MEG (The Motionless Electromagnetic Generator Project)
MEG (The Motionless Electromagnetic Generator Project)
MEG (The Motionless Electromagnetic Generator Project)
$n&entors) Patric% )tephen L* "earden Thomas E!* 2ayes James 3!* Moore 4enneth &!* 4enny James L! ppl. +o.) ,1,505 ,iled) )eptember ,* +---
The T6TAL MEG 7 P(T at the &3 input of the control board
6n the Left ' The 9oltage* the 3urrent and the Po$er 7 P(T . measured at the &3 input of the MEG control board / 6n the 8ight ' The 9oltage* the 3urrent and the Po$er 6(TP(T
The A3T(AT68 367L 7 P(T &ote from $ean.%ouis &audin ' The current has been measured $ith a 0- ohms ceramic and non inductive resistor . $ith a Te%troni: T2);+-P oscilloscope* the probe used is a 0/0- and scope setup for the 32+ is 0---mA/9 /* the same resistor and the same method of measurement has been used for input and also the output!
. -1<0-<-+ / T2);+-P ' 8is% of po$er measurement error $ith non pure sinusoidal $aves
Above 'The MEG v+!0 7nput at the &3 po$er supply )ee ' The MEG v+!0 diagram
The Po$erLite= 3<3ores - /oneywell . are manufactured #ith the /0T1L % amorphous alloy.
The phase bet$een 9oltage and 3urrent at the MEG 6utput has also been chec%ed $ith an analog oscilloscope . PM5+01 +:1- Mh> Philips ..
otes ' 7t is interesting to notice that the measured po$er re?uired by the MEG electronic control board . TL@A@* "(BB00* LE&!!! / is 0!;1 Catts . $ithout a load connected at the MEG 6utputs /! Chen the output is loaded $ith the A C lamp* the &3 po$er input is 5!+1 Catts! )o* the real po$er used by the lamp is 5!+1 < 0!;1 D 0!1 Catts at the 7 P(T $ith a measured 6(TP(T D ,!;, Catts
2 3ith an electronic Teslameter, $ ha&e measured 2.8 milli-Tesla - at 14567 . #ith the probe &ery close to the 8Load, 2 3ith an 0-,ield %tren"th meter in C mode, the 0-,ield 9 1250 :;m at 50 cm far from the 8Load, 2 3ith a "amma counter ) +o "amma radiation has yet been detected
<o be ca"efull if you wo"# close to the MEG t"ansfo"me" because of the st"on! EM !ene"ated7 Not yet c"ec#ed : - co"e satu"ation effect by the ma!net% - flippin! of the hyste"esis cu"$es by the actuato" coils% - calo"imet"ic output measu"ements on the ,;oad Vs the Input but in the most of case the 8appa"ent8 powe" measu"ed seems !"eate" than the heat dissipated by 9oule:s effect in the ,;oad and this ma#es me pessimistic about the calo"imet"ic tests "esults7 $onc%usion (on 12-06-00) & My MEG "eplication seems to be "eally close to the o"i!inal de$ice p"esented in the =ea"den:s MEG pape" and I thin# that I ha$e been able to "eplicate and measu"e the same si!nals at the Input/Output of the de$ice7 I ha$e not used the o"i!inal elect"onic and co"e dia!"ams f"om the =ea"den:s teamwo"# (because I don:t ha$e them77 % so may be the"e a"e some impo"tant diffe"ences between the setups7 The pu"pose of this p"o>ect seems to be achie$ed : the "eplication of the MEG si!nals measu"ed at its output is in line with the o"i!inal pape"s and the in$ento"s claims7 ?ow% the =E<T $e"ification to do is to con$e"t the 8appa"ent8 powe" measu"ed in useable powe" such as : li!ht% heat% mechanical ene"!y (in moto"s 7777 and also% of cou"se% to close the loop777 This has not yet been done today7
Good advices for the MEG builders ' The MEG otes by $on 0lickinger
Technical datasheets '
The TL494, Pulse-Width-Modulation (Pwm) Control Circuit from Texas Instrument The !"## Mos$et %-Channel transistor from Intersil
AM68P26() METAL) Magnetic Materials METGLA)E /a"netic lloy 2405% 1 -$ron-based. Lon"itudinal ,ield nneal Typical Core. http);;met";products;pa"e5<1<2<=<1.htm http);;met";products;pa"e5<1<2.htm http);;met";products;pa"e5<1<2<=.htm
Previous tests results about the MEG v+!The Motional Electromagnetic Generator . MEG / from Thomas Bearden
F6verunity device installed in Minuteman Missile < patented by CestinghouseF by Tom 3earden 2! Andreatta* F2igh Po$er )$itching Amplifier Cherein Energy is Transferred to a Tuned 3ircuit &uring "oth 2alf 3ycles*F (!)! Patent o! 5*+5A*;;0* Mar! G* 0A,,H Tom L! &ennis* Jr!* F2ighly Efficient )emiconductor )$itching Amplifier*F (!)! Patent o! 5*+5A*;;+* Mar! G* 0A,,H 2eber J! Morrison* F)?uare Cave &riven Po$er Amplifier*F (!)! Patent o! 5*G01*-5-* June @* 0A;@!
The MEG paper ' E:tracting Energy from a Permanent Magnet $ith Energy< 8eplenishing from the Active 9acuum* a PDF document ( 69 pages 1,29 MB), b T!"! Bearden Giant egentropy from the 3ommon &ipole B T! "! Bearden (PDF Format #6 $B) 6n E:tracting Electromagnetic Energy from the 9acuum B T! "! Bearden (PDF Format 16% $B) Technical Papers database from Tom Bearden
The Po$erLite= 3<3ores - /oneywell . are manufactured #ith the /0T1L % amorphous alloy. "Ji6TiLA) ' Magnetics 3omponents' )oftcores material MAG ETE3 ' Tape #ound core based on the ne# nanocrystalline softma"netic material called A 6PE8M