Gas Lift Star
Gas Lift Star
Gas Lift Star
The starting load reflects the pressure at the operating valve just as the valve opens. It is the pressure exerted on the operating valve by the column of fluid in the tubing above it. A typical design might employ a Starting Load Factor of 50 to 75 percentthat is, fluid will be allowed to build up in the tubing until the tubing pressure is 50 to 75 percent of the available casing pressure. For a normal design situation, a smaller load factor would be used; when there is a high surface tubing pressure or a high gas delivery rate into the tubing, the Starting Load Factor would be closer to 75 percent. In either case, the excess casing pressure provides the slug velocity. For a given starting load, we may calculate the volume of liquid in the tubing as follows:
p = pt - pts h = p/Gs
Be = (h)Ftb
where: p = pressure imposed by the fluid in the tubing above the valve. pt = bottomhole tubing pressure pts = surface tubing pressure h = height of rise of fluid in the tubing. Ignoring the gas column in the tubing, it is equal to p divided by the pressure gradient of the produced liquid, G s Ftb = tubing volume factor, volume/unit of length (e.g., Bbl/ft) Be = fluid influx volume/cycle (the volume of fluid in the tubing available for lift during each cyclee.g., Bbl/cycle).
The next consideration is whether the entire volume of fluid inflow into the tubing is lifted during a cycle and, if not, what level of efficiency exists. As a slug of fluid moves up the tubing during lift, some of the fluid adheres to the tubing walls and some becomes entrained as droplets in the gas phase. This lost fluid is referred to as holdup. Field tests have shown that a holdup of five percent to seven percent of the starting load per 1000 feet of lift will exist when the starting load is within 65 to 75 percent of available casing pressure (Winkler and Smith, 1962). These conditions exist when the slug velocity is optimum and holdup is low. For an assumed loss of 5 percent per 1000 feet of vertical lift, the efficiency of lift, E, will be equal to:
If, for example, the gas lift valve is at a depth of 4000 feet, the efficiency of lift will be:
With this information, we may calculate Bt , the liquid produced per cycle:
Under these conditions, 80% of the starting load should be produced. With this information, we can calculate the volume of fluid produced per cycle.
Knowing the volume of fluid produced per cycle, the next step is to calculate the number of lift cycles that are possible per day as follows:
where Nc = number of cycles per day tc = minimum time per cycle, minutes per 1000 ft of depth Dv= depth of valve, ft Nc depends on the depth of lift and the length of time required for pressure reduction and inflow periods. The cycle time is usually adjusted in the field under actual operating conditions, but initial estimates may be made. For example, given a particular range of operating conditions, a reasonable first assumption for the minimum time per cycle might be on the order of 3.0 minutes per 1000 feet of lift (Winkler and Smith, 1962). For an operating valve located at a depth of 4000 feet and a minimum cycle time factor of 3 minutes per 1000 feet of depth, then, the maximum number of cycles per day is:
The daily production rate is the product of Nc and Bt. This estimate provides a good starting point for determining daily production. However, when the intermittent system is installed in the field, it may turn out that the ideal number of cycles per day, as determined through field tests, is less than this maximum. To estimate the maximum daily production rate q, use the following equation:
Sample Problem
Estimate the production capability of a well under the following conditions:
Depth of the operating valve = 8000 feet Tubing size = 2 3/8-inches OD Surface tubing pressure = 100 psi Surface operating gas pressure = 800 psi Gas gravity = 0.65 Oil gradient = 0.40 psi/ft
Calculate the maximum daily production rate of the well using intermittent gas lift operations. 1. First, calculate the liquid inflow per cycle. 2. Determine the gas pressure in the annulus opposite the operating valve, with a known surface pressure of 800 psi, and an estimated gas gradient of 0.02125 psi/ft. The gas pressure at the operating valve is pc = 800 + 0.02125 (8000) = 970 psi. Using a 65 percent load factor, find p p pt p = pt - pts = 0.65 pc = 0.65 (970) = 630 psi = 630 - 100 = 530 psi.
With this pressure, the produced fluid should rise in the tubing to a total height of:
This is equivalent to a fluid inflow volume of: Ftb Be = 0.0038 bbl/ft (from tubing tables or calculations) = hFtb =(1325) (0.0038) = 5.03 bbls.
3. Next, calculate the lift efficiency. For a depth of 8000 feet and an assumed 5% holdup per 1000 ft, the efficiency, E, is
With a lift efficiency of 60%, the fluid production per cycle is: Bt = 0.60 (5.03) = 3.02 bbls/cycle. 4. Next, calculate the maximum number of cycles possible per day. For a gas lift operating valve located at a depth of 8000 feet, it is equal to:
5. Complete the calculations by combining the production per cycle and the maximum number of cycles per day to find a maximum production rate of: q = NcBt = (60) (3.02) = 180 B/D. If the inflow performance calculations for this well show that the well will sustain this rate, it is very likely a good design. However, some degree of field adjustment will probably be required.
The primary requirement of an operating valve used in intermittent lift is to be able to handle a large volume of gas over a short time period. This is an ideal application for the pilot-operated valve. Its large port allows a large volume of gas to pass once the valve is opened. A properly designed dome-charged valve, or a fluid-operated valve, could also be used. However, because the port of a fluid-operated valve is small, a series of operating valves, opening in succession, would be required to move the slug up the tubing.Required Gas VolumesTwo-phase slug flow is a complex phenomenon, and as such, it is difficult to calculate the exact gas volumes required during an intermittent cycle. For estimation purposes, we may
assume that the required volume equals the volume of gas left in the tubing at the moment that the slug reaches the surface, and that the pressure of the gas in the tubing is equal to the average of the two values of tubing pressure when the valve opens and closes.The basic gas volume required per cycle is equal to:
where: pt = pressure at the operating valve; pvc = the pressure just as the valve closes; Vt = the volume of tubing not occupied by fluid, and; pa = atmospheric pressure (used to convert gas volume in the tubing to standard conditions), in this example, 14.73 psia. This estimate is approximate, and does not include the effects of temperature and compressibility.) For example, continuing with the Sample Problem from above, and given the following information for this 180 B/D well,
Valve opening pressure is 970 psi Valve closing pressure is 725 psi Tubing length is 8000 feet; capacity = 0.0217 cubic feet per foot. Fluid fills 1325 feet of the tubing. The tubing gas volume is V t = (8000 - 1325) (0.0217) = 144.8 cu. ft.
We can estimate the gas volume per cycle as follows (converting to standard cubic feet of gas in the tubing at the average pressure):
This agrees with a common rule-of-thumb whereby the injection gas requirement can be approximated as 200-400 SCF/Bbl per 1000 ft of lift for a well on conventional intermittent lift (Winkler and Smith, 1962):
This gas must be conserved and reused in subsequent cycles to create an efficient production operation.