Gour Sankar Bhanja: Present Job
Gour Sankar Bhanja: Present Job
Gour Sankar Bhanja: Present Job
*(u!a+i"nal ,uali)i!a+i"n -
A((i+i"nal .raining
!ood "or#ing #no$ledge of MS "ord, %xcel, &o$er &oint, Outloo# %xpress, Internet, Ado*e &hotoshop, Scanning etc.
8 %a/' $''n 5"rking 5i+% a Rail *ngg 8n)ra93"nsul+an!: Organi;a+i"n as 6r"&'!+ A(min O))i!'r <A(min= 3"9"r(ina+i"n > 4iais"n &"$? 9 Ass+ 2anag'r gra('= *as+ @"n'= )r"m Augus+= 2012 5i+% a !"ns"li(a+'( 1a: ") Rs 25=000#91m un('r (ir'!+ !"n+ra!+
JD : Working under VP (Tech.), VP (Mktg.) & GM (Project & Logistic O er!tions)
"!nd#ing Pre & Post Lu!nching Project $ork ( %#& 'n(r! & O & M o( )tee# P#!nt) "!nd#ing Tenders * +n,uir& re#!ted $ork ( Technic!# * Price -id), )u./itting Tender, 0ttending Tender Meeting, (Pre & Post -id), M!king #etters * e1/!i#s, %e orts * )t!te/ents, 0ssisting in /!king 2e!si.i#it& )tud& %re ort * Det!i#ed Project %e ort !(ter 3isiting site $ith )ite )ur3e& +ngineer, )u./itting 2)%, DP%, P#!ns, #etter !#ong $ith D$g,, 4oordin!ting +!rth Work * )oi# Testing $ork, 4o##ecting 3!rious o.ser3!tions * docu/ents (ro/ concerned de t. Getting er/ission !nd ! ro3!#s (ro/ go3t. de t. Li!sion $ith 3!rious consu#t!nts * Go3t. de t. * 4#ients (or site $ork. )ending Week#& * Month %e orts to "O. Visiting 3!rious Go3t o((ices, )ites ( in W- & outside W- #oc!tions). 0rr!nge re,uired /!n o$er (or site !nd de #o&/ent o( the s!/e. 4oordin!te (or 3!rious st!tutor& co/ #i!nce (or site. 4oordin!te (or their $ork #ike !cco//od!tion, (ooding, erson!# s!(et& ite/s (PP+) !s er c#ients. 4oordin!te $ith Vendors (tr!ns ort, hote#, guest house, su #ier ). Getting r!tes (ro/ /!rkets (or site ite/s. )u./itting -i##s. 2o##o$ u (or !&/ent too. %ene$!# o( our 0M4, Tr!cking s!/e o( our $ork (ro/ e!stern region.
4ont5 6 6 o( 7
' h!3e $orked in RESPONSE Group, offices in WB, Tripura, Bihar (Company in o Rea! Es a e, "o e!, Resor , #inancia!, E$por , %e&ia, NGO 'usiness ) 2ro/ Post : 8o3e/.er, 699: ; Ju#&, 69<6 : (ss ) %ana*er + (&min , "R) -Eas ern . Nor h Eas 'ranch/
Responsi'!e for + 0 Genera! (&min par i)e) ma1in* Correspon&ence -in , e$ /, E2mai!, a1e care fi!in*, &ispa ch 3or1, ma1in* $!s s m .repor assis in* in ma1in* PPT, or*ani4in* in erna! , e$ erna! mee in*s, 0 Prepare Ten&ers En5uiry, 6uo a ions, (*reemen , %O7, Tie ups, 0 8oo1 af er In9oices, :en&or paymen s, our Ou s an&in* paymen s, 0 Coor&ina in* for 'oo1in* of Tra9e! Tic1e , "o e!, Car, Gues "ouse, 0 In erna! , e$ erna! Coor&ina ion 3i h Buss "ea&, (.cs, B.O, 8iasionin* 3i h our (*encies, Consu! an s, :isi 8oca! PS, Ban1, Go9 ) ;ep ) e c), 0 :en&or Coor&ina ion 3or1 + (ppoin in* 9en&ors <Securi y, Courier, (C m.c, Ca erer, Tea , Wa er, Compu er.IT, CCT:, Tra9e! , Car Ren a! (*en , =o' Consu! an , Con rac or, 9arious Supp!iers>, Rene3a! of (%C, mini office office purchases, repair , main enance 3or1 of office , Gues house) 0 #u!!y a1e care , &e9e!opin* BO, "o e!, 9isi in* a!! !oca ions B.O 0 Genera! "R par i)e) Emp!oyees? %on h!y ( en&ance, 8ea9e, ne3 @oinin* forma!i ies, offer !e er, Circu!ar, No ices, 1eepin* recor&s, I2Car&, Sa!ary a.c, 9arious s a ) P#. ESI forms, ma1in* ;u y Ros er, coor&ina in* 3i h "R "ea& for S aff Tr*) , ;e9e!opmen , (ppraisa!, ou sourcin* s aff e c)
SP# P9 ) 8 &.
( =o#k!t! .!sed Printing & Pu.#ishing o( 8e$s ! er, M!g!>ines, +dn -ooks )
( ! Mu/.!i .!sed 8)+ * -)+ #isted 1 Li,uid 4he/ic!#, G!s, Oi#, 2erti#i>ers Logistic )o#utions co. )
;iamon& Be9era*es P9 ) 8 &) < #rom : ;ec)?AE 2 No9)?AD > ( 0uthori>ed -ott#er o( 4oc!14o#! & =in#e& 1 -e3er!ge & Min. W!ter, 2ruit Juice ?nit ) $orked !s (&min E$ecu i9e un&er "O;s
4ont5 7
( M!nu(!cturer o( 'nd# )!(et& +,ui . & G!s Detection )&s in co##. $ith Ger/!n 4o. @ ;R(GER A )
Worked $ith C"ITR(8EK"( %78TI%E;I( -Graphic ;esi*nin* "ouse/ , D!#housie, !s %ar1e in* Coor&ina or (co##ection o( Print 0d3ertise/ents, !&/ents, h!nd#ing c#ients, co1ordin!tion $ith Production "e!d & Te!/s, Desk jo.s) (ro/ @u!y, GCCG o Sep em'er, GCCF) Worked !s E9en Coor&ina or under the Director;Progr!//e 4o//ittee (or BC th 'ndi!n Ph!r/!ceutic!# 4ongress ('P4) org!ni>ed -& 'ndi!n Ph!r/!ceutic!# 0ssoci!tion ('P0, =o#k!t! 4h! ter, Go# !rk -r!nch) he#d in Dece/.er 699D on !rt ti/e .!sis( from @une, FAAH To @anuary, FAAI ; D!i#& +3ening Jo. & )und!& 2u## D!& jo.).
Personal Details :
Date of irth : -.st /anuar0, .123
4ather5s 6ame
&ostal Address
21/6, Sodepur
Indian '!eneral)
Martial Status