Religious Studies Resources 2010 Catalog
Religious Studies Resources 2010 Catalog
Religious Studies Resources 2010 Catalog
Religious Studies
Resources 2010
Table of Contents Theology
Theology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 – 5
This Tremendous Lover
M. Eugene Boylan, O.C.R.
Foreword by Lawrence S. Cunningham
Dom Eugene Boylan, a Trappist monk, clearly and percep-
tively explains God’s plan for happiness of those “still in the
world,” and how Christians are each called to participate in
this divine plan as members of the Mystical Body of Christ.
Sixty years on, Boylan’s spiritual classic still speaks power-
fully to contemporary readers. It is one of one hundred
works in the Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan.
ISBN: 9780870612497 / 384 pages / $16.95
THE 101 SERIES highlights the lives and theol- Angels and
ogy of some of the greatest and most influential minds Their Mission
in Catholic history. Respected scholars offer in-depth Jean Danielou, S.J.
analysis on the works of Catholic theologians for ex- A readable treatment of
perts and beginners alike, providing an expansive and the mission of angels in the
informative appreciation of the thinkers and thoughts economy of salvation. Dan-
that have shaped the Church. ielou’s work is notable for
the synthesis that it achieves
Aquinas 101 between the teaching of the
A Basic Introduction Church Fathers and later
to the Thought theological speculation on
the angels.
of Saint Thomas
ISBN: 9780870610561 / 118 pages / $9.95
Francis Selman
This brief and readable summary of the influential thought
of St. Thomas Aquinas takes complex topics and clearly
summarizes the legacy of one of the Catholic Church’s
greatest minds.
“No longer is St. Thomas the reserve of upper-level, esoteric
courses. Now he can be studied by the ‘beginners’ he cared so
much for.”—Mark Johnson, PhD, Professor of Theology,
Marquette University
ISBN: 9780870612435 / 224 pages / $16.95
Newman 101
An Introduction to the Life and Philosophy of
John Cardinal Newman
Roderick Strange
In Newman 101, Roderick Strange offers an accessible
introduction to the thought of the popular and widely
studied philosopher, John Cardinal Newman, from his
controversial conversion to Catholicism to his highly re-
spected publications on Church philosophy.
“This short book, written in a reader-friendly style . . . provides
an engaging introduction to Newman.”—John T. Ford, C.S.C.,
Editor-in-chief, Newman Studies Journal
ISBN: 9780870612473 / 192 pages / $15.95
Questions to Be Catholic
Of Faith For the First Time,
A Workbook Compan- or Once Again
ion to the Catechism William O’Malley, S.J.
of the Catholic Church This is the perfect book for
Michael Amodei those who are seeking to learn
An ideal text in founda- more about the Catholic faith
tional theology courses, through the Rite of Christian
campus ministry study Initiation of Adults and for
groups, parish adult edu- those who may have become
ti and d RCIA ministry.
i i t Referenced to the Cate- disenchanted with the Church
chism of the Catholic Church and to This Is Our Faith. or perhaps even with God over
ISBN: 9780877936893 / 96 pages / $6.95 the years.
ISBN: 9781594710438 / 240 pages / $14.95
The Constitutions
This volume paraphrases the texts of the four constitutions—on
the liturgy, the Church, divine revelation, and the Church in the
modern world—in easily readable sense lines and invites the read-
er to better understand and internalize the message of the council
fathers in a spirit of reverence, prayer, and reflection.
ISBN: 9781594711060 / 224 pages / $15.95
Butler’s Lives
of the Saints
Complete Standard Edition
Edited, Revised, and Supplemented
by Herbert J. Thurston, S.J., and
Donald Attwater
First written in the mid-eighteenth
century, this four-volume set was
revised in 1956 to encompass 2,565
saints compared to the original 1,486.
Carefully edited to retain the charms
of Butler’s original prose style, this
work of devotion and scholarship of-
fers truths central to Christianity and
underlying themes of Christian love.
A Chosen Instrumeent
ISBN: 9781594711336
uch as perhaps many n
of vital resources such
him to a total utilization
possess but few discover. impact t on France, Canada,
a major
In his lifetime he made elf in noble worksr in
zeal expressed itself
and the United States. His lgeria, and India. And
as Italy, Poland, Algeria,
places as widely scattered olate. Overv a century
more fruitful apostolate.
256 pages, with 8-page photo insert / $15.95 his death began a yet
later, his foundations still
the aims to which his being
Basil Moreau’s principal
onsisted of a group of
contribution consisted
ommunities, which he
religious communities,
m previously founded
l founded
or developed from
either established himself epherd convent v at Le
was the Good Shepherd
organizations. The first ents, which he played ayed
home for penitents,
Mans—an orphanage and riest of the diocese of
while a young priest
a celebration in Fort Portal,
Bishop McCauley after
Table of Contents
1. The Mystery of the Church
in Salvation History
2. Christianity Takes Root
3. The Spread of Christianity
4. The Church in the Middle Ages
5. Schism, Reform, and Renewal
6. The Church in an Era of Change
7. The Catholic Church in Modern
8. The Church in America
9. Pope John Paul II Ushers in the
Church of the Twenty-First Century
Afterword, Glossary, End Notes
Catholic Handbook for Faith See page 7 for
This Is Our Faith
Uniting Our Gifts in Ministry
Loughlan Sofield, S.T., and Carroll Juliano, S.H.C.J.
A comprehensive look at collaborative ministry, chronicling its
development, practice, and the often messy and painful issues
that ministers confront.
ISBN: 9780877936831 / 192 pages / $15.95
The books of the Concise Guide series, edited by Kevin E. McKenna, tackle questions of central im-
portance for contemporary Catholicism. The series offers excellent reference as each book carefully
outlines the issues, references the necessary documents, and sketches answers to pressing pastoral ques-
tions in highly accessible language and easily understood formats. Glossaries, diagrams, and up-to-date
bibliographies are all regular features of these pastorally sensitive and doctrinally sound resources.
NEW! A Concise
A Concise Guide to
Guide to Pastoral
Adult Faith Planning
Formation William L. Pickett
Neil A. Parent ISBN: 9781594711350
ISBN: 9781594712081 256 pages / $16.95
192 pages / $15.95
A Concise A Concise
Guide to Guide to
Canon Law Supervising
A Practical Hand-
a Ministry
book for Pastoral
Ministers Student
Ann M. Garrido, DMin
Kevin E. McKenna
ISBN: 9781594711794
ISBN: 9780877939344
160 pages / $17.95
128 pages / $12.95
A Concise A Concise
Guide to Guide to Your
Catholic Rights in
Social Teaching the Catholic
Kevin E. McKenna Church
ISBN: 9780877939795 Kevin E. McKenna
160 pages / $13.95 ISBN: 9781594710797
128 pages / $12.95
Forward in Hope
Saying Amen to Lay
Ecclesial Ministry
Bishop Matthew H. Clark
Foreword by Zeni V. Fox
A long-time advocate of lay
ecclesial ministry, Bishop
Matthew Clark offers his vast
theological knowledge and
engaging stories from years of
ministry to make this an in-
formative and accessible read
for anyone called to leadership
in today’s Catholic Church.
Forward in Hope examines the
ever-growing significance of
lay ecclesial ministry and the
way it is changing the face of
the Church.
ISBN: 9781594711916 / 128 pages / $11.95
Classics with Commentary, a series in the Christian Classics line devoted to rediscovering classic
Christian literature, mines the depths of the rich tradition of Christian spirituality. Critical translations
accompanied by thought-provoking commentary and probing questions revitalize these works for to-
day’s generation of spiritual seekers.
of the Heart
The Contempla-
tive Tradition of
the Christian East
In this comprehen-
sive guide to con-
templative prayer,
George Maloney, S.J., a leading expo-
nent of the Eastern Orthodox spiritual
tradition in the decades after Vatican
II, opens up this tradition of prayer—in
particular the Jesus Prayer—to Western
ISBN: 9781594711831 / 224 pages / $14.95
The Way
of Prayer
Learning to
Pray with the
The Imitation of Christ Our Father
A Timeless Classic for St. Teresa of Avila
Contemporary Readers Edited by William J.
Thomas à Kempis Doheny, C.S.C.
Translated by William C. Creasy Drawn from the heart of Teresa of Avila’s
Working from the 1441 Latin Autograph timeless classic The Way of Perfection, her
Manuscript, Creasy succeeds in creating a most personal and accessible book, this
dramatically different interpretation of The masterful primer on prayer is a compel-
Imitation by working through its historical, ling guide to the Lord’s Prayer.
cultural and linguistic contexts. For Creasy, ISBN: 9780870612466 / 160 pages / $12.95
Thomas à Kempis offers profound insights
into a person’s relationship with God, in-
sights that only deepen when they accom-
modate a post-Vatican II understanding of
what he has to say. When the Lion Roars
ISBN: 9780870612312 / 192 pages / $14.95 A Primer for the Unsuspecting Mystic
Stephen J. Rossetti
ISBN: 9780877939856 / 160 pages / $11.95
Compassionate Fire
The Letters of Thomas Merton and
Catherine de Hueck Doherty
Edited by Rev. Robert A. Wild
The correspondence between Thomas Merton and
Catherine de Hueck Doherty reveals an inspiring
portrait of true spiritual friendship. For the first
time, the letters exchanged between
these two prophetic voices are brought
together in one volume. This collec-
Merton’s hermitage.
Used with permission
Merton Center at Bellarmine perm
tion of warm, candid correspondence
of the Merton Legacy
University. Trust and the Thomas
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216-6 Photo spread.indd
Seasons of Celebration
Meditations on the Cycle of Liturgical Feasts
Thomas Merton
Foreword by William Shannon
Merton called Seasons of Celebration his “Liturgy book” and
this edition includes a new foreword by renowned Merton
scholar William H. Shannon. These essays remain timely in
view of the ongoing liturgical renewal initiated by Vatican II
and are a must-read for those seeking to deepen their grasp
of the liturgy and the cycles of the Church year.
“Merton presents the best of the liturgical movement with a
l it andd freshness
f h that
th t has
h lost none of its relevance since the time these articles were writ-
ten. Each article stands fixed in the great tradition, while it simultaneously breathes the ag-
giornamento that the Second Vatican Council wished for the Church.”—David Fagerberg,
Associate Professor of Theology, Liturgical Studies, University of Notre Dame
ISBN: 9781594711701 / 224 pages / $17.95
The Vision of Thomas Merton
Patrick O’Connell
ISBN: 9780877939917 / 256 pages / $14.95
Thomas Merton
A Book of Hours
Thomas Merton living with thomas merton
Edited by Edited by Jonathan Montaldo &
Robert G. Toth of The Merton Institute
Kathleen Deignan for Contemplative Living
Foreword by James Finley Bridges is an eight-booklet series
The voluminous writings of that gently leads participants on a
Thomas Merton have been journey toward spiritual transfor-
mined and arranged for the mation and a more contemplative
first time into prayers for and peace-filled life. Each eight-
Dawn, Day, Dusk, and Dark for each of the days session booklet offers an introduc-
tion to Merton and contemplative
of the week. A Book of Hours is a resource for daily
prayer and contemplation that imitates the increas-
All booklets: 64 pages / $5.95 each
ingly popular ancient monastic practice of “praying
the hours.”
“Deignan has woven a tapestry of Merton’s prayer,
prose, and poetry at their most ardent so as to re-
educate our awareness that God is Beautiful and most
worthy of our daily praise.”—Jonathan Montaldo, BOOKLETS IN THE SERIES
Editor of A Year with Thomas Merton One: Entering the School of
ISBN: 9781933495057 / 224 pages, hardcover / $20.00 Your Experience—Revised
ISBN: 9781594712340
Two: Becoming Who You
When the Trees Already Are—Revised
ISBN: 9781594712357
Say Nothing
Three: Living Your
Writings on Nature Deepest Desires—Revised
Thomas Merton ISBN: 9781594712371
Edited by Four: Discovering the Hidden
Kathleen Deignan Ground of Love—Revised
ISBN: 9781594712364
This collection of Merton’s
Five: Traveling Your Road to Joy
writings on nature serves as ISBN: 9781594710933
a primer on eco-spirituality,
Six: Writing Yourself into the
revealing Merton’s approach to ecology as a spiritu- Book of Life
al issue that exposes the degree of human alienation ISBN: 9781594710940
from the sacredness of the planet. Seven: Adjusting Your
“This splendid volume by Kathleen Deignan evokes Life’s Vision
ISBN: 9781594710957
the sense of the sacred . . . a handsome book for all
seasons.”—Brother Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O., Eight: Seeing that Paradise
Begins Now
Co-editor of The Intimate Merton ISBN: 9781594710964
ISBN: 9781893732605 / 192 pages, hardcover / $16.95 Lent and Holy Week
ISBN: 9781594712043
In Memoriam
Henri J.M. Nouwen
Foreword by Michael O’Laughlin
A gentle invitation to all those in grief to open them-
selves to a deeper sense of faith and trust in God.
Henri J.M. Nouwen shares his own experience of pain,
confusion, and doubt as he leads the reader to a recog-
nition that despite turmoil, God is present.
ISBN: 9781594710544 / 64 pages / $7.95
Out of Solitude
Three Meditations on the Christian Life
Henri J.M. Nouwen
Foreword by Thomas Moore
Three beautifully written, scripture-based meditations
show how it was in solitude that Jesus found the cour-
age to follow God’s will, not his own—the core of the
Christian life and a message of profound importance.
ISBN: 9780877934950 / 64 pages / $7.95
Drinking Weeds
From A Among
Dry Well the Wheat
A Sequel To Discernment:
When The Well Where Prayer
Runs Dry and Action Meet
Thomas H. Green, S.J. Thomas H. Green, S.J.
Fr. G
Green returns to the
h “dry well” and With wisdom and common sense, Fr.
finds there a spot where both mature Green engages the topic of spiritual dis-
pray-ers and active contemplatives can be cernment and shows that it is a function
at home and can learn to live gracefully of an individual’s personal relationship
“drinking from the dry well of prayer.” with God. Discernment, he says, is where
ISBN: 9780877934509 / 128 pages / $9.95 prayer meets action.
Please note: This title is only available through ISBN: 9780877933182 / 208 pages / $15.95
Paying Attention
to God
Discernment in Prayer
William A. Barry, S.J.
In a down-to-earth and clear manner, Barry gives depth to our
understanding of prayer by drawing on exciting insights from
theology and philosophy.
ISBN: 9780877934134 / 128 pages / $9.95
Moment by Moment
A Retreat in Everyday Life
Carol Ann Smith, S.H.C.J.,
and Eugene Merz, S.J.
Drawing on the classic retreat model, The Spiri-
tual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, Moment by Mo-
ment offers readers a new and inviting way to
find God in their often busy and complex lives.
ISBN: 9780877939450 / 96 pages / $13.95
Paths to Prayer
A Field Guide to Ten Catholic Traditions
Pat Fosarelli
This handbook introduces ten spiritual traditions—including Benedic-
tine, Carmelite, Cistercian, Dominican, Franciscan, Ignatian, and Mys-
tic spirituality—and recounts a brief history of each tradition’s founder,
highlights its characteristics, and provides a prayer or spiritual practice
for each one.
ISBN: 9781594712180 / 128 pages / $11.95
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