Count The Dots-Binary Numbers: Activity 1
Count The Dots-Binary Numbers: Activity 1
Count The Dots-Binary Numbers: Activity 1
Representing numbers in base two. Patterns and relationships in powers of two.
All data in a modern digital computer is ultimately stored and transmitted as a series of zeros and ones. This activity demonstrates how numbers and text can be represented using just these two symbols.
Technical terms
Binary number representation; binary to decimal conversion; bits and bytes; character sets.
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Each child will need: one set of ve cards from the blackline master on page 17 (the blackline master has two sets), a copy of the blackline master on page 18, and a pen or pencil.
What to do
1. Seat the children where they can see you, and give each child a set of cards. 2. The children should lay their cards out, as in Figure 1.1, with the 16-dot card to their left. Some children will be tempted to put the cards in the opposite order, so you should check that they are in descending numeric order from left to right. For younger children, do not use the 16-dot card. Page 12
Figure 1.3: Solution to the worksheet on page 18 3. Have the children work out which cards to ip over so that exactly ve dots are showing. The only (correct) way to do this is to have the 4-dot and 1-dot cards face up, and the rest face down (Figure 1.2). Each card must be either face up or face down, with all or none of its dots showing. Be prepared for some novel ways of getting ve dotsit is not unusual for children to produce the requisite number by using spare cards to cover up three of the dots on the eight card! 4. Now get the children to show other numbers of dots, so that they explore which numbers can be represented. Ask for numbers such as three (requires cards 2 and 1), twelve (8 and 4), nineteen (16, 2 and 1) and so on. For those who nd the combination for a number quickly, ask if they can nd another way to get the number (there is only one way to display each number, and they are likely to discover this eventually). Discuss what the biggest number is that can be made with the cards (it is 31 for ve cards, 15 for four cards). The smallest? (Often the number one will be offered rst, but the correct answer is zero.) Is there any number between the smallest and largest that cant be represented? (Noall numbers can be represented, and each has a unique representation.) 5. For older children, ask them to display the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . in sequence, and see if they can work out a procedure for incrementing the number of dots displayed on the cards by one (the number of dots increases by one if you ip all cards from right to left until you turn one face up). Page 13
ACTIVITY 1. COUNT THE DOTSBINARY NUMBERS 6. This part of the activity uses zeros and ones to represent whether a card is face up or not. Tell the children that we will use a 0 to show that a card is hidden, and a 1 if its face is showing. For example, the pattern in Figure 1.2 is represented by 00101. Give them some other numbers to work out (e.g. 10101 represents 21, 11111 represents 31). With some practice the children will be able to convert in both directions. You could ask children to take turns calling out the day of the month that they were born on using zeros and ones, and have the rest of the class interpret the date. This representation is called the binary system, also known as base two. 7. Use the worksheet on page 18 to extend the exercise. (A completed worksheet is shown in Figure 1.3.) The worksheet uses a light bulb that is switched on to represent a card that is showing, and a light bulb that is off to represent a hidden card. The rst few patterns should be easy to work out. For example, the rst pattern has the 8 and 1 cards showing, so the value represented is 8 + 1 = 9. For the patterns with fewer than ve light bulbs, the children should use only the smaller valued cards. For example, the second pattern has only three light bulbs, which correspond (from left to right) to the 4-, 2-, and 1-dot cards respectively. See if the children can work this out for themselves. The six-bulb questions are designed to make the children think about how many dots should be on a sixth card. The number of dots on each card is double the number on the previous one, so the sequence is 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 . . . . Thus a 32-dot card would be added (at the left) to solve a problem that needs six cards. The code at the bottom of the worksheet uses the numbers 1 to 26 to represent the letters of the alphabet. (A zero can be used to represent a space.) The children must work out what each number in the code is, and look up the corresponding letter in the table. This shows how a textual message can be converted to a series of zeros and ones. The children can then write coded messages for each other.
Figure 1.4: Some unusual ways of representing the number nine (01001 in binary) ngers using the binary system enables you to go up to 31 on one hand, and 1023 on two hands. It requires some dexterity, and you have to watch out for rude gestures along the way! For a real challenge, try using your toes as wellthis will allow you to count up to more than a million. (How many exactly? Two hands give 1024 possibilities, 0 through 1023. Hands and toes give 1024 1024 = 1, 048, 576 possibilities, 0 through 1,048,575.) Older children will enjoy extending the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 . . . The sequence contains an interesting relationship: if you add the numbers from the beginning from left to right, the sum will always be one less than the next number in the sequence. Another property of binary numbers is that you can double the number by inserting a zero on the right-hand side of a number. For example, 1001 (9) doubled is 10010 (18). Older children should be able to explain why this happens. (All of the places containing a one are now worth twice their previous value, and so the total number doubles. The same effect occurs in base ten, where inserting a zero on the right of a number multiplies it by ten.) Binary numbers are closely related to the guessing game in which one person thinks of a number and someone else tries to guess it by asking questions of the form is it greater than or equal to x? For example, suppose the number is known to be less than 32. A sensible rst question would be is it less than 16? The yes/no answers to the questions are given by the zero/one bits in the binary representation of the number. This is explored in detail in Activity 5. The ve-bit code used for letters does not allow both upper- and lower-case letters to be represented. You could have the children work out how many different characters a computer has to represent (including digits, punctuation, and special symbols such as $), and consequently how many bits are needed to store a character. (With two lots of 26 letters, 10 digits, and a few punctuation marks, there are bound to be more than 64 codes needed, so at least seven bits are necessary. Seven bits allows for 128 characters, and this is more than sufcient.) Most current computers use a representation called ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), which is based on using seven bits per character. Longer codes that allow for the languages of non-English speaking countries are now becoming common. Page 15
Further reading
Most introductory computing texts discuss the binary number system. My friend Arnolds book of Personal Computers by Gareth Powell has a whole chapter on binary numbers.
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Instructions: Copy this page onto card, and cut out the boxes to make two sets of ve cards.
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Instructions: Work out the numbers represented by the lightbulbs at the top of the page. Also, there is a message coded in binary at the bottom of the page; work out the numbers and look them up in the table to get the message.
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