Introduction:-: Zigbee
Introduction:-: Zigbee
Introduction:-: Zigbee
The concept of zigbee is associated with controlling all electronic devices and communicating with themselves.
Introduction:Zigbee is the name of a specification for high level communication protocols using small lowpower. Digital radios based on the wireless personal area networks(WPAN).Zigbee operates in the industrial,scientific and medical.The technology is intended to be simpler and cheaper. Now a days the latest technology is zigbee. In previous days two wireless communication protocols used. i.e ** Bluetooth ** Wi-Fi
Bluetooth is a wireless communication .the Bluetooth can be used transmitting the data in to one to another device.but the Bluetooth transmitted very less distances. So next developing another technology i.e Wi-Fi.
Wi-Fi is also a wireless communication protocol.these technology using trasnsmitted data one device to another device. This Wi-Fi transmitted up to 10m distance. Now using the wireless communication technology is Zigbee.
Zigbee is a set of wireless protocol.this gives commands and receives commands from other electronic devices. This can connect up to 65,553 devices per unit. The important feature of zigbee is provide memory. Zigbee help in sensor devices.
The major advantage of zigbee is power consumption and other advantage is provide high security. It builds on IEEE standard 802.15.4 which defines the physical and MAC layer. Zigbee defines the application and security layer. Zigbee is a superset of IEEE specification. Zigbee consisting o Hardware o Software and hardware
Network data is transmitted in packets.zigbee packets have a maximum size of 128 bytes,including protocol overhead. Zigbee uses 2 kinds of addressing that is 64-bit address 16-bit address The 64-bit address can be used compared to the IP address on the internet. The 16-bit address can be used once a network is setup. The 16-bit address is 216=65,535 nodes connect at a time. Zigbee support star topology .A star topology is very simple,all nodes are connected directly.
Each node may communicate with any other node within range.
Data Reliability: The data reliable is data transmitting and delivering very simple to zigbee. The information is coded as packets or frames. Battery Life: The Battery life is very high.zigbee used in very small power.
TRANSMISSION RANGE: The transmission range of zigbee is 10 to 100m are reasonable but depending upon environment ,antenna and frequency bandwidth. SIZE: Size is very less Data Security: In zigbee the data is very secure zigbee can contain security tool box Data Rate: The datarate are given power level mean there is less energy per transmitted bit.
Reliable and Self healing Supports large no of nodes Very long battery lif Secure Low cost Can be used globally.
I can conclude that in future we are going to a new world with cables everything is done by single controls without using multi switches multipurpose.
1. William stalling ,wirless communication and netwoks,Fourth edition pearson publication limited,2004 2. Andrew S. Tenenbaum, Computer Networks, Fourth Edition Pearson Publication, Limited, 2003 3. Behrouz A. Frouzan, Data Communication, Third Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing , company Limitted, 2004 4.