Retrograde Motion and Astrology Factor

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Retrograde Motion & Astrology Factor

Posted on January 5, 2011 by Retrograde Motion & Astrology Factor The planets in the Universe have a fixed direction for revolution. But there are ti es !hen certain planets "PP#"$ to ove in opposite direction or bac%!ards in the s%y. This bac% and forth ove ent of planets is actually out of &uestion because of the proven fact that they revolve in fixed orbits, and it can be o!ed to the relative otion of the earth that the planets see to ove bac%!ards at certain ti es. The apparent bac%!ard otion in the 'odiac of such planets !hen decreasin( in lon(itude as vie!ed fro the #arth is ter ed as Retrograde Motion and the planet is then %no!n as $etro(rade Planet. )t can be co pared to the effect of a slo!* ovin( car as vie!ed fro another car travelin( parallel to it but at a hi(her speed, !herein the slo!er car appears to be ovin( bac%!ards. +o!ever, in the case of the celestial bodies it is not a atter of their actual speed of travel, but of the rate at !hich they chan(e their an(ular relationship. ,ut of all planets, -un and .oon at no ti e are retro(rade. They are al!ays in direct otion. #xcept for these t!o the rest of the planets, .ars, .ercury, Jupiter, /enus and -aturn chan(e their proper otion throu(h the 'odiac periodically and appear to ove bac%!ards. "fter so e ti e they resu e their direct otion. ,n the other hands, the t!o i a(inary planets or lunar nodes, $ahu 01orth 1ode2 and 3etu 0-outh 1ode2 are al!ays in retro(rade otion. Pluto, 1eptune and Uranus also (o throu(h the retro(rade otion alon( !ith /enus, .ercury, Jupiter, .ars and -aturn but are not considered uch in /edic astrolo(y. )n astrolo(y, a planet in retro(rade otion has special si(nificance because of its ability to provide a visible benefic or alefic result. The effects that the planets produces !hen in retro(rade otion are far different than the ones they exert !hile ovin( directly. " retro(rade planet beco es ore po!erful. )t also (ives so e unusual results and so eti es in the reverse order in the ti in( of effects etc. 4hen a planet is retro(rade it is ar%ed in the horoscope !ith the ar% 5$6 in front of its position in chart. .ercury, /enus, Jupiter, .ars and -aturn turn retro(rade at re(ular intervals. They (enerally ove direct, then for a ti e period they 0appear to2 slo! do!n and see stationary for a lon( ti e 0-tationary retro(rade2. "t this ti e their po!ers are at their hi(hest. Then they ove retro(rade, (ivin( erratic and ore pro inent effects. "fter a particular ti e span, they a(ain see to slo! do!n and see to be stationary 0stationary direct2. Then they once a(ain ac&uire a direct otion. 4henever a planet starts in a otion other than the nor al course, it yields unusual effects as !ell. )n (eneral, the fields ruled by these planets suffer the a7or influence. The ost i portant thin( to notice and re e ber is that in ost of the cases, the retro(rade planet does not ean a chan(e in its functional nature for a native 4hich

eans that if a positive planet (oes retro(rade in a horoscope, it !ill still sho! positive results and if a ne(ative planet (oes retro(rade in a horoscope, it !ill still sho! ne(ative results. +o!ever there are so e chan(es !hich a planet under(oes !hen it (oes retro(rade in a horoscope and these chan(es are usually re(ardin( so e of the characteristics of the retro(rade planet and not the overall nature of the planet. 8or exa ple, durin( .ercury retro(rade one faces co unication ha9ards, durin( .ars retro(rade "ccidents due to rashness !ill be enhanced and so on. +ence, each planetary retro(ression should be considered as a ti e to be cautious, and to consider thin(s fro a different vie!point. -o let6s try to understand the chan(es !hich are si(nified !hen different planets (o retro(rade. Mercury is the planet that rules co unication and thin%in(. $etro(rade .ercury usually si(nifies chan(es !ith speech abilities, hindrances in co unication and decision a%in( abilities. .ercury (oes in retro(rade otion about three ti es a year for three !ee%s of ti e period each. )f .ercury is retro(rade in the horoscope itself, it can indicate ental sufferin(s and anxieties in the case it6s ne(atively placed. )f ercury is !ell placed, it besto!s a brilliant ind. 4hatever the case, the result is not :Usual:. .ercury usually sho!s positive or ne(ative results as decided by the other factors in a horoscope. Venus retro(ression is related to luxuries in life, as !ell as our relationships !ith near and dear ones. )f the transit of /enus is in retro(rade otion, !e should be thou(htful about all the relationships !e are livin(, and the !ay !e relate to others. )t is the ti e to be !atchful, as it is a period for stron( e otional ups and do!ns. )f /enus is retro(rade in the natal chart, it can indicate e otional and aterial difficulties, in case its badly placed. )f it6s !ell placed, it indicates extre e e otional attractions and repulsions. The result !ill al!ays be a far cry fro nor al. Mars retro(ression is a hi(h ti e to control and channeli9e our ener(y and drive, and prevent it fro (ettin( out of hand. " retro(rade .ars in a horoscope usually si(nifies an excess of ener(y !ithin the native and the native ay not %no! !hat to do !ith this ener(y at ti es. )t is i portant to notice that a retro(rade .ars possesses far ore ener(y than a for!ard ovin( .ars and it is capable of producin( results of hi(her &uantu and intensity. 4hen Jupiter, the planet of (ro!th and expansion is in retro(ression, a lot any pro7ects that !ere due for expansion and launch ay (et delayed, or stop alto(ether. " retro(rade Jupiter usually produces positive or ne(ative results !ith a delay co pared to a for!ard ovin( Jupiter. 4hen Jupiter is retro(rade in the natal chart, either it a%es the person too fic%le ; vain or it (ives unusual hei(hts of %no!led(e and !isdo to the individual. Saturn is the one planet !hich actually causes concerns !hen it (oes retro(rade is none other than the ost feared planet in /edic astrolo(y, the -aturn itself. This retro(ression

period can cause unexpected delays and interruptions. The period usually lasts for < and half onths, durin( !hich any feel frustrated and unable to handle hurdles. )n individual horoscope, the house that occupied by -aturn !ill see the effect of retro(ression, i.e. that aspect of the life !ill (et affected, alon( !ith the (eneral alefic effect. This is the only planet !hich does sho! ne(ativity !hen it (oes retro(rade in a horoscope, even if it is other!ise positive in a horoscope. To su ari9e, all retro(rade planets except -aturn chan(e so e of their characteristics and other!ise %eep on !or%in( positively or ne(atively as decided by the other factors in a horoscope, !hile in case of retro(rade -aturn, ild to serious ne(ative effects can be experienced, even if it is other!ise !or%in( positive in a horoscope.

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