Lean Manufacturing Terms
Lean Manufacturing Terms
Lean Manufacturing Terms
What is WCM?
WCM – world class manufacturing is the philosophy of being the best, the fastest, and
the lowest cost producer of a product or service. It implies the constant improvement of
products, processes, and services to remain an industry leader and provide the best choice
for customers, regardless of where they are in the process.
What is Teian?
Teian – a proposal, proposition, or suggestion. A teian system can be likened to a system
which allows and encourages workers to actively propose process and product
What is Stakeholder?
Stakeholder – Anyone who has an interest in a process, typically as supplier, customer
or one who actually performs the work.
What is SMED?
SMED – abbreviation for Single Minute Exchange of Die; literally, changing a die on a
forming or stamping machine in a minute or less; broadly, the ability to perform any
setup activity in ten or fewer minutes of process downtime; the key to doing this is
frequently the capability to convert internal setup time to external setup time. A variation
on SMED is OTED (One touch exchange of die); literally, changing a die with one
physical motion such as pushing a button; broadly, an extremely simple procedure for
performing a setup activity.
What is Shojinka?
Shojinka – continually optimizing the number of workers in a work center to meet the
type and volume of demand imposed on the work center; shojinka requires workers
trained in multiple disciplines; work center layout, such as U-shaped or circular, that
supports a variable number of workers performing the tasks in the layout; the capability
to vary the manufacturing process as appropriate to fit the demand profile.
Source: http://qualitymanagement.hrvinet.com/category/lean-