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CHAPTER Magnetic Induction


1* A uniform magnetic field of magnitude 2000 G is parallel to the x axis. A square coil of side 5 cm has a single turn and makes an angle ? with the z axis as shown in Figure 30-28. Find the magnetic flux through the coil when (a ) ? = 0, (b ) ? = 30, (c) ? = 60, and (d ) ? = 90. (a ), (b ), (c), (d ) m = BA cos ? (a ) m = 2101 25104 Wb = 5104 Wb = 0.5 mWb; (b ) m = 0.433 mWb; (c) m = 0.25 mWb; (d ) m = 0 2 A circular coil has 25 turns and a radius of 5 cm. It is at the equator, where the earth's magnetic field is 0.7 G north. Find the magnetic flux through the coil when its plane is (a ) horizontal, (b ) vertical with its axis pointing north, (c) vertical with its axis pointing east, and (d ) vertical with its axis making an angle of 30 with north. (a ) m = [(257105 p25104 ) cos 90] Wb = 0 (a ), (b ), (c) Use Equ. 30-3 (b ) m = (1.37105 cos 0) Wb = 1.37105 Wb (c) m = (1.37105 cos 30) Wb = 1.19105 Wb A magnetic field of 1.2 T is perpendicular to a square coil of 14 turns. The length of each side of the coil is 5 cm. (a ) Find the magnetic flux through the coil. (b ) Find the magnetic flux through the coil if the magnetic field makes an angle of 60 with the normal to the plane of the coil. (a ), (b ) Use Equ. 30-3 (a ) m = (1425104 1.2) Wb = 0.042 Wb (b ) m = (0.042 cos 60) Wb = 0.021 Wb A circular coil of radius 3.0 cm has its plane perpendicular to a magnetic field of 400 G. (a ) What is the magnetic flux through the coil if the coil has 75 turns? (b ) How many turns must the coil have for the flux to be 0.015 Wb? (a ) m = (75p9104 4102) Wb = 8.48 mWb (a ), (b ) Use Equ. 30-3 (b ) N = 75(15/8.48) = 133

5* A uniform magnetic field B is perpendicular to the base of a hemisphere of radius R. Calculate the magnetic flux through the spherical surface of the hemisphere. Note that m through the base must also penetrate the spherical surface. Thus, m = pR2B. 6 Find the magnetic flux through a solenoid of length 25 cm, radius 1 cm, and 400 turns that carries a current

Chapter 30 of 3 A. Use Equs. 29-9 and 30-3; m = 0N 2AI/L 7

Magnetic Induction

4 m = 7.5810 Wb

Work Problem 6 for an 800-turn solenoid of length 30 cm, and radius 2 cm, carrying a current of 2 A. 3 Use Equs. 29-9 and 30-3; m = 0N 2AI/L m = 6.7410 Wb A circular coil of 15 turns of radius 4 cm is in a uniform magnetic field of 4000 G in the positive x direction. Find the flux through the coil when the unit vector perpendicular to the plane of the coil is (a ) n = i, (b ) n = j, (c) n = (i + j)/ 2 , (d ) n = k , and (e) n = 0.6i + 0.8j. (a ), (b ), (c), (d ), (e) Use Equ. 30-1 with B = 0.4 T i (a ) NA = 0.0704 m2; m = 0.0302 Wb. (b ) m = 0 (c) m = 0.0302 / 2 Wb = 0.0213 Wb . (d ) m = 0 (e) m = 0.0169 Wb

9* A solenoid has n turns per unit length, radius R1, and carries a current I. (a ) A large circular loop of radius R2 > R1 and N turns encircles the solenoid at a point far away from the ends of the solenoid. Find the magnetic flux through the loop. (b ) A small circular loop of N turns and radius R3 < R1 is completely inside the solenoid, far from its ends, with its axis parallel to that of the solenoid. Find the magnetic flux through this small loop. (a ) B for R > R1 = 0; so m = NBA = 0nINpR12. (b ) Now A = pR32, so m = 0nINpR32. 10 A long, straight wire carries a current I. A rectangular loop with two sides parallel to the straight wire has sides a and b with its near side a distance d from the straight wire, as shown in Figure 30-29. (a ) Compute the magnetic flux through the rectangular loop. (Hint: Calculate the flux through a strip of area dA = b dx and integrate from x = d to x = d + a .) (b ) Evaluate your answer for a = 5 cm, b = 10 cm, d = 2 cm, and I = 20 A. d m(x) = (0/2p)Ibdx/x (a ) 1. Find d m(x) = BdA; use Equ. 29-12 2. Integrate d m(x) from d to (d + a) m = (0Ib/2p)ln[(d + a)/d ] 7 7 (b ) Evaluate m m = 410 ln(7/2) Wb = 5.0110 Wb 11 A long, cylindrical conductor of radius R carries a current I that is uniformly distributed over its crosssectional area. Find the magnetic flux per unit length through the area indicated in Figure 30-30. At r < R, B = 0Ir/2pR 2(see Problem 29-49). The flux d m through an area Ldr is BLdr, and the total flux through the area A is obtained by integrating d m from r = 0 to r = R. One obtains m = 0LI/4p, and the flux per unit length is then m = 0I/4p. 12 A rectangular coil in the plane of the page has dimensions a and b . A long wire that carries a current I is placed directly above the coil (Figure 30-31). (a ) Obtain an expression for the magnetic flux through the coil as a function of x for 0 x 2b . (b ) For what value of x is flux through the coil a maximum? For what value of x is the flux a minimum? (a ) Note that for 0 x b , B is symmetric about the wire, into the paper for the region below the wire and out of the paper for the region above the wire. Clearly, the net flux is zero for the area 2( b x)a . We can now use the result of Problem 30-10 to find the flux through the remaining area of the rectangle. Thus, for 0 x b , we find m = (0Ia/2p)ln[x/(b x)]. For x b , we find m = (0Ia/2p)ln[(x + b)/x). (b ) From the expressions derived in (a ) we see that m as x 0. This is the result of assuming a wire of infinitesimal radius; for R = 0, Equ. 29-12 diverges. The flux is a minimum ( m = 0) for x = b /2, as expected

Chapter 30

Magnetic Induction

from symmetry. 13* A conducting loop lies in the plane of this page and carries a clockwise induced current. Which of the following statements could be true? (a ) A constant magnetic field is directed into the page. (b ) A constant magnetic field is directed out of the page. (c) An increasing magnetic field is directed into the page. (d ) A decreasing magnetic field is directed into the page. (e) A decreasing magnetic field is directed out of the page. (d ) 14 A uniform magnetic field B is established perpendicular to the plane of a loop of radius 5.0 cm, resistance 0.4 O, and negligible self-inductance. The magnitude of B is increasing at a rate of 40 mT/s. Find (a ) the induced emf in the loop, (b ) the induced current in the loop, and (c) the rate of Joule heating in the loop. 4 (a ) Use Equs. 30-3 and 30-5; E = A dB/dt E = (0.04p2510 ) V = 0.314 mV (b ) I = E/R I = 0.785 mA 2 (c ) P = I R P = 0.247 W 15 The flux through a loop is given by m = (t2 4t)101 Wb, where t is in seconds. (a ) Find the induced emf E as a function of time. (b ) Find both m and E at t = 0, t = 2 s, t = 4 s, and t = 6 s. (a ) Use Equ. 30-5 E = (0.2t 0.4) V (b ) Evaluate E and m for t = 0, 2, 4, and 6 s E(0) = 0.4 V; E(2) = 0; E(4) = 0.4 V; E(6) = 0.8 V m(0) = 0; m(2) = 0.4 Wb; m(4) = 0; m(6) = 1.2 Wb 16 (a ) For the flux given in Problem 15, sketch graphs of m and E versus t. (b ) At what time is the flux minimum? What is the emf at this time? (c) At what times is the flux zero? What is the emf at these times? (a) The graphs of the flux, ,and induced emf, E, are shown in the adjacent figure. The solid curve represents , the dashed curve represents E. (b ) The flux is a minimum at t = 2 s; at that instant E = 0. (c) The flux is zero at t = 0 and t = 4 s; at these times, E = 0.4 V and 0.4 V, respectively. 17* The magnetic field in Problem 4 is steadily reduced to zero in 0.8 s. What is the magnitude of the emf induced in the coil of part (b )? E = d m/dt E = 0.015/0.8 V = 18.75 mV 18 A solenoid of length 25 cm and radius 0.8 cm with 400 turns is in an external magnetic field of 600 G that makes an angle of 50 with the axis of the solenoid. (a ) Find the magnetic flux through the sole noid. (b ) Find the magnitude of the emf induced in the solenoid if the external magnetic field is reduced to zero in 1.4 s. 6 (a ) Use Equ. 30-3 m = (4000.06p6410 cos 50) Wb = 3.10 mWb

Chapter 30 (b ) Use Equ. 30-5

Magnetic Induction
3 E = (3.1010 /1.4) V = 2.21 Mv

19 A 100-turn circular coil has a diameter of 2.0 cm and resistance of 50 O. The plane of the coil is perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of magnitude 1.0 T. The direction of the field is suddenly reversed. (a ) Find the total charge that passes through the coil. If the reversal takes 0.1 s, find (b ) the average current in the coil and (c) the average emf in the coil. (a ) 1. Use Equ. 30-5, E = IR, and I = ?Q/?t ? m = 2 m = IR?t = R?Q; ?Q = 2 m /R 2. Evaluate m and ?Q m = 31.4 mWb; ?Q = 1.26 mC (b ) Iav = ?Q/?t Iav = 12.6 mA (c) Eav = Iav R Eav = 628 mV 20 At the equator, a 1000-turn coil with a cross-sectional area of 300 cm2 and a resistance of 15.0 O is aligned with its plane perpendicular to the earth's magnetic field of 0.7 G. If the coil is flipped over, how much charge flows through it? ?Q = 2 m /R (see Problem 3019); ?Q = 2NBA/R ?Q = 0.28 mC 21* A circular coil of 300 turns and radius 5.0 cm is connected to a current integrator. The total resistance of the circuit is 20 O. The plane of the coil is originally aligned perpendicular to the earth's magnetic field at some point. When the coil is rotated through 90, the charge that passes through the current integrator is measured to be 9.4 C. Calculate the magnitude of the earth's magnetic field at that point. 1. Relate the flux change to the charge E = ? m/?t; I = E/R; Q = I?t = ? m/R 2 2. ? m = NBA; B = QR/NA= QR/Npr B = 79.8 T 22 An elastic circular conducting loop is expanding at a constant rate so that its radius is given by R = R0 + vt. The loop is in a region of constant magnetic field perpendicular to the loop. What is the emf generated in the expanding loop? Neglect possible effects of self-inductance. The flux is given by m = pR 2B = p(R0 + vt)2B. Thus E = (d m /dt) = 2pvB(R0 + vt). 23 The wire in Problem 12 is placed at x = b /4. (a ) Obtain an expression for the emf induced in the coil if the current varies with time according to I = 2t. (b ) If a = 1.5 m and b = 2.5 m, what should be the resistance of the coil so that the induced current is 0.1 A? What is the direction of this current? (a ) From Problem 30-12, m = (0Ia/2p)ln(1/3) = 1.100Ia/2p. Thus E = 1.100a /p. (b ) R = E/I = 1.100a /pI; solve for R R = 6.6 O; the current is counterclockwise. 24 Repeat Problem 23 if the wire is placed at x = b /3. (a ) For x = b /3, ln[x/(x b )] = ln(1/2) = 0.693. Then E = 0.6930a /p. (b ) Now R = [6.6(0.693/1.10)] O = 4.16 O; the current is again counterclockwise. 25* Give the direction of the induced current in the circuit on the right in Figure 30-32 when the resistance in the circuit on the left is suddenly (a ) increased and (b ) decreased. Note that when R is constant, B in the loop to the right points out of the paper. (a ) If R increases, I decreases and so does B. By Lenzs law, the induced current is counterclockwise. (b ) Conversely, if R decreases, the induced current is clockwise. 26 The two circular loops in Figure 30-33 have their planes parallel to each other. As viewed from A toward B,

Chapter 30

Magnetic Induction

there is a counterclockwise current in loop A. Give the direction of the current in loop B and state whether the loops attract or repel each other if the current in loop A is (a ) increasing and (b ) decreasing. (a ) Current in B is clockwise; loops repel one another. (b ) Current in B is counterclockwise; loops attract one another. 27 A bar magnet moves with constant velocity along the axis of a loop as shown in Figure 30-34. (a ) Make a qualitative graph of the flux m through the loop as a function of time. Indicate the time t1 when the magnet is halfway through the loop. (b ) Sketch a graph of the current I in the loop versus time, choosing I to be positive when it is counterclockwise as viewed from the left. (a ), (b ) The adjacent figure shows the flux and induced current as a function of time as the bar magnet passes through the coil. When the center of the magnet passes through the plane of the coil d m /dt = 0, and the current is zero. In the figure, the solid curve represents the flux, and the dashed curve represents the current.

28 A bar magnet is mounted on the end of a coiled spring in such a way that it moves with simple harmonic motion along the axis of a loop as shown in Figure 30-35. (a ) Make a qualitative graph of the flux m through the loop as a function of time. Indicate the time t1 when the magnet is halfway through the loop. (b ) Sketch the current I in the loop versus time, choosing I to be positive when it is counterclockwise as viewed from above. (a ), (b ) The adjacent figure shows the flux, m , and the induced current in the loop as a function of time. The flux is shown as the solid curve, the current as the dashed curve. The times when the magnet is halfway through the loop is indicated. At those times the flux is a maximum and the current is zero.

29* A rod 30 cm long moves at 8 m/s in a plane perpendicular to a magnetic field of 500 G. The velocity of the rod is perpendicular to its length. Find (a ) the magnetic force on an electron in the rod, (b ) the electrostatic field E in the rod, and (c) the potential difference V between the ends of the rod. (a ) F = q v B F = 1.61019 85102 N = 6.41020 N (b ) E = v B E = 0.4 V/m l (c ) V = E V = 0.12 V 30 Find the speed of the rod in Problem 29 if the potential difference between the ends is 6 V. V v; use the result of Problem 29 v = (6/0.12)(8 m/s) = 400 m/s

Chapter 30

Magnetic Induction

31 In Figure 30-14, let B be 0.8 T, v = 10.0 m/s, l = 20 cm, and R = 2 O. Find (a ) the induced emf in the circuit, (b ) the current in the circuit, and (c) the force needed to move the rod with constant velocity assuming negligible friction. Find (d ) the power input by the force found in part (c), and (e) the rate of Joule heat production I 2R. (a ) Use Equ. 30-6 E = ( V = 1.6 V (b ) I = E/R; use Lenzs law I = 0.8 A, counterclockwise l (c) Use Equ. 28-5; F = BI F = 0.128 N (d ) P = Fv P = 1.28 W 2 (e ) P = I R P = 1.28 W 32 Work Problem 31 for B = 1.5 T, v = 6 m/s, l = 40 cm, and R = 1.2 O. Repeating the procedure of the previous problem one obtains: (a ) E = 3.6 V (b ) I = 3.0 A (c) F = 1.8 N (d ) P = 10.8 W (e) P = 10.8 W 33* A 10-cm by 5-cm rectangular loop with resistance 2.5 O is pulled through a region of uniform magnetic field B = 1.7 T (Figure 30-36) with constant speed v = 2.4 cm/s. The front of the loop enters the region of the magnetic field at time t = 0. (a ) Find and graph the flux through the loop as a function of time. (b ) Find and graph the induced emf and the current in the loop as functions of time. Neglect any self-inductance of the loop and extend your graphs from t = 0 to t = 16 s. (a ) For 0 < t < 4.17 s, m = 0.05Bvt = 2.04103t; for 4.17 s < t < 8.33 s, m = 8.51 mWb; for 8.33 s < t < 12.5 s, m = 8.51103(t 8.33); for t > 12.5 s, m = 0 The graph of m(t) is shown on the right. Here m is in mWb, t in s.

(b ) E = (d m/dt); for 0 < t < 4.17 s, E = 2.04 mV for 4.17 s < t < 8.33 s, E = 0; for 8.33 s < t < 12.5 s, E = 2.04 mV; for t > 12.5 s, E = 0. The graph of E(t) is shown on the right. Here E is in mV and t in s. The graph of the current is identical to that of E with the ordinate scale changed to Imax = 0.8 mA.

34 A uniform magnetic field of magnitude 1.2 T is in the z direction. A conducting rod of length 15 cm lies parallel to the y axis and oscillates in the x direction with displacement given by x = (2 cm) cos 120pt. What is the emf induced in the rod? Use Equ. 30-6 and v = dx/dt; E = B l A? sin(?t) E = [1.36 sin (120pt)] V

Chapter 30

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35 In Figure 30-37, the rod has a resistance R and the rails are horizontal and have negligible resistance. A battery of emf E and negligible internal resistance is connected between points a and b such that the current in the rod is downward. The rod is placed at rest at t = 0. (a ) Find the force on the rod as a function of the speed v and write Newton's second law for the rod when it has speed v. (b ) Show that the rod moves at a terminal speed and find an expression for it. (c) What is the current when the rod will approach its terminal speed? (a ) The net emf that drives a current in this circuit is the emf of the battery minus the induced emf in the rod as a result of its motion. Thus, I = (E B l v)/R. The force on the rod due to this current is F = BI l . Newtons equation of motion is therefore ma = (B l /R)(E B l v). (b ) Note that a diminishes as v increases and becomes zero when v = vt = E/B l , where vt is the terminal speed. (c) It follows from the expression for I given above that when v = vt, I = 0. 2 36 In Example 30-8, find the total energy dissipated in the resistance and show that it is equal to 1 2 mv0 . The power dissipated is P = I 2R = (B l v)2/R, where v = v0exp(-B2 l 2t/mR). The total energy dissipated as the rod comes to rest is obtained by integrating dE = P dt. Thus,
2 B 2l 2 v0 E= e R 0 2 B 2 l2 v2 0 mR

dt =

1 mv 2 2 0

37* Find the total distance traveled by the rod in Example 30-8. Note that v = dx/dt = v0eCt, where C = B2 l 2/mR. Integrating the differential equation gives x =

v e
0 0


dt = V0 / C .

The distance traveled is v0mR/B2 l 2. 38 In Figure 30-37, the rod has a resistance R and the rails have negligible resistance. A capacitor with charge Q0 and capacitance C is connected between points a and b such that the current in the rod is downward. The rod is placed at rest at t = 0. (a ) Write the equation of motion for the rod on the rails. (b ) Show that the terminal speed of the rod down the rails is related to the final charge on the capacitor. (a ) In this case, the current is given by I = (Q/C B l v)/R. The current is due to the discharge of the capacitor; consequently, I = dQ/dt. The acceleration is also proportional to the current through F = BI l = ma = m dv/dt. So dQ/dt = (m/B l ) dv/dt, or dQ = (m/B l ) dv. This is readily integrated; with Q = Q0 for v = 0 one obtains Q = Q0 mv/B l . Thus the equation of motion is dv B l I B l Q 0 (m v/B l ) B l Q0 1 B2 l 2 v = = B l v = + mRC RC dt m mR C mR (b ) At the terminal speed, F = 0 and therefore I = 0. Thus, Qf /C = B l vt, or vt = Qf /CB l . 39 In Figure 30-38, a conducting rod of mass m and negligible resistance is free to slide without friction along two parallel rails of negligible resistance separated by a distance l and connected by a resistance R. The rails are attached to a long inclined plane that makes an angle ? with the horizontal. There is a magnetic field B directed upward. (a ) Show that there is a retarding force directed up the incline given by F = ( B 2 l 2 v cos 2 ) / R. (b ) Show that the terminal speed of the rod is v t = ( mgR sin ) / ( B2 l 2 cos2 ). (a ) Here, only the horizontal component of v produces an induced emf; from Equ. 30-6, E = B l v cos ?, and the current in the circuit is then I = (B l v/R) cos ?. The force due to the interaction of the current I with the magnetic field B is given by F = I l B, which points in the horizontal direction and has the magnitude F = (B2 l 2v/R) cos ?. However, only the component of F along the inclined plane contributes to the retarding force.

Chapter 30

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So Fret = (B2 l 2v/R) cos 2 ?. (b ) From Newtons law, dv/dt = g sin ? Fret /m. At the terminal velocity, vt, dv/dt = 0. Solving for vt one finds vt = (mgR sin ?)/(B2 l 2 cos 2 ?). 40 A simple pendulum has a wire of length l supporting a metal ball of mass m. The wire has negligible mass and moves in a uniform horizontal magnetic field B. This pendulum executes simple harmonic motion having angular amplitude ?0. What is the emf generated along the wire? Since the pendulum moves with SHM, ?(t) = ?0 cos ?t, where = g/ l . Consider a segment dr along the wire a distance r from the pivot. The emf d E induced in this segment due to the motion of the wire is given by d E = Br(d ?/dt)dr = Br??0 sin ?t dr.Integrating from r = 0 to r = l gives E = 1/2B l 2??0 sin ?t. 41* A wire lies along the z axis and carries current I = 20 A in the positive z direction. A small conducting sphere of radius R = 2 cm is initially at rest on the y axis at a distance h = 45 m above the wire. The sphere is dropped at time t = 0. (a ) What is the electric field at the center of the sphere at t = 3 s? Assume that the only magnetic field is that produced by the wire. (b ) What is the voltage across the sphere at t = 3 s? 6 (a ) 1. Find B(y); use Equ. 29-12 B = 200/2py i = (410 /y) T i 2. Find the velocity of the sphere at t = 3 s v = gt j = 29.4 m/s j 2 3. Find y at t = 3 s; y = h 1/2gt and B y = 0.855 m; B = 1.17106 T i 4. Find E = v B E = 0.138 mV/m k V = 5.50 V (b ) V = 2RE 42 In Figure 30-38, let ? = 30, m = 0.4 kg, l = 15 m, and R = 2.0 O. The rod starts from rest at the top of the inclined plane at t = 0. The rails have negligible resistance. There is a constant, vertically directed magnetic field of magnitude B = 1.2 T. (a ) Find the emf induced in the rod as a function of its velocity down the rails. (b ) Write Newton's law of motion for the rod; show that the rod will approach a terminal speed and determine its value. (a ) E = B l v cos ? (see Problem 30-39) E = (1.56v) V 2l 2 2 (b ) dv/dt = g sin ? (B v/Rm)cos ? Dv/dt = 4.905 3.038v; vt = 1.61 m/s 43 When the rod of Problem 42 moves at its terminal speed, what is the power dissipated in the resistor? What is the rate of change of the potential energy of the rod? P = I2R; I = (B l vt /R) cos ? (see Problem 30-39) P = 3.16 W U = mgy; dU/dt = mgvt sin ? dU/dt = 3.16 W 44 A solid conducting cylinder of radius 0.1 m and mass of 4 kg rests on horizontal conducting rails (Figure 3039). The rails, separated by a distance a = 0.4 m, have a rough surface so the cylinder rolls rather than slides. A 12-V battery is connected to the rails as shown. The only significant resistance in the circuit is the contact resistance of 6 O between the cylinder and rails. The system is in a uniform vertical magnetic field. The cylinder is initially at rest next to the battery. (a ) What must be the magnitude and direction of B so that the cylinder has an initial acceleration of 0.1 m/s2 to the right? (b ) Find the force on the cylinder as a function of its speed v. (c) Find the terminal velocity of the cylinder. (d ) What is the kinetic energy of the cylinder when it has reached its terminal velocity? (Neglect the magnetic field due to the current in the batteryrailscylinder loop and assume that the current density in the cylinder is uniform.) Since the current through the rod is uniformly distributed, we may treat the current as though it were concentrated at the center of the rod.

Chapter 30

Magnetic Induction Fnet = BIa Ff = m dv/dt = mr d?/dt; Ff r = Im d ?/dt; r d?/dt = (BIa)/(m + Im/r2) = 2BIa/3m = dv/dt B = 0.75 T, pointing downward I = (E Bav)/R Fnet = (Ba /R)(E Bav) 1/2m dv/dt = m dv/dt dv/dt = 2Ba E/3mR (2B2a 2/3mR)v Solution is correct with t = 3mR/2B2a 2 v(t)= 40 (1 e t/400 ) m/s vt = 40 m/s K = 4800 J

(a ) 1. Write the equations of motion. Let Ff be the friction force, and Im the rods moment of inertia. 2. Solve for B with dv/dt = 0.1 m/s2 and I = E/R (b ) 1. Write an expression for I 2. Write Fnet in terms of the constants and v 3. Write the equation of motion 4. Try v(t)= vt (1 e t/ ) 0 with vt = E/Ba 5. Substitute numerical values (c) vt = E/Ba (d ) K = 1/2mvt2 + 1/2Im?t2 = 3mvt2/4

45* A rod of length l is perpendicular to a long wire carrying current I, as shown in Figure 30-40. The near end of the rod is a distance d away from the wire. The rod moves with a speed v in the direction of the current I. (a ) Show that the potential difference between the ends of the rod is given by I d+l V = 0 v ln 2 d (b ) Use Faraday's law to obtain this result by considering the flux through a rectangula r area A = l vt swept out by the rod. (a ) Consider a small segment of the rod of length dx. The induced field is dE = B(x)v dx, where B(x) = 0I/2px. d +l d +l 0 Iv 0 Iv d + l = 1n . Thus, V = Edx = 2x 2 d d d (b ) Again, consider a segment dx. d m = B dA = B vt dx = (0Iv/2px)t dx. Except for the factor t, the integrand is the same as before; hence 0 I v t d + l 0 I v d + l m = 2 ln d . The induced emf is E = d m/dt = 2 ln d . 46 The loop in Problem 10 moves away from the wire with a constant speed v. At time t = 0, the left side of the loop is a distance d from the long straight wire. (a ) Compute the emf in the loop by computing the motional emf in each segment of the loop that is parallel to the long wire. Explain why you can neglect the emf in the segments that are perpendicular to the wire. (b ) Compute the emf in the loop by first computing the flux through the loop as a function of time and then using E = -d m/dt and compare your answer with that obtained in part (a ). (a ) The motion of the segments perpendicular to the long wire does not change the flux through the rectangular loop. Consequently, these segments do not contribute to the induced emf. 1. E = vBb (Equ. 30-6); B = 2107I/R (Equ. 29-12); For the near wire, E1 = 2107Ibv/(d + vt); for the far wire, E2 = 2107Ibv/(d + a + vt). So the total emf is note that the emfs in both wires point up and 7 therefore oppose one another. E = 210 Ibv[1/(d + vt) 1/(d + a + vt)] 7 (b ) 1. Generalize the result of Problem 3010 m = (210 Ib) ln[(d + a + vt)/(d + vt)] 7 2. E = (d m /dt) E = 210 Ibv[1/(d + vt) 1/(d + a + vt)] 47 A conducting rod of length l rotates at constant angular velocity about one end, in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B (Figure 30-41). (a ) Show that the magnetic force on a charge q at a distance r from

Chapter 30

Magnetic Induction

B l 2 . (c) Draw the pivot is Bqr?. (b ) Show that the potential difference between the ends of the rod is V = 1 2

any radial line in the plane from which to measure ? = ?t. Show that the area of the pie -shaped region between l 2?. Compute the flux through this area, and show that E = 1 l2 the reference line and the rod is A = 1 2 2 B? follows when Faraday's law is applied to this area. (a ) We have F = q v B. Here v and B are at right angles, and v = r?. So F = qBr?. (b ) We can use Equ. 30-6 to find d E = Br? dr. Integrating from r = 0 to r = l one obtains E = 1/2B? l 2. (c) For any value of ?, the area dA between r and r + dr is r? dr. Integrating from r = 0 to r = l , one finds A = 1/2 l 2?. The flux through this area is m = BA = 1/2B l 2?, and E = d m /dt = 1/2B l 2?. 48 How would the self-inductance of a solenoid be changed if (a ) the same length of wire were wound onto a cylinder of the same diameter but twice the length; (b ) twice as much wire were wound onto the same cylinder; and (c) the same length of wire were wound onto a cylinder of the same length but twice the diameter? (a ) L is given by Equ. 30-9. Since the diameter does not change, the number of turns and the area A remain constant. However, n 2 is diminished by a factor of 4 and l is increased by a factor of 2. Thus L is reduced by a factor of 2. (b ) Using twice as much wire and making no other change, n 2 and L are increased by a factor of 4. (c) With twice the diameter, n 2 is reduced by a factor of 4, but A is increased by the same factor; L is unchanged. 49* A coil with a self-inductance of 8.0 H carries a current of 3 A that is changing at a rate of 200 A/s. Find (a ) the magnetic flux through the coil and (b ) the induced emf in the coil. (a) m = LI; I = (3 + 200t) A m = 24 + 1600t Wb (b ) E = -L(dI/dt) E = 1600 V 50 A coil with self-inductance L carries a current I, given by I = I0 sin 2pft. Find and graph the flux m and the self-induced emf as functions of time. By definition, m = LI = LI0 sin 2pf 0t and the induced emf E = L dI/dt = 2pfLI0 cos 2pft. The two quantities are shown in the figures. The maximum value of the flux is LI0; the maximum value of the induced emf is 2pfLI0.

Chapter 30

Magnetic Induction

51 A solenoid has a length of 25 cm, a radius of 1 cm, and 400 turns, and carries a 3-A current. Find (a ) B on the axis at the center of the solenoid; (b ) the flux through the solenoid, assuming B to be uniform; (c) the self-inductance of the solenoid; and (d ) the induced emf in the solenoid when the current changes at 150 A/s. B = (4p107 16003) T = 6.03 mT (a ) Use Equ. 29-9 4 (b ) m = NBA (Equ. 30-3) m = 7.5810 Wb (c) L = m /I (Equ. 30-7) L = 0.253 mH (d ) Use Equ. 30-10 E = 37.9 mV 52 Two solenoids of radii 2 cm and 5 cm are coaxial. They are each 25 cm long and have 300 and 1000 turns, respectively. Find their mutual inductance. Use Equ. 30-13 n 1 = 4000 m1, n 2 = 1200 m1; M = 1.89 mH 53* A long, insulated wire with a resistance of 18 O/m is to be used to construct a resistor. First, the wire is bent in half, and then the doubled wire is wound in a cylindrical form as shown in Figure 30-42. The diameter of the cylindrical form is 2 cm, its length is 25 cm, and the total length of wire is 9 m. Find the resistance and inductance of this wire-wound resistor. Note that the current in the two parts of the wire is in opposite directions. Consequently, the total flux in the coil is zero, and the self inductance is also zero. L = 0. The length of the wire is 9 m, so its resistance is 918 O = 162 O. 54 Figure 30-43 shows two long solenoids each with 2000 turns of wire. The outer solenoid is 20 cm long and has a diameter of 2 cm. The inner solenoid is 10 cm long and has a diameter of 1 cm. Find the effective inductance of this arrangement. 1. Write the expression for L (see Problem 99) L = L1 + L2 2M L1 = 0 p103 H; L2 = 0 2p103 H 2. Evaluate L1 and L2 using Equs. 30-9 3. Evaluate M = 0N1N2A1/ l 1 M = 0 p103 H 4. Evaluate L = L1 + L2 2M; note that flux of L1 L = 2p103 0 H = 7.90 mH opposes that of L2; use the negative sign. 55 In Figure 30-44, circuit 2 has a total resistance of 300 O. A total charge of 2104 C flows through the galvanometer in circuit 2 when switch S in circuit 1 is closed. After a long time, the current in circuit 1 is 5 A. What is the mutual inductance between the two coils? 1. Use Kirchhoffs law for the galvanometer circuit M dI1/dt + L2 dI2/dt RI2 = 0 2. Integrate each term from t = 0 to t = MI1 + L2I2 RQ = 0; I2 = 0 3. Solve for and evaluate M M = RQ/I2 = 12 mH 56 Show that the inductance of a toroid of rectangular cross section as shown in Figure 30-45 is given by N 2 H ln (b/a) L= 0 2 where N is the total number of turns, a is the inside radius, b is the outside radius, and H is the height of the toroid. From Equ. 29-17, B = 0NI/2pr. Consider a strip of height H and width dr; the flux in this strip is d m = BHdr. Integrate d m from r = a to r = b . The result is m = (0NIH/2p) ln(b /a ). This flux encloses N turns, so L = N m /I = (0N 2H/2p) ln(b /a ). 57* If the current through an inductor were doubled, the energy stored in the inductor would be (a ) the same.

Chapter 30

Magnetic Induction

(b ) doubled. (c) quadrupled. (d ) halved. (e) quartered. (c ) 58 A coil with a self-inductance of 2.0 H and a resistance of 12.0 O is connected across a 24-V battery of negligible internal resistance. (a ) What is the final current? (b ) How much energy is stored in the inductor when the final current is attained? (a ) If = E/R If = 2 A (b ) Use Equ. 30-16 Um = 4 J 59 Find (a ) the magnetic energy, (b ) the electric energy, and (c) the total energy in a volume of 1.0 m3 in which there is an electric field of 104 V/m and a magnetic field of 5000 G. (a ) u E = 1/2e0E 2 (Equ. 25-11) UE = 4.43104 J (b ) u m = 1/2B2/0 Um = 9.95104 J (c ) U = U E + U m U m U = 9.95104 J 60 In a plane electromagnetic wave such as a light wave, the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields are related by E = cB, where c = 1/ 0 0 is the speed of light. Show that in this case the electric and the magnetic energy densities are equal. From Equs. 25-11 and 30-17 we have u E = 1/2e0E 2 and u m = 1/2B 2/0. If E = cB, then E 2 = B 2/e00 and u E = u m. 61* A solenoid of 2000 turns, area 4 cm2, and length 30 cm carries a current of 4.0 A. (a ) Calculate the 2 magnetic energy stored in the solenoid from 1 2 LI . (b ) Divide your answer in part (a ) by the volume of the solenoid to find the magnetic energy per unit volume in the solenoid. (c) Find B in the solenoid. (d ) Compute the magnetic energy density from u m = B2/20, and compare your answer with your result for part (b ). (a ) Use Equ. 30-9 to find L; Um = 1/2LI 2 L = 6.70 mH; Um = 53.6 mJ l (b) u m = Um/V = Um/A u m = 447 J/m3 (c) B = 0nI = 0NI/ l B = 33.5 mT (d ) u m = B2/20 u m = 447 J/m3 as in part (b ) 62 A long, cylindrical wire of radius a = 2 cm carries current I = 80 A uniformly distributed over its crosssectional area. Find the magnetic energy per unit length within the wire. Consider a cylindrical annulus of thickness dr at a radius r < a . The field B is given by B = 0Ir/2pa 2 (see Problem 29-49). The magnetic energy per unit length in this annulus is dUm = (0I 2r2/8p2a 4)2pr dr. To find the total magnetic energy within the cylinder, integrate dUm from r = 0 to r = a . The result is Um = 0I 2/16p. Note that the magnetic energy per unit length is independent of the radius of the cylinder and depends only on the total current. Substitute numerical values. Um = 0.16 mJ/m. 63 A toroid of mean radius 25 cm and circular cross section of radius 2 cm is wound with a superconducting wire of length 1000 m that carries a current of 400 A. (a ) What is the number of turns on the coil? (b ) What is the magnetic field at the mean radius? (c) Assuming that B is constant over the area of the coil, calculate the magnetic energy density and the total energy stored in the toroid. (a ) Length per turn = 2pr; N = L/2pr N = 7958

Chapter 30 (b ) Use Equ. 29-17; here r = rmean (c) Use Equ. 30-17; V 2p2r2rmean; Um = Vu m

Magnetic Induction B = 2.55 T u m = 2.58106 J/m3; Um = 5.09 kJ

64 A coil of resistance 8.0 O and self-inductance 4.0 H is suddenly connected across a constant potential difference of 100 V. Let t = 0 be the time of connection, at which the current is zero. Find the current I and its rate of change dI/dt at times (a ) t = 0, (b ) t = 0.1 s, (c) t = 0.5 s, and (d ) t = 1.0 s. (a ), (b ), (c), (d ) Use Equs. 30-21 and 30-22 I = 12.5(1 et/0.5 ) A; dI/dt = 25et/0.5 A/s and evaluate for t = 0, 0.1 s, 0.5 s, and 1.0 s t = 0: I = 0, dI/dt = 25 A/s t = 0.1 s: I = 2.27 A, dI/dt = 20.5 A/s t = 0.5 s: I = 7.90 A, dI/dt = 9.20 A/s t = 1.0 s: I = 10.8 A, dI/dt = 3.38 A/s 65* The current in a coil with a self-inductance of 1 mH is 2.0 A at t = 0, when the coil is shorted through a resistor. The total resistance of the coil plus the resistor is 10.0 O. Find the current after (a ) 0.5 ms and (b ) 10 ms. (a ), (b ) I(t) = I0 e(R/L)t; R/L = 104 s1 (a ) I(0.5 ms) = 13.5 mA (b ) I(10 ms) = 7.441044 A 0 66 In the circuit of Figure 30-20, let E0 = 12.0 V, R = 3.0 O, and L = 0.6 H. The switch is closed at time t = 0. At time t = 0.5 s, find (a ) the rate at which the battery supplies power, (b ) the rate of Joule heating, and (c) the rate at which energy is being stored in the inductor. (a ) 1. Use Equs. 30-21 and 30-22 I = 4(1 e5t ) A; dI/dt = 20e5t A/s 2. Find I(0.5 s); P = IE I = 3.67 A; P = 44.1 W 2 (b ) PJ = I R PJ = 40.4 W (c) dUL /dt = LI dI/dt dI/dt = 1.64 A/s; dUL /dt = 3.62 W = P PJ 67 Do Problem 66 for the times t = 1 s and t = 100 s. Proceeding as in the preceding problem one obtains, for t = 1.0 s, I = 3.973 A and dI/dt = 0.135 A/s. Then: (a ) P = 47.7 W; (b ) PJ = 47.4 W; (c) dUL /dt = 0.322 W. For t = 100 s, I = 4.00 A and dI/dt 0. So, (a ) P = 48.0 W; (b ) PJ = 48.0 W; (c) dUL /dt = 0. 68 The current in an RL circuit is zero at time t = 0 and increases to half its final value in 4.0 s. (a ) What is the time constant of this circuit? (b ) If the total resistance is 5 O, what is the self-inductance? (a ) Here et/t = 0.5; find t for t = 4 s 4/t = ln 2; t = 5.77 s (b ) L/R = t (Equ. 3-22) L = Rt = 28.9 H 69* How many time constants must elapse before the current in an RL circuit that is initially zero reaches (a ) 90%, (b ) 99%, and (c) 99.9% of its final value? (a ), (b ), (c) 1 et/t = x; t/t = ln[1/(1 x)] (a ) x = 0.9, t/t = 2.30; (b ) x = 0.99, t/t = 4.61; (c) x = 0.999, t/t = 6.91 70 A coil with inductance 4 mH and resistance 150 O is connected across a battery of emf 12 V and negligible internal resistance. (a ) What is the initial rate of increase of the current? (b ) What is the rate of increase when the current is half its final value? (c) What is the final current? (d ) How long does it take for the current to reach

Chapter 30 99% of its final value? (a ) From Equs. 30-21 and 30-22, dI/dt = E/L eRt/L (b ) When I = I0/2, eRt/L = 0.5 (c) If = E/R (d ) Find t when eRt/L = 0.01

Magnetic Induction

For t = 0, dI/dt = 3.0 kA/s dI/dt = 1.5 kA/s If = 80 mA t = (L/R) ln 100 = 0.123 ms

71 A large electromagnet has an inductance of 50 H and a resistance of 8.0 O. It is connected to a dc power source of 250 V. Find the time for the current to reach (a ) 10 A and (b ) 30 A. (a ) 1. Write I(t) using Equs. 30-21 and 30-22 I(t) = 31.25(1 e0.16t ) A 2. Solve for t when (1 e0.16t ) = 0.32 t = [ln (1/0.68)]/0.16 = 2.41 s 0.16t (b ) Solve for t when (1 e ) = 0.96 t = 20.1 s 72 Given the circuit shown in Figure 30-46, assume that switch S has been closed for a long time so that steady currents exist in the circuit and that the inductor L is made of superconducting wire so that its resistance may be considered to be zero. (a ) Find the battery current, the current in the 100-O resistor, and the current through the inductor. (b ) Find the initial voltage across the inductor when switch S is opened. (c) Give the current in the inductor as a function of time measured from the instant of opening switch S. (a ) The 100-O resistor is shorted by L I = 1 A; I100 = 0; IL = 1 A (b ) VLi = (100 O)(1 A) VLi = 100 V Rt/L (c) IL(t) = IL(0) e IL(t) = e50t A 73* Compute the initial slope dI/dt at t = 0 from Equation 30-24, and show that if the current decreased steadily at this rate, it would be zero after one time constant. I = I0 et/t; dI/dt = (1/t)I0 et/t. At t = 0, dI/dt = I0/t. If I is a linear function of t, then I = I0(1 t/t) and I = 0 at t = t. 74 An inductance L and resistance R are connected in series with a battery as in Figure 30-22. A long time after switch S1 is closed, the current is 2.5 A. When the battery is switched out of the circuit by opening switch S1 and closing S2, the current drops to 1.5 A in 45 ms. (a ) What is the time constant for this circuit? (b ) If R = 0.4 O, what is L? (a ) I = I0 et/t; solve for t e0.045/t = 0.6; t = 0.0881 s (b ) L = tR L = 35.2 mH 75 When the current in a certain coil is 5.0 A and is increasing at the rate of 10.0 A/s, the potential difference across the coil is 140 V. When the current is 5.0 A and is decreasing at the rate of 10 A/s, the potential difference is 60 V. Find the resistance and self-inductance of the coil. 1. V = IR + L dI/dt; write the two conditions given 140 = 5R + 10L; 60 = 5R - 10L 2. Solve for R and L R = 20 O, L = 4 H 76 For the circuit of Figure 30-47, (a ) find the rate of change of the current in each inductor and in the resistor just after the switch is closed. (b ) What is the final current? (Use the result from Problem 92.) (a ) 1. Find Leff and t; see Problem 30-92 Leff = 2.67 mH 2. At t = 0, dIR/dt = E/L dIR/dt = 9.0 kA/s

Chapter 30 3. Note that at t = 0, IR = 0; L dIL /dt = E (b ) If = E/R

Magnetic Induction L = 8 mH, dIL /dt = 3 kA/s; L = 4 mH, dIL /dt = 6 kA/s If = 1.6 A

77* For the circuit of Example 30-11, find the time at which the power dissipation in the resistor equals the rate at which magnetic energy is stored in the inductor. 1. Find the rate of energy storage in L dUL /dt = d (1/2LI 2)/dt = LI(dI/dt) 1/t = (1/I)(dI/dt) = et/t/[t(1 et/t)] 2. Set I 2R = LI(dI/dt) 3. Solve for t/t and find t for t = 333 s t/t = ln(2); t = 231 s 78 In the circuit of Figure 30-21, let E0 = 12.0 V, R = 3.0 O, and L = 0.6 H. The switch is closed at time t = 0. From time t = 0 to t = t, find (a ) the total energy that has been supplied by the battery, (b ) the total energy that has been dissipated in the resistor, and (c) the energy that has been stored in the inductor. (Hint: Find the rates as functions of time and integrate from t = 0 to t = t = L/R.) T (a) Integrate P = EI from 0 to t; t = L/R and I is t /T 2 dt = E2t/Re = E2L/R2e; E = 3.53 J (E /R) 1 e given by Equ. 30-21 0 (b ) Integrate I2R from 0 to t with I given by Equ. 30-21 T t / T 2 (c) At t = t, UL = 1/2LI 2 = (E2L/R2)(1 e1)2 + e 2t / T dt = (E2/R)(2t/e t/2 (E /R) 1 2e


2 t/2e );

EJ = 0.168E2L/R2 = 1.61 J UL = 1.92 J; note that UL + EJ = E 79 Two identical bar magnets are dropped from equal heights. Magnet A is dropped from above bare earth, whereas magnet B is dropped from above a metal plate. Which magnet strikes first? (a ) Magnet A (b ) Magnet B (c) Both strike at the same time. (d ) Whichever has the N pole toward the ground. (e) Whichever has the S pole toward the ground. (a ) 80 True or false: (a ) The induced emf in a circuit is proportional to the magnetic flux through the circuit. (b ) There can be an induced emf at an instant when the flux through the circuit is zero. (c) Lenz's law is related to the conservation of energy. (d ) The inductance of a solenoid is proportional to the rate of change of the current in it. (e) The magnetic energy density at some point in space is proportional to the square of the magnetic field at that point. (a ) False (b ) True (c) True (d ) False (e) True 81* A bar magnet is dropped inside a long vertical tube. If the tube is made of metal, the magnet quickly approaches a terminal speed, but if the tube is made of cardboard, it does not. Explain. The time varying magnetic field of the magnet sets up eddy currents in the metal tube.The eddy currents establish a magnetic field with a magnetic moment opposite to that of the moving magnet; thus the magnet is slowed down. If the tube is made of a nonconducting material, there are no eddy currents.

Chapter 30

Magnetic Induction

82 A circular coil of radius 3.0 cm has 6 turns. A magnetic field B = 5000 G is perpendicular to the coil. (a ) Find the magnetic flux through the coil. (b ) Find the magnetic flux through the coil if the coil makes an angle of 20 with the magnetic field. (a ), (b ) Use Equ. 30-3; B = 0.5 T; A = 2.83103 m2 (a ) m = 8.48 mWb; (b ) m = 7.97 mWb 83 The magnetic field in Problem 82 is steadily reduced to zero in 1.2 s. Find the emf induced in the coil when (a ) the magnetic field is perpendicular to the coil and (b ) the magnetic field makes an angle of 20 with the normal to the coil. (a ), (b ) Use Equ. 30-5; E = ? /?t = m /?t (a ) E = 7.07 mV; (b ) E = 6.64 mV 84 A 100-turn coil has a radius of 4.0 cm and a resistance of 25 O. At what rate must a perpendicular magnetic field change to produce a current of 4.0 A in the coil? From Equ. 30-5, E = IR = NA(dB/dt) dB/dt = IR/NA = 199 T/s 85* Figure 30-48 shows an ac generator. It consists of a rectangular loop of dimensions a and b with N turns connected to slip rings. The loop rotates with an angular velocity ? in a uniform magnetic field B. (a ) Show that the potential difference between the two slip rings is E = NBab? sin wt. (b ) If a = 1.0 cm, b = 2.0 cm, N = 1000, and B = 2 T, at what angular frequency ? must the coil rotate to generate an emf whose maximum value is 110 V? (a ) Find m(t) and E = d m /dt m(t) = NBA cos ?t; E = NBab? sin ?t 4 (b ) Emax for sin ?t = 1; solve for ? ? = 110/(1000210 2) = 275 rad/s 86 Prior to about 1960, magnetic field strength was measured by means of a rotating coil gaussmeter. This device used a small loop of many turns rotating on an axis perpendicular to the magnetic field at fairly high speed and connected to an ac voltmeter by means of slip rings like those shown in Figure 30-48. The sensing coil for a rotating coil gaussmeter has 400 turns and an area of 1.4 cm2. The coil rotates at 180 rpm. If the magnetic field strength is 0.45 T, find the maximum induced emf in the coil and the orientation of the coil relative to the field for which this maximum induced emf occurs. 4 Use the result of Problem 30-85 Emax = (4000.451.410 18.85) V = 0.475 V when the plane of the coil is parallel to the magnetic field. 87 Show that the effective inductance for two inductors L1 and L2 connected in series such that none of the flux from either passes through the other is given by Leff = L1 + L2. Since the inductors L1 and L2 are in series, I1 = I2 = I and dI1/dt = dI2/dt = dI/dt. The total induced emf is E = E1 + E2 = (L1 + L2) dI/dt = Leff dI/dt. So Leff = L1 + L2. 88 The rectangular coil in Figure 30-49 has 80 turns, is 25 cm wide and 30 cm long, and is located in a magnetic field B = 1.4 T directed out of the page as shown, with only half of the coil in the region of the magnetic field. The resistance of the coil is 24 O. Find the magnitude and direction of the induced current if the coil is moved with a speed of 2 m/s (a ) to the right, (b ) up, (c) to the left, and (d ) down. (a ) and (c): E = 0 and I = 0; (b ) and (d ): I = 2.33 A; (a ), (b ), (c), (d ) Proceed as in Example 30-6 for (b ) I is clockwise, for (d ) I is counterclockwise

Chapter 30

Magnetic Induction

89* Suppose the coil of Problem 88 is rotated about its vertical centerline at constant angular velocity of 2 rad/s. Find the induced current as a function of time. From Problem 85, I = E/R = (NBA? sin ?t)/R I(t) = (800.03751.42/24) sin 2t A= 0.35 sin 2t A 90 Suppose the coil of Problem 88 is rotated about its horizontal centerline at constant angular velocity of 2 rad/s. Find the induced current as a function of time. Since the rotation is about the centerline, d m /dt is the same as in Problem 30-89. So I = 0.35 sin 2t. 91 Show that if the flux through each turn of an N-turn coil of resistance R changes from m1 to m2, the total charge passing through the coil is given by Q = N( m1 m2)/R. The induced current is I = E/R = (N/R) d m /dt = dQ/dt. So dQ = (N/R) d m , and integrating both sides one obtains ?Q = (N/R)( m1 m2). 92 Show that the effective inductance for two inductors L1 and L2 connected in parallel such that none of the flux from either passes through the other is given by

1 Leff

1 L1

1 L2

For the parallel connection, E1 = E2 = E and I = I1 + I2 and dI/dt = dI1/dt + dI2/dt. The emfs are E = L1 dI1/dt and E = L2 dI2/dt. Define Leff by Leff = E/(dI/dt). Then Leff = E/(E/L1 + E/L2) = L1L2/(L1 + L2) or 1/Leff = 1/L1 + 1/L2. 93* A long solenoid has n turns per unit length and carries a current given by I = I0 sin wt. The solenoid has a circular cross section of radius R. Find the induced electric field at a radius r from the axis of the solenoid for (a ) r < R and (b ) r > R. (a ) The field within the solenoid is B = 0nI. The flux through an area pr2 for r < R is then m = pr20nI. We now apply Equ. 30-5 and obtain 2prE = d m /dt. Solving for E we find E = (0nrI0? /2) cos ?t. (b ) Proceed as in part (a ) with m = pR20nI. One obtains E = (0nR2I0? /2r) cos ?t. 94 A thin-walled hollow wire of radius a lies with its axis along the z axis and carries current I in the positive z direction. A second identical wire is parallel to the first with its axis along the line x = d . The second wire carries current I in the negative z direction. (a ) Find the magnetic flux per unit length through the space in the xz plane between the wires. (b ) If the far ends of the wires are connected together so that the parallel wires form two sides of a loop, find the self-inductance per unit length of the loop. (a ) Since the two wires carry the same current but in opposite directions, the fields produced by them in the region between the wires are in the same direction. Moreover, the total flux in this region is just twice the flux due to the current in one of the wires. We can now use the result of Problem 30-10, with b = 1 m, d replaced by a , and a replaced by d 2a . Thus the flux per unit length due to the currents in the two wires in the specified region is m = (oI/p) ln[(d a )/a ]. (b ) From the definition of L, Equ. 30-7, L = (0/p) ln[(d a )/a ] 95 A coaxial cable consists of two very thin-walled conducting cylinders of radii r1 and r2 (Figure 30-50). Current I goes in one direction down the inner cylinder and in the opposite direction in the outer cylinder. (a ) Use Ampre's law to find B. Show that B = 0 except in the region between the conductors. (b ) Show that the magnetic energy density in the region between the cylinders is 0 I2 um = 8 2 r 2 (c) Find the magnetic energy in a cylindrical shell volume element of length l and volume dV = l 2pr dr, and

Chapter 30

Magnetic Induction

integrate your result to show that the total magnetic energy in the volume of length l is r2 U m = 0 I 2 l ln 4 r1 2 (d ) Use the result in part (c) and Um = 1 2 0LI to show that the self-inductance per unit length is L 0 r2 = ln l 2 r 1 (a ) The system exhibits cylindrical symmetry, so one can use Ampres law to determine B. For r < r1 and for r > r2 the net enclosed current is zero; consequently, in these regions B = 0. For r1 < r < r2, 2prB = 0I and B = 0I/2pr. (b ) u m is given by Equ. 30-17; i.e., u m = 0I 2/8p2r2 in the region between the two cylinders. (c) Um = u m dV, where dV = 2pr l dr. Integrating from r = r1 to r = r2 one obtains Um = (0 l I 2/4p) ln(r2/r1). (d ) Set l = 1 m and use the relation Um = 1/2LI 2. Then L = (0/2p) ln(r2/r1) per unit length. 96 In Figure 30-50, compute the flux through a rectangular area of sides l and r2 r1 between the conductors. Show that the self-inductance per unit length can be found from m = LI (see part (d ) of Problem 95). Consider a strip of unit length and width dr at a distance r from the axis. The flux through this area is given by d m = B dA = B dr = (0I/2p) dr/r. Integrating from r = r1 to r = r2 one obtains m = (0I/2p) ln(r2/r1). Using the definition for L, Equ. 30-7, L = (0/2p) ln(r2/r1). 97* Figure 30-51 shows a rectangular loop of wire, 0.30 m wide and 1.50 m long, in the vertical plane and perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B = 0.40 T, directed inward as shown. The portion of the loop not in the magnetic field is 0.10 m long. The resistance of the loop is 0.20 O and its mass is 0.50 kg. The loop is released from rest at t = 0. (a ) What is the magnitude and direction of the induced current when the loop has a downward velocity v? (b ) What is the force that acts on the loop as a result of this current? (c) What is the net force acting on the loop? (d ) Write the equation of motion of the loop. (e) Obtain an expression for the velocity of the loop as a function of time. (f ) Integrate the expression obtained in part (e) to find the displacement y as a function of time. (g ) From the result obtained in part (f ) find t for y = 1.40 m, i.e., the time when the loop leaves the region of magnetic field. (h ) Find the velocity of the loop at that instant. (i) What would be the velocity of the loop after it has dropped 1.40 m if B = 0? (a ) E = Bv l ; I = E/R; use Lenzs law I = (0.40.3/0.2) v A = 0.6v A, clockwise l (b ) Fv = BI directed up Fv = ( v A = 0.072v N, directed up (c) Fnet = mg Fv Fnet = (0.5g 0.072v) N, directed down (d ) Fnet = ma = m(dv/dt) 0.5g 0.072v = 0.5( dv/dt) (e) See Problem 5-88 v(t) = 68.1(1 e0.144t) m/s (f ) y(t) = v(t) dt y(t) = 68.1[ t + 6.94( e0.144t 1)] m (g ) Find t for y = 1.40 m by trial and error t = 0.538 s (h ) Find v(0.538 s) from part (e) v(0.538 s) = 5.08 m/s (i) v = 2 g h v = 5.24 m/s 98 The loop of Problem 97 is attached to a plastic spring of spring constant ? (Figure 30-52). (a ) When B = 0, the period of small-amplitude vertical oscillations of the massspring system is 0.8 s. Find the spring constant ?. (b ) When B 0, a current is induced in the loop as a result of its up and down motion. Obtain an expression for the induced current as a function of time when B = 0.40 T. (c) Show that the induced current acts as a damping mechanism. (d ) Determine the value of the magnetic field for which the Q of the massspring system is 100.

Chapter 30 (a ) Use Equ. 14-12; ? = 4p2m/T 2 (b) Let y = y0 sin ?t; find E/R; E = Bv l (c) The damping force is of the form Fd = bv

Magnetic Induction ? = 30.8 N/m E/R = [( /0.2) cos 7.85t] A I = (4.71y0 sin 7.85t) A Fd = BI l = (0.565y0 cos 7.85t) N
T 2 2 E = I 2 Rdt = 27 .73 B 2 y 0 cos 2 tdt = 13 .87 B 2 y 0 0 0

(d ) 1. Find the energy loss per cycle 2. Write the energy of the oscillator 3. Q = 2pE/?E; solve for B

E = 1/2?y0 = 15.4y0 B2 = (15.42p/1387) T2; B = 0.264 T

99* Show that the effective inductance of two inductors, L1 and L2, connected in series and in close proximity, is Leff = L1 + L2 2M . When should the plus sign be used in this expression, and when should the minus sign be used? We need to find L in terms of L1, L2, and M . We recall that the flux in the coil L1 is m1 I2M and the flux in the coil L2 is m2 I1M , where we have used mi to denote the flux due to each inductor when isolated from the other. Since the same current flows through both inductors, the total flux linking the two inductors is m = L1I + L2I 2MI, and consequently Leff = L1 + L2 2M . The positive sign should be used if the two inductors are wound in the same sense so that the fluxes add, the negative sign if the inductors are wound in an opposing sense so that the fluxes subtract.

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