Medical Negligence

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Medical Negligence

Introduction This Chapter aims to discuss the following:

What is meant by medical negligence? What are the available remedies for victims of medical negligence? What have been the recent trends of the judiciary in the matters pertaining to medical negligence and deficie

Negligence can be described as failure to take due care, as a result of which injury ensues. Negligence mutually exclusive. Carelessness is not culpable or a ground for legal liability except in those cases in which The medical profession is one such section of society on which such a duty has been imposed in the strictes professional acted in good faith to best of his or her judgement and belief. A medical professional is expec knowledge The question in every case would be whether the medical practitioner in fact attained the degr negligence is a sub species of this tort (civil wrong) which falls within the larger species of professional negl like other forms of negligence, is a criminal offence for which a doctor can even be imprisoned. This is so malpractice, however, is not merely the negligence on the part of the care giver; it is a conscious decision of th procedure or investigation upon a patient for monetary gain either personally or for the institution. But what amounts to medical negligence? Is there a difference between how ci Till 2004, it was generally believed that though civil law and criminal law provided for different remedies, w laws was the same. However recent decisions of the Supreme Court have taken a different view.

There are three essential components of negligence: The existence of a duty to take care, which is owed by the doctor to the complainant; The failure to attain that standard of care, prescribed by the law, thereby committing the breach of such duty Damage, which is both causally connected with such breach and recognized by the law, has been suffered b

This is the ordinary legal meaning of negligence. But for professionals such as medical practitioners an ad known as the Bolam test which is the accepted test in India. In the case of Bolam vs. Friern Hospital Mana Division of the British Court held: A doctor is not guilty of negligence if he has acted in accordance with a p body of medical men skilled in that particular art.

As set out in the judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of Jacob Mat care, when assessing the practice as adopted is judged in the light of the knowledge available at the time (of th

When the charge of negligence arises out of a failure to use some particular equipment, not generally available at that point of time on which it is suggested as should have been used. In this decisio inferring negligence on the part of aprofessional, including a doctor, additional considerations apply. A sim anaccident, is not proof of negligence on the part of a medical professional. So long as a doctor follows a prac that day, he cannot be held liable for negligence merely because a better alternative course or method of trea a more skilled doctor would not have chosen to follow or resort to that practice or procedure which the accuse Finally, while dealing with negligence the Supreme Court made the following observations: A professional may be held liable for negligence when a) He was not possessed of the requisite skill which he professed to have possessed; [and/ or] b) He did not exercise, with reasonable competence in the given case, the skill, which he did possess. The standard to be applied for judging whether the person charged has been negligent or not would be that ordinary skill in that profession. It is not possible for every professional to possess the highest level of practices. All the three remedies can be resorted to simultaneously. Case Law

Criminal Negligence As regards criminal liability of medical practitioners, Supreme Court in a recent judgment in the of Delhi[3] curtailed criminal proceedings against medical negligence to incidents of gross negligence. It hel punishable for every mishap or death during medical treatment. No criminal liability should be attached w

judgment or an accident. Mere inadvertence or some degree of want of adequate care and caution might creat him criminally liable.[4]

The degree of medical negligence must be such that it shows complete apathy for the life crime against the state. The issue has been more elaborately dealt with in the case of Jacob Mathew discusse died while he was being operated for nasal deformity, a minor operation without much complexity. The med the cause of death was due to the failure of the Appellant to introduce a cuffed endotracheal tube of proper wound in the respiratory passage. The Supreme Court held that even if it was assumed that the Appellant was as the alleged act was not grossly negligent. At the most he was liable in tort for damages but not for impri expressed concern that if the liability of doctors were unreasonably extended to criminal liability thereby exp in prison for alleged criminal negligence then the repercussion would be that the doctors would be w administering treatment to the best of their ability. The Court felt that this would adversely affect the societ between the doctor and the patient.

What are the various remedies available under the Indian law in case of medical negligence? Broadly, there ar (1) CIVIL SUIT CONSUMER COURT

Civil Remedy where the relief is sought in compensation under the Consumer Protection

Cases deal in medical negligence and medical practice


A case against a doctor can be filed in Medical Council of the concerned system of medi

Medical Councils do not have powers to award compensation or to imprison

It can only warn the doctor, suspend or revoke the license


The main section under which a criminal case is filed against doctors is Section 304B of with causing death due to rash and negligent act The punishment is two years imprison

Similarly, S.336 of the Penal Code provides that it is an offence to endanger the hum through a rash or negligent act. The punishment is three months imprisonment or fine

S. 337 and 338 of the Indian Penal Code make it an offence to cause simple hurt negligent act. The punishment can be upto six months of imprisonment or fine upto R S. 337 and 338 of the Indian Penal Code make it an offence to cause simple hurt negligent act. The punishment can be upto six months of imprisonment or fine upto R punishment upto 2 years or fine upto Rs. 1000 or both for causing grievous hurt.

Even where gross negligence is alleged, a prima facie case must be established before a magistrate at the firs R. Nerkar vs. Smt Rahimbi Shaikh Madar[5] It is necessary to observe that in cases where a professional i comes forward before a Criminal Court and levels accusations, the consequences of which are disastrous to such as a doctor, the court should be slow in entertaining the complaint in the absence of the complete and ade

It is always open to the learned magistrate to direct an enquiry throu the case are looked into before process is issued. the duty cast on the trial Magistrate under Section 202 o

understood as being confined to ascertain as to whether the complainant and the witnesses have mechanically offence, but it presupposes that judicial mind will apply itself to the case made out as a whole and conclude as hold that an offence has been committed. The establishment of a prima facie case, therefore, indicates that o would constitute the commission of an offence are before the court. Where there exist serious lacunae in the c probabilities of an adverse conclusion are remote, it would not be justified in holding that a prima facie case h

So far so good. But what the Supreme Court did in the Jacob Mathews case6 was to hold that the ingredients than those of civil negligence. In addition to the ingredients of civil negligence for establishing criminal neglig it shall have to be found that the rashness was of such a degree as to amount to taking a hazard k that injury was most likely imminentWhere negligence is an essential ingredient of the offence the negligen be culpable or gross and not the negligence merely based upon an error of judgment.criminal negligence is exercise that reasonable and proper care and precaution to guard against injury . The Supreme Court also laid down guidelines for prosecuting doctors:

1. A private criminal complaint should not be entertained unless the complainant has produced prima facie ev opinion given by another competent doctor to support the charge of rashness or negligence.

2. The investigating officer, before proceeding against a doctor, should obtain an independent medical opini service qualified in that branch of medical practice.

3. The accused doctor should not be arrested in a routine manner unless his arrest is necessary for furthering unless the investigating officer feels satisfied that the doctor will abscond This judgment in fact amounts to a stretched interpretation of the words of the legislation and placing doctors itself does not make any such distinction. Jurisdiction of Consumer Courts

Medical negligence gives rise to civil and criminal liability. We have already mentioned that as regards ci compensation either through a civil suit or a complaint lodged with consumer forum. Since the enactment o been a significant rise in medical negligence cases being filed. In one sense, the passing of this law has given in respect of negligence. Before we go into substantial aspects of medical negligence it is important to see ho Protection Act and its jurisdiction. Doctors have raised a number of concerns regarding the applicability of Co

from applicability of the Act to medical practitioners, the nature of medical services which would be covered by the Act, the nature of consumers (i.e. patients) who would be covered by the Act have been litigated. Sin their relatives, it becomes important to first see whom it applies to.

For quite some time after the passage of the Consumer Protection Act, furious debate was raging whether it at all applies to doctors, hospitals and nursing homes and if so under what situations. controversy in the case of Indian Medical Association vs. V.P. Shantha[6]. The Court held that proceedin summary proceedings for speedy redressal and the remedies are in addition to private law remedy. The issue the Consumer Protection Act and could they claim damages for injury caused by the negligence of the doctor, Apart from submitting that patients could not be classified as consumers under Association argued the following points that are briefly reproduced:

a) Deficiency in service, as defined under the Act, means any fault, imperfection, shortcoming or inadeq performance which is required to be maintained under any law or has been undertaken to be performed otherwise in respect to any service.[7] Thus, deficiency is ascertained on the basis of certain norms relating to and since medical services cannot be judged on the basis of any fixed norms, therefore, practitioners are not co

b) Only such persons can fairly and justly decide on medical malpractice cases who are themselves qualified in medical field as they will be able to appreciate the complex issues involved in such cases. The District Forum comprises of President who is or was a District Judge and the othe adequate knowledge or experience of, or having shown capacity in dealing with, problems relating to econom public affairs or administration. Similarly State Commission and National Commission comprise of two non economics, law, commerce, accountancy, industry, public affairs or administration, while the President shall Court and Supreme Court, respectively. It was submitted that as the members of the Forum are not qualifi medical practitioners should be exempted from the ambit of the Act.

c) Medical malpractice claims involve complex issues that will require detailed examination of evidence, d contrary to the purpose of summary proceedings involving trial by affidavits, which is to provide speedy r adjudicate medical malpractice cases.

d) If the medical practitioners are brought within the purview of the Act, the consequences would be a huge in insurance charges as well as tremendous increase in defensive medicine, that medical practitioners may refus will be no safeguards against frivolous and vexatious complaints and consequent blackmail. The Supreme Court, however, rejected all these arguments and held -

a) The Act defines consumer as any person who hires or avails of any services for a consideration which h partly promised under any system of deferred payment and includes any beneficiary of such services other services for the consideration paid or promised, or partly paid and partly promised, or under any system of availed of with the approval of the first mentioned person.[8]

Service means service of any description which is made available to potential users connection with banking, financing, insurance, transport, processing, supply of electrical or other housing construction, entertainment, amusement or the purveying of news or other information, but does n charge or under a contract of personal service. The Supreme Court observed that all services are included other than those that are provided for free or under

b) The next question was on what parameters of deficiency in services of medical practitioners, hospitals or n 14 enumerates the relief that can be granted for deficiency in service. Sub-section 1(d) provides compen consumer due to negligence of the opposite party. A determination of deficiency in services has, therefore, applied in an action for damages for negligence. The test is the standard of medical care a reasonable man employ under same circumstances. A medical practitioner need note Exhibit extraordinary skills.

c) As regards the expertise of the member of the consumer forum to adjudicate on medical malpractice cases of the Act is to have members who have required knowledge and experience in dealing with problems relatin and purpose of the Act, which is to protect the interest of the consumers. Also as person who is well versed i experience heads all the forum, it will ensure that the deliberation on cases will be guided by legal princ adequate knowledge or experience in the field to which the complaints are related would lead to impossible sit

If the jurisdiction is limited to the area of expertise of its members then complaints relating to large number o as the two members in the District Forum have experience in two fields. The problem will arise vertically as a may be members having experience in fields other than that of members of District Forum, would this imply its Appellate jurisdiction in such complaints. The intention of the legislature is to ensure that the member problems. It is for the parties to place the necessary material before the forum to deliberate upon. It cannot the Consumer Dispute Redressal Agencies do not possess knowledge and experience in medicine, they are inc cases.

d) The Appellant had contended that medical malpractice cases involved complicated question of facts tha should be kept outside the purview of the Act. The Supreme Court observed that in some cases complicated q experts may arise but this was not so in all cases. There are many cases where the deficiency of services is du

of the wrong limb or performance of an operation on the wrong patient or injecting drug to which the pati patient card or the use of wrong anesthetic or during surgery leaving swabs or other foreign objects inside th in complaint can be easily established and speedily disposed off by consumer courts. In complaints involvin recording of evidence of experts, the consumer forum can ask the complainant to approach a civil court for a its provision is in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of any law for the time being in force. e) The Supreme Court drew the following conclusions:

i) Services rendered to patient by a medical practitioner (except where the service is free of charge to ev service), by way of consultation, diagnosis and treatment, both medical and surgical, would fall within the am of the Act

ii) The fact that medical practitioners belong to the medical profession and are subject to the disciplinary con State medical Councils would not exclude the services rendered by them from the ambit of the Act.

iii) Services rendered by a medical officer to his employer under the contract of employment is not service u

iv) Services rendered at private or a Government hospitals, nursing homes, health centres and dispensaries services rendered free of charge are\ exempted. Payment of a token amount for purposes of registration will free. Services rendered at Government or a private hospitals, nursing homes, health centres and dispensaries charges to those who can afford and free to those who cannot are also services for the purposes of the A rendered free services are beneficiaries under S. 2(1) (d) thereby consumer under the Act. v) Services rendered free of charge by a medical practitioner attached to a hospital/ nursing home or where that provides free medical facilities, are not services under the Act.

vi) Where an insurance company pays, under the insurance policy, for consultation, diagnosis and medical tre a consumer under S. 291)(d) and services rendered either by the hospital or the medical practitioner is se employer bears the expenses of medical treatment of its employee, the employee is a consumer under the Act.

The remedy under Consumer Protection Act is in addition to civil remedy and it cannot be denied to a consum are too complicated or the complainants claim is unreasonable.

In Charan Singh vs. Healing Touch Hospital,[9] the Appellant had brought a claim kidneys without his consent during the course of the operation, which resulted in the loss of his job and hu The National Consumer Commission dismissed his complaint on the reasoning that his claim was exc

was because a consumer is required to approach the District, State or National Commission directly depe complainant was drawing a salary of Rs. 3000 plus allowancesThis is his allegation, which is not admitted contention is correct and even if we accept that as a result of wrong treatment given in the Hospital he has su 34 lakhs made by the complainant is excessive. We are of the view that this exaggerated claim has been jurisdiction of this commission .

The Supreme Court opined that the quantum of compensation is at the discretion of the Forum irrespective of Act is to provide speedy summary trial and the Commission should have taken the complaint to its logical evidence and rendered its findings on merits. The Court further held,

a. While quantifying damages, Consumer Forums are required to make an attempt to serve the ends of jus established case, which not only serves the purpose of recompensating the individual, but which also at the change in the attitude of the service provider. b. It is not merely the alleged harm or mental pain, agony or physical discomfort, loss of salary and emoluments etc. suffered by the Appellant which is in issue here. It is also the quality of conduct committed by the Respondents upon which attention is required to be founded in a case of proven negligence. (para 13, p. 673)

In the case of Dr. J.J. Merchant vs. Shrinath Chaturvedi,[10] the Supreme Court observed that in matters require recording of evidence, the consumer forum has the discretionary power to direct the complainant to Nevertheless, the procedure provided in the Act is adequate vis--vis civil suit to decide medical malpractic law and fact. For instance affidavits of experts including doctors can be taken as evidence. Thereafter, if cross the Commission finds it proper, it can easily evolve a procedure permitting a party who intends to cross-exa and experts including by doctors on affidavit could reply to those questions. In case where the stakes were hig such doctors or experts, there could be video or telephonic conference and at the initial stage this cost should conferences. Further, the Commissioner appointed at the work place can undertake the crossexamination commissions can evolve a procedure of levying heavy cost where a party seeks adjournment on one or the oth

In Spring Meadows Hospital vs. Harjo Ahluwalia[11] the Supreme Court was co child dies due to medical negligence. It was argued by the hospital that the parents were not consumers und Court rejected this argument and observed that even parents were covered under the Act and there was nothin well as the child from recovering damages. In this case, a child patient was treated for seven days in the Sp The consultant physician prescribed Chioromphenical injection, but the unqualified nurse misread it as c of injection, Lariago (i.e. chloroquine). She injectedchloroquine 5 mg IV, which was at least 3-1/2 patient suffered irreversible brain damage. Treatment for 21 days in AIIMS, New Delhi, did not help. The p


The National Consumer Commission, whose judgment was confirmed by the Supreme Court, came to the negligent, as he allowed an unqualified nurse to administer the injection, even though the consultant doctor doctor himself.

The hospital and the nurse were jointly and severally liable. The Court made the following important observat

Very often in a claim for compensation arising out of medical negligence a plea is taken that it is a case circumstances may be excusable, but a mistake which may tantamount to negligence cannot be pardoned.G finding of negligence. Use of wrong drug or wrong gas during the course of anesthetia will frequently delegation of responsibility to another may amount to negligence in certain circumstances. A consultant responsibility to his junior with the knowledge that the junior was incapable of performing his duties properly. The Court ordered the following compensation in the case: (a) Rs. 12.5 lakhs to the child (Rs. 10 lakhs compensation, plus Rs. 2.5 lakhs for equipment). (b) Rs. 5 lakhs to the parents, for mental agony.

The Supreme Court further held that when a young child is taken to a hospital and treated by the hospital, then (a) the childs parents would come within the definition of consumer; and (b) the child also becomes a consumer, being a beneficiary of such services.

[Even where the patient is a married daughter, the parents who are required to spend for her treatment, are al Kalpana Desai[12]

In the case of Sailesh Munja vs. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS ),[13]the hospital claimed the hospital it would not be covered under the Act. The National Commission rejectedthis argument and held totally free; the hospital would be covered under the Consumer Protection Act.

In Ranjit Kumar Das vs. ESI Hospital[14] the Complainants wife was not given admiss was registered under the Act. She died and the Complainant was ordered to be paid Rs. 2 lakh as compensa

down that the ESI hospitals, though government run, are covered under the Consumer Protection Act.

In Suhas Haldulkar vs. Secretary, Public Health Dept., State of Maharashtra[15] the National Commission held that since the hospital concerned was a Government hospital where patients are before the Consumer Forum was not maintainable. The Complaint was dismissed since all the patients were Complainant to approach the civil court. If of course some of the patients were being charged for the servic jurisdiction even if the concerned patient was treated free of charge. Can the consumer court go into the propriety of the fees charged by a doctor or a hospital?

In B.S. Hegde vs. Dr. Sudhanshu Bhattacharya[16] , the State Commission of Maharashtra held the doc render necessary postoperative care which was undertaken by him for a consideration (fee). This fee of Rs. 4 the open-heart by-pass operation performed on the complainant at the Bombay Hospital, for rendering posto three months. The fee was held to be excessive, unreasonable and unjustifiable though it was conceded that t services was the choice of the medical practitioner. The state commission awarded a sum of Rs. 2 lakh b Complainant approached the Consumer Forum against exorbitant charges levied by the Respondent Cardiolo its shock at the charges leveled, it held that it did not have the jurisdiction to go into the propriety of the fees c Civil Negligence and Deficiency in Medical Service

The substantial aspects of civil liability in negligence cases have, by and large, remained the same over decad on negligence essentially is the judge made common law followed in England for centuries. The main princip to this chapter. This section cooks at the application of these principles in concrete situations. What are the duties of the doctor towards a patient who approaches him?

In Dr. Laxman Balkrishna Joshi vs. Dr. Trimbak Bapu Godbole[17] the patient had died due to shock w fracture without taking elementary caution of giving anesthesia. In the light of thesurrounding circumstances in applying too much of force in aligning the bone. The Supreme Court held that doctors have the discretion t and such discretion is relatively large in an emergency case. Nevertheless, the doctor owes his patients a duty case, the line of treatment to be adopted and a duty in administering that treatment. When a docto impliedly undertakes that he is possessed of skill and knowledge for the purpose. And in executing his duty h knowledge and care.

The Supreme Court also cited with approval the observations in Halsbury Laws of England in its Vol. 30 whic medical practitioner, such a person who is consulted by a patient owes him certain duties, namely

a) duty of care in deciding whether to undertake the case; b) duty of care in deciding what treatment to give; c) duty of care in his administration of that treatment; and

d) Duty of care in answering a question put to him by a patient in circumstances in which he knows that the pa A breach of any of these duties will support an action for negligence by the patient.[18]

What does a complainant have to prove in order to carry home a charge of medical negligence? The Bomb medical negligence it was not sufficient to show that the patient suffered in some way. It had to be proven that result of negligence on the part of the doctor. In Philips India Ltd. vs. Kunju Punnu[19] the Bombay High against a doctor, the plaintiff has to prove:

a) that the defendant had a duty to take reasonable care towards the plaintiff to avoid the damage complained o b) that there was a breach of duty on the part of the defendant; and

c) That the breach of duty was the real cause of the damage complained of and such damage was reasonably fo

In the instant case the deceased was an employee of the Appellant. He approached the resident doctor of the c and was treated accordingly. After a week he returned, this time complaining of fever, cold and headache. Wit high fever and was kept in the companys dispensary for observation. In the evening when the doctor foun pathological tests and was taken to a nursing home of a specialist who treated him for bacteraemia. He app Later it was discovered that the deceased was suffering from small pox that eventually caused his death.

The issue before the court was whether the doctor was negligent as he failed to diagnose small pox. The c necessarily negligent diagnosis. A practitioner can be liable if his diagnosis is so palpably wrong as to prove of such a nature as to imply an absence of reasonable skill and care on his part regard being had to the ordin instant case there was no evidence to show that when the patient was taken to the company doctor any doctor diagnosed the disease of the patient as small pox or treated him for small pox. There was no epidemic of small pox at that time to induce the defendant doctor from carrying on test for the same. On fulminating small pox could have occurred within 24 or 36 hours with no outward manifestations at all and th findings on which to base a certain diagnosis. Thus, the defendant doctor was held to be not negligent. Howev

that the court held that just because a doctor is employed by a company to treat its employees, his responsibili ordinary doctor.

In some circumstances, however, negligence may be attributed to a medical practitioner without proof of dire practitioner. In Poonam Verma vs. Ashwin Patel[20] Respondent No. 1 was a registered homeopathy doc viral fever, which were prevalent in the Appellants locality. The condition of the Appellants husban d deter No.2, a nursing home, for pathological tests and diagnosis. The deceased was treated for two days and as his another hospital where he died within hours of admission. In appeal the Supreme Court set up an ad hoc me The board concluded that it was impossible to determine the true cause of the death. Therefore, claims again but Respondent No.1 was held negligent on the ground that he was a homeopathic doctor and was not q medicine. Respondent No.1 was held to be negligent per se. Blacks Law Dictionary defines negligence per se as-

Conduct, whether of action or omission, which may be declared and treated as negligence without any argum circumstances, either because it is in violation of a statute or valid municipal ordinance, or because it is so p prudence that it can be said without hesitation or doubt that no careful person would have been guilty of it. duty, enjoined by law for the protection of person or property, so constituted.

Also known as the Doctrine of Res ipsa Loquitur (things speaks for itself), the doctrine is attracted when under the control of the defendant, and medical or other expert evidence shows that such accidents would not least evidence of negligence for a jury.[21]

It may be mentioned that now under the judgment in the Jacob Mathews case (ibid) the Supreme Court has not applicable in criminal cases. It continues to be applicable in civil cases.

Even so, the present judgment seems to be incorrect, in the context of the long line of precedents on neglige attributed to the treatment. Thus there was no causal link established between the treatment and the death. In negligence does not fit within the law. The Court could have, of course, directed the homeopathic doctor cancelled for practising allopathic medicine. The Court could also have directed the doctor to pay a fine which paid to the heirs of the deceased. But having come to the conclusion that there was no causal link between doctor could not have been punished for negligence.

In Shyam Sunder vs. State of Rajasthan,[22] the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur was again discussed. The nor

negligence, but, in some cases, considerable hardship is caused to the plaintiff, as the true cause of the accide the knowledge of the defendant who caused it. The plaintiff can prove the accident but cannot prove how it the part of the defendant. This hardship is sought to be avoided, in certain cases, by invoking the principle of to be under the management of the defendant or his servants, and the accident is such, as, in the ordinary cou have the management use proper care, then it affords reasonable evidence, in the absence of an explanation by want of care.

In Jasbir Kaur vs. State of Punjab[23] the Petitioners newborn childs eye was gouged out by a cat that c separate room under the charge of the Petitioners relatives, as there was a shortage of cots. It was contended b the incident took place because of the Petitioners relatives negligence in leaving the child alone. The Court held the hospital and State negligent. The safety and protection was under the control of the hospital and suc in the ordinary course of things but did so, only because of the negligence of the hospital.

What happens when there is a difference of opinion amongst experts concerning the line of treatme Lakshmi Hospital[24] the Appellants uterus was removed because of excessive bleeding during a surg discovered to be cervical pregnancy. The Appellant alleged that had a sonography been performed the determined and she would not have had her uterus removed. The Supreme Court observed that there was a difference of opin sonography could determine cervical pregnancy. The Appellant showed no symptoms of cervical pregnancy doctor to suspect that and resort to a different course of treatment. In Kerela removal of uterus was recomme of cervical pregnancy, and in the instant case the Respondent had to resort to it to save the Appellants life. Th adopted by the Respondent doctor was reasonable and although the risk involved might have called for fur view could not be dismissed as being illogical. A difference of opinion amongst experts on procedure adopte the procedure adopted is commonly in practice in an area.

A totally free treatment in a place which gives free treatment to everybody may not entitle the complainan would still be entitled to approach the District Court by filing a suit for damages. In S. Mittalvs. State negligence in eye camps. An eye camp was organised for extending expert ophthalmic surgical treatment to pa The operated eyes of several patients were, however, irreversibly damaged, owing to post-operative infectio caused by normal saline used at the time of surgery. A public interest litigation was filed, praying (apart from negligence in the arranging of the eye operations. The Supreme Court directed the State Government to pay addition to Rs.5, 000 already paid). The Supreme Court observed that (a) It was no defence, that the trea Government would be liable for negligence in such activities.

In Eby Minor vs. GEM Hospital,[26] a newborn child developed gangrene because of which his hand belo new born premature child placed in an incubator in the Respondent hospital. The National Commission fou

gangrene except infection which could only have been contacted due to the negligence of the hospital. A comp

Does the non-conduct of necessary pre-operative tests amount to negligence? This was the issue before the Na N. Thangamuthu.[27]The Complainants wife had gynecological problems in terms of excessive bleedin removed. After this, she complained of giddiness and vomiting and died. The death certificate gave the caus The National Commission found the doctor guilty of negligence on the ground that despite there being no were conducted prior to the surgery to assess renal functioning.

Similarly, in S.V. Panchori vs. Dr. Kaushal Pandey[28] the Commission held that omission to do a r in service.

The other issue which the Courts have been concerned with relates to the use of medical literature in dealin literature be used to prove or disprove the findings of negligence? InP.Venkatalaxmi vs. Dr. Y. Savitha Dev the ground reality was that rarely did doctors testify against doctors and therefore there was nothing wrong i case.

Can a hospital be held guilty of negligence if it does not have adequate infrastructure? In T. Vani Devi vs. Tu wife died in the nursing home where she was admitted for delivery. When she started bleeding no proper care that the nursing home was not equipped to deal with emergencies nor it had any arrangements to deal w negligence. The Consumer Forum has, however, held that if beds are not available in a hospital, refusing a deficiency in service. In Bhajan Lal Gupta vs. Mool Chand Kharati Ram Hospital[31] when the patient another hospital due to non-availability of beds, the National Forum held that this did not amount to deficiency

The issue of informed consent has been much litigated in foreign jurisdictions. The National Commission was P.S. Hardia vs. Kedarnath Sethia[32]. The Complainant lost his eye due to a surgery which was not an eme negligent on the basis that performed an operation which was totally unnecessary and also held that simply tak at his own risk under expressive consent did not absolve the doctor from taking a more detailed and di emergency.

Is a doctor responsible for the negligence of his nurse? In K.G.Krishnan vs. Praveen Kumar (minor),[33 fever. He was given a paracetomal injection by the nurse in such a way that his right side was paralysed. The but the National Commission held that the nurse was the employee of the doctor and as such the doctor w directed the doctor to pay compensation of Rs. 1 lakh.

Is a hospital liable for the negligence of its doctors? In Savita Garg vs. Director, National Heart Institute[3 the National Heart Institute and according to the Appellant her husband died due to negligence of doctors an

dismissed her case as she had not joined the treating doctors and nurses as parties to the case. She approached Supreme Court, in this landmark decision held the following: It was not necessary to join the treating doctors or nurses as parties as long as the hospital was made a party; Only the initial burden of proving negligence is on the Complainant. After this, it would be for the hospital to show from records, etc. as to what care and treatment were given. It is for the hospital to satisfy that there was no lack of care or diligence. The hospital is responsible for the acts of their permanent staff as well as staff whose services are temporarily requisitioned for the treatment of patients. The Supreme Court remitted the case back to the National Forum for trying it on merits.

Does the failure to monitor dosage of drugs amount to negligence? In Mohd. Ishfaq vs. Dr. Martin Dsouz and was asked to undergo a kidney transplant. He was administered amicacin 500 mg injections twice a day hearing totally. The National Commission held that it was the responsibility of the hospital to monitor the available literature and failure to do so amounted to negligence. The patient was ordered to be paid Rs. 4 la lakh towards the mental agony suffered by him.

Can a doctor charge for facilities he does not offer? In R.M. Joshi vs. Dr. P.B. Tahilramani[36] the Stat charges when the patient was made to sleep on a table amounted to deficiency in service. Can a doctor be cha necessary? In Uttaranchal Forest Hospital Trust vs. Smt. Raisan[37] the complainants organ was removed cancer was found. The State Commission found the doctor guilty of negligence for performing a surgery that w

Does the failure of a procedure undertaken by a doctor imply that he was negligent? The Supreme Court has c Shiv Ram[38] the Supreme Court was dealing with a case where sterilization had failed and the woman gave The State argued that there was always a small chance of failure in such procedures and the failure of ste negligent. The Supreme Court upheld this argument and cited with approval a decision of the English Court i had observed:

In the absence of any express warranty, the Court should be slow to imply against a medical man an unqualif operation, for the very simple reason that, objectively speaking, it is most unlikely that a responsible medical m Conclusion

Cases of medical negligence are rising rapidly especially in the consumer courts. However getting fellow do evident is a very difficult task. With the recent decisions of the Supreme Court in matters concerning crimi difficult for doctors to be prosecuted under the criminal law.

Though no such reliable standard has emerged by which a physician can avoid liability with certainty, there ensure that the information provided to the patient falls within the ambit of informed consent. In India, this d due to level of illiteracy, and poor medical awareness amongst the population even among the urban educ explain the method of treatment and the risks involved in a language and manner that the patient can under does not absolve the doctor of his duties in this regard. The very fact that the patient visits doctor establishes a disclosure. As in cases of negligence, no uniform standard can emerge, as a practice of medicine is extremely this discretion in the interest of the patient under the exception for therapeutic privilege. The standard of what ambiguous it is even more abstract in the light of such an exception. To determine how much information s state of the patient at that point of time is crucial. Therefore, courts have to examine the circumstances surr drawing conclusions .The question that also arises is what is the level of informed consent if there was on chances of survival are low? In such a case informed consent may even assume more importance as the risk to

What constitutes informed consent is yet to be settled, though a number of cases concerning informed c Majority of the successful cases have been those where the Courts are not required to go into complicated m that a doctor is liable only if the line of treatment prescribed by him was not a recognized method altogether. M on the basis that medical experts had not testified in support of the Complainants. While it is not essential t becomes important in complex medical negligence cases. Even now, it is difficult to get doctors to testify important task to be taken up in the next few years. Also, by and large the Medical Councils performanc requires much to be desired but it is a remedy which should not be ignored. PATIENTS RIGHTS

1. You have a right to be told all the facts about your illness; to have your medical records explained to yo effects, if any, of the treatment prescribed for you do not hesitate to question your doctor about any of these as

2. When you are being given a physical examination, you have a right to be handled with consideration and du

3. You have a right to know your doctors qualifications. If you cannot evaluate them yourself, do not hesitate 4. You have a right to complete confidentiality regarding your illness.

5. If you are doubtful about the treatment prescribed and especially an operation suggested, you have a right to

6. You have a right to be told in advance, what an operation is for and the possible risks involved. If unconscious or for some other reasons, your nearest relatives must be told before they consent to the operation

7. If you are to be discharged or moved to another hospital, you have a right to be informed in advance a nursing home, in consultation with the doctor. 8. You have a right to get your case papers upon request.

Medical Malpractice

Generally, the term "malpractice" refers to the negligence of the member of a professio refers to the professional negligence of doctors, surgeons, nurses and other healthcare

Medical malpractice occurs when medical care provided by a healthcare professional fa care within their field of practice (Breach of the Accepted Standard of Care) a patient is caused to suffer damages in the form of personal injury, economic injury, and What has to be Proved in a Medical

The Three Elements Required: 1. Breach of Duty, 2. Causation, and 3. Damages .

If any one (or more) of the above elements is missing, then there cannot be a malpractice. In addition, if any one (or more) of the three elements is not proved at lawsuit, then instructions given to the jury by the Judge will require the jury to return doctor and against the person suing the doctor. Breach of the Accepted


Acts or Omissions May Constitute a Breach of the Accepted Standard of Care

The term "breach of the accepted standard of care" refers to a failure of a doctor, s care professional to fulfil his or her duty always to meet or exceed the accepted standa field of practice. The duty of a medical care professional to meet or exceed the acce effect.

A medical care professional may "breach" his or her duty to meet or exceed the acc below the accepted standard of care through either an "act" (actively did something w surgery on someone who was only 50 pounds overweight and, therefore, was not a pr through an "omission" (failed to do something right, like diagnose a malignant, can visible on an x-ray at an early stage when it could have been treated successfully with

Not every failure to meet or exceed the accepted standard of care supports a claim malpractice or professional negligence. The other two elements, "causation" and "d provable. Causation and Damages can be interrelated, as you will see. Causation Direct and Proximate Cause

Causation is what it sounds like. For the causation element of a medical malpractice c accepted standard of care within the field of professional practice must "cause" compensable damages). Consider the example on the "breach of the accepted st doctor failed to diagnose a malignant, cancerous tumor when it was plainly visible on could have been treated successfully with full recovery. Assume that if the doctor iden diagnosed the person with cancer at such an early stage that the person could ha recovered fully from the cancer. Instead, the cancer went untreated and the person di

failure to diagnose the cancer at its early stage when the tumor was visible on the x accepted standard of care within the professional medical field of radiology. The br of care was the cause of the wrongful death of the person because, but for the docto the person would have been treated and would have fully recovered. The breach care was the cause of the wrongful death.

There are times, however, that a doctor's breach of the accepted standard of personal injury or wrongful death. For example, consider the example above about malignant cancerous tumor. But, instead of the cancer being at an early stage and tre taken after the cancer had spread throughout the person's body and was not treatab assume that a week later, another doctor reviewed the x-ray, identified the tum suffering late-stage, untreatable cancer. While the first doctor who misread the x-ray a diagnose the cancer clearly failed to fulfil his duty to meet or exceed the acce professional field, his breach of the accepted standard of care was not the "cau even if the doctor had diagnosed the malignant, cancerous tumor a week earlier, there done to treat the person with late stage, incurable cancer. Similarly, in this examp because the breach of the accepted standard of care in failing to diagnose the ca any change for the worse in the person's condition. Also, diagnosing the cancer a week have resulted in any change of the person's condition for the better.

Medical Malpractice Damages

The term "Damages" as an element of a medical malpractice case refers to those th victim or his or her family to collect money compensation. There are two main types of non-economic damages. Economic Damages

Economic damages from medical malpractice, surgical malpractice or professional neg money damages which can be calculated such as out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a surgical malpractice or professional negligence and lost wages caused to be suff malpractice, surgical malpractice or professional negligence. Economic damages may include past or future out-of-pocket expense and wage loss accepted standard of care." Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Expenses incurred may be in the form of hospital bills, medication bills, nursing appliance costs (such as a wheel chair), and construction costs associated with accessible, to name a few. These types of economic damages caused by medical m professional negligence are referred to as out-of-pocket expenses, even though the "p often is the "pocket" of a health insurance company, medicare. or medicaid.
Lost Wages

The out-of-pocket expenses listed above constitute one type of economic damages malpractice, surgical malpractice or professional negligence. The other type of econom medical malpractice, surgical malpractice or professional negligence are related to lo refers to that sum of money that and person who suffers personal injury or wron malpractice, surgical malpractice or professional negligence would have earned, both p the victim of medical malpractice, surgical malpractice or professional negligence resu death.
Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are those damages suffered which do not refer to an out-of-p economic damages include the emotional pain, suffering, and anguish that are in malpractice, surgical malpractice or professional negligence.

Indian Journal of Medical Ethics

Medical Councils in India

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has sent a notice to the Medical Council of India (MCI) sex- selective abortions. Though Parliament unanirnously passed the Regulation of Prenatal Diagnostic Techniq yet to be implemented as the rules have not yet been published and the infrastructur not been set up so far. If the Act remains unimplemented, the only option to curb the menace will be through community. Ironically, MCI, the apex body constituted to regulate medical practice country, has maintained a mysterious silence on this issue. Action by NHRC might help The important social phenomenon of a continuing decrease in Indias sex ratio from attracted worldwide attention and shaken everyone except the MCI and its state bra insignificant. As the central committee on sex determination noted, In fact, the need determination would perhaps not have arisen had the medical councils taken note of

steps to lay down wholesome principles for the guidance of the profession in keeping society. In the past newspapers have published vivid accounts of the open rigging, misco procedures that take place during elections to the Maharashtra Medical Council. For a lo acted as irresponsible trade unions, upholding the interests of medical professionals o and of society. It is time to initiate the long process of overhauling the councils. The central committee on sex determination has suggested restructuring the medica few non- medical social thinkers and public representatives on these committees to se has also recommended legal changes to enable the government or members of the pu cases to them to seek their opinion and take effective action against the guilty within a The medical code of ethics is another area that needs closer scrutiny. This code ne debated and updated in accordance with the newer challenges facing the medical profe participatory ethos and genuine concern about upholding medical ethics the code will be The basic problem with the medical councils is their lack of accountability and their in should address. (The author was a member of the Government of Indias expert commi Medico- legal autopsies, MCI and state medical councils

The NHRC has suggested that medicolegal autopsies be recorded on video- tape as manipulated to suit vested interests. The commission noted that mortuaries are gene actually doing the post- mortem examinations . Dr. Bishnu I& mar of the MCI informed the NHRC that it is the state medical councils th doctors and that the MCI has no control since the states are governed by their own act the states have not followed MCI guidelines. False report

Mr. Raghu Nath Bhattacherjee, sub- divisional magistrate, Srirampur court in Hooghly against Dr. P. G. Bhattacharjee of Walsh Hospital for his incorrect post- mortem repor (65) who died in the hospital on the night of May 6. It was stated in court that the deceased Sambhu Ghosh was fatally assaulted by h Ghosh and three others after he had refused to transfer his property in the name of hi of the deceased, alleged that the four accused influenced Dr. Bhattacharjee to issue a p certifying that Sambhu Ghosh had died after a heart attack. The inquest revealed multiple injuries.

Legitimising poor medical education

The Bombay University has granted affiliation to certain private medical colleges in Ne requisite infrastructure to conduct an MBBS course. Some of them are even recognis (MCI), the apex medical body in the country. Terna Medical College, owned by Congressman Padamsinh Patil opened in Decembe building of its own. At present classes are held at the CIDCO school at Airoli. The Mahatma Gandhi Mission (MGM) College at Kamothe, owned by ex- Congressman K been approved for recognition by MCI, a fact that has surprised several medical pro recognition by MCI is that the college must be attached to a hospital with 700 be hospitals, besides being attached to the Shastri Nagar Hospital, Dombivli. The trusts h hardly any patients. At the Kamothe Hospital these reporters counted 100 beds th strength of 500. At that time just 20 patients were admitted. A well- placed source at checked before granting recognition. This paucity of patients affects the final year students who are required to study a highway accident cases in this hospital. they lamented,Those of us who can afford it ta from doctors in Sion Hospital. These students pay between Rs. 30,000 and 80,000 pe this private tuition. Euthanasia in Australia An Anglican church leader warned that voluntary euthanasia laws passed in Australia people considered a burden to society. The law permits terminally ill patients to end after an assessment from two doctors, including one with a diploma in psychological me On the face of it, it looks like an exercise in compassion, but it has serious longterm human life, said Anglican Church Primate of Australia, Keith Rayner. He predicted tha was allowed would gradually and imperceptibly be widened. Those who are economi obvious contributions to make to society will be at risk, he said. The national daily, The Australian, said in an editorial that the Northern Territory ha waters , adding that the law could have unforeseen side- effects. The Northern Territo a very small constituency. The evidence is not yet convincing that the benefits of this potential for abuse. The Sydney Morning Herald warned that what sounds good in practice. A patient receiving treatment for the pain of a terminal illness is not in a goo be influenced. Negligence during renal transplant The police have registered a case against four doctors of a private nursing home (in A the kidney of a HIV- infected person into the body of a 25 year- old youth, Balwinder K

Balwinders father, Mehar Chand, was reportedly made to purchase a kidney for his inDelhi who was eventually found to be HIV- infected. The doctors allegedly did not tes the kidney had been transplanted he was found to be HIV- positive. The report of aspersions on the conduct of the nursing home authorities after it was found that th records to cover up the evidence against them and blamed them for playing with the li Complaints on medical negligence - a Catch 22 situation

Pursuing cases of medical negligence against doctors/ hospitals in consumer courts is, are faced with a choice between bringing a medical experts opinion supporting the complaints. The basic rule of evidence places the onus of proving allegations made in the complai most instances, the complainant does not have access to case papers maintained b complainants demand for copies of such papers are often turned down by hospitals. In is difficult for the complainant to get a medical opinion. One wonders about the fair which requires the complainant to prove the allegations. There is a well- known exception to the rule of evidence - res ipsa loquitur (the ev patient has been admitted for minor surgery and dies in the operation theater, the co loquitur to benefit the complainant. The doctrine shifts the onus of proof to the ot reasonable precautions were exercised. More on lack of consumer protection The absence of a supreme court verdict on whether complaints against medical neglig courts is leading to ambiguity on the status of such disputes in these forums. The Bom negligence proceedings against a Kandivli doctor, Kakubhai T. Masrani, at the s commission. At least three cases of medical negligence in this forum have been stayed months. In Delhi 10 cases have been stayed. One of these pertains to a toddler who wrong prescription and has become a spastic. The clause of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) under dispute is the definition of service means service of any description which is made available to potential user include the rendering of any service free of charge or under a contract of personal se patient enters into a contract of personal service with the doctor. The complexity of the situation is compounded by differing judgements delivered by Madras High Court. Mr. Justice Balakrishna Eradi of the National Commission had rule CPA. The Madras High Court (Subramaniam vs Kumaraswamy 1994) has ruled that under the purview of CPA. Death due to the negligence of doctors

Two doctors in Caliufia have been recently sued in two different= cases of negligence re Gopal Chatterjee submitted a complaint at a police station at a police station here hol death of his 19- year- old daughter during vascular surgery on her right leg. Dr. Chatterjee insisted on a post mortem examination which revealed callousness on autopsy led to Dr. Seals arrest. This case has come close on the heels of the conviction of another city doctor. On cardiothoracic surgeon, was sentenced to two years rigorous imprisonment for crimina four- anda- half year old girl, Papri De, who died on February 24, 1991 in the Calcutta M In a city where hospitals are hellholes, Dr. Malls conviction came after a long battl parents. Papri had accidentally swallowed a plastic pencil cap with which she was play The Calcutta Medical College and Hospital, where Papri was first taken, did The SSKM Hospitalhad a bronchoscope but it was not in a working condition. The child CMRI. For more than four hours the child cried and gasped for breath in her mothers la admitted, arrived at 9.30 p. m. He did not perform the bronchoscopy recommended by gave the child three injections of Calmpose and Decadron and left. After overcoming t death, the parents resolved to see the doctor punished. Unnecessary panic

Pawan Beria M. B., DCH, said the sign outside the good doctors consultancy in Goku quite, as events were to show. On a miserable monsoon day, with the rains a constant backdrop, a colleagues siste eight- month- old baby who was suffering from a congested chest. Dr. Beria, M. B., DCH examined the baby and called for an Xray. With that in hand he have to be admitted immediately, he said. There was not a moment to lose. He neede a broncho- dilator. Hearing all this, the mother was distraught but insisted on a second opinion. Dr. Beria precious every minute was and immediate admission was the only answer. The cost of all this? A cool Rs. 300 a night upwards for a bed, with the medication to be Despite the good doctors exhortation, a second opinion was sought. The baby wa admission, no fancy medication. Even antibiotics were discontinued after a day. Pawan Beria, M. B., DCH - one of a fast- multiplying breed of meritorious medicos wh oath - didnt quite pull it off this time.

Doctors strike

President of the Ambejogai unit of Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors (MARD that 49 patients died during the doctors strike at the Swami Ramanand Teerth hosp June. He, however, held the hospital administration responsible for the deaths. He told this hospital owing allegiance to MARD had gone on strike from June 7 to 26. We had giv administration so that they could make alternate arrangements to look after the patien in only 17 doctors, Dr. Gopchade said. Dr. Gopchade denied that the striking doctors had behaved irresponsibly. If we were n would not have opened a parallel OPD, he reasoned. Fees charged by nursing homes

How much should the owner of a nursing home charge for services rendered? Accor Consultants of Greater Bombay, a nursing home with ten beds needs to charge at leas even. This takes into account the cost of purchase of premises (estimated at Rs. 32,00 cost of equipment, salaries and sundry other expenses. An article in the associations quarterly journal, Grasp, mentions that most nursing hom than Rs. 150 to Rs. 200 per day per bed. What it conveniently overlooks is that the private hospitals, make their money under other heads as the brother of a peon i recently. Mr. Ramdas Parab, who was admitted to the Guru Nanak Memorial Hospital in Bandra f shell out more than Rs. 6,000 though the charges for the bed were only Rs. 100. The anaesthetist pocketed another Rs. 900, while the charges for the operation theater wer The poor man had to get himself discharged and move to the K. B. Bhabha Municipal H successfully treated and sent home in good shape after a few days. Demi- god doctors

Our doctors, most of them I must say, are not careful while administering medicines t even examining a patient. They consider themselves demi- gods and expect to be th patient who wants to know what the doctor has prescribed. Why, a patient who consul another has to face the wrath of the specialist. Not only will he be ill- treated but he w

that the first doctor has advised against. Even having done so, should the medicine hav be blamed for they are but the high and the mighty who are not answerable to anybody I just hope Indian doctors read this and mend their ways. To err is human but who will own responsibility?

Mrs. Rajeswari Ayyappan, mother of the film star Sridevi, underwent surgery neurosurgeon at Sloan- Kettering Hospital operated on the wrong side of the brain. Thi to be made answerable for such blunders. While it is understandable that doctors should feel sympathetic towards erring colleagu made to the patient. If, however, society is very strict, doctors will be chary to touc leniency may make them thoughtless. Where does one draw the line between too strict Dr. V. N. Shrikhande, chief general surgeon, Bombay Hospital feels that compensation suggests the creation of special cells composed of equal numbers of doctors and othe The grievance should be addressed to the Medical Council of India but unfortunately, it Doctors all over India share a remarkable unanimity of opinion on points related to profession regulated by amateurs; neither do they want it besmirched by negligent respected among them have developed their own individualistic methods for ensuri codes cannot be easily taught or enforced. The legal opinion differs. Mr. Prasantha Kumar Sinha, Government Pleader, City C apprehension that doctors have about the Consumer Forum is unfounded. It is curious, but true, that the senior doctors this correspondent interviewed were circ were scathing in their remarks about the medical profession as practised by many. Dr. Z with an excellent practice in Madras was frank. There is an assemblyline typ hospitals. The junior doctor admits the patient at night. The registrar or whoever ge prepares the patient for surgery. And the consultant breezes into the operation theate operate on xrays and scans, not on the patient. Dr. B. S. Das, head of the department of neurosurgery at NIMHANS, Bangalore was cri - especially a surgeon - must see the patient, review the situation and make a decision patient is not right. Dr. Z continued: There is honour among thieves. Now that medico- legal suits are i building up. I get lawyers and their touts coming to me and asking for examples of med conspiracy between the doctor and the patient. The patient sues. The insurance compa the proceeds. To the poor it very often seems that they are always asked by the medical professio Patients with headaches are now almost always asked to undergo brain scans. Doc

hauled up for not sending patients with simple injuries for elaborate investigations. The surgeon must ensure that neither the patients throat nor his own is cut when he re

Medical Negligence vis - - vis Medical Profession in Changing Scena


Since long the medical profession is considered as highly respected and a nobel prof standard of medical profession can be attributed to increasing number of litigat negligence. Health services being brought under the purview of consumer prote commercialization has had adverse effects on doctor-patient relationship. The recent Honorable Supreme Courts judgement on medical negligence (Jacob Mathe medical community but the need for corrective steps by individual doctors and contr India is utmost necessary in changing scenario. Against all odds the medical commu strive to maintain the honour and the nobel status of this sacred profession. Key words: Medical Negligence, Medical Profession, CPA, Doctor-patient relationship


The Consumer Protection Act was passed by Government of India in1986 to prote TheCPA has defined Consumer and Service in detail.1 The judgments given by di question whether the services rendered by the medical practitioner would come u envisaged and defined under CPA were conflicting. In 1995, the Supreme Court decis VP Shantha brought the medical profession within the ambit of a Service as defined i of CPA, followed by Supreme Court landmark judgment, increased numbers of litigat dissatisfied relatives, as it was now easy to file a complaint under CPA. Today its a practitioners and hospitals are being attacked by the relatives of the patient/dece negligence of the doctors. An attempt is made to introspect medical profession with regards to doctor-patient Honorable Supreme Courts (landmark) judgement (Jacob Mathew v. State of Pu professionals to maintain the nobel status of the profession.


Negligence is a type of tort or delict that can be either criminal or civil in nature. Negli by omission to do something which a reasonable and prudent person guided by tho regulates human affairs would do or doing something which a prudent and reas considerations would not do.3

Negligence by Professional

Professionals such as doctors are persons having special skill and knowledge and posse they will profess their skill with reasonable degree of care and caution. Medical negligence is defined as want of reasonable degree of care or skill, or willful

practitioner in the treatment of patient with whom a relationship of professional attenda bodily injuries or to loss of life.4 The essential components for liability for negligence are as follows.

a. The existence of a duty to take care, which is owed by the defendant (doctor) to b. The failure to attain that standard of care, prescribed by the law, thereby commit c. Damage, which is both causally, connected with such breach and recognized by th

Duty of Care

The word duty connotes the relationship between one party and another, imposing benefit of that other to take reasonable care. The duties, which a doctor owes to his holds himself out ready to give medical advice and treatment impliedly undertakes t knowledge for the purpose. Such a person when consulted by a patient owes him certai 1. A duty of care in deciding whether to undertake the case. 2. A duty of care in deciding what treatment to give. 3. A duty of care in the administration of that treatment.5

The standard of care and skill is that of the reasonable average. He need not possess th care and competence.

Proof of Negligence

A doctor should not be held negligent simply because something goes wrong. He shou and/or for taking one choice out of two or favouring one school rather than another in c be given to patient. He is only liable when he falls below the standard of reasonable skills. The standard of reasonable care is a flexible criteria capable of setting the b professionals depending on the duties founded on principles of torts or contracts. The n but is a relative one; it is rather a comparative term. No absolute standard can be f formula can be laid down by which negligence or lack of it can be infallibly measure negligence varies under different conditions and in determining whether negligence attending and surrounding facts and circumstances have to be taken into account.6 In case of Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee (1957)7 the test for estab out. The doctor is required to exercise the ordinary skill of a competent doctor in his or this skill in accordance with a responsible body of medical opinion skilled in that a negligent if there is another responsible body of medical opinion who would have acte clinician.

Criminal Negligence

Criminal negligence means recklessly acting without reasonable caution and putting a death (or failing to do something with the same consequences)8 Criminal negligence applies to medical practitioner when he shows gross negligence in severe injury or death. The doctor should not be held criminally responsible for the pa or incompetence shows such disregard for the life and safety of the patient as to amou criterion is the degree of negligence required to prosecute medical practitioner under which should be gross one or of very high degree. The recent Supreme Court judgment (Jacob Mathew v state of Punjab)9 have prov Supreme Court states that the criminal prosecutions are filed by private compla on FIRbeing lodged and cognizance taken. The investigating officer and the priva supposed to have knowledge of medical science so as to determine whether the act o amounts to rash or negligent act within the domain of criminal law under Section 304-A initiated subjects the medical professional to serious embarrassment and sometimes h escape arrest, which may or may not be granted to him. At the end he may be exone the loss which he has suffered in his reputation cannot be compensated by any standar The increased numbers of litigation have made the medical practitioner overcautious an patient. Many a times doctors are known to have refused to treat serious and complic accused of negligence. Again this has led to advising unnecessary investigations, i technology making the health services out of reach and unaffordable to poor persons in The Supreme Court in recent judgment (Jacob Mathew v State of Punjab)9 have given medical professionals against the charge of criminal negligence. 1) A private complaint may not be entertained unless the complainant has produced pr in the form of a credible opinion given by another competent doctor to support the ch the part of the accused doctors. 2) The Investigating Officer should, before proceeding against the doctor accused of obtain an independent and competent medical opinion, preferably from a doctor in go branch of medical practice who can normally be expected to give an impartial and unbia 3) Unless the arrest is necessary for furthering the investigation or for collecting ev officer feels satisfied that the doctor proceeded against, would not make himself availa arrested, the arrest may be withheld. The essence of Supreme Court judgment is that intention and lack of proper care and before which a criminal action can be launched against a medical practitioner under crim

Doctor-Patient Relationship

The doctor-patient relationship is one of the most unique and privileged relationship Since long, doctors are being treated as next to god. But now a day it seems that there patient relationship. The reason may be communication gap between doctor and pa

services, rising expectation from doctors or increased consumer awareness. An analysi made against doctor shows deteriorating condition of doctor-patient relationship as the

Code of Medical Ethics and Etiquette

Medical Profession is governed by code of medical ethics and etiquette as laid down b expected that medical practitioners should abide by these code of medical ethics. Alth for an internal self-regulation of the profession, it is an obligation on the part of medica and expectations of the patients. But there is fast spreading professional misconduct The unethical practice has gone to a level where the basic purpose of medial profession unethical practices like fee sharing or cut practice, prescribing particular companys m gains, are openly discussed among medical practitioners but they never come to surf This type of unethical practice has led to deterioration of this profession, which profession.

Conclusion and Suggestions

The recent Supreme Court judgment has provided breathing space for medical pract reduce unethical practice, to improve doctor- patient relationship and to strive for se this, following suggestions are recommended. 1) The Supreme Court in recent judgment states that Statutory Rules or Executive guidelines need to be framed and issued by the Government of India and/or State Go Medical Council of India. 2) The Continuing Medical Education [CME] workshops should be arranged by Medic Council to refresh the knowledge of medical practitioners and to increase awaren regarding newer technologies and developments in medical sciences, which will be be at large. 3) Medical Council of India should be strengthened and allotted more powers, includi investigating mechanism, to implement the different Acts and Rules as framed by Gove 4) A panel should be formed by Medical Council of India / State Medical Council at eac medical negligence cases. The panel should consist of three members from medical one from social activist group. The private complaint regarding medical negligence which will study the matter in details. The same judicial procedure is to be followed control over medical practitioners and it must be time bound inquiry. After inquiry, i guilty of medical negligence, it will provide punishment in the form of temporary or p medial practitioners from the medical Register. The result of the inquiry will be info complainant will decide whether to file a case against the medical practitioner in cou scientific basis for investigating agencies to proceed further as per law of the land. 5) The role of disciplinary committee which looks after the violation of code of medica in changing scenario to hold inquiry, suo moto regarding unethical practice amo

necessary action. 6) Health education and awareness programme for people should be conducted and common man should be educated regarding intricacies of human body, disease and tr the litigation cases against medical practitioners. 7) The limit of penalty imposed on opposite party, if the complaint made against m frivolous or vexatious (as per the amendment in section 26 of the CPA in 1993) Rs.10000/- to Rs.50000/- so that frivolous complaints will be reduced. 8) To prevent unnecessary defamation of the medical practitioners in society, a blan media as well as on electronic media, sothat the name of the doctor and hospita regarding medical negligence should not be exposed till he/she is found guilty and is co

1. 2. 3. 4.

The Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Indian Medical Association v VP Shantha AIR 1996 SC 550: 1995 (6)SCC 651, par Ratanlal and Dhirajlal, Laws of Torts, 24th edition, 2002, edited by Justice G.P.Sin Subrahmanyam B. V., Modis: Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology, 22nd ed Butterworths, pp 704. 5. L.B. Joshi (Dr.) v. T.B. Godbole (Dr.) AIR 1969 SC 128, 131 6. New India Assurance Co. Ltd. v. Ashok Kumar Acharya, 1994 (2) TAC 469 (Ori) 7. Bolom v Friern Hospital Management Committee (1957) 1 WLR 582,586. 8. www.thefreedictionary. Com/criminal + negligence. 9. Jacob Mathew v state of Punjab and another, Criminal Appeal No. 144-145 of onAugust 5, 2005. 10. Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regu 2002, in part III section 4 of the Gazette of India.

Medical negligence and the law

Abstract After the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, came into effect, a number of patients hav article presents a summary of legal decisions related to medical negligence: what criminal law, and what is required to prove it. Public awareness of medical negligence in India is growing. Hospital managements regarding the facilities, standards of professional competence, and the appropriateness methods. After the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, has come into force some patie doctors, have established that the doctors were negligent in their medical service compensation. As a result, a number of legal decisions have been made on what c required to prove it. Civil law and negligence Negligence is the breach of a legal duty to care. It means carelessness in a matter in w A breach of this duty gives a patient the right to initiate action against negligence. Persons who offer medical advice and treatment implicitly state that they have the skill have the skill to decide whether to take a case, to decide the treatment, and to admin as an implied undertaking on the part of a medical professional. In the case of the St Supreme Court held that every doctor has a duty to act with a reasonable degree of ca Doctors in India may be held liable for their services individually or vicariously unless specified in the case of Indian Medical Association vs V P Santha (2). Doctors are not or vicariously if they do not charge fees. Thus free treatment at a non-governmen health centre, dispensary or nursing home would not be considered a service as d

Consumer Protection Act, 1986. However, no human being is perfect and even the most renowned specialist could diagnosing the true nature of a disease. A doctor can be held liable for negligence on guilty of a failure that no doctor with ordinary skills would be guilty of if acting with judgement constitutes negligence only if a reasonably competent professional with the professes to have, and acting with ordinary care, would not have made the same error In a key decision on this matter in the case of Dr Laxman Balkrishna Joshi vs Dr Tri Court held that if a doctor has adopted a practice that is considered proper b professionals who are skilled in that particular field, he or she will not be held neglig wrong. Doctors must exercise an ordinary degree of skill (5). However, they cannot give a war or a guarantee of cure. If the doctor has adopted the right course of treatment, if she/ method and manner best suited to the patient, she/ he cannot be blamed for negligenc (6). Certain conditions must be satisfied before liability can be considered. The person wh an act of omission or commission; this act must have been in breach of the persons harm to the injured person. The complainant must prove the allegation against the available in medical science and by presenting expert opinion (7). In some situations the complainant can invoke the principle of res ispa loquitur or the circumstances no proof of negligence is required beyond the accident itself. The Nati Commission applied this principle in Dr Janak Kantimathi Nathan vs Murlidhar Eknath M The principle of res ipsa loquitur comes into operation only when there is proof that th the accident could not have happened without negligence and lapses on the p circumstances conclusively show that the doctor and not any other person was negligen Criminal negligence Section 304A of the Indian Penal Code of 1860 states that whoever causes the death act not amounting to culpable homicide shall be punished with imprisonment for a te with both. In the Santra case, the Supreme Court has pointed out that liability in civil law is ba incurred; in criminal law, the amount and degree of negligence is a factor in dete elements must be established to determine criminal liability in any particular case magnitude of the offence, and the character of the offender. In Poonam Verma vs Ashwin Patel the Supreme Court distinguished between negligenc A negligent person is one who inadvertently commits an act of omission and violates a knows the consequences but foolishly thinks that they will not occur as a result of her the consequences but does not care whether or not they result from her/ his act. Any c

and deliberate wrongdoing should not be the subject of criminal liability. Thus a doctor cannot be held criminally responsible for a patients death unless it is sh incompetent, with such disregard for the life and safety of his patient that it amounted Sections 80 and 88 of the Indian Penal Code contain defences for doctors accused of (accident in doing a lawful act) nothing is an offence that is done by accident or mi intention or knowledge in the doing of a lawful act in a lawful manner by lawful means According to Section 88, a person cannot be accused of an offence if she/ he performs benefit, does not intend to cause harm even if there is a risk, and the patient has explic Burden of proof and chances of error The burden of proof of negligence, carelessness, or insufficiency generally lies with th higher standard of evidence than otherwise, to support an allegation of negligence ag negligence the patient must establish her/ his claim against the doctor. In Calcutta Medical Research Institute vs Bimalesh Chatterjee it was held that the o resultant deficiency in service was clearly on the complainant (11). In Kanhaiya K Research Centre, it was held that negligence has to be established and cannot be presu Even after adopting all medical procedures as prescribed, a qualified doctor may comm Disputes Redressal Commission and the Supreme Court have held, in several decisio negligence or medical deficiency if some wrong is caused in her/ his treatment or in acted in accordance with the practice accepted as proper by a reasonable body of m particular art, though the result may be wrong. In various kinds of medical and surgi accident leading to death cannot be ruled out. It is implied that a patient willingly take patient relationship and the attendant mutual trust. Recent Supreme Court rulings Before the case of Jacob Mathew vs State of Punjab, the Supreme Court of India d doctors liability. In Mohanan vs Prabha G Nair and another (13), it ruled that a doctor only by scanning the material and expert evidence that might be presented during August 2004 the standard of negligence that had to be proved to fix a doctors or sur gross negligence or recklessness. In Suresh Guptas case the Supreme Court distinguished between an error of judgeme that criminal prosecution of doctors without adequate medical opinion pointing to their the community. A doctor cannot be tried for culpable or criminal negligence in misfortunes. A doctor may be liable in a civil case for negligence but mere carelessness or want o described as so reckless or grossly negligent as to make her/ him criminally liable. T was necessary so that the hazards of medical professionals being exposed to civil liabili criminal liability and expose them to the risk of imprisonment for alleged criminal neglig

Hence the complaint against the doctor must show negligence or rashness of such a d that can be described as totally apathetic towards the patient. Such gross negligence al On September 9, 2004, Justices Arijit Pasayat and CK Thakker referred the question Bench of the Supreme Court. They observed that words such as gross, reckless, c not occur anywhere in the definition of negligence under Section 304A of the Indian not agree with the judgement delivered in the case of Dr Suresh Gupta. The issue was decided in the Supreme Court in the case of Jacob Mathew vs State of P central government to frame guidelines to save doctors from unnecessary harassment their duties. It ruled that until the government framed such guidelines, the following gu A private complaint of rashness or negligence against a doctor may not be entertained form of a credible opinion of another competent doctor supporting the charge. In addit give an independent opinion, preferably of a government doctor. Finally, a doc investigating officer believes that she/ he would not be available for prosecution unless


1. State of Haryana vs. Smt. Santra (2000) 5 SCC 182:: AIR 2000 SC 3335 2. Indian Medical Association vs V P Santha. AIR 1996 SC 550 3. Observations of Lord President Clyde in Hunter vs Hanley (1955) SLT 213. In: Natha Butterworths; 1957. 4. Whitehouse vs. Jordan (1981) 1 All ER 267 the House of Lords. 5. Smt J S Paul vs Dr (Mrs) A Barkataki (2004) 10 CLD 1 (SCDRC - MEGHALAYA). 6. Dr Prem Luthra vs Iftekhar (2004) 11 CLD 37 (SCDRC - UTTARANCHAL); Mrs Savit CPJ 164; Dr Devendra Madan vs Shakuntala Devi I (2003) CPJ 57 (NC). 7. Dr Laxman Balkrishna Joshi vs Dr Trimbak Bapu Godbole AIR 1969 (SC)128 8. Dr Janak Kantimathi Nathan vs Murlidhar Eknath Masane 2002 (2) CPR 138. 9. Poonam Verma vs Ashwin Patel (1996) 4 SCC 332 10. House of Lords decision in R vs Adomako (1994) 3 All ER 79 11. Calcutta Medical Research Institute vs Bimalesh Chatterjee I (1999) CPJ 13 (NC)

12. Kanhaiya Kumar Singh vs Park Medicare & Research Centre III (1999) CPJ 9 (NC) 13. Mohanan vs Prabha G Nair and another (2004) CPJ 21(SC), of 2004 Feb 4. 14. Criminal Appeal Nos 144-145 of 2004

Law in medicine

The consumer protection Act was brought into existence for the protection of interests of the consumer and f limited time frame and with fewer expenses. In April 1992, the National Commission, on appeal from th medical services be covered under COPRA. This enable a consumer (patient) to make a complaint to a redress the service has been paid for. Defective in the context of a doctor's services means negligent. Deficiency

shortcoming or inadequacy in quality, nature and manner of performance of the medical service rendered b profession. Several amendments in the Act have been passed in the Consumer Protection (Amendment) Act 19 Consumer Disputes Redressal Forums have been established at three different levels as given below.

1. District Forum' by the State Government in each district of the state by notific complaints is limited to those where the value of the goods of services and the c not exceed rupees 20 lakhs.

2. State Commission' by the State Government in the state by notification. It com rupees 20 lakhs but does not rupees 1 crore and appeals against the orders of an can call for the records and pass appropriate order in any consumer dispute wh decided by any District Forum within the state, where it appears to the State Co has exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it by law, or has failed to exercise a ju exercise of its jurisdiction illegally or with material irregularly.

3. National Commission' (National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission) by t jurisdiction to entertain complaints, where the value of the goods or services a exceeds rupees 1 crore and appeals against the orders of any State Commissio pass appropriate orders in any consumer dispute, which is pending before o Commission, where is appears to the National Commission that such State Comm not vested in it by law, or failed to exercise a jurisdiction so vested, or has acte illegally or with material irregularity.

Limitation Period

The District Forum, the State Commission or the National Commission shall not admit a complaint unless i which the cause of action has arisen, unless the complaint satisfies the forum or the commission as the case filing the complaint within such period and the reason for condoning such delay is recorded.

Any appeal preferred from the order of the district or the State Commission under the Act, must be file

Under s 23 of the Act, any person, who is aggrieved by an order made by the National Commission wh has a right to prefer an appeal to the Supreme Court within a period of 30 days will not stand as a bar, if the S a sufficient cause for not filing it in the period.

A final order is required to be passed within 90 days of the issue of the notice or the receipt of the goods forming subject matter of the dispute are not required to be sent to a laboratory for testing, and 150 da time limit has been laid down for the disposal of an appeal or revision petition. Penalty

In case of dismissal of frivolous or vexatious complaints-where a complaint instituted before the District Fo may be, the National Commission, is found to be frivolous or vexatious, it shall for the complainant shall pa not exceeding ten thousand rupees, as may be specified in the order.

Thus, District Forums have original jurisdiction, while the State and the National Commission are v jurisdictions.

As per the judgment of the Supreme Court of India on 13 Nov 1995, the medical services delivered on of the Act. Similarly, the hospital or the nursing homes, which provide free service to some of the patients wh of the service is rendered to the patient on payment basis, are also covered under this treatment and all th medical treatment are borne by the insurance company, the service rendered to him by a medical practition therefore, constitute service as defined in the Act.

The Supreme Court judgment also enlarges the definition of negligence by enunciating that violation where a service provider is guilty of such negligence, no further proof is required to hold him liable for his act Criminal Negligence

A careful medical man, will, in most cases, not be exposed to any legal action and also prove that rea professional skill had been exercised in the course of treatment if he observes the following rules.

1. Never criticize another colleague.

2. Always confirm your diagnosis with generally approved methods such as labo injuries always on X-rays and see that the plaster is not too tight

3. Advise immunization whenever there us danger if infection-particularly tetanus.

4. In diagnosing cancer, ask for a biopsy, X-ray etc, without any delay as loss of tim

5. Always make sure of the preparation, before you inject or use otherwise. Never fa

6. It is the duty of every doctor to be well informed of developments in medical prac

7. The administration of an anaesthetic or the performance of an operation shou consent of the patients, or his guardian, if he is minor or unconscious, after th operation have been explained to him or to his guardian. But in cases of acciden in dangerous an operation may be performed without the consent of the patien medical attendant thinks that the operation is necessary to save the life of th protected against any harm caused to a person in good faith.

8. In a case where the surgeon is not sure what he would have to do during the signs, he should obtain a written authority to use his discretion in doing what interests of the patient. In case of criminal wounding, an operation ought n


In such a case, care should be taken to keep an accurate record of the state of the patient better, before performing any operation, to get opinion and help of another surgeon, if possible. Proper precau a wrong patients or the wrong part of a patient . 9. Post-operative care of an operated patient is his legal responsibility-if necessary proper care by ano He should never fail to attend an urgent call from a person whom he is treating.

10. An anaesthetist should be a duly qualified man, and he should always administer a generally acce heart, urine etc, of the patient to prove that he had used reasonable care and skill in administeri dangerous to anaesthetize persons with sickle cell trait as it precipitates sickling. Persons with properly sicking. Persons with helminthic infestations should be treated properly before anaesthe and my result in death.

11. In the case of death from anaesthesia, the surgeon or anaesthetist should at once report the matter to

Sudden death during anesthesia is of considerable medico-legal importance, one should death from anaest defective judgment of an anaesthetist. Any of the following factors may be responsible for death during anaest

1. giving or repeating of drugs like morphia, atropine, Nembutal etc, before anaesthesia, at wrong tim 2. vagal inhibition while putting an intratracheal tube;

3. as a result of faulty use of relaxants and hypotensive drugs; 4. accidents, which may cause obstruction of airway of spasm resulting in asphyzia;

5. the amount and type of drug used for anaesthesia and duration of anaesthesia and duration of anaes 6. hypotension, as a result of spinal anaesthesia;

7. inadvertently giving a wrong gas during anaesthesia or rarely causing an explosion. Dangerous co ether, which may be ignited by an accidental spark;

8. shock due to operation itself, myocardial or coronary disease of the heart, fat or air embolism, hyp may be other causes. While doing a postmortem, it is difficult to evaluate the cause of death, as u blood pressure, cardiac irregularities or glottic spasm, which may have been responsible for causin help. RIGHTS OF AN UNBORN CHILD

Law recognizes the foetus as a special aggregation of cell with a potential for independent life and in this way legal rights, such as the right to inherit, the right to sue, the right not to be harmed by drugs and the right to interpreted as killing a potential heir or a potential tort suit bringer. Abortion is a form of murder, in which t the abortionist may be prosecuted. However, doctors treating any woman of child bearing age must be p harming a foetus.52 Some accepted examples of preconception injuries to parents leading to disabilities to their a) b) c) Failure to give a rhesus negative woman anti-D gamaglobulin in the first 72 hours after the birth of her first Radiation of genital organs causing genemutation, there could be liability if negligence were proved; or

A congenital syphilitic child born as a result of negligent transfusion to the mother before conception, of a sy

However, the risk is limited if any of the parents are aware of a risk of a disabled child being born. Legally clauses but is unable to sure upon her contracts.

It must also be remembered that the common law protects a prefessional man, who has acted in ac competent man.


The Bill provides for the regulation of removal, storage and transplantation of human organs for therap commercial dealings in human organs and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. It has been called the Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994 and came into effect 4 Feb 19

notification. With the Act coming in force, brain death has acquired legal status in India. The Act has also cau and the Eyes Act 1982 to be repealed. Authority for the Removal of Human Organs

If any donor had, in writing and in the presence of two or more witnesses (at least one of whom is a n authorized at any time before his death, removal of any human organ of his body, after his death, for th possession of the dead body of the donor shall, unless he has any reasons to believe that the donor had subseq to a registered medical practitioner, all reasonable facilities for the removal, for the therapeutic purpose, of t donor.

Where no such authority was made by any person before his death, but no objection was also express dead body of such person may, unless he has reason to believe that any near relative of the deceased person ha of any human organ of the deceased person for its use for therapeutic purpose.

Removal of the organ can be made by no person other than the registered medical practitioner, who sh body or, where it appears to be a case of brain-stem death, that such death has been certified.

Where any human organ is to be removed from the body of a person in the event of his brain-stem medical experts consisting of: i. The registered medical practitioner in-charge of the hospital in which brain ii.

An independent registered medical practitioner being a specialist nominated

iii. A neurologist or a neurosurgeon to be nominated by the registered med approved by the appropriate authority; iv.

The registered medical practitioner treating the person whose brain-stem de

Where the brain-stem death of any person, less than eighteen years of age occurs, any of the parents of the removal of any human organ from the body of the deceased person . no such authority can be given by a per for the purpose of interment, cremation or other disposal.

In case of a dead body in a hospital or prison no claimed within forty-eighty hours from the time of a

human organ may be given by the person in charge, for the time being of the management or control of the h hospital or prison authorized in this behalf by the person in charge of the management or control there of.

Where the body has been sent for postmortem examination, (medico-legal/pathological) the person co the removal of any human organ from such dead body may, if he has reason to believe that such human org which therapeutic purpose, of that human organ of the deceased.

No human organ removed from the body of a donor before his death shall be transplanted into a recipi recipient.

If any donor authorizes the removal of any of his human organs before his death, for transplantation near relative, as is specified by the donor by reason of affection or attachment towards the recipient or for a shall not be removed and transplanted without the prior approval of the authorization committee.

The eyes or the ear drums or the ear bones may be removed at any place, from the dead body of registered medical practitioner.

No donor and no person empowered to give authority for the removal of any human organ shall author purpose other than therapeutic purpose. Offences and penalties

Any person who renders his services to or at any hospital and who, for purposes of transplantation, conducts the removal of any human organ without authority, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which m whoevera) b) c) d) e) Makes or receives any payment for the supply of, or for an offer to supply, any human organ; Seeks to find a person willing to supply for payment of any human organ;

Offers to supply any human organ for payment; Initiates or negotiates any arrangement involving the making of any payments for the supply of, or for an off Takes part in the management or control of a body of persons, whose activities consist of or includes the referred to in clause (d), or


Publishes or distributes a cause to be published or distributed, any advertisementi. Inviting person to supply for payment of any human organ; ii. Offering to supply any human organ for payment; or iii. Indicating that the advertiser is willing to initiate or negotiation of any arrangement referred to in clause (d), Shall be punishable with imprisonment for term of tw which shall not be less than ten thousand rupees but may extend to twenty thousand rupees

Any offence punishable under this Act shall be tried in the court of a Metropolitan Magistrate or a Judi DONATION OF CORNEA

Under the Bombay Corneal Grafting Act 1957, if any person either in writing at any time, or orally in the pre illness, has expressed a request that his eyes be used for therapeutic purposes after his death, the person lawfu may, authorize the removal of the eyes from the body provided the removal shall be effected objects to th (Amendment) Bill of 1976, now allows any qualified ophthalmologist to remove cornea in a private clinic af other states have also passed such acts. The following two Acts extends to the whole of the Union Territory of Delhi:

1. The Eyes (Authority for use for Therapeutic purposes) Act 1982 (No 29 of 1982) deceased persons for therapeutic purposes and for matters connected therewith.

2. The Ear Drum and Ear Bones (Authority for use for Therapeutic purposes) Act 19 the use of ears of deceased persons for therapeutic purposes and for matters con

The Bombay Anathomy Act 1949: (Adapted and modified by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1960) provi deceased persons to hospitals and medical and teaching institutions (for Therapeutic purposes or), for th dissection.

Maharashtra Kidney Transplantation Act 1982: This Act has made provisions for use of kidneys of decease therapeutic purposes. It extends to the whole of the State of Maharashtra.


This Act is applicable in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. It regulates the donation, sale and supply of artificial insemination. It requires registration and yearly renewal by any person intending to carry on a semen semen for artificial insemination shall test the donor for the presence of Human ImmunoDeficiency Virus T Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent (ELISA) Kit and screen for HIV surface antigen and if found negative, only The donated semen shall be stored either by cryo-preservation of liquid nitrogen freezing or any other safe me in order to exclude window period of HIV 1 and 2 infection in the donor. Second ELISA test is perform negative, the semen shall then be used. It is also required by the practitioner, under this Act to:

Seek the written consent of the husband and the wife, seeking artificial insemination (A

Test the recipient for HIV 1 and 2 and other sexually transmitted diseases before perfor

Not segregate the XX/XY chromosomes for AI;

Seek the written consent of the recipient for using the semen on the basis of only one facilities for cryo-preservation and liquid nitrogen for semen are not available.


ABSTRACT The word negligence is always damaging to the reputation of doctors, related to some damage to the patient years, sudden spurt in the cases of Criminal negligence and decision of the Supreme Court (Dr. Suresh Gup debate. This paper deals with current scenario of Criminal Negligence, applicability of Section 304 & 304 -A IPC i remedial measures available to a doctor facing the charge of Criminal Negligence and a brief discussi including recent case. Key Words: Criminal, Doctor, Judiciary, Negligence, Patient. INTRODUCTION: Negligence is a term of art, but has distinct meanings in different jurisdictions. In Tort, damage is an necessary in the law of master and servant. In criminal law, there are series of offences based on negligence enough if the act is likely to cause injury or endanger life.1 Operation of patient without consent is an exam without actual apparent damage. Dictionary meaning of term Negligence is Lack of Proper Care. As def Omission to do something which a reasonable man guided by those consideration which regulate conduct of which a reasonable man would not do. Same definition is quoted in many decisions of the court.2 Criminal while Civil Negligence is an offence against the individual act, which leads to injury i.e. physical injury, hu Indian Penal Code (IPC). Loss of property (financial loss) due to some negligent act is always a civil ne Court 5 delivered on August 4, 2004 raises a fresh debate on the issue of Criminal Negligence by the Doctor various decisions of the House of Lords6,7,8,9, 10. WHY PUBLIC APPEARS TO BE AGGRESSIVE? There have been an ever-increasing number of cases of patients suing doctors for alleged Criminal Negligen courts against innocent doctors, or does it have to do with an actual fall in the standards amongst medical advances in the medical field have meant a better quality of life, with an increased longevity and falling moral a corresponding shift in the standard of medical education or investment in the concept of patient managemen commercialization and the adoption of corporate culture values by hospitals and members of the medical fra patient relationship. REASONS FOR INCREASING LITIGATIONS.

All these factors together are responsible for aggressive attitude of public towards docto

DEGREE OF NEGLIGENCE: High degree of negligence is necessary to prove the charge of criminal negligence u/s 304-A IPC. For fixing standard of negligence required to be proved should be as high as can be described as gross negligence attention and skill.6 The Supreme Court held that Thus a doctor cant be held criminally responsible for patients death unless h disregard for life and safety of his patient as to amount to a crime against the State. 5 Court further adds, Th treatment or surgical operation, every careless act of the medical man cant be termed as Criminal. It can b man exhibits as gross lack of competence or inaction and wanton indifference to his patients safe ty and ignorance or gross negligence. Where a patients death results merely from Error of judgment or an accident, no criminal liability sho some degree of want of adequate care and caution might create civil liability but wouldnt suffice to hold him observations of the learned authors11 as quoted by the Supreme Court are apt on the subject and a useful gu guilty of negligence leading to death of their patients: Criminal punishment carries substantial moral overton criminal conviction in the absence of moral blameworthiness only in very limited circumstances. Conviction that the accused person should have acted with a morally blameworthy state of mind. Recklessness and delib classification of blame, are normally blameworthy but any conduct falling short of that should not be the systems have traditionally only made negligence the subject of criminal sanction when the level of negligen described as gross negligence. .. Blame is a powerful weapon. When used appropriately and according to morally defensible criteria, it has inappropriate use however, distorts tolerant and constructive relations between people. Some of lifes mis morally responsible. Others are wrongs for which responsibility is diffuse. Yet others are instance of cu compensation and at times, for punishment. Distinguishing between these various categories requires c informed analysis. ROLE OF MEDICAL EXPERT'S OPINION: No case of criminal negligence should be registered without a medical opinion from Expert Committee o reasonable time. Indian Medical Association (IMA) Punjab claimed they had secured a directive from Direc case of criminal negligence can be registered against a doctor without a report from an Expert Committee.12 S Delhi where Lieutenant Governor issued directions to the Delhi police regarding how to arrest a doctor in me also decided to form guidelines for lower judiciary as well as the police to deal with such cases.13 Honble Supreme Court endorsed the same view, as criminal prosecution of doctors without adequate medi community as it would shake the very fabric of doctor- patient relationship with respect to mutual confi

worried about their own safety instead of giving best treatment to their patients5. APPLICABILITY OF SECTION 304 & 304-A OF IPC: The legal position is almost firmly established that where a patient dies due to the negligent medical treat liable in civil law for paying compensation and damages in Tort and at the same time, if the degree of negli to endanger the life of the patient, he would also be made criminally liable for offence under section 304-A of Incidences are reported in which cases are registered against the doctor u/s 304 IPC as doctors are murderer a

WHY DOCTORS ARE CONFUSED OVER THE ISSUE OF CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE? Doctors are victims of Trial by media or post mortem of Courts judgment done by the media or mis technicality of legal words used in the matters of Criminal Negligence. As reported by various leading natio Supreme Court 5 Doc not Criminally Liable if Patient Dies16, Saving the Doctors 17, SC Judgment Qu Docs Against Patient Death 19, SC Ruling a Deliverance for Medical Fraternity20, SC Comes to the Rescu the relief the doctors had got due to the Judgment, 5 would not be available to them till the larger Bench give it Doctors relying on these media reports without verifying the facts from original judgment or through discuss fall prey of this misinformation perceived through the eyes of media and may propagate same feeling and doctors and always remain confused on the issue of criminal negligence. While SC judgments5 mention established fact that error of judgment is not negligence.

ROLE OF MEDIA: The freedom of information is implicitly covered by, Article 19 and Article 21 under the a case of contempt of Court against the editors of two newspapers recently, the Supre of a true and responsible Journalist to inform the people with accurate and impartial p after dispassionate evaluation of the facts and information received by him to be publis Since the 1970,s Indian media has played an extremely important role in sensitizi governance, development, science and technology, foreign relations and so on. Howe criticism, as highlighted by the above the Supreme Court decision. There is a decline in the Chairman of the Press Council of India as well as the President K.R. Narayanan. Recently, due to the media preoccupation with the trivia, personality cult, one-sidedness, and instant in-depth the media sides away from important peoples issues that it is losing social content and becoming a consumer editor. The media has a tendency to launch trial by the media; even sentencing by the media, while a Court p DIVIDED JUDICIARY: Referral of judgment of SC5 to the larger bench further confirms the divided opinion of judiciary and co negligence. The much-debated judgment of the SC is now referred to a larger Bench for reconsideration on Pasayat and Mr. C.K. Thakkar observed that the words gross negligence or reckless act did not fall w

defining death due to an act of negligence or the culpable homicide not amounting to murder. 22, 25, 26 Between Civil and Criminal liability of a doctor causing death of his patient the court has a difficult task negligence alleged on the part of the doctor. For conviction of a doctor for alleged criminal offence, the st deliberate wrong doing with a higher degree of morally blameworthy conduct.5 SUMMARY & CONCLUSION: Thus, where a patients death, results merely from error of judgment or an accident, no criminal liabil ity sho some degree of want of adequate care and caution might create civil liability but would not suffice to hold doc To convict, therefore, a doctor, the prosecution has to come out with a case of high degree of negligence therefore, always insisted on the case of alleged criminal offence against doctor, causing death of his patien against the doctor must show negligence or rashness of such a higher degree as to indicate a mental state, towards the patient. Such gross negligence alone is punishable. 5 Court further adds, Criminal responsibility carries substantial moral overtones. Some of lifes misfortunes responsible, others are wrong for which responsibility is diffuse, yet others are instances of culpable conduct & times for punishment. To distinguish between these categories requires careful, morally sensitive & scientifica This approach of the courts in the matter of fixing criminal liability on the doctors, in the course of medical necessary so that the hazards of medical men and medical profession being exposed to civil liability, may n and expose them to risk of landing themselves in prison for alleged criminal negligence. Medical Council of India and State Medical Councils should come forward to strictly implement its regul failure of these regulatory bodies to keep check on the erring doctors or to effectively enforce ethical guide falling standard of health care in India. The editor of a newspaper or a Journal, the Supreme Court said, has a greater responsibility to guard against newspaper publishes what is improper, mischievously false or illegal and abuses its liberty, it must be pun healthy press is indispensable to the functioning of a true democracy, the Court said the freedom of the Press i What everybody can hope that new decision would come up not only with clear definition of the criminal ne legal words used in defining the case of criminal negligence by the highest law protector and giver of India. References: 1. Kedar Nath vs. State, AIR 1965, Allahabad 233. 2. M/S Krishna Roadways, Nathdwara vs. Madanlal, 1984 R.L.W. 25. 3. (R3Bhajan Lal Gupta vs. Mool Chand Khairati Ram Hospital, reported in 2001 (1) CPR 70-N.C. 4. Smt. Beti Bai Saxena vs. S.L. Mukherjee (Dr.) 2001 (2) CPR 405- Punjab & Haryana State Commissio 5. Dr. Suresh Gupta vs. Govt. of NGT of Delhi & another (Criminal Appeal No. 778 of 2004, SLP (Cri) N 6. R. vs. Ademako [1994 (3) All E.R. 79]. 7. Suleman Rehman Mulani Vs. state of Maharashtra [19689(2) SCR 515] 8. Laxman Balkrishana Joshi Joshi vs. Trimbak Baper Godhbole [1969 (1) SCR 206] 9. Municipal Corporation of Delhi vs. Ram Kishan Rohtogi AIR 1983 SC 67.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Drugs Inspector vs. B.K. Krishnaiah AIR 1981 SC 1164. Alan Merry and Alexainder McCall Smith; Errors, Medicine and the Law: 247-248. Sunday Times, August 08, 2004: 2. Fresh Rules in Negligence Arrests, The Times of India, August 23, 2003: 3. H C Rejects Doctors Bail Application, Sunday Times of India, August 15, 2004: 8. Quack Botches up Tongue Operation, Kills Teenage Girl Hindustan Times, June 8, 04:10. Doc not Criminally Liable if Patient Dies, Hindustan Times, August 6, 04: 1. Saving the Doctor Hindustan Times August 9, 04: 6. SC Judgment Qualifies Medical Negligence, The Times of India August 11, 04: 14. S C Insures Doctors Against Patients Death, The Times of India August 6, 04: 6. SC Ruling a Deliverance for Medical Fraternity, Sunday Times, August 8, 2004: 2. SC Comes to the Rescue of Doctors, The Tribune, August 12, 2004: 10. SC Judgment on Doctors Criminal Liability for Larger Bench, The Tribune, September 10, 2004: 1. Narendar Kumar, Constitutional Law of India, Edition-1997: 146 State of Human Rights in India, (3.3): 94-95. Negligence by Doctors: Bench to Review Verdict, The Times of India. September 11, 2004: 10.

26. Apex Court to Review its Order on Docs Culpability Hindustan Times, September 10, 04: 9. 27. The Indian Medical Council (Professional conduct, Ethics and Etiquettes) Regulations 2002.

INDIA: Government hospital negligence and police inaction in the killing of a woman

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from it Bengal regarding the gross negligence of government hospitals and police in on a woman. It was reported that several government hospitals refused treatment to the seriously injured victim, which resulted into her untimely d the local police apparently delayed filing a non-bailable charge against the a complaint by the relatives of the victim and indirectly helped them to be bailed

that the police inaction is due to the nexus between the police and the alleged influential figures in the area. CASE DETAILS: The family of Mrs. Gouri Naskar (35) of Tentulpara, Naskarpara, Garia village under t Station in South 24 Pargana District, West Bengal, India had a longstanding dispute uncle, Mr. Bholanath Naskar, regarding a piece of land, that has not been demarcated and influential man in the area, allegedly used his influence and illegally constructed entrance of the two families for the concerned land. This caused great difficulty to the and the victim's husband Mr. Sushil Naskar lodged several complaints with different r no response from any of them. At around 9:30pm on 8 August 2006, two sons of Mr. Bholanath assaulted Mrs. G protested against the beating of her son, Mr. Bholanth and another son joined the two Mrs. Gouri with bamboo sticks and concrete rods. As a result, the victim was seriously i Mrs. Gouri was then immediately brought to Bangur Hospital of Kolkata. However, after hospital officials refused to provide further medical treatment to her and released her Gouri was then taken to Chittaranjan Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, where aga after scanning her head, merely saying that the hospital did not have proper equipm Gouri was again taken to other government hospitals; National Medica and S.S.K.M.Hospital, Kolkata but both places also refused to admit her after observi saying that they had no available beds. Accordingly, Mrs. Gouri's family was forced t that time they did not have enough money to admit her in a private hospital. On August 11, Mrs. Gouri's family somehow managed to collect the money from th private clinic by spending Rs 35,000 (USD 783) but Mrs. Gouri ultimately succumbed to Meanwhile, two days after the incident on August 10, Mrs. Sandhya Naskar, the sister complaint against the four concerned men with the Sonarpura police station and registered under sections 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or me persons in furtherance of common intention) of the Indian Penal Code (FIR no. 260/0 police did not take any action to investigate the incident and arrest the alleged perpet place of the incident. Furthermore, the Sonarpura police unnecessarily delayed to add section 304 (puni amounting to murder) of IPC, a non-bailable charge, in the charge sheet against the after the victim's death until September 30. Taking advantage of the deliberately delay all the alleged perpetrators successfully obtained bail from the Court of Additional C Alipore, which was not aware the victim's death and treated the case as a baila perpetrators are now arrogantly intimidating the victim's family not to pursue the Sonarpura police have not yet taken any serious action to investigate the incident an

The victim's family believes that the police inaction is due to the nexus between the p who are rich and influential figures in the area. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: In fact, Mrs. Gouri's case is yet another case relating to the nexus between the influen AHRC has constantly raised its serous concern about this matter by reporting severa include: UA-351-2006, UA-375-2006 and UA-370-2006. In the normal investigating procedure by the police, the first step is to register a First under relevant sections of respective Laws. However, in many cases, the police refuse delay to register the FIR to give the alleged culprits a chance to escape. In the s investigate and file the charge sheet at the local court which entertains jurisdiction o However, it is common practice in India that the police fail to investigate or initiate any corruption. An effectively functioning criminal justice system is the primary requisite for establish the backbone of the criminal justice system. No rights whether they be civil and politic would find meaning without a properly functioning criminal justice mechanism. While t government of India itself boasts about the luminous judgments rendered by the Apex villages in India none of these judgments or any laws are enforced even to the bare m 71% of its 1.2 billion populations reside in villages. This means that for an alarming population rule of law and governance makes no sense. Moreover, in this case, the victim was further victimized by the poor public health sy hospitals. If the victim had received timely and proper medical treatment, she could h numerous numbers of civilians in India are suffering from very poor service from the forced to go to very costly private clinics to receive proper treatment but for those who not an available option. To see further details about the failure of the public health to: UA-270-2006 and UA-206-2006.

The Supreme Court of India has already acknowledged this matter and gave direction Mazdoor Samity and others Vs State of Bengal (refer to: All India Reporter (AIR) 1996 stated in the judgment that "failure on the part of the Government Hospitals to prov person in need of such treatment results in violation of her 'Right to Life' guarante Constitution". Therefore it is one of the most essential obligations of the state is treatment to the people irrespective of any discrimination. The AHRC holds to its government hospitals to provide the emergency medical treatment to the victim viol urges the Indian government to ensure that adequate compensation is given to the vict SUGGESTED ACTION:

Please write to the relevant authorities and urge them to intervene into this matter order a prompt and thorough investigation about the inaction of Sonarpura police an perpetrators. Please also write to initiate the enquiry against the gross violation government hospitals in West Bengal. The AHRC is also writing to Mr. Paul Hunt, UN everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental he INDIA: Government hospital negligence and police inaction about the killing of a woman Name of victim: Mrs. Gouri Naskar, aged 35, the wife of Mr. Sushil Naskar, resided in Tentulpara, Naska station in South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal state, India

Alleged perpetrators: 1. Mr. Bholanath Naskar, Mr. Sushil Naskar's uncle 2. Mr. Tabal Naskar, the son of Bholanath Naskar 3. Mr. Swapan Naskar, the son of Bholanath Naskar 4. Mr. Bapi Naskar, (All of them are residing in Tentulpara, Naskarpara, Garia village)




Date of incident: At around 9:30pm on 8 August 2006 I am extremely disturbed to learn regarding the gross negligence of government hospitals and police inactio woman. I have been informed that several government hospitals refused to provide emergency medical treat resulted into her untimely death. It has also been alleged that the local police apparently delayed to file perpetrators despite the victim's relative's complaint and indirectly helped them to be bailed out by the court. to the nexus between the police and the alleged perpetrators, who are rich and influential figures in the area. To briefly remind the case, Mrs. Gouri Naskar had a longstanding dispute regarding a piece of land with 2006 above mentioned perpetrators attacked on Mrs. Gouri with bamboo and concrete rods. As a result of injured by her head. I was informed that Mrs. Gouri was brought to different government hospitals but none of these hospitals ad although she was in critical condition that needs urgent medical treatment. The concerned hospitals are; Bangu College and Hospital, Kolkata, National Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata and S.S.K.M. Hospital, Kol her head injury on August 14.

Such grass negligence of government hospitals is against the directions laid in the judgment of the Supreme Mazdoor Samity and others Vs State of Bengal. In the judgment, the Supreme Court clearly mentioned that "f to provide timely medical treatment to a person in need of such treatment results in violation of his 'right to lif Constitution". I am also deeply concerned by deliberate police inaction into this matter. I was informed that even though t against the alleged perpetrators mentioned above on August 10 (FIR no. 260/06 dated 10/08/06 under section not take any initiatives to investigate the incident and arrest the alleged perpetrators. They did not even vis "voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means" and section 34 is about "acts done by several per

I was also informed that the Sonarpura police, in particular the Investing Officer (IO) of this case Mr. A Laska charge (section 304 of IPC) against the perpetrators in the Charge Sheet for 46 days after the victim's death. added this section into the charge sheet on September 30, meanwhile, taking advantage of apparently dela became successful to get bail from the Court of Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate (ACJM), Alipore o intimidating the victims family not to pursue the case against them. I was also informed that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), Hong Kong wrote to Mr. Paul Hu everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health regarding this matte In light of the above, I strongly call for your immediate intervention into this matter. I urge you to appoint in the role of Investing Officer (IO) of Sonarpura Police Station for delaying the action against the perpetrators. to the corruption, strong action must be taken those responsible. I also urge you to take proper action to arr about the alleged intimidation on the victim's family by these people. I also urge you to initiate an extensi government hospitals mentioned above which resulted into victim's death. Proper departmental and legal responsible for such negligence. I also urge you to ensure that adequate compensation is given to the victim fa

Evaluating Medmal Cases

To accept or reject a medical negligence case: this is the single most important decision you will make when p choose unwisely, either a case with good potential will be lost, or an unmeritorious case will tie you up for lon

To make an informed decision about accepting a case, you must have the facts, not only those you obtain fr obtained from qualified medical experts after a thorough review of the medical records.

Case review is both a science and an art. The physician reviewer must be adroit at dissecting out the critic appropriate standards of practice were breached. Moreover, the reviewer must decide whether issues of causa from the standard of care. Attention must also be given to damages. The issues can be quite complex. Are the are they a maloccurrence, an unfortunate bad outcome that could not have been prevented? A few bri meritorious medical malpractice cases end with uneq











The plaintiff was a 52 year old woman who suffered from esophageal achalasia, a condition in which the low relax. It results in difficulty swallowing. She went to a gastroenterologist who recommended pneum (esophagomyotomy). The patient preferred the least invasive procedure and chose dilatation which was pe defendant. On the third attempt, the plaintiff's esophagus was perforated. Esophageal perforation was a known gave consent before the procedure. She underwent emergent surgical repair and suffered a prolonged hospitali associated with the

The plaintiff alleged that repeat attempts at dilatation subjected her to increasing risk for perforation. She

incompetent in the performance of the procedure and was directly responsible for negligently causing her in done hundreds of dilatations without one complication, that he did this dilatation no differently than he did informed consent from the patient, that the perforation was an accepted risk of the procedure, and that in th unforseeable, and would have occurred with any other gastroenterolog

The verdict was 12-0 in favor of the defense. Unexpected complications happen; but they're not always the do









The plaintiff was a 36 year old woman who presented to a hospital for routine removal of her thyroid g complications. However, shortly after surgery in the recovery room she developed a hematoma and suffered a the hematoma was surgically evacuated, but a significant delay in treatment resulted in severe brain dam vegetative state.

Counsel for the plaintiff alleged that the nurse in the recovery room failed to call the attending physician whe to call the doctor when the patient suddenly was unable speak. The defendant contended that the nurse had was normal and to be expected. The defendant also contended that the loss of the ability to speak was not a decompensation. The plaintiff's expert testified that the sudden development of the inability to speak suggest and required an emergency intervention. Defense experts testified that the development of the inability developing hematoma and without additional signs or symptoms and did not require urgent intervention under

The verdict was 12-0 in favor of the defense. The burden of proof is on the plaintiff to demonstrate that, mo negligent act. But when, at the time of a clinical decompensation, there is an alternative reasonable explanatio of its veracity, you will most probably

CASE 3: When You Don't Name The Correct Defendant(s)

The plaintiff was a 17 year old student who fell while playing basketball and sustained a closed head injury also sustained clavicle and rib fractures as well as a wrist injury. His friends took him to the nearest emergen nurse who astutely documented the extent and magnitude of injuries. The emergency room then contacted group with whom the plaintiff and his family maintained insurance coverage. The doctor, however, was not patient receive his evaluation and care at another emergency department. No physician did a hands-on eval department. Upon arrival at the second facility, the patient deteriorated, underwent a CT scan of the head an second hospital did not have a neurosurgeon on-call, so the patient was transferred back to the first hosp management amounted to more than 5 hours. After evacuation of the clot, the patient was left with a impairment.

The attorney for the plaintiff sued the "gatekeeper" physician for the plaintiff's health plan alleging that he plaintiff to another facility and that this resulted in the prolonged delay in definitive management. He further inquire about the specifics of the plaintiff's fall and his neurologic status. The defendant contended that based for discharge to another facility that accepted his medical coverage. He claimed that he asked the triage nu presentation.

The verdict was 12-0 in favor of the defense. The jury felt that it was an "insurance decision" and not a "medic have been treated. By failing to name the first hospital and its emergency department staff as defendan responsiblity for the patient rested not with the gatekeeper but with the first hospital's emergency depart satisfactorily evaluated. Any patient with a history of head injury causing a loss of consciousness must b considered medically unstable until cleared by a qualified physician. The triage nurse did not bring this belonged to the first hospital, but they were not named in the lawsuit. The attorney, in working












Plaintiff minor was 1 year old with a history of a congenital heart defect who in 1984 underwent open hea surgery he received a blood transfusion contaminated with the AIDS virus. He is expected to live no longer tha

The plaintiff's mother alleged that she spoke to the defendant physician the night before the surgery and dem blood for the child. She also said that the defendant told the family that it was too late to donate. The physicia the plaintiff's mother nor any other family member ever requested direct blood donations. Th

The verdict was 12-0 in favor of the defense. The most probable factor in the jury's decision was their pro innocent until "proven"











The plaintiff was a 49 year old women with chronic knee pain who had undergone three previous failed arthr pain and disability, her surgeon recommended total knee replacement surgery. She claims that her surgeon informed consent that a revisional procedure was required shortly after the first procedure. The plaintiff alleg refused the first surgery.

As it were, she suffered irreversible nerve injury. The plaintiff's expert orthopedist questioned the propriety o was an overly aggressive approach to the problem. The defense expert testified that the procedure clearly was of

The verdict was 12-0 in favor of the defense. The jury felt that even if informed consent was inadequate, the was one proper option and the best choice for fully amelior

CASE 6: When Your Case Rests On One Easily Defensible Point

The plaintiff was a 42 year old man with a long history of hypertension. He presented to an urgent care cente The only recorded vital sign was his temperature. The diagnosis was gastritis and he was prescribed an antac stroke. His blood pressure was found to be 280/170, a true hypertensive emergency. He is now a

The plaintiff alleged that it is below the standard of care to not take the blood pressure as part of the routine e uncontrolled hypertension. Accordingly, the plaintiff alleged that had the blood pressure been taken, he wo emergently treated and the stroke would have been prevented. The defendant contended that it would have b pressure regardless of the chief complaint and he believed that he did so but simply failed to record it since it position was that the stoke occurred after the visit to the urgent care center and could not have been anticipate was clearly within the acceptable standards.

The verdict was 12-0 in favor of the defense. The jury had no problem vindicating the defendant who, they bel

CASE 7: When You Can't Get Beyond The "Ordinary" Care Standard

The plaintiff was a 54 year old man with a history of a prior small myocardial infarction who, under the super excellent health. All stress treadmills, echocardiograms and electrocardiograms were without abnormalities. underwent a stress treadmill. During this study, he had a sudden drop of blood pressure when his heart rat doctor erroneously concluded that this abnormality was spurious and represented no danger. His patient, whil and

At trial, the plaintiff's expert provided a scientifically correct physiologic explanation for the drop in blood pre

cardiac output which was due to left ventricular dysfunction. But the defense retorted that by customary sta without any ECG changes. By widely accepted criteria, the patient could be categorized as function

The verdict was 12-0 in favor of the defense. The jury justified their decision by saying that the doctor's o "ordinary" care standard, even though they were convinced that the sudden drop in blood pressure was, m dysfunction. This reinforces the jury instruction that physicians do not have to be "perfect" in their pract "reasonable" or "ordinary" care standard.











The plaintiff was a 42 year old woman who told her regular physician that she had noticed a lump in her rig consistent with benign fibrocystic breast disease and did not order a mammogram, even though she requested for unrelated complaints. The chart did not document breast complaints, however, the patient was adamant about the breast mass and asked twice for mammograms. She said that the doctor dismissed her concerns a

Finally, on the fourth visit, 13 months after her initial visit, the doctor acquiesced and ordered a mamm underwent a partial mastectomy and the tumor was characterized as Grade I with no lymph node involvement. without recurrence and it was the opinion of the defense experts that she was entirely cured.

The verdict was 12-0 in favor of the defense. Although the jury was critical of the doctor's delay in diagnos breach in the standard of care, because the plaintiff appeared cured and there was no evidence of metastasis, th doctor's reputation by returning a










The plaintiff was a 33 year old woman who had a new breast mass evaluated by her physician. He did an im and he decided not to order a mammogram. A year later, she was diagnosed wit

The verdict was 12-0 in favor of the defense. Although jurors agreed that the standard of care had been breac be followed by a mammogram or surgical biopsy, they believed the defense expert oncologist who testified th at the time of the diagnosis one year earlier, the cancer was already terminal. Earlier diagnosis and treatme disease. Thus, the plaintiff's attorney could not successfully establish "causation" and lost the case.








The plaintiff was a 46 year old cab driver who visited an orthopedist with complaints of right knee pain. The knee was negative, as was an x-ray of the knee. The doctor was told by his patient that many years earlie required open reduction and internal fixation. However, the physician did not examine the area, nor did he or referred the patient to a neurologist for evaluation.

The neurologic

defendant exam

neurologist postulating

interviewed instead

the that

patient the

but patient's

did pain

paresthetica-entrapment of a nerve in his thigh. He prescribed anti-inflammatory medication and told the patie

The patient was seen weekly for several months without any improvement nor any direct examination of th was diagnosed in a local emergency room with advanced tibial osteomyelitis. He underwent debridement and intravenous antibiotics. He eventually healed. His only residual was a gross cosmetic defect in his mid-tibi returning to work.

He sued the neurologist and orthopedist contending that they failed to include in their differential dia complication. With appropriate diagnosis and care, he would have avoided surgery

At trial, even the defense attorney conceded that the standard of care had been breached, yet he pointed out medical bills, that sick leave took care of his lost wages, and that the defect did

The verdict was 12-0 in favor of the defense. The jurors concluded that both doctors were negligent and th cause of the patient's injuries. But when faced with the decision of whether they should penalize the doctors w they decided to act in their favor. The doctors were obviously negligent, yet the jury found in their favor. W towards physicians, especially when the monetary loss is minimal and the disability minor, such that it hardly and professional life.

There are other reasons why you should think twice about taking a medical negligence case. Several of them a

1. The medical issues are complex. The more complex the medical issues, the more difficult it will be to c malpractice. If a case involves multiple physicians, some of who committed no negligent acts, it may be ex negligent care. Jurors may view this kind of lawsuit as an unwarranted attack on everyone. Plus, from the e expensive to litigate. Thus, you should be sure that

2. The patient underwent a medical procedure for cosmetic rather than medical reasons. Jurors often belie






3. The plaintiff's condition is such that delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis did not result in significant additio prognosis. Jurors often find the "so what" defense compelling enough to excuse medical negligence.

4. When the defense medical experts include the follow-up care physicians, their credibility usually exceeds th

5. Damages resulting from the injury are too small to justify the time and expense of litigating the claim.

6. The defendant is a well-known and highly respected physician that most reputable medical experts refuse find an appropriate expert; and even if one is found, because of the defendant's standing in the medical com judgment against him. Also, if the procedure, treatment, or medical subspecialty is rare, then it will be very witness to testify.

7. The case hinges only on informed consent or misrepresentation issues. This often pits the health care credibility and honesty. Furthermore, it will be difficult to convince a jury that the plaintiff would not ha properly informed of its risks.

8. Causation can not be satisfactorily established. Cases will be lost in these situations even when care was gro

9. A plaintiff has exacerbated the damage by not following the physician's instructions. For example, did the leg despite non-weight bearing orders?

10. When a shortened life-expectancy existed anyway from non-related conditions. For example, even thou operating room table due to physician error, this patient had terminal lung cancer and a very short life-expecta

Emerging Trends in Consumer Cases

Various judgements and laws have changed the legal landscape of the healthcare secto The health sector flourished unquestionably, till the evolution of Law of Torts in Eng Torts gave place for consumer laws, which questioned the impeccable authority of the h jolt when the judgement and order of the

Supreme Court of India (SC) was pronounced on 13/11/1995 in The Medical Associa 1996 SC 550). The medical and para-medical professionals hitherto, questioned under be questioned under Consumer Law too. Law of Torts A tort means wrong. It is a violation of the general duty which every member of the any harm without lawful justification or excuse. If by the act of an individual, an inju affected person is entitled to claim compensation from the doer. Under the Torts, on case against the respondent. However, if the damage and injury is quite apparent to loquitor is applied and the defendant has to prove that he is not guilty. Consumer Act 1986 As the Law of Torts comes under civil law, the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 becomes the Consumer Protection Act 1986, providing three types of Tribunal (not courts) so th the complainant need not pay any fees for suits. Three-tier system of disposing the co district level (District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum), state level, (State Consum and nation level (National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission). After the Nati can be made with the SC. The pecuniary jurisdiction is upto Rs 10 lakh for District For for State commission and beyond Rs 1 crore for the National Commission. The Provisions of the Act were not extended to the medical professionals when it was e were enlarged due to the judgement of the Supreme court in The MCI Vs VP Shantha c were filed against the medial professionals, para-medical staff, diagnosis centers and dr

Defence Taken by Hospitals When too many hurdles are raised against a sector, it evolves new ways and means following methods are strengthened now which were not given importance before 1995 A) Doctrine of Estoppel: The Doctrine of Estoppel, hitherto applicable to civil law medical sector. Estoppel means if an individual acts or deposes before an institution/jud

he cannot go against the same in a later date. In short, by obtaining 'informed cons hospitals/medical professionals set a proper ground for defence before a court or forum B) Application of Bolam Test: The British Court during 1954 by its order in Bolam V decided that a medical professional would be absolved of any allegation of any neglige to select a procedure which is normally followed in that course of time and in that plac safety of the medical professional: (i) He must possess adequate skill in that area of medical practice; (ii) He exercises reasonable care while performing his skill. (iii) Mere negligence will not make out a case for compensation against him but tha nexus with the injury caused to the complainant. If the injury does not have a direct lin compensation exists. The SC adopted the principles enunciated in the Bolam Test fully judgements in Dr Laxman Balakrishnan Joshi Vs D Trimbak, Bopu Godbok and Anr (AIR State of Uttar Pradesh and Ors. (AIR 1989 SC 550) Indian Medical Association of India 550, Spring Meadows Hospital Vs. Harijit Ahluwalia (AIR 1998 SC 1801) and lastly in K & Ors (2006(2) CPR 14 (NC) P. No. 62). Following the orders of the SC, all consumer for a followed the principles and saved th compensation. C) Jacob Mathew Vs State of Haryana: In this case, the SC saved medical profess State through its prosecution authorities. This is how it evolved. A patient died becau patient, highly influential in politics, brought criminal proceedings against the doctor w The bail petitions filed before the District Sessions Court and High Court were dis imminent arrest. While he filed a revision petition before the SC, it quashed the F followed while dealing with such cases against medical professionals by the State. It lai (i) The prosecution must be convinced that there is a criminal negligence on the part o (ii) It distinguished between the negligence of tort and criminal negligence. (iii) The prosecution may proceed further if a case is made out, only after obtaining a has specialised in that branch of specialisation, preferably working in a Government hos Latest Trend The case decided in Dr Kunal Saha Vs Dr Sugumaran Mukherjee & Ors (Supra) becam the jubilation of the medical fraternity. In this case, a claim for Rs 77,76,73,500 was m is a medical professional. He took treatment for hi in AMRI Hospital, Calcutta and Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai. She died of Toxic Epide dismissed the claims on the following grounds: (i) There is a contributory negligence on the part of the complainant himself. (ii) The patient was brought to Mumbai from Kolkata against medical advice. (iii) Medical professional gave their best treatment available in India in this particular t

(iv) Award of this nature, if granted, may cause a rise in professional insurance b premium paid to the insurance company may pass on to the poor patient as in existenc

Medical Law Reporter

2007 Med LR 189 NATIONAL CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL COMMISSION, NEW DELHI Honble Justice Mr. S.N. Kapoor, Presiding Member Honble Mr. B.K. Taimni, Member First Appeal No. 528 of 1997 Decided on 17-10-2006 Kurien Abraham and Others vs. Dr. Omana Jacob and Others

MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE DELIVERY OF CHILD No Doctor attending on patient resulting in he directed to pay Rs. 2,70,000 along with interest to complaints. SUMMARY OF FACTS

The patient, aged 27 years, on getting pregnant for the first time, being under care of first respondent, attend admitted in the hospital for the delivery of child. The patient was removed to the labour room at 8.30 a.m. bu the patient or by her relatives. A baby was delivered but the mother having developed certain complications

The relations of the patient filed a complaint alleging deficiency in rendering medical service, claiming Commission holding the hospital medically negligent for absence of the attending gynaecologist from the be with cost of Rs. 2,000 to the complainants. No appeal filed by the doctors or the hospital. However, in app Commission enhanced the amount of compensation to Rs. 2,70,000 considering that the deceased patient w qualified graduate High School teacher, earning Rs. 3,000 per month in year 1995. HELD [NATIONAL COMMISSION]

Leading allegation amounting to medical negligence is related to the non-attendance of the first respon 17.11.1995 onwards as she was the attending gynaecologist from the beginning as far as the deceased was clearly shows that no doctor was available to take care of the deceased till late in the afternoon, when she w Jossetta. Ld. State Commission.

As per material on record, the second respondent Dr. Jossetta one of the Sr Gynaecologists admitted before th had Theatre duty and went to the labour room where the patient was lying only aft er she was informed o delivery stage and after serious complications had arisen, which resulted in the death of the patient. Accord Laila George who was on duty yet there was no reference to this in the written version filed by them before record, thus, clearly leading the State Commission to conclude that from the time the deceased was moved serious complications there was no doctor attending on the deceased which as rightly held by the State Comm in the death of the deceased. In the above circumstances, State Commission, in our view, rightly held the 5th respondent guilty of medical respondents which reassure us that they had accepted their medical negligence.

This is a case of death by negligence on the part of the respondents and appeal has been filed by the a compensation. We also see in the complaint filed before the State Commission they had asked for a compensa given any break-up and State Commission has also shown no ground based on which they have arriv compensation for loss of life of 27 years old lady who was a qualified graduate High School teacher and the this. In such circumstances, we find that the State Commission has not awarded the compensation commensur view of above, in our view, the deceased who was a qualified graduate High School teacher would be earni 50% is set off as expenditure and balance 50% would be Rs. 1500 per month, meaning thereby for a year s using a multiplier of 15, the appellants would be entitled to a sum of Rs. 2,70,000 in all, as she died at a you calculation possible revision in pay-scales/career advancement in future . IMPORTANT LAW POINT + Where from the time the pregnant lady was moved into labour room and till the time she had ser

there was no doctor attending on the deceased patient, it was rightly held as a clear case of deficiency-in

2007 Med LR 314 NATIONAL CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL COMMISSION, NEW DELHI Honble Mr. Justice K.S. Gupta, Presiding Member Honble Dr. P.D. Shenoy, Member Revision Petition No. 1991 of 2004 and Revision Petition No. 2395 of 2004 Decided on 19-1-2007 Shridevi Hospital and Shridevi Diagnostic & Research Centre, Tumkur vs. P. Subhash

MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE FRACTURE OF LEG Vascular Injury Failure of doctors in the diag conducting Doppler test and not referring the patient to vascular surgeon Amputation of leg as summary nor copies of case records given to the patient by the hospital Award of compensation of Rs. SUMMARY OF FACTS

The complainant, a minor suffered serious injuries to his left leg and was taken to Shridevi Hospital. After ab father of the injured to shift his son to Bowring Hospital where he was examined by an Orthopaedic Surgeon gangrene had set in and the left leg was required to be amputated to save the life of the injured. He was t vascular injury soon after the accident, the left leg could have been saved.

The complainant claimed compensation of Rs. 5 lakhs alleging criminal negligence on the part of the doct treatment of the injured. The District Forum directed the concerned doctors at ShrideviHospital to pay jointly to the complainant. In appeals filed by the parties, the State Commission enhanced the compensation from Forum and State Commission concurrently held the three doctors negligent in treating the patient. The Nation by the fora below considering that as the DP Pulse and post tibial pulse of the injured were feeble, th examination to find out whether there was any vascular insufficiency and whether there was any serious threat


In the present case it is evident that the D P Pulse and post tibial pulse were feeble. That being so, the respon examination to find out whether there was any vascular insufficiency and whether there is any serious thre makes it clear that in such cases every medical man should be able to recognize the presence of severe vas steps should be taken to shift the casualty to proper hospitals and save the limbs.

As against this the hospital authorities or treating doctors have failed to produce any extract of any medical clear negligence on the part of Dr. Tyagaraju in not conducting the Doppler test and not referring the patient t case records of the hospital, there is no proof of evidence produced before us to show that copies of the Shride the complainants father. Even the discharge summary was not given to him. Neither the discharge summary the patient or to his father by the Shridevi hospital. This is not generally done by any responsible hospital. Fu that the signature of the father of the complainant was taken only on the case record pertaining to 13.05.20 surgeon after the above case record. On other days why signatures were not taken is baffling.

The State Commission has re-appreciated his evidence and observed that if really the said Sound Doppler should have been mentioned in the case sheet dated 13.05.2000, but this has been mentioned only on 14.05.20 cannot miss the attention of the doctors and they would have definitely mentioned it in the case sheet if the t why the respondent No. 3 gave a letter to the father of the injured referring the name of Dr. Ramesh of Bowrin hand over all the case sheets and discharge summary to the father of the injured. Hence, looking from any ang of the fora below that the respondent hospital and the treating doctor/surgeons were negligent. Now com compensation should be enhanced. Though there appears to be some merit in this claim we are not in a posi have awarded a fairly high rate of interest i.e. 12% per annum from the date of the complaint i.e. 12.07.2000. RESULT Complaint Allowed.

BOOKS REFERRED Fractures in Children Volume (3) Fourth edition COUNSELS For the Petitioners: Shri B. Vishwanath Bhandarkar, Advocate. For the Respondents: Shri Byendra Singh, Advocate. IMPORTANT LAW POINT

+ In cases of injuries to the lower and upper limb fractures, the medical man should be able to re insufficiency in limb injuries so that urgent steps should be taken to shift the casualty to proper hospital

2007 Med LR 655 NATIONAL CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL COMMISSION, NEW DELHI Honble Mr. B.K. Taimni, Presiding Member Revision Petition No. 350 of 2007 Decided on 27-2-2007 Dr. Arul Raj vs. N. Ramanathan and Others

MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT Non-supply of oxygen to patient who was o spare cylinder in ICU Wastage of time in getting it replenished Death of patient Deficiency-in-servic SUMMARY OF FACTS

Wife of the complainant suffering from severe pain in stomach and chest was admitted in the hospital and kep continuously. At 5.00 p.m. on 9.12.1998 the oxygen cylinder got exhausted, as there was no spare oxygen cylinder was rushed from the ground floor but it was found to be defective. Meanwhile, the patient was gaspin around 6.30 p.m.on 9.12.1998. A complaint filed alleging medical negligence against the doctor was allow

3,00,000 as compensation. HELD [NATIONAL COMMISSION]

There is a concurrent finding of the fact on the point of non-supply of the oxygen to the deceased. The patien got exhausted. There was no spare cylinder in the ICU and when the spare cylinder being brought to second when the cylinder did come it was found to be defective and oxygen did flow out. Both the lower fora have he case of medical negligence. RESULT Complaint Allowed.

IMPORTANT LAW POINT + Non-supply of the oxygen to the patient resulting in her death when she was on ventilator in the Int any spare cylinder in the ICU is medical negligence.

2007 Med LR 657 NATIONAL CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL COMMISSION, NEW DELHI Honble Mr. Justice K.S. Gupta, Presiding Member Honble Dr. P.D. Shenoy, Member Revision Petition No. 1368 of 2000 Decided on 21-2-2007 Dr. Balagopal Perinthalmanna vs. K.V. Radhakrishna Menon & Others

A. MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE MEDICAL RECORDS Refusal to give any treatment records eith Forum Adverse inference can be drawn against the doctor and the Nursing Home. B. MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE APPENDISECTOMY Wrongly diagnosing ailment Second

obstructions in the intestine Death of patient Refusal to give treatment records Deficiency-in1,50,000. SUMMARY OF FACTS

A patient with a complaint of abdominal pain had gone to a Doctor wherein he performed explorator Subsequently the patient had to be re admitted in the same Nursing Home but as the situation did not improve surgery was performed for removing the gangrene and to rectify all the obstructions in the intestine and the pa was filed alleging medical negligence stating that the doctor did not even get the consent from the patient be did not properly diagnose the disease. The doctors having failed to produce the consent form and also the de Home, an adverse inference was drawn in favour of the complainants. HELD [NATIONAL COMMISSION]

It is clear from the records that OPs have failed to produce the consent form and they even failed to produ Nursing Home despite the fact that she stayed in the Nursing Home on two different spells. If the patient discharge i.e. 20.9.1996 why she had to be re-admitted in the hospital poses a serious question. Further, it is n patient was relieved of her pain and hence she was discharged on 4.10.1996. The State Commission refers to the opposite partys hospital wherein Dr. Balagopal stated that the post-operative period was stormy and she records that she had to be re-admitted with pain and vomiting on 29.9.1996. Despite complainants petition to the treatment records were not produced by the Ops. RESULT Complaint Allowed. COUNSELS For the Petitioner: Shri K. Rajeev, Shri Alex Joseph, Advocates. For the Respondent: Ms. Bina Madhavan, Shri Hemal Sheth, Advocates.

IMPORTANT LAW POINT + When the doctors have failed to produce the consent form and they even failed to produce the detai Home despite the fact that the patient stayed in the Nursing Home on two different spells, adverse infe drawn against the treating doctor and the Nursing Home.

2007 Med LR 486 GUJARAT STATE CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL COMMISSION, AHMEDABAD Honble Mr. Justice M.S. Parikh, President Honble Dr. M.K. Joshi, Member Honble Mrs. Leenaben P. Desai, Member Appeal No. 113/03 & 8/03 Decided on 22-1-2004

Dr. Yogendra A. Pandya and Another vs. Mrs. Harshaben C. Patel and Others

MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE ANAESTHESIA Anaesthetist leaving operation theatre immediate Anaesthetist to go without verifying that patient was really out of anaesthesia or not Patient rem Deficiency-in-service. SUMMARY OF FACTS

The patient having hernia was operated under general anaesthesia. The operation was completed at 1 p.m operation. Doctors continued the treatment till 1 p.m. but the patient remained unconscious and his condition Hospital where he died. There was nothing to show that the patient was fully conscious at the time of e operation theatre immediately after extubation and surgeon had allowed him to go without verifying that p Complaint filed by wife and children of the patient was allowed. The State Commission held it a case of gross HELD [STATE COMMISSION]

At the outset, it is important to note that even as per the medical record the surgery was completed at 1.00 p.m time. However, there is nothing on record how the induction of general anaesthesia was done, which gase maintained during surgery, what were his vital signs like pulse, B.P. or respiration rate during surgery and wh of the surgery. In other words there is nothing on record to show that patient was fully conscious at 1.00 p.m. i to the medical record itself the air-way was obstructed either by secretion and/or tongue fall because of unt noted that O.P.2 (Anaesthetist) left the operation theatre immediately after extubation at 1.00 p.m. and O. verifying that patient was really out of anaesthesia or not. The duty of the anaesthetist does not end till th anaesthesia. For practical purpose it is the duty of the anaesthetist also to see that patient is shifted to the ward out last clinical examination there before he leaves the hospital. As per the record respiratory depression was developed at that time), then cyanosis and cardiac arrest which ultimately resulted in death of the patient.

Everything happened in four walls of the operation theatre just after surgery. T implied consent of the surgeon. The patient was not monitored for vital 10 minutes i.e. from 1.00 p.m. to 1.1 at 1.10 p.m. then anaesthetist was called again and patient was re-intubated at 1.22 p.m. (such specific, timin what was the condition of patient at the time of extubation, what happened after surgery and extubation, anaesthetist left before shifting the patient to ward, who monitored the patient during that period, what steps which remained unanswered. These are the facts which are within the special knowledge of the opponents a manner and this certainly amounts to deficiency in medical service on the part of the opponents.

RESULT Complaint Allowed. COUNSELS GFor the Appellants: Mr. R.M. Shah, Advocate. For the Opponent No. 1: Mr. H.M. Bhagat, Advocate. For the Original Opponents No. 2 & 3: Mr. H.J. Bhatt, Advocate.

IMPORTANT LAW POINT + The duty of the anaesthetist does not end till the patient fully recovers from the effect of anesthesi without verifying whether that patient was really out of anaesthesia or not amounts to gross deficiency i

[1] 1957 2 ALL ER 118


(2005) 6 SCC 1

[3] (2004) 6 SCC 422 (2004) 6 SCC 429, para 21 [5] 1991(1) Bom. C.R. (p. 629) [6] (1995) 6 SCC 651 [7] Section 2(1)(g) [8] Section 2(1)(d)(ii) [9] (2000) 7 SCC 668
[4] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]

(2002) 6 SCC 635 (1998) 4 SCC 39 1998 3 CPR 398 (BOM) 2004 3 CPR 27 (NC) 1998 1 CPR 165 (Cal) 1994 3 CPJ 89 II (1992) CPJ 449 AIR 1969 SC 128 Vol. 30 Fourth Edition, p.31 para 34 1975 M. L.J. 792

[20] (1996) 4 SCC 332 Street on Torts (1983) 7th Ed. [22] AIR 74 SC 876 [23] AIR 1995 P&H 278 [24] (2001) 8 SCC 731

[25] (1989) 3 SCC 223 [26] 2004 3 CPJ 37 [27] 2004 3 CPJ 29 (NC) [28] 1999 1 CPJ 332 [29] 2004 2 CPJ 14 (NC) [30] 2003 1 CPJ 180 [31] 2001 1 CPR 70 [32] 2004 3 CPJ 19 (NC) [33] 2003 2 CPJ 125 [34] (2004) 8 SCC 56 [35] 2002 2 CPR 151 [36] 1993 3 CPR 435 (Bom) [37] 2004 1 CPJ 257 [38] (2005) 7 SCC 1 [39] 1986 1 ALL ER 488

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4 Comments for this Article

Wrote on 14 April 2013

Dear Sir this is not only useful study material to law student I think its may be too useful all of them who ar efforts for our success......

Wrote on 06 September 2011

My dear Mr.Aman Grewal, This is really an excellent comparative study and analysis of settled legal position your painstaking contribution will be useful to one and all. Keep up. With warm wishes.

Amandeep singh Grewal

Wrote on 01 December 2009

My pleasure dear......... :-)

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