Bidisha 2013 Transformation Play
Bidisha 2013 Transformation Play
Bidisha 2013 Transformation Play
e"ia#$ Youre no di%%eren %ro& anyone e#se$ The 'or#d 'asn "rea ed around you$( One o% )aisses ear#ies &e&ories$ * #i+h #ess &ornin+ a he house o% abandon&en on he !re,ious is#and$ Ins ru" ress -a+nia -ora#ia 'as s andin+ o,er her in s i%% +rey si#./ he !ea. o% her headdress s"ra!in+ he "ei#in+$ Hands "#en"hed in %in+er#ess +#o,es/ he nai#s b#ue 'i h "o#d$ She 'ore a s rin+ o% beads ha ra #ed #i.e %ree0in+ "hi#drens "ha erin+ ee h$ The shar!ened !oin er she used in "#ass s'un+ %ro& her #ea her hi!1be# $ -a+nia -ora#ia 'as a 'arrior a+ains idio"y/ and ha 'as her 'ea!on$ The arro+an"e o% i $ The auda"i y/( she hissed$ You are he re2e" ed dau+h ers$ You shou#dn e3!e" &ore %ro& #i%e han youre +oin+ o +e $ I ## on#y &a.e you bi er$( Her headdress "au+h he #an ern and 'en u! in %#a&es/ sendin+ her o he si". roo& %or 'o ni+h s and #ea,in+ a ba#d s!o %or 'o &on hs$ )aisse "ou#dn re&e&ber 'ha !ro,o.ed -a+nia -ora#ias s"o#din+ bu she had absorbed her 'ords/ " he& do'n #i.e a sour oni"$ She 'as s! he& no' herse#%/ o sa,e he #i%e o% her dau+h er$ Shes e3a" #y #i.e any baby$ Unre&ar.ab#e$( I s dar.$ *nd b#ind/( said Sorayan "o#d#y$ Shes your o'n dau+h er/( she said/ sho".ed$ You .no' he #a'$ Those 'ho err/ die$ )i%%eren"e and de,ia ion are %au# s in our !er%e" ion$( Shes !er%e" as she is$( Si+h #ess/ dar. and %e&a#e4 * #eas a b#ind boy "ou#d be e&!#oyed %or so&e hin+/ i% on#y o sin+ or re"i e ,erse/ or be a nob#e'o&ans "ha&ber !e $ They #i.e he dus.y ones 5 un i# hey +ro' u! and he sun & he& "oarse$ To "rea e one su"h as her is o +i,e bir h o !i y/ o su".#e sha&e/ o rear disa!!oin &en / o nur ure su%%erin+ and raise #a&en a ion$( S!o.en #i.e a rue is#ander/( )aisse s!a $ Yes$ I a& one$ 6hy aren you4 Be"ause our reasonin+ hur s your %ee#in+s4( No/ be"ause your beha,iours "rue#/ bu you !re end i s "i,i#ised$( Sorayan and )aisse %a"ed ea"h o her a"ross he "o / a "hea!1ha".ed 'ooden hin+ sha!ed #i.e a &inia ure shi!/ hun+ 'i h ne $ I 'ou#d on#y be needed %or one ni+h $ To&orro' he baby 'ou#d be a.en o he "oas $ I 'ou#d be +one by he ne3 sunrise$ No &or a# sur,i,ed he ni+h hea / he "urren / he birds o% !rey or he ro". s! ha s#an ed %ro& he sea bed #i.e +ian s s!ears$ Le &e na&e her a #eas /( !#ed )aisse$ You "an na&e so&e hin+ ha doesn e3is $ *nd .ee! your ,oi"e do'n$ Your !ain dis urbs he househo#d$ Tha is so&e hin+ you &us rea#ise7 a house absorbs he &ood o% i s &is ress$ 6hen his is o,er you &us beha,e ni"e#y or i ## a## be 'orse %or e,eryone$( )aisse +round her ee h in %rus ra ion$ She ha ed %ee#in+ so %eeb#e$ She had o do so&e hin+/ i% on#y o "u he %ear ha 'ei+hed #i.e iron on her #i&bs$ Le &e do one hin+ be%ore 5$ Be%ore$ I 'an o ,isi he s!hin3/( she said$ Sorayan #au+hed/ han+in+ on o he ends o% he "o $ You be#ie,e8( he "ro'ed$ You be#ie,e ha rubbish$( You be#ie,e he ora ors/( she re or ed$ Tha s be"ause heyre de"en / nor&a#/ !ub#i" "i i0ens 'ho s!ea. %or our in eres s$ All our in eres s$ Theyre no %rauds or oddi ies/ &u erin+ in he dar.$( Nei her is he s!hin3$( Shes no a s!hin3/ shes a %rea.$ I s ridi"u#ous8 Bu #oo./( a s#o!!y s&i#e o% indu#+en"e 'e ed Sorayans %a"e/ ,isi her i% you 'an $ I## +o 'i h you/ %or he a&use&en $ 9us don a.e i o hear $ I don hin. shes 'i".ed/ 2us "on%used$ Shes su%%erin+ %ro& a de#usion$ Shes "rea ed a %an asy abou herse#% be"ause he ru h is so 're "hed7 shes a &ad o#d 'o&an #i,in+ in a "a,e$ 6he her or no shes a de"ei,er/ you "an say she has a nor&a# #i%e$(
-aybe she doesn 'an a nor&a# #i%e/( said )aisse$ Tha s 'ha ou "as s a#'ays say/( Sorayan snor ed$ 6ha e,er is heir b#i+h / hey say i s a !ri,i#e+e$ 6ha e,er heir 'ea.ness/ hey say i s a s ren+ h$ They insis heir de,ian"e +i,es he& !ar i"u#ar insi+h $ 6hen hey are 2us re2e" s/ rea##y$( In he dar.ness ha ni+h / 'hen he househo#d 'as as#ee!/ he baby o!ened her eyes and oo. a +ood #oo. around )aisses "ha&ber$ The roo& hrobbed 'i h "on%ined b#a". hea $ The baby +rabbed he ne in+ o% he "o / !u##in+ i his 'ay and ha $ She "ou#d see e,ery hread o% he ne $ Beyond i she sa' he ba#"ony dra!es/ e&broidered "#e,er#y in "ob'eb si#.$ Beyond he dra!es she behe#d he &oon and he 'or#d$ She absorbed a## his 'i h +rea in eres / hen %e## as#ee!/ #is enin+ o he 'a er "hi&in+ in he "our yard %oun ain/ " o,er he ri& #i.e an in%ini e %#o' o% "oins$ Oh/ -is ress/ %or+i,e &e$( The e3"#a&a ion 'o.e )aisse/ 'ho sho %ro& he bed o he "o / 'here her !rin"i!a# 'o&an/ Indi" a/ 'as s andin+ 'i h her hand o her &ou h$ The baby 'as here/ a#i,e/ un ou"hed/ unseein+/ as !#ain and !er%e" as a round o% un%ired "#ay or unba.ed dou+h$ Indi" a #oo.ed shee!ish$ I s he ne in+$ I s sin+ed$ I &us ha,e !u i oo "#ose o he #a&!/ or a ray o% sun !o.ed in and burn i $( There 'as a s&a## b#a". burn 'i hin sna "hin+ dis an"e o% he babys hand$ )aisse ou"hed i and he %ibres disin e+ra ed/ #ea,in+ a "har1ed+ed ho#e$ 6hy 'ou#d I %re abou ha 4( she said/ si". 'i h re#ie%$ Then she hou+h / tonight my daughter is condemned to die/ and her hear urned b#a". and hea,y 'i h error$ You "ou#d dis&iss &e %or "are#essness/( said Indi" a$ *nd ne s e3!ensi,e$ *# hou+h I su!!ose i isn / o you$ No'/ 'e &us dress you %or he s!hin3/( she %#ared her nos ri#s in disa!!ro,a#/ &ay she +i,e you "o&%or $( Oh 5 yes:$( )aisse had %or+o en abou he s!hin3$ The ar i%i"ia# s!hin3$ 6hy had she &ade su"h a %uss abou ha 4 She 'as hu&i#ia in+ herse#% in her des!era ion/ "#in+in+ o nonsense/ +ro,e##in+ %or "onso#a ion$ )o you hin. shes a %raud4( she as.ed as she 'as ba hed and readied$ In he "ha&ber dire" #y abo,e/ he sa&e 'as bein+ done o Sorayan by his !rin"i!a# &an$ I hin. an iso#a ed "rea ure de,e#o!s !e"u#iar no ions/( said Indi" a "au ious#y$ She &ay be a +rea !oe e##in+ a#es o di,er and de#i+h $ Or a #ady 'ho en,ies he &en a he hea re and desires o e&u#a e he&$ )ar.ness abe s a## ;ua".1 ri".ery and %#oun"y1da00#in+$ Or shes he 'ido' o% a %ar&er or a sai#or/ 'ho "an in er!re na ura# si+ns and +i,es sound ad,i"e$ She does 'ha she &us o sur,i,e/ o a ain so&e s&a## reno'n and !ro e" ion/ e,en res!e" $ :Be'are hose 'ho a.e ad,an a+e o% he des!era e$( I& no des!era e %or any hin+/( )aisse %#ared u!$ 6ha is o ha!!en +oes a+ains &y desire and &y 'i##$ )on you: aren you sy&!a he i"4( O% "ourse I a&$ I dis#i.e he "oun"i#s in er%eren"e 2us as &u"h as you$ I be#ie,e a househo#d "an +o,ern i se#% in 'ha e,er sha!e sui s i bes $ Bu you ha,e bu a day/ -is ress$ Sure#y !ra" i"a#i y is be er han !ro!he"y$( The s.y 'as a s"a hin+ s"ar !in./ a i+h b#is er o% hea $ The baby had been 'ashed/ "a!!ed/ so".ed and &i ened and ied in o a so#id o,a#$ )aisse "#as!ed he hard sha!e a'.'ard#y$ E,ery !ar o% &e is ri++ed 'i h so&e ri& or rin.e or asse#$ *nd ye /( she "o&!#ained o Indi" a as hey #e% / I& no a##o'ed o #oo. or be #oo.ed a / or s!ea./ or be s!o.en o$( Youre a !re"ious 2e'e# o% he house o% Sorayan/( said Indi" a$ 9e'e#s don s!ea.$( Sorayan 'ai ed ou side/ a #ine o% s'ea +oin+ %ro& he ed+e o% his "a! in o he "o##ar o% his uni"$ Loo. a you/ s u&b#in+ abou /( he +ri!ed a he s ab#e boys/ 'ho s ared a hi& and a )aisse 'i h s#ee!y eyes$ Ho' #on+ does i a.e o hro' a sadd#e on a horse4(
6hy do hey +a!e so4( )aisse 'his!ered o Indi" a$ They .no' 'here youre +oin+$ I% youre no a &er"han or a sai#or/ or &ee in+ a &er"han or a sai#or/ or &arried o a &er"han or a sai#or/ or your son o be"o&e a &er"han or a sai#or/ heres on#y one hin+ be 'een he shi!bui#ders barns and he sea7 he #air o% he s!hin3$ The o#d yards used o be %u## o% #ads hus #in+ %or errands bu e,en hey 'on +o u! ha %ar$ They say he s!hin3 sna!s o%% youn+ boys'1'ha s and nibb#es he& a sundo'n/ as a sna".$( The !a#an;uin 'as !re!ared/ res in+ on i s s and$ )aisse behe#d i 'i h dis&ay$ I 'as a dra!ed si".1bed 'i h a 'ooden %ra&e/ a %an"y s re "her %or an in,a#id$ 6hen he "ur ains 'ere "#osed he hin+ be"a&e a so% 2ai#/ a "e## o% sai#s and "#o h/ a "ano!ied "o%%in$ )aisse 'as he#!ed inside and #ay do'n/ "ur#ed around he baby$ She 'as #i% ed by %our &en/ heir hair s#i".ed and !#ai ed/ 2as&ine1oi#ed bodies #ean#y ribboned 'i h &us"#e$ )aisse eyed he& hrou+h he si#. as he !a#an;uin 'as hois ed on o heir s ron+ shou#ders$ -os 'ere +y&nas s and a"roba s or 'or.ed a he ba hs$ They 'ere hired by he ha#%1day$ They 'ere on dis!#ay as a "redi o he househo#d/ #i.e he au 1haun"hed horses in he s ab#es or he !o#ished bron0e !o s a he en ran"e$ Bu shou#d )aisse be "au+h a he&/ or he& a her/ she 'ou#d be !unished$ The !ar y #e% / "#ad handso&e#y/ s s#o'#y$ They "rossed he ourna&en +rounds/ hea re and asse&b#y !#a"es$ They !assed he #a'1& ad&inis ra ion/ 2us i"e and ar"hi,in+ o%%i"es/ heir +uarded doors s andin+ hree "o#u&ns hi+h$ 6hen hey ed+ed hrou+h he &ar.e and au" ion arena )aisse heard %#esh bein+ 'hi!!ed/ a hin i+h thwack on he ne". o% s#a,es/ "ri&ina#s/ ani&a#s$ She heard he ,oi"es o% 'o&en "o&&en in+ %a,ourab#y as he !a#an;uin bearers !assed$ Sorayan rode ahead/ bu".#es and "#as!s 2in+#in+$ Ne3 o hi& his s e'ard/ *# us/ 'i# ed on a bony !ony$ The s ree !edd#ers "a##ed ou o he&7 Sir8 I ha,e de#i"a"ies and 'ine %or you$ On a bru ish ho day a youn+ nob#e&an hun+ers and hirs s$( Youn+ &as er/ he "a#% is %resh#y .i##ed$ I o%%er &y "he%$ He has an an+ry 'ay bu i s on#y his &anner$ He &us do e,ery hin+ hi&se#%/ %ro& s a".in+ he %ire o urnin+ he s!i $( E#i e %riend/ &y dan"ers as. ho' #on+ you 'an he& %or$ I ha,e &usi"ians o asse&b#e and rehearse and +y&nas s o ins ru" $ 6e &us de"ide 'hi"h s"enes o !or ray$( 6i h a sho". )aisse rea#ised ha Sorayan in ended o "e#ebra e he dea h o% he baby$ She 'ri hed/ si".ened$ She !ar ed he "ur ains and Indi" a #oo.ed in hrou+h he +a!$ She 'as ridin+ a +rey horse/ ne,er 2o# in+ or %au# in+$ -is ress4( Ho' "an I hear his and re&ain si#en 4 6here I& %ro&/ hey !u us a'ay and %or+o abou us$ They so#d us o s ran+ers and "ousins$ Or 'orse/ o our un"#es$ Bu hey didn .i## us ou ri+h and hey "er ain#y didn &a.e a !ar y o% i $ I,e been$( Tha is no re"o&&ended$( I be#ie,e he "hoi"es +i,en o &e are no he on#y ones here are$ I 'ish o "han+e he ou "o&e$( You a.e a +rea ris. in sayin+ so$( 6ha do I "are abou ris.s4 The 'ors is a#ready o ha!!en$( You "ou#d as. &e %or he#!/ I a& o#d and here%ore in,isib#e$ The in,isib#e &ay +o any'here$( I .no' &y "hi#dhood %riends are here$ I 'an o %ind he& bu I don .no' ho'$ They +o by heir %a&i#y na&es no'$ I a& he 'i%e o% Sorayan o% he hir een h ,i##a$( )aisse and Sorayan had been born on he !re,ious is#and/ an a# ar o% +rey s one in a +rindin+ b#a". sea ha bi o%% a #i #e &ore o% he "oas e,ery 'in er$ In he &idd#e o% he is#and s ood he %e' s one houses o% he ri"h/ surrounded by he "oun #ess s&o.y "o a+es o% he !oor$ * he %ur hes ed+e 'ere he houses o% abandon&en $ -os 'ere %or dau+h ers$ So&e 'ere %or sons o% +ross enden"y$ So&e 'ere %or he &a#%or&ed and &ad$ )aisse had ne,er &e Sorayan un i# he day o% he &arria+e/ o 'hi"h she had been a.en dire" %ro& he house o% abandon&en 'i hou bein+ o#d 'here she 'as +oin+$ *s he !re,ious is#and shran. and +re' e,er "o#der i be"a&e he "us o& %or ne' "ou!#es o be sen on o his
is#and$ )aisse arri,ed$ She 'as !re+nan $ She %e# &ad 'i h horror and disbe#ie% a 'ha had been done$ Then a s ran+e hin+ ha!!ened7 one ni+h he sea 'ound i se#% in o a s i%% b#a". 'hi! and hrashed ha !re,ious is#and/ %#o++in+ i 'i h i"y %er,our/ "run"hin+ i o "o#our#ess +rains and hea,in+ i do'n un i# e,ery #i,in+ hin+ on i dro'ned and died$ The bodies rose/ %ro0e and san. %or +ood$ Sorayan &ourned$ )aisse did no $ The #i+h +re' shar!er a he %ar ed+e o% he is#and/ "u 'i h "hi!s o% 'hi eness re%#e" ed %ro& he 'a er$ )aisse o!ened he "ur ains and +ri y air !ushed in$ -any o% he bui#din+s around he& #ay e&! y$ 6ea# hy "ar!en ers/ anners/ s&i hs and &a.ers had bou+h u! a %e' 'or.sho!s bu a## he o#d ro!ers/ ri++ers/ shi!bui#ders and &er"han businesses had %ai#ed a% er he o% he !re,ious is#and$ The sea in he o her dire" ion 'as e3;uisi e/ &i#.y b#ue dea h$ I had a hidden .in. ha !u##ed shi!s under he sur%a"e and sha ered he& on he ro".s$ The s!hin3 #i,ed in a hu&&o". o% bro'n ro". "o,ered in hairy &oss/ u! a hi## #ined 'i h s!i.ed horn rees/ a## roas in+ and !ee#in+$ There 'as a s +roo,e 'here a s rea& had dried u! and %i##ed 'i h &ud$ The ra,e##ers s o!!ed/ he !a#an;uin 'as #o'ered o he "arriers hi!s and Indi" a he#!ed )aisse ou $ Find &y horse so&e shade be%ore i &e# s in o a !oo# o% oi#/( said Sorayan o *# us/ and ,isi Parres and as. %or &y "hario $ He de#ays oo #on+/ !er%e" in+ i $( I s a "are%u# "ra% / sir$ I,e seen i##1&ade ones sha er in he ra"es$ I,e seen riders dra++ed on he +round/ ne".s hi+hs "ra".in+/ ee h %#yin+ in e,ery dire" ion$( I .no'8( said Sorayan en husias i"a##y$ I s a b#oody horror and 'e## 'or h he !ri"e$( *# us #ed Sorayans horse ba". do'n he s#o!e o'ards he o#d 'or.sho!s$ He 'as %o##o'ed by he !a#an;uin bearers/ 'hose shou#ders bore dee! %urro's o% see!in+/ ra' !in.$ <ueer "rea ures/( +ri&a"ed Sorayan as he 'a "hed he& #o!e a'ay$ I do no unders and he %ashion %or he&$ -us hey a#'ays %ris. abou ha#% na.ed4 6here do hey +o/ in su"h &in"in+ has e4( To di,e$ Theres one !or ion o% "oas ha s no "o&!#e e#y be12a++ed 'i h ro".s$ I 'ou#dn #i.e o hin. abou he sa# 'a er on hose 'ounds$ -us be !ain%u#/( said Indi" a$ She had s ayed o "he". on he baby and end o )aisses ,ei#/ a ye##o' 'is! .e! in !#a"e 'i h a "hain o% o!a0 s ones$ Sorayan s!read his "#oa. on a ro". and dran. 'ine %ro& a$ Ha,e you seen he "o1"a##ed s!hin3/ Indi" a4( he as.ed$ I ha,e$ I 'as ser,in+ a #a'1&$ His 'i%e 'as a#'ays 'a3in+ #ar+e 'i h a baby/ or re"o,erin+ %ro& a baby/ or ryin+ o re&e&ber her na&e in be 'een babies$ Shed had a## he !ersona#i y ru ed ou o% her$( Bo h )aisse and Sorayan b#ushed$ Pardon &e$ He 'ou#d arri,e drun./ s&ash e,ery i#e/ bea any hin+ in bea in+ dis an"e/ e3!e# his +u s in any !#a"e he "hose/ %a## head %irs in o bed/ do 'ha he 'ished here and subside/ dead as#ee!$ Ne3 &ornin+/ 'ha a sur!rise/ he "ou#dn re&e&ber a hin+$ Oh/ ho' he ears 'ou#d %#o'$ The #a&en a ions$ The +rie%$ I a& no a hea re ,isi or ye I "onsider &yse#% a 'i ness o many +rea !er%or&an"es$ I a& an e3!er /( she de"#ared$ I +re' so unbearab#e/ I 'en o he s!hin3$ She said/ =One 'i## die by your hand and one sha## #i,e$ I hou+h / oo ri+h $ Ne3 i&e I "a "h hi& "#obberin+ a #i #e one/ I## be# hi&$ Bu 'ha she said has no "o&e o !ass$ He died in a+e and !#en y$ So I a& no sure abou he s!hin3$( Sorayan +o u! and %u&b#ed his "#oa. ba". on$ He 'as red 'i h hea $ See/ )aisse$ I s a## #ies/ ye here 'e are/ indu#+in+ you/ in he %u## hea o% day$( He i ered$ 6e en er he nes $ The den$ The dar. do&ain o% he da&ned da&e$ Then you## be sa is%ied and 'e "an a## ha,e so&e hin+ o ea $ U! a da'n o "#i&b a hi## and hear he babb#in+s o% a ra,in+ &ad'o&an in a s'e# erin+ ho,e#$ Tha is no a +en #e&ans day$( 6hy don you ha,e so&e bread no'4 The 'ines +one o your head/( said )aisse$ I "an / *# us "arried i a## a'ay 'i h hi&$ 6a "h hi& 'e##/ Indi" a$ )on #e hi& s ray o he +a&es house$ *nd a.e his$( Indi" a oo. Sorayans ' %ro& hi& and &oun ed her horse$ You &ay %ind he s!hin3/( she said/ !oin in+/ on he o her side$(
You are a## "ursed8( roared a ,oi"e$ 6ha 8( s;uea.ed )aisse and Sorayan/ sna "hin+ ea"h o hers hands ins in" i,e#y$ The ,oi"e "#ashed in heir ears/ i s e"hoes bea in+ around he&$ They re&b#ed a he &ou h o% he s!hin3s #air$ On#y$( * +ian / +ra,e##y "hu".#e$ Co&e in and &a.e yourse#,es "o&%or ab#e$( Youre no so .een o +o in no'/ are you4( 'his!ered Sorayan o )aisse$ Youre no so ;ui". o sneer/( she 'his!ered ba"./ #e in+ +o o% his hand$ The "a,e 'as "oo# and dry/ !un+en 'i h he s&e## o% ne'#y ra.ed ashes$ I e3 ended %ar ba"./ ,as and b#a"./ %i##ed 'i h he in,isib#e re&ors o% he s!hin3s #au+h er$ They sa' an ani&a# on he +round/ i s head and "#a's a a"hed/ s#ee./ he eyes 'o b#a". +e&s$ Han+in+ %ro& a s!i.e on one side 'as a +ar#and o% red "#ay %#o'ers/ and on he o her side a a!es ry$ * he o! o% he a!es ry 'as an e&broidered &an bein+ %ed by a s&i#in+ nude &aiden$ OBEDIE CE/ re"o&&ended he 'o,en 'ords$ * he bo o&/ he &an 'as bein+ orn o !ie"es by do+s 'i h ha++ard 'o&ens %a"es and ou s re "hed "ro's 'in+s$ Their on+ues 'ere hin and ro!y/ s'ir#in+ #i.e b#oody 'hi!s$ Their hread hair 'as 'i#d and 'iry$ !O""IP/ 'arned he a!es ry$ E#e+an /( s&ir.ed Sorayan/ hou+h his ,oi"e sounded hin$ I don hin. heyre de"ora ions$ Theyre o%%erin+s/( )aisse re!#ied$ The baby be+an o 'a.e/ .i".in+ 'i h sudden s ren+ h$ )aisse !e ed her$ Sorayan 'as !eerin+ o he roo o% he "a,e$ There +#o'ed 'o s&a## %ires/ hi+h and bri+h / s"a ered 'i h !uri%yin+ herbs ha urned he %#a&es si00#in+ 'hi e and !a#e +reen$ For'ard/ !#ease/( said he ,oi"e/ ,ibra in+ hus.i#y$ They "re! dee!er$ The !i#es o% ribu es +re' #ar+er$ There 'ere &ounds o% so% sha!es on )aisses side/ na!.ins or s&a## %#a+s "#in+in+ #i&!#y o ea"h o her$ She !u##ed one %ree$ 6ha are hese 5 oh8( They 'ere babies "#o hes$ There 'ere uni"s and iny "#oa.s he si0e o% birds 'in+s/ 'in er 'ra!!in+s/ ;ui# ed "oa s/ &inia ures robes/ %urred ha s as s&a## as 'ine "u!s$ There 'ere he %#a !a's o% un'orn &i ens$ There 'ere %e&a#e buria# %ro".s$ )on ou"h i /( said Sorayan/ unner,ed$ He sna "hed he hin+ and hre' i ba".$ Fur her in here 'ere oo#ed "hes s and iron s ron+bo3es s ubb#ed 'i h bo# s/ +o#d basins 'i h oo#ed ri&s hur#ed in o he "ra+s #i.e a h#e es dis"s$ Ro!es o% dus y 2e'e#s s'un+ %ro& hoo.s$ >ob#e s b#a".ened in ha!ha0ard "o#u&ns be 'een o#d s"ro##s$ There 'ere a" ors &as.s and 'a "h&ens .ni,es/ s a%%s and ,ases/ en+ra,in+s and urns$ Loo. a his hoard$ Ye nobody ad&i s o ,isi in+ her/( &ur&ured )aisse$ Ei her ha or shes a +reedy harridan +uardin+ hie,es %indin+s in re urn %or a bribe$( 6ha hie,es4 Theres no he% on he is#and$( Sai#ors brin+ hin+s ba". %ro& he !re,ious is#and$( Pained/ Sorayan "orre" ed hi&se#%/ They #rought hin+s ba".$( 6ha do you ha,e 'i h you/ o o%%er4( No hin+$( No hin+ a a##4( I didn o""ur o &e/( he shru++ed He "he".ed he %o#d o% his "#oa. and %ound a s'ea 1da&!ed ! !ou"h$ 6ha s in ha 4( as.ed )aisse ho!e%u##y$ -arb#es$ I 'as +oin+ o +i,e he& o *# uss "hi#dren$( *re hey he "hea! .ind ha &e# in he rain4( No$ Co#oured s ones$( You don ha,e a broo"h/ or a bu".#e/ or a #on+!in/ or a .ni%e4( I #e e,ery hin+ +o 'i h *# us/ i hun+ so hea,y on he 'ay u!$( This 'as ho' ri,ia##y had he a.en i / )aisse hou+h $ He "oun ed he ,isi as no hin+/ as &inor as a "hi#drens !as i&e/ a o.en %or ser,an s$ 6ha o% your rin.e s4( he said/ her u! and do'n$ Theyre 'or h#ess "o&!ared o yours8(
Co&e8 6ha is a## your bi".erin+4( ru&b#ed he ,oi"e$ )o you hin. I ha,e i&e o 'ai 'hi#e you 2os #e and ne+o ia e4 :$*" ua##y/ I do$( )aisse and Sorayan si+hed in &u ua# disa!!oin &en / #oo.ed and "ried ou $ The %ires 'ere eyes$ The %ires hey had seen 'ere he eyes o% he s!hin3/ ri!!#in+ bri+h and %as / a "o#d &e a##i" "o#our i"in+ he dar.ness$ )aisse ran %or'ard in ra! ure$ I s rea#: i s rea#/( she brea hed/ i s a## rea#8( She s ared 'i h de#i+h in o he eyes o% his #e+end/ 'ho +a0ed do'n and +a,e a 'hi e1 %an+ed +rin$ She %e# !ro e" ed by he "rea ure #oo&in+ #u3urian #y around her/ e3udin+ beas #y sa is%a" ion$ The s!hin3 had he 'ide +o#d body o% a #ion/ dee! &us"#es and s ron+ bones 'ra!!ed in a i+h "ro! o% sandy1+#ea&in+ bris #es$ Her !a's/ "asua##y e3 ended/ had %urred +o#d ba".s and b#a". "#a's as 'ide as shie#ds$ The %a"e o% he s!hin3 'as #ea hery/ 'rin.#ed on he sur%a"e bu %ir& undernea h/ #i.e a## hose 'ho #i,ed on he "oas $ Her %#a / 'ide nose and !a#e eyes in dar. 'i h b#a". shado's under he&/ &ade her #oo. o#d and "#e,er$ The dar.ness around her "ra".#ed/ so in ense 'as her ,i a#i y$ Her +rey hair 'as s ru". ba". %ro& her %orehead in hi". #ines/ u".ed in o he ru%% o% a s i%% "a!e: bu i 'as no a "a!e/ i 'as a se o% 'in+s/ hard and #ea hery/ hin+ed and 2oin ed$ They #ay a"ross her ba"./ +#in in+$ Sorayan bo'ed$ 6e are hu&b#y be%ore you/( he in oned 'i h a sardoni" s'a++er$ The s!hin3 #oo.ed %ro& hi& o )aisse and ba". a+ain/ s&i#in+ a s!hin3y s&i#e$ )aisse and Sorayan/( she +ro'#ed/ %ro& he hir een h ,i##a$ The one 'i h he bird &o i%$ On one +a e!os you ha,e a "ro'/ and on he o her/ a !ea"o".$ On one !or"h !i##ar a do,e/ and on he o her/ a ,u# ure$ *nd &any o her hin+s besides$( Our house is des"ribed in de ai# in he re"ords$ Those &osai"s ha,e e3is ed %or e,er/( said Sorayan$ True/ rue/( she re!#ied &i#d#y$ Her #on+ "hin 'as %urred 'i h +o#d$ On#y I& no a##o'ed in he ar"hi,e o%%i"es/ #i.e a## %e&a#es e3"e! s#a,es and a## ani&a#s e3"e! hose des ined %or dinner$ *nd I "an assure you/ I don 'an o +o in ha "a!a"i y$ I 'as on#y & "on,ersa ion$ -y na&es *a&&a $ -i+h sound s ran+e o you 'i h a## your Ly"ii and Ci,i a e and ?a#ienses 5 ( Those are he hi+hes %a&i#ies/( said Sorayan$ I .no'/ I,e &e he&$ *nd heir !re en ious "hi#dren$ * #eas 'i h &e you 'on %or+e he %a"e$ Nei her do I$( She #oo.ed a he baby 'i h a hun+ry s&i#e$ Her eye ra,e##ed o he !ou"h in Sorayans hand$ 6ha ha,e you +o here4( 9us &arb#es/( said )aisse/ he !ou"h %ro& Sorayan and sho'in+ i a!o#o+e i"a##y$ *h8 )on be e&barrassed$ I #i.e +a&es$( *nd: I o%%er you his$( )aisse oo. o%% her "#oa.$ The %ire#i+h !ier"ed he hreads and &ade he& see1 hrou+h/ hen o!a;ue/ hen see1 hrou+h$ *ha8 I #i.e "on"ea#&en $( *nd : his oo$( )aisse re&o,ed he o!a0 "hain .ee!in+ her ,ei# in !#a"e$ Pre y8( "ooed he s!hin3$ Li #e nu++e s o% %ire$( 6here sha## I !u he&4( Oh/ any'here$( )aisse sa' a +aun robe1s and in one o% he "rannies$ *s she 'en o i her ,ei# s#i!!ed o%% her head and san. o he %#oor$ )on be too ;ui". o !#ease/( Sorayan 'heed#ed$ The s!hin3 obser,ed hi& "are%u##y$ Ro## ou he &arb#es/ 'hy don you$ Le s ha,e a #oo.$ Your 'i%es busy 'i h he baby$ 9us ro## he& abou as you nor&a##y 'ou#d and I## 'a "h$( Un'i##in+#y/ Sorayan +rabbed he !ou"h/ +o on o his .nees/ an+#ed and un an+#ed his "#oa./ !oured ou he &arb#es and "ra'#ed around/ "a "hin+ he& as hey ro##ed here and here$ He !er%or&ed/ +ro'in+ e,er an+rier/ as )aisse s ood i erin+ in &or i%i"a ion beside hi&$ Than. you so &u"h/( dra'#ed he s!hin3$ You "an s and u! no'$(
She un"ur#ed a !a' and 'i h e3 re&e de#i"a"y nud+ed he ed+e o% one a&ber &arb#e 'i h he ed+e o% one "#a'$ The &arb#e ro##ed a #i #e 'ay/ s o!!ed and be+an o s!in$ I s!un un i# i sha ered in o a %#u%% o% +#i erin+ ye##o' !o'der$ Tha s a a,ern ri".$( Sorayan "ur#ed his #i!$ Tri".s are %or 're "hes 'ho &us hus #e o sur,i,e$( 6e##/ e3"use &e$ 9us ryin+ o en er ain$( Those 'ho "an i&!ress he 'or hy 'ay 'i## a#'ays ry he "hea! 'ay/ 'i h dis ra" in+ ban er and 2an+#in+ "har&s and ,u#+ar e%%e" s and 5 and easy hri##s and %ri!!eries 5 ( *nd no hin+ o +o on/ bu a %eis y s!iri /( %inished he s!hin3 do#e%u##y/ "#eanin+ her ba". ee h 'i h a s!rin+y !in. on+ue$ 6ha %ine #an+ua+e you ha,e$ Fro& 'hi"h s a es&an is i "o!ied4( The baby .i".ed ou and )aisse e3"#ai&ed/ s ru++#in+ o .ee! her +ri!$ I& sorry/( said he s!hin3 abru! #y$ S u!id o% &e$ You## 'an o %reshen u! a% er ra&!in+ a## his 'ay$ The basins o,er here$( There 'as a hear h 'i h a %ire sna!!in+ around #i&bs o% &us.y 'ood$ In %ron o% i 'as a 'hi e basin sha!ed #i.e ha#% an e++$ Ho' dee! inside he ro".s hey &us be/ hou+h )aisse/ %or a %ire o be needed on a day #i.e his$ Fee#in+ shy/ she 'en o he ha#%1e++/ un!ee#ed he baby %ro& i s 'ra!!in+s and ben o'ards he 'a er/ bu "ou#dn +e "#ose enou+h$ Her ar&s and ba". 'ere a"hin+$ She 'ished she had Indi" a o he#! her$ She sa' a she## sha!ed brass "u! han+in+ %ro& he ri& o% he basin/ s"oo!ed so&e 'a er 'i h i and !oured i o,er her dau+h ers %orehead$ The baby +a,e a ;ui,er o% re#ie%$ )aisse %e# a +rea desire o +e in and %ee# he 'a er a## around he&$ )on a.e oo #on+/( Sorayan said$ *nd so she "a&e ba"./ e&barrassed$ 6ha i% I o#d you he e#i3ir in ha basin & you i&&or a#/( 'in.#ed he s!hin3/ oo #a e$ -issed your "han"e$( The basin 'as e&! y$ There &us be a ,a#,e ha #e ou he used 'a er and sen i do'n a +u er ou o% he "a,e/ ba". o he sea or in o a ro". se'er/ hou+h )aisse$ Con2urors %#ourishes/( +ru&b#ed Sorayan$ You s;uander our i&e 'i h hese !e y s'ind#es$ I s %ri,o#ous$( So/ &y ,oi"e irri a es you$ -y a!!earan"e re,o# s you$ -y #o,e#y ho&e in%#a&es your ridi"u#e$ 6hy are you here4( *s a "on"ession o her$ *nd in re urn I,e been eased/ and !a ronised/ and be#i #ed/ and s!o.en do'n o/( he "o&!#ained$ Sin"e &y 'i annoys you/ and your 'i%e su%%ers so/ I## .ee! i brie%$ Your "hi#d 'i## sur,i,e as #on+ as that$( She indi"a ed he %ire$ Sorayan +#an"ed/ !a#ed/ %ro'ned/ urned a'ay$ )aisse #oo.ed un"o&!rehendin+$ You don .no' he ridd#e4 I hou+h e,eryone did$ *## nob#es/ any'ay/( said he s!hin3$ 6ha ridd#e4( as.ed )aisse$ The one %or "hi#dren #earnin+ heir #e ers/ and re"i a ion/ and rhe ori"/ and e#o"u ion$ Tha s 'hy he e#i es %inish heir #essons a## he sa&e 'ay$( I don .no' any ridd#es/( said )aisse$ I .no' i /( said Sorayan$ Say i hen/( he s!hin3 e3hor ed$ Sorayan sa a he ed+e o% he hear h$ He rubbed he ba". o% his ne"./ ryin+ o re"a## he 'ords$ 6ha is .i##ed a ni+h 5 ( Oh/ no$ )on /( i&!#ored )aisse/ he days s ri" se#%1"on ro# "ra".in+$ >o on/( ur+ed he s!hin3$ 6ha is .i##ed a ni+h / re"rea ed ea"h day/ "a##ed by he sa&e na&e bu a#'ays di%%eren / a dan+er and a "o&%or / ha des roys and "rea es4 6ha de&ands +ro' h and "on ain&en / %i3i y and &o,e&en 4 6ha is #eas ,isib#e in #i+h / bri+h in dar.ness4 6ha !uri%ies and su##ies4 6ha ra,a+es +rea s ru" ures ye %or+es !er&anen"e4 6ha is he si+n o% ho&e"o&in+ ha #ea,es
de,as a ion4 6ha is "o&%or and 'ar/ 'ha a ra" s and de ers4 6ha is #on+ed %or bu &ay ne,er be e&bra"ed/ he si+h &os +#ad#y 'e#"o&ed and sore#y %eared/ he si+n o% ,i" ory and a#so de%ea 4 6ha do 'e 'orshi! and dread4 6ha do 'e #i,e by/ 'hose bri##ian"e is b#indin+/ 'hose ou"h is #i%e and dea h4 Too "#ose and 'e die@ oo %ar and 'e die$ 6ha rans%or&s4 No hin+ sur,i,es i un"han+ed$ 6ha is i s na&e4( Fire8 Fire8 Fire is i s na&e8 Oh/ 'e## done8( * roar o% e3hi#ara ion shoo. he "a,e$ The s!hin3 "#a ered her "#a's/ sna!!ed her 2a's and "ra".ed her 'in+s$ The e"hoes s&ashed around he&/ sha erin+ in o e,er s&a##er sounds$ Sorayan and )aisse "o'ered$ The s!hin3 #au+hed 'i h +#oa in+ 2oy$ Beau i%u##y re"i ed/ sire$ Tha s di%%i"u# +ra&&ar/ in he %or&a# on+ue$( Ho' 'e ha ed &e&orisin+ ha /( he re!#ied$ I s 'ri en ou in a ,er i"a# s"ro##/ in red$ E,ery i&e 'e &e&orised one se+&en / -as er 6iard unro##ed a #i #e &ore$ 6hen he s"ro##s un"ur#ed i rese&b#es a !i##ar o% %#a&e i se#%/ a o'er on %ire$( 6ha do you &ean by his4( as.ed )aisse/ s arin+ a he s!hin3$ The s!hin3 +a,e a &a+ni%i"en shru+7 I #oo.ed a you and ha s 'ha I sa'$ S udy he %ire/ "hi#dren/ and re"on"i#e yourse#,es$( I don 'an ha /( said )aisse$ 6ho 'ou#d4 The ou"h o% %ire bo h hri##s and burns 5( U+h8 )on 8 Chan+e her des iny$( 6ha is his =des iny you obsess abou 4 The dou+h ies is#ander re&b#es in his sanda#s and be+s %or his %a e/ a## di+ni y %or+o en/ hen ra+es and "a##s &e %ou# na&es 'hen I !redi" a ;uie "areer &arred by +ou $( You ha,e he !o'er$( I do not ha,e he !o'er/( he s!hin3 "orre" ed her !edan i"a##y$ You are bein+ 'hi&si"a#$ I a&/ as you see/ an un'an ed o#d she1"rea ure 'i h &o h1ea en ears and bri #e "#a's and ro en %an+s and a"hin+ 'in+ 2oin s$ *nd &an+e$ *nd a ra y ai#$ I& sure you a+ree/ &as er$ $ou don be#ie,e$( Sorayan i+nored her$ The s!hin3 #aid !i yin+ eyes on )aisse$ You hin. so&e hin+ &i+h ha!!en a he #as &o&en / as hou+h his is a ra! you didn &a.e %or yourse#%$( I didn /( said )aisse ,ehe&en #y$ So&eone did$ The &en ors a+reed he ru#es$ The ora ors !ro&o e he&$ The u ors ea"h he&$ Your husband %o##o's he&$ He does no ;ues ion he&$ No' hey !#ay ou $( I& hun+ry/( Sorayan announ"ed$ He s ood u!/ s'ayed and "#u "hed his head$ -y s.u## hur s 'i h a## his %o##y1ya".in+$( I sa' 'ha ha!!ened on he !re,ious is#and/( said he s!hin3 o hi&$ 6ha a "a a"#ys&$ Na ure is a &ean ;ueen$( Bu a #eas she is no edious$( You &us &ourn your ho&e$ I doesn a.e a see1er o see ha $ You &ourn your ori+ins$ You &ourn heir "o&%or $ Your "on en &en has been !oisoned$( Sorayan +ri!!ed )aisses ar& and !u##ed her a'ay$ Ou o% here$ -y head a"hes/( he said/ ee h +ri ed$ He rod on her %a##en ,ei# 'i hou no i"in+$ I s he hei+h and de! h o% he ro"./ and he dryness/( he s!hin3 !#a"id#y e3!#ained/ i "rea es !ressure$ Tha s ho' +e&s are &ade/ you .no'$ Tre&endous !ressure/ hea / 'ei+h / dar.ness and i&e$ P#en y o% i&e$ Then hey #as %ore,er$( -ad$ Shes &ad/( said Sorayan$ Can I ho#d he baby4( as.ed he s!hin3$ In "ase heres one insi+h 'ai in+$ )es iny so&e i&es "o&&uni"a es by ou"h$( She urned her !a' !a#& u!$ )aisse bro.e a'ay and #ay he baby on he #ea hery "ushion1 !ads/ a he beau i%u# o#d %a"e besee"hin+#y$ The !a' "#osed/ & a roo% o% a#ons$ *berra ions/ a## o% you/( Sorayan &u ered %e,erish#y$ He #oo.ed +rey and i##$ The "hi#d 'i## burn/( he s!hin3 de"ided$ )aisse san. o her .nees and Sorayan hau#ed her u! a+ain$ The s!hin3 #au+hed horrib#y and
#oosened her +ri!$ )aisse sna "hed he baby ba".$ She and Sorayan urned and ran o he day#i+h as he "a,e e"hoes hre' he s!hin3s #au+h er ba". in heir %a"es$ I 'onder a you/( aun ed he s!hin3$ You "o&e 'i h your ribu es/ 'i erin+ and s"ra!in+$ Bu i% you hear so&e hin+ you don #i.e/ you "anno a""e! i $ You "an #oo. a rea#i y 5 no 5 you "anno #e i #oo. a you/ #es youre %or"ed o "on%ron your o'n &inori y$ You dis"o,er ha you are no he "en re o% he 'or#d$ The ru h is a he "en re$ You are a he ed+e$ The ru h is #i.e a bi e/ a s ab o% ,eno&$ I ne,er hea#s/ i a#'ays burns/ i &ay ne,er be e3!un+ed$( )aisse and Sorayan %#ed !as he !i#es o% o%%erin+s$ The hea!ed orna&en s %#ashed by/ "o#ourin+ he shado's$ The #i+h a he &ou h o% he "a,e 'as so bri+h i s ru". heir eyes$ They ree#ed ba"./ "#u "hin+ ea"h o her$ The s!hin3 'a "hed/ a &us"#ed body o% "on e&! $ She %#ared her nos ri#s and +a,e he& a s ar./ arro+an #oo./ hen s&a".ed her #i!s/ "rossed her !a's and #ay her &u00#e on he&/ he s!ines o% her 'in+s .no".in+ b#un #y #i.e broo& hand#es$ F#in s and inders/ I& ired$( She b#in.ed hea,i#y$ You #oo. s&a## and %ar a'ay/ #i.e "har"oa# s.e "hes on hese 'a##s$ I "an on#y see your si#houe es$ I% youre rai!sin+ in he hea be'are o% heyre s#i&y ras"a#s and hey s i". in ones ee h$ Soo 1ba##s and e&bers/( she ya'ned and her 2a'bone "ra".ed/ I& 'eary as a do+$ >oodbye/ you 'o$ Than.s %or he &arb#es$( THE CO-FORTIN> OF CHIL)REN This is Part One, Chapter Two of Transformation Play% )aisse and Sorayan s a++ered %ro& he "a,e/ +u#!in+ he s"a#din+ air$ Bo h %e# bea en and e&! ied by he en"oun er$ Bo h 'ished hey had no "o&e$ The sea beyond he ed+e s ea&ed and s irred$ *# us/ Indi" a/ he !a#an;uin bearers and he hree horses/ b#a"./ bro'n and +rey/ 'ere no'here o be seen$ )aisse #oo.ed a he baby/ a s&oo h/ sea&#ess/ %or&#ess/ 'a3en sha!e$ I had a## been %or no hin+$ They s u&b#ed do'n he s#o!e/ s;uin in+ in he hard ye##o' #i+h $ Sorayan &ade a s i%#ed sound$ * %irs )aisse hou+h he 'as "ryin+$ Then he #au+hed7 6ha a %raud8 6ha a ho'#in+ %raud8( Ho' "an you say ha 4( 6ha !os urin+$ * !ro!he ess she is not$ Shes a &ad/ sad/ bad a" ress in a !added "os u&e$( 6ha abou he !a's 5 he "#a's4( she as.ed/ hurryin+ o .ee! u! 'i h hi&$ Pony on he ou side/ s u%%ed 'i h horsehair$ Or s ra'$ Or sa'dus 4 Bu ha d &a.e he& hea,y$ I 'onder i% he 'ho#e hin+s a %ra&ed s ru" ure/ 'i h !u##eys and #e,ers and s!a"e inside$ Or is i u! on a dais4 Cou#d i be a !u!!e 4 Or so&e .ind o% shado'1"ra% / here a he ba".$ Theres a ha#%1&as./ ob,ious#y/ 'i h or"hes behind i / %or he eyes$ I hin. he 'his.ers are a## her o'n8 The "#a's are "#e,er$ The 'in+s are "hea! 5 an oi#1and1'a3 s or& "a!e$( 6hy 'ou#d she 'ai in %u## "os u&e on he "han"e o% a ,isi 4( She sa' us "o&in+$ I% you +o =round he ba". o% he "a,e you "an s!y ha#% he is#and$ Tha s !robab#y 'hy she #i,in+ here$( 6ha abou he ribu es4( Theyre or bro.en rubbish 'ashed u! on he ro".s$( He #oo.ed s ru". %or a &o&en $ I 'onder i% any hin+ %ro& &y !aren s house is here$( Bu I sa' you in here$ You 'ere !er urbed$( His dis urban"e/ his "#ear abhorren"e and ur&oi#/ had &ade her ho!e$ He 'as no neu ra#/ 'ha e,er he !re ended$ Nobody sneered so hard a hin+s hey %e# indi%%eren abou $ 6e## 5 shes !er urbin+8 *n o#d ,ir+in$ Tha s a s ran+e hou+h $ *nd 'ha .ind o% a na&e is *a&&a 4 6heres i %ro&4 Curses/ i s ho $( His eyes 'ere +#o'in+/ his "hee.s &o #ed$ His hroa 'as red$ You,e been ou"hed by he sun/( )aisse o#d hi&$ I don hin. he s!hin3 'as easin+ 'hen she said ha abou he air in he "a,e$ Hea and hei+h / and de! h/ !rodu"e s ran+e e%%e" s$( )on %uss$ I& 'e##/ I& e3"e##en $ There hey are8 I see *# uss !ony$(
He !oin ed o an o!en1%ron ed barn a#&os hidden behind o her bui#din+s$ *s hey 'a#.ed/ )aisse no i"ed ha he 'a##s o% he 'or.sho!s had desi+ns s"ra'#ed on he& 5 'a,es/ or 'or&y #ines$ The %resh "har"oa# "ried b#a". do'n he 'a##s$ *# uss !ony 'as i# in+ dus i#y/ i s reins s#a". around a barn !os $ Loo. a ha ri".e y o#d don.ey1s"ra+$ I s #i.e so&e hin+ 'hi #ed ou o% a #o+ o !#ease a si&!#e on/( &o".ed Sorayan$ 6hose !#a"e is his4( Parres he "hario &a.ers$ Hes a +rea a#en $ He s ar ed by & #i #e "ribs and "o s %or he &a rons/ hen he &ade ben"hes %or he &as ers ha##s and deba in+ roo&s$ Then he &ade a ban;ue in+ ab#e and e,eryone #i.ed i $ He &ade he &usi"ians s ands and he sin+ers s a##s a he re,e#s$ He &ade he a h#e es !a,i#ions %or he +a&es$ Then he &ade so&e "hario s$( Sorayans %ea ures &e# ed in 'orshi!$ Has he no ri,a#4( as.ed )aisse$ He did a %irs 7 Con"en us$ They had ;ui e a "on es +oin+/ %or na&e and "o&&issions$ One ni+h Con"en us 'en %or his 'a#.: and 'as %ound he ne3 day/ radd#ed in a di "h 'i h his 'or.sho! .eys and !urse +one and his hands/ 'i h a## heir rin+s/ "u o%% a he 'ris s$ I &us ha,e been a ser,an 'i h a +rud+e$ Soon a% er ha / Parres es ab#ished hi&se#%$( Sorayan ha&&ered on he door$ Parres/ = is Sorayan/ o% he hir een h8 6here are you hidin+ &y &an4 *nd 'heres &y oy4( The door "rea.ed o!en$ Parres bo'ed o Sorayan/ nodded o )aisse/ +#an"ed a he baby and hen #oo.ed a Sorayan &eanin+%u##y$ $es, how neutral you are/ )aisse hou+h as he 'o o% he& "o&&uni"a ed si#en #y in %ron o% her/ abou her$ *n a endan ran ou #i+h #y$ I 'as a youn+ &an/ %ashionab#y dressed/ a "u abo,e a house ser,an / a shade be#o' an a!!ren i"e$ Aass## +e you any hin+ you 'an /( said Parres +ru%%#y o )aisse$ Theres a "o /( said Aass in an endearin+ ha#%1bro.en ,oi"e$ Lo s o% "o s$ For he baby$( The youn+ &as er &ay a#so 'e#"o&e your "are/( she said/ "har&ed/ i% you ha,e so&e hin+ %or suns ro.e$ 6e &us dra' ou he hea $( I## as. he!er/ he .no's e,ery hin+/( said Aass readi#y$ There 'ere no 'o&en in he house/ )aisse rea#ised as she %o##o'ed Aass inside$ No e,en ser,an s$ Behind he !ar"hed/ !#ain %ron Parress roo&s "on ained beau i%u# 'ooden %urnishin+s 'hi!!ed in o 'is s and "ur,es/ s"oo!s and 2u s/ %or&s and abs ra" s$ There 'as a ba#"ony %or #adies/ an e#e+an #y s&a## s!a"e 'i h "ar,ed s"reens$ )aisse 'as sho'n in o i and !o#i e#y abandoned$ Aass had #e% a "o / a basin and "#o h/ si&!#e %ood and a 2u+ o% s'ee !in. %rui 2ui"e$ )aisse #ay he baby in he "o / dran./ s re "hed ou on he hard si#. "ushions and ried o re"a## 'ha he s!hin3 had said$ I 'as a## #os in a b#arin+/ sense#ess !ani"$ Indi" a and Sorayan 'ere ri+h / he s!hin3 'as a## %ron and ri".ery/ +a&es and e%%e" s$ *n e3haus ed/ des!airin+ s#ee! o,er oo. her$ She 'as 'o.en %or he se"ond i&e ha day by a ser,an s "ry$ She #ea! u!$ Aass 'as on he +round/ his !a#&s red$ In %ron o% hi& 'as a s!ar.#in+ !i#e o% %ra+&en s$ 6ha ha!!ened4( Aass +roaned in e&barrass&en $ I "a&e o as. a% er you 5 he +#ass 'as bro.en on he %#oor 5 I hou+h o "#ean i u! and I "u &yse#%:and I hin. I,e burn &yse#%/ oo$ The !ie"es s u"./ and 'hen I ried o !ee# he& o%% hey ore &y$( )aisse san. do'n/ e;ua##y e&barrassed$ I &us ha,e dro!!ed i 'hen I %e## as#ee!$ I& sorry$ I didn hear i brea.$( She oo. his hands and #oo.ed a he s&ar in+$ Theyre burns/( she a+reed$ I &us ha,e s&ashed in a !a "h o% sun#i+h $ Fine 'are hea s easi#y$ )oes i hur 4( -&$ No oo &u"h$( 6i## you +e in roub#e4( I## b#a&e i on you$(
Aass +rinned a her "han"i#y 5 #i.e a "hi#d/ no a %#ir a ious you h$ She 'ondered ho' o#d he 'as and i% he #i,ed !er&anen #y 'i h Parres$ She 'ondered i% he #i.ed i $ He &us &ee &any #i.e her/ 'ai in+ ou heir i&e in he #adies ba#"ony 'hi#e heir &as er s!o.e o his &as er$ Find so&e hin+ "o#d o ho#d/( she said$ He "hose he basin/ s!i##in+ so&e 'a er as he brou+h i do'n$ The s!#ash re&inded )aisse7 The 'a,e !i" ures on he 'a##s$ 6ha are hey %or4( Aass i&&edia e#y #oo.ed .een$ Theyre no 'a,es/ heyre he sea &ons er$( * &ons er4( she said indu#+en #y$ Aasss sin+in+ u or &us ha,e +i,en hi& so&e a#e o e&be##ish$ Is#anders don be#ie,e ha #ore$( Central is#anders don $ They say i s he 'or&y sha!e o% a s or& "#oud$ Bu i% you a#. o he sai#ors and e3!#orers a he "oas / hey be#ie,e a## sor s$( *nd do you be#ie,e he&4( Id like o$( His 'ounds %or+o en/ Aass #ean ea+er#y a+ains he sea $ They say ha 'hen he days as s u%%y as his/ and you "an bare#y brea he/ and he s.y s'e##s #i.e a boi#/ and he seas bubb#e and %ro h/ and your burs s and e,ery hin+s des!era e/ and he is#and %ries: a &ons ers bein+ born$ I "o&es %ro& dee! in he 'a er$ Firs i "ir"#es/ i s %i##$ I #e s #i%e in%use i s bends/ a## he 'ay o he i! o% i s ai#$ Then i 2u&!s u!8 I dan"es in e3u# a ion$ The iron'or.ers say i "ur,es #i.e %i#i+ree$ The "a##i+ra!hers say i &o,es #i.e runnin+ in.$ The s#a,e1 raders say i s#i".s he sur%a"e #i.e a 'hi!$ I & 'ondrous sha!es$ 6hen i s %inished dan"in+ i +i,es a shi&&y and +oes head#on+ ba". o he sea$ The end o% i s ai# %#i".s u! and s"ra "hes he "#ouds and ou "o&e he rains$ *nd he rains %a## and "oo# us do'n$ *nd ha s he end$( )aisse +i++#ed a he %ine e##in+$ I 'as "o&%or in+ #is enin+ o Aass$ I 'as #i.e bein+ ba". a he house o% abandon&en 'i h her %riends$ Aass 'as s!ra'#ed on he %#oor a her shou#der and she 'as ha#%1#yin+ on he sea $ The "oas #anders &a.e dra'in+s o en i"e he &ons er ou $ See$( He sa ba"./ bea&in+$ I s a ha!!y s ory$( I is$( The sea &ons ers ha!!y o be a#i,e/( he said 'is %u##y$ The s"reen s#a&&ed o!en and Sorayan s ood %ro'nin+ and red1%a"ed a he end o% he ba#"ony$ 6hy are you #o##in+ in ha obs"ene 'ay4( he s"o'#ed$ Aass s"ra&b#ed o his %ee and s"urried ou $ )aisse oo. he baby and %o##o'ed Sorayan o he yard/ 'hose %#oor shone 'i h "ur#ed 'ood1sha,in+s rese&b#in+ "hi#drens shorn hair$ Parress %inished !ie"es sa "o,ered 'i h "#o h #i.e "rou"hed and shrouded ani&a#s$ -us n 'e bid Parres +oodbye4( as.ed )aisse$ Sorayan "ou#dn hide a #oo. o% re!e##en"e$ No$ Hes a s ran+e &an$ He on#y 'an s o 'or.$ He said he had his ="hi#dren o #oo. a% er$ Funny !hrase$ No1one ends heir "hi#dren 'i h a sa'$( You are oo "o'ard#y o a" ua##y use a sa'$( No &ore o% ha /( he said/ an+ry and &iserab#e$ I s bad enou+h you dra+ he !oor hin+ e,ery'here 'i h you #i.e a +ir# 'i h a do##$( In one "orner o% he barn/ on a !i#e o% s ra'/ 'ere %our bodies$ They 'ere he !a#an;uin bearers$ They had suns ro.e$ Ne3 o he&/ ho#din+ a #ad#e/ 'i h a bu".e o% 'a er be 'een her .nees/ sa Indi" a$ She di!!ed he #ad#e in o he 'a er and !oured i o,er he &en/ 'ho &oaned$ Leanin+ beside his de2e" ed !i#e o% %#esh 'as Sorayans &an/ *# us$ *# us +a&b#ed &y horse/( said Indi" a o )aisse$ I %ound hese %our ha,in+ a 'e##1earned s'i&/ and I %e "hed he& %ro& he sea$ I %e "hed him %ro& he +a&es roo&s$ He as.ed us o 'ai / and 'e did/ roas in+$ The day is #i.e a %urna"e$ I 'as 2us he +round is oo ho o 'a#. u!on/ 'hen ou he "a&e and oo. &y horse %ro& under &e$ Or run 'as her na&e$( Sorayan #au+hed round#y$ Isn ha a %ine sho' o% "on%iden"e$ Trade/ *# us/ and rade u!8(
Nobody bea s &e a +a&b#es/ sir$ I had o 'or. %as / heyre "#osin+ he roo&s ear#y in "ase o% a s or&$ Hea as i+h as his is sure o brea. hard$( Or run 'asn yours o rade/( said Indi" a$ No$ She 'as &ine/( said Sorayan$ >ood &an/ *# / sa%e+uardin+ your &as ers in eres 'he her youre o#d o or no $( 6hy no be your o'n ride4( Indi" a "ha##en+ed *# us$ O#d Re&&y4 6ho 'an s her4( *# us !ro es ed$ Shes a ba#din+/ di%%i"u# / %ussy/ nei+hin+ bone1 ba+ no1one "an s and o be around$( Indi" a #oo.ed dis+us ed and Sorayan +u%%a'ed/ "#a!!in+ *# us on he ba".$ *nd he !a#an;uin4 Is ha +one oo4( as.ed )aisse$ No/ i s here$ In !ie"es/( said Indi" a$ The ri+h &os rod sna!!ed 'hen i s "arrier "o##a!sed$ The %ra&e bro.e 'hen i s ru". he +round$ 6e brou+h he bi s on he -as ers horse$( You "an "o&e ba". in &y ne' "hario / )aisse/( said Sorayan$ I s no ye %inished bu Parres 'an s &e o es i s he% and bias and send a #is o% "orre" ions$( Bu he 2ourney ba". 'asn as i&!ressi,e as hed ho!ed$ Sorayans s a##ion and *# uss !ony dis#i.ed ea"h o her and dis#i.ed bein+ harnessed o he "hario / 'hi"h ro##ed 2a++ed#y/ 'i h a 'is in one 'hee#$ Pu##ed behind 'as a rades&ans "ar bearin+ he bodies o% he !a#an;uin "arriers/ 'ho& hey dro!!ed a heir #od+in+s$ Si in+ a he "ar ed+e 'as Indi" a/ 'hod insis ed ha )aisse +i,e her he baby and a.e so&e res $ *# us rode ahead$ Sorayan "rou"hed uns eadi#y in he "ur,e o% he "hario / u++in+ a one or ano her s rand o% he #on+ reins borro'ed %ro& Parres$ )aisse sa u".ed in he #ed+e$ Her s.u## %e# as hou+h i 'as bein+ s ru". 'i h a +on+ ha&&er/ so resoundin+ and re+u#ar 'ere he re&ors o% !ain$ She 'as +ra e%u#/ i s o!!ed her %ro&$ Ho' do you si %as #i.e ha 4( Sorayan as.ed en,ious#y$ She shru++ed$ She had ridden 'i h ha#%1'i#d horses a## her "hi#dhood$ Tha 'as he bene%i o% ha,in+ +uardians 'ho didn "are i% you #i,ed or died$ S ar,in+/ %ree0in+/ dro'nin+ or bein+ ra&!#ed by a bo# in+ &are7 i 'as a## he sa&e$ Parres says 5 ( I ha,e no in eres in dis"ussin+ he ar o% "hario eerin+/( she said/ ee h "#en"hed/ you .no' 'ha I desire$ 6i## you "on inue/ si&!#y o a,oid he e&barrass&en o% "han+in+ your &ind4 Tha 'ou#d on#y or&en you %or a day or 'o$ No a #i%e i&e$( I s he #a'$ *bnor&a#i ies &us be !unished$( For a nob#e&an here are no "onse;uen"es o #a's$ The ru#es "an a#'ays be:#i+h #y sanded o ad&i &ore roo&$ Youd #ose he res!e" o% your %e##o's %or a shor i&e$ Then disres!e" in+ you 'ou#d "ease o be 'or h'hi#e$ You ha,e !osi ion$ You## rise$ They "an a%%ord o shun you %or so&e hin+ so ri%#in+ as a "hi#d/ i 'ou#d hur heir "areers$ 6hy do you no say 'ha you so "#ear#y %ee#4 Your #oudness 'i h *# us oday/ your rau"ous %riend#iness o Parres/ ha du##ard/ a## 'ere o "o,er your dread/ I be#ie,e$ -ean'hi#e/ I su%%er %or your "o'ardi"e$( Sorayan said no hin+/ bu #oo.ed dar. 'i h sha&e$ The ,i##a +a es #e he& in 'i h a shi,erin+/ haun ed sound$ Inside/ 'ai in+/ 'ere he "oun"i# 'o&en$ They 'ore 'hi e ,ei#s/ 'hi e a!rons/ #on+ 'hi e +#o,es$ U!on seein+ he&/ )aisse be+an o s"rea&$ *# us and Sorayan 'en ;ui".#y o he s ab#es$ )aisse ran %ro& he "hario o he "ar bu 'as b#o".ed and sho,ed aside$ She %e## hard/ he brea h .no".ed %ro& her &ou h$ The #as hin+ she sa' 'as Indi" a s arin+ a her in b#an. sho"./ ho#din+ he baby/ be%ore Indi" a herse#% 'as sna "hed a'ay$ )aisse 'as bund#ed u!/ dra++ed o her "ha&ber and hro'n in$ The 'o&en %or&ed a #ine o% ba".s a"ross he ar"h'ay$ )aisse "#a'ed a he& bu 'as !ushed o%%/ !i".ed u! and #obbed on o he bed$ She reared u! and 'as hi ba". a+ain$ You 'ou#d .ee! &e here = i# &y "hi#d dies/( she be##o'ed as she s ru++#ed$ Pre"ise#y/( said one o% he ,ei#s$ Bes no o %i+h $ *n o,er'rou+h / a%%#i" ed #ady on#y har&s herse#% and #oo.s undi+ni%ied/( said
ano her o,er her 'is in+ orso$ This is ireso&e/( said ye ano her/ a,oidin+ an e#bo'$ 6ere su!!osed o be nur urin+ !ea"e/ no uss#in+ abou #i.e she!herds shearin+ a shee!$( The 'a ers ready/( "a##ed a 'o&an %ro& he ba hin+ roo&$ )aisse said ra++ed#y/ 6ha are you 5 ( >ri!/ #adies$ *nd u!8( Hard %in+ers +rabbed under her ar&s and #e+s$ The 'o&en #i% ed her/ &o,ed a'ay %ro& he bed and dro!!ed her side'ays in o he !oo#$ She hi he ed+e and san. o he bo o&$ The 'a er 'as 'ar&/ b#ood hea $ )aisse s ar ed o !ush herse#% u! 'hen heir hands hrus do'n/ #on+ +#o,es s abbin+ 'hi e in o #ines o% bubb#es/ and he#d her here$ Her brea h s;uee0ed ou and her ,ision b#a".ened$ By he end she #ay sodden and #i&! by he side o% he !oo#$ She #oo.ed u! a he 2e'e##ed "ei#in+ o% he !en a+ona# roo&$ I rose o a !oin in he "en re/ hun+ 'i h a bron0e #a&! on a "hain$ The roo& be+an o s!in around he #a&!/ %ro& 'hi"h %#e' "ur,ed/ dra+onish #ines o% s&o.e$ )aisse brea hed i in$ I 'as dru++ed in"ense/ i had ha +ri iness$ She hou+h abou ho' &u"h she ha ed he is#and$ I had: she ried o re&e&ber 'ha : i had: su"h a s en"h$ No'/ don 'e %ee# be er a% er ha 4( said he "ooin+ ,oi"e o% a "oun"i# 'o&an$ She 'as s'add#ed in so% "#o hs/ "rad#ed and !e ed in s ran+ers ar&s$ So&eone 'as "o&bin+ her hair and so&eone e#se 'as !u in+ oi# on her$ Her eyes 'ere "#osed$ I 'as oo &u"h e%%or o o!en he&$ She %e# si". %ro& he a&oun o% dir y 'a er shed s'a##o'ed$ The oi# s&e##ed #i.e shar! &edi"ine/ so&e hin+ a!!#ied o a "u $ She sni%%ed and re"oi#ed and 'as sha.en/ on"e/ %ir&#y$ None o% ha s!oi# beha,iour han. you/( said he 'o&an/ no' s ern$ )aisse "ra".ed her eyes o!en/ !ain%u##y$ The roo& 'as bri+h / 'i h or"hes in e,ery ho#der$ The ba#"ony "ur ains 'ere #oose#y dra'n and hrou+h a +a! she sa' he dus.y b#ue s.y$ T'i#i+h $ The day had +one$ * s ri.e o% a+ony s#ashed her body$ She 'en ri+id/ sho %or'ard and 'as %or"ed ba".$ I s oo #a e$ -ee your husband and oas he %u ure$( She 'as +ri!!ed and s i%%#y he#d/ a#&os #i% ed o%% her %ee by he nu&ber o% hands on her$ >e a'ay %ro& her8( shou ed a %a&i#iar ,oi"e$ I 'as Indi" a$ She 'as bra"ed in he ar"h'ay$ Her i+h !#ai s 'ere rubbed #oose/ he sea& o% her s#ee,e had s!#i and here 'as a bruise on her hroa $ Loo. a you a##/ %#a!!in+ and rus #in+/( she snar#ed/ ye &as.ed/ #i.e "o'ards$ You ou+h o be asha&ed$ Bu##ies$( The "o,ered %a"es urned o one ano her in "on%usion$ )aisse 'or&ed one hand %ree and sho,ed hard$ * 'o&an o!!#ed 'i h a +ur+#e o% sur!rise$ *s she %e## her ,ei# +o "au+h and !u##ed a'ay/ han+in+ %ro& her headdress on one side$ She 'as an ordinary 'o&an/ s ar #ed and a'.'ard$ The o hers shran. ba". in e&barrass&en $ )aisse !ushed he& a'ay and ran o Indi" a$ Tis done/( Indi" a "on%ir&ed/ "a "hin+ her as her #e+s 'ea.ened$ *# us .ne' hey 'ere "o&in+$ So did Sorayan$ I %ou+h / bu one o% he "oun"i# =#adies .no".ed &e do'n/ !u her %oo on &y "hes and +o he baby %ro& &e$ *## day hey "on%ined &e o he .i "hens and "e##ar$ I s %inished no'$ These !han o&s are he #as o +o$( The o her 'o&en ba".ed a'ay su#.i#y$ They 'ere no #on+er sinis er and iden i"a#$ So&e %idd#ed 'i h heir ,ei#s/ so&e id#ed 'i h heir ar&s "rossed and hose "#oses o he or"hes !i".ed a heir +#o,es as hou+h hey 'an ed o a.e he& o%%$ >uard her 'e##/ Indi" a/( said one/ #o'1,oi"ed/ as hey #e% $ )aisse #ay a Indi" as %ee $ She %e# as hou+h she 'as bein+ "u a## o,er in "rossin+ #ines/ iny b#ood1+e&s #i.e ruby$ I hur o brea he/ o &o,e/ o b#in./ o hin.$ Indi" a "oa3ed )aisse u!/ a## o% her 'ei+h $ Co&e/( she &ur&ured/ you &us be de#i,ered o your husband$( Indi" a dressed )aisse/ dra!ed %ine "hains on her and "#osed her hand around a !ea"o".
%ea her %an$ )aisse s ru++#ed o s!ea. hrou+h he !ain$ I &us : !re end i ne,er ha!!ened$( No/ you needn !re end ha $ Bu you &us ne,er &en ion i $ The 'o&en are on#y doin+ 'ha hey,e been o#d$ The sa&e 'as done o he&$( Ye hey say no hin+$ They do no hin+$( They "an a%%ord o$ They sur,i,e on he 'or.$ *nd o 'ho& 'ou#d hey s!ea./ 'ho #is ens4 6e say &u"h a&on+s ourse#,es$( 6here 'as : he baby: #e% 4( Theyre no #e% any'here/ or he &o hers 'ou#d "o&e and +e he&$ )o you hin. youre he on#y one ha rai#s a+ains 'ha is done/ or ,isi s he s!hin3 o !#ead %or &er"y4 The "hi#dren are sun. in he sea/ in bo3es 'ei+h ed 'i h s ones$ >uess 'ho & he bo3es$( Parres$( Corre" $ He is a &os indus rious &an$( Indi" a rea"hed in o her a!ron and !u##ed ou so&e o% he #on+ b#a". !ron+s %ro& he horn rees by he s!hin3s "a,e$ I a& a#so indus rious$ I "o##e" ed hese his &ornin+/ a% er I #e% you and Sorayan$ I% you sna! he& and "oo. he 2ui"e/ i s a ba#& ha soo hes burns$ I &ay e,en !re,en he& 5 he s&i hs a he %or+e s'ear by i $ I,e &ade so&e u! %or he !a#an;uin bearers$ I s "oo#in+ in he .i "hen$ Bu he horns don 2us sa,e$ They a#so !unish$ The ra' sa! is !oison/ %a a# o &an$ On"e s'a##o'ed/ i su&&ons dea h$ *nd dea h a#'ays res!onds o a su&&ons$ The !oison ea s hrou+h he s o&a"h$ :Sha## I "on inue4( )aisse rea"hed ou s#o'#y and ou"hed he horns/ 'hi"h ro##ed s i%%#y in Indi" as !a#&$ She nodded$ Indi" a said/ I be+ins s#o'#y bu !ier"es e,ery #ayer o% he body/ &us"#e and bone a#i.e$ I %irs obser,ed i s e%%e" s as a "hi#d/ 'hen he !hysi"ians +a,e !ub#i" dis!#ays$ :I s %unny$ I% an e#i e #ady sees su"h a hin+ e,eryone shrie.s and e##s her o "o,er her eyes$ I% a ser,an +ir# s;uee0es in o he "ro'd and %inds herse#% a he bi+ oe o% a "or!se/ no1one urns a hair$ They &ere#y i+nore you/ as i% you are no 'a "hin+ and #is enin+ and #earnin+ e,ery hin+$ -ind/ I on"e &ade u! a !re y !as e o !u on a %re".#e$ I #e% i o se and i burned a ho#e hrou+h he "oun er/ round as an eye$( Indi" a sear"hed her a!ron on"e &ore and !rodu"ed a ,ia# sha!ed #i.e a s!ind#e$ The #i+h shone hrou+h i $ The !oison 'as red$ She sho'ed i o )aisse/ hreaded a ne".#a"e "hain hrou+h he ar&s o% he ,ia# and hun+ i around )aisses ne".$ The #on+ sha!e san. be 'een her breas s and .no".ed a+ains her hear / unseen$ 9us #i.e Parres/ I 'as &os di#i+en oday/ "on%ined hou+h I 'as o he #o'er !ar s$ The "oun"i# 'o&en don .no' ha &y roo& is do'n here/ and &y "abine o% in+redien s$( 6e bo h ha,e our o'n roo&s/( said )aisse sad#y$ I a#'ays 'an ed ha $ 6hen I 'as a "hi#d 'e s#e! in dor&i ories$( *re you no : %ro& a +rea house4( as.ed Indi" a/ !u00#ed$ I 'as born o a ri"h %a&i#y/ bu 'i hin a &on h I had no hin+$ One ni+h 'hen I 'as a ne'born a s!ar. %ro& he %ire "au+h he dra!es/ and %ro& i he a!es ries/ he &a s/ he ru+s/ he bed 'here I #ay/ he s"reen/ e,ery hin+$ I 'as so ,io#en no1one "ou#d en er/ he hea bea he& ba".$ By da'n/ e,ery hin+ 'as redu"ed o ash$ Bu I sur,i,ed$ 6hen he nurse ou"hed &y "hee. &y %a"e branded her !a#& #i.e an a h#e es !ro%i#e on a &eda#$ La er/ hey ins!e" ed he bed and said ha so&e !ar o% he o,erhan+ &us ha,e o!!#ed and !ro e" ed &e$ I 'as #u".$ *nd #o+i"$ Bu he da&a+e 'as done$ The nei+hbours 'ere a#ready abou he unna ura# dau+h er 'hod 2in3ed he house$ Nobody 'ou#d #oo. a &e or ou"h &e/ or %eed &e$ S ran+e hin+s ha!!ened around &e7 !e s %#ed/ &i#. soured/ 'a er ro ed$ Fires ha had been dyin+ re,i,ed a+ain and hin+s s"a ered abou he roo&/ &o,in+ o% heir o'n a""ord$ Bu hose 'ere a""iden s and "oin"iden"es$ Or #ies$ No doub he %ire #e% so&e residue ha 'as oo s&a## o see/ or an i##ness ha on#y ani&a#s "ou#d de e" / 'i h heir %iner senses$ Id brea hed in s&o.e and absorbed he hea $ Id been a&ids he %#a&es e,en i% hey didn hur &e ou 'ard#y$ Bu no1one !aid a en ion o ha $( Ho' do you .no' his4(
I 'as in he #e er ha a""o&!anied &e o he house o% abandon&en $ -os o% &y %riends had #e ers o% heir o'n$ 6ha e#abora e a#es our %a&i#ies o#d$ *!!aren #y 'ed a## "aused &ar,e##ous "a as ro!hes and brea h des ru" ion/ &ere days a% er bein+ born$ 6hy didn hey 2us e## he ru h4 They didn 'an us$ 6hy "on"o" su"h ,i,id e3"uses4( 6ou#dn your u ors .ee! he #e ers %ro& you4( No/ hey re+arded he& as ours$ They 'ere "are#ess/ no "rue#$ To a "hi#d/ !erha!s e,en a %a#se 'ord %ro& a !aren is be er han no 'ord a a##$ -aybe ha s 'ha +ui# y !aren s do7 hey 'ri e #e ers$ -ine ne,er 'ro e a+ain a% er ha $ 6hen 'e 'ere s&a##/ 'e "ried o,er he&$ 6hen 'e 'ere o#der/ 'e #au+hed$ They 'ere he &os %an as i"a# s#anders$ They sho'ed us o be !o'er%u# &ons ers %or 'ho& no hin+ 'as i&!ossib#e$ I% on#y ha 'ere rue$ I% on#y 'e 'ere so +rea and dan+erous$ :Theyre a## +one no'$ * #ibrary o% #ies$( Sorayan #oo.ed iny and +rey$ He s ared a his un ou"hed %ood/ re&b#in+$ His %a"e 'as 'a3y/ dir y$ I had #os i s %#esh and you h$ Seein+ i / )aisse .ne' ha her dau+h er 'as dead and ha Sorayans o'n #i%e 'as ruined oo$ She %e# hea sur+e hrou+h her b#ood/ !ri".in+ in o her s"a#!$ Sorayan/( she said ;uie #y/ he 'ord brandin+ her hroa $ Sorayan/ 'ha ha,e you done4( Sorayan shoo. his head$ He 'his!ered so&e hin+7$( 6ha 4( I& so sorry:( 6ha ha,e you done4( I a& so/ so sorry/ so sorry:$( S o! sayin+ ha $ Te## &e 'ha you did$( I 'asn &e: i 'asn &e: he 'o&en oo. he baby o he or"hard$ They %ed i and "han+ed i and ba hed i and dressed i $ They o#d *# us o "o&e and do : 'ha 'as de"ided o do$ I "ou#dn he#! &yse#%/ I had o #oo./ hou+h hey o#d &e no o$ I "a&e ou o% he s ab#es and sa' he baby in he +rass$ I 'as unna ura#: abnor&a#: a &ass o% %#esh en 'ined 'i h a## hrobbin+ and &o,in+:$( Those are +rass$ There are nes s in he 'a##s$ Theyre har&#ess$ The hea brin+s he& ou $( No 1 a## &anner o% 'ere s#idin+ abou / and hey 'ere sheddin+ heir s.ins$ They &ade a s#idin+/ "ra".in+ sound$ * shushin+ sound$ I ha,e ne,er listened o be%ore$ I "ou#dn #oo. a'ay/ and I "ou#dn ou"h he&$ I 'as #i.e a s a ue$( You 'ere seein+ hin+s$ Youd been ou in he sun$( I didn .no' 'ha o do so I "a##ed %or *# us and he "a&e$ He sa' he& oo$ He ran o he .i "hen and re urned 'i h so&e sa".in+/ and 'i h ha he !i".ed u! he s"a#es and he 'i h he baby 'i hin/ and he oo. i o he .i "hen$ *nd he hre' i on he %ire$( )aisse 'en s i##$ * 'hi e !ain seared her ner,es$ They had .i##ed her dau+h er/ horrib#y/ !ain%u##y/ %ri+h enin+#y/ no %i% y s e!s %ro& her "ha&ber/ as she #ay here$ She %e# as i% %#a&es 'ere "onsu&in+ her body/ ea in+ in o i $ There 'as no sound e3"e! he s!#i in+ and s!i in+ in he hear h$ Then here 'as a ri! and he %ire burs u! o he "ei#in+/ and he .i "hen 'as o,er"o&e 'i h he s&e## o%:( Sorayan re "hed: burnin+$ I## ne,er %or+e $ I "ou#dn s and i $ I 'ren"hed a "oo#in+1!o o%% i s s and and "as he "on en s in o he %#a&es/ s"u& and a##/ and here 'as a hiss/ and 'e a## +a,e a +run / #i.e ani&a#s$ *nd in he hear h i 'as a##: !ie"es$ Charred !ie"es$ I ran s"rea&in+ %or *# us o "#ean i u!/ and he did$ He oo. i / he !u i in he "as.e and 'en o he "oas $( * bo# o% horror/ ha red and dis+us s"or"hed )aisse$ She %e# her and insides burnin+$ *nd no' you ea your dinner/ "oo.ed in he ,ery sa&e %#a&es/( she said/ #eerin+/ s!i dri!!in+ %ro& her #i!s$ She rea"hed o,er hi& 5 he !ea"o". %an %e## and s ru". o!en/ a "ir"#e o% eyes 5 and #ean on o he si#,er1'or.ed "#o h on he ab#e$ She %e# a s!i.e o% an+er and !o'er and her hands burned hrou+h he "#o h$ The burn !assed s ron+ and dee! in o he ab#e$ S#ee,es o% +rey s&o.e and 'hi e
s ea& rose u! )aisses ar&s$ Sorayan s ared$ 6ha do 5 ho' do you 5 ( )aisse #au+hed dar.#y$ Tha 4 I s no hin+$ I s &us be he oi# hose 'o&en !u on &e$ *% er hey subdued &e$ I &ay #oo. !re y/ s!e".#ed 'i h +o#d$ I& sure i 'as e3!ensi,e$ Bu i "orrodes$ I ro s$( *s she !u##ed a'ay/ he res o% he "#o h ore %ro& he ab#e$ -ea .ni,es and !#a ers "#ashed in a dea%enin+ s#o! o% ri"hes and %ood/ +#u++in+ in o he +roo,es o% he %#oor$ The 'ine 2u+ s#id a'ay %ro& i s "u! and s!i##ed in a &ess o% s&ashed "#ay$ )aisse he#d her !a#&s ou / %in+ers "ur#ed/ he s& and b#eedin+$ Sorayan re"oi#ed$ She s#un. %or'ard and +rabbed his %a"e/ !ressin+ his head hard a+ains his "hair$ His %a"e burned/ he %#esh si00#in+ red and b#a".$ Her %in+ers san. in o his$ Tee h "#en"hed/ he ried o s;uir& a'ay/ 'ea. 'i h sho".$ The ser,an s 'ere +a hered in a "orner o% he roo&/ hri##ed$ )aisse #e +o and %e## ba". in o her "hair 'here she s!ra'#ed/ derisi,e and !an in+$ Youre a boy/ youre a boy/ youre a boy/ youre 2us a boy$ No' you,e "ursed yourse#%/ ryin+ o beha,e #i.e he bru es you ido#ise$ Bru es 'i h !o#i e %a"es$ You are no nas y enou+h o do ha 8 You ha,e oo &u"h ha is !ro&isin+8 Or you did$ I s su##ied no'$ Oh/ Sorayan:( her 'i#dness and "on e&! died as ;ui".#y as heyd arisen$ * b#un !ain ed+ed u! her %orear&s$ I 'ish 'ed ne,er &e $ I 'ish I hadn "o&e here$ I 'ish 'ed been %riends$ I& re,o# ed by his 5 by us 5 and so are you$ Tha s 'hy you did i $ To ob#i era e i $ Bu you,e &ade hin+s so &u"h 'orse$ Su%%er/ Sorayan$ I don ha e you$ I don e&en ha e you$ I need a## &y "on"en ra ion 2us o sur,i,e$( She ou"hed he ri& o% his "u! and i sha ered$ Sorayan and he ser,an s "ried ou $ E,ery hin+ in his !#a"e is dra'n u! oo i+h /( dra'#ed )aisse/ as a#'ays in a house 'here he !eo!#e aren ha!!y$ I s in,isib#e bu i s here/ su%%o"a in+$ :You #oo. ha#% dead/ husband$ Re%resh yourse#%$( She si+na##ed %or &ore 'ine and a %resh "u!$ She !oured he 'ine herse#%/ sna!!in+ he end o% he ,ia# and re#easin+ he !oison/ #eanin+ %or'ard and !re endin+ ha she 'as %ussin+ o .ee! her ne".#a"es ou o% he 'ay$ Sorayan !u i o his #i!s/ 'as abou o drin. and hen shoo. his head and "a##ed %or 'a er ins ead$ )aisse i&&edia e#y %e# re#ie,ed$ One &urder did no re,erse ano her$ She didn "are enou+h abou hi& o desire his su%%erin+$ I& sorry/ )aisse$( Sorayan s;uir&ed 'i h se#% #oa hin+/ b#oody red s rea.s on his %a"e$ Your re&orse doesn "han+e 'ha you,e done/ or i s "onse;uen"es$ )on indu#+e i $ Bu I& sorry/ oo$ I 'as obedien and i #ed o he 'ors "on"#usion$ Obedien"e is e,i#$( Sorayan s&i#ed sad#y a her/ %or he %irs i&e/ in a nor&a# 'ay/ as o a !erson 'ho "ou#d ha,e been a %riend/ no a hindran"e or so&e hin+ o be &o".ed$ Theres one #as hin+ I 'an o do$ I& +oin+ o see 'here you hre' he "as.e $ Te## &e 'here o +o/ I don .no' he #ine o% he "oas $( You "an ride in your s a e/( said Sorayan nu&b#y$ You ne,er "ared abou ha be%ore$( )aisse s ood u! and &ade a #o'/ sar"as i" "ur sey7 Than. you %or dinner$ I a& %inished 'i h he ni"e ies o% his house$( The horses &o,ed ner,ous#y in heir s a##s/ s arin+ 'i h an3ious 'hi e1ed+ed eyes$ )aisse !u on a !air o% ridin+ boo s ha had been #e% ou o air/ !i".ed u! a 'hi! and s'i "hed i hard a+ains her "a#%$ I "u hrou+h he so% %i#& o% her dress$ She %ound so&e ridin+ +#o,es and !u##ed he&/ 'in"in+/ o,er her burn hands$ Ta.e he "hario / )aisse$ P#ease/( said Sorayan$ Ta.e i / i s &ore "o&%or ab#e$ I## %ind *# us 'here,er hes and +e hi& o ready i 5 ( *# us8 )are you say ha na&e4 Your a" %ai#s you/ as e,er$( Hes he on#y one 'ho .no's ho'$( Yes/ I ha,e &u"h o han. hi& %or/ in his e3!er ise$ He is so 'e##1!ra" ised$( Hes no #i.e ha $ He 'as in a %ren0y 'hen he #e% $ He 'as +reen and i##/ s'ea in+/ &u erin+/ re&b#in+$ He 'as sha.en by 'ha hed seen$( 6ha hed done$ He 'as sha.en by 'ha hed done$ Hes done &u"h he sa&e %or &any a &as er/
I& sure$ Ha8 *# us/ he %a&i#y &an$ I 'onder ho' he s#ee!s$ Beau i%u##y/ !robab#y$ The &a#i"ious res 'e## 'hen hey are sa is%ied$( *## ri+h 5 %or+e abou hi& 5 I## !re!are i &yse#%$ I "an be ha hard$ Fa&ous "hario eers are no .no'n %or heir in e##i+en"e/ a% er a##$ I## :!u 'o &i#d horses o i / 'hore easy o s eer$( )aisse hou+h / ensin+ he 'hi! be 'een her %in+ers$ )o i hen/( she shru++ed$ The "hario 'as a he o her end o% he s ab#es/ #o,in+#y !added u! 'i h hay/ 'i h Parress borro'ed reins and harnesses han+in+ beside i $ Sorayan dre' he "o,er a'ay +en #y/ %o#din+ i ba". %ro& he 'ooden "ur,es$ 6hen I re urn oni+h / .ee! o your roo&s$ I a& ha!!y ne,er o see your %a"e a+ain/( said )aisse$ Sorayan s rai+h ened u! s#o'#y$ He had he harnesses bund#ed in his ar&s$ They had heir o'n rounded %or&/ an e&! y rib"a+e o% #ea her #ines ha see&ed o brea he in his e&bra"e$ Theres no'here o +o/( he said$ 6hen sai#ors de!ar he is#and hey dro'n and ha#% heir 're".a+e s'ee!s ba". here$( I## ris. i $ I% anyone sees &e/ you &us bear he e&barrass&en $ )on 'orry/ I 'on a.e any hin+ o% yours$( I don "are abou ha :( Sorayan shou#dered he harness and ried o !i". u! he #on+ bea& a he %ron o% he "hario $ I 'as oo hea,y %or one !erson o #i% $ He hid his %a"e %ro& her as ears o% re&orse and unha!!iness s#id do'n$ )aisse #oo.ed a hi& 'i h derision/ urned on her hee# and #e% o 'ai in he "our yard$ She 'as s'ea in+ inside her +ar&en s$ The .i "hen door o!ened and a %e' boys ran o he s ab#es/ s'er,in+ a'ay %ro& her e3a++era ed#y$ She 'as +i,in+ he s a%% so&e %ine a&use&en / she hou+h 'ry#y$ She sa' Indi" a a he ba". o% he .i "hen/ s"ourin+ he s ones$ Indi" a #oo.ed u! and &ou hed ;ui".#y/ 'as he drunk it()aisse shoo. her head be%ore he door s'un+ shu $ She didn "are abou ha $ She hou+h on#y o% he "oas $ On one side 'as des ru" ion/ dea h/ he !as 7 her and Sorayans "hi#dhoods/ her dau+h ers #i%e :and ha o% "oun #ess o her dau+h ers/ she rea#ised$ She shuddered o i&a+ine he bones ha s irred in he boi#in+ sea$ On he o her side 'as %reedo&$ The s or& be+an soon a% er$ * bree0e s ar ed/ s irrin+ a "ir"#e around he ed+es$ I i+h ened and 'i h a 2o# a## he shu ers s#a&&ed shu hen ban+ed o!en/ "rashin+ hard$ * s ran+e as e !er&ea ed he air$ I 'as dir / s.i&&ed o%% he +round$ The s.y #oo.ed hard and do&ed/ #i.e a shie#d$ I s!#i 'i h a "#an+ o% hunder and a +ash o% b#ue1'hi e #i+h sho ou $ The s ab#e doors burs o!en/ 'ren"hed ba". and bro.e in heir hin+es/ b#as in+ he inside 'i h s!#in ers$ The horses ra&!#ed ou / %ren0ied/ rearin+ u! and bea in+ a he "our yard 'a##s$ Their hoo,es sho s!ar.s as hey s ru". he s one$ The horses ,au# ed he #o' 'a## be 'een he .i "hen +arden and he 'a "h&ans !a h ha ran behind he ,i##as$ )aisse8 )aisse8( Sorayan "#a'ed a he s ab#e doors$ Lon+ b#ades o% 'ood !ier"ed under his nai#s bu he didn no i"e$ He s u&b#ed in and +ro!ed around/ his brea h shor and ra++ed$ Indi" a %o##o'ed hi&$ Co&e inside/( she shou ed o,er he noise o% he s or&$ I s un"ou h o +ro,e# in hay and horses &ess/ and i doesn he#!$( Sorayan ran o her/ +rabbin+ her shou#der$ His eyes 'ere +ui# y and %ran i"$ He urned o #oo. a 'here he "hario had s"u%%ed 'ide #ines in he &u".$ Shes ou / shes s i## ou / she hasn "o&e ba".$ Ride/( he s ru++#ed o "a "h his brea h/ "o&e and ride 'i h &e and %ind her$( Ho' "an 'e4 The horses are +one$ You #e% he doors unbo# ed$( I %or+o / I %or+o / I didn "he"./ I hou+h I 'as he#!in+/( he babb#ed/ bu i oo. so #on+ o +e he "hario ready$( I didn a.e so #on+ his &ornin+$(
*# us and Parress &en did i / hey .no' ho' o do hin+s #i.e ha / I had o +uess$( You &us ho!e you harnessed i sa%e#y and ha i ho#ds$ * near#y un ried "hario is !eri#ous enou+h$ *n un ried "hario / 'hi"h you .no' urns une,en#y/ !u##ed o he #o'es "ur,e o% he "oas / 'i h i&id horses unused o he yo.e/ in he hands o% an un!ra" ised +uide:( Ho' #on+ 'i## she be4 6hy doesn she "o&e ba".4( 6hy indeed4 I% she doesn re urn/ !eo!#e 'i## b#a&e he 'ea her$ I,e seen hese s or&s be%ore$ -u"h is des royed$ The ro".s are b#a". s!$ *ny hin+ ha hi s he& is i&!a#ed or s&ashed$ The "urren is su"h ha :%a##en hin+s: don rise$ The #i+h nin+s shar! enou+h o s#i"e he eyes$ Or/ as so&e say/ o sho". si+h in o he b#ind$( I didn .no' here 'as +oin+ o be a s or&8( Sorayan ye##ed/ s a&!in+ his %oo $ Yes you did$ *# us said so 'hen 'e #e% Parres$ 6hy didn you o%%er your s a##ion4 Hes so#id$ His sadd#e is 'ide$ I "ou#d easi#y be !added$( I:'ha are you sayin+4( Indi" a shoo. Sorayan o%%$ I& sayin+ ha I "an o%%er no "o&%or $ On a ni+h #i.e his/ one ou+h o be a%raid$( He +u#!ed$ You don hin.: you hin.: you hin. I:( I hin. you shou#d "o&e inside$( *nd do 'ha 4( )o 'ha he !o'er#ess do$ Pray$ I## !ray 'i h you$( She oo. hi& ba". a"ross he "our yard/ 'here he #an erns #ay sha ered and he !oo# 'as bro'n 'i h soi#$ The 'ind s'e! he 'a er ou o% he %oun ain and hre' i a he "our yard 'a##/ 'here i shredded #i.e orn "#o h$ The .i "hen 'as ho and e&! y/ dar. bu %or 'o #o'1s&ou#derin+ or"hes$ I don 'an o si near he %ire/( said Sorayan/ s!oo.ed$ You## ha,e o/ here are no o her sea s$ This is a ' .i "hen/ i s no %or nob#e&en a #eisure$( Indi" a 'as a he "oun er/ +rindin+ s!i"es in o &i#.$ I s he bes roo& o hear he +a es i% hey o!en/ or i% anyone "a##s %ro& ou side$( Oh/( he said/ "has ened$ The ,i##as are desi+ned o sa%e+uard your sereni y$ I &i+h hear any ,isi or %ro& here so ha I "an #e he& in/ or s!ea. 'i h any !edd#er$ Bu i% I 'ere o be .i##ed by he&/ and I 'ere o s"rea&/ i% you 'ere %eas in+ in he ha##/ you 'ou#dn hear a hin+$( 6ha i% 5 'ha i% )aisse har&s herse#%4( he said 'i h a 2er.$ 6hod b#a&e her i% she did4 6ha +ir# 'ou#d 'an o #i,e here/ %or a## i s +e&s and &osai"s4 Bu I don be#ie,e shed do ha / shes had enou+h o% har&$ I s %reedo& she 'an s$ Liber y is bu one ni+h a'ay and heres no hin+ o s ay %or$ :Ho' "are%u##y you,e hou+h hin+s hrou+h$ You "onsider e,ery in er!re a ion$ You are ru#y sensi i,e$( She !oured he &i#. in o 'o bo'#s/ added a s"a er o% s'ee !e a#s o Sorayans and "arried he& o'ards he b#a".1see!in+ &ou h o% he %ire!#a"e$ I s e&! y &a' s&e##ed o% "oo.ed &ea $ The b#a". bruise o% soo s&eared he 'a##s on bo h sides/ rea"hin+ o he "orners$ The %#oor 'as s ained/ rea"hin+ #i.e a #on+ b#a". on+ue a#&os o he door$ The s one &an e# and he "ei#in+ abo,e 'ere roas ed b#a". a#i.e$ The hi+h s in. o% "hurned b#ood and burned %a 'as soa.ed in o he 'a##s$ In he rou+h b#a". "ore 'as a +ra e 'i h ere" iron %an+s$ Indi" a sa a he ed+e o% he ben"h$ You see/ -as er$ I ha,e "#eaned u! your &ess$( Sorayan se #ed +in+er#y o!!osi e/ a %irs any'here bu in o he +ra e$ Then he %or"ed hi&se#% o s udy i $ He said no hin+/ hou+h his eyes bu#+ed and his %a"e 'is ed$ He shuddered and urned a'ay$ 6here is e,eryone4( he said$ Che".in+ he roo&s$ I sen he #i #e ones o heir beds$ Chi#dren are a%raid o% s or&s$( The 'a##s "rea.ed and hey heard dis an / "run"hin+ s one$ Oh %or he &ys i"is& o% he s!hin3/( si+hed Indi" a$ Can she s o! he deba in+ s a+e in o
a rubb#e1!i 4 6i## she %#a! in 'i h a re&edy4 )id she %ore e## he s or& oday4( No$( There you ha,e i $ The su!erna ura# is ha 'hi"h is abo,e na ure$ She is no $( She oo. a si! o% &i#. and !eered a Sorayan$ I "ou#d he#! 'i h hose/( she nodded o his burns/ bu &y ba#&s a## +one$ I 'as in ha !o $( She nodded o an e&! y b#a". !o near he ben"h$ Sorayan s'a##o'ed hard and bo'ed his head$ Re+re and re,u#sion !assed u! and do'n his body in hi". 'a,es$ Pri".#es o% s'ea / %irs ho / hen "o#d/ &ade hi& 'an o s!#i his and es"a!e$ Ha,e so&e "inna&on &i#./( said Indi" a soo hin+#y$ I s a "hi#drens drin.$( She +a,e hi& his bo'# and raised hers o hi& in sa#u e$ They dran.$ Than. you/( "roa.ed Sorayan 'hen he 'as %inished$ No a a##$ I s "o&%or in+ o drin. &i#.$( She oo. his bo'#$ He had drun. i a##$ She s ood u!/ !u he bo'#s on he &an e#/ rea"hed o,er hi& and !#u".ed one o% he or"hes ou o% i s bra".e $ I& +oin+ o he#! he o hers no'$ E,ery door and shu er &us be i+h / e,ery %o#d !inned do'n$( She !ushed aside he "ur ain o% he ar"h'ay #eadin+ o he dinin+ roo&$ I% you "a##/ 'e &ay no hear$ *# us is a'ay and no1one e#se 'ou#d run o sa is%y you$( 6ha &us I do/ hen4( Sorayans ,oi"e 'as hin and s&a##$ He #oo.ed u! a her/ ear1s ained/ bedra++#ed and asha&ed$ *""e! 'ha is o "o&e$ Isn ha 'ha she'as o#d4 I is a "rue# "reed$ No' you +e a as e o% i $( Sorayan %e# a s in+ in his &ou h$ 6hen he ou"hed i here 'as a need#in+ !ain ha sho dee! in o his 2a'$ His hand "a&e a'ay s&eared !in. 'i h 'a ery b#ood$ His on+ue/ +u&s and he inner !ar s o% his #i!s 'ere b#is erin+$ He s'a##o'ed and a ho #ine s#i"ed do'n his hroa o his s o&a"h$ Sour 'hi e %oa& "o##e" ed a he "orners o% his &ou h$ He %or"ed 'o %in+ers do'n his hroa and his s o&a"h "#u "hed u! and s"re'ed ou a iny %i00 o% 'hi e %oa&$ He re&e&bered he ba#& Indi" a had &en ioned$ Perha!s here 'as a dro! #e% $ Shi,erin+ 'e #y/ brea hin+ hin#y hrou+h his ee h/ he 'en o he %ire$ He bu&!ed in o he end o% he ben"h/ ri!!ed a he hear h and %e##/ hi in+ his head on he s one #ed+e$ His %ee s#i!!ed on he ashy s ain/ he san. in o he +ra e and one o% i s !ron+s !ier"ed his ne". %ro& he so% under1"hin o he o! o% he na!e$ Sorayans body s!as&ed in sho".$ He b#in.ed/ +a++ed/ +ur+#ed b#ood and dro'ned in i s#o'#y/ 'i "hin+/ 'i h #on+ bubb#in+ &oans/ his hands "#u "hin+ he bars/ his %a"e "rushed in o he soo o% he %ire/ his nose %u## o% i s s&e##/ his en"rus ed 'i h i s bi er !o'der/ his eyes 'e 'i h ears o% !ain/ %ear/ +ui# / +rie% and se#%1ha e$ Su"h 'as he dea h o% Sorayan$ The s or& "on inued un i# #a e he ne3 day$ Rain %e## in "o#d/ s rai+h / si#,er 2a,e#ins$ Then i shar!ened in o s'ords$ Then i shor ened in o da++ers$ Then i "on"en ra ed in o s uds o% hai#$ Then i s o!!ed$ The #on+ sea s o% he a&!hi hea re 'ere "ru&!#ed "ur,es/ he do&ed roo%s and sea&#ess 'a##s 'ere ru! ured/ dis&an #ed$ The s!hin3s "a,e had "o##a!sed in o a %#a &ash o% ro".s and a## ha re&ained o% he "oun"i# o%%i"es 'ere 'o +#orious/ use#ess/ un+uarded doors$ )aisses body 'as ne,er %ound$ SIN>IN> BL*)E This is Part Two, Chapter One of Transformation Play% Ba.hi%a oo. ai&$ She s eadied he bo'/ no "hed an arro' in o !#a"e and !u##ed he au / resis in+ s rin+$ Her eyes narro'ed on o he ri!!ed ye##o'ish hear o% 'ood hir y !a"es a'ay$ 6hen she 'as as +ood an ar"her as her sis er/ )e""a/ hey "ou#d hun o+e her$ Shes di%%eren /( said a %a&i#iar ,oi"e %ro& inside he hu $ I 'as -o/ her %riend En#i#s %a her$ You "a## her Ba.hi%a/ a +ood is#and na&e$ Bu she has no is#and heri a+e$(
Ba.hi%a %e# a s ab/ ;ui". in he +u $ Her arro' %e## s#a".#y on o he +rass$ She "re! o he "ur,ed 'a## o% he hu and s;uin ed be 'een he %ine bro'n s i".s$ She "ou#d see her &o her/ *,ani/ bindin+ s!earheads o heir sha% s/ 'indin+ he& 'i h #ea her s ri!s and .no in+ he& i+h $ 6hy are you %re in+ and be%udd#in+/ -o4( said *,ani$ )on urn your hair +rey/ %ussin+ on 'hos %ro& he "o&&on herd and ho&e s o"./ and 'hos no $ *nd don urn your +u&s b#a"./ +ossi!in+/ nei her$( I s no +ossi!/ *,ani$( Ba.his &y dau+h er$( Bu shes no our dau+h er$ E,ery "hi#d is an is#and "hi#d$ E,eryones an is#and aun / an un"#e/ a "ousin/ a +rand&o her$ She## ne,er be$( E,eryone .no's Ba.his no %ro& here/( said *,ani i&!a ien #y/ un#ess your heads so %u## o% nas y ni !i".in+ ha you don re&e&ber$ You ne,er "ared abou i be%ore$( She 'as a "hi#d be%ore$ She## be a youn+ 'o&an soon$ Thin. o% he ini ia ions$ 6e &us "onsider 'ha shes brin+in+$ 6ha she## !ass on o us a##$( Hard #abour/ day and ni+h $ Tha s 'ha she brin+s/( *,anis ,oi"e ran+ !roud#y/ he +ir# "an do any hin+$( She #oo.ed !oin ed#y u! and do'n -os %#i&sy %ra&e$ Ba.hi%a "rou"hed/ bare#y brea hin+$ -o s!o.e as hou+h he hadn .no'n her a## her #i%e/ as hou+h she/ )e""a and En#i# 'ere no bes %riends$ She "ou#d hard#y unders and 'ha he 'as sayin+/ her ears ran+ so shar! 'i h disbe#ie%$ There 'as no &ys ery o her ori+ins$ *,ani had %ound her hir een su&&ers a+o on a %ishin+ "hore$ She 'as sear"hin+ a ne s a.ed a he "oas / sor in+ he re#i"s ha 'ashed in %ro& he !re,ious is#and durin+ he #as / de,as a in+ s or&1"y"#e$ There 'ere sha ered +a&es/ bro.en orna&en s/ s&ashed 'ea!ons/ #adies "hains$ Lo,e#y/ use#ess hin+s$ *,ani heard a "ry and %o##o'ed i o a bo3 'ed+ed in he reeds$ The bo3es usua##y "a&e bus ed and e&! y/ bund#ed in s rin+ 'i h one or 'o ro".s s i## inside$ I 'as ob,ious 'ha hey 'ere %or$ This one had been "are#ess#y 'ei+h ed$ *,ani s abbed he #o". o!en/ he #id %e## ba". and bo# s o% +o#d and burnin+ hea burs ou $ The bo3 'as #ined 'i h +i# and had "au+h he sun$ Inside i #ay Ba.hi%a/ a %e' days o#d/ "o,ered in a &in y1s&e##in+ un+uen / s#i&y/ s ea&in+/ bron0e and bea&in+/( *,ani said$ She oo. he baby o he "o&&on "ir"#e and as.ed o na&e her and .ee! her$ They said yes$ 6i hin a year she a#so had )e""a/ 'i h a youn+ &an "a##ed Rua&/ and he %a&i#y 'as "o&!#e e$ You bore )e""a ri+h #y/ as na ure &ean $ Bu Ba.hi%a "o&es %ro& he is#and be%ore/( said -o$ The ro ed is#e$ Ha,e you%or+o en hose #on+ ni+h s/ buryin+ he bodies and heir 're".a+e4 *## ha 'ashes u! %ro& ha !#a"e is dea h and s!#in ered/ da&a+ed hin+s$( Tha s no &y %au# / or hers$ "he)sno da&a+ed/ shes b#osso&in+$( E,en !oisonous %#o'ers b#osso&$ Throu+h ha / hey s!read heir b#i+h $( *,ani #ean he #as o% he s!ears a+ains he hu 'a## and be+an "oi#in+ u! he re&ainin+ #en+ hs o% #ea her$ I ha,e o +e hese o he hun ers/ hen %inish he s.innin+ .ni,es$ 6ha do you 'an / -o4( 6ha 'e a## 'an 7 rue .no'#ed+e o% na ure$ Ho' did Ba.hi%a sur,i,e4 6hy is she he on#y one4 You "an on#y unders and ha 'hi"h you,e "rea ed$( I a+ree8( said *,ani %ier"e#y$ I nur ured her %ro& a ne'born and brou+h her u! 'i h s'ea and oi#$( Bu you didn make her$( I did/( *,ani +ro'#ed$ Shes a %ound ob2e" / an a#ien ar e%a" $ )on #e her be+ui#e you/ *,ani$ The s"en is a#'ays &os en i"in+/ on he dead#ies b#oo&$( The sun shone on he sis ers/ s i!!#ed +o#d dar s sie,ed hrou+h he 'ea,in+ o% he hu roo%$ )e""a/ "an I as. you so&e hin+4 Pro&ise no o #au+h$ *& I u+#y4 I don &ean on he ou side$ I &ean/ is here so&e hin+ o her !eo!#e "an see/ bu I "an 4 Youd e## &e/ 'ou#dn you4( Ba.hi%a had s!en yes erday ' he "oas and s'i&&in+ in he #a.e/ ne+#e" in+ her 2obs$ -os 'ords "hased her/ huddin+ ur+en #y #i.e dru&bea s$ 6hen she +o ho&e/ she o#d )e""a
e,ery hin+$ Ba.hi/( said )e""a %ir&#y/ -os a %oo#$ 6hen he s!ea.s/ birds die o% boredo& and %a## ou o% he rees$ )o+s ho'# in derision$( You 'eren here$ He didn a#. o &a&a res!e" %u##y$( 6ho "ares i% a oad "roa.s one 'ay or ano her4 Hes ryin+ o #oo. i&!or an $ Poor En#i#/ s u". 'i h ha !rea"her %or a %a her7 =6e "an e##/ by he s&e##/ ha he !eas are diseased/ be%ore heir bears he s!o s/ and do s/ o% ro $( Ba.hi%a #au+hed/ hen reddened an+ri#y$ -os hin s had su##ied he ha!!iness o% hir een years in one &o&en $ 6e 'ere #u".y 'i h our %a her/( she said/ and )e""a nodded$ Rua& had been .ind$ He died %i,e su&&ers a+o e3!#orin+ he "ra++y "ur,e o% "oas ha surrounded he ,o#"ano/ Cha&a"a$ The sea "hurned here in dra+s and 'hir#!oo#s/ sudden dun.s and sa,a+e#y su".in+ s!ira#s$ One ou"h o% he oar and an en ire boa "ou#d be +rabbed and de&o#ished$ -any boa !eo!#e es ed he&se#,es a+ains i and %ai#ed$ I)m he !ro!er is#ander/( said Ba.hi%a$ -os he un rus 'or hy one$ 6ha s he doin+ s! in !ri,a e/ a'ay %ro& he "ir"#e4 He shou#d sa,e i %or a +a herin+$( He .no's hed be shou ed do'n$ Peo!#e #is en o &a&a/ no -o$( >ir#s/ I need you8( "a##ed *,ani %ro& ou side$ )e""a and Ba.hi%a rose and s re "hed/ ro##ed u! heir &a s and s.ins and +o ready %or heir "hores$ )e""a 'as ea"hin+ so&e o% he youn+er is#and "hi#dren ho' o %ish/ sai#in+ in he sha##o's o se #e he ne s and bas.e s$ Ba.hi%a 'as a""o&!anyin+ *,ani o he &ar.e $ The sis ers 'ou#d see ea"h o her a+ain a da'n$ S one %rui / !u#! %rui / !i h %rui / 2ui"e %rui 8 >rains and +rasses/ seeds=n!ods$ Herbs %or he hairy/ berries %or he ba#d8( Lur rubbed her hard !a#&s o+e her/ sna!!ed her %in+ers and "ra".ed he s ri!ed "#o h o% her s a##$ Her ne"./ ears/ %orear&s and an.#es shone 'i h she##s/ e,ery &o,e&en a""o&!anied by a #on+/ shi&&yin+/ re! i#ian ra #e$ Shoo s and roo s/ shea,es and #ea,es/ I,e +o i a## and I## e## you ho' o .ee! i 7 hi+h and dry/ 2us #i.e us here in his ha,en/ boun y is#and/ he on#y !#a"e here is/ eh4 *,ani/ Ba.hi%a "hi#d/ ha,e a %ee#$( I## a.e a ai# o% ye##o'1and1'hi es/ !#ease/( said *,ani/ !oin in+ o a bun"h o% #on+ ,e+e ab#es 'i h %#o!!y +reen #ea,es$ *" ua##y/ &a.e i 'o/ he +ir#s ea #i.e any hin+ hese days$( Tru#y so$ The you h#y a!!e i e is a hin+ o "o,e and en,y$ 6ha ,i+our$ 6ha ,iri#i y$ 6ha ,i a#i y$ *nd in re urn I## ha,e &y roo% !a "hed/ !#ease$( Ba.hi%a s ood a #i #e 'ay behind her &o her/ ;uie 'hi#e he o#der 'o&en a#.ed$ Theyd "o&e o e3"han+e so&e !o s %or a %e' s&a## hides$ *% er ha / hey had o re urn a shar!ened b#ade o i s o'ner$ *,ani 'as "arryin+ i a"ross her shou#der$ I hun+ ense#y on i s ro!e$ Tha s a %ine hin+/( Lur +u&&ed/ s arin+ a i in ad&ira ion$ I s a ha#%1"ir"#e s"y he %or one o% he #and1 enders/( said *,ani$ Oh/ one o% he& needs your s!e"ia# ou"h/ does he4 Nobody 'he s a b#ade #i.e you/ *,ani/ es!e"ia##y 'hen i s a %a,our o a %riend$ *# hou+h youd e3!e" a #and1 ender o .no' his 'ay %ro& one end o% a .ni%e o he o her/ sin"e ' 'i h .ni,es is a## hey do$ Bu "er ain &inis ra ions need a 'o&ans hand$ Ba.hi%a/ do you .no' 'hen a b#ades +ood and ready4( 6hen a s ri.e 'i h a %in+ernai# "auses i o sin+/( Ba.hi%a ans'ered !ro&! #y$ Oho 5 ni"e and easy8 Youre #earnin+ 'e##$ No'/ 'ha e#se,e I +o 4 So&e hin+ o ease you hrou+h ini ia ion i&e4( Tha s "hea in+/( *,ani re!ro,ed her$ Chuh8 I s na ura# o e,ade su%%erin+/ du&b1%oo# s u!id o run o i 'i h your eyes shu and your ar&s o!en$ 6ha e#se4( Lur shoo. so&e s&a##/ !a#e bu#bs in a sha##o' bas.e $ Tas y 'hi e &oon1 arses/( she 'hee0ed$ Too &u"h o% he& and you## be ro und yourse#%/ #i.e &e$( She s u". ou her s'o##en #e+$
Lur8( e3"#ai&ed *,ani$ You ha,e o ha,e ha seen o$ 6e &us soo he he in%#a&&a ion/ i s no hin+ o do 'i h 'ha youre ea in+$( Oh/ i s so&e hin+/ I e## you$ I s a+e$ Bu here you +o$ No1one #i,es %or e,er$ E,ery hin+ si".ens$ Bu be%ore ha / e,ery hin+ ri!ens/ don i 4( Lur +a,e Ba.hi%a a +ro es;ue 'in.$ The #and1 enders sha". 'as in he be##y o% he is#and/ 'here he +round di!!ed s&oo h#y #i.e a 'ide/ sun1"a "hin+ dish$ To +e here/ *,ani and Ba.hi%a had a #on+ dry &ar"h hrou+h hi+h1 dee! ye##o' and +reen "ro!s$ *,anis b#ade .e! s'in+in+ ba". and s"y hin+ he #i+h / %#ashin+ in o Ba.hi%as eyes$ Ba.hi%a b#in.ed i a'ay$ The bas.e s 'ere ba#an"ed on her head/ "as in+ a "ir"#e o% shade #i.e a b#a". "a!e around her ne".$ -a&a/ 'ai $ I 'an o a#. abou he ini ia ions$( *,ani +roaned$ I .ne' i $ I## .i## Lur %or brin+in+ i u!$ Shes a roub#e& hidin+ horns in a## ha s&oo h ban er o% hers$( I 'asn her$ I heard -o/ yes erday$( Tha 'heed#er$ He o "ha i ou / -is er -edd#er$ *## in &y bes in eres s o% "ourse$ Hes been in eres ed in &y in eres s sin"e Rua& :'en $( He said I 'as a dead#y b#oo&$( *,ani #au+hed$ Hes a !oe $ Bu he &eans 'e##$ Hes 2us bein+: hi&se#%$ 6ere 'onderin+ 'here o !u you/ no' youre o#der$ 6e &us a## he#! he &os !eo!#e in he bes 'ay/ %o##o'in+ our na ura# abi#i ies$( 6ha i% you de"ide so&e hin+ and I don #i.e i 4( Then ry so&e hin+ e#se$ I s ri+h and %air o use your inborn a#en %or e,eryones bene%i / no 2us onese#%$ No1one a ho++er$( 6ha is he ini ia ion4( You .no' I "an say$( 6hen is i 4( I doesn &a er$( Is i a es 4( No/ i s a "e#ebra ion$( Lur said Id su%%er$( Shes 'ron+ 5 and I& an+ry 'i h her %or ryin+ o %ri+h en you$ *n ini ia ion is serious/ no dan+erous$( 6i## I ha,e i&e o !re!are4( You,e had a## your #i%e o !re!are$ You didn rea#ise/ be"ause i "a&e abou na ura##y$( The "ro!s s;uee0ed hi+h around he& in s'ee!s and %rin+es/ ' o+e her #i.e a i+h #y re!e##in+ ne $ No !a h had been "u so *,ani "ra".ed a #ine %or Ba.hi%a o %o##o'/ !ar in+ he s e&s 'i hou he&$ Ba.hi%a oo. ho#d o% a s rand and !u##ed i $ I "ha%ed her hand/ ou+h as ro!e$ )on do ha / heyre ,a#uab#e/( said *,ani$ Theres !o'er 'o,en in he&$ Tha s 'hy hey resis $ Land1 enders don #i.e res!assers ra&!#in+ heir +oods or ri,a#s s udyin+ heir !#an in+ !a erns$( She see&ed ner,ous/ her +a0e s.i erin+ o,er he hi".#y shi% in+ seed1heads$ I ha,en been here in a #on+ i&e/ no sin"e Rua&: 'en $ I 'as di%%eren hen$( The "#oser hey +o / he &ore he !#an s !ushed he& ba".$ 6e &us +o a i s#an 'ise/( *,ani de"ided$ She used a## her 'ei+h o !ress he s a#.s aside$ *% er e,ery nud+e %or'ard/ he s ron+ ye##o' s e&s s'e! shu and sea#ed behind he&$ 6ha s he #and1 enders na&e4( as.ed Ba.hi%a$ Siorys$ Hes an odd one$ Hes +o a dau+h er "a##ed Yriana$ Shes odd oo$ They don "o&e ou / e3"e! o he !#annin+ "ir"#es/ and heyre "o&!u#sory$ There are !ena# ies %or 'or.ers 'ho don a end$ E,en hen/ he s ays a'ay$ She +oes$(
6ha &ade he& odd4( -is%or une$ Yrianas &o her died +i,in+ bir h o a son 5 Yrianas 'in 5 around he sa&e i&e I %ound you$( The "ro!s absorbed heir ,oi"es$ I %e# as hou+h hey 'ere no on a #i&i #ess !#ain/ bu in a iny buried s!a"e$ The 'in died as a baby hi&se#%/ %ro& a ain in he 'a er/( *,ani "on inued/ a# hou+h so&e said Siorys did i / be"ause he "ou#dn %or+i,e he "hi#d %or #i,in+$( )o you be#ie,e ha 4( No$ *nd here 'as ano her sis er/ s#i+h #y o#der han Yriana$ You .no' he s'e##in+ Lur has in her #e+4 The sis er had i in her hroa $ They don .no' 'here i "o&es %ro&$ She !assed o% i %i,e 'in ers a+o$ Soon a% er Rua&$ I ha,en seen Siorys sin"e hen$ 6hen he sen he s"y he o be %i3ed/ I "ou#dn say no$( *,ani %or"ed ba". he #as s rands/ 'i h Ba.hi%a s e!!in+ "#ose behind$ You .no'/ Ba.hi/ -os no 'ron+ o be "are%u#$ Hes obsessed 'i h disease be"ause he 'an s hin+s o %#ourish here$ 6hen a herd or "ro! 5 or a %a&i#y 5 is b#i+h ed/ no +ood &ay des"end$ The si".ness %es ers 'i hin$ Theres no "ure bu %or he #ine o end$( Yriana 'as 'ai in+ %or he& in %ron o% her #o' b#a". sha"./ hun"hed and 'ary$ Her braids %e## in hin s"ra "hes a"ross her %a"e$ Ba.hi%a %e# a !ri".#e o% dread$ 6ha e,er !o'er 'or.ed inside he !#an s o re!e# un'an ed ,isi ors/ she 'as sure i a#so sen 'ords and 'arnin+s ri!!#in+ he o her 'ay/ se"re s and !assin+ he&/ s i## 'ar& 'i h brea h/ o he #and1 enders ears$ *,ani s&i#ed broad#y/ i+norin+ Yrianas +#o'erin+ e3!ression$ Her ;ui". eye s.i&&ed he sha"./ %ro& i s ra++ed roo% o i s !a "hy !#ai in+ and une,en#y #eanin+ dus y sides$ Yriana/ +ood day$ 6e ha,e so&e hin+ %or your %a her/ i% hes near/( she said in a s#o'/ round/ 2o##y ,oi"e$ I ho!e 'ere no dis urbin+ you4( No a a##$ Hes been 'ai in+$( Yrianas ,oi"e 'as hin/ s'ee and rin+in+/ #i.e a !#u".ed 'ire/ a bo' s rin+$ *nd I& Ba.hi%a$( I .no' 'ho you are/( said Yriana so shar!#y ha Ba.hi%a %ro0e in "on%usion/ her s&i#e s#i herin+ o%% her #i!s$ They #e% he bas.e s 2us inside he en ran"e and %o##o'ed Yrianas dra++in+ hee#s o he "#eared 'or.1s!a"e behind/ shaded %ro& he sun by #on+ "ano!ies o% !e++ed "#o h/ heir !a erns b#ed 'hi e by he sun$ The 'a##s 'ere "o,ered in ra".s o% .ni,es and s#i"in+/ "u in+ and ha".in+ oo#s$ Yrianas %a her/ Siorys/ 'as #ashin+ s a#.s in o hard !ar"e#s$ * s a". o% %inished bund#es #ay s i%%#y a#on+ he side o% he sha". ne3 o a #on+ 'or. ab#e$ Siorys s rai+h ened u! s#o'#y$ He see&ed shy/ 'i h a s ron+ body &ade "rea.y by o,er'or.$ He in"#ined his head$ *,ani in"#ined hers$ >ood day/ Siorys$( *,ani$ I s +ood o see you$( Ho' are you4( 6ere bo h 'e##/ han. you$ *nd you4( I& 'e## oo/ and sos )e""a/ and Ba.hi%a here$( Ha,e you "o&e %ro& ho&e4( Fro& he &ar.e $( *,ani he#d ou he s"y he$ 6e %i3ed he hand#e %or you/ and shar!ened he b#ade$ Tes i $ I% i s no ri+h / e## us and 'e## see 'ha 'e "an do$( Siorys rea"hed ou %or i $ For a &o&en / *,ani he#d he hand#e o% he s"y he and Siorys 'ei+hed he end$ The 'ines had "u dar. #ines in o his$ He #i% ed i ou o% her hand and !u i on he ab#e 'i hou a i $ He said/ I .no' i s !er%e" $ I s .ind o% you$( Ba.hi%as hi! nud+ed a rus ed hoo. ha 'as han+in+ %ro& he ab#e ed+e$ I %e## s rai+h / i s #on+ oo h s#i"in+ he ab#e #e+/ and ro##ed near *,ani/ 'ho !i".ed i u! and +a,e i o Siorys/ 'ho +i++#ed 'ea.#y and !u i ba".$
Sorry/( &u&b#ed Ba.hi%a$ 6ha s one &ore s"ra!e4 E,ery hin+ heres s"ra "hed o s!#in ers any'ay/( he shru++ed$ Le &e +i,e you so&e hin+ in re urn %or he s"y he/ *,ani$( He 'en inside and re urned 'i h a !re i#y "ar,ed dish$ Se in he &idd#e 'as a s&a## &e a# sun$ I s beau i%u#/( said *,ani/ shinin+ her 'ar& s&i#e$ I## sho' i o Lur$( I% ha s 'here youre +oin+ ne3 #e &e +i,e you so&e hin+ %or her/ oo$ I,e &ade so&e s e' she$ Shes been ,ery he#!%u# o us$ 6e,e needed her !o'ers o% %as ness$ * seed "an be +ro'n/ bu %irs i &us a.e/ 'hi"h is hard on barren +round/ as his 'as$ Bu 'ha e,er Lur does/ s i".s$ Tha s 'hy shes had he sa&e s!o a he &ar.e a## her #i%e$( Siorys oo. he dish ba". and 'en in on"e &ore$ Tha s %adin+$ I ha,e o he#! !a "h her roo% oday$ Tha ne,er 'ou#d ha,e ha!!ened be%ore/( said *,ani/ %o##o'in+ hi&$ Yriana and Ba.hi%a 'ere #e% ou side/ s arin+ a he "#osed s"reen$ Ba.hi%a urned o Yriana and %ound he +ir# s andin+ 2us a #i #e oo "#ose$ I .no' a## abou you$ Youre !o!u#ar/( said Yriana a""usin+#y$ No$ E,eryones %riends 'i h e,eryone/( said Ba.hi%a/ ed+in+ a'ay$ 6hy don you "o&e ou 'i h us4 6e +o s'i&&in+ on our side o% he #a.e$ Co&e ne3 i&e$ I## "o##e" you$( I& no sure/( said Yriana 'i h a shudder$ 6a er s"ares &e$ Cro!s ro in i $ I undoes &y hard 'or.$( No e,ery hin+s abou 'or.:( I is %or &e$ I &ade a## his$( Yriana urned abru! #y and 'a#.ed in o a 'a## o% hi". +o#d rod1#i.e s e&s/ hi+her han her shou#ders$ They !ar ed easi#y %or her$ 6hy do you #i,e so %ar a'ay %ro& e,eryone4 Id ha e no bein+ !ar o% a "ir"#e/( said Ba.hi%a/ %o##o'in+ uneasi#y$ 6e ha,e o be in he &idd#e o% our #ands/ and as 'e,e ended he&/ hey de,e#o!ed and +re'$ This 'as a dry !#o be%ore/ ei+h !a"es by 'e#,e$ Then i +o 'orse$ 6hen &y sis er died I 'as so u!se / he "ro!s %ai#ed$ *## o% he&/ ri+h do'n o he roo s and in o he soi#$ They 'ere "ra'#in+ 'i h &u". and inse" s$ 6eeds and horns +re' around he&/ so nobody "ou#d +o in o har,es he&$ The &ore I +rie,ed/ he 'orse i +o $ One day I de"ided I &us do so&e hin+ di%%eren %ro& be%ore/ or i 'ou#d on#y ha,e he sa&e resu# $ So I de"ided o 'or.$ I 'en o a "ir"#e &ee in+ and s ood u! by &yse#%/ a "hi#d$ The 'or.ers e## e,eryone heir !#ans %or he ne3 season/ %ind "o##abora ors/ a.e ad,i"e and or+anise he#!$ I& a &u"h s ron+er ad,o"a e han Fa her$ I o#d he& I 'as +oin+ o 'or. he #ands$ They #au+hed in &y %a"e$ I 'en ba". a#one and 'or.ed ni+h and day/ !oundin+/ !#an in+/ burnin+ ba". he 'eeds/ ha".in+ hrou+h he ,ines/ rebui#din+ he sha". as bes I "ou#d$ I absorbed &y +rie%$ I had no e3 ra o brood 'i h/ and i&e !assed/ and a #as he 'eeds died do'n$( -a&a o#d &e i s a +rea rans%or&a ion/( said Ba.hi%a/ i&!ressed$ Bu I unders and ha she herse#% sur,i,ed a +rea "han+e$( Ba.hi%a #oo.ed a her 'i h sur!rise$ Yriana "#ear#y .ne' a #o &ore han she a!!eared o$ There 'as a +#in o% shre'dness in hose sur#y eyes$ Shes %ro& a %ishin+ %a&i#y ori+ina##y$ She %ound &e/ %ishin+/( Ba.hi%a "on%ir&ed/ her !o'ers "han+ed %ro& +rie% a Rua&s dea h$( No/( said Yriana "er ain#y/ no %ro& +rie%$ Fro& he &a#i"e o% o hers$ 6hen Rua& dro'ned in he 'a ers a Cha&a"a she 'as b#a&ed %or i $ I sa' he& a""usin+ her a he "ir"#es$ I &e&orised 'ha hey said and o#d i o Fa her$( I :don hin. ha s rue/( said Ba.hi%a/ !ained and sho".ed$ She urned o #ea,e bu he s a#.s "#osed around her/ hi". and rus #in+/ nud+in+ her 'i h 'his!erin+/ sun1!a#ed #ea,es$ They 'an ed o b#a&e so&eone$ I s on#y na ura#/( said Yriana$ She see&ed o en2oy he e%%e" o% her 'ords on Ba.hi%a$ They said *,ani &us ha,e .no'n ho' urbu#en i 'as ha day/ sin"e she had an a%%ini y 'i h 'a er$ *nd here 'ere #o' ru&ours ha she 'an ed ano her &an7 Fa her$ Bu no1one be#ie,ed ha $(
I 'as an a""iden 8 She didn .no' Rua& had +one o he "oas a Cha&a"a$( *,anis !o'ers s!#in ered a% er ha $ I,e heard her s!ea. a he "ir"#es &any i&es$ I ad&ire her$ No' she 'or.s 'i h a bi o% &e a#/ #i.e hose b#ades$ * bi o% ear h 5 her "ro!s and !o ery$ She 'or.s 'i h he &ea / and b#ood o% ani&a#s$ She has a bi o% air7 ea"hin+ and radin+$ Bu no 'a er$ She #ea,es ha o your sis er/ I unders and$( Ba.hi%a rea#ised ha she 'as +ri!!in+ 'o #on+ hand%u#s o% he s a#.s as she #is ened o Yriana$ She i+h ened her %is s and Yriana 'i "hed as hou+h she herse#% had been +rabbed$ Ba.hi%a #e +o$ *n+er/ hu&i#ia ion and 'orry !ri".#ed in her b#ood$ No on#y 'as she &is rus ed/ *,ani 'as oo 5 and she had !ro e" ed her dau+h ers %ro& he .no'#ed+e o% i a## his i&e$ You :you ha,e he !o'er o% %er i#i y/ I hin./( she said/ o "han+e he sub2e" $ Yriana #oo.ed !roud$ No ;ui e$( She #e he ro's o% s a#.s !ad her %in+er i!s as she 'a#.ed$ I s &ore #i.e "u# i,a ion$ I "an de,e#o! si ua ions 'i h !ro&ise4 So&e hin+ #i.e ha $( I s s ron+/( said Ba.hi%a/ e&barrassed abou ho' 'ea. she and )e""a and En#i# 'ere$ I is no'$ I 'asn be%ore$ In2ury and !ain &a.e i erra i"$( They "a&e o a "ir"#e o% %#a ened "ro!s$ In he &idd#e 'as a #on+ s"reen o% &a in+ raised on s i".s$ In he shado' undernea h 'as a ben"h and ab#e$ Yriana o!ened her ar&s and urned o %a"e Ba.hi%a/ s&i#in+ %or he %irs i&e$ This is #i.e &y o'n round roo&$( The s a#.s 'hi"h surrounded he& #i.e a a## "ir"u#ar 'a##$ Yriana #ean a+ains he ab#e$ 6ha do you do here4( as.ed Ba.hi%a/ si in+ do'n and around$ I hin.$( *bou 'ha 4( Ho' o es"a!e$( Es"a!e4 6hy 'ou#d you do ha 4( There 'as a !ause as Yriana assessed her &is rus %u##y$ You see ho' 'e #i,e/( she said e,en ua##y$ No1one 'i## "o&e near us$( Tha s be"ause you don "o&e ou 8( They hin. 'ere ain ed$ Bu I,e been hearin+ abou you a he 'or.ers +a herin+s re"en #y/ and i &ade &e 'onder$ They say heres no o her !#a"e bu his$ Bu youre here$ You #i,e 'i h us/ bu youre no of us$( I s no se"re $ I& %ro& he !re,ious is#and/ ha no #on+er e3is s$( Bu i% i did/ sure#y here &us be o hers$( The hou+h o% here bein+ o her !#a"es &ade Ba.hi%a %ee# !ani".ed7 6e don .no' ha $ Nobodys +one ou o see$ No o her !#a"e "ou#d be be er han his$( 6i h a s ran+e/ s ron+/ sudden e&o ion she burs ou / I ha e he !as is#and8 They !u baby +ir#s in bo3es and send he& o heir dea hs8 Nobody 'ou#d do ha here8( One 'ishes hey 'ou#d$ 6ere "ra'#in+ 'i h "hi#dren$ I s ob,ious/ bu no1one says so$ There are oo &any &ou hs$ Theres no enou+h 'or. o +o around$ 6e urn ourse#,es inside ou 'i h e3haus ion/ urnin+ and o,er urnin+ he ear h/ "u# i,a in+ i &ere#y o %i## hun+ry be##ies$ The is#anders 'on "u## heir o'n/( said Yriana/ bu hey &i+h do so&e hin+ o you$ Un#ess your !o'er !re,en ed i $( Oh/ ha s 'ha you a## 'an o .no'8( Ba.hi%a #au+hed ho##o'#y$ Their s!e"u#a ions 'as ed$ I "an do any hin+$ Thou+h I a#'ays %ee# I "an$ I s #i.e so&e hin+ in &y b#ood/ runnin+ hrou+h &y body a## he i&e$ I s #i.e an+er bu :no $ I s no u+#y$ -y ar&s and #e+s 'i "h and I %ee# #i.e: I %ee# #i.e I "an see and hear e,ery hin+$ *nd so&e i&es/ 'hen so&eone 'a#.s !as &e/ I %ee# I "an a#&os hear 'ha heyre$ I& no e3!#ainin+ i ri+h $( You don need o e3!#ain$ I %ee# he sa&e 'ay$( I %ee# so res #ess$ I hur s &y b#ood$( I hur s &e oo/( said Yriana$ Ba.hi%a #oo.ed do'n a he ab#e$ There 'as a s&a## "ir"#e o% +#ass on i $ She !i".ed i u! in 'onder/ runnin+ her %in+ers o,er he s&oo h sur%a"e$
Ho' do you ha,e his4( she as.ed$ Nobody has his$ )id you .no' you "an &a.e hin+s %ro& i 4 Con ainers:!anes ha sha er 'i h he #o,e#ies sound: beau i%u# hin+s$( She rea#ised 2us ho' 'ea# hy Yriana &us be$ She #oo.ed hrou+h he +#ass$ The 'or#d on he o her side 'as %a&i#iar bu ben / 'ea.ed and in,er ed/ ;ueer and in eres in+$ I 'as +i,en o &e in re urn %or +ood 'or./( said Yriana$ I% you ho#d i in a "er ain 'ay and #e he #i+h !ass hrou+h i a he ho es i&e o% he day/ a %ire dro!s ou $ You ho#d i / and you "on"en ra e and 'ai / hen a s!o on he ab#e s ar s o burn$ :I #i.e %ire$ I s beau i%u#$ So&e !eo!#e are a%raid o% i / be"ause o% he ,o#"ano$ They %ear he %#a&es o% Cha&a"a$ I ou+h o ha e i oo$ I des roys "ro!s$( Yriana !i".ed a #on+/ !a#&1'ide b#ade o%% he ab#e and Ba.hi%a bo# ed ba".$ Yriana #au+hed$ )on be s"ared$ I 'as usin+ his %or 'or. oday$ I 'as +oin+ o sho' you ho' o sea# he ends o% a s e&$( She ha".ed a hand%u# o% s a#.s %ro& he ed+e o% he "ir"#e/ hen #ined he& u! on he ab#e$ You ho#d i u!ri+h 5 and s'in+$( Yriana "ho!!ed do'n on"e/ hea,y and s#o'$ The b#ade s u". in o he ab#e$ Yriana !u##ed i ou $ The 'ood "rea.ed and Ba.hi%a shuddered$ 6ha 4( as.ed Yriana$ I s he noise i &$ The ha".in+ noise$( >e used o i $ They "u you$( I .no' hey do8 Those .ni,es are shar!$ I a#'ays %#in"h 'hen &a&as doin+ b#ade 'or./ a# hou+h I& no s"ared 'hen I do i &yse#%$ I s 'hen you 'a "h so&eone e#se/ you i&a+ine hideous a""iden s$( No 5 a he ini ia ion$ They "u you$( 6ha 8 6h 5 'here4( )on #e he& do i o )e""a$ )on #e he& do i o you$ You 'on be he sa&e a+ain$ You ha,e your !o'er/ and i +e s in ense/ 2us a he a+e 'e are$ I rea"hes i s !ea./ hen i dies a'ay a% er your ini ia ion/ and youre +i,en your ro#e/ and you a.e i u! and end o your 'or. and he#! he is#and$ Bu youre di%%eren by hen$ Youre #ess$ The !o'ers:s o#en: or di#u ed: or used u!: or bro.en do'n$ I## ne,er #e he& do i o &e 5 no ha hey 'an o$ They hin. I& &ad$ :Oh/ I be hey 'or. he&se#,es in o +rea e3"i e&en 'onderin+ 'ha ## "o&e ou 'hen hey "u you$ -y sis er o#d e,eryone abou he ini ia ion 5 and hey .i##ed her$( No hey didn $ She had a s'e##in+ in her hroa /( said Ba.hi%a/ dis urbed and des!era e o +e a'ay$ Yriana #au+hed bi er#y$ )on you hin. i s a s ran+e "oin"iden"e ha i 'as her hroa and on+ue ha su%%ered he si".ness4 She 'as bein+ !unished %or$ )on you hin. i s s ran+e ha Lur sur,i,ed as a &ar.e er %or so #on+/ +oin+ here and here 'i h !er%e" %reedo&/ so ha nobody "ou#d &a "h he rea"h o% her in%#uen"e/ and sudden#y shes #a&ed and her "o&!e i ors +ro' ho!e%u#4 * 'o&an 'hos ne,er been i## in her #i%e$( Yes/ I do hin. i s a "oin"iden"e$ =They 'ou#d ne,er do ha $ 'ow 'ou#d hey do i 4 You "an in%#uen"e so&e hin+ by abou i $ I s no na ura#$( Yes i is 5 is na ura#$ )esirin+ an ou "o&e is na ura#$ P#annin+ is na ura#$ Con"en ra ion is na ura#$ Curses$ They do i by "urses$ * "urse is a sa ura ion o% in en ion$ Sa ura ion is na ura# oo$( Curses4 Tha s no !ossib#e/( said Ba.hi%a dubious#y$ Her body hur a## o,er 'i h %ear and &isery and he !ain ha "o&&uni"a ed i se#% %ro& Yriana o her$ She #oo.ed 'i#d#y around he "ir"#e bu "ou#dn re&e&ber 'hi"h dire" ion shed "o&e %ro&$ There 'as no si+n o% he !#a"e 'here Yriana had ha".ed ou he s a#.s$ The s ran+es hin+s are !ossib#e/( said Yriana$ So&e i&es/ he s ran+es hin+s are necessary/ o her'ise e,ery hin+ "on inues as i a#'ays has$ One &us "han+e he sha!e o% he 'or#d e,ery no' and a+ain/ 'i h +rea ru! ure/ or e#se: here is s a+na ion$ Pu re%a" ion$( Ho' do you "urse so&eone4(
The sa&e 'ay you "an "o##e" he sun in ha dis"$ You ho#d i in your hand/ you sa ura e he #i+h in o one #ine/ you !oin i hrou+h he dis" 'i h a## i s !o'er "on"en ra ed on one !oin $ You de"ided 'ha you 'an / and in your &ind you %i3 u!on i $ You !oin a## your !o'er o i / 'i hou %or"in+/ 'i hou i&!a ien"e$ You are in en $ You 'ai $ You %or+e $ *nd hen i ha!!ens$( Ba.hi%a 'as ha!!y o say +oodbye o Yriana and Siorys$ She 'as dis urbed by 'ha Yriana had o#d her and hard#y be#ie,ed i $ She 'a#.ed 'i h *,ani %or a #i #e dis an"e 5 *,ani 'as s!ar.#in+ and #i+h on her %ee 5 and hen hey !ar ed 'ays un i# da'n$ *,ani had o ,isi Lur and hen +o o he %a&i#y "ir"#e o a#. o he o her 'o&en$ Ba.hi%a 'as o%% o &ee En#i#$ She #oo.ed a% er he ani&a#s o,erni+h / )e""a #oo.ed a% er he& so&e i&es in he day and En#i# #oo.ed a% er he& in be 'een/ in re urn %or *,ani ea"hin+ hi& a he s"hoo#$ Ba.hi%a hadn seen hi& re"en #y as hed been i##/ and hen ano her one o% he nei+hbours had he#!ed$ Bu he 'as ba". no'$ She "#i&bed he +ra0in+ s#o!e$ She "ou#d see a"ross he is#and o he ,o#"ano/ Cha&a"a$ She hou+h o% i as boi#in+ 'i h se"re s/ u+#y on he ou side/ !o'er%u# 'i hin$ She %ound En#i# %as as#ee! 'i h his herders b#an.e s around hi&/ his s a%% abandoned &ore han an ar&s #en+ h a'ay$ Ba.hi%a shoo. hi& a'a.e$ Oh 5 sorry:$( He rubbed his %a"e and &o,ed o,er so she "ou#d si do'n$ I %a## as#ee! a## he i&e u! here/( she said easi#y$ 6ha e#se is here o do4( They said o &a.e sure you "a&e here and s ayed$( *nd here I a&$( Can I s ay 'i h you4( he said$ I don 'an o +o ba". o he "ir"#e$( 6ou#dn you ra her be in he 'ar& a ho&e4( No!e$( *## ri+h $( Ba.hi%a +rabbed a hand%u# o% #on+ +rass/ ore i ou o% he +round/ .no ed i #i+h #y/ hre' i and #i i in &id1air$ I %#oa ed do'n in a so% bund#e o% 'ea. %ire and dri% ed ou $ Ba.hi%a si+hed$ Is ha a## you "an do4( as.ed En#i#$ I& a%raid so$ E,eryone hin.s I,e brou+h so&e enor&ous a#en 'i h &e %ro& he !re,ious is#and$( I&&or a#i y/( said En#i#/ noddin+$ 6ha 48( I heard &y !aren s$ They hin. you did so&e hin+ o he !re,ious is#and and a## i s !o'er 'en in o you/ and as a resu# / i died/ and you #i,ed/ and no' you,e "o&e o s'a##o' u! his is#and oo$( Ba.hi%a s ared a hi& in %ran. a&a0e&en / hen #au+hed ou ri+h $ Tha is he &os :a&a0in+: e!i": s ory I,e e,er heard in &y #i%e$ 6ha do hey hin. I& +oin+ o do on"e I,e s'a##o'ed i u!/ in"#udin+ a## &y %riends and e,ery hin+ I #o,e4 Si here a#one and bur! and "on+ra u#a e &yse#%4( 6e##:$ hey ha,en +o ha %ar$( 6ha s your !o'er4( En#i# s i## #oo.ed &ore #i.e a "hi#d han a youn+ &an/ so she assu&ed ha #i.e she and )e""a/ he didn ha,e any ye $ Oh/ i s a'%u#$( En#i# ro##ed his eyes$ I s so e&barrassin+:( 6ha is i 4( You 2us heard i $( I heard i :4( Fran.ness$ I "an e## a #ie$( Oh 5 ha s so s'ee $( She hu++ed hi& and he %#in"hed a'ay$ 6ha re you +oin+ o do4 I ho!e you hin. s&ar er han ha a your ini ia ion$( En#i# b#in.ed 5 a b#in. o% .no'in+ 5 shoo. his head and bi his #i!$ Ba.hi +as!ed$ You,e had i a#ready$ 6ha do hey do4( I don .no' abou he +ir#s$( 6e##/ 'ha do hey do o he boys4 Co&e on/ you ha,e o e## &e$(
En#i# #oo.ed !er urbed$ He said/ s#o'#y/ One day/ hey 2u&! on you and a.e you a'ay$ They bea you$ 6hen he s.ins a## ender/ hey #i+h a %ire/ and hey ie you do'n and brand you and s"ar you in desi+ns/ 'i h need#es di!!ed in dye$( He un"o,ered his shou#der +in+er#y and she s ared horri%ied a he raised b#a". #ines$ You b#eed and hey "o##e" i u! in #i #e "u!s$( 6hy4( So i doesn soa. in o he &a in+ I su!!ose$ *nd you s"rea& 'i h a+ony: i is a+ony$ Then hey +i,e you %ood and drin. ha & you s#ee!$ Then hey a.e you o Cha&a"a$( Tha s dan+erous$ I &ean/ on o! o% he bea in+ and he s"ari%i"a ion and he a ooin+ and he dru++in+ and e,ery hin+ e#se$ The rees are oo hi". o see a he Cha&a"an "oas $ The soi# &us burn on ou"h$ The 'a ers ho enou+h o boi# your$ *nd you &ay dro'n$( They !u you in a o&b and hey !u in your %a,ouri e hin+s/ and #i #e "#ay !eo!#e sha!ed #i.e your %riends 5 I had you and )e""a and he o hers 'i h &e/ ;ui e #i%e#i.e oo 5 and you ha,e o s ay in here o,erni+h / and you #ea,e he& behind a da'n$ I% youre no a%raid o% he dar. 'hen you +o in/ you are by he end$ You ha,e o %ind your 'ay ba". a#one$( You "ou#d die$( I .no'$ I sa' he bones$( She !u her ar& around hi& a+ain/ &ore "are%u##y his i&e$ 6hy didn you e## &e4 6e,e a#'ays been %riends$( Boys and +ir#s "an be %riends a% er he ini ia ion/( said En#i# in a +hos #y ,oi"e/ 'e &us a## "on"en ra e on our 'or. and he ro#es 'e ha,e o do$( 6ho o#d you ha 4( said Ba.hi%a "ross#y$ I s no rue$ *nd 'ha e,er ha!!ened o you/ I don hin. i 'as a## %or he bes ei her$( I 'as +e in+ hard o s!ea. no'@ Ba.hi%as ee h 'ere "ha erin+$ She "ou#d %ee# her 'ar& h %#o'in+ in o hi&/ #ea,in+ her 'i h no hin+$ She oo. he "orner o% his b#an.e and "o,ered her .nees 'i h i / bu i 'asn enou+h$ En/ "an you 'ai 'hi#e I +o ho&e o +e a "#oa.4 I %ee# "o#d$( Li+h a bi++er %ire$( I "an $ *nd i ## a#ar& he ani&a#s$ 9us 'ai %or &e$ I## be ba". soon$( )on #ea,e$ Youre no su!!osed o #ea,e$( )on be si##y/ i s no e,en dee! ni+h 1 i&e/ e,eryones ha,in+ heir dinner$ You "an e,en see our hu %ro& here$( * s"rea& "u in o he ni+h / & he dar.ness shi&&er$ )e""a8( Ba.hi%a said au o&a i"a##y$ She s ood u!/ !ure ins in" $ Her hear 'as bea in+ in he ba". o% her &ou h/ hard and bi+ as a %is $ En#i# a#so +o u!$ He #oo.ed %ri+h ened$ 6ha re you abou 4( he said s#o'#y$ Tha s )e""a8( She be+an o bound do'n he hi##/ ha#% #ea!in+/ ha#% runnin+$ You shou#dn #ea,e he ani&a#s/( said En#i#/ hi+h1,oi"ed/ s u&b#in+ behind her$ You s ay 'i h he&$ I& +oin+$( Youre no o #ea,e he ani&a#s8( 6e##/ I a&$ S ay here$( )on +o ho&e/ Ba.hi%a$( So&e hin+ in his ,oi"e &ade her s o! shor $ 6hy4 6hy no 4( 9us don $ I s 1 i s )e""as ini ia ion$( 6ha 4( said Ba.hi%a %ain #y$ No$$$ shes a ho&e s#ee!in+/ and o&orro' shes +oin+ o "o&e/ and 'e## s'a! o,er/( she said/ and she## #oo. a% er he ani&a#s$( No she 'on $( Ba.hi%a s ared a hi& %or a &o&en / hen sho do'n he #as o% he s#o!e and s!rin ed hard a"ross he is#and residen"es/ he %a&i#y d'e##in+s and "ir"#es o% hu s$ Her &ind 'as e&! y/ her
b#ood #oud in her ears/ bea in+$ En#i# 'as %o##o'in+ her/ %ar behind/ ou o% brea h$ E,ery hin+ around her 'as b#a". and %as $ >o ba".8( she shou ed o hi&$ I& sorry8( he ye##ed !i i%u##y$ Ho' dare you4( she s"rea&ed$ They o#d you o de#ay &e8 They o#d you o .ee! &e here8 They o#d you o +e &e o e## you 'ha !o'er I ha,e and 'ha I .no'$$$$ bu I don ha,e any !o'er/ I don .no' any hin+ and hey,e +o &y sis er$ You .ne' a## a#on+$ *## he i&e heyre hur in+ her8 Ho' "ou#d you do ha 4 I## ne,er %or+i,e you/ ne,er/ ne,er$ Your !o'er isn hones y/ i s b#ind obedien"e$( Ba.hi%a/ don +o o he&8 They## .i## you$( I% I see you a+ain I)ll .i## you/ En#i#$( *no her s"rea& 'en hrou+h Ba.hi%a/ hen a si#en"e ha 'as e,en &ore erri%yin+$ There 'as no1one in her hu / and a## he o hers 'ere dar. and e&! y oo$ The %ire in he &idd#e 'asn #i / i 'as 2us a s a". o% bone#i.e 'hi e 'ood$ E,eryone see&ed o be in he %a&i#y "ir"#e/ he bi+ hu used %or "o&&on a" i,i ies$ T'o &en %ro& he is#and 5 2ud+in+ by heir ob,ious s ren+ h/ hey 'ere 'oods&en 5 'ere s andin+ +uard a he en ran"e/ ar&s "rossed$ Ba.hi%a ran a he& and hey +rabbed her by he e#bo's and s#un+ her ba".$ She %e## o,er$ )on in er%ere/ Ba.hi%a( said one o% he &en s&oo h#y/ your sis er is Be"o&in+$( No8 Shes in !ain8( Pain is na ura#$ *## ani&a#s %ee# !ain$ * &o h urnin+ in o a bu er%#y %ee#s !ain as i s ru++#es o Be"o&e$( S unned %or a &o&en / Ba.hi%a shoo. her head o "#ear he di00iness$ She ran a he hu and 'as a+ain hro'n ba".$ She +o on o a## %ours/ her %in+ers and oes di++in+ in o he dir and b#a". e&bers$ She #ea! be 'een he &ens .nees and in o he s"reen ha "o,ered he en ran"e o% he hu $ The s"reen bro.e as she 'en hrou+h i / shards a+ains her %a"e and shou#ders$ The ab#e 'as "o,ered 'i h a "#o h$ *ni&a# %a #an erns 'ere #i / +reasy ye##o'/ s$ Bo'#s o% s!i"ed oi# boi#ed o,er shor %ires in iron !o s/ and in hese bo'#s 'ere #on+/ hin "u in+ b#ades$ E,ery hin+ 'as si00#in+/ bubb#in+/ hea in+$ The +uards did no dare "o&e in$ On he ab#e 'as a body/ i s #e+s bare/ i s orso and %a"e "o,ered/ and around i / %i##in+ he roo&/ 'ere 'o&en ho#din+ he body do'n/ s rainin+ heir 'ei+h on o i / "u in+ in o i %ine#y/ bearin+ do'n in si#en / s&i#in+/ "har+ed ha!!iness$ )e""a$ )ishes 'ere !#a"ed on he +round/ o,er%#o'in+ 'i h hi". red b#ood$ Ba.hi%a sa' a #ine o% b#ood %#o'in+ s rai+h as an arro' %ro& he a# ar/ !oin in+ o her$ I rea"hed he i! o% her %in+er$ She 'i "hed ba". 'i h horror a he %ee# o% her o'n sis ers b#ood and reared u!$ S o!8( she roared S o!8( *## he 'o&en shou ed in sur!rise$ Ba.hi%a "ou#d %ee# heir hear s bea in+ #oud#y/ dee! hu&!s o% an+er and de%ian"e/ bu no %ear$ Ba.hi%a %e# "onne" ed by her hrobbin+ senses o e,eryone in he roo&/ e3"e! )e""a$ She %e# enor&ous 'i h ra+e/ as hou+h her #i&bs %i##ed e,ery s!a"e/ and he &us"#es 'i hin her s'e##ed and s re "hed i hard %ro& he inside/ and her brea h/ brea hin+ in he s&e## o% b#ood and !ani"/ 'as & he hu "on ra" and e3!and$ Ba.hi%a:( said one o% he 'o&en/ u!$ I 'as *,ani$ -a&a8( I .no' ho' i #oo.s:( 6ha are you doin+4$$$ 6ha are you doin+4( 6ha 'e a#'ays do/( said ano her 'o&an$ 6i h a sho". Ba.hi%a re"o+nised her as E.ha/ one o% he ea"hers a he s"hoo#$ Ho' "an you do his o us4( Bu i s nor&a#$ I s na ura#/( said ano her 'o&an 1 Hira / a bu "her and anner$ Her !a#&s 'ere !er&anen #y dyed 'i h b#ood$ I ## hur in he &o&en and a% er ha i ## be %ine/( said *,ani$ I ## be !er%e" $( I doesn #oo. ni"e/( said Hira / bu hen/ na ure isn !re y$ Your a+e is he a+e o% &adness and i&ba#an"e$ I &us be #e ou / si!honed o%%$ The e3"ess ,i+our &us be #essened/ and he sur!#us
shared around$( >e ou o% &y 'ay/( said Ba.hi%a in a #o' ,oi"e$ 6e "an do ha 2us ye /( said ano her 'o&an$ I 'as -ay/ En#i#s &o her$ I .no' 'ha you did o your son/( said Ba.hi%a o her dis+us ed#y$ 6hy shou#dn 'e4 Nobody ;ues ioned any hin+ un i# you "a&e a#on+/( said -ay !ee,ish#y$ Yrianas sis er did$( Oh/ her$ -ad as any hin+ and a a #e1 a#e o boo $( *,ani had !u##ed he "#o h do'n so ha )e""as #o'er !ar s 'ere "o,ered$ Throu+h a +a! be 'een he 'o&ens bodies Ba.hi%a sa' a rus ed bone need#e and a "oarse b#a". hread in a hi". #ine o% dar. b#ood on he ab#e/ ne3 o )e""as s.inny hand$ )e""a/( said Ba.hi%a ur+en #y$ Le her #oo. 5 i s oo #a e any'ay$ 6ha s she +oin+ o do4 One &us n b#a&e her$ *ny no,i"e 'ou#d %ee# a#ar&ed/( said E.ha$ The 'o&en &o,ed a'ay and be+an o "#ear u!/ .nee#in+ "are%u##y and !i".in+ u! he bo'#s o% b#ood$ )e""as bo' and arro'1"ase hun+ near he end o% he ab#e@ she a#'ays had he& 'i h her$ Ba.hi%a !i".ed he& u!/ he#d he& %or a 'hi#e and s#un+ he& a"ross her shou#der$ The 'o&en 'a "hed/ s&i#in+ sy&!a he i"a##y$ I &us be hard %or you/ o see/( said E.ha$ Ba.hi%a "ou#dn ans'er@ she "ou#dn #oo. any o% he& in he eye$ )e""a 'as a#i,e/ a# hou+h her body +#o'ed 'i h !ain$ Ba.hi%a "ou#d see i %#oa in+ around and abo,e her/ a re&b#in+/ 'hi e sha!e$ Ba.hi%a he#d her sis ers hand$ )e""as eyes 'ere "#osed$ The 'o&en 'ere ,ery ;uie $ 6ha youre doin+ is 'ron+/( said Ba.hi%a o *,ani$ 6e do i ou o% #o,e$( Lo,e %or 'ha 4 No #o,e %or )e""a$( Yes/ #o,e %or )e""a$ She is our dau+h er and 'e #o,e her$ 6e 'an o be #i.e her$ 6e 'an her o be #i.e us$ )e""a is no your sis er/( said -ay$ She is$ I## %i+h you o !ro e" her$( You see4 *## his unne"essary a++ression$ This is e3a" #y 'hy 'e drain o%% he &adness 'hen he a+e is "o&e$ Ini ia ions "rea e !ea"e$ You## ha,e seen i in &y son/( said -ay$ Hes a ,ery obedien boy/( 2eered Ba.hi%a/ he ried o de#ay &e$ He %o##o'ed his orders 'e##$( No 'e## enou+h/ "#ear#y$( I% he ini ia ions su!!osed o &a.e hi& s ron+/ you %ai#1( The ini ia ion 'i## &a.e hi& s ron+ e,en ua##y/( -ay "u her o%%$ I &ade us s ron+$ I &ade he is#and 'ha i is$( This is#and is a ro en dun+1hea!$( -any o% he 'o&en +as!ed and !ro es ed ,o"i%erous#y$ You &us ne&er say ha /( said -ay$ Ho' dare you$ 6hen your &o her/ our sis er/ had been .ind enou+h/ or s u!id enou+h/ o #e you #i,e here 5 ( Ba.hi/ 'e ry o !u a## as.s and !o'ers in e;ua# !ro!or ions %or e,eryone/( said *,ani/ o,er -ay/ i s on#y %air o s.i& he e3 ra !o'er %ro& he youn+/ 'here i on#y a+onises he&/ and dis ribu e i a&on+ hose 'hore #ess ,i+orous$( 6ha do you &ean4( Ba.hi%a rea#ised ha ea"h 'o&an 'as ho#din+ a bo'# %u## o he bri& 'i h hi". red b#ood$ S arin+ ahead 'i h +#oa in+ eyes/ ea"h 'o&an "are%u##y #i% ed he bo'# o her #i!s/ dran. dee!#y and +a,e a sa is%ied/ #i!1s&a".in+ *h8( *s one/ hey dran. a+ain un i# a## he b#ood in a## he bo'#s 'ere +one$ Ba.hi%a 'a "hed in disbe#ie%$ >a++in+/ erri%ied and dis+us ed/ she urned and !i".ed )e""a u!$ She 'as #i+h / bri #e and "o#d/ no hin+ #i.e ho' she usua##y 'as$ The 'o&en nei her b#o".ed her nor &o,ed aside$ They si&!#y 'a "hed in 'ai in+/ un"anny ;uie ness$ Their %a"es 'ere %#a.ed 'i h dryin+ b#ood$ I& #ea,in+/( said Ba.hi%a$
$ou &i+h be$ Shes no /( said Hira / !oin in+ a )e""a 'i h a b#oody/ dri!!in+ hand$ )on a.e her/ !#ease/( said *,ani/ 'rin+in+ her hands$ You don unders and$ *% er an ini ia ion 'ere so %u## o% #o,e/ Ba.hi%a/ I .no' you don be#ie,e &e bu i s rue/ 'ere so %u## o% #o,e o'ards he youn+s ers/ 'e nurse he&/ 'e "herish he&/ 'e &a.e he& !er%e" 5 ( Shes %#a'#ess as she is/ 'i hou your in er%eren"e 5 ( 6e he#! he& hea#:$ !#ease/ Ba.hi 5 heres no'here o +o 5 ( Ba.hi%a "ou#dn #oo. a her &o her 5 her o'n &o her 5 be"ause %or he %irs i&e in her #i%e she 'as sho".ed by her/ and she !i ied her and 'as "on%used by her/ and no #on+er !roud o% her$ Bu she "ou#dn re%use her$ I% she #e% 'i h )e""a/ )e""a 'ou#d die$ She didn .no' ho' o a.e "are o% her$ Her shou#ders sa++ed$ The o her 'o&an nodded and s&i#ed a her$ They oo. )e""a a'ay/ +uidin+ her o her &o hers ar&s$ Ba.hi%a yie#ded her 'i hou s ru++#in+$ I& s ron+er han )e""a/ and o#der oo$ 6hy didn you do i o &e ins ead4( she said/ her ,oi"e hi". 'i h !ain$ Nobody 'ou#d ou"h you or drin. yourb#ood/( said -ay/ i% indeed ha is b#ood you ha,e in you and no so&e o her subs an"e$( 6e rear e,ery hin+ ourse#,es/ %ro& i s %irs roo s in he ear h$ 6e 'a "h a## "rea ures 'hen heyre born$ 6e 'a "h he& 'hen hey die$ 6e #i.e o .no' e3a" #y 'here i "o&es %ro& be%ore i !asses our #i!s/( said Hira he bu "her$ No hin+ is done in iso#a ion$ To be a#one/ o arri,e or #ea,e a#one/ is unna ura#$( *,ani #e% / "rin+in+/ su!!or in+ )e""a ender#y/ ba". a her o her dau+h er 'i h #o,e and ba%%#e&en $ Tryin+ no o "ry/ de er&ined no o be+/ Ba.hi%a s ared a he +round and bi he inside o% her "hee. un i# i b#ed$ She "ou#d %ee# a shar! !ain in her hear $ *,ani and )e""a 'en ou 5 he +uards &o,ed res!e" %u##y aside 5 and re urned o heir hu $ On"e her ho&e$ Ba.hi%a .ne' she 'ou#d ne,er +o ba". here$ She 'ou#d ne,er s#ee! in ha bed a+ain$ The o her 'o&en 'ere s i## inside he %a&i#y "ir"#e/ 'a "hin+ her 'i h shre'd/ un%riend#y eyes$ They had ne,er #oo.ed a her #i.e ha be%ore$ Their %a"es/ 'i h s'i!es o% red a"ross he &ou h/ 'ere +reased 'i h dis#i.e/ s'o##en 'i h i $ They a## brea hed o+e her as one$ *s her &ood b#a".ened/ he air i se#% see&ed o b#a".en 5 un i# -ay "ou+hed$ 6ha is ha 4( &u ered Hira / urnin+ around$ Those da&n oi# bo'#s: heyre s&$ I o#d you #o no o use he ye##o' oi#/ I said use he bro'n s u%%/ he ye##o' ones no %or indoors/( said E.ha$ They 'ere "ou+hin+/ 'a,in+ he s&o.e a'ay/ "#o hs and ryin+ o &o,e he bo'#s 'i hou burnin+ he&se#,es 'i h he oi#$ Ba.hi%a s ood/ %or he %irs i&e/ a#one/ on he ou side o% he +rou!$ *s she s ared in o he "ir"#e %ro& 'hi"h she 'as e3"#uded/ her b#ood be+an o boi# 'i h an+er and sorro'/ dis+us and be raya#/ +rie% and #oss$ The 'o&ens b#ood1s#i".ed shone #i.e %resh bron0e in he #i+h %ro& he #an erns$ E,ery hin+ ran o+e her in one u+#y/ s#i&y s&ear/ #i.e a %i# hy s rea. o% ani&a# %a $ The air ri!!#ed/ so s ron+ 'ere her re!u+nan"e and &ournin+ and sense o% banish&en $ I 'as ho inside he %a&i#y "ir"#e/ and hen i 'as &ore han ho / i 'as burnin+$ Ba.hi%a 'as one 'i h he hea / 'hi"h shone hrou+h her and ou o% her 'i h hi+h/ shar! !o'er$ The bri+h ye##o' %#a&es o% he %ires 'ar&in+ he oi# and he dir y/ %ou#1s&e##in+ %#a&es o% he ani&a# %a "and#es oo0ed u! and #i".ed he inside o% he roo%/ s i".in+ o i / shoo in+ a"ross o he o!!osi e side/ s#i!!in+ do'n a"ross he 'a##s in one s'i% e&bra"e$ The !#ai s o% +rass and he "ane s ru" ure s&o.ed/ "ur#ed and b#a".ened$ Then 'i h a 'hoosh he en ire hu s ru". in o ra++ed/ bri+h red ri!!in+ %ire and a## he 'o&en sho ba". %ro& he 'a##s and +a hered ba".1 o1ba". in he &idd#e$ They had no i&e o hin./ o a""use/ o re&ons ra e$ They 'ere surrounded by 'hi!!in+ red %#a&es$ Ba.hi%a %e# eu!hori"$ The %ire 'as s unnin+ 5 i 'as he &os beau i%u#/ !u#sin+ hin+ shed e,er seen$ I 'as no hin+ #i.e he "o&%or in+ %ire "ir"#es ha hey s'a!!ed s ories around/ or he %a&i#y %ires ha 'ar&ed he& e,ery ni+h / or he &ea 1" b#a0es$ This 'as !ure/ 'i#d/ s in+in+ %ire and i 'as a## "o&in+ %ro& her/ surroundin+ her 'i h +rea 'a,es o% !o'er$ She %e# herse#% bein+ %or+ed in i #i.e a s'ord/ as hou+h a## her !ain "a&e ou and be"a&e an e erna# b#ade/
si00#in+ 'i h hea / oo bri+h o #oo. a / oo ho o +e "#ose o/ oo 'i#d o a&e or ou"h$ She i&a+ined Yrianas b#ade s#i"in+ do'n as she had sho'n her ha a% ernoon/ and he %ire rea"hed in and +rabbed he 'o&en$ I +ras!ed he& and burn he&/ "onsu&ed he& in one sna "h$ Ba.hi%a 'as s andin+ o!en1&ou hed/ shou in+ 'i h e3u# a ion$ * sudden bird1"ry %ro& ou side/ hin and ridi"u#ous/ bro.e her "on"en ra ion$ Ba.hi%a urned/ %ee#in+ %e,erish$ She s a++ered o he en ran"e$ She needed 'a er$ I 'as oo ho $ *nd hen she hou+h 7 I)&e done something terri#le, I)&e done something terri#le * terri#le * terri#le + terri#le: The 'ord 'en hrou+h her &ind #i.e a she##1ra #e rhy h&$ And now it)s going to #e worse for Decca and mama and Enlil, so much worse, and I can ne&er come #ack% She had "onde&ned he res o% *,anis and )e""as #i,es and &ade sure ha she herse#% 'ou#d ne,er a+ain be 'e#"o&e on he is#and$ She had si+ned her o'n dea h order/ in her sis ers and &o hers b#ood$ Her &ou h 'en dry$ Her head hur $ She %e# "o#d and 'ea. and %ran i"$ -o 'as ri+h / here 'as so&e hin+ horrib#e in her$ There 'as no !#easure no'/ 2us a ri##in+/ rin+in+ !ani" and re+re $ She ran ou o% he %a&i#y "ir"#e and 'as s ru". do'n by a %is $ CH*-*C*S HE*RT This is Part Two, Chapter Two of Transformation Play% * rou+h b#a". sa". 'as sho,ed o,er her head$ Her %irs sho".ed brea h !u##ed he "#o h i+h in o her &ou h and she be+an o s ru++#e$ *s soon as she did/ he "#o h "a&e a#i,e/ s ee!ed in !o'er/ and be+an o s#i her around her and sa! her #i%e/ dra'in+ i ou in a #on+ ine3orab#e !u##$ She %e# a !air o% s ron+ 'oods&ans ar&s hro' her o he +round$ She %e# )e""as bo' and arro's as she %e## on he&$ * hand +rabbed her by he hair$ The so% hair a he ed+es o% her s"a#! ore ou o% he #i #e !o!s o% !ain$ The 'oods&en dra++ed her a"ross he +round$ She bare#y %e# i a %irs / so in ense 'as he sho". o% 'ha shed done/ he rea#isa ion o% 'ha she 'as "a!ab#e o% and he .no'#ed+e o% 'ha shed #os $ In b#ind rea" ion/ in a &o&en s desire %or re,en+e/ in he e"s asy o% des ru" ion/ she had ended her #i%e$ The 'oods&en see&ed so sure o% 'here hey 'ere +oin+/ Ba.hi%a rea#ised i had a## been !#anned$ The is#and 'an ed her dead$ He##o/ boys/( said a 'o&ans ,oi"e$ The ,oi"e 'as hu&orous and una%raid/ e,en aun in+$ I 'as Lur$ 6ha are you doin+ here4( said one o% he &en in !#ain sur!rise$ -e4 No hin+$ 9us ,isi in+ so&e "#ose !ersona# %riends$ I hin. you &ay be 'anderin+ here1'ards oo4 In he dead o% ni+h / 'i h your bund#e$( Ou ra+ed si#en"e %ro& he &en$ I& re urnin+ his dish/( Lur "on inued/ "#ear#y en2oyin+ herse#%$ -y %riends +a,e &e so&e %ood in i / and 'hen I sa' 'ha a %ine hin+ i 'as 5 #oo. a ha ed+in+ 5 I hou+h Id bes hurry ba". and re urn i $ You shou#dn han+ on o so&e hin+ ha isn yours$ 6hy don 'e +o a#on+ o+e her4 I #i.e & %riends$ )o you need any he#! 'i h your :burden4( 6e "an &ana+e$( >rand$ Le s +o his 'ay/ i s ni"e and s&oo h and %#a and you see here/ 'i h &y #e+ 5 #oo. a ha s'e##in+ 5 he bu&!y 'ay isn !re%erab#e$( Ba.hi%a #au+hed si#en #y o herse#% hrou+h her bro.en hroa / hen ;ui".#y s o!!ed$ I 'as he #au+h o% a "ra0ed/ ho!e#ess !erson$ *s hey s ar ed o%% a+ain/ so&e hin+ s ran+e ha!!ened$ The &an hea,ed and she didn bud+e$ 6ha re you doin+4 Tired a#ready4( said he o her &an o hi&$ I s 5 i s s u".$ The underside &us be "au+h on so&e hin+$( The &an "rou"hed do'n/ "#in"hed Ba.hi%a in his ar&s and hea,ed$ She didn &o,e$ He 'en around o her %ee and ried o hois her u!$ No hin+ ha!!ened$ The !o'er o% Lurs %as ness 'as see!in+ in o her and "o##e" in+ a he bo o&$ Oh/ dear/ dear/ dear/ dear/( said Lur/ "#i".in+ her on+ue$ I don hin. hes +oin+ o &a.e i / do you4( He## &a.e i i% you s o! &edd#in+/( said he o her &an$
6ha are you i&!#yin+4 Here you ha,e a %ine &an$ There is his sa".$ He "anno #i% i u!$ 6e see ha / !#ain as !#ain$ 6ha 'e need is &ore hands$ 6ai here$( The &en abandoned Ba.hi%a and she s#u&!ed/ %#a $ She "ou#d %ee# bi s o% +rass !ri".in+ in o her hrou+h he sa".$ Lur 'en a'ay and re urned/ her hea,y %oo s e!s une,en as he bad #e+ dra++ed$ This is he bes I "ou#d do/( she said$ There 'as a !ause/ hen he &en #au+hed/ a# hou+h hey sounded ner,ous$ The o#d one brin+s us he &ad one8( The &ad one "ou#d on#y be Yriana$ Ba.hi%a "ou#d sense he +ir#s in e##i+en"e s!ra'#in+ 2a++ed#y a## o,er he&$ Bu I hin. you a## .no' ea"h o her/( said Lur si#.i#y$ He#! &e/ Yriana/ a.e he o her side$ 6ere #osin+ her$ I s a sha&e/ a sha&e$ * bi er sha&e$( Care%u##y hey eased he b#a". hood a'ay %ro& Ba.hi%as ruined %a"e$ No' his/( Lur said/ ou he b#a". "#o h o% he hood/ is ,ery %ine 'or. indeed$ ?ersa i#e$ I hin. I## be han+in+ on o his and %indin+ a +ood use %or i $ I ## "#in+ o 'ha e,ers !u in i $ ( She !u her hand inside i and sna "hed i ou / 'in"in+$ Her hand 'as "u a## o,er$ I s nas ier han I hou+h $ I s a #i%e1su".er$ I s hideous$ Bu e3"e##en $( She u".ed he sa". in o he 'ais band o% her be# $ The hree o% he& 5 Lur and Yriana/ ho#din+ Ba.hi%a 5 be+an & heir 'ay s#o'#y o he sha".$ The 'oods&en 'en ahead$ I 'as rinsin+ he dish in he s rea& behind &y hu 'hen ha ni"e1%a"ed boy %riend o% Ba.hi%as "#a ered !as / ar&s and #e+s and hands and %ee %#yin+ abou e,ery'here/ a## a1"hi er abou her and )e""a and a## &anner o% b#oodiness and ho' hed be dro'ned i% he 'en a+ains his !aren s/ and ho' hed dro'n hi&se#% i% he 'en a+ains his "ons"ien"e/ and I "a##ed hi& ba". :'e##/ I %as ened hi& in !#a"e %or 2us a &o&en 'i h &y/ er/ he s ren+ h o% &y +a0e$ Hes ,ery hones / isn he4 No shor 'i h he %a" s$ I% he 'ishes/ one day/ o say a1 a o hose !aren s o% his/ he "an a#'ays a.e re%u+e 'i h &e i% need be$ I## send %or *,ani and )e""a oo 5 I## a!!ren i"e )e""a/ i% shes a&enab#e$ I don i&a+ine heyd be 'e#"o&e in he %a&i#y "ir"#e a% er a## his$ Youre 'e#"o&e/ oo/ Yriana/ and your %a her/ i% you %ee# #i.e: s'i "hin+ #oya# ies$( Yriana 'as si#en $ The boy o#d &e he .ne' %ro& his !aren s ha you 'ere o be a.en here/ = o he &ad +ir#s house$ Ho!e you don &ind bein+ des"ribed #i.e ha $ Bu he didn .no' 'hy$ *nd nei her do I/ and I& "urious by na ure$ So I hou+h Id "o&e by o see i% heres any hin+ I "ou#d he#! 'i h$ Bu I %ear/ here is not any hin+$( The sha". 'as %or y !a"es a'ay/ #on+ and #o' and ra++ed and b#a".$ Lur and Yriana 'ere "are%u# o .ee! he +rasses %ro& 'hi!!in+ Ba.hi%as ender$ 6ha %ine !o'ers you ha,e/ Yriana/( said Lur/ e,ery i&e I "o&e o you/ he #and +ro's e,er hi".er$ You don 2us a.e he #and you,e been +i,en and "u# i,a e i $ You manipulate i / I hin.$ Chi#d/( said Lur ;uie #y/ 'ha dea# ha,e you done 'i h hose &en4 They are no de"en $( Yriana raised her hand and s"ra "hed herse#% a"ross he %a"e harsh#y$ Four #ines o% b#ood s ood u! s ar.#y on her "hee.$ )on do ha / dear hear /( said Lur$ They o#d &e heyd burn a## our #and i% 'e didn "o&!#y$ They o#d &e heyd "o&e a any i&e o% ni+h or day %or &y ini ia ion$ 6e had o do i $ 6e had o$ They said heyd do i any'ay$ I& so sorry$ I 'asn rea# un i# I &e Ba.hi%a oday$ I a,oided her be%ore/ be"ause I "ou#dn "on e&!#a e i $ I "ou#dn i&a+ine doin+ any hin+ so bad$ I hou+h I 'ou#d 2us :I didn hin. i 'ou#d %ee# #i.e his$( * be raya# is a be raya#/ dear$ Bu hey 'ou#d ha,e done 'ha hey 'an ed/ re+ard#ess$ I s no !ossib#e o do a dea# 'i h bru es/ and he res o% he is#and 'i## ne,er a""e! you a% er his$ You are oo du!#i"i ous/ on o! o% e,ery hin+ e#se$ They used you$ One ou "as !#ayed o%% a+ains ano her$ You &us re#in;uish he&$( They re#in;uished me #on+ a+o$ *# hou+h hey are in a'e o% &e$ Tha is 'hy hey o#era e &e a he !#annin+ &ee in+s$ They 'an o .no' he se"re o% &y #ands/( said Yriana !roud#y$ I a& he
youn+es and he &os su""ess%u#$( * s&a## di& #i+h "a&e "#ose/ %#oa in+ in he dar.ness ahead o% he&$ I 'as a #an ern on he end o% a !o#e/ su!!or ed by one o% he 'oods&en$ The o her &an he#d Siorys by he s"ru%% o% he ne".$ Siorys #oo.ed asha&ed$ I s i&e/( said a 'oods&an brus;ue#y 'hen Lur and Yriana "au+h u!$ Bu e,en a dead bodys !re!!ed %or dea h/ isn ha so4 There are oi#s o be s#a hered/ un+uen s/ e&o##ien s/ "#eansin+s and s"ra!in+s/( said Lur$ Indu#+e an o#d 'o&an$ I 'on a.e #on+$( 6i h a +rea sho' o% +enerosi y/ 'i h ro##in+ eyes/ su".ed ee h and dra++in+/ annoyed %oo s e!s/ he &en rud+ed ba".$ They s ood 'i h heir ar&s "rossed 2us ou side he sha".$ Lur and Yriana oo. Ba.hi%a inside$ Yriana/ be use%u# o so&eone o her han yourse#% %or a "han+e/( said Lur$ Ha,e you any banda+es/ or "#o h 'e "an ear in o s ri!s4( 6e do/ and 'e .ee! oin &en s %or in2uries$ 6e ha,e ba#&s %or horn1!ri".s and s#i"es/ %ro& he #ea,es/ and oi#s %or inse" bi es/ and an ido es o a##er+ies/ and hi". !ro e" ion "rea&s a+ains burns/ and b#o".in+ "rea&s %or 'hen he 'ea,ers "o&e o +rind heir dyes/ so he "o#our doesn s ain he&$( >ood$ ?ery +ood$ 6ere +oin+ %or &a3i&u& !o en"y$ Unders and4( Yriana &o,ed s'i% #y around he roo&/ o!enin+ bo3es and sear"hin+ a&on+ he she#,es/ +a herin+ 'ha she needed in a nea #ine$ Yriana and Lur #i% ed Ba.hi%a on o he #on+ "en ra# ab#e and !u e,ery hin+ 'i hin rea"h$ They oo. )e""as bo' and arro'/ no' in s rin+y !ie"es/ and #aid he& o he side$ No' ha Yriana 'as ' her ension and 'i "hiness 'ere +one$ 6e &us %i3 our in en ion 'i h "o&!#e e !uri y o% &o i,a ion/ i% you "an unders and ha /( said Lur$ 6e &us do our ,ery bes o +i,e our %riend he bes !ossib#e send1o%%$( I 'ish I 'ere +oin+ oo$( Tha is no %or you$ Youre oo "o'ard#y o be an ad,en urer/ oo un rus 'or hy o ra,e# 'i h$ Cu# i,a e your !o'er and inde!enden"e here$ They 'on ini ia e you$ Youre unna ura# dea h o he&/ dea h ou o% urn$ Paren s shou#d die o% o#d a+e/ be%ore heir "hi#dren$( They used a shor da++er o "u Ba.hi%as #ea her uni" o%% her/ 'in"in+ 'hen hey sa' he bus ed &us"#es and s!#i undernea h$ They "o,ered her in oin &en / "oa ed her %a"e/ oi#ed and !#ai ed her hair in o s i%% #ines$ Then hey soa.ed banda+es in ye &ore oin &en un i# hey 'ere dar. and s ron+1s&e##in+/ and she 'as "o,ered %ro& he ar"hes o% her %ee a## o,er her body u! o her ne". and do'n o her hands$ They eased her #i&bs in o he s i%% #ea her uni" Yriana used %or 'or. and !u #ines o% beads and s rin+s o% she##s around her ne"./ 'ris s and 'ais $ Lur !u s ra!s o he 'ooden sun1dish ha Siorys had &ade and %as ened i o her %orear&$ They banda+ed he bro.en s!ine o% )e""as bo' and sa#,a+ed he %e' arro's and dar s ha re&ained$ They eased Ba.hi%as hands in o he #on+ +#o,es Yriana used a har,es i&e/ and her #on+ "#osed boo s$ Lur oo. he b#a". sa". %ro& her be# / s#i i o!en/ urned i inside ou and 'ra!!ed i around Ba.hi%a$ Co&e no'/( shou ed one o% he &en %ro& ou side$ He sounded #ess %earso&e no'/ and &ore ired$ Ba.hi%a #ay be%ore he&$ No !ar o% her body 'as un"o,ered/ une&be##ished/ unadorned$ The bruises on her %a"e 'ere "o,ered 'i h a hi"./ se in+ &as. o% bri+h ye##o' oin &en $ Lur !u he da++er shed been usin+ in o Ba.hi%as be# and !#a"ed he banda+ed bo' and arro's in her %ree hand$ Yriana %ound a ba+ o% odd !ar s %ro& Sioryss "ra% s$ She s run+ o+e her any !ie"e o% &e a# or 'ood 'hi"h had ho#es or hoo.s in i and &ade Ba.hi%a a s!i.y/ s i%%/ +#i erin+ head !ie"e an ar& #on+$ The suns risin+/( said Lur$ I s i&e$( She 'as abou o o!en he s"reen 'hen i 'as orn a'ay %ro& he o her side$ One o% he &en s e!!ed in/ s'a++erin+/ hen s o!!ed/ eyes bu#+in+/ s arin+ a Ba.hi%a$ *n a&a0ed s&i#e "ra".ed his %a"e$ 6ha horrib#e do## is his4 6ha %an"y %ea hered1and1beaded s"ra! o% %#o sa& ha,e you 'or.ed u! here4 *nd no' 'e ha,e o dis!ose o% his !ie"e o% 5 o% s ran+e rubbish/( he said$ He !i".ed Ba.hi%a u! and oo. her ou / hrou+h he +rasses o he "ir"u#ar/ %#a ened !a "h$ The "en ra# ab#e and ben"h 'ere +one$ Ins ead/ .i".in+ and snor in+ in he hear o% he "ir"#e/ !a'in+ he +round/ 'as a
&ons er$ I 'as one o% he 'or. ani&a#s Yriana used/ !u in o a i+h harness o% b#a". braids and ro!es$ * &e a# bi "u in o i s &ou h$ The harness su!!or ed 'o broad/ !oin ed 'in+s o% i+h #y !#ai ed b#a". +rass$ B#a". %a / 'a3 and oi# had been used o +rease he 2oin s o% he 'in+s$ The ani&a# ra!!ed under he 'in+s/ inside he harness/ #oo.ed !ani".ed$ Siorys 'as "on ro##in+ i 'i h a hoo.ed s i"./ "he".in+ he bindin+s o% he 'in+s/ +ras!in+ heir ou er ed+e and !u##in+ he& au $ The se"ond 'oods&an 'a "hed "#ose#y/ sho,in+ hi& in he ba".$ Oh:'ha ha,e you done4 6ha ha,e you done4( brea hed Lur 'hen she "au+h u! 'i h he&$ This is a ne' hin+/ ne,er seen be%ore/( said Siorys/ and hou+h he 'as asha&ed here 'as s i## an ed+e o% !ride in his ,oi"e$ I &ade i $( 6ha are you +oin+ o do4( Lur as.ed he 'oods&en$ She 'as so sur!rised/ he sass and %ire had +one %ro& her ,oi"e$ She s ood a!!a##ed$ Ta.e your youn+ %riend ba". o 'here she be#on+s$( Tha !#a"e doesn e3is any &ore$( Then 'e## dro! her in o he sea$( * "on ra! ion #i.e ha 'on 'or.$( I does 'or./( said Yriana$ E,en she 'as e3"i ed by he !resen"e o% he hin+$ This is a ,i#e s!e" a"#e$ You/ Siorys/ 'i h your %ine hands and your 'ea. !ersona#i y$ *nd Yriana 5 I see 5 you are he rainer$ You,e &ani!u#a ed and "u# i,a ed he ani&a#s/ he 'ay you "u# i,a e your #ands$ *nd you &ani!u#a ed me$ Oh/ %ai h#ess$ I 'as %ee#in+ sorry %or you$( I used his o rain he ani&a#$( Yriana rea"hed under her shir and brou+h ou he +#ass dis"/ s run+ on a s ri! o% #ea her$ I %#ash i / i "a "hes he #i+h and i %ri+h ens he&$( 6hy 'ou#d you do so&e hin+ so "rue#4 *h:bu I su!!ose/ 'hen you,e been hur / 'hen you,e #os a be#o,ed sis er/ i & you 'an o hur so&eone e#se$ Or yourse#%$( Lur oo. he dis" %ro& Yriana and !u i around Ba.hi%as ne".$ I hin. ha s be er ou o% your hands$ 6ha a horrid +ir# you are/ ' so hard o be ray ano her +ir#$ You/ Ba.hi%a and )e""a are a## he sa&e a+e$ Your bro her 'ou#d ha,e been he sa&e a+e oo/ had he #i,ed$ Tha En#i# boys he sa&e a+e$ Youre su!!osed o be o+e her/ no a!ar $( They 'ere 'ai in+ o "a "h Ba.hi%a doin+ so&e &inor hin+/ bu 'hen she in erru! ed )e""as ini ia ion hey oo. heir "han"e$ The +uards si+na##ed %or us o be ready/( said Yriana one#ess#y$ 6ha si+na#4( * bird"a##/( said one o% he &en$ Tha s'ee / inno"en sound$ Youre a snea.y %a&i#y/( said Lur$ Bu heres so&e hin+ e#se/( Yriana re!#ied$( Fa her 'on ad&i i $ They said heyd har& *,anis 'or. and #i&i her herdin+ and radin+ i% 'e didn he#!$( The &an 'ho had Ba.hi%a s rode %or'ard and hre' her as ride he ani&a#$ He ied her hands o+e her around i s ne".$ Her an.#es 'ere ied a i s sides/ undernea h he unna ura#/ " 'in+s$ One 'in+1ed+e %#o!!ed do'n/ di++in+ in o he +round$ Yriana/ Siorys and he 'o &en s ood "#ose o Ba.hi%as &us"u#ar body$ I 'as so ho ha bo h Ba.hi%a and he ani&a# 'ere s& in he "o#d +o#d da'n air$ Ba.hi%a did no #oo. #i.e any .ind o% !erson/ is#ander or no $ To hi 'a er %ro& a +rea hei+h 'ou#d be #i.e hi in+ ro"./( said Lur$ >ood/( said one o% he &en$ Shes hir een$ She hasn done any hin+ in her #i%e$ Shes hard#y a hrea 5 ( She is a sy&bo# o% 'ha 'e ha e 5 an unna ura# e%%i+y$ She was an e%%i+y$( He .i".ed he ani&a# and hois ed i u!$ The 'in+s "rea.ed and s#i"ed$ Ba.hi%a 2o# ed/ a dead 'ei+h $ The ani&a# .i".ed/ he 'in+s s!read 'ide and Ba.hi%a 'as hea,ed in o he air$ The hea,y 'in+s s'e! !o'er%u##y do'n and rose s ron+#y u!/ un i# Siorys/ Yriana/ Lur and he 'o &en 'ere %ar a'ay$ Ba.hi%as dis" !endan s#i!!ed do'n and s'un+/ "a "hin+ he #i+h in hard +#in s$ The #ines o% he %resh#y risen sun s ru". he dis" and sho in o he "ir"#e$ The +rass be+an o s&o.e and sin+e and here/ by he &ens %ee / a &a o% ye##o' %#a&es s!ran+ u!$ One o% he &en #un+ed o'ards Yriana and +rabbed her$ Siorys +ri!!ed he hoo.ed s i". hed been usin+ and hi he &an in he
ba".$ I san. dee! in o his$ The &an +as!ed$ His %e##o' ried o +rab a Siorys/ bu he "ou#dn &o,e$ His %ee 'ere "au+h in he ,ines$ The &an 'ho had been s ru". by Siorys san. do'n/ he i&!#e&en s i".in+ ou o% his ba"./ his b#ood "o#ourin+ he +rass$ The %#a&es 'ere risin+ a## around he "ir"#e$ Yriana and Lur had dra'n o+e her in "on"en ra ion$ Lur 'as rein%or"in+ he ed+es/ bindin+ he !o'ers in a i+h red and +o#d rin+$ Yrianas ,ines had bo h &en and 'ere s re "hin+ he& ou #i.e 'o "rosses$ She #oo.ed 'i#d 'i h e3u# a ion$ Her %a"e 'as +#ea&in+ and she dre' in dee!/ e3hi#ara ed brea hs$ There 'as a rus #e and a hu&! "#ose by7 Siorys had %ain ed 'hi#e s arin+ a+has a he dyin+ &an on his hands and .nees$ The ,ines had s re "hed he &en so i+h #y ha Lur and Yriana "ou#d hear he 2oin s o% heir bones s rainin+$ 6e &us +o/( said Lur ur+en #y$ In a &o&en $( 6e ha,e o +o$ You &us he#! your %a her( Tha s %or &y sis er/ &y &o her/ &y bro her and &y %riend/( Yriana shou ed o he 'oods&en$ Ho' dare you4 She 'asn your %riend8( shou ed Lur$ You be rayed her8( She "ou#d ha,e been &y %riend8( s"rea&ed Yriana errib#y/ in !ain and re+re $ I% I 'as so&eone e#se: a di%%eren y!e o% +ir#:( Her #as 'ords 'ere s'a##o'ed u! in he noise o% he %ire$ Lur +rabbed her and Siorys hey ran o'ards he sha"./ abandonin+ he 'oods&en o heir dea hs$ The %#a&es rose u! #i.e red/ ye##o' and oran+e ,ei#s/ "on"ea#in+ he si+h $ The ani&a# s rained hi+her/ ne". 'is in+/ dro!s o% b#ood %a##in+ in si00#in+ !oin s$ Ba.hi%as body sa++ed/ her head sna!!in+ #oose#y on her ne"./ a !oin ed/ "ro'ned &as. o% ye##o'$ The ani&a#s %#esh 'as %#ayed in he hea $ The "a&e o%% in a sin+#e burnin+ !ie"e/ 'ra!!in+ i se#% around her$ C#ose by/ +ro'in+ e,er nearer/ 'ere he 2a++ed b#a". ee h o% he ,o#"ano/ Cha&a"a$ Lon+ s#abs o% ro". bro.e o%% he ou side o% he ,o#"ano and "rashed do'n$ The 'ide 2u s o% s one a i s base +round !ain%u##y/ 'i h a " a+onised noise$ I s insides boi#ed 'i h des!era e !ressure$ The 'a3 and oi# !oured o%% he ani&a#s 'in+s #i.e s#i&y b#a". s!i $ They bea u! and do'n une,en#y/ earin+ a'ay a he ed+es$ In a %#urry o% s i%% brie% %#a&e hey "au+h a#i+h / 'ere "onsu&ed and burn ou $ The insides o% he ,o#"ano 'ere "oa ed in boi#ed red ro". ha %e## o,er i se#% 'i h a s#ashin+/ s#i".in+ sound$ Ba.hi%a %e## dee! in o he s'o##en red %ire1hear $ Cha&a"a eru! ed/ "onsu&in+ he is#and in a ra,enous red +u#!$ THE SORRO6IN> SUN This is Part Three, Chapter One of Transformation Play% 6ha &ar,e##ous %ire'or.s hose had been/ hou+h I#&a ar/ #i.e bun"hes o% red/ ye##o' and oran+e %#o'ers burs in+ o!en in he ho s.y$ The ,ie' 'as s"or"hed 'i h s rea.s s#i herin+ around ea"h o her/ a %#a&e %oun ain$ I#&a ar 'as #yin+ a&on+s he %a b#a". %#o'ers/ "run"hin+ heir red seeds in his !a#& and !a".in+ he& in o his !i!e$ He #i.ed he !un+en ur;uoise s&o.e ha !u%%ed ou $ I he#!ed hi& en,ision his sho's$ He #o##ed/ eyes "#osed$ E,ery son+ be+an 'i h a brassy "hi&e o% be##s$ I 'ou#d s ar : chink, chink, chink$ He "ou#d hear i no'/ #i+h and "#ear$ The sound +re' #ouder/ a""o&!anied by a #on+/ "on inuous s"ra!in+ noise$ I#&a ar o!ened his eyes$ Throu+h he ha0e o% b#a". !e a#s 'a#.ed an as oundin+ "rea ure$ The seeds 'ere +ood his season/ his 'as I#&a ars shar!es ,ision ye $ The %a"e 'as a !oin ed/ #on+ &as. o% shinin+ +o#d$ I 'ore a o'erin+ headdress hi+h on i s %orehead$ I s hair 'as a b#a". ha#o o% sin+ed ends$ I s #on+ ne"./ broad shou#ders and %ron 'ere "#ad in a da00#in+ ar&our o% &u# i"o#oured she##s$ The
"rea ure 'ore #on+ b#a". +#o,es and hi+h boo s$ I 'ore a s i%% b#a". and +o#d bro"ade "a!e 'i h a hi+h ne".$ I "arried a +o#d shie#d 'i h a sun e&b#a0oned on i / a +o#d bo' and a ;ui,er o% arro's$ I had in i s be# a da++er$ *round i s ne". 'as a !endan / round and si#,er as a &oon$ I !u##ed behind i / on a "ord/ a +o#d "anoe$ No 5 I#&a ar sa u!/ s;uin in+ b#eari#y 5 i 'as a se"ond shie#d/ a #on+ one$ The %i+ure s o!!ed 'ari#y/ hi+h dee! in he bobbin+ %#o'ers/ 'hi"h +re' hi".#y a## o,er he is#and$ *s I#&a ar s ared/ he %u+ o% seed1s&o.e 'as b#o'n shar!#y a'ay$ This 'as no eni+&a bu a ra,e##er in a "os u&e/ "#ear#y ired/ ob,ious#y shy/ !robab#y #os $ I#&a ar s"ra&b#ed o his %ee and bo'ed uns eadi#y$ 6e#"o&e8 >ood day8 Youre no %ro& hese !ar s/ I& assu&in+4 You didn ha,en any roub#e on he 'ay in4 The 'a er'ays are "#ear4 En er ainer/ are you4 Li.e'ise$ Hard o %ind a +ood "#o'n hese days/ hou+h so&e do %ind us %ri+h enin+$ So&e hin+ o do 'i h 'earin+ a &as. in %u## ,ie'$ I& I#&a ar/ hu&b#e$ *nd you4( The %i+ure re&b#ed and ried o s!ea.$ B 50 50 :.hhh( "a&e ou / "ra".ed and 'ea.$ Bh: h: 0h:.hhh:i( I bro.e o%%/ &o,in+ i s head %ro& side o side$ Sorry$ )on unders and$ -us be a ne' dia#e" /( shou ed I#&a ar$ I "au+h a =.ay in here/ so ho' abou I "a## you Aeya %or no' 5 ha s !re y/ isn i 4 5 and 'hen 'e .no' ea"h o her be er/ you "an !u &e ri+h $ No'/ be%ore I %or+e &y &anners:( He #oo.ed hrou+h his !o".e s and %ound ano her !i!e 5 sanda#'ood/ 'i h a si#,er ri&$ He !oured so&e seeds in o he end and o%%ered i o he s ran+er$ The s ran+er !u i s hand u! o he !i!e$ * rou+h "ra".#e/ hen a %i00 o% %#a&e s ru". u!$ I#&a ar "#a!!ed he s ran+er on he ba".$ Bra,o8 I #i.e ha 8 You "o##e" hose buds ha +i,e a %#ash 'hen you brea. he&/ iny !ou"h on he inside o% he 'ris / !u## your s#ee,e do'n o,er i 5 +e s =e& e,ery i&e$ Bu I ha,e o e## you/ here aren &any "hi#dren here$ There aren any "hi#dren o% he s&a## sor $ You## ha,e o ry hard o i&!ress hose ha re&ain$( He #oo.ed s&i#in+#y in o he s ran+ers eyes hrou+h he eyeho#es o% he &as.$ The eyes 'ere a #on+/ !a#e/ "o#d +reen/ a#&os si#,er/ "on ras in+ 'i h he dar.$ The ed+es o% he #ids 'ere burn and s'o##en$ Bu enou+h "ha er/ I hin./( said I#&a ar "au ious#y$ 6hy don I %ind you a bed and so&eone o he#! you 5 +en #y 5 ou o% hose "#o hes4 I &ean/ heyre ,ery %ine/ bu one "an 'ear ones bes a## he i&e or i ## +e s!oi# $ I shou#d be +e in+ ba"./ any'ay$ The %a hers 'i## be ;ues ions$( He #ed he 'ay/ in a" %u# si#en"e/ a#on+ hin s ree s o% +rand bui#din+s$ The 'a#.'ays 'ere de"ora ed 'i h bri+h i#e/ he 'a##s hun+ 'i h #on+1%rin+ed !ane#s$ * e,ery "orner 'as a bands and/ a !er%or&an"e s a+e/ an en"#osure %or sin+ers and hi+h sea s %or s!e" a ors$ Ye be 'een he i#es 'ere #on+ "ra".s/ he bui#din+s had "hun.s &issin+ %ro& he& and i,y +re' o,er s!#endid rubb#e$ There 'as no1one on he s ree s$ You &issed a "ra".in+ sho'/( dra'#ed I#&a ar$ I 'as rehearsin+ in he "a,es 'hen i s ar ed$ The s.y 'en b#a"./ hen i %i##ed 'i h s&o.e$ Then he +ro o 'as %u## o% a## .inds o% no 1,ery1a ra" i,e &u"./ and here 'as a +rea s#o! o% 'a er and enor&ous a&oun s o% boi#ed %ish 'ashed u! ha 'e didn .no' 'ha o do 'i h$ Then here 'as a #on+ +rindin+ noise$ Then here 'as a %i00in+ noise and a barbe"ue s&e## ha 'as ,ery nos a#+i"$ 6e ha,en ea en a barbe"ue in: #on+er han I "are o re&e&ber$ Then "a&e he #i+h s$ >or+eous$ 6e #ay ou / 2us 'here I &e you no'/ and 'a "hed he& %or ni+h s on end$( They urned a "orner$ Here 'e are$( There 'as a !a#a"e 'i h a #on+ +reen and ye##o' "ano!y ou side$ * youn+ 'o&an sa undernea h i / !#ayin+ a 'en y1s rin+ed i,ory ins ru&en ha she !#u".ed 'i h 'o si#,er !#e" ru&s on her hu&b and &idd#e %in+er$ Tha s *n"3on/( said I#&a ar$ She "o&!oses &usi" %or &e$ Shes a de"en sor $( He #oo.ed a he s ran+er &eanin+%u##y$ 6ere a## de"en !eo!#e here/ so don you 'orry$ 6ai here$ I## #e he& .no' I,e %ound a %riend$ *nd 'hy no ry ha !i!e4 I / er/ i nu&bs !ain$ You &i+h #i.e i $( He !ushed he sanda#'ood !i!e o'ards he s ran+er$ Re#u" an #y/ he s ran+er ried i $ One #on+ inha#a ion$ *n"3on 'as 2us "o&in+ do'n o say he##o 'hen he s ran+er %ain ed/ shie#d and
'ea!ons "#an+in+$ Ba.hi%a a'o.e in a he3a+ona# roo&$ She #ay under he shee s %ee#in+ sore and a%raid$ There 'as a !ain in+ on he "ei#in+/ desi+ns on he 'a##s and "o#oured he3a+ons/ +reen and +o#d/ on he %#oor$ There 'ere do##s/ oys and 'ooden ani&a#s hea!ed in he "orners/ "o,ered in dus $ Her hin+s hun+ on an o!en ra". in a "orner o% he roo&7 he #on+1shie#d/ he round shie#d/ he da++er/ he dis"/ he &as./ he ar&our/ he bo' and arro's and he "#oa.$ They had a## been rans%or&ed$ She oo. one ar& ou %ro& under he "o,ers and #oo.ed a i 5 i 'as dar./ s&oo h/ s ron+/ unburn / uns"arred$ She 'as 'earin+ !#ain "#o hes/ a shir and narro' bree"hes/ #i.e he &essen+ers a ho&e$ She %#e3ed her oes and her hi+h &us"#es/ 'or.ed her .nees$ They 'ere s i%%$ She %e# her ribs and "o##arbones$ They 'ere ender/ bu she 'asn in he bro.en s a e shed been in be%ore$ She had been bea en 5 bu she 'ou#d ne,er hin. abou hose &en a+ain$ They did no deser,e o be in her hou+h s$ *nd she 'ou#d no #e herse#% hin. abou )e""a or *,ani or En#i#$ I% she did/ she 'ou#d %a## o !ie"es 'i h +rie% and +ui# $ She urned around and sa' *n"3on si in+ !re!arin+ he sanda#'ood !i!e and seeds$ She had a !i!e o% her o'n/ narro' i,ory$ She oo. a brea h o% i and s!o.e$ Tur;uoise s&o.e %i##ed he roo&$ Ho' are you %ee#in+/ Aeya4 Can you s!ea.4( Aeya/ hou+h Ba.hi%a o herse#%$ Tha 'as he 'ord he &an had said/ !oin in+ a her$ She hadn unders ood any hin+ e#se$ The #an+ua+e sounded ;ui". and shar!/ s#an s o% sound "ho!!in+ in o her ears$ Yes/ she 'ou#d be Aeya no'$ Tha o her !erson 'as dead$ Ba.hi%a/ 'ho had on"e had a sis er and a &o her and %riends$ Aeya s&i#ed 'ea.#y$ *n"3on sa' her s'a##o'in+ and ryin+ o s!ea.$ She "a&e %or'ard and su!!or ed her as she #ean u! on her e#bo's/ +a,e her he !i!e and !u i o her #i!s$ Aeya inha#ed and her &ind 'en %#a and "a#&$ The seed enab#es !eo!#e o s!ea. o ea"h o her/( said *n"3on/ and sudden#y Aeya .ne' 'ha she 'as sayin+$ The s&o.e !asses be 'een us/ hen I unders and you and you "an unders and &e$ *## he !eo!#e in he ,arious !ar s o% he is#and s!ea. di%%eren dia#e" s so 'e use his o +e a#on+$ The s&o.e hea#s$ I hea#s &isunders andin+s/ sus!i"ions/ +rud+es and &e&ories 2us as &u"h as i hea#s 'ounds$( Aeya oo. a #on+ brea h o% he !i!e/ hen ano her$ Is i +ood4( as.ed *n"3on$ I% you 'an o s ay/ you## ha,e o #earn he &ain #an+ua+e$ The one s!o.en by he %a hers$ You "an s&o.e his a## he i&e/ i & you +o s ran+e$ Bu ha s 2us &y o!inion$ )on e## he& I said ha $ I& ha!!y o #earn your #an+ua+e/ oo$ I #i.e #earnin+ hin+s$( -ine: isn used any &ore/( said Aeya/ her ,oi"e 'ea. and +rainy$ Oh/ I& sorry/( said *n"3on/ unsur!rised/ 'as i a 'ar4( No$( -urder/ Aeya hou+h $ I#&a ar said youre an en er ainer$( Aeya 2us nodded$ I 'as oo di%%i"u# and horrib#e o e3!#ain/ and she didn 'an o e3!#ain any'ay$ *n"3on didn see& o &ind$ Ta.e one #as !i!e and #e i a.e you 'here i 'i##$ Bu a% er ha I ha,e o in rodu"e you o he %a hers$ *% er he 'ars hey dedi"a ed heir #i,es o !ea"e and %riendshi!$ I bo hers he& ha hey ha,en +ree ed you !ro!er#y ye $ You,e been here a 'ho#e day/ a#&os $( 6ho :'i h4 The 'ars/( "roa.ed Aeya$ The +ian s$ )idn you .no'4 You &us ha,e "o&e &ery %ar/( said *n"3on in sur!rise$ Aeyas eyes bu#+ed$ She shoo. her head$ The +ian s 'an ed he is#and/ bu 'e 'an ed o .ee! i / ="ause i s our ho&e$ So 'e 'arred %or +enera ions/ ba". and %or h$ The +ian s 'ere b#oody1&inded$ 6ha did hey 'an an is#and %or4 They #i,e in he sea$ *nd 'e 'ere e;ua##y hi".$ 6e %ou+h a&on+s ourse#,es/ and so did he +ian s/ be"ause e,eryone disa+reed on ho' o %i+h and 'he her o %i+h and 'hen o %i+h $ The is#and s!#in ered in o !ar s/ 'i h on#y a %e' !eo!#e in ea"h !ar / a## ene&ies/ %or no reason$ Tha s 'hy here are so &any dia#e" s$ You## %ind &any o#d hos!i a#s and or!hana+es here$ Bu his is he
#as inhabi ed one$( She !oin ed o a %ra" ure in one o% he 'a##s$ Theres no one un"ra".ed 'a## or unbro.en i#e here$ E,ery hin+ has been bro.en and !u ba". o+e her$ The +ian s s"ra!ed s ones %ro& he bo o& o% he sea and rained he& on our heads$ * ni+h heyd "ir"#e he is#and and "o&e ashore$ They .i##ed he boys and sna "hed he +ir#s$ 6hen he 'ars ended he b#a". %#o'ers s!ran+ u! on a## our "e&e eries$( The +ian s 'on4( 6eariness 'on$ 6e a## +o ired o% .i##in+ and dyin+ be"ause here 'eren &any #e% and 'e didn .no' 'hy 'e 'ere doin+ i $ I 'as a #e+endary 'ar ha had been ra+in+ sin"e yore be"ause i s in our na ure o be ins in" ua# ene&ies: bu ha reasonin+ see&ed #i.e nonsense 'hen you had s"ads o% dead !aren s and or!hana+es %u## o% s ar,in+/ 'ai#in+ "hi#dren$ So/ 'e had a &ee in+$ The #as %e' +ian s s ood a he "oas / and 'e bui# sea s/ 'i h a## our %#a+s 'a,in+ o assure he& 'e 'ere in a !ar y s!iri and no he &ood o% 'ar$ 6e a+reed ha 'ar 'as a #oad o% bun.$ Then 'e a+reed a&on+ ourse#,es ha 'ed ne,er a+ain be dra'n in o dis!u es o% any .ind$ 6ere no +oin+ o %i+h 'i h anyone abou any hin+$ :I& sayin+ ='e/ I 'as a baby 'hen a## his 'as de"ided$ The 'ar 'as a #on+ i&e a+o$ -y !aren s are dead/ .i##ed by he +ian s$ I +re' u! in his or!hana+e$ Four een 'in ers$( * be## "hi&ed do'ns airs$ *n"3on +o u! un'i##in+#y$ Id be er +o$ There## be son+s 'i h dinner$ Co&e do'n 'hen you %ee# #i.e i $ )on be shy$ I## #ea,e he !i!e here$( E,eryone s&o.es4( said Aeya$ Her &ind %e# %u00y and didn #i.e he !#un+in+ sensa ion she had 'hen she used he !i!e/ or he 'ay i dried her hroa $ They &us $ Es!e"ia##y he o#der ones$ There 'ere so &any !eo!#e 'hod seen heir be#o,eds .i##ed$ They s&o.e o %or+e $ To hea# heir &e&ories$ 6ha does i &a er i% i "o&es %ro& he&se#,es or %ro& he %#o'er4 I% you !re end o be ha!!y/ a% er a 'hi#e/ you areha!!y:( Bu Aeya 'as a#ready ha#% as#ee! a+ain$ The #as hin+ she heard 'as *n"3ons de!ar in+ %oo s e!s/ soundin+ #i.e dri!s o% 'a er on he &arb#e$ Aeya 'ou#d s#ee! as #on+ as she "ou#d$ The roo& 'as %i##ed 'i h "han in+ 'o&en and he s&e## o% b#ood$ The 'o&en !ushed her/ "harred %a"es s arin+/ hands dri!!in+/ and Aeya %e## in o he s'e# erin+ hear o% he ,o#"ano$ *## she "ou#d see 'as b#a". and red$ She %e# he %or"e o% hea +o hrou+h her/ s ri!!in+ her o% her &e&ories/ her na&e and her o#d #i%e$ She 'as burn / bea en/ branded/ bro.en do'n/ disso#,ed/ %or+ed and resha!ed$ 6ha !o'ers had Yriana and Lur used on her4 For hey 'ere s ron+$ She hi he ro".s inside he ,o#"ano and s.idded a+ains he&/ bu he o% her +#o,es/ boo s and uni" didn ear and he shou#der1!ie"es and headdress didn brea.$ She "#un+ o a #ed+e/ brea hin+ he %ire ha burn her +u s$ The #ed+e bro.e and she %e## in o he #a,a$ I buried her/ %i##in+ her o!en eyes/ her ears and nose and her s"rea&in+ &ou h/ in a or&en o% hea and in"redib#e !ain$ She %e# he #a,a !ress around her$ 9us as she #os "ons"iousness she %e# i !ush her u!$ I sur+ed hi+h inside he ,o#"ano and 'i h ano her sho". o% hea and !ain i s!a her in o he hear o% he s"or"hin+ sun/ a i s +rea es hei+h $ She "ou#d %ee# he "#oa. burnin+ and re!e##in+/ burnin+ and re!e##in+/ "#in+in+ o her shou#ders and s re "hin+ o her hee#s$ She 'as hro'n in o he air and s&ashed do'n$ She hi he ro".s ou side Cha&a"a and %e## in o he 'a er in a si00#e o% s ea&$ The 'hir#!oo# boi#ed around her/ +ri!!in+ her #e+s and !u##in+ her do'n$ She had ne,er been in 'a er ha s u". #i.e ha be%ore$ She "ou#d %ee# i bubb#e and "#in+$ *s she s!ira##ed do'n she sa' #ar+e sha!es s'i&&in+ around her$ * %irs / she hou+h hey 'ere bi+ b#a". %ish$ Then she rea#ised hey 'ere hin+s %ro& he !re,ious is#and 5 bro.en %urni ure and o her 're".a+e$ She sa' so&e hin+ %#ash/ a #on+ "#ear o,a#$ I 'as "a "hin+ he "urren / !oin in+ and ed+in+ u!'ards$ She +rabbed i $ I !u##ed her o he sur%a"e$ She "#i&bed on o he hin+ 'i h he #as o% her s ren+ h$ I s raised !a ern !ressed in o her$ She "ur#ed u! on i $ Pa "hes o% bri+h red s!read a+ains her "#osed eye#ids as he ,o#"ano s!e'ed o,er he is#and$ She %#oa ed/ !assin+ a #eas en days and en ni+h s/ %or she .e! ' u! and %indin+ ha he sun had been s'i "hed %or he &oon$ She didn "are 'here she 'as +oin+$ She
had no hou+h s in her &ind$ The ne3 hin+ she sa' 'as a b#a".ness 'hi"h she assu&ed o be ashes$ She dra++ed herse#% in o i on#y o %ind ha hey 'ere %#o'ers/ so% b#a". %#o'ers 'i h hard red seeds$ I#&a ar 'as surrounded by a ba## o% %#a&es$ F#a&es o% si#./ su!!or ed by hin 'ires$ He had !ain ed his %a"e si#,er on one side and +o#d on he o her and !u si#,er bobb#es on o his shoes$ In %ron o% hi& 'as a shado'1!u!!e s"reen$ *## around hi&/ re"#inin+/ s& "asua##y/ 'ere is#anders$ The roo& 'as #i 'i h 'in.#in+ "and#es in +#ass +#obes$ On he side o% he s a+e sa *n"3on/ !#ayin+ he i,ory ins ru&en $ *nd no'/( said I#&a ar in a dra&a i" 'his!er/ a #e+end 5 a "rea ion &y h 5 a s ory o% ori+ins$( * %e' !eo!#e "#a!!ed bu &os 2us 'a "hed/ s&i#in+ #a0i#y$ I#&a ar dre' ba". he s"reen o re,ea# an in ri"a e#y "u s"ene7 a #a.e 'i h shar! b#ades o% +rass and a s&i#in+ sun$ The sun a!!eared %u##y %or&ed in a di! in he be##y o% he is#and/ e3a" #y 'here 'e si oni+h / and he %irs %a&i#ies !u in heir hands and "arried ho&e a !ar"e# o% i o 'ar& heir ho&es in he e,enin+$ They 'eren burned by he sun/ in hose days$ The sun +re' so ha!!y o be shared ou / in,i ed in o a## he ho&es/ ou a a## he %a&i#ies/ ha one day she rose hi+her and hi+her in o he s.y 'i h 2oy/ un i# she 'as ired %ro& her 2ourney$( The "u 1ou sun had risen$ The sun rea#ised ha she had ra,e##ed oo %ar and 'ou#d be so %eeb#e by he i&e she re urned o he is#and ha hered be #i #e #i+h and hea o +i,e o ne' %a&i#ies$ Here in he s.y/ hey 'ere 'ar&ed by her/ bu she 'as no 'ar&ed by he en2oy&en o% heir "o&!any$ She +a0ed a he&/ 'a "hed he& !er!e ua##y and 'a "hed o,er he& !ro e" i,e#y/ burnin+ 'i h enderness and yearnin+$ I oo. so &u"h o% her o shine on e,eryone durin+ he day/ she needed o s#ee! a ni+h $ She as.ed her dau+h er/ he &oon/ o +uard heir %riends %or ha#% he i&e$( * %u## &oon %i##ed he b#a". s;uare$ I had a %a"e "u in o i s si#,er !a!er "ir"#e$ The %a"e rose/ !u##in+ u! benea h i a "ur,ed oys er she##/ 'hi"h i!!ed o he side$ * rea# !ear# dro!!ed ou and hun+ on an in,isib#e hread$ No'/ he &oon 'as &ade by he sun 'hen a +#in o% her #i+h s ru". o he ,ery bo o& o% he #a.e and dri% ed o he o!/ a !ear# o% !er%e" ion +uidin+ %a&i#ies as hey "o##e" ed 'a er %ro& he shore$ The &oon "ou#d see ha / hi+h u!/ she "ou#d +uide so &any &ore %a&i#ies/ so she rose o 2oin her &o her$ Bu she oo 'as s ri".en 'i h +rie% and desire o re urn$ Ho'e,er/ her +rie% 'as o% a "oo#er .ind/ e3!ressed in'ard#y/ 'i h shado'ed re+re $ The &oon urned her %a"e a'ay %or so&e ni+h s o% he &on h be"ause i 'as oo !ain%u# o #oo. u!on he is#and as i s#e! $ *nd ha is ho' he sun and &oon "a&e o be/ 'a "hin+ o,er us in his 'e1ho!e1!er&anen !ea"e i&e/ +#o'in+ e,er&ore 'i h !ro e" ion and #o,e$( The %ina# s"reen 'as a %as 1s!innin+ 'hee#7 he %a&i#ies ne,er "han+in+/ sa%e in heir ho&es/ 'hi#e he risin+ and se in+ sun and he 'a3in+ and 'anin+ &oon 'hirred around he&/ heir e3!ressions "han+in+ %ro& bea&in+ !ride and #o,e o &e#an"ho#y o sadness and +rie% and ba". a+ain$ The is#anders "#a!!ed a #i #e$ I#&a ar +a,e a bo'$ *s he s rai+h ened u! he "au+h si+h o% a s#i& %i+ure s andin+ 'a "h%u##y in he "orner/ a #i !i!e he#d un"er ain#y in her de#i"a e hand$ *ha8 * ne' audien"e &e&ber8 E,eryone/ his is Aeya$( The re"#inin+ !eo!#e oo. heir !i!es ou o% heir &ou hs/ urned around/ #oo.ed Aeya u! and do'n/ s&i#ed di&#y/ s u". heir !i!es ba". in o he &ou hs and urned ba". o I#&a ar$ * boy 'i h bro'n hair &ade roo& %or Aeya a he end o% his "ou"h$ She san. ri+h in and %ound herse#%/ #i.e e,eryone e#se/ re"#inin+ 'i h her %ee o%% he +round$ The boy oo. a #on+ dra' o% his red "#ay !i!e$ 6ere s ayin+ indoors oni+h $ Usua##y 'e si on he s e!s ou side a% er dinner/ bu heres so&e .er%u%%#e 'i h he +ian s/( he "on%ided$ I hou+h i 'as a## reso#,ed/( she re!#ied/ and her hear +a,e a #ea!/ i&&edia e#y ed+ed 'i h sadness/ a he 'ay he a#.ed "asua##y her as hou+h she 'as one o% he is#anders/ and a#'ays had been$
I s s ar ed u! a+ain/( said he 'o&an si in+ on he o her side o% hi&$ She s ared in en #y a Aeya/ in he s&o.e$ Her !i!e 'as o% bri+h ye##o' ena&e#$ 6here you %ro&4( as.ed he 'o&an$ The !re,ious is#and$( The 'o&an nodded a!!ro,in+#y$ Thou+h you #oo.ed di%%eren $ No so ,a+ue$ I& no %ro& here/ ei her$ Na&es Nayda$ This is &y son/ Sara%$ I& a &er"han $ S ayed on here 'hen he 'ars bro.e$ Shou#d ha,e #e% 'hen I had he "han"e$ Bu he %a hers said i 'as oo !eri#ous$( She si+hed dee!#y and #ay ba"./ %#arin+ her nos ri#s as he s&o.e san. in her &ou h$ 6here are hese: %a hers4( Aeya as.ed Sara%$ Theyre in he round roo&/ 'here hey #i,e$ * he end o% he "orridor$( Aeya nodded and "on"en ra ed/ 'i h a #as shar!enin+ o% 'ha #i #e re&ained o% her !o'ers$ She #e her +a0e dri% and !re ended ha she 'as en2oyin+ *n"3ons !#ayin+$ She heard 'o &en$ : abou he %ish$( Ho' did hey %ind ou so %as 4( They 'ere 'a "hin+$ Sure#y hey "an be#ie,e she boi#ed he& on !ur!ose4( 6ho .no's4 Ru#e o% 'ar7 "u o%% he ene&ys %ood su!!#y$( One 'ou#d hin. hose bi+ #u&berin+ idio s 'ou#d 'e#"o&e he o!!or uni y %or a ho ba h/ he +rea #a0y use#ess bri".dus 1headed &orons$( They don rus us as i is$( They shou#d #oo. a he&se#,es8 6hen hey 'eren .i##in+ us hey 'ere .i##in+ ea"h o her and no' heres on#y abou si3 o% =e& #e% / !oor hin+s/ #o!in+ here and here 'i h heir hair dra++#in+ do'n/ "ausin+ ear h; e,ery i&e hey %ar in heir s#ee!:$( You "an "onde&n he& %or bein+ he&se#,es$ Theyre +ian s$ Theyre bi+$ Theyre s u!id$ Theyre "#u&sy$ Theyre an+ry$ You "an i&!ro,e on #o'1;ua#i y "rude &a er$( One #i #e ,o#"ano burs s #i.e a !i&!#e and sudden#y i s a !ro,o"a ion o round nu&ber hree housand o% he 'ar$( 6e ha,e o %ob he& o%% 'i h so&e hin+$ >i,e he& an o%%erin+$( Oh/ 'e do$ I a+ree$ Bu ho' do you bar+ain 'i h 5 ( Has *n"3on been a% er you4( as.ed Sara% .een#y$ Shes &y "ousin$ She said you "a&e do'n a% er he %ire'or.s$ Ho' #on+ are you here %or4( I& no sure$( Care%u#/( said Nayda$ Peo!#e "o&e %or a ni+h / s ay a## heir #i,es$ I shou#d .no'$ I "a&e o rade he !i!es$ There 'as a boo& durin+ he %irs !ea"e a#.s$ 6ou#dn ou"h he seeds a %irs / bu here 'ere so &any %a" ions/ a## di%%eren 5 and sayin+ su"h hin+s abou ea"h ano her/ your earsd dro! o%% 5 I had o a.e i u! or Id do no business$ Then here 'as a s#u&! in he !ea"e a#.s$( She #au+hed rou+h#y7 Ro".y$ -i+h y ro".y$ I hou+h / bes no sai# ou or Id be +rabbed in a hairy hand and !o!!ed #i.e a !i!$ Los &os o% &y shi!s in he %ina# ons#au+h $ She#,ed he res / hi+h and dry/ a% er ha $ Then I #os hear $ I## +i,e you so&e ad,i"e/ #es you urn ou #i.e &e$( Oh/ &o her:( said Sara%/ ro##in+ his eyes$ You &us ne,er/ e,er:( she s i%#ed a ya'n/ hen +es ured airi#y a *n"3on7 6hy ha,e you s o!!ed !#ayin+4( *n"3on had #e% her ins ru&en a he ed+e o% he s a+e and "o&e o 2oin he&$ Sorry/ Nayda/( she s&i#ed$ I said Id a.e Aeya o he %a hers a% er he sho'$( She +es ured %or Aeya o 2oin her$ *s Sara% and Nayda 'a,ed he& a'ay/ Nayda &u ered/ *ny hin+ %or he %a hers$ 6e 'ai on heir %a,our$ They su&&on as hey !#ease:( Oh/ &o her:( *n"3on #ed Aeya a"ross he en ran"e ha## and do'n a "orridor 'hose "ei#in+ 'as s ained dar. b#ue 'i h s&o.e$ Aeya had o .ee! e##in+ herse#% no o s o! and s are a e,ery #i #e hin+$ Ho' do I address he %a hers4( she as.ed/ %ee#in+ ner,ous$ By heir na&es7 Reias and E#an ur$( Ho' 'ere hey no&ina ed4(
Ho' do you &ean4 They,e a#'ays #ed us$ They bro.ered he ru"e 'i h he +ian s$ They run he or!hana+e$ They ru#e he is#and$ They are he 'ises ones 5 he ones 'ho oo. "on ro#$( * he end o% he "orridor 'as a round roo&$ E#an ur and Reias 5 one a## and #an+uid/ one s o".y and ea+er/ bo h o#d 5 'ere si in+ a a "#u ered &irror1+#ass ab#e$ They #oo.ed a Aeya 'i h uns&i#in+/ .ind/ #ined %a"es$ They a## oo. a dee! !u## o% heir !i!es$ Reias and E#an ur had 'in.#in+ "rea ions o% b#ue and +reen$ One o% he bo3es on he ab#e "on ained dee! hea!s o% he red seeds$ Co&e in/ "o&e in/ si /( hey said &i#d#y$ I% your ears are i "hin+ i s be"ause 'e,e been abou you$ 6ere a%raid your arri,a# has :"rea ed 'a,es o% he !o#i i"a# as 'e## as he !hysi"a# .ind$( They didn in rodu"e he&se#,es$ Aeya #oo.ed o'ards he door/ bu *n"3on had #e% $ She sa do'n +in+er#y$ ?isi ors are rare hese days$ 6e used o ha,e &er"han s "o&in+ a## he i&e$ Bu ha 'as be%ore/( said E#an ur/ or Reias$ S ran+e o hin. here 'as a i&e be%ore/( said Reias/ or E#an ur$ The +ian s had been se #in+ erri ory on heir o her side$ Tha oo. se,era# o% our #i%e i&es$ 6e didn e,en .no' hey e3is ed$ 6hen hey %inished/ hey #oo.ed o us$ Tha 'as an un%or una e sur!rise$( I don 'an o "ause roub#e/( said Aeya i&id#y$ I& a%raid you ha,e/ 2us by bein+ here$ Bu ne,er &ind$ 6e## &udd#e hrou+h$( I## do any hin+$ I## a#. o he& %or you$( Oh/ b#ess you8 Tha s s'ee o% you/( #au+hed he %a hers/ bu I& a%raid hey 'on #is en$ No reasonin+ 'i h a beas $( I## 'or./( said Aeya$ She s o!!ed herse#% %ro& be++in+ he& o #e her s ay$ She had no'here e#se o +o$ One o% he %a hers !a ed her shou#der$ )on 'orry/ you 'on be bund#ed u! and !a".ed o%% in he dead o% ni+h $ 6e,e ins!e" ed he i e&s you arri,ed 'i h$ I s "#ear youre a nob#e$ 6e ne,er re2e" one o% our o'n$ 6ha "an you do4( I ha,e !o'ers$( Reias and E#an ur #oo.ed a Aeya b#an.#y$ She !u do'n her !i!e/ he#d ou her hands and "on"en ra ed$ No hin+ ha!!ened$ Er 5 I "an bar er/ ne+o ia e and rade/( she said ;ui".#y$ I "an se u! e3"han+es %or any hin+ you 'ish7 &a eria#s/ %ood/ #abour$ I "an !#an/ so'/ hresh/ !i"./ har,es and bui#d$ I "an di+ irri+a ion di "hes$ I "an ra!/ %ish/ an/ hide and$ I "an ro'$ I "an !o / "ar,e and %or+e$ I "an run/ i% you need a &essen+er$ I "an se and 'a "h bea"ons$ I "an hun 5 ( Ooh/ don $ 6e "onsider i un"ou h/ a% er a## he b#oodshed$ 6e &us sho' 'ere abo,e ha $ 6e don in%#i" har& on anyone or any hin+$ 6e 'on e,en "hain an ani&a# o a "ar / 'e don #i.e o see i done$ *nd 'e don need 'hee#s ra #in+ abou / disru! in+ he !ea"e$( I .no' ho' o bar er$( 6e use &oney/ here/( said one o% he %a hers !i yin+#y$ *% er he 'ars here 'as a bi+ deba e abou 'he her 'e shou#d re urn o !ri&i i,e &eans and basi"/ si&!#e &e hods$ Bu ha s no he 'ay o% !ro+ress$ Ha,e you seen &oney4( The %a her o!ened a bo3 and se ou hree "oins$ One 'as a "res"en $ One 'as a rian+#e 'i h a ho#e in i $ One 'as a s;uare$ T'en y1ei+h "res"en s in a rian+#e$ Three rian+#es in a s;uare$ Four s;uares in a dia&ond$ *nd:$( he !rodu"ed a +e& %ro& a +#i erin+ !i#e/ ha is a dia&ond$( Aeya #oo.ed a i unin eres ed#y$ I "an sai#$ I "an s'i&$ I "an herd 5 ( Herd8( said he %a hers/ s ar in+ %or'ard$ Can e,eryone4( as.ed Aeya/ !u00#ed$ No a a##/ he ani&a#s here run !er%e" #y 'i#d$ On#y hose 'i h so&e na ura# "onne" ion o he &ud/ he soi#/ he inborn "y"#es/ "an do i / and youre !er%e" 8 You## .no' a## he ri es and ri ua#s o%
ra' ear h$ Tha s se #ed$ Herd you sha##$ * he "oas $ Tha s 'here hey roa&$ Pu he ani&a#s in one !#a"e and s ay 'i h he&$ 6e don #i.e he& hoo%in+ hrou+h o'n/ doin+ heir business on he !a io$ 6e## a.e you here no'$( They 2u&!ed u!$ Fee#in+ #ess #i.e an honoured +ues han a hie% bein+ hus #ed %ro& he &ar.e / Aeya #e he& 'a#. her ou $ They !assed se,era# is#anders #oun+in+ on he s airs$ 6ise E#an ur$ Trus ed Reias/( hey s#urred$ The #i+h ou side 'as so% and b#ue/ a #on+ 'i#i+h / so di%%eren %ro& he sudden b#a". ni+h %a## o% ho&e$ The en ire is#ands a "hi!!ed "ro".1!o /( said Reias des!airin+#y$ Reias 'as he shor er o% he &en/ Aeya had #earned %ro& he 'ay he 'as hai#ed on he 'ay ou $ No &a er 'ha 'e do in he 'ay o% "a&ou%#a+e/ a "ra". is a "ra". is a "ra".$( Rubb#es rubb#e/( a+reed E#an ur/ !oin in+ o a bui#din+ 'hi"h had had a "ur,e s'i!ed ou o% i $ Fur her a#on+/ a 'a## 'as "riss1"rossed 'i h +ou+e &ar.s$ Tha used o be he uni,ersi y$ There 'as a #ibrary/ a sur+ery/ a s"hoo#/ an a"ade&y %or +i% ed youn+ !eo!#e/ a !ar#ia&en / a &usi"ians s"hoo#/ a "or!s o% a h#e es/ a s"hoo# o% &a he&a i"ians/ a &ar.e o !ur"hase and rade$ 6e had +ui#ds and "oun"i#s/ deba es and ourna&en s$( 6e shou#d hurry/( said Reias/ ni+h s %a##in+$( Aeya s ru++#ed o .ee! u!$ She didn .no' 'here hey 'ere +oin+/ e3"e! ha i 'as a'ay %ro& e,eryone e#se$ The #as s ree s o!!ed in a bro.en #ine/ as hou+h i s bui#ders had abandoned i ha#%'ay hrou+h he 2ob$ *% er a %e' !a"es he +rass b#a".ened$ They 'ere 'adin+ hrou+h he b#a". %#o'ers$ Aeya dre' on her !i!e@ he s&o.e &ade her %ee# si". no'$ She 'ou#d as. *n"3on or Sara% %or #an+ua+e #essons as soon as she "ou#d$ I,e #e% &y hin+s a he or!hana+e/( she said/ ou o% brea h$ Oh/ i doesn &a er$ No1ones +oin+ o a.e he&/( said Reias/ you## ha,e e,ery hin+ you need$( In he dis an"e she "ou#d heard s&ashin+$ 6ha s ha noise4( she as.ed$ The 'a er a he "oas $( I 'asn a +en #e 'ashin+ sound/ as i had been a ho&e/ bu a "o#d/ dra++in+ une,en noise$ The %#o'ers +a,e 'ay o s"rubby +rass$ E,ery so o% en hey !assed he b#a".ened ruins o% o#d "o a+es$ One #as "o a+e +#o'ed s&oo h 'hi e #i.e a b#o". o% i"e$ Reias and E#an ur s#o'ed/ heir e3!ressions 'ary$ E#an ur !ushed o!en he door and he and Reias 'en inside/ %o##o'ed by Aeya$ The &ain roo& had a brass bra0ier in he &idd#e and a round "hi&ney s!a"e abo,e$ E#an ur 'en in o he ba". roo&s and s"ra!ed and .no".ed abou $ The bra0ier 'as %i##ed 'i h he "rushed seeds$ I burs in o b#ue %#a&es/ "harred and shar!/ and a #on+ "o#u&n o% s&o.e rose$ Aeya s ar ed ba"./ %ear%u##y a Reias$ I 'asn &e8 I didn #i+h ha $( No$ I 'as us$( The roo& be"a&e bri+h er/ he #i+h !i".in+ ou a #on+ !added ben"h/ a 'ri in+ des. in#aid 'i h i,ory and !ear#/ a 'ea,ers #oo&/ a s!innin+ 'hee# and a narro' ab#e 'i h +e&s s"a ered on i $ This 'as a &a.ers 'or.sho!/ or had been$ *## he hin+s #oo.ed ne'/ as hou+h heir o'ners had s e!!ed ou a &o&en be%ore/ and he "o a+e 'as 'ar& and "#ean$ 6ha is his4( said Aeya sus!i"ious#y$ You !re ended you had no idea 'ha I 'as abou 'hen I &en ioned !o'ers/ ba". here$( I s bes no o #e !eo!#e .no' oo &u"h/ i ## on#y dis urb he&$ 6ere he #as +enera ion o ha,e s.i##s$ Po'ers$ 6ha e,er you "a## he&$ -os o% us 'ere .i##ed o%% in he %ina# round o% +ian and "i,i# 'ars$ E,en be%ore hen/ 'e s;uandered and e3haus ed our s.i##s de,isin+ ra!s and s#in+sho s/ ri!'ires/ !oisoned s!ears/ enor&ous ne s and "a+es/ "rossbo's/ "a a!u# s and bo# s$ *## o hur he +ian s$ The +enera ion ha %o##o'ed 5 he +enera ion o% *n"3ons !aren s 1 'ere eena+ers hen$ Their o'n s.i##s 'ere #os / %irs in he bru e sho". o% a## ha dea h and hen hrou+h #a". o% !ra" i"e and +uidan"e$ -os o% he& 'ere .i##ed oo$ The re&ainin+ "hi#dren o% hose ones 5 !eo!#e o% your a+e 5 are oo %e'/ oo i##1edu"a ed and oo s ar,ed$ They don .no' abou s.i##s/ on#y sur,i,a#$ I s ri".#ed a'ay no'$ Pe ered a'ay$ They ha,e none/ ru#y$(
E#an ur "a&e in "arryin+ a 2u+ o% 'a er and +#asses$ The 2u+ 'i## a#'ays be %u## %or you/ and he 'a ers "#ean$ There## be bread and "heese$ Tha s a## he !o'er ha re&ains in us/( he said$ 6e use i o &a.e hin+s "o&%or ab#e/ in a s&a## 'ay/ %or a s&a## i&e/ in a s&a## s!a"e$ *s %or he bi+ hin+s 5 #o,e/ bir h/ 'ar/ dea h 5 'e dare no &edd#e$ Po'er is a %or"e #i.e any o her$ Bu 'e 'i## no use %or"e$( E#an ur oo. Aeya around he res o% he "o a+e 'hi#e Reias 'en ou side/ o +e so&e %resh air/( he said$ Behind he &ain roo& 'as a bedroo& %i##ed 'i h he e"hoes o% he 'a,es$ )o you 'an so&e de"ora ions4( E#an ur as.ed$ No$ I s !er%e" /( Aeya re!#ied +ra e%u##y/ 'an in+ o des"ribe he round/ bro'n/ %ur1%i##ed 'ar& h o% her hu o hi&$ She .ne' he 'ou#dn unders and$ He &i+h e,en #oo. do'n on i $ 6ho #i,ed here be%ore4( * 'o&an "a##ed Uni"a and her be#o,ed/ )e"i&a$( E#an ur o!ened a "u!board 5 i 'as e&! y bu %or a %rayin+ ra+$ He shu i / o!ened i a+ain and oo. ou !i#es o% hi". shee s$ They 'ere ,ery s.i##ed &a.ers and +ood %riends o% ours$ >#ad o see hey #e% su"h a s ron+ i&!ression$ You see 'e "an "on2ure %ro& no hin+$ * s"ra! &us ins!ire i 5 #i.e a %ire .ind#ed %ro& a s!ar.$( 6ere hey .i##ed4( No/( he s&i#ed/ Uni and )ess #i,ed ha!!i#y$ 6hen he 'ars es"a#a ed hey oo. he #as shi! ou $ They didn .no' i 'as he #as shi! They 'ere a #i #e o#der han Reias and &e$ They as.ed i% 'ed "o&e 'i h he& bu 'e said no$ 6e hou+h 'e had &ore i&e$ Then he 'ars +o 'orse$ The +ian s s&ashed near#y a## our boa s$( E#an ur had %i##ed a "#ose 'i h !#ain "#o hes/ bree"hes/ boo s/ "a!es and shir s$ Ne3 o he bedroo& 'as a roo& %or ba hin+$ There 'as an iron1bo# ed ba". door ha ba++ed in he &idd#e as hou+h i had been bu ed %ro& he ou side$ E#an ur o!ened i and #ed Aeya ou $ Reias 'as here/ s arin+ ou o sea$ *ny hin+4( E#an ur as.ed hi&$ No hin+/( said Reias shor #y$ 6ha are you %or4( as.ed Aeya$ Shoo in+ s ars/( said Reias and E#an ur$ * "o#d bree0e "ir"#ed he&$ 6here are he ani&a#s4( as.ed Aeya/ shi,erin+$ >ood ;ues ion$ 6here do hey 'ander/ 'e 'onder4 Firs / you &us %ind he&$ Then +a her he& u!$ Then "oun he&$ The s o".s end o d'ind#e$ Feed he&$ Bu don ea he&$ Tha s he .ind o% barbarian hin+ a bi+%oo oa% 'ou#d do$( Bu I shou#d &i#. he& and he#! 'i h he bir hin+4( said Aeya$ *nd i% you don +ain &ea hen "er ain#y &i#./ "heese/ &anure/ +rass1"ro!!in+/ horns/ hoo,es/ %ur 5 ( No hin+s #i.e ha 8 6ere no 2u&bo !ri&i i,es/ s a++erin+ around 'i h bi s o% and eyeba##s han+in+ o%% us$ 9us : rea he& ni"e#y and +i,e he& any hin+ hey 'an $( This is your erri ory/( said E#an ur/ 'a,in+ his ar&s ,a+ue#y$ The ed+e/( "#ari%ied Reias$ You #oo. a% er he ed+es and 'e## a.e "are o% he "en re$( Bu he "en res 'here a## he !o'er is/( said Aeya$ *nd he a" ion$( Bu here you ha,e a## he s!a"e and %reedo& in he 'or#d/( 'as he re!#y$ Reias and E#an ur #e% shor #y a% er/ sayin+ hey 'ou#d see Aeya soon/ bu no sayin+ e3a" #y 'hen$ Then Aeya 'as a#one$ The bra0ier burn i se#% ou and she didn re#i+h i $ She 'andered he "o a+e in he dar.$ She #i.ed he si#en"e/ i &ade roo& %or her sadness/ a# hou+h her "ra'#ed 'i h +ui# and re+re $ She &us "oun he +ood hin+s7 she 'as no dead$ There 'as a bed and a roo%$ There 'as %ood$ She had &e !eo!#e and hey 'ere .ind$ They 'ere so "onsu&ed by 'ha had been done o he&/ hey had a &er"i%u# #a". o% in eres in 'ha had been done o her/ or by her$ They didn sus!e" ha she 'as bo h a &urderer and &urdered$ They 'ou#d bare#y be#ie,e her i% she o#d he&$ She +o in o bed$ She 'an ed o "ry ou a## he ears she had 'i hin her/ bu her eyes 'ere dry$ She 'an ed o %or+e she had "o&e %ro& any'here$ Fro& no' on she 'as +oin+ o be o% a## !#a"es and o% no one !#a"e/ o% a## !eo!#e and o% no !erson/ o% a## his ories ye 'i h no !as $ She 'as
he %u ure$ She 'as no hin+ e3"e! herse#%/ born o% herse#%/ "o&!#e e#y a#one/ "o&!#e e#y %ree$ She hou+h she heard ,oi"es ou side/ 'i h rou+h/ hissin+ ,oi"es$ She #i% ed her head and "on"en ra ed bu "ou#dn hear any hin+ e3"e! he iredness rin+in+ in her ears and he hud o% her heada"he$ The 'indo' 'as a !a "h o% b#a". a+ains he +rey o% he 'a##$ She %e## as#ee!/ ' a da'n by habi $ She sa u!/ sa' a %a"e a he 'indo'/ %e# her hear s o!/ #oo.ed a+ain/ and he %a"e 'as +one$ *BO?E *N) BENE*TH This is Part Three, Chapter Two of Transformation Play% Aeya s"roun+ed a hand%u# o% an+u#ar o3en and s.inny e'es %ro& around he is#and$ She 'a "hed he& in he &ornin+s and sa 'i h he& in he e,enin+s$ She had #an+ua+e #essons 'i h Sara% and *n"3on in he &idd#e o% he day$ * ni+h / she ried o 'or. he #oo& and s!innin+ 'hee# and !ra" i"ed her 'ri in+$ She 'asn in,i ed o he or!hana+e$ Reias and E#an ur didn ,isi $ She didn see he %a"e a he 'indo' a+ain: :$Un i#/ one ni+h / she did$ She had .e! he bra0ier burnin+ a## e,enin+ 5 'i hou he seeds 5 and he "o a+e 'as oo ho $ The 'indo's had &is ed u!$ Aeya "ou#dn s#ee!/ be"ause she 'as a%raid o% ha,in+ ni+h &ares$ She s#un. res #ess#y %ro& roo& o roo&$ She "ou#d hear he &e a##i" sound o% he sea %o#din+ o,er i se#% and he 'ind &o,in+ a"ross i / #i.e #on+/ s#o' brea hs$ She 'en ou side o "oo# do'n and %ound herse#% %a"e o %a"e 'i h a na.ed1"hes ed +ian $ His 'as dee! b#ue/ his "ur,y #i!s 'ere red and he 'hi es o% his eyes +#o'ed #i.e 'hi e &arb#e$ His hair 'as i+h #y "ur#ed and +#ossy as sea'eed$ 9us his ense b#ue shou#ders and handso&e %a"e sho'ed abo,e he sur%a"e o% he 'a er$ He 'as youn+$ Aeya s ood s arin+/ her "#oa. s'oo!in+ around her$ She didn %ee# %ear/ on#y "uriosi y$ You,e been 'a "hin+ &e/( she shou ed/ so he "ou#d hear$ 6ha do you 'an 4( Youre ne'/( he 'his!ered/ so she 'asn dea%ened$ Nobodys #i,ed in ha house be%ore$( No %or a #on+ i&e/( she nodded$ You are no o% he "a,es or he or!hana+e$ You ha,e no "#an$ You si&!#y a!!ear$ *re you a +od4( No!e$ I& nobody$ *re you4( The +ian s "hes s'e##ed !roud#y$ I: a& Theorin/( he announ"ed$ Aeya #oo.ed b#an.$ Theorin/ son o% )e#es re$( Aeya s i## #oo.ed b#an.$ )e#es re 5 he &os i##us rious 5 he +rea !a"i%ier 5 he %or"e o% uni%i"a ion 5 his orys +en #e +ian /( !ronoun"ed Theorin$ The an"ien .in+$ He 'ou#dn #i.e o .no' I& u! here o you$ He says 'e shou#d a## s ay Benea h$ Bu I re".on *bo,e is in eres in+$( Aeya "a&e as "#ose o he "oas as she "ou#d and sa do'n "ross1#e++ed$ You "an s!ea. our #an+ua+e/( she shou ed o,er he sound o% he sea$ Yes$ 6e are no s u!id/ as you a## say$ *nd he is#and #an+ua+e is di%%i"u# $( I .no' ha $ I& s i## #earnin+ i &yse#%$( Bu he is#anders ne,er #earned o s!ea. our #an+ua+e$( I hin. hey hou+h you 'ere e3!ressi,e enou+h 'i h your %is s$ Bu I don 'an o s ar a dis"ussion abou ha / i s in he !as $ Their !as / no &ine/( she said !ri&#y$ I is in he !as /( said Theorin nob#y/ bu you #i,e here no' oo$ I sa' you arri,e in ha shiny/ iny boa $( I s a shie#d/ a" ua##y$( I sa' he ,o#"ano eru! / and 'e a## +o s ea&y/ hen you s#id ou / a +o#den %i+urine$ I 'a "hed you %#oa / +o#d and s#ee!in+/ a## he 'ay here$(
Bu you didn a a". &e$( I 'asn brou+h u! ha 'ay/( said Theorin #o% i#y$ I & us ,ery an+ry 'hen !eo!#e assu&e ha abou us$ ?ery an+ry$ 6ere no a## #i.e ha $ -os o% us are no $ 6e##/ so&e aren $ I& no / any'ay$( Te## &e: 'ou#d you !#ease: 'ha ha!!ened o he is#and a% er he ,o#"ano eru! ed4( Theorin shoo. his head sorro'%u##y$ 6ha sur,i,es4 Li #e or no hin+$ E,en +ian s %ear i $ I s a #u&! o% .nobb#y b#a". s&e##y ashy s u%%$ Bu I see you/ uns"a hed$( -hy ha,e you been 'a "hin+ &e4( I "a&e o 'arn you$ The o#d &en in dresses &us be'are$ They ha,e a ru"e 'i h &y %a her$ Bu heyre a## o#d/ a## hree$ There are &any youn+er +ian s 'ho don res!e" he ru"e$ They "onsider he is#and o be erri ory 'hi"h 'as un%air#y yie#ded/ and hey 'an i ba".$ They 'ere %ri+h ened by your ,o#"ano$ You .no' a ,o#"anos roo s rea"h dee! in o he sea bed4 *nd i s hea s"or"hes %ar and 'ide4 *nd ha burnin+ red rubb#e/ i s!reads4 I "auses a +rea dis&an #in+$ The ,o#"ano hasn eru! ed in #i,in+ &e&ory 5 and 'e ha,e #on+ &e&ories$ The o hers hin. you 'ere su&&oned$ They assu&e you are a +rea bein+/ be"ause you "a&e %ro& su"h a !o'er%u# &o her7 he ,o#"ano$ Bu I .no' youre no $ I o#d he&/ bu hey don be#ie,e &e$ They hin. I& sayin+ i be"ause I& oo s"ared o %i+h $$ They 'an o e3!e# &e$ I& he sissy son$( 6hy are you e##in+ &e his4( she shou ed$ Theorin #oo.ed around "au ious#y$ *s he did/ his sha!e &e# ed in o he ni+h s.y/ b#endin+ si#en #y #i.e he ou #ine o% dis an &oun ains$ He "a&e ba". in o shar!ness$ Be"ause I .no' youre no one o% them$ $ou)re no !ar o% he End#ess 6ar$ I 'a "h you +a her he %#o".$ I see you s"ra "h your #e ers$ 6ho do you 'ri e o4 You burn he&$ You dra' 'a er %ro& he 'e##$ I 'a "h you s'ee! and 'ee!$ I #i.e he 'ay you #i,e *bo,e$ Youre #i.e &e7 you don be#on+$( Theorin +#ided "#oser 5 so "#ose ha Aeya "ou#d see herse#% re%#e" ed in his eyes$ Reias and E#an ur ha,e !u you here be"ause hey hin. ha i% our rebe#s 'an o !i". a %i+h / hey "an do i 'i h you/ 'hi#e e,eryone e#se #oo.s he o her 'ay$ Youre heir ribu e/ heir o%%erin+$ Their sa"ri%i"e$( I& no bra'#er/( said Sara% ner,ous#y/ he hou+h o% b#ood & &e %ee# %ain $ Bu 'ere used o +ian s hrea s$( This is di%%eren $ The +ian s hin. heyre res!ondin+ o +enuine !ro,o"a ion$( Sara% and Aeya 'ere ' o+e her he ne3 day/ he ani&a#s !#oddin+ i+h #y be 'een he&$ Aeya had o#d hi& a## abou he en"oun er$ She had !#ed 'i h Theorin o a#. o he o her +ian s/ bu he had on#y s ared a her do#e%u##y and ur+ed her o %#ee$ He #e% / do'n in o he sea/ sayin+ he "ou#d hear )e#es re "a##in+ %or hi&$ Youre +ood a herdin+/ Sara%/ and a ea"hin+ and #an+ua+es$ 6hy don you do &ore o% i 4 I bo hers &e ha no1one here 'or.s$ Id +o &ad 'i h boredo&$( There 'as a !ause as Sara% hou+h $ This 'as one o% he hin+s Aeya #i.ed abou hi&$ 6ere a%raid o/( he said e,en ua##y/ in "ase i a## +oes o 'as e$ I d hur so &u"h i% 'ha 'e &ade 'as des royed ye a+ain$ 9ud+in+ by 'ha you,e said/ i &ay 'e## be$( Theorin doesn 'an a 'ar$( Hes he e3"e! ion$ >ian s #i.e %i+h in+$ E,eryone .no's ha $( Says 'ho4( E,eryone$ The s udy o% +ian s 'as a %ashionab#e dis"i!#ine in he ear#y s a+es o% di!#o&a"y/ be%ore he 'ars be+an !ro!er#y$ There are !i".#ed +ian s !ar s in he ruins o% he s"ien"e houses$( 6ha !ar s4( ?arious !ar s$( I% he +ian s 'an erri ory/ 'hy no see. an un!o!u#a ed is#and4 Or #i,e under'a er4 P#en y o% s!a"e in he sea$( Theyre no &er&en/ or no&ads$ The don ha,e +i##s or %ins/ bu hey "an "onser,e heir brea h as hey !ass be 'een he sur%a"e and he de! hs$ Theres an en ire "i y do'n here$ .nder he 'a er$
I s been here %or e,er$( They 'ere near he "hain o% "a,es$ Aeya 'as e3!#orin+ he is#and a #i #e &ore e,ery day/ hen "o&in+ ho&e and addin+ o her &a!$ The &ore she used Uni"a and )e"i&as 'ri in+ des./ he be er e;ui!!ed i be"a&e/ and so&e i&es he &a! %i##ed i se#% in a #i #e o,erni+h / addin+ so&e shadin+ a he shore/ "on our #ines on he #and and a %e' arro's indi"a in+ 'ind dire" ion$ The "a,es 'ere sha##o' and in er#in.ed/ he %#oor s'ir#in+ 'i h 'a er$ Sara% and Aeya 'a#.ed a"ross he #on+/ iered %#a s/ heir ,oi"es &i3in+ 'i h he s#ui"in+ sound o% he 'a er and i s runnin+ e"hoes u! and do'n he 'a##s$ *s hey 'en %ur her in/ he air +re' 'ar&er$ There 'ere bro.en1ri&&ed "u!s and !#a es/ %ro". "oa s 'i h shabby ed+es/ +a&es "ards and sa++y1s o&a"hed "ushions on he %#oor$ Aeya !i".ed u! a "ushion$ I 'as 'ar&$ So&eone 'as here a &o&en a+o$ )o !eo!#e #i,e here4( I: don .no'$( Sara% 'as han+in+ ba"./ a her 'ari#y$ Oh yes you do/ Sara%$( 6e: didn e## you be%ore$ The is#anders you,e &e : heyre no he on#y ones here$( I didn hin. so$ There are a#'ays !eo!#e a he ou s$ I assu&ed here are !eo!#e #i,in+ in "o a+es #i.e &ine/( she shru++ed$ No/ heres no1one in he "o a+es$ I& abou he "a,es$ This is 'here he bad "hi#dren #i,e$ The 'i#d "hi#dren$( The what4( 6e##: heyre no "hi#dren$ Theyre our a+e/ and &ore$ Bu heyre like "hi#dren$ *ni&a# "hi#dren$ *% er he 'ars/ no e,eryone: a""e! ed he idea o% #i,in+ in he or!hana+e under Reias and E#an ur$ They 'ere oo an+ry$ They didn 'an "o&!any$ They 'ere ,io#en and des ru" i,e$ So 'e #e he& run %ree$( They #oo.ed do'n a #on+ unne#/ 'here he si+ns o% #i%e +re' &ore nu&erous$ Lo s o% he& 'or. 'i h I#&a ar/ bu he "o&es here$ He uses he& in his sho's$ They !er%or& %or us/( Sara% "on inued$ 6hy didn you e## &e be%ore4( You didn as.$( Ho' "an you no be "urious abou your o'n nei+hbours4( Be"ause hey don "are/( said a rou+h ,oi"e$ Behind he&/ e&er+in+ %ro& an unseen "ur,e in he ro"./ 'ere 'o +ir#s$ Bo h 'ore 'or.ers "#o hes$ Sara% ed+ed behind Aeya s#i+h #y$ 6ha do you 'an 4( s"o'#ed one o% he +ir#s o hi&$ Ha,e you "o&e o #e" ure us abou "o&in+ o he or!hana+e %or our o'n +ood4( N1 no/( s a&&ered Sara%$ 6e,e o#d you #o / 'e don 'an any hin+ o do 'i h he s#ee!y ones/ b#ind %o##o'ers/ ya'nin+ and &e'in+ a% er Reias and E#an ur/( said he +ir#$ 6e .no' you)re no #i.e ha /( she said o Aeya/ I& Ta#ia and his is &y sis er/ Ido#a$( Aeya$ *nd his is Sara%$( *s %or your other %riend/ i ## a.e a #o &ore han a ,erba# 'arnin+ o .ee! her a'ay/ !oor hin+$( They heard sin+in+ and Sara% 'en bri+h red$ Ido#a and Ta#ia #oo.ed a hi& 'i h 'i".ed s&i#es$ The ,oi"e 'as a""o&!anied by he &any1s rin+ed ins ru&en $ Tha s:$ *n"3on/( said Aeya "on%used$ Tha is he sound o% #o,e/( said Ta#ia $ There 'as a s#ee!in+ boy/ his hair an+#ed/ his +#ea&in+$ *n"3on 'as "rou"hin+ ne3 o hi&/ he ed+e o% her "#oa. rai#in+ unno i"ed in he +ri y 'a er$ She 'as sin+in+ and !#ayin+/ o""asiona##y o%% o s are a hi&$ Sara% 'as 'a "hin+ *n"3on 'i h a s ri".en e3!ression/ Ta#ia 'as 'a "hin+ Sara% 'i h a "rue#/ bri+h +rin$ Ido#a/ he ;uie er sis er/ 'as a Sara% #on+in+#y$ 6hos ha boy4( Aeya as.ed Ta#ia $ Neres$ I#&a ars %a,ouri e a" or$ *n"3on 'as s ru". 'i h #o,e he &o&en she sa' hi&$(
Is he a#'ays as#ee!4( -os o% he i&e$ He rehearses 'i h I#&a ar a## ni+h and s#ee!s a## day$ *n"3on sin+s o hi& in he ho!e ha / in his s#ee!/ he## re&e&ber her 'ords and sin+ he& ba". o her durin+ he sho's$ The i&!ressi,e hin+ is/ he does$ He +oes o I#&a ar e,ery e,enin+ and re urns e3haus ed$( *n"3on %inished her ,erse and urned/ "au+h si+h o% he o hers and +a,e a s ar / %a##in+/ "on,enien #y/ a+ains Neres$ So this is 'ha you do 'hen you say you need o ='or. on your "o&!osi ions/( Aeya eased her$ I& 2us honin+ &y ins!ira ion/( *n"3on said$ Hes no ' u! any i&e soon/( said Ta#ia / her o,er 'i h !i y/ you &ay as 'e## ha,e so&e hin+ o drin./ 'i h us$( Ta#ia and Ido#a #ed he& around ye ano her urnin+$ Sara% 'as s arin+ a *n"3on/ a!!a##ed$ Ho' "ou#d you4( he 'his!ered o her$ Ho' "ou#d I 'ha 4( Han+ around here: #i.e his: 'i h he 'i#d "hi#dren$( Theyre no 'i#d$ *nd heyre no "hi#dren$ *nd nei her are 'e$ 6hy shou#dn I "o&e o Neres4 6hy shou#dn I brea. a'ay %ro& he or!hana+e i% I 'an o4 6hy shou#dn I ad&ire 'ha is beau i%u#4( Bu *n"3on/ hes 5 heyre 5 you don .no' 'ho hey are/( he hissed$ No/ you don / Sara%/ be"ause you ne,er bo hered o %ind ou $( The "a,es 'eren dan./ bu 'ar&/ 'i h #a&!s han+in+ %ro& hi". hoo.s ha&&ered in o he u!!er "ur,e$ No !ar 'as in+ed 'i h he ur;uoise s&o.e ha s ained e,ery o her !#a"e on he is#and/ see!in+ in o 'a##s/ "#o hes/ +round/$ They "a&e in o a "ha&ber %ar a##er/ bri+h er and 'ider 5 and &ore in a" 5 han any hin+ Aeya had seen abo,e$ *#on+ one 'a## 'ere "oun #ess boo.s and s"ro##s$ >ir#s and boys o% Aeyas a+e s udied in si#en"e/ heir %a"es "#ose o heir boo.s/ !orin+ o,er he 'ords$ 6ere si". o% he is#anders ina" i,i y/( said Ta#ia / 6e disdain he !assi,i y o% he o hers$ 6e in end o resurre" 'ha 'e,e #os $ This is he o#d e&!#e$ I 'as used o "on"en ra e !o'er/ 'ha e,er i 'as needed %or$( Ta#ia oo. he& o a #o' s one "res"en around a %ire$ Behind he& 'as a "abine $ Ido#a o!ened i 5 i 'as he ar"h'ay o a .i "hen$ * youn+ &an 'as a he&/ his shir s#ee,es ro##ed u! o he e#bo's$ Cou#d 'e ha,e so&e hin+ %or our +ues s/ 9ed4( as.ed Ido#a$ 9ed nodded/ !eerin+ a Aeya 'i h re"o+ni ion$ Aeya 'ondered 2us ho' &any o% hese 'i#d "hi#dren had been "ree!in+ around her "o a+e 'hi#e she 'as s#ee!in+$ He 'en a'ay and re urned 'i h a #on+ ray !i#ed 'i h %ood$ Ea /( said Ta#ia $ I,e seen ho' you s"ra!e abou your house 'i h your ra+s and &orse#s/ han.s o hose =%a hers/ as hey s y#e he&se#,es$ You .no' 'ha Reias and E#an ur ha,e4 The !o'er o% &odes in"rease/( she said/ her #i! "ur#in+$ They "an urn a s!e". in o a "ru&b/ a hread in o a s"ra!/ a s rand in o a s rin+$( Is here nobody e#se on he is#and e3"e! hose in he "en re and you/ here4( Aeya as.ed be 'een &ou h%u#s$ Ta#ia nodded$ Reias and E#an ur 'ou#dn a.e us in$ They s!read 'ord a&on+ he s#ee!y or!hans ha 'e 'ere s ran+e 5 and ha 'e 'ere hie,es/ ransa".in+ he ruins$ They said 'e 'ere un+ra e%u# and dan+erous$ *nd e,eryone be#ie,ed he&$ The hin+s 'e s o#e 'ere on#y o sur,i,e/ a %irs $ Then 'e 'an ed o #earn$( 6hy do you "a## us s#ee!y or!hans4 Youre or!hans oo/( said Sara%/ unab#e o hide his a#ar& a bein+ in he "o&!any and erri ory o% he 'i#d "hi#dren$ Tha s no ho' 'e see ourse#,es/( said Ta#ia "o#d#y$ 6ere no #i.e you/ a#'ays +oin+ on abou 'ha 'e #os 'o 'ho#e +enera ions a+o$ 6e,e a""e! ed ha 'ere a#one$ 6e brou+h ourse#,es u!$ You hin. o% us as 'i#d$ 6e hin. o% ourse#,es as %ree$( *n"3on +o u! and 'andered a'ay$
Neres 'i## be needin+ his ba h/( "on%ided Ta#ia $ She &us n &iss ha $ I% youre e,er bored u! here/ Aeya/ 'e ha,e !oo#s 'here you "an ba he or s'i&$ 6e 'on bo her you/ un#ess you 'an "o&!any$( Than. you$ I 'ou#d #i.e o s'i&/( said Aeya +ra e%u##y$ I s no sa%e o s'i& here/( Sara% burs ou $ Ta#ia and Ido#a and so&e o% he o her !eo!#e ' around he& #oo.ed u! a hi&/ o%%ended$ I s !er%e" #y sa%e/( said Ta#ia $ Ido#a "re! o'ards Sara%$ I "an sho' you he s'i&&in+ !#a"es/( she said o hi&$ I## !ro,e heyre no dan+erous$ Co&e 'i h &e$( Sara% b#ushed and "ou#dn hin. o% any hin+ o say$ He re#u" an #y +o u! and %o##o'ed Ido#a$ Ta#ia ro##ed her eyes a Aeya7 6ed be er %o##o'$ Che". no1ones bein+ &au#ed$( She +o u! and !ushed aside a #on+ a!es ry a he end o% he e&!#e$ Behind i 'as a 2un" ion o% under+round "ana#s$ These "a,es ha,e a#'ays been used by he is#anders/( said Ta#ia $ They 'ere radin+ rou es #on+ be%ore he +ian 'ars$ They 'ere re%u+ees d'e##in+s durin+ he 'ars$ *nd in !ea"e i&es/ so&e i&es/ here 'ere !ar ies %or he ri"h$ *nd in o her !ar s ser,an s did he 'ashin+ o% he "#o hes o% he ri"h$( Ta#ia #ed Aeya do'n a se o% s one s e!s a he ed+e o% one "ana#$ * #on+ boa dre' a#on+ he 'a er o'ards he& and s o!!ed$ Can you ro'4( as.ed Ta#ia $ O% "ourse$( Aeya +ri!!ed he oars/ %i he& in o he hoo.s/ !ushed a'ay %ro& he side and di!!ed he& in o he 'a er$ *s soon as hey ou"hed he +#i&&erin+ b#a".ness she %e# a 'ar& sho". ra,e# u! her ar&s$ Ta#ia 'as s!ra'#ed a he o her end o% he boa / a her desu# ori#y$ These "a,es are he #as re!osi ory o% he !o'ers$ Theres an en ran"e o here %ro& he #o'es roo& o% a## he &ain bui#din+s in he "en re$ E3!er s in a## he dis"i!#ines 'ou#d des"end a% er a day 5 or ni+h 5 o% 'or./ and dis"uss 'ha heyd #earned$ This is a !#a"e 'here ideas be"o&e rea#i y/ 'here in en ions a.e %or&/ 'here s!iri be"o&es &a er$ 6ha is hou+h here "o&es in o bein+$ Reias and E#an ur ha e hese "a,es$( Theyre +ood !eo!#e/( Aeya !ro es ed$ :I hin.$ I,e on#y &e he& on"e$( They re%use o #oo. a us/ o a#. o us/ o a".no'#ed+e ha 'e e3is $ They re%use o "a## us by our na&es$ 6ere a## he sa&e o he&$ *ni&a#s$( Aeya had been %o##o'in+ a #on+/ s rai+h "hanne#/ 'hi"h no' di,ided in o &any ,eins$ Ta#ia !oin ed ou he ri+h one/ 'hi"h 'idened ou un i# i 'as a dee! o,a# 'i h 'a er %a##in+ in hin shee s around he ed+es$ I 'as a ba hin+ roo&$ The boa 'as s#o'in+ o% i s o'n a""ord$ * #i #e 'ay a#on+ 'as ano her boa / si&i#ar o heir o'n/ and in i / !er%e" #y %or&ed and s i## as#ee!/ #ay Neres$ Si in+ a he ed+e 'as *n"3on$ Aeya 'a "hed in a&a0e&en $ Ho' "ou#d her %riend !ine #i.e his/ a" in+ "o&!#e e#y un#i.e herse#%/ %or a boy 'ho didn .no' she e3is ed4 She +#an"ed u! o rea#ise Ta#ia had been 'a "hin+ her$ Ha,e you ne,er beha,ed his 'ay yourse#%4( Ta#ia as.ed$ No$ *nd I ne,er 'i##$( Ta#ia #au+hed$ You 'ai $ You## ha,e a #o &ore sy&!a hy %or %e##o'1su%%erers hen$ :U! 'e +e / *n"3on/ i s i&e o re urn *bo,e$ You,e had your dose %or he day$( They +o ou o% he boa / 'en o,er o *n"3on and hau#ed her u!$ *n"3on #oo.ed o,er Aeyas ar& o +a0e a Neres$ No' 'e## +e your o her %riend/( said Ta#ia $ I s a#'ays %unny 'hen you or!han y!es "o&e do'n here$ You a## +o &ad$( You don .no' 'ha i s #i.e/ *bo,e/( said *n"3on drea&i#y$ Ea"h day is e3a" #y he sa&e as
any o her day$ One hears s ories o% he 'i#d "hi#dren/ e3a" #y he sa&e a+e as onese#%/ and youre 'arned a+ains he&/ bu you #on+ o see so&e$ *nd hen you &ee so&eone 'hos ha#% and ha#%/ a +o1be 'een7 I#&a ar$ *nd so/ o 'or. 'i h hi&/ you urn yourse#% in o a &usi"ian$ I don e,en #i.e &usi"$( You don e,en .no' Neres/( said Aeya$ You,e bare#y s!o.en o hi&$( I,e ba hed hi&$ I,e .issed hi&/( said *n"3on de%ian #y$ 6as he a'a.e4( said Ta#ia $ :No/( ad&i ed *n"3on$ They des"ended in o a &is y/ s ea&in+ !ar o% he ba hs$ ?ei#s o% 'hi e &us#in hun+ in #ines/ soa.ed and ho $ There 'as no s!a"e o 'a#.$ Ta#ia s e!!ed o%% he ed+e and !#un+ed in o he !oo#$ >in+er#y/ *n"3on #o'ered herse#% in o he 'a er/ "rin+in+ as her dress "#un+ around her$ Aeya +o in a% er her$ The 'a er 'as ho and %e# hi".$ She sensed !o'er in e,ery subs an"e here$ In he #as !oo# hey %ound Sara% s;uashed in he "orner/ e3 re&e#y e&barrassed 'hi#e Ido#a ried o !ee# his "#o hes o%% hi&$ I,e seen you ' o he 'hi e "o a+e and ba"./( she 'as &ur&urin+/ You "an 'ash he &ud o%% yourse#%$( I& %ine/ rea##y/( s u ered Sara%$ He ried o #i% hi&se#% ou o% he 'a er bu i "#un+ around hi& and !u##ed hi& do'n$ Ido#a oo. ho#d o% he soa.ed he& o% his shir and be+an o a.e i o%% hi&/ 'earin+ a %ro'n o% a,id "on"en ra ion$ The shir !ee#ed o%% as +en #y as i% i 'ere &ade o% s ri!s o% soa.ed !a!er$ Ido#a8 Ta.e your hands o%% hi&/ he doesn #i.e i /( "a##ed Ta#ia $ Ido#as hand s#i!!ed o%% and she s#un. a'ay/$ Sara% #oo.ed in%ini e#y re#ie,ed$ Ta#ia and Ido#a +o ou o% he !oo# and he#!ed Aeya/ *n"3on and Sara% ou $ The %ur her 'e +o %ro& he "en re/ he s ron+er he !o'ers +e / is ha so4( as.ed Aeya$ So&e hin+ #i.e ha /( said Ta#ia $ Bu i s &ore han ha $ )is in" ions be"o&e s$ E,ery hin+ &o,es o'ards i s e3 re&e$ I s he o!!osi e/ *bo,e7 e,ery hin+ s#ides b#and#y o he "en re 'i h bare#y a s;uea.$ I% you 'an o "o&e do'n here/ you &us ha,e dis"i!#ine o% &ind$( She #oo.ed side#on+ a her sis er$ *nd body$ 6e hin. ha 'ha e,er +oes une3!ressed abo,e/ 'i## a#'ays "o&e ou here$ One &us n #au+h$ Bu so&e i&es one "an he#! i $ You,e had your %un$ Le us +o no'/( said Sara%$ He #oo.ed sodden and %ri+h ened$ Ta#ia and Ido#a &o,ed aside$ Behind he& 'as a s#o "u in o he ro".$ This 'i## a.e you ou /( said Ta#ia $ She rea"hed inside he b#a".ness o% he !assa+e'ay and !u##ed ou a b#a0in+ or"h &ade %ro& a a## "one o% 'i+s/ 'hi"h she +a,e o *n"3on$ *n"3on #oo.ed "o'ed/ shi,erin+ and s.inny$ I% you 'an o "on inue o ,isi us/ and "o&e so dee! as his/ you &us +e s ron+er$ 6e a## #i,ed his 'ay/ on"e$ I is you 'ho are unna ura#$ The %a hers o#d you he !o'ers are a## dead$ Tha is no so$ Here heyre bound#ess$( I #oo. da% /( *n"3on "o&!#ained$ This is 'ha you need i% you 'an o hun and %ar& and de,e#o! he #and$ Ta#ia s ri+h /( said Aeya$ The is#anders are 'ea.$( I 'as dus.$ Thir y ni+h s had !assed sin"e he %irs en"oun er 'i h Ta#ia and he o hers$ *n"3on 'as s andin+ ou side Aeyas house/ ho#din+ a or"h in one hand and )e""as rans%or&ed +o#den bo' in he o her/ 'i h he ;ui,er o% arro's a"ross her ba". and one o% he &ore a#er is#and do+s by her %oo $ They had been !ra" i"in+ ar"hery$ Aeya 'as %ee#in+ be er$ I no #on+er hur her o ou"h he s ran+e hin+s shed arri,ed 'i h$ She had a##o'ed *n"3on o brin+ he& o he "o a+e %ro& he or!hana+e$ * %irs she 'an ed o des roy e,ery hin+$ The da++er re&inded her o% he ini ia ion$ She re&e&bered !i".in+ he bo' and arro' u! as )e""a #ay on he ab#e$ She re&e&bered .i##in+ he 'o&en$ I% on#y she "ou#d a.e ha ba".$ 6hy do 'e ha,e o do i in he dar.4( said *n"3on$ So Reias and E#an urs s!ies don see us$ Theyd disa!!ro,e o% you bein+ ou $(
Aeya 'as a#so a%raid o% bein+ s!ied on by Theorin/ 'ho she hadn seen or s!o.en o sin"e ha %irs "on,ersa ion$ Bu &ore han on"e/ 'hen she had a'o.en %ro& a ni+h &are/ she heard he sea &o,in+ "ho!!i#y as hou+h he had 2us !#un+ed do'n in o i $ She had a sudden idea 5 hey shou#d +o o he one !#a"e she .ne' he +ian s "ou#dn s!y on he&$ Le s +o near he "a,es/ heyre %ur her ou and he ani&a#s are #ess #a0y$ The ones round here #ie do'n and die ob#i+in+#y i% you so &u"h as #oo. a he&$( *nd Neres is here8( Aeya +roaned$ I don unders and i $ I% you "an %a## %or Neres/ 'hy no Sara%4 Sara%s ni"er/ and hes a'a.e$( 6ere "ousins/ 'e "an do ha 5 i s he .ind o% inbred hin+ +ian s do$ *nd you don unders and$ For &e/ i 'as #o,e a %irs si+h $( Bu you,e ne,er heard hi& s!ea.$ *nd you,e ne,er seen hi& &o,e$( I ha,e/ in I#&a ars sho's$( You,e ne,er heard hi& say his o'n 'ords or de"ide his o'n &o,e&en s$( The "a,es 'ere %#i".erin+ 'i h #i+h and hey "ou#d hear &usi"$ *ren you +#ad o be a'ay %ro& he or!hana+e4( as.ed Aeya$ You "ou#d be #yin+ on a horsehair1 s u%%ed so%a ri+h no'/ s& b#ue +ri and nonsense$( The so%as aren s u%%ed 'i h horsehair$ Theyre s u%%ed 'i h +ian s hair$ So are he &a resses$ *nd hose "ar,ed beds and sea 1%ra&es and a## our ins ru&en s aren &ade %ro& us.s or horns/ heyre +ian s bones$ The %urnishin+s are "o,ered in +ian s no ani&a# hide$ 6e "an a%%ord o re!#a"e he& and 'e don .no' ho' o &a.e a# erna i,es$( You &ean: he bed I s#ee! on:( No/ Uni"a and )e"i&a didn +o in %or ha $ None o% he "o a+ers did$ Those 'ho didn a!!ro,e o% bai in+ +ian s &o,ed as %ar ou as hey "ou#d 5 o he ,ery !#a"es heyd be &os #i.e#y o +e s'i!ed i% he +ian s +o an+ry$ >ian s are so s u!id/ hey "an dis"ri&ina e$( You .i##ed a## hose +ian s4( as.ed Aeya in horror$ 6e .i##ed &any$ 6e are no he ,i" i&s in he +ian 'ars$ 6e 'ere !er!e ra ors as 'e##$ 6e## 5 no us$ Our !aren s and +rand!aren s and +rea 1+rand!aren s$ I% 'ere +oin+ o sur,i,e 'e &us n do anything'e used o do$ 6e &us do he o!!osi e$( *s hey a!!roa"hed he "a,es a +rou! o% 'i#d "hi#dren ran ou / #au+hin+$ They had he oo1 s&a##/ bi+12oin ed #oo. o% u&b#ers/ +y&nas s and dan"ers$ I#&a ar %o##o'ed/ !u##in+ a s&a## dru& %ro& his ba+$ Aeya #oo.ed a he ye##o'in+ sur%a"e and he bony .nobb#es ha .e! he s rin+in+ a he sides au 7 +ian s .nu".#es and endons$ I#&a ar s ru". he dru& 'i h his hu&bs$ The +y&nas s "#i&bed on o! o% ea"h o her in an u!side do'n rian+#e/ 'i h one on he bo o&/ 'o res in+ on her shou#ders/ %our res in+ on heir hi+hs and ei+h ba#an"in+ on heir ou s re "hed !a#&s$ The a h#e es dis!ersed 'i h a burs o% #au+h er$ I#&a ar "a&e o +ree he&$ Be%ore you as./ *n"3on/ Neres is ha,in+ a na!$ I## be ba". soon/ heres a s!e" a"#e oni+h $ Bu %irs I ha,e o ,isi &y bro hers$ I ha,e so&e hin+ o dis"uss 'i h he&$ Fa&i#y business$ I## &ee you in he e&!#e$( Poor &an/( said *n"3on/ 'a "hin+ hi& +o/ a#'ays rushin+ %ro& here o here$ He !#eads 'i h he %a hers o #e hi& "on inue ' 'i h he 'i#d "hi#dren/ #es hey "u hi& o%%$ Hes be 'i3 / abo,e/ be#o'/ ne,er 'i hin$ He !#ays s!y %or bo h sides$( 6hy doesn he 2us +o 'i h Ta#ia and he o hers4( Hes no one o% he&$ No in eres ed in he an+ry dee! s u%%$ *## he 'an s o do is &a.e ar $ Bu I a& a!!a##ed a ho' hard he 'or.s Neres$( The "a,es 'ere di%%eren %ro& be%ore$ * %irs Aeya hadn a.en any hin+ in/ she 'as so %as"ina ed by he 'or#d o% Ta#ia and he o hers$ The "a,es shi% ed/ +re'/ s#o!ed u!/ ed+ed do'n/ o%%ered #o' bread hs or narro' #ed+es/ shran. in'ards/ 'idened ou 'ards$ So&e i&es hey 'ere so ho ha Aeya 'ou#d 'ander around in her shir and bree"hes/ a o her i&es so "o#d ha he 'i#d "hi#dren hudd#ed a heir des.s in he %ur1#ined 'in er "oa s o% #on+1dead nob#e +rand!aren s$
This i&e Aeya and *n"3on 'a#.ed a %e' s e!s in/ o %ind he&se#,es a a s ee! dro!$ * he o! 'as a 'ooden s#ed 'i h #ea her s ra!s$ * hin "ra". 'en a## he 'ay %ro& i s base o i s ri&$ *n"3on 'as so des!era e o #ay her eyes on Neres ha she +o in and i+h ened he s ra!s/ a Aeya e3!e" an #y$ I& no +e in+ in ha $ I s a sheer dro! and i s a#ready "ra".ed/( said Aeya$ I ## be %ine$( The s ran+e +#a0e ha *n"3on a#'ays de,e#o!ed 'hen she 'as near Neres 'as a#ready s&oo hin+ her %ea ures$ Aeya "ou#dn #ea,e her in he "a,es/ she didn ;ui e rus Ta#ia and he o hers no o &a.e %un o% her$ She 'ished Sara% 'as here o insis she +o ou / bu he 'as ner,ous o% he 'i#d "hi#dren$ Aeya had seen #ess and #ess o% hi& durin+ he #as &on h$ 6i h a si+h/ she s;uee0ed herse#% in ne3 o *n"3on$ The iny sea "u #oose and !#u&&e ed do'n o a !oo# o% i"e "o#d 'a er/ in o 'hi"h she and *n"3on %e##/ s"rea&in+$ * he ed+e 'ere Ido#a and 9ed/ he boy 'hod been ' in he .i "hens on Aeyas %irs ,isi $ 6ha are you !#ayin+ a 4( shou ed Aeya as soon as she "ou#d +e her brea h$ -y ee h are #oose in heir so".e s$ I "an %ee# &y %a"e$( She ried o !u## herse#% and *n"3on ou bu her hands s#i!!ed on he ro".s and hey %e## ba". in$ Aeya s rai+h ened her #e+s and s ood u!$ The ed+e o% he !oo# san. do'n un i# i on#y "a&e u! o heir .nees$ They 'ere in a "orner o% he e&!#e$ Tri".s$ Tri".s/( she said o a #au+hin+ 9ed and Ido#a/ s e!!in+ ou $ I hou+h you 'an ed o be !o'er%u#/ no "rea e s!e"ia# e%%e" s o !ass he i&e$( Ido#a +rinned7 I s no an id#e ri"./ i s a ra! door %or ad,an"in+ ene&ies$ 6ere a#so e3!eri&en in+ 'i h es"a!e rou es/ sudden e&er+en"es/ ;ui". "on"ea#&en s$ Or he rans!or a ion o% re%u+ees/ in "ase heres a 'ar$( *s she said i / her eyes +#o'ed$ 6e .no' he +ian s s ir$ 6e .no' ha %a hers %ear i $ Fina##y/ 'e 'i## "o&e *bo,e/ and 'e## a## %i+h $ They "an i+nore us any &ore$ Bu %irs / he sho'$ You## #i.e i / *n"3on/ i s ars your %a,ouri e a" or$( You 'o.e hi& u!4( said *n"3on/ ho!e%u# and in"redu#ous$ No ;ui e/( i ered Ido#a$ E,ery hin+ in he e&!#e had been "o,ered 'i h hi". b#a". "#o hs$ The roo& 'as %u## o% 'i#d "hi#dren$ In he &idd#e/ as#ee!/ #ay Neres/ &ore beau i%u# han e,er/ his hair %#o'in+ and his eye#ashes #on+ and hi"./ "as in+ shado's on o his "hee.s$ O,er hi& s ood I#&a ar in si#,er robes ha s ru". ou %ro& his shou#ders in a #on+ rian+#e$ His si#,er ha ended in a shar! !oin $ I#&a ars %a"e #oo.ed #ined and s'ea y$ Aeya had ne,er rea##y hou+h abou ho' o#d he 'as$ He 'as a#'ays 'i h !eo!#e &u"h youn+er han hi&se#%$ On ei her side s ood Ta#ia and 9ed$ Ido#a !ushed a !a h %or Aeya and *n"3on hrou+h he "ro'd$ The ,ery +round see&ed o re&b#e 'i h e3"i e&en $ 6ha are hey doin+ 'i h Neres4( as.ed *n"3on$ You## see/( said Ido#a$ Bu I 'an o .no' no'/( said *n"3on/ +e in+ ear%u#$ This 'as so ou o% "hara" er %or *n"3on ha Aeya s o!!ed and +rabbed Ido#a/ 'ho #oo.ed +ui# y$ 6ha ha,e you done o &y %riend4( Aeya de&anded$ No hin+/( &u&b#ed Ido#a$ Youre & %un o% her$( She indi"a ed *n"3on/ 'ho 'as s andin+ on i! oes ryin+ o "a "h si+h o% Neres$ Is his so&e .ind o% re,en+e/ be"ause Sara% didn 'an you4 I "an hard#y i&a+ine youd do ha $( *nd I "an be#ie,e youd think Id do ha $ *s %or "o,e in+/ i s no &e 'ho be+s %or Ta#ia s a en ion$ Youre no so s!e"ia# o her$( Aeya +as!ed and s a++ered ba". as hou+h s ru".$ Ido#a s ared a Aeya hos i#e#y/ hen b#in.ed and shoo. her head$ Sorry/ Aeya$( So a& I$ Ho' si##y o% us o bi".er #i.e his:(
No$ You don unders and$ I s no us$ I s Neres$( She be+an o !ush hrou+h he #as %e' ro's o% he "ro'd/ !u##in+ *n"3on behind he& by he 'ris $ 6hen our !er%or&ers +o *bo,e and e3hibi on beha#% o% I#&a ar/ i "an be borin+ %or he&$ The dra&as are re!e i i,e/ and 'hen hose *bo,e a.e a %an"y o so&e hin+ hey 'an i !er%or&ed o,er and o,er a+ain$ The a" ors so&e i&es #i.e o: ha,e a #i #e %un 'i h he&$( They 'ere no' in he %irs ro' and *n"3on/ 'i h a sa is%ied si+h/ had sun. do'n/ !eerin+ "#ose#y in o Neress %a"e$ He#!ed by I#&a ar/ he !er%or&ers "o&!e e as o ho' &u"h: %er,our hey "an s ir u!$ They "hoose !eo!#e in he audien"e/ and ea"h ries o i&!ress he& he &os / o s ir heir de,o ion and %ide#i y/ e,en in"i e heir 5 heir #o,e/( Ido#a said$ In su"h a 'ay/ hose *bo,e "on inue heir !a rona+e o% us$( Tha s dis+us in+$( 6e need &oney or 'e "an buy %ood$( Neres !#ayed a ri". on &y %riend$( I .no'$ I& sorry$ I didn rea#ise ho' bad i had +o $ I s hard o resis / e,en %or us !o'er%u# ones Be#o'$ Tha s 'hy you and I 'ere ar+uin+ #i.e ha $ The e%%e" s !ro#i%era e %or he !erson 'ho "rea ed i / oo$ Neress +#a&our and e%%e" are s ren+ hened e,ery i&e he a!!ears be%ore o hers$ Bu he s ron+er he e%%e" on o hers/ he ' he be"o&es$ Tha is 'hy hes a#'ays as#ee!/ e3"e! 'hen ons a+e$( Then 'a.e hi& u! and e## hi& o s o!$ I## do i $ I& ha!!y o ruin he s!e" a"#e i% i ends he hu&i#ia ion o% *n"3on$( Oh/ don 'orry$ 6ere here %or ha $( I#&a ar had been #is enin+ in on heir "on,ersa ion$ The ,ani y o% Neres is #e+endary$ *n"3on isn he on#y one hes ri".ed$ *## 'i## be !u ri+h $( You .ne' abou his/( Aeya a""used hi&$ *## !er%or&ers use heir !o'ers on heir audien"e 5 and he audien"e o be used in ha 'ay/ #i.e he s rin+s 'e i+h en/ !#u". and bend$ 6e +i,e he& e,ery hin+ hey 'an $ *nd so&e i&es/ I& asha&ed o ad&i / 'e a.e a #i #e e3 ra$ Neres has a.en a #o $ Be"ause o% i / 'e are a## no' a ris.$ Those abo,e/ 'o&en and &en a#i.e/ are a'a.enin+ o res #ess %ee#in+s o% a y!e hey ha,en e3!erien"ed in a #on+ 'hi#e$ Res #essness and desire are ene&ies o% !ea"e$ Be"ause o% i / Reias and E#an ur oday hrea ened o "u &e o%%$ 6e #i,e on heir !a rona+e in re urn %or .ee!in+ %ro& heir si+h / e3"e! 'hen 'e e&er+e o a&use he&$( You said you had a &ee in+ 'i h your bro hers/ no he %a hers/( said Aeya$ Your bro hers: Reias and E#an ur are your bro hers8( I#&a ar bo'ed his head$ 6hen you %irs arri,ed/ hey !ani".ed and 'an ed o send you s rai+h ba".$ I !ersuaded he& o sho' you &er"y and +i,e you he "o a+e$ Uni"a and )e"i&a 'ere +ood %riends o% &ine 5 hey 'ere #i.e &o hers o &e/ a youn+ boy/ %as"ina ed by s!e" a"#e/ unin eres ed in !o#i i"s:( 6ho "ou#d be in eres ed in !o#i i"s 'hen so&eone 'i h a %a"e #i.e Neres is around4( as.ed *n"3on$ Ta#ia / 9ed/ Aeya and Ido#a #oo.ed o,er a her in !i y$ I s +e in+ 'orse$ Ido#a/ "he". e,eryones here/ hen sea# he en ran"e1'ays/( said I#&a ar$ Ido#a nodded and #e% $ Ta#ia and 9ed #aid heir hands on Neress an.#es and shou#ders and/ 'i h he bares ou"h/ #i% ed hi& u!$ He rose/ his "#o hes han+in+ o% hi&$ Neres/ &y &os beau i%u# 'or. o% ar $ You ha,e &ade a re;ues / ha,e you no 4( said I#&a ar #oud#y$ He shoo. Neres s#i+h #y$ Neres 'o.e u!/ o!ened his eyes a iny bi and "roa.ed/ Yeah$( His ,oi"e 'as youn+ and be+innin+ o brea.$ * he sound o% his ,oi"e/ *n"3on +a,e an e"s a i" si+h$ Neres %e## as#ee! a+ain$ *n"3on su!!ressed a +roan o% dis&ay$ You ha,e as.ed %or i&&or a#i y/ e erna# beau y and he !reser,a ion o% your !hysi"a# se#%/ e3a" #y as i is/ in his s a e o% abso#u e !er%e" ion/( in oned I#&a ar$ I a& e3!erien"ed in su"h hin+s$ Lo/ I
+ran your desire$( Neres si+hed in his s#ee!$ Then he be+an o re&b#e/ he ends o% his hair &o,in+$ The re&b#in+ be"a&e s ron+er/ un i# his 'ho#e body 'as 2udderin+ ,io#en #y$ Neres8( "ried *n"3on$ Ta#ia and 9ed 'ere ha,in+ roub#e .ee!in+ ho#d o% hi&$ His body be+an o bu". ,io#en #y$ The "a,es he&se#,es 'ere and hin s#i"es o% bro'n ro". shi,ered o%% he 'a##s$ Neress body 2er.ed ou o% Ta#ia s and 9eds +ri! and "rashed o he %#oor/ 'here i sha ered$ The iny !ie"es s&ashed/ runnin+ #i.e shinin+ 'a er in e,ery dire" ion$ The +#ass1Neres had bro.en a'ay %ro& ano her Neres inside i 7 #yin+ so% and un ou"hed/ his eyes "#osed/ brea hin+ dee!#y/ he %ines #ayer o% s!ar.#in+ dus & his +#i&&er/ abso#u e#y beau i%u#/ a !er%e" "o!y$ Ta#ia and 9ed +rinned a ea"h o her o,er his body and ba".ed a'ay$ I is done/( said I#&a ar$ He 'an ed o be !reser,ed/ i&&or a#/ e3a" #y as he 'as 'hen &os !er%e" o beho#d$ Tha is/ as#ee!$ I ho!e you a## a+ree$ There 'i## be no rene'a# o% Neress ris.y ri".s$ He has no !o'er$ He is an ob2e" $ En2oy$( 9eerin+ #au+hs and "heers 'en u! around he "ro'd$ One by one/ he 'i#d "hi#dren a!!roa"hed he body/ so&e &ere#y so&e s ea# hi#y &o,in+ aside a "u%% or a "o##ar/ so&e shou in+ his na&e o see i% he 'ou#d a'a.en$ *n"3on #oo.ed !hi#oso!hi"a#/ +a0in+ u!on he e erna##y s#ee!in+ boy$ The b#ush she nor&a##y had 'hen he 'as around had died do'n$ Tha is no he Neres I #o,e: #o,ed/( she said/ unner,ed$ He !#ayed a ri". on you/ *n"3on$( He didn $ He 'ou#d ne&er do ha : 'ou#d he4( I s !ossib#e o !#ay a ri". and %or he e%%e" s o +o %ur her han youd !redi" ed$ I needn a#'ays be done ou o% &a#i"e/( said Aeya +enerous#y$ Pri,a e#y/ she de"ided ha i% she e,er %e## in #o,e/ she 'ou#d ne,er #e herse#% be ri".ed #i.e ha $ *s he #au+h er o% he audien"e died a'ay/ Aeya rea#ised ha he ,ibra ion in he "a,e had no $ She "ou#d hear he 'a er in a## hose e,er1"han+in+ ri,ers and !oo#s around he& s#oshin+ and bubb#in+$ Peo!#e be+an !assin+ %ood around$ Aeya oo. a hun. o% bread and bi in o i $ 9ed and Ta#ia oo. he b#a". "#o hs o%% he ab#es and un"o,ered a !i#e o% b#a"./ &ud1 "o,ered ro".s/ !ie"es o% &ou#derin+ 'ood and "hun.s o% bui#din+ s one$ They !u he "#o h ba". on/ s!o.e so&e 'ords o ea"h o her and re&o,ed he "#o h a+ain$ The ab#e 'as !i#ed 'i h ho %ood/ 'hi"h he "hi#dren s'e! o'ards in one #o / +rabbin+ and ea in+ hun+ri#y$ Aeya #oo.ed a her bread and +a++ed$ *## his i&e/ she had been %eas in+/ she 'as ea in+ dir and s#i&e$ The in he "a,e be"a&e &ore se,ere$ Peo!#e #oo.ed a ea"h o her in a#ar&$ Has his ha!!ened be%ore4( Aeya as.ed Ido#a$ No as se,ere#y as his$ The +ian s "i y is dire" #y be#o'$ Bu a +rea dis an"e o% sea se!ara es us$ So&e i&es 5 ( Her 'ords 'ere #os in a dea%enin+ "ra".in+ noise$ There8( shou ed a &ans ,oi"e$ The +round #ur"hed and e,eryone #os heir %oo in+$ *## he "and#es 'en ou and a## sound died$ 6HITE BLOSSO- SHRINE This is Part Three, Chapter Three of Transformation Play% 6ha ha!!ened4( 'his!ered *n"3on "#ose by Aeyas ear$ They 'ere #yin+ on he %#oor o% he e&!#e/ in dar.ness$ Theres been an ear h;ua.e/ I hin./( said Aeya$ *ny hin+ bro.en4( Aeya &o,ed +in+er#y$ She 'as bruised/ bu no hur $ She "ou+hed$ Her &ou h and eyes 'ere
%u## o% si# $ Is e,eryone a## ri+h 4 Pass i on/( said *n"3on o 'hoe,er 'as ne3 o her/ and he ;ues ion 'his!ered %ro& &ou h o &ou h around he e&!#e$ Aeya ried o raise so&e #i+h around he&/ bu she %e# i bein+ &u%%#ed/ absorbed/ a.en in and de#ibera e#y s;ue#"hed$ Ta#ia 4 *re you near4 So&eones here/( she 'his!ered$ No one o% us$( Li+h rose %ro& around he ed+es/ +o#d and se,ere/ and +re' so bri+h ha he 'i#d "hi#dren s;uir&ed and s;uin ed in he +#are$ * he end o% he e&!#e/ in %ron o% a ra++ed +ash o% ro"./ s ood Reias and E#an ur/ and in %ron o% he&/ Sara% and Ido#a$ Sara% #oo.ed %ri+h ened/ Ido#a #oo.ed enra+ed$ Sara% be rayed us/( "ried Ido#a o Ta#ia des!era e#y$ O% "ourse he did/( said Ta#ia / hes one o% he&$( I 'as "he".in+ he e3i s and 'hen I "a&e o he #as one/ he 'as here/( Ido#a 'en on/ and I s u!id#y 'an ed o a#. o hi&$ I o#d hi& I#&a ar 'as & a sho'$ Then he be rayed us$( I didn 8 I didn 8( said Sara%/ "#u "hin+ his shir $ Reias and E#an ur "a&e do'n he s e!s/ !ushin+ Sara% and Ido#a a'ay %ro& he& "are#ess#y$ Ta#ia ried o say so&e hin+ o he&/ eyes b#a0in+/ bu hey i+nored her$ They addressed he&se#,es o Aeya7 You are o +o *bo,e$ The +ian s ha,e de"#ared 'ar$ You !u hese !oor 're "hes a ris. i% you re&ain here$ I#&a ar/ you oo &us +o$ Your #i #e sho' has sen i s !o'er as %ar as heir "i y$ )o you hin. he +ian s don %ee# e,ery !u#se and urn o% i / 'hen youre do'n here &edd#in+ %or &ere a&use&en 4 )on you hin. ha !#ayin+ 'i h i&e and bein+/ i##usion and a!!earan"e/ don ha,e e%%e" s 5 &ore han 2us o +ain a!!#ause4( hey said o+e her$ I s 2us %1 %or %un/( s a&&ered I#&a ar/ 'rin+in+ his hands$ They are no 2us %or %un8 Theres no su"h hin+ as %un8( hundered Reias$ >e ou / sirs/( said Ta#ia in a #o'/ see hin+ ,oi"e$ She had been !ro'#in+ around he %a hers as hey s!o.e$ This is our e&!#e$ Our se"re !#a"e$ Youre ,io#a in+ i $( Oh/ "hi#d/ none o% hese "a,es are se"re $ Theyre ours$ They a#'ays ha,e been$ This isn a e&!#e/ no &a er 'ha you o#d Aeya o i&!ress her$ I s 2us a bi+ roo& 'here "hi#dren hide$ I s 'here our sib#in+ here &ade us i&&or a#/ #on+ be%ore you 'ere born$ Shou#d he +ian s &edd#e a+ain 'i h he is#and/ hese "a,es 'i## "o##a!se on he&se#,es a he %irs sha.e$ The "han+es you,e &ade/ 'idenin+ he "ana#1sides and raisin+ he roo%s/ ha,e &ade i uns ab#e$ Here$( Reias hre' Ta#ia a !ou"h o% &oney and she "au+h i on re%#e3/ hen #oo.ed #i,id 'i h herse#%$ Be ;uie and be +one$ There 'i## be no 'ar o% any .ind on his is#and$ You 'i## ne,er &a "h us/ you 'i## ne,er o,er hro' us$ On#y !o'er "an .i## !o'er/ and you ha,e none$( Ta#ia b#ushed dee!#y 5 no 'i h an+er/ Aeya hou+h / bu 'i h e&barrass&en $ The 'i#d "hi#dren s;uir&ed$ I o""urred o Aeya ha %or a## he a &os!here o% he "a,es/ she had ne,er dire" #y 'i nessed !o'er ' here$ The s'i "hin+ o% he ro".s %or he %ood 'as a "on2urin+ ri".$ 9eds e3!eri&en s 'i h he s#ide 'ere 2us ha / bui#din+ e3!eri&en s$ He #i.ed o di+/ "ons ru" / ada! $ The !assa+e'ays and !oo#s see&ed o "han+e be"ause she didn .no' he "a,es 'e##$ The boa s in he 'a er unne#s &o,ed by he&se#,es be"ause he "urren 'as s ron+ and here 'ere +a es/ #ee 'ays and ha# ers bui# 2us under he sur%a"e$ The "hi#dren bou+h %ood %ro& abo,e 'i h I#&a ars a##o'an"e$ Ta#ia "#ai&ed ha i&e be#o' !assed di%%eren #y %ro& i&e abo,e$ Bu !erha!s i 'as &ere#y ha i&e %e# di%%eren be#o'/ a# hou+h i !assed 'i h he sa&e s!eed$ No 5 she had been de"ei,ed 5 he !o'er 'as *bo,e$ Tha 'as 'hy I#&a ar had i $ She ried o "a "h Ta#ia s eye bu Ta#ia a,oided her +a0e$ The %a hers s!read ou heir "#oa.s and shoo. he& and Aeyas hin+s %e## ou 7 he b#a". and +o#d "#oa./ 'hi"h %e## in a so#id sha!e #i.e a ro##ed u! ru+/ he #on+ shie#d/ he !oin ed &as./ he doub#e1"ur,ed bo' and arro's/ he sun shie#d/ he da++er/ he si#,er dis"/ he ar&our !#a es/ "#o hes and #on+ head!ie"e$ The b#oodshed has be+un/ han.s o you$ The +ian s +o our a en ion by .i##in+ Nayda/( said Reias$
Ido#a +as!ed/ a Sara%$ She hadn .no'n$ I& so sorry/ Sara%/( she said$ He bi his #i! and 'ou#dn #oo. a her$ He san. do'n on o he rou+h ro". s e! and "#u "hed his head in his hands$ )ea h shou#d no dis&ay us/ Ido#a/( Ta#ia o#d her sis er "o#d#y$ 6e .no' i 'e##$ I &ade us$( Aeya 'as s!ee"h#ess$ She %e# a horrib#e/ %a&i#iar/ "ree!in+ dar.ness$ I 'as a he en ran"e ryin+ o %ind *n"3on o e## her$ I didn be ray you/ I !ro&ise$ The %a hers .ne'/( said Sara%$ I#&a ar o#d us e,ery hin+/( said E#an ur si&!#y$ 6e didn hin. &u"h o% i $ * !re y sho' 'i h a 'i##in+ sa"ri%i"e( 5 he indi"a ed Neres 5 o .ee! you a&used$ Tha is 'ha he does bes $ So&e &en ru#e$ They &a.e hard de"isions$ O hers !#a"a e he rabb#e$( Nayda 'as a'ay %ro& he or!hana+e$ She said she 'an ed a 'a#.$ I 'as a s ran+e re;ues / rare %or her/ so 'e #e her +o/ his on"e$ She 'en %ar/ o he !#a"e 'here her radin+1house had been/( said Reias$ She has been: desis in+ %ro& s& he seed/ in%#uen"ed by Sara%/ 'ho 'as in%#uen"ed by Aeya$( They ha ry o s and a!ar / o dis in+uish he&se#,es and +o a+ains 'ha he &a2ori y do/ a ra" no i"e/( said E#an ur$ *nd ha is 'ha you ha,e done/ Aeya$ You 'an ed a en ion and no' you ha,e i $ *nd no' you &us !ay$( Sara% be+an %e,erish#y/ %ro& Aeya o *n"3on and ba".7 She 'as re&e&berin+ a## shed a"hie,ed$ I 'as a## "o&in+ ba". o her$ Bu he +ian s sa' 5 and hey oo. her and bro.e her and hre' her on he s e!s o% he or!hana+e$( I s no hin+ o he&/ #i.e !i".in+ a hread o%% a "#o h/( said Reias$ They !robab#y hou+h she 'as !re!arin+ o sai# a %#ee o besie+e he&$ Aeya &us end he ;uarre# she be+an$ I s dan+erous here$ 6e 'i## re ire o he or!hana+e$ There are %or i%ied "ha&bers be#o' i $( E#an ur s oo!ed/ !i".ed u! Aeyas hin+s and hre' he& a her/ one by one$ She "au+h he&/ .nu".#es s&ar in+ 'here hey "rashed a+ains her$ *s she ou"hed ea"h one/ i &ou#ded o her/ so ha by he end she 'as dressed e3a" #y as she had been 'hen she arri,ed$ )on do ha /( she said hrou+h +ri ed ee h$ I "an dress &yse#%$( No %as enou+h %or us/( said E#an ur$ Lea,e hese des!era e "rea ures a#one$ They don ha,e any hin+$ 6ha e,er hey o#d you is a %an asy hey &ade u! o "o&%or he&se#,es$ They are no an under+round ra"e o% &a+i"a# !eo!#e$ This is no a re!osi ory o% an"ien s.i##s bu a re%u+ee "a&!$( E#an ur rea"hed ou and ou"hed her shou#der$ The +round +a,e 'ay$ Aeya hi he sur%a"e hard$ She 'as on he s&a## !a "h o% #and ha she used o +ra0e her ani&a#s$ The o3en and e'es surrounded her/ heir s.ins bro'n and 'hi e$ She "ou#d %ee# heir hear s bea in+ %as 'i h error as hey "ro'ded around her/ b#ea in+ and 2an+#in+$ The ni+h 'as hi"./ 'ar&/ b#ue and dense#y si#en $ She s ood u!/ ho#din+ her hin+s "#u&si#y$ They 'ere hea,y and he s ra!s and ed+es "u in o her$ She had no idea ho' o use a shie#d/ #e a#one 'o/ and he inside o% he &as. 'as & her %a"e s'ea $ She oo. i o%% and #e i han+ %ro& i s s ra!s$ She heard !an in+ behind her$ Aeya: Aeya8 I 'as I#&a ar/ runnin+ o'ards her/ ri!!in+ o,er his robes and ho#din+ his a## !oin ed ha in his hand/ 'here i %#a!!ed/ #on+ and "oni"a# and e&! y$ I& so sorry abou a## ha /( he hu%%ed$ So&e i&es I hin. &y bro hers shou#d a.e o he s a+e he&se#,es/ hey ha,e su"h a !ar ia#i y %or s!e" a"#e$( 6here are hey no'4( >one$ Ro'ed a'ay$ Theres a 'a er unne# he or!hana+e and he "a,es$ Tha s ho' I +e o and ba". %ro& &y rehearsa#s/ un#ess I 'an o s o! by a %#o'er1%ie#d on &y 'ay/ 'hi"h I o% en do$ They## be hidin+ in heir base&en 'i h he doors bo# ed$( *nd Ta#1 he o hers4( Therere no'here %or he& o +o$ Theyre "#earin+ u! he e&!#e roo&$ I& sorry you had o see a## ha $ I 'as e&barrassin+ %or he&$ 6e shou#d +e do'n/ i s oo e3!osed$(
They sa a&on+s he ani&a#s$ Is i rue 'ha he %a hers :your bro hers: said/ abou Ta#ia and he o hers4 They don ha,e any !o'ers4 *nd e,ery hin+ hey o#d &e:'as 'ish%u# I& a%raid so/( said I#&a ar/ #oadin+ and s& his !i!e in bi+/ ner,ous #un+%u#s/ +a0in+ a her do#e%u##y hrou+h his bushy eyebro's$ They "anno read or 'ri e/ hou+h hey ry o ea"h he&se#,es$ They 'ere he babies #e% in he ruins o% he 'ors houses$ The ones %a&i#ies #i.e ours 'ou#d ne,er dei+n o ,isi / 'hen our !aren s 'ere a#i,e$( Bu *n"3on and Sara% ha,e no !o'ers ei her$( True$ Theyre oo youn+$ Too &u"h he !rodu" o% he 'ars$ Bu heyre nob#e$( Tha shou#d &a.e no di%%eren"e$( I#&a ar shru++ed7 Snobbery 'as so&e hin+ notdes royed in he 'ars$( He %inished his !i!e and +o u! in a ha#%1"rou"h/ his 2oin s " and shoo. ou his robes$ 6e##$ I shou#d be +e in+ a#on+$ I 2us 'an ed o say +oodbye$( Han+ on/ han+ on/( said Aeya$ 6ha dyou &ean/ +oodbye4 6here a& I su!!osed o +o4 I hou+h you 'ere here o he#!4 >i,e &e so&e hin+ I "an use$( I#&a ar u".ed his !i!e in o one o% his !o".e s and #oo.ed a her narro'#y$ * 'heed#in+/ "o'ard#y #oo. !assed o,er his %a"e$ 6e##: he hin+ is/ Aeya/ I don .no' ho'$( You 2us &ade a boy i&&or a#8( Tha s easier han i #oo.s$ You need a s ron+ s#ee!in+ dra% / a sur%a"e !reser,a ion/ a sor o%: e herea# e&ba#&in+/ i% you 'i##: and an in+redien 'hi"h "auses in ense #on+1 er& nu&bin+$ I he#!s i% he sub2e" s a ra her s u!id/ !assi,e sor o be+in 'i h$ 6ho .no's/ he &ay 'a.e u! in a %e' seasons i&e$ Bu by hen ano her a" or 'i## be he s!e" a ors %a,ouri e$( He 'as shu%%#in+ a'ay$ I &ean/ #oo./ i s been #o,e#y .no'in+ you bu I& 2us no ,ery good a hin+s #i.e 'ars/ and I don hin. I rea##y ou+h o +e in,o#,ed$ *nd in a## %airness/ I hin. i s on#y ri+h ha I sho' Ray and E# so&e #oya# y and 5 and so#idari y in hese ou+h i&es 5 and no go off 'i h any rando& "hara" er 'ho "o&es a#on+$ No ha I& b#a&in+ you$ I s a## a errib#e &isunders andin+$ )o s ay in ou"h/ i% you: i% you: 'e##:( *s he s!o.e/ he ba".ed a'ay 'i h s&a## s e!s$ 6ha a& I o do hen4( she as.ed #oud#y$ )ie/( said a ,oi"e so dee! and ru&b#in+ ha a## he ani&a#s s ood u! on heir %our #e+s/ b#ea in+$ I#&a ar and Aeya #oo.ed u!$ There 'as a %u## &oon/ bi+ and bri+h and "#ose abo,e he&$ Then hey rea#ised i 'asn a &oon/ i 'as an eye/ a round eye a he&/ be#on+in+ o a hu+e b#ue1%a"ed +ian $ I#&a ar and Aeya 'ere surrounded by +ian s s andin+ a he "oas $ They had been s andin+ here a## he 'hi#e/ si#en #y/ !ressed "#ose o+e her$ 6ha she had hou+h 'as he ni+h s.y 'as he so% b#ue +#ea& o% heir$ Theorin 'asn a&on+ he&$ The %irs +ian had s!o.en in he is#anders #an+ua+e/ 'i h an a""en $ I "anno run or %i+h /( Aeya shou ed u! o hi&$ Le &e #ea,e in !ea"e$ The is#anders don 'an o ;uarre# 'i h you$( 6e don "are$ 6e 'an he is#and$ Your arri,a# .i##ed he %ish$ 6e &us %ind o her sus enan"e$( Can you &o,e o 'here he seas be er !o!u#a ed4( she shou ed$ *s soon as he 'ords 'ere ou o% her &ou h/ she .ne' shed said he 'ron+ hin+$ The +ian s &u ered %urious#y/ "#en"hin+ heir %is s$ They ad,an"ed/ s rainin+ a+ains he "oas / 'hi"h bro.e o%% in hu+e "ru&b#es o% ear h and orn +rass$ -e shou#d #ea,e4 Our "i ys been here %or e,er$ Our so"ie y is an"ien $( *s he s!o.e/ he is#and shoo. and I#&a ar and Aeya "ou#d hear ro".s and s one around he&$ )us / &i3ed 'i h he "oarse ur;uoise !o'der o% he "rushed seeds/ rose around he& in a b#uish b#a". "#oud$ *re you )e#es re4( Aeya shou ed u!$ Tha is an insu# $ )o 'e rese&b#e o#d &en4( The +ian s "rossed heir ar&s and %#e3ed heir
&us"#es$ )e#es re s ays be#o'/ bu&b#in+ in his beard/ 'i h ha use#ess son$ They ha,e been e,er o+e her/ hus/ sin"e hese is#anders .i##ed Theorins &o her/ our ;ueen$ )e#es re %or+i,es easi#y@ 'e do no $( )e#es re .i##ed our !aren s/( shou ed I#&a ar$ The +ian s #oo.ed a hi& and nodded heir heads$ They see&ed o be %a&i#iar 'i h I#&a ar$ *nd so hey %or+ed an e;ua# ru"e/ 'i h a %a&i#y sa"ri%i"e on ei her side$ Bu he "o&in+ o% you/ +ir#/ has "han+ed a## ha $ Hun+er is s ron+er han di!#o&a"y$( The +ian rea"hed ou o% he sea$ His ar& shed bou#der1si0ed dro!s o% 'a er ha urned he "hurned1u! ear h in o &ud$ The +ian s %in+ers !aused o,er he o3en$ Aeya s run+ her bo' and sho an arro' a he +ian s 'ris $ The arro' boun"ed o%%$ The +ian !#u".ed u! he o3 and hre' i in o his &ou h/ "he'ed 'i h a "run"hin+ sound/ &o,ed he bi s around in his &ou h and "are%u##y re&o,ed %our hoo,es/ 'o horns and a s rin+y bi o% ai#/ 'hi"h he dro!!ed "asua##y ne3 o Aeya and I#&a ar$ I ha,e o #ea,e/( said Aeya ur+en #y$ I## +o as %ar as he "oas and see i%:i%:( Bu she had no ideas$ She "ou#d s'i& around o a !ar o% he "oas 'here he +ian s "ou#dn see her 5 i% he ar&our didn 'ei+h her do'n 5 bu hen shed need a boa $ The shie#d 'ou#dn %#oa on "a#& 'a er/ i had been !ushed here by he %or"e o% Cha&a"as eru! ion$ She #oo.ed des!era e#y a I#&a ar$ He #oo.ed un'i##in+$ This is no i&e o 'ei+h i u!8 You musthe#!/( she said$ 6e## a## he#!/( shou ed a ,oi"e$ I 'as Ta#ia / runnin+ o'ards he& %ro& he dire" ion o% he "a,es/ %o##o'ed by Ido#a/ *n"3on/ Sara% and 9ed$ *## 'ere bruised/ #i&!in+/ "o,ered in dir $ The +ian s had +one s i## a+ain/ disso#,in+ in o he ni+h s.y or he sea$ Theyre oyin+ 'i h us/ hou+h Aeya$ Bu 'e don ha,e any 'ea!ons/( shou ed 9ed a!o#o+e i"a##y$ 6e had an ar&oury$ Bu i "o##a!sed$( The %a hers 'ere ri+h $ The "a,es are %a##in+ in/( said Ido#a/ runnin+ 'ide o% he +rou!$ >e ba"./ %or +oodness sa.e/( said Aeya des!era e#y$ >e a'ay %ro& here$( * b#ue hand rea"hed ou / sna "hed Ido#a/ "rushed her and dro!!ed her bro.en body on he +round$ In he si#en"e o% sho". ha %o##o'ed/ Aeya 'hee#ed around o %a"e he +ian s/ bu hey had ,anished and a## she sa' 'as he b#a"./ 'ar&/ +en #y ro".in+ sea$ No: no:( I#&a ar 'as s andin+/ eyes !o!!in+/ his hands o,er his &ou h/ Ido#a8( The o hers surrounded Ido#as body/ .eenin+$ The air 'as %i##ed 'i h a &addened/ %ri+h enin+ sound 5 a 'hee#in+/ in"essan ho'#in+$ I 'as Ta#ia / bein+ su!!or ed by 9ed and Sara%/ 'ho #oo.ed abou des!era e#y %or si+ns o% he +ian s$ Aeya 'en as %ar a'ay as she "ou#d and "rou"hed do'n 'i h her hands o,er her head$ She 'as oo asha&ed o sho' her %a"e$ I did no &a er 'he her she deser,ed heir &is rus or no @ i 'as be"ause o% her ha he +ian s 'ere a a".in+$ He#!8 He#!8( "ried Ta#ia / ro".in+$ He#! &e$ He#! &e$( *n"3on 'as "are%u##y "he".in+ Ido#as body/ %ee#in+ her ne". and 'ris / %ee#in+ %or her hear bea and !assin+ her hands a#on+ her ar&s and #e+s$ She #oo.ed a Ta#ia and shoo. her head$ Ta#ia hre' ba". her head and s"rea&ed/ hoarse and dee!/ hen she s ared a Aeya hrou+h hooded eyes$ You$ You did his$ I% i 'eren %or you:$( Tha s no rue/ Ta#ia /( said *n"3on$ The +ian s 'ere %or an e3"use$( Ta#ia no' %i3ed her #oo. on I#&a ar$ Her eyes and "hee.s +#i ered as hou+h her ears 'ere &ade o% dia&onds$ Brin+ her ba".$( 6ha :&e4( he said 'ea.#y$ You sen a boy o e erna# s#ee!$ No' do he o!!osi e$ Brin+ her ba".$( Bu shes: I &ean: Ta#ia / do,e: ha "anno be$ Ido#a is no as#ee!$ 6ha you as. re;uires a rans%or&a ion 'hi"h +oes oo dee!$ I "an do i $ No1one "an do i $ I& on#y a "on2urer/ a "#o'n$( You &ade he %a hers i&&or a#/( said Ta#ia / her ,oi"e "ho.ed$
)o you 'an o .no' ho'4( I#&a ar san. do'n by Ido#as body$ 6e 'ere youn+$ ?ery youn+$ Our &o her had been .i##ed$ *## us "hi#dren had been hidin+ benea h %or &on hs$ I 'as .no'n o be in eres ed in &a+i" ri".s/ as a si##y !as i&e$ So o &a.e ourse#,es %ee# be er/ as a +a&e/ 'e "hi#dren de,ised our o'n: be#ie%s and &e hods: our o'n #i #e 'or#d$ 6e e#e" ed Reias and E#an ur as our #eaders a% er hey 'on a &arb#es ourna&en $ I 'as us 'ho de"ided ho' i&&or a#i y 'ou#d be +ained/ and ho' 'ar#i.e beha,iour 'ou#d be a,oided %or e,er$ Bu 'e 'ere 2us "hi#dren/ & i u!$ Tha s 'hy I #i.e you/ Be#o'$ 6ere he sa&e$ Theres no o#d !rin"i!#e o% &a+i"$ Theres no an"ien 'ay$ Those boo.s you s ru++#e o read are %ar&in+ &anua#s and "o##e" ions o% househo#d bi##s and re"i!es/ or ou da ed #a's$ To +ain i&&or a#i y 5 so 'e o#d ourse#,es/ and he o hers 5 'e oo. he bodies o% he +ian s/ dra++in+ he& 'i h ro!es o he o!en %ire a he "a,es$ 6e "u he& in o !ie"es 5 ( I#&a ar8 Re&e&ber 1 hey are here8( hissed Aeya$ Aee! ho#d o% your on+ue$ This is no he i&e %or an en"ore$( Bu I#&a ar 'as a#&os in a ran"e/ si in+ "ross1#e++ed$ The o hers 'ere #is enin+/ hy!no ised$ 6e bea he !ie"es o &a.e he& ender and boi#ed he& in "au#drons o% s e'$ *nd I &ade Reias and E#an ur ea he&/ and I !ar oo. o% so&e &yse#%$( 6e +round heir bones and &i3ed he& 'i h our 'hea / and as 'e a e/ " and s!i in+/ 'e %e# a## heyd +one hrou+h$ Their res #essness/ heir odd %ear o% us 5 %or hey do %ear us/ you .no'/ he 'ay 'e %ear ra s 5 heir an+er and !ride/ and heir o'n !ain$ They on#y ha,e heir "i y/ o#d and 'a##ed$ Theyre ha ed 'here,er hey +o$ *s 'e a e/ 'e si".ened 'i h our .no'#ed+e$ I 'as as hou+h 'e as ed e,ery dro! o% +ian s b#ood ha had been s!i##ed$ Our innards burned 'i h heir #oss and #a&en $ -y bro hers 'ere no he sa&e a+ain$( Those are %ab#es %ro& his ory/ "hi#drens a#es/( in erru! ed Ta#ia $ 6ho .no's i% heyre rue or no 4 I don 'an your &y hs$ The %a hers 'i## say any hin+$ Brin+ &y sis er ba".$( I is no !ossib#e o re,erse a &urder$ *nd as %or &y bro hers i&&or a#i y/( he shru++ed/ +ian s e' or no +ian s e'/ 'ho .ne' i% i 'or.ed or no 4 Theyre on#y in heir #a e se,en ies$ I& no so %ar behind$ 6e &i+h a## die o% o#d a+e$ I su++es 'e &a.e a run %or i $( T'o b#ue ar&s rea"hed o,er$ One hand !i".ed 9ed u! by he an.#e/ dan+#in+ hi&/ s"rea&in+/ %ar o,er he heads o% he o hers$ The o her hand "#a'ed a dee! rou+h in o he +round$ 9ed 'as dro!!ed 'ai#in+ in o he rou+h/ he rou+h 'as "o,ered u! and !a ed o,er/ and 9ed 'as buried a#i,e$ *n"3on/ Sara%/ I#&a ar and Aeya s"ra&b#ed o'ards i and be+an "#a'in+ a i 'hi#e he +round ro##ed under heir .nees 'i h he ,i+our o% he +ian s &ir h$ I s oo dee!/( said *n"3on$ Aeya +a,e *n"3on her #on+ shie#d o di+ 'i h and used he round one herse#%$ To I#&a ar she +a,e her &as.$ Sara% #ay in sho". a he side$ His eyes 'ere o!en and dry$ The b#ue hand ho,ered o,er he& aun in+#y$ Aeya sen a s#ash o% !o'er o'ards i $ I #e% a iny s rea. o% b#ood/ #i.e a !a!er "u / and he s&e## o% "oo.ed &ea arose$ The hand 'i hdre' and dar.#y "hu".#in+ #au+h er rin+ed he "oas $ Loo. 'ha you,e done/( brea hed I#&a ar$ I didn do any hin+/( said Aeya shor #y$ No o he +ian s$( The e'es and o3en 'ere a## dead/ "au+h in he ar" o% her !o'er and i s un"on ro##ed/ !ani".in+ s#i"e$ Their hroa s 'ere s#i / heir #e+s 'i "hed and heir o!en eyes s ared/ %i#&y and 'hi e$ In he &idd#e o% he&/ s arin+ a her 'i h ha red and %ear/ 'as Ta#ia / ho#din+ Ido#as body o her$ Bo h 'ere dren"hed in he ani&a#s b#ood$ You a.e dea h 'here,er you +o/ is ha no so4( said Ta#ia / her eyes burnin+ in o Aeya$ N1 no/( said Aeya/ un"er ain#y/ her body !ri".#in+ in %ear and horror$ You 'ere ha ed 'here youre %ro&$ They %eared 'ha you &i+h brin+/ so hey e3!e##ed you$ *nd you brou+h i here$( No: no:(
Aeya urned and ried o run %ro& he si+h o% 'ha shed done/ bu a b#ue hand %#i".ed her shar!#y as i% she 'as no &ore han a +a&es "oun er$ She %#e' hrou+h he air/ #anded hard/ ro##ed a dis an"e and ended u! s!ra'#ed/ +nashin+ her ee h in !ain$ *round her he +ian s +rabbed he dead ani&a#s/ hre' ba". heir heads and dro!!ed he& in o heir &ou hs/ "he'in+ s#o'#y and 'i h re#ish/ s!i in+ ou he hoo,es and horns 5 and/ %or hose 'hod ea en he %#ee"y e'es/ #on+ s rin+s o% !er%e" #y 'is ed %#u%%y 'hi e 'oo#$ Ta#ia !aid no a en ion o he +ian s/ o Sara% or o 9ed$ She bare#y %#in"hed 'hen a +ian s %in+er +ra0ed her$ Aeya "ra'#ed ba". o 9eds +ra,e and 'or.ed &ani"a##y o %ree hi&/ rea"hin+ do'n in o he dir $ She %e# a hand "#u "hin+ hers$ She +ras!ed i and !u##ed i u!/ s'ee!in+ he soi# a'ay %ro& he ar&/ he shou#der/ bu 9ed 'as dead$ His ne". had bro.en 'hen he hi he +round$ She/ I#&a ar and *n"3on s'e! he ear h in a+ain and a&!ed i do'n$ Le us bury Ido#a oo/( I#&a ar be++ed Ta#ia $ Ne,er$ I## ne,er #e +o o% her and I## ne,er &o,e %ro& here$ Unders and4( Aeya #in+ered by he& as hey a#.ed/ bu Ta#ia i+nored her$ She "ou#d %ee# ha e,ery &o&en she s ayed/ Ta#ia #oa hed her &ore$ Aeya/ he +ian s are dis ra" ed/( 'his!ered Sara%/ soundin+ 'ea. and nu&b$ I% you 'an o +e a'ay/ I ha,e an idea$ *n"3on4( I& in$( I#&a ar 'as +e in+ u! hea,i#y a+ain/ he soi# %ro& his robes$ He #oo.ed e,ery day o% his se,en y1so&e hin+ years$ Le s +o/ Aeya/( said *n"3on ur+en #y$ Ta#ia /( said Aeya$ Ta#ia / I& sorry$( )on a#. o &e$( I ho!e I see you a+ain$( You ne,er 'i##$( *bo,e he&/ he +ian s 'ere %inishin+ heir %eas $ S#obbered bi s o% ra' &ea and ri!!ed %ur %e## around he&/ as did dro!s o% b#ood and " hoo,es/ horns and ee h$ 6hy don hey ea us4( Aeya as.ed I#&a ar$ 6e +i,e he& indi+es ion$ *nd ha,in+ as ed he& in heir urn/ I "an !ro&ise you i 'or.s bo h 'ays$ >oodbye Aeya$ Sorry no o be &ore use$ -y %ide#i y is o &y bro hers$ I has o be$( He urned a'ay and raised his "#oa. around Ta#ia and Ido#a$ 6e 'an o %a"e he sun/( said Ta#ia o I#&a ar/ e&bra"in+ her sis er$ Ta#ia "rad#ed Ido#as body$ Bo h heir s.ins 'ere dar. and "ra".ed 'i h dried ani&a# b#ood/ e3"e! %or he 'o %resh #ines/ 'e ed 'i h ears/ ha ran do'n Ta#ia s "hee.s$ The dried b#ood see&ed o +ro' un i# i 'as a#&os he sa&e "o#our as he ear h around 9eds +ra,e$ Ido#as hand &er+ed 'i h i / and Ta#ia s #e+s 'here she .ne# &i3ed 'i h i oo/ un i# i #oo.ed as hou+h hey 'ere +ro'in+ ou o% he ear h$ Ta#ia s ears %e## #i.e 'hi e s ars$ No 5 Aeya s;uin ed 5 hey 'ere &ore #i.e iny %#o'ers han s ars$ She 'a "hed one %a## do'n and o!en +en #y/ and 'hen she #oo.ed a+ain in o Ta#ia s and Ido#as %a"es/ she +a,e a s ar o% sur!rise$ The +ir#s 'ere +one$ * youn+/ e#e+an #y sha!ed/ 'o1 run.ed ree 'as here/ i s #ea,es and bran"hes in er 'ined/ i s %#o'ers dee! 'hi e/ a he head o% 9eds +ra,e/ and s!read beside i s %resh/ ne' roo s 'as I#&a ars si#,er "a!e 5 ye i 'as no a "a!e a a##/ bu a !udd#e o% !ure/ "#ean/ si#,ery 'a er$ Ho' did she do i 4( as.ed Aeya in ad&ira ion$ -y &o hers a shre'd 'o&an/( said Sara%/ hen his %a"e "ru&b#ed$ She was$( *n"3on/ Aeya and Sara% 'ere in a 'ooden boa house "#e,er#y bui# in o an underhan+ o% ro".$ They had ra"ed here in he #as &o&en s o% he +ian s sna"./ and e,en as hey ran hey "ou#d hear ru&b#in+ ,oi"es and he s&ash o% bui#din+s behind he&$ I hou+h he +ian s des royed a## he shi!s4( as.ed Aeya$ Near#y a##/( Sara% "orre" ed her$ They didn need o "rush e,ery sin+#e one$ No1one 'ou#d ha,e sai#ed any'ay$ The 'ars o,er oo. e,ery hin+$ *nd you "an see 'ha ha!!ened o !eo!#e a% er ha $( 6i## hose she# erin+ under he or!hana+e ha,e enou+h o sur,i,e on4(
No$ The %ood1s ores are &ea+re$ 6e didn hin. hered be ano her 'ar$ 6e 'ere naC,e$ 6e rus ed in he ru"e$( *n"3on 'as "he".in+ he she#,es in he boa house/ !u##in+ hea,y ar!au#ins o%% he&$ C#ouds o% dry dus rose u!/ and 'hen hey se #ed hey re,ea#ed 'e##1or+anised/ nu&bered run.s "on ainin+ e,ery hin+ ne"essary %or a ,oya+e/ 'i h #on+ ra".s o% i+h #y !inned &a!s/ in ri"a e#y .e! #o+s o% e,ery 2ourney/ %o#ded sai#s and ba+s o% s ran+e "urren"y/ e,ery hin+ %ro& "oins o s ones o beads o she##s$ *un Nayda .e! a re"ord o% e,ery hin+ she did/( said *n"3on/ bu her ,oya+e ended so sudden#y/ she didn ha,e a "han"e o rade or !ass o,er he #as #o o% 'ha shed &ade$ I s a## here7 orna&en s/ "#o hes/ oo#s/ &oney/ diaries o% her ad,en ures$ 6here,er 'e +o/ 'e "an re"rea e ourse#,es as a""o&!#ished/ edu"a ed/ 'or#d#y #adies$( 6hy didn you a.e he orna&en s and 2e'e##ery be%ore4( as.ed Aeya$ Theres no ,a#ue on hose hin+s here$ 6e,e a#'ays had %inery enou+h$( 6hy didn he 'i#d "hi#dren s ea# he&4( * +ood &er"han .no's ho' o !ro e" her +ains/( said Sara%$ *n"3on s&i#ed a hi& ender#y and Sara% s&i#ed ba".$ Aeya 'a "hed$ No'/ 'hen i 'as oo #a e %or hi& o %ee# i or o "are/ he 'ou#d ha,e a## *n"3ons #o,e/ she hou+h $ The boa house #oo.s #i.e a !#ane o% ro". %ro& he ou side$ These hin+s are no %or their hands$ Ta.e e,ery hin+$ I## ne,er use i /( he said$ In he &idd#e o% he yard 'as one re&ainin+ shi!$ In %ron o% i 'ere he #ar+e/ hri"e1barred doors o he "oas / dry 'i h sea air$ Behind i 'as a s&a##er se o% +a es #eadin+ %ur her in o he boa house/ !robab#y o a s ore roo&$ The shi! 'as a s&a##/ shar!/ !re"ise#y "ar,ed/ !oin ed ,esse# &ade o% shinin+ ye##o'ish 'ood/ 'i h a a## and e#e+an &as in he &idd#e and 'o shor er ones %ore and a% $ *n"3on dra++ed a run. o he side o% he shi!/ "#i&bed u! he ro!e #adder on he ou side and hen #e do'n he side 5 i "a&e do'n "rea.i#y/ s u". 'i h dus 5 so she "ou#d !u## he run. u! he ra&!$ Aeya %o##o'ed her #ead/ he res o% he run.s aboard$ E,ery so o% en/ he hin+s in he boa yard shoo./ a #i #e &ore ea"h i&e$ The re+i&en o% +ian s 'as +e in+ "#oser$ There are 'ho#e barre#s o% 'ine here/ bu 'ha do I do %or %ood4( as.ed Aeya$ P#en y o% %ish in he sea/ on he o her side/( said *n"3on bris.#y$ Thin. o% he +ian s 'hi#e you ea i / and +i,e a #au+h %or he&$ They## soon s ar,e o dea h here/ here are on#y a %e' &ore ani&a#s and 'ha #i #e "u# i,ab#e #and 'e ha,e 'ou#d hard#y &a.e enou+h o %i## one +ian s s o&a"h$ They &ere#y 'an he is#and o say hey ha,e i / sa&e as e,er$ Tha s he #as o% i /( said *n"3on 'hen she had a.en u! he %ina# run.$ >o be#o' and &a.e yourse#% a ho&e/ Aeya$( The roo&s o% he shi! 'ere s&a##/ !#ain/ "#ean and so#id/ 'i h hi". ben"hes/ s#ee!in+ bun.s and broad des.s bo# ed o he %#oor$ Sara% #os hi&se#% in e3!#orin+ he "on en s o% he run.s on he &ain de"./ #ea%in+ hrou+h Naydas !ar"h&en s and %o##o'in+ her 'ords/ "u dee! in o he sur%a"e and s#i+h #y raised 'i h &aroon in./ 'i h his %in+er i!$ *n"3on and Aeya #e% hi& o i %or a 'hi#e/ bu e,en ua##y here 'as no hin+ &ore o be done$ *re you sure i s a## ri+h %or &e o use hese hin+s4( Aeya as.ed hi&$ To+e her hey +en #y !u do'n he #id o% he #as run. and "arried i be#o' de".$ She 'ou#d ha,e 'an ed so&eone #i.e you o ha,e he&/( he said/ she ha youre no %ro& here$ She and I#&a ar desi+ned his boa o+e her$ She ne,er used i $ She 'as +oin+ o +i,e i o &e/ as soon as he %a hers se us %ree 5 a.e &e o%% on her #as +rea ad,en ure/ and &y %irs ,oya+e$ I 'an ed o ra,e#$( >ood$ Co&e 'i h &e$( I don %ee# #i.e i $( Then 2oin &e #a er$( There is no #a er$ The +ian s 'i## des roy he is#and$( Then come with me/ Sara%/( said Aeya a+ain$ Yes/ Sa%/ "o&e 'i h us/( said *n"3on$ Us4( said Sara%$ Ye!$ I& +oin+ 'i h Aeya$ I,e had i $(
* hud abo,e he& &ade he boa yard "rea.$ The shi! re&b#ed %ine#y on i s under1s!ine$ They 'ai ed/ ho#din+ heir brea h/ and i !assed o,er/ %o##o'in+ by he hea,y/ u&b#in+ sound o% "hun.s o% bui#din+ %a##in+ o he +round$ I 'an o sur,i,e/( said *n"3on si&!#y$ She ran be#o' and e&er+ed a+ain 'i h a &a!/ dra'n on "an,as/ s re "hed 'i h a 'ooden %ra&e$ You "an he#! us na,i+a e$( She !oin ed o he #e% &os !ar o% he &a!/ 'ere a %e' b#obs had been s.e "hed in b#a".$ Those are he ba".'ard #ands o% "haos and un1unders andin+$ *nd I hin. his is us$ There are so&e &ore is#ands/ hen he &ain#and 5 you &us %o##o' i in$ Theres:( she !eered "#ose#y/ a ri,er/ or so&e +a es4 I "an e## i% heyre bars or 'a,es$ *nd he "i y/( she said #on+in+#y$ Naydas been here$ I% 'e +o in his dire" ion 5 ( The en ire !or ion o% he "oas 2o# ed #i.e a bri". bein+ .i".ed ou o% !#a"e and hey a## s!ra'#ed on he de". %#oor$ The &a! 'as .no".ed ou o% *n"3ons hand$ I s ru". he %ar ed+e and "#a ered ba".$ I hadn bro.en$ *n"3on hun+ on o he side o% he shi! and Aeya +ri!!ed one o% he ro!es 'hi"h des"ended in hi". s rands %ro& he %ron &as $ Sara% #oo.ed a he doors 'hi"h #e on o he sea/ hen #on+in+#y a"ross he ye##o' boards o% his &o hers shi!$ He +o sha.i#y o his %ee and s a++ered/ on he se,ere#y ro".in+ boa / do'n he ro!e #adder$ 6here are you +oin+4( shou ed Aeya$ To #e you ou $( O!en he doors/ hen 2oin us$( Aeya hau#ed herse#% u! o he 'hee#/ her boo s bra"ed a+ains he bo o& ed+e$ She urned he 'hee#/ i 'ren"hed i se#% ou o% her hands and ri+h ed i se#% %ir&#y$ Sara% 'as #i% in+ he %irs o% he hree bars 'hi"h %as ened he doors a+ains he "oas $ )es!i e his s#i&ness he didn see& o ha,e roub#e he hea,y bars ou o% he bra".e s$ Ho' are you doin+ ha 4( Aeya "a##ed/ 'a "hin+ %ro& o,er he o! o% he 'hee#$ I o!ens o a %riend/( he re!#ied$ The sea 'e#"o&es ra,e##ers$( He s#id he #as bar %ree and he doors s'un+ 'ide$ The ou side air rushed in$ Sara% 'en around he side o "#i&b u! and 2oin he&$ *n"3on and Aeya s ood a he %ron / ou a he sea$ The doors 'ou#d ne,er #e us ou / be%ore/ 'hen Sa% and I 'ere !#ayin+$ The %a hers had %as ened he&$ They,e %or+o en abou i no'/( said *n"3on$ Ho' did you +e here be%ore4( Theres ano her 'a er1rou e o he or!hana+e behind us$ *## nob#es !#a"es are #in.ed$( Youre no a%raid o be #ea,in+4( Aeya/ I a& desperate o #ea,e$( The shi! #i% ed and i# ed s&oo h#y as he %irs %#o' o% "o#d b#a". 'a er s#id in$ There 'as no hin+ be 'een he 'a er and he dis an sun and &oon/ 'hi"h 'ere bo h in he ha#%1#i s.y/ e3"e! %or a "ons an #y %a##in+ "ur ain o% b#a". s ones and "hun.s o% rubb#e and ear h o,er he ed+e o% he boa house/ %ro& he ruina ion abo,e$ The shi! #i% ed 'i hou a sound$ 6e shou#d !u## u! he #adder be%ore i +e s soa.ed/( said *n"3on$ Aeya urned o do i and s o!!ed shor $ The doors behind he& 'ere #oose/ 2us s'in+in+ shu / and Sara% had +one$ The hin ri,er 'hi"h #ed o he or!hana+e/ +#o'in+ in a si#,er #ine/ "ur,ed ou o% si+h $ Hes no "o&in+/( said Aeya/ b#an. 'i h disbe#ie%$ He 'an s o be by Nayda$( 6e shou#d 'ai $( Hes no "o&in+ ba".$ I .no' hi&$ He 'as oo !o#i e o say i ou ri+h /( He## re+re i $ Le s +o and +e hi&/ he "an be %ar ahead o% us$( S andin+ on i! oes and "#in+in+ o he ro!es/ she rea"hed ou and ried o !rise one o% he doors aside$ I &o,ed &inu e#y bu un&is a.ab#y aside$ She rea"hed %or i a+ain/ and i &o,ed a+ain$ *n"3on s o!!ed her +en #y$ They 'on #e you in$ Youre barred %ro& he or!hana+e$( The +round abo,e 'as hu&!ed hard$ *no her s ri.e %ro& abo,e/ and he shi! ro".ed s ee!#y/ s"ra!ed a hi". s#i"e o% briny 'a er u! he side o% he boa house and s!ooned i s rai+h on o
he de". o% he shi!$ Aeya 5 'e,e +o o +o/ or 'e## dro'n ourse#,es 'i hou +e in+ any'here/ or be "rushed$( * a## ro## o% s#i".#y shinin+ b#a". 'a er "a&e o &ee he&/ u".ed i se#% under he shi! and s'e! he& %or'ard in one #on+ sur+e$ 6i h ea"h dee! #un+1brea h o% he sea hey ro##ed ou %ur her on he shar! ye##o' shi!/ 'hi"h +#o'ed +o#d in he dar.enin+ #i+h $ I "u "ra% i#y hrou+h he 'a,es$ Aeya he#d on o he %ron !oin / a 'ha 'as o "o&e$ Behind he&/ he +ian s s ood a## on he is#and/ si#houe ed and s#o'$ They ben +ra"e%u##y and s'un+ heir ar&s 'ide$ Bui#din+s s&ashed a+ains he&/ u&b#in+ #i.e oys$ They redu"ed e,ery hin+ o dus $ O!a;ue !u%%s o% ur;uoise s&o.e arose/ &in+#ed 'i h he bro.en s one$ *s Aeya and *n"3on 'a "hed/ one s#ee. +ian s oo!ed o'ards he b#a". %#o'ers$ His rib"a+e &o,ed as he brea hed in$ They 'a "hed hi& +a her "u!!ed hand%u#s o% he s&o.e and ho#d he& o his %a"e$ Then hey 'a "hed hi& %a## do'n dro'si#y and s#ee!$ There are %ie#ds and %ie#ds o% hose %#o'ers and #i #e e#se/( said *n"3on$ The +ian s are "rushin+ he& as hey 'a#. on he&$ Tha s he on#y hin+ ha s "han+ed/ sin"e he #as round o% 'ar$ Perha!s i ## be di%%eren his i&e$ They## a## +o o s#ee!$( S#ee! is no dea h$ The 'i#d "hi#dren are !robab#y a#ready dead/ under he "a,es or b#o".ed and "rushed in he unne#s be 'een he "a,es and he or!hana+e/ no o be sa,ed$ Those o% you nob#es be#o' he or!hana+e 'i## s ar,e$ *nd here## s i## be ris. in +oin+ abo,e/ shou#d he +ian s a'a.e$( Yes/ 'e## die/ bu no by &urder as Sara% hin.s$ Theres #i #e %ood benea h he or!hana+e/ bu !#en y o% seeds/ and !#en y o% !i!es o +o =round$ The dea h 'i## be a !ain#ess one$ Shou#d he +ian s e,er a'a.en/ heir desire %or ,io#en"e 'i## be +one$( They "on inued ba".'ards un i# he is#and 'as dis an and dar.$ The air ha s.i&&ed o%% he sea 'as "o#d and %resh$ *n"3on 'en do'n and brou+h u! hi". %ur "a!es %or bo h o% he&$ Nayda "#ear#y hadn shared he %a hers ;ua#&s abou s.innin+ ani&a#s$ Aeyas s o&a"h ru&b#ed$ The +ir#s +i++#ed$ 6e## ha,e o s ar %ishin+$ There are ne s and bas.e s s ored on he shi!/( said *n"3on$ Bu I don .no' ho'$( I "an ea"h you$ -y sis er 'as +ood a i $ )e""a$ She 'as a hun er as 'e##$( *n"3on s&i#ed a her$ She .ne' he s ory$ I used o read #e+ends abou 'arriors and hun ers/( said *n"3on/ in boo.s +rabbed %ro& he ruins$ So&e &us ha,e been %ro& &y +rand!aren s #ibrary/ bu I ne,er .ne' 'hi"h ones/ o% "ourse$ The %a hers didn e## us 'hi"h ruined ho&es had been 'hose$ One o% &y ear#ies &e&ories is o% +oin+ u! o Reias and be++in+ %or one o% hose shor uni"s and hun in+ "a!s Id seen in a boo.$ I o#d hi& I 'an ed o +o in o he 'i#derness and ra". 'i#d beas s/ and o% "ourse he 'as s"anda#ised/ and he ne3 i&e I 'en o %ind &y %a,ouri e boo./ i 'asn here$ * %e' ni+h s #a er/ I#&a ar !u on a ne' sho'$ The Le+end o% Tyr$( >o on/( said Aeya/ snu++#in+ in o her "a!e$ Tyr 'as he de,o ed dau+h er o% a +rea #ord 'ho #o,ed o +o hun in+$ She o% en a""o&!anied he hun $ Bu he #ord 'as a 2ea#ous &an/ %or he #o,ed Tyr so %ier"e#y and on#y 'an ed o .ee! her sa%e and +i,e her he bes $ Li #e did Tyr .no' ha any youn+ ser,an boy 'ho o+#ed her 'as urned in o a s a+ by he #ord/ and sho $ Then orn o !ie"es by he #ords do+s$ Then roas ed by his "he%$ Then ser,ed as %in+er1%ood a his !ar ies$ Tyr +re' o ido#ise her %a her and 'an ed o be a hun er herse#%$ She s ar ed +oin+ ou a#one/ o !ra" ise/ bu as she ,en ured %ur her her %a her rus ed her #ess and #ess/ and %eared he ou er 'or#d &ore and &ore/ %or she 'as "a,a#ier 'i h his 'arnin+s and didn heed he&$ Throu+h +rea and di%%i"u# &a+i" he rans%or&ed hi&se#% in o a deer o %o##o' her hrou+h he %ores $ Tyr sa do'n one day o 'ai %or a .i##/ and as she did/ hrou+h her "are#essness/ she didn see a s"or!ion had s"u #ed u! behind her/ i s s in+ #on+ and red$ The %irs ru#e o% hun in+ is o be sure o% your surroundin+s$ The s"or!ion s un+ her in he ba". and she died/ ye he %a her/ in his deer %or&/ didn .no' he &a+i"s o urn hi&se#% ba". o sa,e her in i&e$ So Tyr !erished/ a ,i" i& o% her "uriosi y/ a" in+ 'i hou !ro e" ion/ her %a hers "on"ern so ri+h #y 2us i%ied$ :Tha s ory 'as +i,en as a 'arnin+$ I 'as a "hi#d and i +a,e &e ni+h &ares %or &on hs$ They hou+h i
'ou#d s o! &e be"o&in+ an ad,en urer$( I 'as &ean o s o! you be"o&in+ a #o,er/ ra her$ I% a## Tyrs #o,e1ob2e" s &e 'i h ,io#en ends$( Ei her 'ay/ hey 'ere 'ron+/( said *n"3on 'i h sa is%a" ion as he sea s&oo hed around he&$ I## always see. ad,en ure and #o,e 'i## ne&er brin+ &e do'n$( *N) HERE EN)S THE PRE?IE6