Geoinformatics 2009 Vol02
Geoinformatics 2009 Vol02
Geoinformatics 2009 Vol02
G FME 2009 G Magellan ProMark 500 G The OpenGeo Stack
G Cyclomedia G Kalypso Open Source
Magaz i ne f or Sur veyi ng, Mappi ng & GI S Pr of es s i onal s
March 2009
Volume 12
Creating Opportunities instead
of Problems
This editorial will be not be about the economic crisis. Well, maybe a little bit. The crisis is
also affecting the geospatial industry, but I prefer to talk about the opportunities this creates
rather than all the negative effects that fill the papers and news broadcasts 24-7. In this
issue you can read about innovative, successful initiatives undertaken by companies, user
communities, scientists and more: people who are determined to get the best out of their
products and data and are looking for new opportunities if present solutions fall short. The
articles we present here give a broad overview of how the industry is on the move,
everywhere and all the time.
For the first time we are presenting a series of articles on Open Source GIS solutions. Its
success didnt come overnight, but was in most cases the result of years and years of
development. The advantages of open source software are clear: free source code and free
distribution. In a time when you need to cut back on expenses, free software is tempting.
But lets not hurry things too much: software can be free but this does not mean your
problems are solved.
However, we believe we need to inform you about new initiatives in the open source
landscape. Last year we presented an interview with open source guru Paul Ramsey, and
with this issue we offer you a series of articles on open source software initiatives such as
QGIS, Kalypso and OpenGeo Stack. These three articles represent just the tip of the open
source iceberg and Im very proud the authors wanted to share their experiences with open
source software in GeoInformatics. Also, the efforts of Fugro Aerial Mapping and Cyclomedia
should be mentioned when it comes to innovative new products. Spatial data experts will be
happy to find an interview with Safe Software, which just released FME 2009. In the
surveying, mapping and photogrammetric contributions I find the same innovative approach
as in the articles Ive mentioned, so I can safely say that this issue will give the reader a lot
of inspiration for creating opportunities in his or her daily work.
Enjoy your reading,
Eric van Rees
March 2009
GeoInformatics provides coverage, analysis and
commentary with respect to the international surveying,
mapping and GIS industry.
Ruud Groothuis
Eric van Rees
Frank Arts
Florian Fischer
Job van Haaften
Huibert-Jan Lekkerkerk
Remco Takken
Joc Triglav
James Fee
Contributing Writers
Florian Fischer
Gordon Petrie
Joc Triglav
Remco Takken
Huibert-Jan Lekkerkerk
Gernot Belger
Michael Haase
Thomas Jung
Kaj Lippert
Sebastian Benthall
Otto Dassau
Gary Sherman
Tim Sutton
Marco Hugentobler
Paolo Cavallini
Rebecca Peck
Account Manager
Wilfred Westerhof
GeoInformatics is available against a yearly
subscription rate (8 issues) of 89,00.
To subscribe, fill in and return the electronic reply
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All enquiries should be submitted to
Ruud Groothuis
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Graphic Design
Sander van der Kolk
ISSN 13870858
Copyright 2008. GeoInformatics: no material may
be reproduced without written permission.
GeoInformatics is published by
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c r o s s m e d i a l p u b l i s h e r
Cyclomedias large scale Visualisations
Dutch company Cyclomedia specializes in creating large amounts of
panoramic spherical imagery. These visualizations are finding their way
to a broad range of costumers and different work fields. To maintain a
lead in the market, research and development of the system connected
to capturing the imagery is indispensible. CSO Sander Jongeleen explains
all about the companys main product, recent projects and R&D activi-
C o n t e n t
March 2009
Higher Accuracies with FLI-MAP 400 6
Innovation Project strengthens Fugro
Aerial Mappings Market Position
Enterprise Mash-ups 14
Spatial Business Intelligence the Way You want It
The Reykjavik Graffiti Project 30
Handheld Computers with Built-In GPS
Capabilities help to clean up Graffiti
GNSS Update 34
Kalypso Open Source 36
A GIS-based Platform for Environmental
and Water Resources Modeling
The OpenGeo Stack 40
An Open Source Web GIS Solution
Quantum GIS 1.0 44
A Testimony to the Power of Open Source
A Profile of the ScanEx Company 54
A Russian Commercial Remote Sensing Success Story
Product Review
Magellan ProMark 500 18
Back to the Future
FME 2009 10
Improving Performance in handling Spatial Data
Cyclomedias large scale Visualisations 22
Creating up-to-date Panoramic Spherical Imagery
Geoserve 26
Adding Value to the Distribution
Chain of Satellite Imagery
An Interview with
Pitney Bowes James Buckley 48
New Software, New Division
Page 22
FME 2009
In January 2009, Safe Software
released FME 2009. Joc Triglav
had an interview with Safe
Softwares co-founders Don
Murray and Dale Lutz and asked
them all about the improve-
ments of this new soft-
ware, its new data trans-
formers, FME Server,
support for 3D data
and more.
Page 10
Latest News? Visit
March 2009
On the Cover:
Satellite image of Bandar Abbas, a port city in the south of Iran.
Image owned by Digital Globe. See the article on page 26.
Enterprise Mash-ups
Mash-ups have become very popular in the domain of neogeography and
big players like Microsoft, Intel and IBM have developed incredibly easy-
to-use mash-up tools. Florian Fischer has a look at these tools and exam-
ines how mash-ups could make their way into enterprises to make busi-
ness intelligence tools more spatially aware.
Page 26
The OpenGeo Stack
The OpenGeo software stack provides a way to connect people with geo-
graphic information through the web, but with a difference: it is entirely
open source. The stack includes PostGIS, a spatial database; GeoServer, a
server for geospatial data; GeoWebCache, a tile caching proxy; and
OpenLayers, a map viewing library. They can be used individually and with
a variety of other projects. But OpenGeo's comprehensive support makes
it especially easy to combine them all into a complete and customizable
web GIS solution.
Page 40
Putting Spatial Analysis in Front of Users p.35
By James Fee
Panasonic Toughbooks, the Seventh Generation 52
Advancements in LED, Touch Screen and Connectivity
Calendar 58
Advertisers Index 58
Page 14
Higher Accuracies
A Dutch innovation project for the Ministry of Transport
(Rijkswaterstaat) with very demanding accuracy
requirements contributed to a further refining of the
FLI-MAP system. Through the use of so-called LiDAR
marker boards, higher accuracies can now be achieved
when surveying roads, rail roads and DTM-design
projects. These successes can be used as input for
comparable projects abroad. Huug Haasnoot, Managing
Director of Fugro Aerial Mapping B.V. explains how such
high accuracies of better than 20mm can be reached and
what this means for Fugros market position.
By Eric van Rees
How has FLI-MAP been developed into the system you
have now with such a high accuracy?
We started with FLI-MAP 10 years ago and since then it has under-
gone an enormous amount of development. Two years ago we intro-
duced much more accurate lasers onto the market, which allowed sur-
vey ranges to be measured within 1 centimetre. This presented us with
the challenge to increase the total accuracy of the LiDAR point cloud
by defining the position and attitude of the helicopter as precisely as
possible. The solution was reached by minimalizing the error in the
positions through the use of LiDAR marking points.
Back in 2003, we carried out a test with the Dutch Ministry of Transport
to define the accuracy of FLI-MAP and to see if all road-side details
could be recorded. The conclusion was that this system was just not
accurate enough and did not record small features such as hectometre
poles: the resolution for this was not sufficient.
When we introduced our new FLI-MAP 400 system onto the market,
there was also a tender for an innovation project just released by the
Ministry of Transport, Public Work and Water Management (also known
as Rijkswaterstaat). The ministry wanted to reward five innovative
projects that contribute to new developments. For this, a proposal had
to be written from which ultimately five providers would be chosen.
FLI-MAP was one of them, and subsequently we did a test with
Rijkswaterstaat to find out how a road design, using FLI-MAP 400,
could be executed. In September 2006 we completed the flying
I nt er vi ew
Innovation Project strengthens Fugro
Aerial Mappings Market Position
March 2009
followed by a lot of research and data processing. After field and accu-
racy controls were done by Rijkswaterstaat, the conclusion reached was
that the necessary accuracy could be achieved with FLI-MAP for creat-
ing a road design. The report by the Ministry was very positive and we
have since been able to use FLI-MAP 400 for a number of projects in
the Netherlands. At the same time we took this expertise to our
European clients and FLI-MAP partners, in both Serbia and Greece,
where quickly and accurately a road corridor had to be surveyed.
The high accuracy can also quite easily be achieved using traditional
surveying methods, but with projects like these you are dealing with
hundreds of kilometres and a short timescale to completion. Since we
can survey by air, we can deliver the data to the client much faster.
These types of projects always lack time. People are always behind
schedule because the surveying work is mostly a side-issue, and as
always, the results had to be known yesterday.
How could you guarantee the accuracy with all these
To guarantee this, we placed LiDAR marker boards alongside the
corridor. We put control points every few kilometres, which we
surveyed very accurately using RTK GPS and precise levelling. That way
we can obtain extremely accurate benchmarks, which can be easily
recognized in the laser data. This allows us to perform an accurate
control of the surveyed position and height.
Ultimately, we developed special software to correct the position of
the helicopter with the use of additional control measurements of these
boards. We have mastered this really well and that way we correct the
data until it fits within circa two centimetres. We do this particularly
with roads, railroads and design projects that require a high-accuracy
We are a company that wants to get as much as possible out of our
FLI-MAP system in this particular market. We are known as an innova-
tive company and we want to maintain that position. With FLI-MAP 400
we made a big step forward. The current market is demanding more
and more, particularly higher details, higher accuracies and detailed
visual information.
An example of this is that RGB values are measured independently
and saved immediately, 250.00 per second. A linescan camera is inte-
grated with the laser so that after the flight we immediately get the
x,y,z and RGB colour values. Admittedly, these are not photos from a
camera, but they can be used directly as true-orthos for further
processing. Our most recently developed system has been used com-
mercially since September. Besides the frequency of 250,000 laser dots
per second, the system is also capable of producing a multiple pulse
in the air-solution, which means that the next pulse can be sent out
before the previous one has returned. This allows us to fly at a higher
altitude and therefore survey a wider corridor. We also made a step
forward in providing better visual material by developing a dual down-
ward camera so that flying at higher altitudes, we record an even small-
er pixel size and wider strip. If we fly at 200 meters, the pixel size is 2
centimetres and you are able to zoom-in with high detail. At 1000 metres
we still can get a 15 centimetre pixel size.
To what extent are you engaged in data analysis for cus-
tomers, or are you only concerned with acquiring data?
In the Netherlands we are engaged in data analysis and processing
for end products, but abroad we often hand this over to our FLI-MAP
partner. Spain and Portugal are good examples of this. There we have
a partner, Estereofoto, which has developed an impressive GIS applica-
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March 2009
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500 ProMark
Cycloramas are one way of doing this.
Classically measured objects can be captured
with the panoramic pictures that we provide
to our clients. Also, in Belgium the govern-
ment is looking for a way to accelerate the
process of updating the national base map
by using our imagery instead of taking terres-
trial measurements.
After classifying and filing these traffic signs,
the next step is to automate this process. We
created a whole new type of algorithm, which
automatically detects, classifies and measures
traffic objects. It also tells us where this pro-
cess works and where it does not, so that we
know where to check things manually. What
we want to produce are databases of stan-
dardized base material, with Cycloramas, aeri-
al photography and various types of content
able to be automatically measured, such as
traffic signs, lamp posts, etc. You can run the
automatic feature detection across the screen
through a series of images. The algorithms
measure corresponding points and if they are
recognized they can be measured automati-
cally. This creates a 3D registration of the
environment that looks like a point cloud,
which you can then use as a model to over-
lay the Cycloramas as a texture. With special
monitors that show depth, we project these
It writes approximately 80 megabytes of raw
imagery per second to a PC with several par-
allel disks. We organized a network of people
to bring all that data to our office in time.
With our new system we can capture imagery
very quickly, in comparison to our old system,
where we had to stop after each recording
point for six seconds. Also, these images were
captured from one point of view.
Our main product is the imagery, but we need
this high-tech system to create imagery with
such high quality. The fact that we understand
so well how to build our cameras, means that
we can produce large registrations with excep-
tionally high quality. We possess this combi-
nation. We are also able to do content analy-
sis because we know how to position these
images, independent of how and where a
vehicle was at the moment of capturing the
image. You cant do this with a random image,
you have to know how its being created.
Sander Jongeleen is CSO of Cyclomedia. For more
information, have a look at:
Other links:
models to create environments you can mea-
sure virtually. We are not interested in small
models, but think of models of one country
as whole.
Creating Cycloramas requires a lot of technol-
ogy and research. Jongeleen: When looking
at the Cyclorama chain, we develop our own
camera systems, processing software, man-
agement software based on standard
databases, our hosting applications, and anal-
ysis and 3D construction software. This is all
done in-house. At the moment we have 40
R&D employees. We position ourselves as
content makers, integrating this content
inside an application. We also have partners
for all markets that we serve. What a lot of
people dont realize, is that theres a whole
chain around this capturing process. It takes
a while before you are able to start driving
and capturing images, for instance, calibra-
tion of the system. We add around five vehi-
cles a month with our new image capturing
The new system contains a high-quality GPS
antenna, two specific cameras, a temperature
tuning unit and an eye-view trackers naviga-
tion sensor, all packed into one compact unit.
Latest News? Visit
I nt er vi ew
March 2009
Cyclomedia vehicle
Adding Value to the Distribution Chain of Satellite Imagery
Geoserve is a Dutch distributor of satellite data and offers information and distribution services. Active since 1997, the
company specialized itself in getting the right data for the customer. At the moment they are operational in 18 countries
all over the world. Frank Wouters, CEO of Geoserve, explains how the company operates in the data satellite imagery
distribution chain, and why culture is so important. Last year, a self-organized conference for suppliers and end users
of satellite imagery showed the added value of the company in this highly specialized and rapidly growing market.
By Eric van Rees
Can you give an overview of the
satellite imagery market? What is
Geoserves place in this market?
Actually, we supply raw data to everyone
who needs it, like large end users such as oil
companies, ministries, large engineering com-
panies and the like. But we also win service
contracts, such as those from the JRC in Italy:
this is the research agency of the European
Union that writes out tenders on which you
can bid. If you win such a contract, you have
supply rights for five years for a fixed price.
Apart from this, there are lots of small clients
who incidentally need data, and what Id call
interesting gadgets. For instance, people
who want to know if dredging work has been
done according contractual agreements.
I started this company by myself in 1997,
and now we are six people. We have a sales
volume of 1,5 to 2 million Euros a year and
this amount is still growing. One notices that
the kind of sales and the way of doing busi-
ness changes very much, and also the
amount of work is growing more and more.
In the early days, you could choose between
four or five satellites but now there are twen-
ty five of them, so you need to have more
knowledge which takes a little more effort,
before you can give your customers good
For Geoserve, its more or less accidental
where we are active and where we are not.
At the moment, we have customers in 18 dif-
ferent countries, which is not bad for a small
Last year you organized a conference
at Schiphol Airport in the Nether -
lands, where you invited several
satellite imagery distributors and
their clients. Can you tell me about
the use and necessity of this
conference? How do you look back
at the event?
For us, organizing this conference was an
experiment that turned out to be a success.
We as a company are so convinced of our
added value in the distribution chain and of
the fact that this market is so complicated, that
we decided to put all our clients and distribu-
tors in one room. There was a risk of clients
saying we dont need Geoserve, I can do busi-
ness with suppliers directly, but we were sure
I nt er vi ew
March 2009
of our role so we didnt think we would be
eliminated from the chain. It was also a nice
experiment, because our clients could speak
to our suppliers, which is something they dont
normally do because we are the intermediate
party. Everyone had a good time that day, and
I have the feeling that we gained more cus-
tomers instead of losing clients. We hope to
organize the next Geoserve conference in 2010.
Also, we want to keep it free for everyone and
organize it at a location that can be reached
easily, to show that logistics is a matter of
using ones brains.
When we started in 1997, the internet was all
very new and we didnt know if everybody was
going to gather information all by themselves,
and not consult us. Before that time, we were
the only ones having fax and telephone con-
tacts with main suppliers. We were uncertain
if we could make a difference in this market
now that suppliers could publish their prod-
ucts on the internet so that everyone could
look these up for themselves. The answer has
always been yes, and I foresee that this will
stay that way: of course everyone can go to a
supplier and get an offer, but the question is
if you havent deprived yourself seriously.
One thing that struck me during the
presentations of all the data distrib-
utors, was that you have to know
every little detail to be able to tell
the difference between the services
of one distributor and another.
This is exactly our problem when finding new
employees. You can get employees with a cer-
tain basic knowledge, but you will have to
not as their main activity, but as a side line. I
have always thought that in the long run, you
cannot afford this because the industry would
professionalize so that only the companies
that would invest and focus most would sur-
vive. And thats what were trying to do.
educate them yourself. This is a disadvantage,
but you can turn this into an advantage as
well. Our mission is also unique in Europe,
except for the big organizations, but I dont
know any small companies that focus purely
on distribution in Europe. There are a lot of
companies out there that treat distribution
Latest News? Visit
I nt er vi ew
March 2009
Satellite Imagery samples
Only from Topcon, the pioneer
of Digital Imaging Surveying.
GLS-1000 Laser Scanner
- New Scanner technology
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Has the quality of satellite imagery
yet reached a maximum? And how
about the techniques of acquiring
this imagery?
No, the techniques are still developing rapid-
ly. At this moment there is the problem of leg-
islative restrictions instead of technical restric-
tions. The GeoEye-1 imagery is more detailed
than what is sold. Technically seen, it can be
41 centimeters resolution but it is sold at 50
centimeters. In terms of detail rendering, there
is not much more possible, but at the same
time you can add more spectral bands so that
you get 100 channels of a certain area. With
this you can perform mineral analysis in a
much better way for instance.
With satellite imagery you can see if a tree
is healthy or not. These optical bands have
all been determined, but, the more frequen-
cies you have, the more data youll get. In the
past, the bandwidth was limited for record-
ing and sending data to the ground. That
meant you had to make a choice in terms of
frequencies. Now this becomes less a restric-
tion so you can record more frequencies, but
now the problem is that you have to know
who do know how to deal with it work for
government agencies and dont teach. Even if
you educate someone, this person is not yet
a radar expert, because you need to have a
couple of years of practice before you can call
him or her an expert. So these people are not
there at the moment. And the best studies
that are there are all commercial ones, pub-
lic universities have not yet caught up with
offering this studies.
For more information,
have a look at
what you want with all
these frequencies.
An area that has a lot
of potential at the
moment is radar
imagery. In terms of
detail, a lot is possible
but the problem is that
hardly anyone at the
moment exactly under-
stands how to analyze
this and acquire the
information from it.
There is an enormous
backlog when it comes to people who can
interpret radar well.
How come nobody knows how to do
Those satellites providing radar images have
lots of possibilities that have only recently
become available. The problem is that lots of
radar data have been made available for the
commercial market only recently and that
theres hardly anybody to deal with it and
therefore nobody to teach this. The people
Latest News? Visit
I nt er vi ew
March 2009
Handheld Computers with Built-In GPS
Capabilities help to clean up Graffiti
The Reykjavik Graffiti Project
The City of Reykjavik Department of Public Works Department began a pilot project to identify and stop the citys growing
graffiti problem. Using Trimble Recon and Trimble Nomad handheld computers, individuals collected precise GPS data
points for nearly 25,000 graffiti points. Also, staffers captured attribute data such as size, mark, type, and location of
graffiti. The team shared GIS and attribute data with police to support stronger legal action against graffiti. With this
information the they implemented a more systematic and efficient cleaning schedule to paint over tagged areas.
In six months, the department reported a 62 percent decrease in the number of graffiti marks in Reykjavik city centre.
By Rebecca Peck
Founded in 1786, Reykjavik is the capital of
Iceland and the northern-most capital city in
the world. The Reykjavik Capital Area has just
under 120,000 inhabitants, which is about 40
percent of the total population of the coun-
try. As the modern capital of a highly devel-
oped country, the city boasts a first-class
infrastructure that is managed by city council
and maintained by the City of Reykjavik
Department of Public Works.
In 2007, the Reykjavik community began to
notice a growing problem on the city streets:
graffiti. Faced with this issue, the citys depart-
ment of public works began an important
pilot project. Two staff members from the
citys GIS group began using Trimble Recon
handheld computers equipped with ESRI
ArcPad software to collect data points and
other attributes about graffiti marks. With
these handhelds the GIS team performed reli-
able, accurate, and validated field data col-
lection of graffiti marks located on city prop-
erty, including traffic signs, parking meters,
trashcans, and other public assets.
Combating Graffiti City-wide
The team also collected GPS coordinates and
took digital photos of graffiti on private (as
well as public) property, including tags found
on garages, private residences, fences, and
more. For the initial project, the team focused
on a small section of the city centre, captur-
ing data points for about 3300 (se poster)
unique graffiti marks all at a reliable 2 to 5
meter accuracy level. The team then loaded
the data into the public work databases to
allow further analysis and to share this
detailed information with the citys police
department and the city council. With data
from the pilot project in hand, the city coun-
cil determined it was time to implement a
more strategic and long-term plan for com-
Ar t i cl e
March 2009
bating graffiti city-wide. Trimble will use their
experience from this pilot project with few
changes to use in the project Clean City 2008.
In 2008 the council enacted Project Clean
City and at that point we knew we needed to
extend our investment in Trimble to make the
project a success, said Hermann Her -
mannsson, GI specialist for the Reykjavik
Department of Public Works. We purchased
five Trimble Nomad handheld computers to
month period the students worked a com-
bined 1,600 hours and collected nearly 25,000
unique graffiti points. Using the integrated
GPS receiver within the Nomad devices, they
captured the precise location of each graffiti
mark along with valuable attribute data,
including: type of position (i.e. garage, house,
lamp pole, etc.), size of graffiti mark, and type
of graffiti (i.e. words, images, etc.). For even
more detail, the team took about 8000 digi-
collect, save, and transmit data in the field
because they are rugged, have a long battery
life and they include built-in GPS, bar code
scanner, and digital camera.
Saving Time and Money
To get the project off the ground quickly, the
department hired students studying GIS at
Reykjavik University to collect graffiti data
points throughout the entire city. Over a five
Ar t i cl e
March 2009
Graffiti and tags in Reykjavik city center March 2008
Graffiti and tags in Reykjavik city center October 2008
Are you using costly, outdated paper map books to complete
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ESRIs ArcPad