) by the process of
either surfacing or glazing (Figs 12.6B and C). Usually minus
lenticular lens are available in single vision lenses. In multifocal
lenticular lenses the carrier margin particularly in the lower part
may interfere with vision.
Plus/Convex Lenticular
They are created from semi-finished form, moulded form, single
piece resin (Fig. 12-7). They are available in either single vision or
bifocal lens style. However, glass plus lenticular lenses are created
by the process of surfacing. In plus/convex lenticular lens the
process is based on reducing the centre substance.
These lenses are nonspherical and have more than one curve on
the front surface. The lens is designed in a fashion so that there
is a series of different curves on the front that move from the centre
towards the edge. This makes the lens flatter and thinner. They are
designed to neutralise the following disadvantages of high powered
convex (+) lenses:
i. Pincushion type of distortionIt occurs when a grid pattern
is viewed through the lens (see Fig. 7-9 in chapter 7).
ii. Spherical aberrationIt occurs because light rays passing
through the periphery of a high power plus lens will come
to a focus earlier, whereas the light rays passing through the
centre of the lens will come to a sharp focus at the retina (see
Fig. 7-7A in chapter 7).
So, aspheric (nonspherical) lenses are developed. An aspheric
surface is spherical at the centre but becomes progressively less
convex towards the periphery, e.g. a +10.00DSPH lens will be
+10.00DSPH at the centre and gradually reducing to +6.00DSPH
at the margin (Fig. 12-8). This aspheric surface design neutralises
178 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
These lenses are fitted to a spectacle frame to balance the weight
of the other lens, where the patients vision cannot be improved.
The balance lens power and style should match the other lens for
improved cosmetic appearance.
Transposition is the term applied to the method of converting a
prescription of lens power to another possible optically equivalent
lens power. Thus, by transposition a prescription of convex
cylindrical lens can be converted to optically equivalent concave
cylindrical power, or vice versa.
Ophthalmic Lenses 179
i. Power of the spherical lensAdd the spherical and
cylindrical power algebraically, taking into account their
ii. Power of the cylindrical lensOnly change the sign of the
cylinder from plus (+) to minus ( ), or vice versa. The
numerical strength of the cylinder remains the same.
iii. Axis of the cylinderChange the axis by 90. If the original
axis is at or less than 90, add 90 to it. If the original axis
is over 90, subtract 90 from it.
1. If the original prescription is 3.00DSPH with +1.00DCYL 90
Rule i. 3.00 + (+) 1.00 = 2.00 DSPH
Rule ii. +1.00DCYL becomes 1.00DCYL
Rule iii. 90 axis becomes 180 axis
Hence, the transposed power is 2.00DSPH with 1.00DCYL
2. If the original prescription is 3.00DSPH with -1.00DCYL 45
Rule i. 3.00 + () 1.00 = 4.00 DSPH
Rule ii. 1.00DCYL becomes +1.00DCYL
Rule iii. 45 axis becomes 45 + 90 = 135 axis
Hence, the transposed power is 4.00DSPH with +100DCYL
135 axis.
3. If the original prescription is 2.00DSPH with +2.00DCYL
Rule i. 2.00 + (+) 2.00 = 0, i.e. Plano
Rule ii. +2.00DCYL becomes 2.00DCYL
Rule iii. 105 axis becomes 10590 = 15 axis
Hence, the transposed power is 2.00DCYL 15 axis
Neutralisation is the technique for determining the power of
an ophthalmic lens. Neutralisation is done by following
180 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
It is basically a very simple but quick and accurate way of checking
the power of glasses. It is done by trial and error with the help of
the lenses present in the trial box. In this method, lenses of known
power are placed in contact with the lens under verification until
the power of the combination becomes zero, i.e. there is no
movement of the distant object. A lens under verification will be
neutralised by another lens of equivalent power of opposite sign.
So, a 3.00DSPH lens will be neutralised by a +3.00DSPH lens
{3.00DSPH + (+3.00DSPH) = 0}.
Neutralisation is based on the identification properties of
convex and concave spherical lenses discussed earlier in this
chapter. Convex spherical lens exhibit against movement and
concave spherical lens exhibit with movement of the object, if they
are moved in front of the eye.
Object/Target should be placed at a convenient furthest
Ideally a cross with two limbs at 90 should be the target. In
the absence of cross, a window frame or other vertical and
horizontal intersection may be employed as the target.
Conveniently, Snellens distant vision chart may also be used.
Neutralising lens should be placed in close contact with the
front surface of the spectacle lens.
Attention must be paid to the central portion of the cross during
The lenses should be held in front of the eyes.
a. Spherical lenses (Table 21.1)
b. Astigmatic lensesHere the same principle is applied but it
requires further steps. It can be done in two ways
1st procedureHere both spherical and planocylindrical
neutralising lenses are employed.
Table 12-1: Manual neutralisation of spherical lens
Ophthalmic Lenses
182 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
i. Align the principle meridians of the lens under test with the
cross by rotating until no scissors effect is seen. So, the
principle meridians are now vertical and horizontal.
ii. Neutralise the vertical meridian with a spherical lens as
described earlier.
iii. Now, the transverse movement in horizontal meridian still
exists contributed by the cylindrical power of the lens under
It can be done by the following instruments (discussed in chapter
Geneva lens measure
Automated Lensometer.
Coatings and Tints of Lenses 183
Coatings and Tints
of Lenses
Table 13-1: RI, V-value, Surface Reflectance at each surface and both
surfaces of different lens materials
Material RI VValue Surface Surface
reflectance reflectance
at each from both
surface surfaces
Crown Glass 1.523 59 4.30 8.60
Resin Lens 1.498 57.8 3.97 7.94
Polycarbonate 1.586 30 5.13 10.26
High Index Glass 1.80 25.4 8.16 16.32
Trivex 1.53 44 4.40 8.80
Tinting of spectacle lens is incorporation of colour to deliberately
decrease transmission of light through it. They are usually used
to protect the eyes from unwanted glare or bright sunlight. However,
it may also be used for cosmetic purpose.
Many different shades and colours are available for this
purpose. The shades are usually labeled either by numbers or
percentages. The percentage indicates the percentage of light
transmission blocked. For example, lenses of crown glass transmit
91.4% of visible spectrum of light (8.60% loss is due to surface
reflections). An addition of tint of 10% will practically allow light
transmission of 81.40%. Therefore, patients wearing very high
percentage of tinted spectacle are advised against driving at night.
Lens tinting is done by following methods:
i. Surface coatingA deposit material is coated on the back
surface of the lens to exaggerate surface reflection. Glass lenses
are usually tinted in this process.
ii. Dye tintingResin lenses are usually dye tinted. They are
tinted by placing in a dye chamber bath. The dye penetrates
the lens material. Polycarbonate is very resistant to tinting.
However, the hardcoat over the polycarbonate takes up the
tint. Tint can be applied over the whole lens (solid tint) or
the tint can be applied in a gradient manner (gradient tint).
In gradient tint, the tint is darker on the top and gradually
fades to clear at the bottom.
Photochromic lens is a lens which darkens on exposure to
ultraviolet rays (sunlight) and lightens again on removal from the
sunlight i.e., the lens changes colour according to lighting
conditions. Glass photochromic lens (developed by Corning Inc.)
contains trapped microscopic tightly packed clear silver halide
crystals. On exposure to sunlight, these silver halide crystals
dissociate into free silver. These free silver particles form cluster
of silver colloids, which absorb UV radiation, to cause darkening
of lens. When the wearer returns indoor, silver halide crystals are
reconverted by recombination of free silver particles with the
trapped halides. Thus the lens becomes clear again.
Photochromic lenses must always be replaced in pairs. This is
because the reaction of photochromic lenses increase directly in
Coatings and Tints of Lenses 189
All persons who are exposed to sun for longer period should wear
UV protective lenses, since the ozone layer which is responsible
for earths protection against UV radiational effect is being
continuously depleting. An ideal UV protective lens should absorb
close to 100% of UV rays. The ozone layer in the earths atmosphere
absorbs UVC (200280 nm) from sunlight (Fig. 13-4). Crown glass
absorbs UV radiation upto 300 nm and resin lens absorbs UV
radiation upto 350 nm (Fig. 13-4). The harmful effect of UV radia-
tion on eyes can still occur upto 380 nm radiations. Polycarbonate
lenses even when uncoated absorb all harmful radiations of UV
rays. UV inhibitor coating applied on resin lens can block UV
radiation upto 400 nm. UV radiation causes pterygium, pinguecula,
snow blindness, cancers of the eye and ocular adnexa. UV coating
imparts a very light yellow tinge/hue to the lens.
Infrared rays of wavelengths between 7001400 nm (IR-A) are
partly transmitted to retina and filters to these rays are usually
incorporated in protective goggles.
Fig. 13-4: IR rays and UV rays wavelengths and their absorption by ozone
layer, cornea, lens, different lens material and UV inhibitor coating. UV-A = 315
400 nm, UV-B = 280315 nm, UV-C = 200280 nm, IR-A = 7001400 nm,
IR-B = 14003000 nm and IR-C = 300010 4 nm
marks more apparent due to the soft nature of the coating. To reduce
this, lenses may be coated with hydrophobic coating. These
coatings are even thinner than A.R. coating. They make the surface-
wetting angle very low. In simple terms, they reduce adhesion of
water or oil droplets and allow them to run off easily. It is applied
over the A.R. coated lenses and increases hardness also.
Hydrophobic coating is essentially a special layer of silicon deposit.
Polaroid lenses are meant to eliminate glare, reflected from flat
surfaces such as water, snow, highways, etc. at certain angles. The
polarising materials consist of nitrocellulose packed with
ultramicroscopic crystals of herapathite. Their optic axes are
aligned parallel to one another. Only 37% of incident light is
Coatings and Tints of Lenses 193
and Styles
1. Eyewire/Rim/Frame frontIt is the part of the frame which
holds the lenses.
2. TempleTemple is the long handle of the frame that hooks
around the ear for support. It is of the following basic shapes:
Curl sides/cable (Fig. 14-2A)
Drop end sides/Standard (Fig. 14-2B)
Straight side/Library (Fig. 14-2C)
3. Temple tipIt is the plastic end piece on the temple for
protection of the ear and skin.
4. BridgeIt is the part in the middle of the frame joining the two
5. Nose padsThese are synthetic pads which rest directly on the
nose for support. They either screw onto or snap into metal
6. HingesIt join the temples with the eyewires.
196 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Usually following basic shapes are available for frame (Fig. 14-3):
1. Oval/Elliptical
2. Square
3. Round
4. Octagon
5. Aviator/PilotIt is triangular in shape with a lower nasal cut
away and lower temporal extension outwards.
6. Cat eye
Frames and Lenses 197
This is a lens with more than one prescription of dioptric strength
(Fig. 14-5).
Bifocal Lens
This is a lens with two prescriptions for distance and near vision.
Usually the upper segment is larger and is used for distant vision
while the lower segment is smaller and is used for near vision.
Types of bifocal lenses are:
Depending on shape
Executive (E)/Franklin style bifocalIt is thicker than other types
(Fig. 14-6A).
D-bifocal/Flat-top bifocal (Fig. 14-6B).
Kryptok/Curved bifocal (Fig. 14-6C).
Round bifocal (Fig. 14-6D).
Pantoscopic (P)/Pantobifocal (Fig. 14-6E).
B bifocal (Fig. 14-6F).
Depending on manufacturing technique
Split bifocal (or two piece bifocal)Here two separate glass
segments are held together in a frame (Fig. 14-7). It is the original
type of bifocal invented by Benjamin Franklin. It is obsolete now.
Frames and Lenses 201
Fig. 14-9: Kryplok bifocal lensOptical centres for distance and near. Near vision
centre is 2 mm nasal to and 8 mm below the distance vision center. Distance
vision centre = , Near vision centre = X
Trifocal Lens
This is the lens with three prescriptions of power for distance,
intermediate and near vision (Fig. 14-12). The strength of the
intermediate addition is usually half of the addition prescribed for
near vision. Trifocal lenses are usually of fused (glass)/solid (resin
lens) variety. The depth of the intermediate segment usually ranges
between 6 to 8 mm. The advent and advantage of progressive
addition lenses are gradually declining the market share of
204 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Fig. 14-14: Progressive addition lens blanktypical point marks and engravings.
1 = 180 horizontal line, 2 = Prism checking point (optical centre of the lens),
3 = Corresponds to patients pupillary centre (fitting cross), 4 = Distance power
spherical and astigmatism with axis checking point, 5 = Centre of reading area
and power checking point, 6 = Engravings, 7 = Near addition (+2.00) and
8 = Manufacturers logo (XYZ)
(6 in Fig. 14-14). Just below them one can locate engraved reading
addition on the temporal side and occasionally the manufacturers
logo on the nasal side (7 and 8 in Fig. 14-14). Proper power
dispensing and proper fitting of the progressive addition lenses
into the frame for glazing is an essential criteria for optimum visual
Checking/Verification of power of PAL: Use of lensometer is the correct
approach for this purpose. However, in PAL the checking areas
are restricted and are designed for this particular purpose (Fig.
Distance power and axisArea 4 of Fig. 14-14 (ignore any
prismatic effects).
Prism checking pointArea 2 of Fig. 14-14 (ignore power and
axis readings).
Near additionArea 5 of Fig. 14-14.
Fitting procedure for PAL (specifications):
Monocular P.D. (interpupillary distance) measurement
Accurate measurement with a pupillometer is essential.
Frames and Lenses 207
Distance from the centre of the pupil (fitting cross) to the lower
edge of the lens (near recommended height)This is measured
with the chosen frame in place with the patient fixating on a
distant object. In most PAL designs this recommended
measurement is 22 mm. However, in some PAL designs this
measurement can be as small as 16/18 mm (near recommended
Each eye should be measured separately as an independent
Distance minimum heightIt is the frame size in mm above the
fitting cross (+). It is usually 12 mm but may be as low as 8 mm
in some designs.
For correct measurement the examiners and the patients eye level
should be at the same horizontal plane.
It is the distance between the back surface of the spectacle lens and
the anterior corneal surface (Fig. 14-17). The vertex distance varies
between 11 mm and 15 mm (average 12 mm). Vertex distance is
important since the power of the glass changes depending on its
distance from the corneal apex. Hence, a patients contact lens
prescription differs from his spectacle prescription (See Table
15-2 in Chapter 15).
Contact Lens 211
15 Contact Lens
Contact lens is an optical device designed to stay in contact with
the cornea. Leonardo da Vinci was pioneer in describing optical
principle of contact lens in Codex of the Eye, Manual D, published
in 1508.
a. Optical: In majority of cases, contact lenses are used for optical
purpose to correct refractive errors, i.e. myopia, hypermetropia,
astigmatism, anisometropia, aphakia (particularly unilateral)
and presbyopia. It is also used to correct irregular astigmatism
and irregular corneal surfaces, i.e. in keratoconus.
b. Cosmetic:
To camouflage a blind eye with corneal scar with a painted
contact lens.
To change the colour of the eye for cosmetic purpose.
c. Therapeutic:
To act as soft bandage contact lens in certain situations, e.g.
corneal perforation, bullous keratopathy, recurrent corneal
erosion, etc.
To prevent symblepharon in chemical burns, especially
alkali burn.
To prevent amblyopia in anisometropia.
To focus the fundus or the trabecular meshwork (TM) during
surgery or laser application.
212 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Fig. 15-1: Afocal lens Fig. 15-2: Steeply fitting Fig. 15-3: Flatter fitting
with tear lens of uniform contact lens (convex tear contact lens (concave
thickness lens) tear lens)
However, soft toric lenses are slowly gaining popularity which are
designed to correct astigmatism. Toric soft lenses have axis notation
marks engraved along their horizontal and or vertical meridian.
These axis notation marks act as a reference line for the practitioner
for accurate optical correction.
Silicon hydrogel soft contact lenses were developed to
overcome the complication of chronic hypoxia in extended wear
(EW) lenses. Silicon hydrogel contact lens is made by combining
silicon rubber with hydrogel polymer. It does not adhere to the
cornea like the basic silicon rubber. They have water content of 25
to 45% and Dk (or Barrer unit) of 110 to 175. In silicon hydrogel
lenses, water content is inversely proportional to oxygen
transmissibility (Dk/t). Silicon hydrogel lens combines oxygen
transmissibility of the silicon with the hydrophilic property of the
The contact lens practitioner or the patient handling the contact
lens should wash hands and dry them always prior to lens
The procedures are described assuming the practitioner or the
patient is right handed. However, if the patient and the
practitioner are left handed opposite arrangement will be
If the practitioner is right handed he should stand on the right
side of the patient (applicable only to the practitioner).
The patient is asked to bend forward and look downwards.
Hold the contact lens between the thumb and the index finger
of the right hand with the lens being horizontal and filled with
saline solution.
Retract the upper lid of the patient away from the globe with
the left hand using the thumb and the index finger to pull on
the eyelashes.
Now, place the superior edge of the scleral contact lens under
the upper eyelid and keep it in place firmly with the left hand
by closing the upper lid over the lens.
Evert the lower lid using the right hand over the inferior edge
of the contact lens.
Retract the upper lid using the thumb or the index finger of the
left hand and press the lid margin behind the superior edge of
the scleral contact lens.
Move the upper eyelid over the globe temporally to release the
suction force between the contact lens and the globe.
Ask the patient to move the eye upwards and the lens is easily
released from the eyeball.
218 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Figs 15-4A and B: (A) Contact lens properly oriented (Shaped like a dish) and
(B) Contact lens inside-out (invertedshaped like a bowl)
Contact Lens 219
Retract the upper and lower lid similarly and look upwards.
Decentre the lens temporally on the sclera by using the index
Pinch and take the lens off the scleral surface by using the
thumb and the index finger of the right hand (Fig. 15-5B).
220 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Place the index finger of the right hand on the middle of the
upper lid and middle finger of the right hand on the middle
of the lower lid and pull the eyelids apart temporally, i.e. away
from the nose.
Place the left hand like a cup against the check.
Now blink firmly and the lens will be flipped out of the eye by
the tightened eyelids into the cupped left hand.
TDTotal diameter
FVPFront vertex power
BVPBack vertex power
BCBase curveIt is the curve of the anterior, i.e. front surface of
the contact lens.
Barrer/DkIt is a unit of oxygen permeability of a contact lens.
D stands for diffusion coefficient of oxygen through the material
and k stands for the solubility of oxygen in the material. The units
of Dk are also known as Barrer or Fatt units.
Diffusion coefficientThe speed at which oxygen molecules pass
through the contact lens material.
SolubilityThe number of oxygen molecules which can be
absorbed in a given volume of the contact lens material.
Hence, a contact lens with lower water content has lower Dk value,
whereas those with higher water content have higher Dk values.
Oxygen transmissibility = Dk/t
Oxygen transmissibility is inversely proportional to the thickness
(t in cm) of the contact lens and directly proportional to the oxygen
permeability of the contact lens material (Dk or Barrer).
Daily wear contact lensContact lenses that are worn daily for 10
to 12 hours. They are kept in a container immersed in a specified
solution when not in use. They have to be cleansed daily before
wearing. They are usually replaced annually.
Extended wear (EW) contact lensContact lenses that can be worn
continuously for a period of 1 to 7 days. They have to be cleansed
after removal and kept in a container immersed in specified solution
before subsequent wearing. Nowadays, silicon hydrogel soft contact
lens and RGP contact lens are available for continuous wear upto
30 days (day and night). Silicon hydrogel lenses are safer than
conventional soft lenses for extended wear. There is increased
incidence of infectious keratitis with conventional soft extended
wear contact lenses than conventional soft daily wear lenses.
222 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Figs 15-6A to C: (A) Good fit-fluorescein stain pattern, (B) Flat fit-
fluorescein stain pattern and (C) Steep fit-fluorescein stain pattern
Contact Lens 225
i. Giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC)It involves the upper
tarsal conjunctiva, caused by both mechanical irritation and
immunological reaction to the protein deposits on the contact
lens. The papillae are more than 1 mm in diameter in GPC.
They are accompanied by hyperaemia, mucoid strands, lid
oedema and heavy lens deposits.
ii. Conjunctival, limbal hyperaemia and conjunctival chemosis
These occur often in a allergic or toxic response to the
disinfectants present in the lens care solutions, e.g. thimerosal,
benzalkonium chloride, etc.
i. Oedema: It may involve both the epithelium (Sattlers veil) and
the stroma. It is caused by hypoxia resulting in disruption
of transport mechanism of epithelium and endothelium and
stromal ion balance. Stromal swelling results in endothelial
fold seen as dark lines in specular reflection. Stromal striae
are also seen in posterior stroma as fine, white vertical lines
(Fig. 15-7A).
ii. Microcysts: They are very minute, transparent and irregularly
scattered cysts (Fig. 15-7B) appearing in response to induced
hypoxia. They represent dead cellular debris near the
epithelial basement membrane. They can be seen in
retroillumination technique of slit-lamp biomicroscopy. They
migrate anteriorly in 8 to 12 weeks and cause punctate
epithelial keratopathy which can be stained with fluorescein.
iii. Vascularisation: Vascularisation occurs due to hypoxia,
microtrauma and inflammatory stimulation. Superficial
vascularisation, i.e. encroachment of blood vessels into the
superficial cornea is more common than the deep one. These
Contact Lens 227
vessels are continuous with the limbal vessels (Fig. 15-7C) and
involves the superior limbus most frequently. However, deep
vascularisation (Fig. 15-7D) is very uncommon and rare with
contact lens wearer.
iv. Endothelial changes: Polymegathism, i.e. greater than normal
variation in cell size in endothelial mosaic is linked to chronic
hypoxia of the cornea of long duration. They are seen in
specular reflection of slit-lamp biomicroscopy (Fig. 15-7E).
Endothelial blebs are intracellular accumulation of oedema
due to hypoxia and acidosis and seen as black dots in
specular reflection.
v. Contact lens induced acute red eye (CLARE) syndrome: It is an
acute inflammatory response seen in soft extended wear
contact lens and extended wear hydrogel lens worn tightly.
Large infiltrates are seen in anterior stroma peripherally. The
patient complains of severe ocular pain, photophobia,
lacrimation and redness. Cellular debris is trapped behind
the lens rendering it adherent, i.e. immobile. CLARE
syndrome is caused by toxic effects of entrapped cellular
debris, dehydration of tearfilm during sleep and toxicity to
contact lens solution preservative. Treatment is
discontinuation of the contact lens wearing, topical steroid
with antibiotic application and switch over to a daily wear
lens after remission of the syndrome.
vi. Infection: Pain associated with discharge and redness is a
warning sign for possibility of corneal infection.
Acanthamoebae keratitis is a rare, serious blinding infection
seen more commonly in contact lens wearer. Acanthamoebae
is found in soil, chlorinated water, swimming pool, contact
lens solutions, etc. Extreme ocular pain disproportionate to
the clinical signs is a prominent sign of Acanthamoebae
Figs 15-7A to E: (A) Corneal stromal striae, (B) Microcysts, (C) Superficial
corneal vascularisation, (D) Deep corneal vascularisation and (E) Polymegathism
of endothelial mosaic
Ophthalmic Instrumentation 231
This chapter highlights the basic principles, examination
techniques of common instruments used in ophthalmology. The
instruments are:
Slit-lamp biomicroscope and vital stains
Indirect biomicroscopy
Geneva lens measure
Direct ophthalmoscope.
It offers a magnified, stereoscopic, noninvasive and detailed view
of the anterior segment of the eye. However, in conjunction with
some accessory optical lenses, it can be used for detailed
examination of the angle of the anterior chamber (gonioscopy),
measurement of intraocular pressure (applanation tonometry) and
minute examination of the retina (biomicroscopic indirect
ophthalmoscopy). Different types of lasers (YAG, Frequency
doubled YAG, Argon, Diode, etc.) are also delivered through slit-
lamp for therapeutic purpose. Vital staining of cornea and
conjunctiva is also observed through slit-lamp biomicroscope.
Slit-lamp examination is done in a room semidarkened or
darkened, free from dust, humidity and heat. The patient should
232 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Fig. 16-1: Slit-lamp AIA11 5 step, inset showing observation system of Slit-
lamp AIA11 2 step (photo courtesy Appasamy Associates, India)
Direct Illumination
This technique refers to viewing of structures within the focussed
light beam. The type of direct illumination varies according to
height, width of the light beam, angle of the incident light and angle
between incident light beam and observation system.
i. Optical section
The beam is very narrow and slit.
The light beam is projected obliquely. The angle between oculars
and illumination source is 30 to 60. The more is the angle, the
more wide is the optical section (parallelepiped).
It gives a cross section view of different layers of the cornea (Fig.
In dilated pupil, it is possible to see the lens and anterior third
of the vitreous in optical section with light beam being brightest
in an absolutely dark room (Fig. 16-3).
It is used to locate the site of a corneal lesion, scar, foreign body
and depth of anterior chamber (Van Herick-Shaffer technique,
see later in this chapter).
Ophthalmic Instrumentation 235
Indirect Illumination
In this technique the area of interest is viewed indirectly by an
illumination from reflected light of the direct beam, i.e. structures
not within the focussed light beam are under observation.
i. Proximal illumination
A moderately wide light beam is focussed on the areas adjacent
to the lesion of interest (Fig. 16-6).
The lesion is observed with scattered light against dark
background. This results in a higher contrast of the lesion
against a dark pupil.
ii. Sclerotic scatter
A parallelepiped illumination beam is focussed at the temporal
Illumination beam is set at an angle between 45 and 60 with
the observation system, i.e. the microscope is focussed centrally
on the cornea.
238 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
In this technique, the incident light beam is reflected from the
iris, anterior lens surface or retina to illuminate more anteriorly
located structures of interest.
i. Direct retroillumination
This refers to viewing the structure against an illuminated
In direct retroillumination corneal opacities appear black
against an illuminated background. Posterior capsular opacities
or lental opacities appear dark against red glow of retina.
The light beam should be directed from 45 angle and focussed
behind the area of interest (Fig.16-8).
In direct retroillumination objects that normally appear bright will
appear dark.
iii. Transillumination
In transillumination the iris tissue is tested for passage of light
through a defect within it.
The slit-lamp light source and the microscope is positioned
coaxially, i.e. click-stop position (Fig. 16-10) and focussed on
the iris surface.
Use a circular light beam equal to pupillary size and project
through the pupil.
Use lower magnification.
b. Red free filter (Green): It blocks all red wavelengths. So, blood
vessels, microaneurysms and haemorrhages will appear as dark
against a green background.
c. Yellow filter: It significantly enhances contrast by eliminating
the blue light reflected from the cornea.
Both cobalt blue and red free (green filters) are also useful in
the study of the vitreous. Blue and green lights are scattered more
than the red light due to shorter wavelength. Gel structure of the
vitreous becomes more visible in incident scattered light.
Additionally, blue or green filter provides a dark fundus
background for examining the vitreous.
Slit-lamp is an essential tool to examine the cornea and conjunctiva
after staining them with different vital stains.
Sodium Fluorescein
It is a yellowishred dye and it stains only tearfilm.
It is seen as bright yellow with cobalt blue filter.
Instill one drop of proparacaine HCl (0.5%) in conjunctival sac.
Touch the tear meniscus with fluorescein strip. Wipe the excess
fluorescein with tissue paper from the closed lid margin. Ask
the patient to blink at least thrice and wait for one to two
minutes for better penetration.
Examine the cornea through the slit-lamp with cobalt blue filter
in place.
Area of epithelial defect, ulcer or abrasion takes bright green stain
(Fig. 16-11).
Rose Bengal
It is a fluorescein derivative dye and it stains mucus, dead and
devitalised cells bright red.
It does not stain epithelial defect.
Ophthalmic Instrumentation 243
Lissamine Green
It is an alternative to the Rose Bengal dye and does not sting.
The technique is same as Rose Bengal staining.
Its staining property is similar to that of Rose Bengal except
the staining colour, which is blue-green (Fig. 16-13).
It is well visible over the scleral surface. However, it is poorly
visible over the dark iris due to lack of contrast.
The examination should be done quickly after the staining, since the
dyes effect disappear rapidly.
Tonometry is the measurement of intraocular pressure. Accurate
tonometry is essential for determining the course of management
of glaucoma. Tonometer, the instrument used for tonometry,
basically rely on deforming a specific area of the cornea by
application of force which either flattens (applanates) or indents
the cornea. So, the tonometers can be divided into two principal
types, i.e. applanation and indentation.
Schitz Tonometer is the classic example of indentation tonometer
which was introduced in 1905. It is still used widely.
PrincipleA plunger attached to the tonometer will indent soft eye
more than hard eye. The amount of indentation of the cornea by
the plunger is proportionate to the intraocular pressure. The Schitz
Tonometer weighs 16.5 gm with a base weight of 5.5 gm attached
to the plunger. The base weight may be increased to 7.5 gm, 10 gm
or 15 gm for higher intraocular pressure by addition of specifically
marked weights (7.5/10/15) present in the tonometer set assembly
(Fig. 16-14).
Parts of a Schitz Tonometer (Fig.16-14).
The patient must be in recumbent position, i.e. lying flat on his
back on an examination table.
Anaesthetise the cornea topically preferably with proparacaine
HCl (0.5%) or lignocaine HCl (4%).
Ask the patient to look up at the ceiling. Free movement of the
plunger in the shaft is tested by placing the footplate on the
dummy cornea. The pointer will show reading of 0 at the
Place the sterilised footplate of the tonometer vertically gently
on the central part of the cornea to evenly indent the cornea.
The eyelids should be retracted firmly by fingers to prevent
pressure on the eyeball.
Free vertical movement of the plunger determines the scale
reading. Reliable reading can only be read off from the scale
when the pointer shows a pulse.
Conversion table 1955 prepared by Friedenwald, Kronfeld,
Ballantine and Trotter is used for estimation of intraocular
pressure into mm of Hg (Schitz). This conversion table is
supplied with each Schitz Tonometer.
Scale reading between 2 and 6 is usually considered. If
initially the scale reading is below 2, then 7.5 gm weight is
added and the tonometry process is repeated. Ideally two
readings using two different weight is employed, to detect also
any abnormality of ocular rigidity. In eyes with abnormal scleral
rigidity, there will be a discrepancy between the two readings.
Then, the IOP value is corrected by consulting Friedenwalds
The IOP values obtained from the conversion table 1955 with
5.5 gm, 7.5 gm and 10 gm weights should not differ from each
other by more than 3 mm of Hg in the same eye. If it occurs
then the rigidity of the eyeball is abnormal. In patients with
abnormal rigidity of the eyeball the IOP measurement with the
5.5 gm weight approximates to the actual intraocular pressure.
Apply 12 drops of antibiotic eye preparation to the eyes immediately
after completion of the procedure.
246 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Easy to use
Does not require a slit-lamp.
It may show a false low IOP reading in eyes with low scleral
rigidity such as high myopia, after retinal detachment surgery,
vitreoretinal surgery and strong miotic therapy.
Similarly, it may show a false high IOP reading in eyes with
high scleral rigidity such as microphthalmos, high hyper-
metropia, nanophthalmos, etc.
Flaming the footplate and the lower end of the plunger in spirit
lamp for 10 seconds or wiping with isopropyl alcohol (70%) swab.
It is based on the Imbert-Fick law which states that for an ideal,
thin-walled sphere, the pressure inside the sphere (p) is equal to
the force necessary to flatten its surface (W) divided by the area
flattened (A). So, p = W/A. However, human eye is not an ideal
sphere due to variable thickness of the cornea and sclera, i.e.
thickness of globe is not uniform.
Ophthalmic Instrumentation 247
Sterilise the prism by wiping with a isopropyl alcohol 70%
swab and allow it to dry.
Instill one drop of topical anaesthetic [proparacaine HCl (0.5%)
or lignocaine HCl (4%)] into the conjunctival sac.
The patient is positioned comfortably at the slit-lamp in a dark
room with the forehead and the chinrest against the headrest
and chinrest respectively. He is asked to look straight ahead.
The tearfilm is stained with fluorescein strip and excess of
fluorescein is wiped away with tissue paper.
Bright beam of light is projected obliquely (90) through the
cobalt blue filter at the prism. In patients with high astigmatism,
the red line on the tonometer prism mount should be aligned to the
248 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Figs 16-16A to C: (A) Applanation area is correct and the dial reading = the
IOP, (B) Excess fluorescein/dial reading < the IOP and (C) Insufficient fluorescein/
dial reading > the IOP
Ophthalmic Instrumentation 249
Similar to Goldmann applanation tonometer.
A graduated dial with the similar measurement is rotated to
alter corneal applanation force.
It is portable and battery operated.
It does not require a slit-lamp for the light source.
It can be used in both recumbent and sitting posture.
It is particularly suitable for bed-ridden patients, infants and
It works on the same principle as the Mackay-Marg tonometer. It
is a handheld, portable and battery operated tonometer. It is very
small and light. Tonopen reading correlates well with the
Goldmann tonometer. However, it slightly overestimates low IPOs
and underestimates high IOPs. It is possible to measure IOP by this
Tonopen through bandage contact lens, oedematous cornea and irregular
cornea. It is possible to measure IOP in both supine and sitting
position. It is particularly useful in infants and bed-ridden patients.
The term gonioscopy was coined by Alexio Trantas (1907).
Gonioscopy is the visualisation of the structures of the angle of the
anterior chamber with a magnification of 15 to 20 times. Usually,
it is not possible to see these structures directly through the cornea
because light rays from the angle of the anterior chamber undergo
total internal reflection. Gonioscopy lens eliminates total internal
reflection by replacing cornea-air interface by a lensair
interface at a different angle. Hence, it becomes possible to view
the angle structures. It is wise and useful to be familiar with the
angle structures (Fig. 16-17) and their identification points before
practising the technique.
Iris Processes
These are prominent in young people and decrease with
advancing age.
They should be differentiated from peripheral anterior synechias
(PAS) when present. PAS simulates tiny volcanoes, some with
the apices missing and others with the apices in place. PAS of
inflammatory origin are prominent inferiorly whereas PAS
developed from angle closure glaucoma are prominent at
superior angles.
It is the direct viewing of the angle structures and is used for both
diagnostic and operative procedures. The procedure is carried out
in conjunction with a handheld microscope and a separate light
source held in the other hand. The patient needs to be in supine
position. The orientation of the angle structures is very simple.
However, it is more difficult procedure. Examples of direct gonio
lenses are; Koeppe, Barkan, Swan-Jacob and Thorpe. They are useful
for examination in children, patients with nystagmus and
particularly under sedation or anaesthesia. They offer panoramic,
wide view of the angle structures for comparison between different
quadrants. It is suitable for surgical procedures, e.g. goniotomy.
Indirect Gonioscopy
It offers a mirror image view of the opposite angle structures. It is
used for both diagnostic and laser procedures. Examples of indirect
gonio lenses are; Goldmann 3-Mirror/2-Mirror/1-Mirror gonio lens,
Zeiss 4-Mirror gonio lens and Posner 4-Mirror gonio lens.
Shaffers Grading
It is used to estimate the angle in degrees between anterior iris
surface and trabecular meshwork Schwalbes line (Table 16-1 and
Fig. 16-20).
Spaeths Grading
This is a comprehensive and elaborate grading introduced by
George L Spaeth taking into account four variable parameters.
A = Anterior to Schwalbes line
B = Behind Schwalbes line
C = Scleral spur
D = DeepCiliary body is visible
E = Extremely deepLarge part of the ciliary body is visible.
the line tangential to the inner surface of the TM and the anterior
iris surface at 1/3rd distance from the iris root.
Curvature of the iris
b = Bowing anteriorly
p = Plateau configuration
f = Flat
c = Concave, i.e. bowing posteriorly
0 = Nil or absent
258 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
+1 = Just appreciable
+2 = Mild
+3 = Marked
+4 = Intense
It is the evaluation of the posterior segment by slit-lamp biomicro-
scope in conjunction with accessory (auxiliary) lenses. These lenses
are of either noncontact or contact type (Table 16-2).
It is planoconcave lens of 58.60D strength. It is used to examine
the fundus and the posterior vitreous. It is mounted on the slit-lamp
by a holder and is of noncontact variety. Image magnification is
low. The magnification (16X) is equal to that of direct
ophthalmoscope. However, image magnification is determined by
magnification of the slit-lamp. The field of view of the posterior pole
is comparable to the field observed in direct ophthalmoscopy. The
Pupil should be maximally dilated with instillation of
tropicamide 1% and phenylephrine HCl 5%.
Insertion technique is discussed in details in Goldmann 3-
Mirror gonioscopy.
However, the use of the 2-Mirrors angled at 67 and 73 (Fig.
16-22) for peripheral retinal examination needs elaborate
discussion. The image is simply inverted but lateral orientation is
not reversed. The retinal area facing the mirror is viewed.
260 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Technique of BIO
Dilatation of pupilHowever, it is possible to view central
posterior pole of the retina of 23 disc diameter in an undilated
Comfortable seating of the patient in the slit-lamp with his/her
forehead and chin against headrest and chinrest. He is asked
to look straight ahead.
Adjust the slit-lampSet the PD (pupillary distance) and focus
accurately. Adjust the incident light beam of the slit-lamp to
about th of its full circular diameter. Set the illumination
source in line with the viewing system, i.e. coaxial. Set the light
intensity at the lowest using the rheostat. Set the magnification
at its lowest setting, e.g. 8X.
Table 16-3 : Comparison of features of various lenses used for biomicroscopic indirect ophthalmoscopy (BIO)
Criteria Hruby Lens Goldmann +90.00D +78.00D +60.00D
Corneal contact No Yes No No No
Power in diopter 58.60 64.00 + 90.00 +78.00 +60.00
Magnification 16X 0.93 X Magnification 0.75 X Magnification 0.9 X Magnification 1 X Magnification
of S/L* of S/L* of S/L* of S/L*
Field of view 8 30 90 80 60
Location of image Within the Within the eye, In front of the In front of the In front of the +60D
eye, 18 mm in the mid vitreous, +90D lens, real +78D lens, real lens, real and
in front of the erect and virtual and inverted, and inverted, inverted, laterally
retina, erect laterally reversed laterally reversed reversed
and virtual
Working distance 10-12 mm In close contact 78 mm anterior 910 mm anterior 1112 mm anterior
of the BIO lens anterior to the with the cornea to the cornea to the cornea to the cornea
from the cornea cornea
Focus on the cornea with the light beam passing through the
pupillary centre.
Hold the +90D lens between thumb and index finger with its
back surface (often distinguished by a white ring) about 8 mm
in front of the patients cornea, just clearing the eyelashes with
the light beam passing through its centre. The examiner can use
elbow rest or rest his fingers on the forehead rest for comfortable
holding of the lens.
While looking through the oculars and holding the +90D lens, pull
the slit-lamp about 1 inch towards you with the joystick until the real,
inverted and aerial fundus view comes into sharp focus.
Scanning of posterior poleinstead of moving the condensing
lens (as done in indirect ophthalmoscopy), operate the joystick
to move the slit-lamp left and right as well as up and down.
Reduce reflections by slight tilting of the light source (510).
Increase the width of the light beam and magnification for larger
field of view and minute details respectively.
In order to examine the vitreous slowly move the slit-lamp
further towards you.
Peripheral retinal viewingAsk the patient to look up or down,
or to the left or right. Realign the light beam with the
repositioned pupil. Hold the +90D lens in usual position.
Sharply focus the fundus image by moving the slit-lamp forward
or backward.
Magnification16X magnification provides good detail as well
as wide field of view of retina. However, higher magnifications
may be used for very minute details.
Contact lens practice and specially fitting of rigid (corneal)
contact lens.
Assessment of corneal power.
Calculation of intraocular lens (IOL) power.
The instrument is turned on.
The instrument setting is aligned to zero (0) marking on the
focussing knob.
The eyepiece is adjusted to focus the dots and the graticule
sharply for the examiners vision (in projection lensometers
eyepiece adjustment is not required).
The lens under test is mounted with the back surface against
the lens rest and is secured with the lens holder. However, in
bifocal lenses, the front vertex power of both the distance and
near segment is measured. The difference in measurement
between the two readings gives the value of bifocal addition.
The knob is rotated, i.e. the target is moved towards or away
from the collimating lens until the light entering the viewing
telescope is parallel. This is indicated by focussed image of the
The target is aligned to the centre of the eyepiece crossline
If the lens under test is required to be moved for proper
centration, always pull the lens holder up to avoid scratching
of the lens surface.
If the lens under test is spherical, the dots will form a ring (Fig.
16-28A). However, if the lens under test is cylindrical, the dots
will form a series of lines (Fig.16-28B).
The length of the lines is proportional to the difference between the
two principal meridians, i.e the power of the cylindrical lens.
In cylindrical lenses the target is focussed separately for the two
principal meridians of greatest and least curvature. The cross
line graticule is rotated so that it aligns to the target lines and
the axis is obtained from the protractor scale.
268 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Figs 16.28A and B: (A) Image of illuminated target forms ring of dots in
spherical lenses and (B) Image of illuminated target forms a series of lines in
cylindrical lenses
Ophthalmic Instrumentation 269
Direct ophthalmoscope is a portable, handheld, self-illuminated
instrument used to view from the cornea to the retina upto
the equator. It is powered by either disposable or rechargeable
Direct ophthalmoscopy is preferably done in dark room. The
patient is asked to look at a distant target in front. Prior pupillary
dilatation facilitates retinal view.
The direct ophthalmoscope is held in hand in such a way that
the index finger reaches effortlessly the lens wheel required
for fine focussing. The direct ophthalmoscope is held in right
hand for examining the right eye and vice versa.
The clinician should stand on the right side of the patient for
examining the right eye and vice versa.
Conventionally right eye is examined first. Distant direct
ophthalmoscopy is performed by focussing the ophthalmoscope
light on the patients pupil from a distance of half meter
(approx.). The observation peephole should be positioned in
front of the clinicians eye. The power of the lens wheel is
set at +20.00D. The pupillary area will appear red due to
retroillumination of the light from the choroidal blood vessels.
This is called red glow or red reflex. Any opacity in the
pathway will appear dark against the red reflex background.
The location of the opacity in the eye can be further determined
by moving the ophthalmoscope in vertical axis. Opacities
located behind the crystalline lens will move in the same
direction of movement of the ophthalmoscope, whereas opacities
located in front of the crystalline lens will move in the opposite
Now move close to the patients eye just beyond the eyelashes
of the patient. Various areas of the media can be viewed by
focussing the lens wheel from +20.00D to +5.00D in
emmetropic patient. In emmetropic patient, the retina will come
in a sharp focus at 0 power of the lens wheel.
Dioptric power of the lens wheel required for sharp focus of
the retina depends on the following factors:
i. The clinicians refractive status
ii. The patients refractive status
iii. The distance of the direct ophthalmoscope from the patients
Ophthalmic Instrumentation 271
Low Vision and
Low Visual Aid
Low vision indicates significant visual handicap, which cannot
be adequately corrected by refraction, medication or surgery, but
at the same time presence of significant residual vision. WHOs
working definition of low vision is as follows: A person with low
vision is one who has impairment of visual functioning even after
treatment, and or standard refractive correction, and has a visual acuity
(VA) of less than 6/36 (or 20/120) to light perception, or visual
field of less than 10 from the point of fixation, but who uses, or is
potentially able to use vision for the planning and or execution of a
In USA, legal blindness is defined as the presence of distant
visual acuity in better eye of 6/60 (or 20/200) or less after
conventional optical correction, and or a defect in the visual field
in which the widest diameter of vision subtends an angle of less
than 20.
Residual usable visual acuity for both distance and near should
be estimated. Since visual acuity for distance and near is invariably
less than optimal, specialised charts, e.g. Bailey & Love, log MAR
chart, etc. may be of immense help in particular situations.
In paediatric age group and nonverbal patients Teller cards,
Optokinetic drum, etc. may be used (discussed in detail in
Chapter 18).
Automated perimeter is extensively used for visual field testing.
However, in patients with low vision, Amsler Grid test and
confrontation method have a special requirement. Amsler Grid test
is often suitable for testing central field of 10 around the fixation
point for patients with low vision (Fig. 17-1). In patients with low
vision, to assist fixation, the fixation point is marked with a X.
Amsler grid chart: The Amsler grid chart is devised by Prof Marc
Amsler. It can provide for rapid detection of slight abnormalities
in the central 20 of visual field which are not detectable by the
usual methods of perimetry. There are different patterns on each
chart (10 cm 10 cm). The most commonly used chart (Fig. 17-1)
consists of a white grid of 5 mm squares on a black background
with a central white fixation point.
The procedure should be done before ophthalmoscopy and
without instillation of eyedrops affecting pupillary size or
Low Vision and Low Visual Aid 275
It is performed to estimate corneal astigmatism objectively.
Trial frame refraction should be performed with a retinoscope/
streak retinoscope (retinoscopy) often at a closer distance (radical
retinoscopy). In some situations autorefractometers may give an
estimate of the refractive error. During subjective refraction, the
examiner should employ large spherical power increments to elicit
positive differential response. Usually, increment of 1.00D or 2.00D,
instead of 0.25D increments is tried. Stenopaeic slit may be of
immense help in locating the orientation of principal meridians at
right angles to each other in correcting astigmatic error.
Optics of Magnifiers
Magnification by a convex lens is obtained by placing the object
(AB) within the first principal focus (F1) of the convex lens. An erect,
virtual and magnified image (A1B1) is formed (Fig. 17-2) on the side
of the object (AB) and behind it. The virtual image becomes larger
and is situated further from the eye as the object approaches the
first principal focus. Magnification is derived from the formula (M
= F/4). Hence, image magnification by a +10.00D lens is M = 10/
4 = 2.5 (M = Magnification, F = Power of the lens in diopter).
They are used to magnify distant objects, i.e. those lying beyond
5 metre. They may be (1) spectacle mountedThey allow the hands
to remain free (2) monocularthey are easy to carry and helps
where one eye is worse than the other and (3) binocularthey are
rather cumbersome to carry but give binocular vision.
Optics of Telescopes
The low visual aid telescopes are basically constructed on the
principle of Gallilean telescope. The Gallilean telescope consists
of a convex objective lens and a concave eyepiece lens, mounted
coaxially, separated by the difference between their focal length (Fig.
17-3). The optical result is an erect magnified image which is
relatively undistorted by astigmatism or curvature of field.
Advantages are (1) it is light and compact (2) it is easily mounted
on a spectacle frame for either distant vision or near vision. The
disadvantages are (1) reduced field of view due to high magnification
and (2) steadiness of head is required for stable focussing of object
for both distance and near vision.
The incident rays and emergent rays are parallel. The image is
magnified by increasing the angle subtended by the object at the
280 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
These are used increasingly as low visual aids. An enlarged image
of the object is projected on a screen or TV monitor for viewing at
a convenient distance.
Paediatric Eye Examination 281
Paediatric Eye
Paediatric eye examination has always been difficult and challen-
ging due to the lack of an objective and reproducible response.
Moreover, the children are usually very apprehensive while being
examined by a doctor. Often, the eye examination turns into a time
consuming and frustrating effort for the eye specialist or the
optometrist. To overcome this difficulty, special examination
techniques are necessary for infants and toddlers. So, this
chapter deals with the special techniques in history taking and
examination in the management of eye diseases in paediatric age
Fixation Test
An infants ability to fix and follow faces and bright coloured
objects develops within 23 weeks of birth.
A positive blink reflex to a burst of light and ability of the baby
to fixate and follow faces specially that of the mother, a cartoon
character in TV and coloured objects indicates presence of
significant level of vision.
Fixation should be steady and the movements should be smooth.
This is a gross assessment of visual acuity and ocular
The ability of each eye to fixate a target centrally, steadily and
to maintain the fixation (CSM) through a blink is a good
indicator of visual acuity of both eyes.
If occlusion of one eye makes the baby uneasy, it signifies that
the vision is poor in the unoccluded eye.
Observe corneal reflex with a torch, with one eye covered,
alternately. Eccentric fixation is present if the corneal reflex is
not central. Presence of eccentric fixation usually indicates
visual acuity of 6/60 (or 20/200) or less.
Spinning Test
In the absence of demonstrable fixation, the spinning test
differentiates between blindness and low vision.
Paediatric Eye Examination 283
A variety of methods/charts/cards are available for different
age groups for subjective assessment of distance visual acuity
using optotypes, i.e. a symbol whose identification implies
certain level of visual acuity. The suggested distant visual
acuity test in different age groups are (Table 18-1):
It is easily done in infants and young children by the following
286 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
Brckners Test
An infant with squint fixates the light of a direct ophthalmoscope
or torch. It is noted that the deviating eye will have a brighter red
reflex than the fixating (dominant) one.
Hirshberg Test
In an infant with squint, corneal reflex will be eccentric in the
deviating eye. It will be nasally displaced in exotropia, temporally
in esotropia, superiorly in hypotropia and inferiorly in hypertropia.
The angle of deviation is estimated by noting location of the corneal
reflex in the deviating eye when light is thrown into the eyefrom
60 cm distance. Since the cornea is 12 mm in diameter, the distance
from the centre of the pupil to limbus is 6 mm. Each mm of
displacement of corneal reflex represents a deviation of 7. So, the
degree of deviation is calculated as follow (Fig. 18-1):
i. If the light reflex is at the pupillary border but not touching
the iris14.
ii. If the light reflex is at the limbus42.
iii. If the light reflex is midway between the pupillary border and
the limbus28.
iv. If the light reflex is midway between the pupil and the
treatment 135
contact lens 136
Accommodation 110 spectacles 135
insufficiency 113 Aqueous humour 51
aetiology 113 blood aqueous barrier 53
complaints 113 circulation 52
treatment 113 formation 51
mechanism 111 functions 52
paralysis 113 Arden test 67
aetiology 114 Assessment of rigid contact lens
treatment 114 fitting 223
spasm 114 Assessment of soft contact lens
aetiology 114 fitting 222
complaints 115 Astigmatism 127
diagnosis 115 diagnosis 131
treatment 115 objective 131
Ammetropia 119 subjective 131
Angle of eye 102 optics of astigmatism 130
alpha 102 symptoms 131
gamma 102 types 127
kappa 102 Axes of eye 100
Anisometropia 132 fixation axis 102
aetiology 132 optic axis 101
acquired 132 pupillary axis 101
hereditary 132 visual axis 101
classification 132 Axis of the cylinder 145
optical problems/difficulties
amblyopia 133
binocular vision 133 Bailey-Lovie chart 73
diplopia 133 Basic optical principles of human
squinting 133 eye 97
treatment 134 schematic eyes 98
Anterior chamber 10 Donders reduced eye 100
Antireflection coating 183 Gullstrand schematic eye
crown glass 186 no.1 98
resin lens 186 Gullstrand-Emsley sche-
Aphakia 134 matic eye 99
optics 134 Blood supply of eyeball 28
signs 135 arterial supply 28
symptoms 135 venous drainage 30
292 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry
C metabolism 55
nutrition source 55
Ciliary body 251 Cycloplegia 143
Collector channels 12 Cylindrical lenses 173
Colour blindness 77 types 174
Complications of contact lens wear planocylindrocal lense 174
226 spherocylindrical lens 174
conjunctival complications 226
corneal complications 226 D
physical problems of contact
lens 227 Decimal acuity 72
problem of contact lens care Determination of contact lens
solution 228 power 225
Congenital colour blindness 78 Diopters of cylinder 152
Conjunctiva 31 Direct ophthalmoscope 269
regions 31 advantages 269
structure 31 disadvantages 269
epithelium 31 procedure 270
substantia propria 32 Duochrome test 154
Contact lens 211
fitting procedures 217 E
general principles 217
scleral 217 Edridge-Green lantern test 82
indications 211 Emmetropia 119
Eyeball 3
optics 213
chambers 4
types 214
contents 3
corneal contact lens 216
dimensions 3
scleral contact lens 214
location 4
semiscleral content lens 215
Eyelids 32
Copeland streak retinoscope 147
functions 32
Cornea 4, 55
glands 35
composition 54 glands of Krause 36
corneal transparency 56 glands of Moll 36
deturgence 56 glands of Wolfring 36
intraocular pressure 57 glands of Zeis 36
structural 56 meibomian glands 35
corneal wound healing 58 lid margin 33
histology 5
Bowmans membrane 6
Descemets membrane 7
endothelium 7 Frames 194
stratified squamous epithe- common types 197
lium 5 parts 195
stroma 7 shapes 196
Index 293
Geneva lens measure 263 Lacrimal apparatus 36
Gonioscopy 250 drainage system 37
direct 252 secretory system 36
indirect 252 Lens 25, 59
composition 60
H metabolism 59
nutrition source 59
Hard coating 190 structure 26
Herings theory 76 lens capsule 26
Holmgrens wool test 82 lens epithelium 26
Horners syndrome 92 lens substance/material 27
Hydrophobic coating 191 Lens care and cleaning 193
Hypermetropia 119, 120 Lens styles 200
optics of hypermetropia 121 multifocal lens 200
risks 122 bifocal lens 200
signs 122 progressive addition lens
symptoms 121 204
treatment 122 trifocal lens 203
types 120 unifocal lens 200
based on accommodation Lensometer 266
121 parts 266
based on anatomical fea- procedures 267
tures 120 Levator palpebrae superior 41
Light and electromagnetic
I spectrum 95
infrared rays 96
Indirect biomicroscopy 258 ultraviolet rays 95
Goldmann 3-mirror lens 259 visible rays 96
technique 259 Limbus 9
Hruby lens 258 Low vision 273
Ishiharas pseudoisochromatic test clinical assessment 273
plates 81 case history 273
colour vision testing 276
J contrast sensitivity function
Jacksons cross cylinder test 153 keratometry 276
Juxtacanalicular tissue 11 refraction 276
visual acuity 274
K visual field 274
management 276
Keratometer 264
Low visual aids 277
Klinefelters syndrome 77
294 Textbook of Visual Science and Clinical Optometry