Table of Contents
1. Introduction
o Overview of Zigbee Technology
o Importance of Zigbee in IoT
4. Applications of Zigbee
o Home Automation
o Industrial Automation
o Health Care
6. Conclusion
7. References
1. Introduction
Zigbee networks consist of different types of devices that are connected in various topologies. Below are
the primary components of a Zigbee network:
Zigbee Coordinator (ZC): The central device in the network that is responsible for starting and
managing the network.
Zigbee Router (ZR): Devices that route messages between other devices in the network,
extending the range of the network.
Zigbee End Device (ZED): Devices that are simple and communicate through a coordinator or
router, typically battery-powered with low energy consumption.
Zigbee Topologies
4. Mesh Topology: Devices can communicate with multiple devices, allowing data to be routed
through the network, enhancing reliability.
5. Tree Topology: A hierarchical form of mesh, where devices communicate with each other in a
tree-like structure.
Zigbee uses a layered protocol stack, as defined in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The stack consists of:
1. Physical Layer (PHY): Handles the transmission and reception of data through radio waves.
2. Medium Access Control Layer (MAC): Manages access to the shared radio channel and ensures
proper data transmission.
3. Network Layer (NWK): Responsible for routing, addressing, and ensuring reliable data delivery.
4. Application Layer (APL): Defines how applications communicate over the Zigbee network.
4. Applications of Zigbee
Home Automation: Zigbee is widely used for smart lighting, security systems, and temperature
Industrial Automation: Zigbee provides a reliable and low-power solution for sensors, control
systems, and asset tracking.
Healthcare: It is used for remote patient monitoring, fitness tracking, and other medical
applications where low-power, short-range communication is needed.
This section will show a simple example of Zigbee communication using the Xbee module (which
supports Zigbee) and Python. The code will involve a coordinator and an end device communicating with
each other.
Hardware Setup:
1. Two Xbee modules (one configured as the coordinator and the other as an end device)
Software Setup:
Python 3.x
PySerial (for serial communication with Xbee modules)
import serial
import time
def listen_for_messages():
while True:
if xbee_coordinator.in_waiting > 0:
message = xbee_coordinator.readline()
print(f"Received Message:
import serial
import time
def send_message(message):
while True:
3. Communication Flow:
The Coordinator listens for incoming
messages on its serial port and prints
The End Device sends a message to the
coordinator every 5 seconds.
In a real scenario, you can visualize the Zigbee communication and monitor the data flow between the
coordinator and the end device in an IDE or a serial monitor. Here's a simple illustration of how Zigbee
devices interact:
Coordinator Device (ZC): Acts as the heart of the Zigbee network, establishing connections and
listening for messages.
End Device (ZED): Sends messages to the coordinator or routers. It has limited functionality to
save power.
For testing the Zigbee communication, you can visualize data flow in a serial monitor connected to both
devices, showing the received and transmitted messages.
Illustration of Zigbee data flow between Coordinator and End Device
This diagram shows the typical behavior in the Zigbee communication process, where the end device
sends data to the coordinator, and the coordinator listens and processes the data.
6. Conclusion
Zigbee technology is integral in IoT networks because of its low power, reliability, and ability to support
large networks. Zigbee is applied in home automation, industrial systems, and healthcare, making it a
key enabler of smart devices and systems. The provided code examples help demonstrate how Zigbee-
based communication can be achieved using Python and the Xbee module.
Visualizing and testing Zigbee communication through serial monitors or embedded IDEs offers a better
understanding of how devices exchange messages. Zigbee’s use of a mesh network ensures robust and
scalable communication across a wide range of applications.
7. References
1. IEEE 802.15.4 - The Standard for Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs)
This internship report highlights the key aspects of Zigbee technology, the protocol stack, its applications,
and an implementation of Zigbee communication using Xbee modules and Python.