Geoinformatics 2008 Vol02
Geoinformatics 2008 Vol02
Geoinformatics 2008 Vol02
G Sensor Web Enablement GDGI Europe 2008 GGIS & Google Earth
GFugro Geospatial Services Interview GArcGIS Explorer Review
Magaz i ne f or Sur veyi ng, Mappi ng & GI S Pr of es s i onal s
March 2008
Volume 11
When I was writing this editorial, the winner of the 2007 World Press Photo award became
known. This award, which for professional photographers is the most prestigious, reflects
the major news items of 2007. As a result most of the photographs depict war, misery and
the like. This years winning photo shows a US soldier resting in a bunker in Afghanistan.
The jury selected the photo because, according to them, "The image shows the
exhaustion of a man - and the exhaustion of a nation".
Seeing this photo I wondered how many of us have that same feeling when it comes to
all the misery and violence in this world. You cannot switch on your television or read a
newspaper without being confronted with yet another disaster or war. But is the effect of
these disasters as great as it used to be, or are we becoming exhausted, as well?
So, with the prospect of yet another year of turmoil, one might be wondering where the
next disaster or war will hit this world. For those interested in such things, the new Political
and Economic Risk Map of the world may provide some answers. Just as the World Press
Photo tells us what happened last year, the Risk Map tells us where possible turmoil may
spring up over the next year or so.
Geo-information, however, does not only provide a tool for displaying the potential
location of disasters, it is also an important tool in analyzing, controlling and preventing
them. DGI Europe 2008, held in London, displayed a vast number of cases that addressed
the use of geospatial information in scenarios such as international conflicts, humanitarian
disasters, crime, security and global climate change.
Not all things are sad, however, and on the brighter side another digital globe has been
presented to the world. A few years after the introduction of Google Earth, ESRI has
presented its own version. Using Google Earth as a test case, researchers have studied the
influence of these types of viewers on GIS education.
So if you are not yet exhausted with everything that is going on in the world and are
interested in the topics mentioned above, do not hesitate to read this magazine.
Enjoy your reading,
Huibert-Jan Lekkerkerk
March 2008
GeoInformatics provides coverage, analysis and
commentary with respect to the international surveying,
mapping and GIS industry.
Ruud Groothuis
Huibert-Jan Lekkerkerk
Editorial Manager
Eric van Rees
Frank Arts
Florian Fischer
Job van Haaften
Remco Takken
Joc Triglav
Giedre Beconyte
Stig Enemark
Thierry Gregorius
Armin Gruen
Chris Holcroft
Menno-Jan Kraak
Contributing Writers
Philip Cheng
zgr Ertac
Florian Fischer
Christine Flingelli
Francisca Gmez
Thierry Gregorius
Stefan Kienberger
Huibert-Jan Lekkerkerk
Account Manager
Wilfred Westerhof
GeoInformatics is available against a yearly
subscription rate (8 issues) of 85,00.
To subscribe, fill in and return the electronic reply
card on our website or contact Janneke Bijleveld at
All enquiries should be submitted to
Ruud Groothuis
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Graphic Design
Sander van der Kolk
ISSN 13870858
Copyright 2008. GeoInformatics: no material may
be reproduced without written permission.
GeoInformatics is published by
CMedia Productions BV
Postal address: Street address:
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Tel.: +31 (0) 527 619 000
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Chrissy Potsiou
Joc Triglav
John Trinder
Han Wammes
Geoff Zeiss
Sander Oude Elberink
Sonja van Poortvliet
Eric van Rees
Remco Takken
Dirk Tiede
Michaela Weber
Richard Zambuni
ArcGIS Explorer Review: Is This Yet
Another Virtual Globe?
One year after the release of Google Earth ESRI announced an alterna-
tive virtual globe. The current version of ArcGIS Explorer will be evalua -
ted here. A distinctive focus is given to different aspects such as data
integrity, OGC conformity, GIS analysis capabilities, user interface and
the underlying business model will have a distinctive focus. Only ArcGIS
Explorer is reviewed, but compares capabilities/shortcomings to alterna-
tive virtual globes if necessary.
Standards In Practice Part 6: Sensor
Web Enablement (SWE)
Our world is full of all kinds of sensors. And whereas the collection of
sensor data has long been a matter of a single organization using its
own data there is a strong tendency to publish this data to the Internet.
Examples are meteorological, water and air pollution data. In order to
simplify the discovery and use of such sensors the Open Geospatial
Consortium (OGC) has developed the Sensor Web Enablement frame-
work (SWE) consisting of a set of standards that define how web enabled
sensors should communicate.
C o n t e n t
March 2008
GIS & Google Earth: an Academic View 10
Influences of Earth Viewers and
Geo-browsers on GIS
Education Within the Google Earth Case
Political and Economic Risk Map of 2008 14
25 of 50 Largest Global Economies
Face Elevated Risks
Standards In Practice 22
Part 6: SWE - Sensor Web Enablement
Collaborative Mapping 28
How Wikinomics is Manifest in
the Geo-information Economy
Reusing Laser Scanner Data 32
Research Shows Large Potential for
Reusing 3D Geo-information
Integrating Spatial Information at 48
the Greater Toronto Airport Authority
Bentley and Oracle Software Combined
for Resource Engineering
Correcting the Data 52
Mapping of IKONOS Images Using
Minimum Ground Controls
ArcGIS Explorer Review 42
Is This Yet Another Virtual Globe?
After the Hype, the Future? 59
By Thierry Gregorius
Conferences & Meetings
Enlightened Underground: a Festival of 6
Underground Space
How to Organize Space Effectively
Page 42
Page 22
Latest News? Visit
March 2008
DGI Europe 2008 24
Challenges, Discussions, Overviews and Case
Studies on The Fourth Annual Geospatial
Intelligence Conference in London
The Lifecycle As One Ongoing Geospatial Process 18
Bentleys Advancing GIS for infrastructure
Providing Geospatial Services on a Global Basis 36
Fugros Geospatial Services Chief
Operating Officer Owen Goodman speaks
Product News 61
Industry News 64
Calendar 66
Advertisers Index 66
On the Cover:
An example of Fugros Surveying Services doing positioning work.
Bentleys Advancing GIS for
Infrastructure: the Lifecycle as One
Ongoing Geospatial Process
With the recent release of Bentley Map and Bentley Geospatial Server, its
interesting to learn how the vision came about that these products are
aimed at infrastructure and its lifecycle. Ted Lamboo of Bentley Europe,
and Carey Mann of Bentley Systems tell all.
Page 36
Fugros Geospatial Services
In this interview, Owen Goodman, Chief Operating Officer Geospatial
Services, explains why he thinks geospatial services is a huge opportunity
for Fugro and how the company is responding to the changes in the
Geospatial market.
Page 36
Page 18
How to Organize Space Effectively
Enlightened Underground: a Festival
Congested cities, flood threats, pollution. These are just some of the reasons for going underground. This requires the use
of innovative technology and an adequate system for underground planning. In Amsterdam, the Netherlands, well-known
speakers from the worlds of both urban planning and structural engineering presented their vision.
By Sonja van Poortvliet
ment of underground spaces in cities repre-
sents much more than a new form of con-
struction, but rather represents underground
development as an urban strategy that rede-
fines all the conventional assumptions of pub-
lic and private space underlying big cities in
the 21st century. About the project he says:
Parking killed cities like Toronto. We need to
bear in mind the competitiveness with other
major cities in the world. Therefore it is impor-
tant to look not only at legislative bound-
The New Cross London Rail Link
United Kingdom
In October 2007 the UK government secured
a 16bn funding deal for Crossrail, giving the
go-ahead to secure the construction of the
project running between Paddington and
Liverpool Street mainline stations. The route,
agreed in principle in summer 2004, would
take it through the center of the city, with
trains capable of carrying up to 1,100 people
every two and a half minutes.
Crossrail's brief is to provide the transport
capability to cope with London's forecast pop-
March 2008
The Enlightened Underground congress in the
Netherlands, from January 27-29, was organized
by the Netherlands Centre for Underground
Space and Underground Construction (COB). It
revolved around the theme of Underground
Space Challenges in Urban Development. Not
very surprisingly, since the United Nations HABI-
TAT program expects that by 2008 over half the
worlds population will live in large cities. This
mega-urbanization entails new challenges and
requires different spatial solutions. Under ground
space will become a crucial dimension.
Underground Projects
GeoInformatics was not present at the
Enlightened Underground Festival but is very
proud to provide an overview of some of the
most outstanding underground projects that
were discussed. All of these provide answers to
one or more specific issues. The Deep City
Project in Switzerland is an example of sustain-
able urban development. Tunnelling in Urban
Developments is another challenge met by the
Amsterdam NoordZuidlijn in the Netherlands
and the New Cross London Rail Link in the
United Kingdom.
The SMART Tunnel concept from Kuala Lumpur
shows how the underground can contribute to
making our habitat more fit for the rapidly
changing climate. And finally there were some
visionary concepts from the United States and
the Netherlands on underground cable and
pipe bundling, a solution which provides more
security in delivery, simple maintenance and
more spatial quality. Most of these projects
can be found in English at
Deep City Project - Canada
Beneath the surface of the streets of Toronto
lies a labyrinth that serves over 100,000 peo-
ple every day and countless tourists and vis-
itors. Toronto's underground is the largest
underground shopping complex in the world
according to the Guinness Book of World
Records, with more than 30 km of shopping
tunnels and retail nodes. Since the 1970s, this
underground system has grown and multi-
plied beneath the surface of the city with rel-
atively little intervention from city planners.
Pierre Blanger, director of the Centre for
Landscape Research, University of Toronto,
shares the following thoughts: The develop-
ulation and economic growth. With Crossrail
services taking over from many of those rout-
ed into the termini, capacity will be freed at
existing termini such as Liverpool Street and
Paddington.The heart of the project is the
construction of a new 16km (10 mile) tun-
nelled route across London, including the
branch at the eastern end to Shenfield and
Abbey Wood. Crossrail will, for the first time,
allow existing suburban east-west rail services
to run through London.
Crossrail will be a major engineering exercise
needing a wide range of multi-disciplinary
location of existing deep building foundations
have determined the route alignment, which
was safeguarded 12 years ago.
The signalling and communications strategy of
Crossrail is still in the early stages of develop-
ment. Signalling will need compatibility with
the traffic on lines being integrated into the
scheme. The deep tunnel section will call for
a high level of security and security, with the
access and for evacuation of large numbers.
Hosting an Olympic Games was previously
seen as impetus for Crossrail's earlier devel-
opment. However, London's winning bid for
the 2012 Olympic Games did not include
Crossrail as part of the transport provisions.
Becoming Europe's largest civil engineering
project, major works are due to begin in 2010,
with the first service trains expected to run in
2017.Douglas Oakervee, Executive Chairman
Crossrail, says: The concept will be totally
different from the ultimate result. It is a sign
of great flexibility during the total project.
Multi Purpose Deep Tunnel
In Jakarta, Indonesia, a Multi Purpose Deep
Tunnel (MPDT) System will be implemented.
This is an integrated technology system com-
prised of flood mitigation, provision of raw
water for drinking water, wastewater manage-
skills. Substantial pre-planning and design
work has been carried out to demonstrate
that the scheme is technically feasible, and
can be built on time and on budget. Most of
the spoil (earth removed from the tunnels) will
be removed from four portal sites, keeping
local disruption to a minimum.
Tunnelling for the twin 6m bores will be with
tunnel-boring machines designed for the
ground conditions and ensuring that ground
movement is minimized. Construction will
incorporate the latest elements of proven best
practice in order to minimize ground-borne
noise and vibration.
The extensive underground infrastructure and
Latest News? Visit
March 2008
of Underground Space
Public Space as Underground Access: street level view of a proposed urban open space where public
functions and public access are combined with the underground network as public infrastructure.
Underground parking.
Learn from your peers about recent applications and best practices.
Wcrk cnc NcvigcIe wiIh GFS Survey wiIh c DigiIc| Ccnerc FcuIe F|cnning cn FD/
/LunccnI SynLc|: cnc FcIIern: Fcwerfu| EciIing Icc|: CcpIure cnc FecIify lncge:
SuppcrI CGC SIcnccrc: High|y f|exiL|e cu:IcnizcIicn ccpcLi|iIy Mu|Ii-Linguc| U:er lnIerfcce:
IEL:+88-2-254-7700 F/X:+88-2-2545-017
nci | ::ervi ce@:upergec.Iw hIIp://www.:upergec.Iw
Hecc Cffi ce : 8F, Nc. 217, Sec. 3, Ncnj i ng E. Fc., Ici pei , 104, Ici wcn
One so|twore. Mony opp| | cot| ons.
SuperFcc i : c :c| uIi cn IhcI encL| e: ycu Ic perfcrn :urveyi ng, nec:uri ng, cnc fi | e ncci fyi ng
c::i gnnenI: wi Ih c hcnc-he| c cevi ce i n Ihe fi e| c. Hi gh| y f| exi L| e, cccrpercIi ng wi Ih GFS cnc
c ci gi Ic| ccnerc, SuperFcc c| | cw: ycu Ic cc| | ecI fi e| c ccIc prcnpI| y cnc effecIi ve| y.
SuppcrIi ng ncny CGC :Icnccrc:, ycu ccn cLIci n Ihe ccIc frcn Mcp Server: i n Ihe wcr| c.
IhcI i : Ic :cy, /nywhere, cnyIi ne, SuperFcc perfecI: ycur fi e| c :urvey."
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A geometric correction process called orthorectification was performed
for each image. A DEM is required for orthorectification. Generating each
orthorectified pan-sharpened 4-band image with a file size of approxi-
mately 5 gigabytes took approximately 25 minutes on a Pentium IV 3.0
GHz machine running Windows XP. Figure 3 shows an example of the
orthorectified image overlaid with the vectors in green.
Automatic Mosaicking
After generating the orthorectified images, it is necessary to mosaic the
images together with color balance. This is usually a very time-consum-
ing process, especially if it is being done manually. The user has to find
the best cutlines between images with the minimum differences. If the
images were not acquired near the same period, a good color balancing
method is required. An automated mosaicking and color balance pro-
gram was developed inside PCI Geomatics OrthoEngine
software. The software performs automatic cutline search-
ing, mosaicking and color balance. No human intervention
is required during the process. To mosaic twelve images
automatically with color balance and a file size of about
40 gigabytes took approximately 9 hours on a Pentium IV
3.0 GHz machine running Windows XP. Figure 4 shows the
mosaic image and Figure 5 shows a small sample of a full
resolution image with a cutline in the color red.
For The Best Results...
It is possible to pan-sharpen the panchromatic and multi-
spectral Geo-Ortho Kit data first for gentle terrain before further processing.
The RPC method can be used as the geometric model to correct the IKONOS
data. For best results it is preferable to collect at least one GCP per image.
If only limited numbers of GCPs are available, at least one GCP per corner
image of the block should be collected. Tie points with elevation should
be used to improve the accuracy of the bundle adjustment. Automatic
mosaicking and a color balance process can be used to save operating
Dr. Philip Cheng is a senior scientist at PCI Geomatics.
Francisca Gmez is the head of the remote sensing
department at COTESA. Michaela Weber is the direc-
tor of sales and marketing at European Space Imaging. Christine Flingelli is the product order manager at
European Space Imaging.
Latest News? Visit
Ar t i cl e
March 2008
Table 1: Comparison of RMS results in meter for different number of GCPs and ICPs.
GPT-9000A and HiPer Series
Best performance and highest accuracy
- Reectorless 2,000 metre range
- Superior Quick-Lock and tracking
- Open source - Windows CE
Our technical domain is increasingly getting swamped with new buzzwords. Just check out the blogosphere*
and be amazed: there is a paradigm shift happening in the location space, fuelled by a neo-geography
revolution that is democratizing geospatial information with open and mainstream mash-ups
underpinning agile web 2.0 and actionable mobile applications.
Er, what?
I think what I just wrote roughly translates into: There are more and more
people and organizations who create spatial data, and then share it via
the web for everyday uses.
So what will the future look like?
Yesterday five cars had to be rescued from the sea near Dover. The drivers
claimed that their SatNav showed a road going to France. It was later con-
firmed that a bug in the software had automatically connected two equal-
ly numbered A-roads between France and England. The Telegraph, 1 April
A farmer has landed in court after ploughing two hectares of parkland
adjoining his field. He blames it on a malfunction of his GPS robotractor.
His neighbour claims foul play, citing a previous boundary dispute. The
case continues. The Sunday Times, 13 July 2014.
Madagascar has sued GoogleSoft about its disappearance from the Earth
Viewer. The government claims that the temporary
outage has cost their national economy $500m as
businesses and tourists worldwide were no longer
able to locate the island. Financial Times, 20 March
Sergio Vabene, the Italian Health Minister, recently
expressed concern over people always knowing their
exact location. According to medical research it is
causing many people to get depressed, as the human
mind is not designed to live in absolute certainty. We
need to get lost more, to switch off and relax, Mr Vabene was quoted as
saying. The EU telecoms and defence ministers have called his comments
irresponsible. Il Manifesto, 16 August 2026.
A mother has been arrested for allegedly trying to change the location
chip on her babys birth certificate. It is thought that she wanted to illegal-
ly secure permission for her child to grow up at higher latitude and alti-
tude. Nederlands Dagblad, 24 October 2035.
Nigeria has transformed an old offshore oil platform into a tourist island
and moved it to 0-0 degrees, the centre of the world in Earth Viewer. It is
claimed that tourists will be able to confuse systems through this loca-
tion, so they can relax undetected. The first customer is a certain Mr Vabene
from Italy. Le Monde, 16 January 2038.
The investigation into the mysterious shift of the international date line
continues. Meanwhile all air and space travel is still suspended. A terrorist
group has claimed responsibility for the attack, demanding more personal
freedom and mobility. The unknown group, called Last of the Geodesists,
will move more meridians and hack into the earths gravity model if their
demands are not met. CNN News, 25 March 2049.
After six months of research, the mystery surrounding the discovery of an
ancient clock has remained unsolved. The researchers who found it at an
archaeological site could not establish the purpose of the instrument,
which displays 360 units. Strangely the dial seems to
keep pointing to the coffee machine in the lab.
Evening Chronicle, 5 June 2061.
A team of scientists is being assembled to plan a
dangerous expedition into the outdoors. They will
study new eco-habitats that are believed to have
formed ever since the virtual world became the real
world. However, nobody has so far been able to find
a reliable map of the real world in the virtual world,
as the audit trail only goes back to 2049. National
Geographic, 23 May 2073.
* See e.g.,,, and
There are more and more
people and organizations
who create spatial data,
and then share it via the
web of everyday uses
After the Hype,
the Future?
Thierry Gregorius Thierry.Gregorius@shell.comis Head of Data Management
and Geomatics for Shells global exploration directorate,
based in the Netherlands.
The views in this column are entirely personal.
Latest News? Visit
March 2008
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TatukGIS Releases GIS SDK Edition for Compact Framework
TatukGIS announces the release of the .NET Compact
Framework edition of the TatukGIS Developer Kernel
toolkit product for the development of custom GIS
applications for Pocket PC type applications for
Windows CE/Mobile operating systems. The DK-
Compact Framework (DK-CF) product supports
Windows Compact Framework 2.0 development with
Visual Studio 2005 and Compact Framework 2.0 and
3.5 development with Visual Studio 2008.
The DK-CF has been tested with a number of com-
mercial handheld devices running Pocket PC 2003,
Windows Mobile 5 and 6, Windows CE.NET 4.2, and
Windows CE 5 and 6. A running DK-CF application
has a reasonably small memory footprint. The data
size is not limited because the product can read data
from external storage such as a removable SD card.
Testing was typically performed with 1 GB-sized SHP
files, with the R-Tree spatial indexing enabled.
Because the DK-CF is based on pure .NET code, it
is processor independent. This means a DK-CF appli-
cation can run on any processor supported by
Compact Framework, without the need for recompi-
lation. Furthermore, because the DK-CF has exactly
the same interface (API) as the .NET WinForms edi-
tion of the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (DK.NET) for
GIS desktop development, porting a DK.NET based
desktop application to the DK-CF is just a matter of
copying the code.
Maptitude 5.0 is Now Shipping
Caliper Corporation is now shipping the latest ver-
sion of Maptitude. Maptitude is used to display and
analyze location-based information and has appli-
cations in sectors including sales and marketing,
banking and financial services, real estate and
appraisal, community development, insurance,
emergency services, and public health. Maptitude is
a geographic information system (GIS) for all types
of spatial data.
Maptitude 5 features unparalleled capabilities for
site evaluation, pin mapping, demographic analy-
sis, and myriad GIS applications in business, gov-
ernment, and education. This new version incorpo-
rates new tools that locate and analyze data to
produce high quality maps. In only a few clicks
Maptitude produces visualizations of corporate data
that show the patterns and trends and how they
are influenced by a wealth of economic, demo-
graphic and geographic data.
Maptitude 5 has new travel-based tools that allow
the creation of bands based on distance, time, or
other costs along street lines, plus the ability to
assign roads to zones or districts based on proxim-
ity to point locations such as stores.
GIS enhancements include the mapping wizard, with
start-to-finish assistance for locating, thematically
displaying, geographically analyzing, and mapping
data. Other new features include undo and redo for
geographic and tabular editing, a map display man-
ager, more flexible legends, improved thematic map-
ping, and native support for ESRI personal geo-
databases, MS Access, Excel 2007, and Google
Maptitude 5 expands the amount of included data.
The software now ships with 2007 Streets, October
2007 ZIP Code points and areas, MCDs and SMCDs,
world landmarks, updated world places, updated
telephone exchanges, and July 2006 tract, county,
and state level population estimates.
Maptitude is .NET enabled, allowing scripting in any
.NET capable language. Maptitudes GISDK language
now supports object-oriented programming, mak-
ing it easier to program Maptitude extensions and
add-ins with re-usable GISDK classes. The maps in
Maptitude 5 provide presentation quality and user-
friendly graphics right from the start, with enhanced
default styles, map overview windows, and new line
styles. Maptitude 5 is available for Microsoft
Windows 2000, XP and Vista, and is compatible with
a wide range of other GIS and database software.
Leica Geosystems Geospatial
Imaging Incorporates Imagine
Subpixel Classifier into Erdas
Imagine 9.2
Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging announces
that Imagine Subpixel Classifier will be licensed and
available to all ERDAS IMAGINE Professional cus-
tomers with the upcoming release of Erdas Imagine
9.2. Previously sold separately, Imagine Subpixel
Classifier is the worlds leading image classification
tool for advanced spectral analysis and interpreta-
tion. Subpixel Classifier provides dynamic search-
ing and quantifying tools, enabling users to quick-
ly extract the most comprehensive information from
spectral imagery. Erdas Imagine 9.2 is expected to
begin shipping in March 2008, with Professional
customers also receiving Imagine Subpixel Classifier
at this time.
Latest News? Visit
Pr oduct News
March 2008
Cadcorp Announces OS MasterMap Address Layer 2 Manager
Digital mapping and geographic information systems (GIS) software developer
Cadcorp has announced that its Cadcorp SIS Spatial Information System product
suite now includes a dedicated manager application for Ordnance Survey (OS)
MasterMap Address Layer 2.
Delivered with Cadcorp SIS Map Modeller at no extra cost, the Cadcorp SIS OS
MasterMap Address Layer 2 Manager is a standalone wizard-driven application that
takes OS Address Layer 2 gzip and/or gml files and loads the Address Layer fea-
tures into either an industry-standard database (spatial or non-spatial), or a Cadcorp
data format. Support is provided for Oracle, PostGIS, Microsoft SQL Server and
Microsoft Access. The capability complements support already provided by Cadcorp
for the OS MasterMap Topography and Integrated Transport Network(ITN) Layers.
The new Cadcorp SIS OS MasterMap Address Layer 2 Manager extends our sup-
port for the OS MasterMap product range so that users of the data, irrespective of
the scale of their GIS implementation, can cost-effectively import, manage and
make available OS MasterMap data within desktop, intranet/ Internet and mobile
GIS environments,
and ease the integra-
tion of OS MasterMap
into existing back
office systems, said
Martin Daly, technical
director, Cadcorp.
Managing OS Mas -
ter Map Address Layer
2 data within Cadcorp
SIS is now as easy as
managing any of the other 160 plus geographic and CAD data sources that Cadcorp
SIS supports, he added.
Pr oduct News
March 2008
Geosoft 2008 Software Release Delivers Productivity Gains with ESRI Integration
Geosoft announced the availability of its 2008 software release, which includes
Oasis montaj and Target 7.0. This release marks a new generation of Geosoft
earth mapping software with ESRIs ArcEngine technology built-in.
Designed to improve the connection between the geosciences and GIS for pro-
fessional earth explorers, Geosoft software now offers superior usability and inte-
gration with ESRI, the worlds leading GIS. Customers will be able to work
between their Geosoft and ESRI environments with fewer steps and better results.
Geosoft will begin shipping Oasis montaj and Target 7.0 the week of February 11,
With version 7.0, Geosoft has embedded ESRIs ArcEngine into Oasis montaj and
Target, enabling geoscientists to use ESRI tools to natively display Arc .mxd and
.lyr files, without leaving the Geosoft environment. ArcGIS and Geosoft users can
share their files seamlessly and spend more time collaborating in an increasingly
integrated environment.
To make it easier for geoscientists to access more of the data available to them,
Geosoft has expanded the range of internal and public data servers to include:
Geosofts DAP, ESRIs ArcIMS, WMS and Tile servers.
In addition, 7.0 offers various new ways to display subsurface geology, such as:
fence diagrams, 3D geology voxels, and the automatic creation of 3D geological
Blue Marble Geographic Calculator 7.0.1 USB Dongle Key Licenses Now Available
With the release of Geographic Calculator 7.0.1, Blue
Marble Geographics announces the addition of USB
Dongle keys to the suite of available licensing
options. These USB keys allow users to leverage the
power of the Geographic Calculator anywhere in the
world, at any time. By inserting the hardware key
into the USB port of a desktop or laptop worksta-
tion, and the software can be used immediately.
Users are able to move their license at will, without
the need for a network server or technical licensing
support. Blue Marbles coordinate conversion tech-
nology is used worldwide by thousands of GIS ana-
lysts at software companies, universities, oil and gas
companies, civil engineering, surveying, technology,
enterprise GIS groups, government and military orga-
Other enhancements to Geographic Calculator 7.0.1
include Irish Grid polynomial datum shift support to
match OSi Inspire parameters, direct velocity file sup-
port by way of the Geographic Calculators Map File
Conversion tab, allowing users with large files con-
taining thousands of records to convert them in just
minutes. Updated printing and reporting features for
the interactive tab now show the datum shift that
was used in the conversion.
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Tiltan to Unveil Revolutionary LiDAR System at ILMF
Tiltan Systems Engineering announced that it will
be unveiling the latest version of its 2D and 3D
LiDAR processing tool, TLiD, at the International
LIDAR Mapping Forum 08. ILMF will be held from
February 21-22 at the Adams Mark Hotel in Denver.
Tiltan leverages its experience in the 3D simulator
world to create an intuitive design featuring 2D and
3D images running side-by-side, with the ability to
automatically select a point on one image and be
transferred to the same spot on the other image.
This enables better understanding and QA of cloud-
point and automatically derived vectors. The TLiD software package allows for
rapid importability of large files and automatic, quick processing
driven by a small number of customizable parameters, increasing accuracy and
reducing training requirements. The QA screens enable full-color customization of
individual features, allowing for easy differentiation.
TLiD input is a standard geo-referenced LAS or TXT point cloud. Outputs are
DEM, DSM vectors in multiple user-selectable coordinate systems and data
formats. Tiltans QA team focused on accuracy testing to assure ASPRS Class 1
topographic elevation accuracy, given a suitable point cloud.
OGC(R) Approves Observations & Measurements Encoding Standard
The members of the Open Geospatial
Consortium, (OGC) have approved ver-
sion 1.0 of the OpenGIS Observations
& Measurements (O&M) Encoding
The O&M standard defines an abstract
model and an XML schema encoding
for observations and measurements.
This framework is required for use by
other OGC Sensor Web Enablement
(SWE) standards as well as for gener-
al support for OGC compliant systems
dealing in technical measurements in
science and engineering. As a new
international consensus standard in an
era of increasing scientific cooperation,
O&M promises to play an important
role in Web-based publishing of real-
time and archived scientific data
across research disciplines and appli-
cation domains. The aim of O&M is to
define terms used for measurements
and the relationships between them, mainly to
improve the ability of software systems to discover
and use live and archived digital data produced by
measuring systems. When scientists and engineers
encode data in O&M, they can easily publish the
data (or live data feeds) in catalogs and registries
so others can efficiently discover, access and use
the data, using relatively simple software. The scope
of the specification covers observations and mea-
surements whose results may be quantities, cate-
gories, temporal and geometry values, coverages,
and composites and arrays of any of these.
SARscape 4.0 Release
CREASO introduces SARscape 4.0 software for SAR
data processing to the Remote Sensing community.
By supporting TerraSAR-X-1 and simulated RADARSAT-
2 data as well as through the release of the Persistent
Scatterers module and the continuous improvement
of existing algorithms, the team around SARscape
makes its promise come true to offer a future orient-
ed and advanced technology to the worldwide SAR
market. SARscape now added to its comprehensive
list of supported spaceborne data also the support
of TerraSAR-X-1 and simulated RADARSAT-2 data. It is
anticipated that immediately after the official release
of COSMO-SkyMed 1-4 and RISAT-1 data, SARscape
will be upgraded accordingly. The new Persistent
Scatterers Module enables to derive mm-scale dis-
placements of objects like buildings, bridges, dams,
etc. using ERS and ENVISAT data time-series. In order
to introduce non-experienced Remote Sensers the
easiest way into the SAR domain, a SAR-Guidebook
created by SAR experts is now available under The SAR-Guidebook
will give you an interesting overview about how to
generate SAR products and their use for different
fields of interest. Since last year CREASO GmbH dis-
tributes the software solution SARscape for ENVI and
ArcView with the help of its cooperation partner ITT
VIS (except for India), while sarmap ensures the high
quality of all current and upcoming functionalities and
the support of forthcoming sensors.
Latest News? Visit
Pr oduct News
March 2008
LizardTech GeoExpress 7 Launch Offers Integration for Geospatial
Imaging Workflows
LizardTech, a division of Celartem, and a provider of
software solutions for managing and distributing digital
content, announced the launch of GeoExpress 7, the
premier application for compressing and manipulating
complex geospatial imagery. Equipped with new fea-
tures, this latest version enables all of the LizardTech
Express Suite applications to interoperate with one
Now GeoExpress streamlines workflows more by allow-
ing encoding and publishing of imagery directly to
LizardTech Express Server in one operation. Users can
view their imagery in WMS applications or ArcIMS, or
make their imagery available in Web applications all
without having to learn any command line applications
or edit XML documents. This results in increased pro-
ductivity by reducing the effort and time it takes to dis-
tribute imagery to decision makers.
The latest addition to the growing list of tools for image
manipulation in GeoExpress 7 is the new despeckling
tool. Despeckling enables users to clean up edge arti-
facts making their images look better. Additionally, the
floating license capability from GeoExpress 6 has been
updated to offer commuter functionality, which
increases productivity by allowing users to continue
working when they are on the road and disconnected
from the network. IT administrators have the freedom
to use one common licensing standard on their net-
work, simplifying their administration tasks, while giv-
ing end users access to the image tools they need, no
matter where in the world they are located. GeoExpress
7 also allows users greater workflow flexibility through
new tools for metadata editing and image exporting.
Users no longer need to use command line applications
to add custom tags to their images; instead GeoExpress
7's metadata editor makes it easy to add custom infor-
mation to geospatial imagery and use that information
to build powerful Web applications with Express Server.
And with GeoExpress 7's new export tools, users can
quickly demosaic or "tile out" their imagery to GeoTIFF
directly from GeoExpress' graphical interface.With the
LizardTech Express Suite, users can manipulate and
compress their imagery with GeoExpress, store their
images in an Oracle Spatial database with Spatial
Express, and distribute their imagery over the Internet
using Express Server. Also, they can configure all of
these workflows using GeoExpress.
2008 ESRI Business GIS Summit
The 2008 ESRI Business GIS Summit will be held
April 2730 at the Drake Hotel in Chicago, Illinois.
This forum brings industry leaders and business
professionals together to share best practices,
ideas, and tools for helping commercial organiza-
tions and related industries increase revenue and
operational efficiency as well as enhance communi-
cation and knowledge sharing.
The goal of the summit is to expand and foster the
use of business-focused geographic information sys-
tem (GIS) solutions to help businesses be more com-
petitive, drive business innovation, and increase
their return on investment. Attendees include peo-
ple who are new to GIS as well as experienced users
who are looking for innovative ways to develop
existing GIS projects. Offering three full days of
inspiring sessions, workshops, and networking
opportunities, the ESRI Business GIS Summit gives
attendees direct access to the latest software, data,
and services developed specifically for the commer-
cial user community.
From customer analytics and site selection to logis-
tics and business continuity planning, attendees will
discover how GIS offers enhanced understanding of
the marketplace; collaboration throughout the orga-
nization; improved workflows; and new ways to
visualize, analyze, and incorporate vital information
into decision-making processes. See firsthand how
businesses worldwide are gaining the geographic
advantage, using GIS to
Analyze merchandising, customer buying
behaviors, and market trends.
Gain a new understanding of underserved
markets and identify market potential.
Apply marketing dollars to the most profitable
geographic areas.
Retain existing customers and find new ones just
like them.
Develop strategies for risk assessment, facilities
management, and business continuity.
Bentley Acquires LEAP Software, Inc., Expanding
Portfolio of Software for Analysis and Design of
Concrete Bridges
Bentley Systems, Incorporated announced that it has
acquired LEAP Software, a provider of analysis and
design products for concrete bridges. The LEAP
bridge solutions are the industry standard across
North America, used by 37 U.S. state departments
of transportation, the U.S. Federal Highway
Administration, a large number of city and county
agencies, and top bridge engineering consultants.
The flagship product, LEAP Bridge, is an analysis,
design, and load-rating application that integrates
all bridge design components into one application
with a single user interface. The LEAP products
complement and strengthen Bentleys end-to-end
bridge design and management solution, which
includes RM for cable-stayed, suspension, and seg-
mental bridges; Bentley BridgeModeler and Bentley
LARS for bridge load-rating calculation, analysis, and
analytical modeling; GEOPAK Bridge; InRoads
Bridge; Bentley Rebar; Bentley PowerRebar; and
many other products.
Said Bhupinder Singh, senior vice president, Bentley
Software, The need for a more comprehensive and
systematic approach to bridge planning, design, con-
struction, operations, and maintenance has never
been more critical. Our world faces the incredible
challenge of repairing aging infrastructure in devel-
oped transportation networks and meeting the
extraordinary demand for new transportation net-
works in developing economies.
By adding the LEAP analysis and design software
to our rapidly growing portfolio of integrated bridge
products, Bentley advances its commitment to help-
ing users create new bridges and maintain and
upgrade existing bridges more efficiently and cost-
effectively. On behalf of all Bentley colleagues, I wel-
come LEAP Software users around the world to the
Bentley user community and LEAP Software col-
leagues to the Bentley team.
Founding of Fugro Aerial Mapping B.V.
After being part of Fugro-Inpark B.V. for more than
8 years, the Aerial Acquisition division (better known
as the FLI-MAP division) will continue as a separate
company called Fugro Aerial Mapping B.V. as of
January 1st 2008. This new company will be headed
by Huug Haasnoot MSc and concentrate their ser-
vices on LiDAR and photogrammetry activities other
airborne methodologies.
Fugro Aerial Mapping B.V. will become part of an
European group of airborne Fugro companies which
will strongly work together on research and devel-
opment, optimal planning of resources and execu-
tion of projects.
Fujitsu acquires Quebec-based Intlec
Fujitsu Consulting, the North American consulting
and services arm of Fujitsu Limited, today
announced that its Quebec-based division, DMR, has
acquired Intlec Gomatique, a provider of IT,
telecommunications and geomatics solutions and
consulting services. This acquisition is aligned to
Fujitsu Consultings long-term strategy to increase
its presence in emerging markets and industry sec-
tors. This will enable Fujitsu Consulting to signifi-
cantly expand its geomatics capabilities and to con-
solidate its leadership position in this market. Terms
of the transaction have not been disclosed.
The acquisition of Intlec Gomatique will enhance
the services Fujitsu Consulting provides in the areas
of geomatics and land management, and in particu-
lar, cadastral management, land rights registration
and municipal management. These services will be
now backed by Fujitsu Consultings system integra-
tion and application management services, said
Andr Pouliot, president of DMR in Quebec. This
acquisition will also allow us to expand our pres-
ence in a key North American market segment.
Founded in 1992, Intlec Gomatique has estab-
lished itself in providing geographic information sys-
tem development services. The company conducts
projects for public and private sector organizations
in Canada and abroad in a number of industry sec-
tors including power and gas transmissions,
telecommunications, land management, environ-
ment and natural resources (forestry, mines) and
government departments and agencies.
DMR and Intlec Gomatique have been working
together on a number of geomatics and land man-
agement projects for several years now in Quebec
and elsewhere in Canada. The two organizations
partnered to implement GOcit, the first municipal
infrastructure management software designed by
and for cities and marketed by DMR. DMR and
Intlec Gomatique are also collaborating through
GoQubec to export Quebec land management
know-how to other markets which has resulted in
geomatics projects having been carried out in
Morocco, Argentina, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela.
Intermap And Magellan Team to Enhance Off-
Road Experience For Magellan GPS Users With
AccuTerra Map Content
Magellan announced the market availability of
AccuTerra outdoor map content from Intermap
Technologies this weekend at the Shooting, Hunting,
Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) in Las Vegas.
Beginning in April, Magellan customers can down-
load the most comprehensive recreational content
including clear markings for public and private prop-
erty -- for the new line of Magellan Triton GPS
devices as well as its eXplorist line of handheld GPS
devices. Triton and eXplorist customers can acquire
digital terrain data, off-road and recreation-related
roads, trails, and points-of-interest for most recre-
ation areas in the United States. AccuTerra provides
map content for the lower 48 states plus Hawaii and
will be available for purchase directly from the
Magellan web site.
Intermap is creating consumer mapping products
using Magellans Solution Developer Kit (MSDKTM)
MapCreatorTM software. MSDK is a 3rd party devel-
opment toolkit that enables licensees to develop
I ndust r y News
March 2008
world class mapping products and software
enhancement to enhance Magellans GPS product
line offerings. MSDK-derived content products are
compatible with both GPS devices and
VantagePointTM desktop software.
AccuTerra data includes elevation information, clear-
ly identified and classified trails, paths and roads,
outdoor-specific points of interest such as camp-
grounds, service facilities, and landmarks; and a
land-use display that depicts the location of public
and private property.
Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging Takes
Strategic Membership in the OGC
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) announced
that Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging has
increased its level of membership in the OGC to
become a Strategic Member. Strategic Membership
is the highest level of membership in the OGC.
Strategic Members provide significant resources to
support OGC objectives in the form of funding for
program initiatives and staff resources inserted into
the OGC process.
Leica Geosystems strong commitment to OGC
reflects the company's understanding of their
diverse clients' needs for standards-based geospa-
tial data management solutions. Standards based
interoperability is a key requirement in solving com-
plex problems that involve sharing spatial data and
processing resources and managing the lifecycle of
enterprise data. Leica Geosystems brings image pro-
cessing, GIS, exploitation and sensor expertise to
the larger industry community, collaborating with
many partners to provide customers with compre-
hensive, multi-vendor, fully interoperable enterprise
As a strategic member, Leica Geosystems will now
be contributing to the OGC process at a level that
exceeds the sum of the prior contributions. Leica
Geosystems shares the OGC Consortiums goal: the
realization of the full societal, economic and scien-
tific benefits of integrating electronic location
resources into commercial and institutional process-
es worldwide.
TatukGIS Supporting ESRI ArcSDE and Personal
Geodatabase Files
TatukGIS is pleased to announce support for vector
data created by the ESRI ArcSDE and Personal
The following TatukGIS products now support ArcSDE
and Personal Geodatabase layers:
GIS Editor (desktop application)
GIS Internet Server (ASP.NET GIS server)
GIS Developer Kernel .NET (.NET WinForms SDK)
GIS Developer Kernel ActiveX (OCX based SDK)
GIS Developer Kernel VCL (Delphi/C++ VCL SDK)
The ArcSDE SQL support includes:
Direct connection to ArcSDE SQL layers for map
display, independent of any middleware
Utilization of ArcSDE spatial indexes for fast spa-
tial queries
Editing of ArcSDE attribute values and structure
Geometric object deletion
Export from ArcSDE layers to other supported file
ArcSDE layers running on MSSQL Server, Oracle,
or other server database compatible with the
ArcSDE standard
Compatibility with ArcSDE 9.2 and earlier ver-
The Personal Geodatabase (MDB) support includes:
Direct connection to PGDB layers, independent
of any middleware
Editing and creation of map geometry
Editing of attribute values and structure
Export/import data between PGDB files and other
supported formats
Creation of new PGDB layers
Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging Signs
Agreement with MAPA
Leica Geosystems Geo -
spatial Imaging today
announced that Merrick
Photogrammetry of the
Americas S. de R.L. de
C.V. (MAPA) is now the
master distributor of
Leica Geosystems solu-
tions to customers in
Mexico. Based in
Guadalajara and Mexico
City, Mexico, MAPA is a
leading provider of pho-
togrammetry, LIDAR,
satellite imagery and
mapping products and services.
Providing services throughout the Mexican geospa-
tial market for the past five years, MAPA delivers
photogrammetry and mapping solutions, meeting a
wide range of information needs, said Christopher
Tucker, Senior Vice President, Americas and National
Programs, Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging. By
partnering with MAPA, Leica Geosystems is posi-
tioned to more strategically distribute our portfolio
of solutions to this growing geospatial community.
Committed to providing the best geospatial prod-
ucts and services, we are delighted to add a num-
ber of Leica Geosystems solutions to our offering,
said Juan Carlos Sanchez, Vice President, MAPA.
These products will enable our customers to col-
lect, exploit, manage and distribute vector, raster
and image databases more efficiently.
MAPA will provide local sales and support, includ-
ing technical support, individual training, software
customization and project consulting for a broad
range of Leica Geosystems remote sensing, pho-
togrammetry, LIDAR enterprise and visualization
We are excited to have MAPA as our master dis-
tributor in Mexico, said Jairo Linares, Latin America
Regional Sales Manager, Leica Geosystems
Geospatial Imaging. MAPA is equipped to provide
the most comprehensive support to our customers
in this part of Latin America.
Latest News? Visit
I ndust r y News
March 2008
Calendar 2008
Advertiser Page
1Spatial 50
Autodesk 68
Cardinal Systems 65
ESRI 16, 47
Geo-Evenement 57
Geokosmos 30
ITC 20
Leica Geosystems 46
Magellan 67
NavCom 26
Optech 12
PCI Geomatics 27
SAFE Software 8
Sokkia 2, 38, 60
SuperGeo 56
Topcon Europe 58
World of Geomatics 40
Insert: NavCom
Advertisers Index
16-20 March SPIE Defense & Security
Symposium 2008
Orlanda, FL, U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (360) 685 5407
Fax: +1 (360) 647 1445
17-19 March American Water Resources
Association GIS Specialty Conference
San Mateo, CA, U.S.A.
Tel: 916 978 5271
Fax: 916 296 0751
26-28 March UNIGIS Symposium: GIS
Education in Latin America
Quito, Universidad San Francisco de Quito,
Info: Richard Resl or Leo Zurita
Tel: +593 2 2971743
02-04 April GISRUK 2008
Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan
University, United Kingdom
Info: Ms. Tracy McKenna
Tel: +44 (0) 161 247 6199
07-11 April 2008 BAE Systems GXP
International User Conference
San Diego, CA, Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines,
Tel: +1 (858) 675 2850
Fax: +1 (858) 592 5309
07-11 April WRC 08: United States of
Mozet, Belgium
Tel: + 32 16 326424
Fax: + 32 16 322980
08-10 April Map Middle East 2008
Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 (4) 204 5350/204 5351
Fax: +971 (4) 204 5352
08-10 April Go-vnement 2008
Paris, France
Tel: +33 (1) 4523 0816
Fax: +33 (1) 4824 0181
09-10 April GEO-8, GIS Innovations and
World of Geomatics
Ricoh Arena, Conventry, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 438 352617
Fax: +44 438 351989
16-18 April 2nd International Conference
Remote Sensing-the Synergy of High
Moscow, Russia
Tel: +7 (495) 514 8339
Fax: +7 (495) 623 3013
16-18 April Disaster Management 2008
Exhibition & Conference
Pragati Maidan, India
Tel: +91 (11) 4505 5562
Fax: +91 (11) 2577 8876
18-22 April XI Eastern Regional Congress
Sinaia, Romania
22-25 April NeoGeography XXI-2008
Moscow, Russia
Tel: +7 (495) 332 3595
Fax: +7 (495) 331 0511
22-28 April GEO-SIBERIA 2008
Novosibirsk, Russia
Tel: +7 (383) 2106290 2255151
E-mail: strutz@sibfair
27 April-02 May ASPRS 2008 Annual
Conference: Bridging the Horizons - New
Frontiers in Geospatial Collaboration
Portland, OR, U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (301) 493 0290 106
29 April-01 May 1Spatial 2008 Conference,
1 Source of Truth
Radisson SAS Hotel, Stansted Airport,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 420414
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 420044
05-08 May 11th AGILE 2008 Conference on
GI Science
Girona, Spain
Tel: +34 972 418 039
Fax: +34 972 418 230
12-15 May 13th FIG Symposium on
Deformation Measurements and Analysis
Lisbon, Portugal
Tel: +351 (218) 443 483
Fax: +351 (218) 443 014
19-21 May REALCORP 008
Vienna, Vienna International Airport WTC,
Tel: +43 1 892 85 02
Fax: +43 1 892 85 02-15
21-23 May MapWorld 2008
Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A
28-30 May BE Conference
Baltimore, MA, Baltimore Convention
Center, U.S.A.
02-05 June 28th EARSeL Symposium
Remote Sensing for a Changing Europe
Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: +49 (511) 762 2482
Fax: +49 (511) 762 2483
02-06 June Intergraph 2008 - Intl Users
Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (256) 730 1000
04-07 June 4th Workshop of the EARSeL
Special Interest Group Integrating GIS
and Remote Sensing in a Dynamic World
Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: +49 (511) 762 2482
Fax: +49 (511) 762 2483
10-12 June GIS/SIT 2008 - Swiss GI Forum:
Added value by Geoinformation
Zrich, Switzerland
Tel: 004161 686 77 11
Fax: 0041 61 686 77 88
03-05 March GEO 2008
Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: +973 (17) 550 033
Fax: +973 (17) 553 288
03-05 March SPAR 2008
Houston, TX, U.S.A.
Tel: +1 978 774 1102
04-06 March FSM 2008
Houston, TX, InterContinental Hotel, U.S.A.
04-08 March 2008 ACSM/LSAW Conference
Spokane, WA, U.S.A.
Tel: +1 240-632-9716
Fax: +1 240-632-1321
05-07 March EARSeL Joint Workshop,
Remote Sensing: New Challenges of High
Bochum, Germany
Tel: +49 (511) 762 2482
Fax: +49 (511) 762 2483
05-09 March EGEA North & Baltic Regional
Congress 2008 Sustainability - Key to the
Kriku, Estonia
Info: Kerli Mrisepp
Tel: +372 53441155
Fax +372 7 37 58 25
07-08 March Safe Software FME
International User Conference
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Tel: +1 (604) 501 9985
09-12 March GITAs Geospatial
Infrastructure Solutions Conference
Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (303) 337 0513
Fax: +1 (303) 337 1001
10-11 March RSPSoc Annual Student
Meeting 2008
Foxlease, New Forest, United Kingdom
11-12 March 7th Internationales 3D-Forum
Lindau, Germany
Tel: +49 8382 704 293
Fax: +49 8382 704 5 293
11-13 March Oceanology International (OI)
Technology, Sustainability and the Ocean
London, United Kingdom
11-14 March GeoForm+ 2008
Moscow, Russia
Tel: +7 (495) 105 34 86
Fax; +7 (495) 268 99 04
11-15 March CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2008
Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (414) 298 4141
Please feel free to e-mail your calendar notices
March 2008
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