Asth Siddhis and Nav Nidhis

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Anima (shrinking) - Power of becoming the size of an atom and entering the smallest beings.

Mahima (illimitability) - Power of becoming mighty and co-extensive with the universe. The power of increasing one's size without limit. Lagima (lightness) - Capacity to be quite light though big in size. Garima (weight) - Capacity to weigh heavy, though seemingly small size. Prapthi (fulfillment of desires) - Capacity to enter all the worlds from Brahma Loga to the neither world. It is the power of attaining everything desired. Prakasysm (irresistable will) - Power of disembodying and entering into other bodies (metempsychosis) and going to heaven and enjoying what everyone aspires for, simply from where he stays. Isithavam (supremacy) - Have the creative power of God and control over the Sun, the moon and the elements and Vasithavam (dominion over the elements) - Power of control over all the living being. The power of changing the course of nature and assuming any form.

In the context of Hindu mythology, Nidhi, that is, a treasure, constituted of nine treasures (nawanidhi) belonging to Kubera (also spelt as Kuvera), the god of wealth. According to the tradition, each nidhi is personified as having a guardian spirit, and some tantrikas worship them. - mahapadma "great lotus flower" (Gaja Mukta) - padma "lotus flower" (Nag Mani) - shankha "conch" (Nine Gems) - makara "dolphin or crocodile" (Paras Linga) - kachchhapa "tortoise" (Maha Mani) - mukunda "a particular precious stone" (Srivardhana Mani) - kunda "jasmine" (Raja Mani) - nila "sapphire" (Mahabandhana Mani) - kharva "dwarf" (Billi ka Jer)
When considered as mines, minerals, earthenware and ocean resources, the nine treasures of Kubera are interpreted as: - padma (lake in Himalaya with minerals and jewels) - mahapadma (lake double the size of padma in Himalaya with minerals and jewels) - makara (Synonym of Padmini, black antimony)

- nila (Antimony) - mukunda (cinnabar, or quicksilver) - kunda (arsenic) - kharva (cups or vessels baked in fire) - kachchhapa (tortoise or turtle shell) - sankha (conch shell)

8 Siddhis (Supernatural powers) are:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Aim: Ability to reduce one's size Mahima: Ability to increase one's size Garima: Ability to increase one's weight infinitely Laghima: Ability to become lighter than the lightest Prpti: Ability to Obtain anything Prkmya: Ability to acquire anything desired Iiva: Lordship over creation Vaitva: Having control over things

Ten Secondary Siddhis In the Bhagavata Purana, Lord Krishna describes the Ten Secondary Siddhis as: anurmi-mattvam: Being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other bodily disturbances dura-sravana: Hearing things far away

dura-darsanam: Seeing things far away manah-javah: Moving the body wherever thought goes (teleportation) kama-rupam: Assuming any form desired para-kaya pravesanam: Entering the bodies of others sva-chanda mrtyuh: Dying when one desires devanam saha krida anudarsanam: Witnessing and participating in the pastimes of the Gods. yatha sankalpa samsiddhi: Perfect accomplishment of one's determination ajna apratihata gatih: Orders or Commands being unimpeded.

9 Nidhis (treasures) are:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Mahapadma: Great lotus flower Padma: Lotus/ a Himalayan lake with treasures Shankha: Conch shell Makara: Crocodile/ Antimony Kachchhapa: Tortoise or turtle shell Mukunda: Cinnabar/ Quick Silver Kunda: Jasmine/ Arsenic Nila: Sapphire/ Antimony Kharva: Cups, vessels baked in fire

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