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Varma Naadi Based Clinical Diagnosis

VNBCD-2010, December 19, 2010

Touch Laboratory Biomedical ngineering !rou" De"artment o# $""lied %echanics lIT Madras, Chennai 600 036, INDIA

&'($r)unan 2010 Varmaniam *oundation +anya,umari -ublished by Touchlab ..T %adras

The content of this print material maynot be reproduced either in part or whole without written permission.

N./ Theory
NIH is a short for Naadi .ncorporating /omunculus.

0hat is /omunculus1
Homunculus (Latin for "little human", plural: "homunculi" from the diminuti!e of homo" is a term used, generally, in !arious fields of study to refer to any representation of a human being. Historically it referred specifically to the concept of a miniature though fully#formed human body. $urrently, in scientific fields, a homunculus may refer to any scale model o# the human body that, in some way, illustrates anatomical, physiological, psychological, or other abstract human characteristics or functions such as sensory system or motor system.

0hat is Naadi1
%armam means !ital#energy throughout human body. The !ital#energy can be felt best on the human wrist radial artery using three finger namely %ali, &'hal, &yyam. This process of ac(uiring information about !ital#energy is what we call as Naadi. The information ac(uired could be anatomical, physiological, psychological, or e!en spiritual.

Naadi .ncor"orating /omunculus1

NIH Theory proposes that the !ital#energy information ac(uired through Naadi could be represented in a Naadi Homunculus as shown in the following figure.

Naadi Homunculus

%2++2T3$% %$T/.3$. T$BL

V$T/$% -.T/$% +$-/$% ).**#+*.** &,-., + of its own 1 of its own 0 of its own +*.**&,#/.**.,+*.**.,#/.**&, 0 of its own + of its own 1 of its own /.**#).** &,-., 1 of its own 0 of its own + of its own

V$T/$% -.T/$% +$-/$% VATHAM

2.34# +*.** #+-3 5+-) 5+-6

+*.**# +*.+4 #+-/ 5+-7 5+-6

+.34# /.** 5+-6 #+-3 5+-)

/.**#/.+4 4.34# ).** 5+-6 #+-/ 5+-7 5+-) 5+-6 #+-3

).**# ).+4 5+-7 5+-6 #+-/

The !atha dosha decreases + to 0 during 2.34#+*.+4 8rom 2.34#+*.** it decreases 0 mathirai 8rom +*.**#+*.+4 it decreases 1 mathirai 9o it decreases to 0 mathirai from + mathirai The !atha dosha increases from 0 to 1 during +.34#/.+4 8rom +.34#/.** it increases +-6 mathirai 8rom /.**#/.+4 it increases +-6 mathirai 9o it decreases to 1 mathirai from 0 mathirai The !atha dosha increases from 1 to + during 4.34#).+4 8rom 4.34#).** it increases +-) mathirai 8rom ).**#).+4 it increases +-7 mathirai 9o it decreases to + mathirai from 1 mathirai

PITHAM The pitha dosha increases from 1 to + during of 2.34#+*.+4 8rom 2.34#+*.** it increases +-) mathirai 8rom +*.**#+*.+4 it increases +-7 mathirai 9* it decreases to + mathirai from 1 mathirai The pitha dosha decreases + to 0 during of +.34#/.+4 8rom +.34#/.** it decreases 0 mathirai 8rom /.**#/.+4 it decreases 1 mathirai 9o it decreases 0 mathirai from + mathirai The pitha dosha increases from 0 to 1 during 4.34#).+4 8rom 4.34#).** it increases +-6 mathirai 8rom ).**#).+4 it increases +-6 mathirai 9o it decreases to 1 mathirai from 0 mathirai KAPHAM The :apha dosha increases from 0 to 1 during 2.34#+*.+4 8rom 2.34#+*.** it increases +-6 mathirai 8rom +*.**#+*.+4 it increases +-6 mathirai 9o it decreases to 1 mathirai from 0 mathirai The :apha dosha increases from 1 to + during +.34#/.+4 8rom +.34#/.** it increases +-) mathirai 8rom /.**#/.+4 it increases +-7 mathirai 9o it decreases to + mathirai from 1 mathirai The :apha dosha decreases + to 0 during 4.34#).+4 8rom 4.34#).** it decreases 0 mathirai 8rom ).**#).+4 it decreases 1 mathirai 9o it decreases 0 mathirai from + mathirai

'2N3.' 4 '2N' T T.%.N!' .N C/ NN$.

,onth <anuary ;ate 9unrise Time + /* 7* 8ebruary +* /* /6 ,arch +* /* 7* &pril +* /* 7* ,ay +* /* 7* <une +* /* 7* <uly +* /* 7* &ugust +* /* 7* 9eptember +* /* 7* >ctober +* /* 7* No!ember +* /* 7* ;ecember +* /* 7* *):/6:** *):/):** *)://:** *):+=:** *):+4:** *):++:** *):*=:** *):*+:** *4:4=:** *4:4/:** *4:3=:** *4:37:** *4:76:** *4:7):** *4:73:** *4:7/:** *4:7+:** *4:7/:** *4:77:** *4:73:** *4:7):** *4:3+:** *4:34:** *4:32:** *4:47:** *4:4=:** *):*3:** *):*6:** *):++:** *):+):** *):/+:** *):/4:** *):/):** *):/6:** *):/2:** *):/2:** 9unset Time +=:77:** +=:73:** +=:76:** +=:37:** +=:34:** +=:32:** +=:43:** +=:42:** +6:*7:** +6:*6:** +6:+7:** +6:+=:** +6:/+:** +6:/3:** +6:/):** +6:/6:** +6:/2:** +6:/6:** +6:/=:** +6:/):** +6:/3:** +6:+2:** +6:+4:** +6:++:** +6:*=:** +6:*/:** +=:4=:** +=:4/:** +=:32:** +=:33:** +=:72:** +=:74:** +=:73:** +=:7/:** +=:7+:** +=:7+:**

L ''5N'
L ''5N-1 .NT35D2CT.5N1 The students are assumed to be familiar with the concepts of mu:#:utram (three dosham"# %adam, .itam, ?apham also how to position the fingers to find the balance of these abo!e dhosams. The ob@ecti!e of the lesson is to relate +7 body segments to the three doshams. The fundamental concept in this lesson is to di!ide each dosham into three parts and relate each of these parts to specific body segments in the frontal plane. Aach of these segments is again di!ided into 7 parts: 9urya .radhanam(9", $handra .radhanam($", Naddu Ida#thalam(N". Total body segments are di!ided into a grid of +7 B 7 in the frontal plane. Note: Irrespecti!e of the left or right hands 9urya pradhanam is always medial(towards little finger", $handra pradhanam is always lateral(towards thumb". .%-53T$NT N5T 1 Ce will use the following notations# D.radhanam : 9egment NumberE. The pradhanam can be either 9,$, N or F representing 9urya, $handra, Naddu#Idam#Thalam >r all the 7 pradhanams(F". The segment number can be from + to +7. Ag. 92 represents surya pradhanam in the ninth segment, where as F2 represents all the three pradhanams in the ninth segment.

L ''5N-2 .NT35D2CT.5N1

In lesson + we ha!e straight lines di!iding the body segments in the frontal plane, These hori'ontal straight line di!ision is not accurate for certain segments. The ob@ecti!e of this lesson is to modify the straight line di!ision for segments F4, F), F2 and F+*.

L ''5N-6 .NT35D2CT.5N1 In lesson + and / the main focus was on the head and the trun:. The hands and the legs need different di!ision than those of trun:. The ob@ecti!e of this lesson is to modify the straight line di!ision for hands and legs.

L ''5N-7 .NT35D2CT.5N1 In the earlier lessons the grid di!ision (+7 B 7" is on the frontal plane. This does not include the depth of the body parts. 8urther di!ision in the saggital plane(medial to lateral" di!ides the segments between front of the body to bac: of the body into three segments. The ob@ecti!e of this lesson is to relate the pulse position to the body segments in saggital di!ision. .%-53T$NT N5T 1 To include the saggital plane in our notation, the saggital plane di!ision will be added at the end. The saggital plane di!ision can be either ,ael(,", ?eel(?", Naddu(N" or all three pradhanams(F". Ag. 92, represents surya pradhanam in the ninth segment of the mael pradhanam, where as F2, represents all the three pradhanams in the ninth segment of the ,ael pradhanam.

L ''5N-8 .NT35D2CT.5N1

In the earlier lesson the saggital plane has straight line di!isions. Note that in some of the body segments the straight line di!ision goes out of the body anatomical regions# this is erroneous. The ob@ecti!e of this lesson is to introduce cur!ed di!isions in the saggital plane, in all the three pradhanams(,ael, Nadu, ?eel". 9pecifically the upper limbs and the lower limbs are di!ided using cur!ed lines.

L ''5N-9 .NT35D2CT.5N1 In the earlier lessons the body segments corresponding to the layer N+*?,N++? and N+/? are not mentioned, because this is related to the !ertebra. The ob@ecti!e of this lesson is to introduce !ertebra corresponding to the layer N+*?,N++? and N+/?. Note: &lthough the body segments for layer N2F are already mentioned, In the side !iew, In the :eel pradhanam, Layer N2? represents 9acro#$occyB area.

N./ notations corres"onding to the anatomical area

S-Suriya pradanam C-Chandra pradanam N-Nadu pradanam M-Mel pradanam K-Keel pradanam X-All pradanams
N./ Notation
F+F 9/,

$natomical area
&ura (!ital energy" #Gight +-7rd of frontal bone #lateral /-7rd of frontal lobe of right cerebrum #.recentral sulcus #9uperior frontal gyrus #.recentral gyrus #,iddle frontal gyrus #,a@or part of right parietal bone, #lateral /-7rd of pareital lobe of right cerebrum #.ostcentral sulcus #.ostcentral gyrus #$entral (rolandic" sulcus #.recentral gyrus #9upramarginal gyrus of right occipital bone #part of right parietal bone #part of right occipital lobe #Inferior parietal lobule #,iddle +-7rd of frontal bone #crista galli #medial +-7rd of right and left frontal lobe #9uperior sagittal sinus #9uperior frontal sulcus #corpus callosum




N./ Notation

$natomical area
#,edial parts of both parietal bones, #parietal lobes, #$entrum semio!ale #corpus callosum #$ingulum #$ingulate gyrus #forniB #Head of caudate nucleus #corpus callosum #,a@or part of occipital bone #part of both occipital lobes and parietal lobes #.arietooccipital sulcus #.recuneus gyrus #8alB cerebri #9uperior sagittal sinus #left+-7rd of frontal bone # lateral /-7rd of frontal lobe of left cerebrum #,iddle frontal gyrus #.recentral sulcus #$entrum semio!ale #.recentral gyrus #>rbital gyri of frontal lobe #Lesser wing of the spheroid #,a@or part of left parietal bone #lateral /-7rd of pareital lobe of right cerbrum #.ostcentral gyrus of left occipital bone #part of left parital bone #part of left occipital lobe





N./ Notation

$natomical area
#Gight eye #right 'ygomatic bone # part of right maBilla #Lateral rectus muscle of eye #,andibular ramus #,edial pterygoid muscle #9uperior tarsus #Temporalis ma@or muscle #Gight ear #part of temporal lobe #right mandibular @oint #Hony labyrinth # semicircular canal #Internal auditory meatus #Temporal bone, 'ygomatic process #,andibular condylar process #temporomandibular articulation #9emicircular canals of right occipital lobe #$erebellar hemisphere #Tentorium cerebelli #.etrous portion of the temporal bone #9igmoid sinus #Nasal conchae #Nasal ca!ity #,aBillary sinus #inferior nasal concha #%ul!a #pineal gland #third !entricle #midbrain #pons #medulla #internal capsule #Internal medullary lamina #.utamen #thalamus #9phenoid sinus #Hasiocciput (cli!us" #Tuber cinereum #>ptic ner!e #hypothalamus #.itutary gland





N./ Notation

$natomical area
#>ccipital lobe #cerebellum #9traight sinus #9triate (primary !isual" corteB #%ermis of cerebellum #8ourth !entricle #Tegmentum of pons #,iddle cerebellar peduncle (brachium pontis"


#Left eye #left 'ygomatic bone #part of left maBilla #9uperior tarsus #Temporalis ma@or muscle #Lateral rectus muscle of eye #,andibular ramus #,edial pterygoid muscle #Left ear #part of temporal lobe #Temporal bone 'ygomatic process #temporomandibular articulation #9emicircular canals #Hony labyrinth #semicircular canal #Internal auditory meatus of left occipital lobe #9igmoid sinus #$erebellar hemisphere #Tentorium cerebelli #.etrous portion of the temporal bone



N./ Notation
93, 93N

$natomical area
#Gight sali!ary glands #right @aw #Gight facial muscles #right tonsils #,asseter muscle #parotid gland #9ternocleidomastoid muscle #Gight side nec: muscles upper part #Longissimus capitis muscle #oral ca!ity #Ipper part of trachea #tongue #.harynB #I!ula #Hard palate #spinal cord #Ipper four cer!ical !ertebraeJs posterior parts #Trape'ius muscle #9pinalis capitis muscle #Left sali!ary glands #right @aw #Left facial muscles #left tonsils #,asseter muscle #parotid gland #9ternocleidomastoid muscle #Left side nec: muscles upper part #Longissimus capitis muscle





$3, $3N


N./ Notation
94, 94N 94? N4,

$natomical area
#Gight sterno cleido mastoid muscle #Gight nec: muscles #Gight side trape'eus #nec: muscles #upper .art of trachea #thyroid and parathyroid glands #upper +-3th of oesophagus #%erterbral column $4 to T/ and corresponding spinal column #Left sterno cleido mastoid muscle #Left nec: muscles #Left side trape'eus #nec: muscles

N4N N4?

$4, $4N $4?

N./ Notation

$natomical area
#Gight cla!icle #right side ribs upto to G=anterior aspect #Gight lung #right side ribs upto G= lateral aspect #Gight scapula #right side ribs upto G= posterior aspect #9ternum #sterno costal @oints #,ediastinum #right atrium of heart #aorta #oesophagus #trachea #bronchus #Thoracic spine T7 to T++ and corresponding spinal column #costo !ertebral @oints #Left cla!icle #left side ribs upto G= #heart left atrium and !entricles #Left lung #left scapula #left side ribs upto G= posterior aspect



N), N)N


$), $)N


N./ Notation

$natomical area
#right side ribs G6 to G+* anterior aspect #Li!er #Lung, right lower lobe (anterior mediastinal edge" #Li!er #right side ribs G6 to G+* lateral aspect #Li!er #right lung lower lobe #right side ribs G6 to G+* posterior aspect #&bdominal muscles #omentum #left lobe of the li!er #9tomach #duodenum #transe!erse colon #left lobe of the li!er #%ertebral column T+/ to L/ and corresponding spinal column #left side ribs G6 to G+* anterior aspect #left lobe of the li!er #9tomach #spleen #.ancreas #left side ribs G6 to G+* lateral aspect #Left lung lower lobe #leftside ribs G6 to G+* poterior aspect









N./ Notation
96, 96N

$natomical area
#gallbladder #Intestines #Li!er #intestines #right ureter #ascending colon #Gight :idney #right adrenal gland #&bdominal muscles #Intestines #Lumbar !ertebrae L7 to L4 and corresponding spinal column #Intestines # transe!erse colon #Intestines #left ureter #descending colon #Left :idney #left adrenal gland

96? N6, N6N N6?

$6, $6N


*or males N./ Notation

92, 92N 92? N2,

$natomical area
#messentry #&ppendiB #ileo ceccal @unction #Gight iliosacral @oint #right iliac fossa #&bdominal muscles #mons pubis #penis, scrotum #Gight and left ureter #Irinary bladder #urethra #rectum #anus #9acrum, coccyB and corresponding spinal column #messentry #$olon #Left iliosacral @oint #left iliac fossa



$2, $2N $2?

*or #emales N./ Notation

92, 92N

$natomical area
#messentry #&ppendiB #ileo ceccal @unction #right o!ary #Gight iliosacral @oint #right iliac fossa #&bdominal muscles #mons pubis #!agina #Gight and left ureter #Irinary bladder #urethra #uterus #rectum #anus #9acrum, coccyB and corresponding spinal column #messentry #$olon #left o!ary #Left iliosacral @oint #left iliac fossa

92? N2,



$2, $2N $2?

N./ Notation
9+*, 9+*N

$natomical area
#Gight upper 7-3th of thigh# anterior part #right hip @oint #Gight upper 7-3th of thigh# middle part #Gight upper 7-3th of thigh# posterior part #$er!ical !ertebrae #$er!ical !ertebrae #$er!ical !ertebrae #Left upper 7-3th of thigh# anterior part #left hip @oint #Left upper 7-3th of thigh# middle part #Left upper 7-3th of thigh# posterior part

9+*? N+*, N+*N N+*? $+*, $+*N


N./ Notation

$natomical area
#Gight lower +-3th of thigh, :nee, upper /-7rd of leg K anterior part #Gight lower +-3th of thigh, :nee, upper /-7rd of leg K middle part #Gight lower +-3th of thigh, :nee, upper /-7rd of leg K posterior part #Thoracic !ertebrae #Thoracic !ertebrae #Thoracic !ertebrae #Left lower +-3th of thigh, :nee, upper /-7rd of leg K anterior part #Left lower +-3th of thigh, :nee, upper /-7rd of leg K middle part #Left lower +-3th of thigh, :nee, upper /-7rd of leg #posterior part



N++, N++N N++? $++,



N./ Notation
9+/, 9+/N 9+/? N+/, N+/N N+/? $+/, $+/N $+/? F+7F

$natomical area
#Gight lower +-7rd of leg, an:le, foot K anterior part #Gight lower +-7rd of leg, an:le, foot K middle part #Gight lower +-7rd of leg, an:le, foot K posterior part #Lumbar !ertebrae #Lumbar !ertebrae #Lumbar !ertebrae #Left lower +-7rd of leg, an:le, foot K anterior part #Left lower +-7rd of leg, an:le, foot K middle part #Left lower +-7rd of leg, an:le, foot K posterior part &ura (!ital energy"

*or u""er limbs N./ Notation

94,59+*, 94N59+*N 94?59+*? $4,5$+*, $4N5$+*N $4?5$+*? 9),59++,

$natomical area
#Gight shoulder, upper 7-3th of arm K anterior part #Gight shoulder, upper 7-3th of arm K middle part #Gight shoulder, upper 7-3th of arm K posterior part #Left shoulder, upper 7-3th of arm K anterior part #Left shoulder, upper 7-3th of arm K middle part #Left shoulder, upper 7-3th of arm K posterior part #Gight lower +-3th of arm, elbow, upper 7-3th of fore arm K anterior part #Gight lower +-3th of arm, elbow, upper 7-3th of fore arm K middle part #Gight lower +-3th of arm, elbow, upper 7-3th of fore arm K posterior part



N./ Notation

$natomical area
#Left lower +-3th of arm, elbow, upper 7-3th of fore arm K anterior part #Left lower +-3th of arm, elbow, upper 7-3th of fore arm K middle part #Left lower +-3th of arm, elbow, upper 7-3th of fore arm K posterior part #Gight lower +-3th of forearm, wrist, hand K anterior part #Gight lower +-3th of forearm, wrist, hand K middle part #Gight lower +-3th of forearm, wrist, hand K posterior part #Left lower +-3th of forearm, wrist, hand K anterior part #Left lower +-3th of forearm, wrist, hand K middle part #Left lower +-3th of forearm, wrist, hand K posterior part



9=,59+/, 9=N59+/N 9=?59+/? $=,5$+/, $=N5$+/N $=?5$+/

$natomical "arts corres"oding N./ notations

$natomical "arts
$erebrum cerebellum thalamus hypothalamus .itutary gland .ineal gland Gight eye Left eye Gight ear Left ear nose tongue .ons midbrain medulla tonsils 9ali!ary glands 8rontal sinus ,aBillary sinus $er!ical 9pinal cord $er!ical !ertebrae teeth @aw >ral ca!ity

N./ Notation
F/F, 97?, N7?, $7? 97?, N7?, $7? N7N N7N N7N N7N 97, $7, 97N $7N N7, N3, N7N N7N N7N 93N, $3N 93,, $3, 9/,, $/, 97,, $7, N3N, N4? N3?, N4?, N+*F 93,, N3,, $3, 93,, N3,, $3, N3,, N3N

$natomical "arts
.harynB larynB trachea bronchus Gight cla!icle Left cla!icle oesophagus Thoracic !ertebrae Gight lung Left lung heart bronchus sternum ribs $osto sternal @oints %ertebro costal @oints Gight shoulder @oint Left shoulder @oint diaphragm Gight arm Left arm Gight elbow Left elbow Thyroid and parathyroid glands

N./ Notation
N3N N4,, N)N N4, N)N 94, $4, N4N, N)N N4?, N)?, N++F 9)N $)N $)N, N)N N)N N), 9),, 9)N, 9)?, $),, $)N, $)? N), N)?5N=? 94F59+*F $4F5$+*F F=F 94F59+*F, 9)F59++F $4F5$+*F, $)F5$++F 9)F59++F $)F5$++F N4,

$natomical "arts
Gight radius and ulna Left radius and ulna Gight wrist Left wrist Gight hand Left hand 9tomach 9pleen .ancreas Li!er Lallbladder ;uodenum Ileum <e@unum &scending colon ;escending colon Trans!erse colon &ppendiB Thymus gland Gight adrenal gland Left adrenal gland Gight :idney Left :idney Lumbar !ertebrae

N./ Notation
9)F59++F, 9=F59+/F $)F5$++F, $=F5$+/F 9=F59+/F $=F5$+/F 9=F59+/F $=F5$+/F N=N, $=N $=N $=N 9=F, N=, 96, N=N F6F, F2F F6F, F2F 92,, 96,, 9=, $=,, $6,, $2, 9=N, N=N, $=N 92, N), 96? $6? 96? $6? N=?, N6?, N+/F

$natomical "arts
Gectum Gight ureter Left ureter Irinary bladder Irethra 9crotum Gight o!ary left o!ary Iterus 9acrum .enis %agina &nus Gight ilio sacral @oint Left ilio sacral @oint Gight hip @oint Left hip @oint Gight thigh Left thigh Gight :nee Left :nee Gight leg Left leg Gight an:le Left an:le Gight foot Left foot

N./ Notation
N2N N2N, 96N N2N, $6N N2N N2, N2, 92N $2N N2N N2? N2, N2, N2N 92? $2? 9+*N $+>N 9+*F, 9++F $+*F, $++F 9++F $++F 9++F, 9+/F $++F, $+/F 9+/F $+/F 9+/F $+/F

Case studies
D.'53D 3' $ND D.' $' ' .eri arthritis of Gight shoulder >steo arthritis of left :nee Left Hreast $arcinoma Hydronephrosis of both :idneys Genal calculi right :idney Lall bladder stone 9plenomegaly Hepatitis &ppendicitis &telectasis of right lung %ericose !ein in right leg $er!ical spondylosis Lumbar spondylosis 8rontal sinusitis Hemorrhoids Thyroid problems ,enstrual period ;iabetes mellitus N./ Notations 94F59+*F, lesson 7 $++F, lesson + $),, lesson 3 F6?, lesson 3 96?, lesson 3 96,, lesson 3 $=N, lesson 3 96F-N=N, lesson +,3 92N, lesson 3 9)N lesson 3 9+/?, lesson 3 N+*F5N3? lesson 3,) N+/F5N6?, lesson 3,) N/,, lesson 3 N2N, lesson 3 N3N lesson 3 &rch from N6N to N+*N !ia N2N, lesson3 .endulum li:e pulse from = to 2 lesson / F=F5F+/F to F+7F, lesson / .arallel pulse in the affected part &rching pulse from end of 6 to origin of +* ,onth will be denoted by pea: of the pulse arch N6N to N+*N !ia 92N or $2N lesson 3

Hyper tension $arcinoma pulse .regnancy

Touchlab Hiomedical Angineering Lroup, ;epartment of &pplied ,echanics, IIT#,&;G&9 )****7), IN;I& $>;A:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

N./ notations based "atient data sheet



3ight1 Vatham -itham +a"ham Normal Normal Normal 5 5 5 # # #

*indings #rom n;agai ther;u other than Naadi : Naadi Diagnosis1 %odern clinical #indings1 -rescribed medicine1

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