Block II Tech Manual
Block II Tech Manual
Block II Tech Manual
** Check with all local & federal law before attempting any modification to any firearm**
A. Description of a Block II Carbine B. Purpose of this Manual C. Estimated Time Required to Complete 3 3 3
A. Tools Required 1. Hammers, Punches, Screwdrivers, Torque Wrench 2. Vise, Wood Blocks, Safety Glasses 3. Reference Manuals B. Lower Receiver Assembly 1. Rear Sling Mount 2. Improved Buttstock 3. Ambidextrous Safety C. Upper Receiver Assembly 1. SOCOM Profile Barrel 2. Gas Block / Tube 3. Rail Interface System 4. Flash Hider D. Accoutrements 1. Front & Rear Back-Up Iron Sights 2. Day Optic 3. Forward Sling Mount 4. Gun Light / Pressure Switch/ IR Illuminator 14-16 9-13 6-8 4-5
A. Approved Components 17-18
A. Description of a Block II Carbine
The Block II Carbine is the latest in the M16/M4 weapon series available to Special Operations Forces. Featuring a free-floated heavy barrel with detachable sound suppressor, ambidextrous selector lever, visible and infrared illuminators, and a color scheme not found on conventional military weapons, the Block II Carbine brings the level of capability and effectiveness to the weapons highest point yet.
End of Introduction
NOTE: Weapon must be field stripped and rendered safe and unloaded in accordance with Training Manual 9-1005-319-10, June 2010 prior to proceeding with Block II Carbine transition.
Note: Steps in italics are for consumer manual only and not necessary for Colt Defense personnel. These steps are shown for instructional purposes.
Note: The particular Colt Defense Model 6920 is dated approx. October 2012 and the accompanying accessories are subject to change.
2. Reference Manuals
M16/M4 Series Technical Manual M16/M4 Series Training Manual M3X Tactical Illuminator Operators Manual AN/PEQ-15 Operators Manual QD-NT4 Operators Manual SpecterDR Operators Manual Rail interface System (RIS) II Technical Manual
End of Step A
a. Place lower receiver assembly into vise held in place with two wood blocks to prevent marring. b. Loosen Receiver End Plate Nut using Stock Wrench and unscrew Buffer Tube counter-clockwise and remove from Lower Receiver.
NOTE: Care must be taken to prevent loss of takedown detent and spring, during removal of Receiver End Plate. During removal of Buffer Tube, hold thumb over the buffer detent and spring to prevent loss.
NOTE: Before assembly, steps d-i, lightly lubricate threads of Lower Receiver and Buffer Tube in accordance with Technical Manual 9-1105-319-23&P, pg. 0025-6 through 0025-8, November 2008 using molybdenum disulfide grease.
d. Install CQD Rear Sling Mount Receiver End Plate onto Buffer Tube and screw Buffer Tube clockwise until Buffer Tube just passes over the Buffer Detent cutout. e. Back off Buffer Tube counter-clockwise one turn and install Buffer Detent & Spring. f. Rotate Buffer Tube clockwise one turn until Buffer Detent and Spring are captured by Buffer Tube. g. Push Rear Sling Mount Receiver End Plate forward and flush to Receiver compressing Takedown Spring and Detent. h. Tighten Receiver End Plate Nut to 38 to 42 ft-lb, stake Receiver End Plate in two places aligning with Receiver End Plate Nut.
2. Improved Buttstock
a. Pull down on lock release lever and remove standard Stock rearward from Buffer Tube.
b. Pull down on lock release lever and install Improved Cheek Weld Stock onto Buffer Tube.
a. Remove machine screw and lock washer from Pistol Grip using 6 Screw Driver, secure Selector Detent and spring for later use. b. Remove standard Selector Lever. Note: The Hammer must be in the locked (down) position to facilitate removal of Safety Lever. Note: The following steps c-f are in accordance with TM 9-1005-319-23&P, pg. 0021-20. c. If not already in locked (down) position, depress Hammer until caught by the Disconnector, install Ambidextrous Selector Lever into Lower Receiver. d. Position Selector Detent with pointed end towards Selector Lever. e. Place Selector Spring into spring recess in Pistol Grip and ensure Lock Washer is installed onto Grip Screw. f. Reattach Pistol Grip and tighten threaded screw to secure. g. Place Right Selector Switch into appropriate groove cutout, install machine screw and tighten using supplied T15 Torx key until finger tight, then another 1/8th a turn. Ambidextrous Selector Installation Video
End of Step B
Note: The following procedure is in accordance with TM 9-1005-319-23&P, pg. 0015-2 and pg. 0015-6.
a. Remove standard Handguard top and bottom by depressing Handguard Ring and pulling away from weapon. b. Lay on Upper Receiver on a flat non-marring surface and drive out Gas Tube Roll Pin using 5/64 punch and brass hammer. c. Remove Gas tube by sliding rearward until disengaged from front sight, slightly twist until able to lift away. d. Place Upper Receiver assembly into vise held in place using a Receiver Action Block to prevent marring. e. Align notches of Barrel Wrench to Barrel Nut and unscrew using a breaker bar/torque wrench for leverage.
f. Once Barrel Nut is loosed from Upper Receiver, slide Barrel Assembly forward and clear of Upper Receiver.
NOTE: It may be necessary to remove certain components from SOCOM Heavy Barrel assembly before installing barrel to Upper Receiver Assembly. If equipped, first remove flash hider using Armorers W rench, discard crush washer. Using 1/8 brass punch and 12oz. hammer drive out front sight rolls pins from left to right, then slide front sight and handguard cap forward and off of barrel assembly.
g. Install SOCOM Heavy Barrel on to Upper Receiver and position index pin into barrel alignment cutout. h. Slide Bolt-Up Plate, anti-rotation tabs rearward, against Upper Receiver and then Barrel Nut, notches facing forward. i. Hand tighten Barrel Nut and then using supplied Barrel Nut Wrench attached to torque wrench and tighten to 50 ft-lb. j. Check headspace in accordance with TM 9-1005-319-23&P, pg. 0015-25 through 0015-26 if headspace is out of specification replace barrel assembly.
NOTE: Bolt-Up Plate will be loose fitting and retain some movement, as per Daniel Defense (DD) RIS-II Technical Manual Revision 2, September 2011. SOCOM Barrel installation Video
a. Assemble Gas Tube into Gas Block and align roll pin hole and drive supplied roll pin flush using a punch. b. Slide Gas Block / Tube onto barrel until up against barrel shoulder, hand tighten screws (2) with supplied 3/32 hex key.
Note: Ensure Gas Block is parallel to Upper Receiver or malfunction can occur.
c. Turn screws (2) another 1/8th turn to secure. Gas Block Installation Video
NOTE: Removal of the Upper Assembly from the Receiver Action Block/Vise will be necessary to install RIS II assembly. Installation as per DD RIS-II Technical Manual Revision 2, September 2011.
a. Slide RIS II over barrel and locate onto Bolt-Up Plate, install 3/4" bottom screws (2) and hand tighten. b. Install remaining 7/8 screws (4) and tighten center screws first, then bottom screws, and finally top screws all hand tight. c. Once hand tightened check for Up/Down/Right/Left alignment of RIS II with Upper Receiver and tighten to 29 to 32 in-lb. using supplied 5/32 hex key. d. Attach lower RIS II section into Upper RIS II cutouts, secure using supplied attachment screws and lock washers (4). e. Remaining/Spare screws and lock washers (2) can be secured in the threaded recesses forward of the M203 hanger tabs.
4. Flash Hiders
a. Install M4-QD Flash Hider using supplied shim kit so that the middle slot of the flash hider is located at 12 oclock position (+/-5 degrees) when torqued to 20 to 30 ft-lb. Note: Determining correct shim thickness is in accordance with Knights Armaments Company (KAC) Quick-Attach/Detach NT-4 manual, pg. 2 through 5, February 1997.
End of Step C
a. Remove supplied Rear Sight by loosening machine screw on right hand side, or if Detachable Handle unscrew thumb nuts and detach. b. Install Front Folding Sight by placing the sights threaded screw into the forward most recoil groove noted by the markings FRONT SIGHT HERE on the RIS II and tighten threaded lock screw. c. Install Rear Flip Sight by placing the sights threaded screw into the rearward most recoil groove on the Upper Receiver, tighten threaded lock screw (all models). Folding Front & Rear Sight Installation Video
2. Day Optic
Note: The following procedure is in accordance with Elcan Optical Technologies SpecterDR Operators Manual, Revision C, pg.13 through 15, January 2010. . a. Install Day Optic by rotating throw levers located on the left hand side to approx. 90 degrees of the optic. b. Place the optics recoil lug into the Upper Receiver recoil groove allowing for clearance of the Rear Flip Sight and adequate eye relief. c. Apply forward pressure on optic and rotate throw levers into their locked position.
a. Install Forward Sling Mount by removing the threaded screws (s) using a 7/64 hex key. b. Slide the sling mount from the front of the RIS II to the desired location, reinstall threaded screws into middle of recoil groove to prevent damage to RIS II and tighten.
Note: The following procedures are to be completed in accordance with Insight Technology Operator Manuals, M3X Gun Light, pg. 6, July 2003 and AN/PEQ-15 Infrared Illuminator, pg. 27-3, August 2006.
a. Install Gun Light by depressing lock bar lever and sliding into desired position, release lock bar to secure into recoil groove. b. Install Pressure Switch by depressing thumb latch and place the switchs recoil lug into the RIS II recoil groove in the desired location, release thumb latch to secure. c. Install the Infrared Illuminator by loosening the threaded mounting screw and position the recoil lug in the desired recoil groove of the RIS II and tighten to secure.
End of Step D
A. Approved Components
Description Step NSN (If available)
Colt Defense 6920 M4 Carbine CQD Rear Sling Mount LMT SOPMOD Stock FDE
Knights Ambidextrous Safety Selector B-3 (note 3) Colt Defense 14.5 SOCOM Barrel Daniel Defense Mk12 Gas Block Daniel Defense RIS II FDE KAC M4-QD Flash Hider Knights Folding Front Sight FDE Knight's Folding Rear Sight Elcan SpecterDR FDE CQD Forward Sling Mount Insight M3X Gun Light FDE KAC QDSS-NT4 Sound Suppressor Insight AN/PEQ-15 IR Illuminator
D-1 (note 8) D-1 D-2 (note 7) D-3 D-4 (note 9) Not Shown Not Shown (note 10)
Note: The AN/PEQ-15 is a highly regulated item due to FDA laser safety concerns are unavailable for civilian purchase.
(1) This along with the Forward Sling Mount are not featured on every Carbine, it is operator preference (2) Many stocks are found in use with this platform including the Magpul CTR (1005-01591-6068), Colt Enhanced (1005-01-459-0734), and VLTOR Imod (1010-01-536-4742) among others. (3) The U.S. Military regularly uses the Knights Armament Company (KAC) FullAutomatic version, as well as the Standard Selector. (4) Colt M4 profile barrels (NSN 1005-01-233-8529) are often found on weapons that have not gone through depot level overhaul, either profile would suffice. (5) Knights Armament and Badger Ordnance also make Mk12 Gas Blocks for the military, either of the three are acceptable. (6) The M4-QD is the most prevalent and used in conjunction with the Knights Armament QDSS-NT4 Sound Suppressor (NSN 1005-01-437-0324), however, a Surefire 3P-Mk46 (NSN 1005-01-618-3966) in conjunction with a RC Suppressor (NSN 1005-01-599-6997) is now also in service. (7) For iron sights, the Block II most commonly uses either the KAC 300 (NSN 1005-01449-6306) or 600-meter flip-up rear sight, or a standard issue MA-Tech 600-meter rear sight (NSN 1005-01-484-8000). Though sometimes not equipped, a KAC flip-up front sight in flat dark earth is the only issued front sight. (8) The most common issued day optic is either the Elcan SpecterDR, sometimes included with a Docter Red Dot, a Trijicon TA01-M4A1 (NSN 1240-01-412-6608, or an EOTech model 553 (NSN 12440-01-533-09410, normally in flat dark earth. (9) The US Military has used a number of flashlights to include the Dual Pressure Switch compatible Insight WMX-200 (N/A), Surefire Scout (6240-01-532-4180), among older legacy Millennium series. (10) Infrared illuminators can be found in either flat dark earth or black and can include the AN/PEQ-15A (NSN 5855-01-535-6166, AN/PAQ-4B (5855-01-361-1362), AN/PEQ 2A (NSN 5855-01-447-8992), and a host of others.
Works Cited
M16/M4 Technical Manual 9-1105-319-23&P. Washington DC: Department of Defense, November 2008.
M16/M4 Training Manual 9-1005-319-10. Washington DC: Department of Defense, June 2010. M3X Tactical Illuminator Operators Manual. Orlando, FL: Insight Technology, July 2003. AN/PEQ-15 Infrared Illuminator Operators Manual. Orlando, FL: Insight Technology, August 2006. QD-NT4 Sound Suppressor Operators Manual. Titusville, FL: Knights Armaments Company, February 1997. SpecterDR (Dual Reticle) Operators Manual. Ontario, Canada: Elcan Optical Technologies, January 2010.
Rail interface System (RIS) II Technical Manual. Black Creek, GA: Daniel Defense Inc., September 2011.