Piezo Zero Point

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The document discusses using piezoelectric materials to modulate the Casimir effect and harvest energy from the quantum zero point field.

The Casimir effect is the attractive force between conductive plates due to quantum fluctuations in the vacuum. It provides a macroscopic manifestation of zero point energy. Tunably conductive plates can turn the Casimir effect on and off.

By stacking alternating tunably conductive and piezoelectric layers, the Casimir attraction can compress piezo layers while detuning makes them expand, harvesting some energy from each cycle.

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point

L. J. November
La Luz Physics, La Luz NM 88337-0217, USA E-mail: laluzphys@yahoo.com

18 April 2011
Abstract. We consider electro-optical constructions in which the Casimir force is modulated in opposition to piezo-crystal elasticity, as in a stack of alternating tunably conductive and piezo layers. Adjacent tunably conducting layers tuned to conduct, attract by the Casimir force compressing the intermediate piezo, but when subsequently detuned to insulate, sandwiched piezo layers expand elastically to restore their original dimension. In each cycle some electrical energy is made available from the quantum zero point (zp). We estimate that the maximum power that could be derived at semiconductor THz modulation rates is megawatts/cm3 ! Similarly a permittivity wave generated by a THz acoustic wave in a single crystal by the acousto-optic eect produces multiple coherent Casimir wave mode overtones and a bulk mode. We model the Casimir eect in a sinusoidally graded medium nding it to be very enhanced over what is found in a multilayer stack for the equivalent permittivity contrast, and more slowly decreasing with scale, going as the wavelength 1/2 . Acoustic waves give comparable theoretical power levels of MW/cm3 below normal crystal damage thresholds. Piezo thermodynamic relations give conditions for eective coupling of the Casimir bulk mode to an external electrical load. Casimir wave modes may exchange energy with the main acoustic wave too, which may partially account for THz attenuation seen in materials. We outline feasibility issues for building a practical crystal power generator.

PACS numbers: 77.65.Dq, 78.20.hb, 42.50.Pq, 43.25.Ed

1. Introduction Though it is well accepted conceptually that the lowest energy quantum state contains energy, the quantum zero-point (zp) or vacuum uctuation energy seems regarded somewhat distrustfully by many physicists as a real energy. The zp energy seems indispensable in the self-consistent formulation of many dierent physical processes: pair creation and annihilation, spontaneous emission, the Lamb shift, electron uctuations, black-body radiation, van der Waals particle, and vacuum cavity forces (see Milonnis excellent overview book [1]), but the possibility that it could provide a signicant energy transfer for human use gets too close to looking like a violation of energy conservation, getting something for nothing, or perpetual motion. Though zp energy is well accepted

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point

as the source for the synthesis of the universe out of nothing in the big bang by pair creation [2] with enhancement eects possible in dynamical expansion processes [3], its importance in more common physical processes seems less acceptable. Still methods that may give a signicant transfer of energy out of the quantum vacuum for practical utilization have been shown to be theoretically possible [4], and possible implementations are being discussed and explored [5, 6, 7]. Vacuum cavity forces, especially in the example of the Casimir eect, give a macroscopic manifestation of the zp energy. Casimir [8, 9] showed that large-area closely spaced parallel conducting plates in a vacuum exhibit a force of attraction, which arises due to the distribution of electromagnetic uctuations in the quantum zp eld introduced by the conductors. We might suppose that the Casimir force is conservative like gravity, and parallel conducting plates should lose in their separation whatever mechanical energy was obtained by their attraction. However, it seems that this is really not the case: We know that the Casimir force can be turned on or o as tunably conductive plates are changed to conduct or insulate. If parallel tunably conductive plates operate elastically as against a spring between them, the work done in the attraction of the plates when the Casimir eect is turned on need not be returned in their subsequent separation when the Casimir eect is turned o. That excess of energy might be harvested, in eect, taking energy out of the quantum zp. The modulation of the Casimir eect by the conductive cycling of semiconductors with laser light has been demonstrated in precise dierential tests, which have validated the theoretical estimates to within 1% [10, 11].

Figure 1. Thought Experiment: Multilayer stack of alternating tunably conductive and piezo layers. Changing the tunably conductive layers to conduct and then insulate produces a Casimir compression followed by its elastic reexpansion, which does net work on the piezo crystals from which useful electrical energy might be derived.

To understand the possibilities for energy extraction, we consider as an idealization a stack of alternating tunably conductive and piezo layers bounded by conducting electrodes as illustrated in Figure 1. The Casimir eect between two conductive layers produces a net attractive force per unit area F in the intermediate piezo layer that drops o rapidly with the increasing piezo layer thickness , so the piezo layers must be quite thin to obtain a strong eect. Sandwiching conductive plates separated by a small intermediate dielectric of permittivity e and thickness exhibit a near-eld

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point

Casimir force F ( ) that follows a 1/3 power law up to some cross-over separation , and then switches to a steeper 1/4 power law, written for perfectly conducting innite area bounding layers from the Lifshitz formulation [12] [ ]4 2 c 270 nm F = = dyn/cm2 , (1) 240 e 4 where the static permittivity of the piezo layer is e ; as usual is Plancks constant over 2 and c the speed of light. For the rightmost equality, a static permittivity of e =6 (index-of-refraction squared) was used for moderate-index insulators, and gives a Casimir force per unit area of just 1 dyn/cm2 or 1 erg/cm3 = 1E7 Joules/cm3 for the piezo thickness = 270 nm (using the E notation for the power of 10). Though the Lifshitz solution is for innitely thick sandwiching plates, his solution represents a good approximation too when the plates are comparable in thickness to their separation + , as we discuss. The cross-over separation where the power law switches to 1/3 is characteristically less than 7 nm for near conducting sandwiching layers, as we elaborate in Appendix A. In acting against an intermediate elastic material, the attractive force per unit area F produces a dimensionless strain sF or a compressional displacement sF in a layer of thickness , where s is the material elastic compliance for the stress component in the forcing direction. The average work done per unit area by the Casimir force in compressing the intermediate layer by a continuous motion is the integral through a half cycle of the force F times the innitesimal displacement s F or s F 2 /2 for F the maximum force in the cycle, giving the total work done per unit of time and volume 1 W = sF 2 , (2) 4 for cycling at a rate , and supposing equal odd-even layer thicknesses + = , so half of the volume participates in the compression at any time. This formula is an approximate form useful for estimating the amplitude of the eect, as it supposes the idealization of high piezo eciency, a static piezo response, and ignores contributions from the converse piezo eect, as we elaborate in Section 6. Semiconductor modulation at rates up to about =1E13 Hz by electrical modulation in adjacent oppositely doped layers for modern transistor design has been demonstrated [13]. Material compliances range from about s 1E7 to 1E12 Pa1 for soft rubber to the hardest crystals like diamond. For estimating the amplitude of the eect, we suppose most conservatively s 1E12 Pa1 = 1E13 cm2 /dyn, and obtain a power per unit volume W =0.25 erg/s/cm3 in a stack with layer thickness = 270 nm from (2). As the power scales inversely as 8 , with a tenth that layer thickness =27 nm, we obtain a much larger W =2.5 Watts/cm3 , and for =5 nm, W =1.8 megawatts (MW)/cm3 ! Actually the estimate is somewhat high for normal good conductors, which fall signicantly short of the ideal of perfect conductivity. Still our more careful estimate gives power up to megawatts/cm3 for idealized stacks of alternating tunably conducting and piezo layers, as we discuss in Section 4. Physical constructs could be possible as we elaborate in the text as deposition of layers only =5 nm, about 10 molecular layers

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point

in thickness, are reached in microlayer nanotechnology, like what is used in integrated circuits.

Figure 2. ZP energy from a standing acoustic wave in a piezo crystal. Successive close permittivity plane wave fronts introduced by an acoustic wave interact like alternating layers, giving an added Casimir force that is modulated in time with the wave oscillation.

From the thought experiment, we recognize a basic physical principle and study processes that systematically modulate the Casimir eect, like a pressure wave standing or traveling, longitudinal or transverse, which produces a periodic sinusoidal permittivity variation by the acousto-optic eect, as illustrated in Figure 2. As with the alternatinglayer stack, adjacent plane wave fronts in permittivity must interact via the Casimir eect giving an added longitudinal stress at the extremes of the temporal oscillation, as illustrated by the force vectors F . The Casimir eect in acoustic waves too may produce a voltage dierence across a piezo crystal from which electrical power might be derived. The Casimir eect in graded permittivity media has been considered mainly to understand eects of soft boundaries on three-layer solutions, and shown to exhibit quantum divergences unlike what is found for solutions with discrete layers, suggesting an enhanced eect [14, 15, 16]. We formulate the problem again for a general 1D spatial graded permittivity variation in Sections 2 and 3. Numerical models for stacks of alternating permittivity layers are presented in Section 4, and for permittivity waves in uniform media in Section 5. Besides being enhanced for the equivalent permittivity contrast, the Casimir eect also exhibits a much slower fallo with the scale of the variation than what is seen with discrete layers. The zp energy dynamics are examined using the piezo thermodynamic relations in Section 6, which shows formally the transfer of energy out of or back into the quantum zp in the Casimir modulation of piezo crystals for certain acoustic wave conditions. Energy that is not used is cycled into and out of the quantum zp, with the strain and stress modulated in phase. Estimates for power production for alternating-layer stacks and acoustic waves in crystals from our numerical models are given in Section 7. Casimir wave modes may interact with the principle acoustic wave too to drive its attenuation or growth, as we discuss in Section 8. Some practical issues for design of a zp-power

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point

harvester based upon acoustic waves in single uniform piezo crystals are discussed with conclusions in Section 9. 2. Casimir Eect with a 1D Permittivity Variation The Casimir force arises in a medium with a 1D permittivity variation (, z) in a spatial coordinate z as in the multilayer stack illustrated in Figure 1 or the single crystal in Figure 2. The general complex permittivity (, z) characterizes fully the electro-optic properties of a medium, dening the index-of-refraction and absorption variations as a function of light frequency . The Casimir force is derived in many places especially after the general Lifshitz formulation [12]. We write it as a force per unit area or a pressure as a function of z with positive as compressive kB F (z) = (z) (Ds (z) + Dp (z)) d, (3) c2 n=0 0 for kB Boltzmanns constant and the temperature. The sum is over the Matsubara frequencies = n2kB / = n[/300K] 2.47E14 rad/s, where the integer index n counts the frequency intervals, and the prime on the summation indicates that the zero frequency n = 0 term receives half weight. The two terms D(s) represent the

Fresnel reection variation for perpendicular s (senkrecht) and parallel p zp polarized rays dened R(s)+ (z)R(s) (z) p p , (4) D(s) (z) = p 1 R(s)+ (z)R(s) (z) p p for Fresnel reection coecients R(s) , which depend upon the permittivity. The

(, z) (i, z), the projection of the complex permittivity on its imaginary frequency axis, which casts the complex into a real function consistent with Kramers-Krnig o causality constraints [17]. This solution may be applied to represent index, absorption, conductivity, or magnetic permeability variations in a medium. It is usual to replace the nite sum over Matsubara frequencies in (3) by an integral. Symbolically the sum might be approximated . . . 0 . . . dn, which n=0 takes properly into account the half-size interval around the lower limit n = 0. Using the Matsubara formula with d = (2kB / )dn gives on substitution the integral approximation for the Casimir force (z) (Ds (z) + Dp (z)) dd. (6) F (z) = 2 2 2 c 0 0 A general substitution for the sum that takes into account singularities in the complex permittivity function (i) must include Cauchy principle values as represented by the

wavenumber (z) is for zp dissipative electromagnetic modes and is dened in by the Matsubara sum and integration frequencies and )1 1( (z) = (, z) 2 + 2 2 . (5) c The denition for (z) and Fresnel reection coecients R(s) use the function

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point

Abel-Plana formula [18]. The singularities in the complex function (i) are on the positive real axis in its complex argument i and enclosed in the upper half plane of i by the innite integral along the imaginary axis of i, as contained in the sum over the real Matsubara frequencies from zero to innity in the formula (3). Simply substituting the integral for the sum represents a good approximation for all temperatures when the scales of variation are smaller than about 1 m [19] as we illustrate in numerical models in Section 4. Fresnel reection coecients R(s) (z) for the relevant dissipative waves of

wavenumber (z) in the s and p polarizations are propagated by recursion on the left side () from R(s) (z) = 0 as z or on the right side (+) from R(s)+ (z) = 0 as z +. The left-side reection coecients R(s) (or right-side R(s)+ ) change moving
p p p p

a distance z (or moving z for the right-sided coecients) to cross a permittivity jump at some z following the comprehensive formula [Section 1.6][20] R(s) (z) =

r(s) (z) + R(s) (z z)e2(zz)z

p p

1 + r(s) (z)R(s) (z z)e2(zz)z

p p


with z always positive, where the coecients for the jump at z, r(s) (z), are dened p by the relative dierences (z z) (z z) rs (z) = , (8) (z z) + (z z) (z z)(z z) (z z)(z z) , (9) rp (z) = (z z)(z z) + (z z)(z z) for any innitesimal (positive) distance z < z. We observe the sign convention that the dierences are between the wavenumber nearer z = 0 minus the wavenumber further out, which leads to convenient solution symmetries. With no permittivity change over an interval z, the jump coecients are zero r(s) = 0, and the Fresnel reection coecients decrease exponentially in +z for the left-sided solutions R(s) (z) or in z p for the right-sided solutions R(s)+ (z) with R(s) (z) = R(s) (z z) exp(2z). The p p p formulae are relevant for reection coecients crossing discrete permittivity jumps, but are applicable in graded-media too, as we elaborate in the next section. We sometimes denote the variables as j () or j using subscripts rather than functions of z for discrete layers counted from a middle layer j = 0 as illustrated in Figure 3. The subscript is also used for even and odd layers with alternating-layer stacks, where the reversed state is of special interest with interchanged permittivities + and wavenumbers + . For a symmetric permittivity variation (z) = (z), recursive application of the formula (7) gives R(s)+ (z) = R(s) (z), or for the product R(s)+ (z)R(s) (z) =
p p p p p

R(s)+ (z)R(s) (z), for D(s) (z) = D(s) (z) from (4), and a symmetric Casimir force p p p p in (3) or (6) with F (z) = F (z). In a multielement stack or square permittivity wave, the Casimir force can be seen to be constant in every constant permittivity zone. The left/right-sided () Fresnel

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point

Figure 3. Plane-parallel multilayer sandwich with n layers of diering permittivities on each side of a layer j = 0 of principle interest

reection coecients are propagated from bounding permittivity jumps at z = 0 /2 to a given z in a middle layer of thickness 0 as in Figure 3 with 0 0 R(s) (z) = R(s) ( )e20 ( 2 z) , (10) p p 2 so in the product, the z dependence vanishes with 0 0 R(s)+ (z)R(s) (z) = R(s)+ ( )R(s) ( )e20 0 , (11) p p p p 2 2 giving D(s) from (4) and F from (3) and (6) independent of z across the layer. p Solution z independence is evident across the middle layer in the multilayer solutions given in the literature. For a three-layer stack the jumps at z = 0 /2 dene the products of Fresnel reection coecients R(s)+ R(s) =
p p

r(s)+ (0 /2)r(s) (0 /2) exp(20 0 ) from (8) and (9), which agrees with the Lifshitz
p p

formula (Eq. (4.14) in Dzyaloshinskii et al. [21], with some substitutions). For a ve-layer stack n = 2 with layers of thicknesses j counted by 2 j 2 as in Figure 3, we obtain products of Fresnel reection coecients as in (11) with the reection coecients R(s) (0 /2) dened by (7) using the two upstream jump

coecients r(s) ((1 + 0 /2)) dened in (8) and (9), which agrees with Zhou and p Spruch (Eqs. (3.8) and (3.12)(3.16) in [22]). The formulae give similar agreement for the Casimir force in (3) or (6) with any number of layers as developed in numerous studies [23, 24, 25]. 3. Casimir Eect in a Graded-Permittivity Medium The denition for the Casimir force from Eqs. (3) or (6) is applicable too in a graded-permittivity medium with a 1D continuous permittivity (z), as can be seen by approximating the permittivity variation by discrete layers, for some small layer thickness z, as illustrated in Figure 4. A spatially shifted form of the recursion formula (7) lends itself directly to numerical computations for propagation of the Fresnel reection coecients far from the domain of interest with initial R(s) = 0 through p intervals with centered permittivity jumps written for the left-sided coecients R(s) (z) =

r(s) (z z/2) + R(s) (z z)e(zz)z

p p

1 + r(s) (z z/2)R(s) (z z)e(zz)z

p p

e(z)z ,


Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point

for jump coecients r(s) (z z/2) still dened as in (8) and (9). The rightp sided reection coecients R(s)+ could be propagated similarly from z in p the z direction, but in our numerical models they are dened using the relation R(s)+ (z) = R(s) (z) applicable to symmetric arrangements around a middle z = 0. p p A direct computational approach like this one has been applied to estimate the Casimir eect in linearly graded media by Inui [26].

Figure 4. Direct calculation of Fresnel reection coecients in a graded-permittivity medium. A continuous permittivity variation (z) is approximated by discrete layers of small thickness z.

The Fresnel recursion formula for a graded-index medium (7) or (12) with (8) and (9) is written in the limit that the interval z becomes innitesimal z 0 by the dierential equation for the continuous variation of the Fresnel reection coecients R(s) (z), as in the example [20, Section 1.6]. Retaining only terms to rst order in z, p we obtain from either recursion relation ( ) R(s) p 2 = r(s) (z) 1 R(s) (z) 2(z)R(s) (z), (13) p p p z with the jump coecients approximated by derivatives for the spatially continuously permittivity (z) ( )2 1 rs (z) = = , (14) 2(z) z 2c(z) z ) ( ) (( )2 1 1 1 rp (z) = = , (15) 2(z) z 2(z) z 2c(z) 2(z) z with the wavenumber (z) still dened by Eq. (5); (z) and (z) retain their dependencies on the frequencies and/or implicitly. We examine bounded solutions with everywhere-small reection coecients |R(s) (z)| 1, which is consistent with our main interest in small periodic permittivity p uctuations on top of a constant permittivity background. Thus we are able to linearize Eq. (13) and obtain the closed-form integral solution [ ( ) ] 2 (z)dz 2 (z)dz 2 R(s) (z) = e e r(s) (z) 1 R(s) (z) dz . (16)
p p p

The function R s (z) represents a prior approximation to the Fresnel reection (p) coecients, which we apply in our numerical iterations. For our analytic evaluation,

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point

we leave the integrals all as indenite and functions of z. A lower bound on the integral in the exponential integrating factor is of course arbitrary, as any constant in the exponential factors out of the main integral to cancel with the same constant from the outer exponential. With an added constant of integration in the square brackets in (16), a term is added to the reection coecient due to the leading external exponential integrating factor, which diverges as z for R(s) (z) as (z) is always positive, or as z +

in the similar expression for R(s)+ (z). Leaving the main integral in square brackets as p indenite always gives bounded solutions. Bounded reection coecients must also be periodic with a periodic permittivity uctuation, as shifting the origin of the calculation by any number of wavelengths n in z cannot change the form of the solution. For a periodic permittivity uctuation, the wavenumber from (5) can always be written as a constant plus a spatially periodic term (z) = 0 + 1 (z), giving an exponential integrating factor that decomposes into the product of constant and spatially periodic functions exp(2 (z)dz) = exp(2 0 z) exp(2 1 (z)dz), as the integral of a periodic function with zero average like 1 (z) is also periodic. Thus shifting the origin of the main indenite integral in (16) by an integer number n of wavelengths z z + n, factors the constant exp(2n 0 ) out from the square brackets leaving the square brackets unchanged, and this constant just cancels with its inverse from the outer exponential. Even the perturbation term R s (z) (p) dened by a previous iteration must be periodic, so periodic solutions generalize beyond the linear case with R(s) (z) = R(s) (z + n).
p p

Leaving the main integral as indenite in (16) is convenient for our analytic evaluation, but in numerical implementations, the integral must be evaluated between specied limits. Then we include an added constant of integration in the square brackets, which we dene by the periodicity condition R(s) (z) = R(s) (z + ) for arbitrary z for p p periodic permittivity variations. A computationally desirable form for the constant of integration for numerical applications is derived in Appendix B. The Fourier decomposition for the spatial variation of a permittivity wave in z with minimum permittivity at z = 0 is written 2z (z) = 0 1c cos (17) , using the tilde k(cs) to denote the (real) spatial Fourier wave mode with wavenumber k in cosine (c) or sine (s) elements. The Fourier wave modes retain the Matsubara frequency dependence implicitly 0 = 0 () and 1c = 1c (). We do not introduce temporal varying factors here as wave changes are always assumed to be slow compared to frequencies that are important for the Casimir eect. The permittivity variation (z) might represent a standing wave like what is indicated in Figure 2, which does not change its spatial form but exhibits a sinusoidal temporal variation through an external temporal factor, as (z) (z) cos 2t or in the usual analytically continued form with (z) (z) exp(i2t) and cos(2z/) exp(i2z/) as we employ

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


in spatial/temporal Fourier analyses in Section 6. Solutions for traveling waves are obtained similarly with a z moving wavefront by the replacement z t z. Assuming a relatively small wave amplitude |1c | |0 |, the jump coecients r(s) (z) and the wavenumber (z) are written to rst order in 1c using the z derivative

of the permittivity from (14) and (15) and the denition (5) 2z , (18) r(s) (z) = r(s)1s sin p p 2z (z) = 0 1c cos , (19) where 1c 2 1c rs1s = 2 2 , rp1s = rs1s , 2c 0 0 1 2 1c 0 = (0 2 + 2 )1/2 , and 1c = 2 . c 2c 0 Note that to rst order, 0 is independent of 1c , and all of the other coecients are proportional to 1c . Substituting into (16) and retaining terms only to rst-order in the permittivity uctuation 1c , leaves the analytic integral for the Fresnel reection coecients r(s)1s 0 sin 2z cos 2z 2z 2 0 z R(s) (z) = r(s)1s e e20 z sin dz = p (20) ( )2 . 2 p p 2 0 + The indenite form of the integral gives a periodic solution as we expect. The Fresnel reection coecients R(s) (z) make contributions to the Casimir force

in (3) or (6) through their products R(s)+ (z)R(s) (z). Remembering that R(s)+ (z) = p p p R(s) (z) for a symmetric permittivity variation around z = 0 as in the wave from

(17), we obtain 2 s R(s)+ (z)R(s) (z) = 2 r(2)1s p p 8 p

1 4z 2 1 cos 2 + 1 (2 + 1)2

) , (21)

dening the new variable 0 /. The jump coecient rp1s from (15) is of order and rs1s from (14) of order or smaller than the relative permittivity uctuation 1c /0 , being possibly smaller since 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 = 0 /c + /c 0 /c . Thus the product R(s)+ (z)R(s) (z) is no larger than p p second order in the relative permittivity change. The oset in the denominator of D(s) (z) in (4) introduces a still smaller-order eect, so for a small-amplitude standing

permittivity wave, the Casimir force from Eq. (6) is written to most-signicant order in the relative permittivity uctuation as ) ( 2 2 Rp+ (z)Rp (z)dd , (22) Rs+ (z)Rs (z)dd + F (z) = 3 2 0 0 0 0 having eliminated the variables 0 and by substituting with the new variable . The jump coecients from (14) and (15) are written in terms of as 2 1c 1c rs1s = , rp1s = rs1s . (23) 2 2 2c 0

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The polarization product Rs+ (z)Rs (z) goes like 1/6 asymptotically for 1, which makes a 1/4 contribution to the rst integral in (22), whereas the second polarization product Rp+ (z)Rp (z) goes like 1/2 at large , so the second integral in (22) is linearly divergent. The second divergent p polarization integral is dominant, so we drop the integral over s polarizations in (22) and obtain ( ( ) )( ) c 2 2 1c 4z c 2 2 1 F (z) = d d , (24) d cos 2 163 0 0 2 + 1 ( + 1)2 0 0 having factored out the integral with the permittivity contrast 1c /0 , supposing no dependence upon in the cuto c . The integral cuto is determined by a cuto frequency c that is much higher than the maximum frequency for permittivity uctuations, which is the electronic vibration frequency, and so can be approximated c c /(c). The divergent integral is treated by introducing a smooth Lorentzian cuto function into integrations around an upper c in our numerical calculations as a form of covariant regularization [27, Section 9.6][28, Section 9.2], and by simply truncated the integral at c in this analytic derivation. Both procedures give very similar estimates for the Casimir force as we discuss in Section 5. Regularization by imposing a maximum frequency cuto natural to the physical process seems sucient for our interest in estimating the amplitude and in exploring general properties of the Casimir eect in permittivity waves. We argue that electronic reactivity to virtual photons must be limited by a maximum recoil due to the small but nite electron inertia, or perhaps equivalently the qed calculation exhibits a small but nite correlation length represented by the Compton wavelength [29, Chapters 8-9]. In either case, the Compton frequency seems the only relevant choice for an upper frequency cuto in ordinary materials, as is used in other studies that test the Casimir eect, and as has been successfully applied with other zp eects, historically and most famously with the Lamb shift [30], [28, Section 9.6.2]. Thus we take c = me c2 / =7.76E20 rad/s for me the electron mass. The integrals in (24) are analytic and both well approximated by the value of their upper limits c for c 1, thus giving )( ( ( ) ) 2 4z c 1c d cos F (z) = 1 . (25) 162 c 0 0 The Casimir force in a medium with a small-amplitude relative permittivity uctuation goes as 1/2 at all wavelengths, and is second-order in the relative permittivity uctuation. The force exhibits signicant power in its spatially constant and cos(4z/) wave modes only, and ranges from zero, where cos = 1, to a maximum negative value where cos = 1. Thus the Casimir eect in small-amplitude permittivity waves is always repulsive. We refer to the Casimir modes separately equating terms in the spatial Fourier expansion F (z) = F0 + F2c cos 4z/. This largest-amplitude spatial wave mode contributing to the Casimir force from (25) does not change sign with the changing sign of the permittivity wave, as the

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permittivity contrast enters only with its squared value. The Casimir force vanishes when the wave permittivity contrast vanishes at zero temporal phase, and so the Casimir force is modulated with twice the permittivity wave frequency 2. It can be seen that spatial wave modes other than cos(4z/) exhibit terms proportional to r(s)1s and so p do exhibit variations at the normal wave frequency , but these terms are of lesser order in powers of the relative permittivity uctuation. We study the properties of the smaller-order Casimir wave modes numerically in Section 5. 4. Casimir Eect in an Alternating-Layer Stack Figure 5 illustrates the Casimir force in the middle layer of an alternating-layer stack as a function of the spatial scale = + + for permittivities () as in the drawing Figure 1 or from Figure 3 with equal layer thicknesses + = . The three-layer calculation (n = 1) derived by integrating numerically Eq. (6) is shown with three-layer calculations for three temperatures using the Matsubara sum from (3) (solid lines), with the 41-layer calculation (n = 20) with (6) (dot dot long-dash), and with limiting powerlaw forms F (dot dash) and F (long dash) from Eqs. (A.3) and (A.6), respectively, discussed in Appendix A. The lower panel illustrates the same data on an expanded scale with the 3-layer curve subtracted.

Figure 5. Casimir force as a function of scale = + + , from 1E8 cm=1 to A 1E3.6 cm=2.5m, with alternating static-permittivity contrast e /e = 0.01, for 3 layers and for three temperatures (solid lines), for 41 layers n = 20 (dot dot longdash), compared with limiting power laws F (dot dash) and F (long dash). The same data are shown in the lower panel on an expanded vertical scale with log10 F for 3 layers subtracted.

For our models, we adopt a usual form for the complex permittivity as a function of light frequency () = 1 +
2 p e 1 , 2 1 2 /e ( + ip )


Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


which is dened by a single electronic band at frequency e characteristically 2E16 rad/s of strength e 1, and a conductive term dened by the plasma frequency p , which ranges from 0 to 2E15 rad/s in semiconductors, and reaches about 1.6E16 rad/s in doped semiconductors or in the best room-temperature metallic conductors, with the Drude collision frequency p , characteristically 2E14 rad/s. The simplied form contains the important terms for the Casimir eect [17]. A lattice vibration band at lower frequency (typically 9E12 rad/s) represents the next lower frequency eect in crystals, but is both below the important frequency range and of relatively small oscillator strength to make a signicant contribution to the Casimir eect. The main contribution to the static permittivity comes from the electronic vibration band with ( = 0) = e ; e 6 for materials of interest. Due to causal restrictions, models for the complex permittivity must always be real on its imaginary frequency axis. The real projected permittivity from (26) is dened () (i), which gives 2 p e 1 () = 1 + + . (27) 2 1 + 2 /e ( + p ) The projected permittivity () must be a slowly varying monotonically decreasing function [17], and is plotted in many places for conductors or nonconductors (e.g. see Figure 20 [11]). For the calculations for Figure 5, the material is assumed to be nonconductive (p = 0), with e =2E16 rad/s and e =6, with static permittivities ej in successive layers j alternating between e = e e ; for the gure the permittivity contrast used was e /e =0.01. Following the convention used in earlier sections, the middle j = 0 and even j layers are denoted by the subscript and the odd j layers by +. Though the formulation discussed is mostly applicable to arbitrary multilayer stacks with numbered layers, we remain interested primarily in stacks of alternating layers. For small permittivity changes || , the parametric representation in the model (26) and (27) is assumed to remain accurate. Then the permittivity change can be described by the derivative expansion = e + e + p + p . (28) e e p p Physical processes in materials change permittivity parameters in dierent ways, so we explore the Casimir eect with dierent changing parameters in our numerical models. Although such parametric processes should give the most-signicant contribution to the Casimir eect that can be introduced with acoustic waves, additional spectral eects not represented in the permittivity model of (26) also enter. The permittivity spectrum () exhibits signicant changes with pressure in the vicinity of lattice vibration resonances commonly described as a spectral variations in the photoelastic coecient [31, Chapter 9]. The photoelastic coecient enters in the phenomenological acoustic wave theory, which we describe at the beginning of Section 8. We note in our numerical experiments the very dierent limiting forms that arise when dierent parameters controlling the permittivity are perturbed.

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


As is well-known and evident in Figure 5, the Casimir force for a three-layer stack exhibits relatively small- and large-scale limiting power-law forms. Our Figure 5 in the 41-layer n = 20 calculation (dot dot long-dash) suggests the generalization of this property to arbitrary multilayer stacks. As long as the jump coecients for a multilayer stack are small |r(s) | 1, their contribution to the reection coecients R(s) in
p p

(7) are increasingly exponentially attenuated with increasing distance from the middle z = 0. The nal exponential factor in the recursion formula exp(2(0)0 ) as it appears in (11), must always be the dominant one, and increasing the number of layers cannot much change the limiting form of the integral. We reexamine and explore the scope of the Lifshitz limiting solution forms in Appendix A. We nd it convenient to use the spatial period in alternating layers as the relevant scale, i.e. the wavelength = ++ . Though the thickness of the middle layer alone would be the natural choice, the full period facilitates comparison with the wavelength for the Casimir eect in graded media described in subsequent sections. Though we use wavelength for the dependent variable, and assume equal odd-even layer thicknesses in all the gures shown in this section with = + + = 2 , the Casimir eect in an alternating-layer stack is essentially determined by the even layer thickness alone, and changes little with changes in the relative thickness of the odd layers + / over several orders of magnitude. In our numerical calculations, the innite-frequency integrals in and in Eqs. (3) and (6) are written as nite angular integrals by substituting for each or with e tan and integrating from = 0 to /2. The integral is convergent because the permittivity goes to zero for e . Though the integral is divergent in general, an eect evident for graded media as we have discussed, it is convergent for multilayer stacks due to exponential attenuation of reection coecients from (11), which cuts o at wavenumbers (0) 1/0 in the middle layer or frequencies (0)c = c/0 . We nd that the integrals converge consistently in the fewest integration steps with the power = 6, and obtain relative accuracies better than 1E3 using Simpsons rule with 120 steps, which is what we used for all the multilayer calculations described here. Figure 6 shows the Casimir force F () for alternating static permittivity e in (a), electronic vibration frequency e in (b), and plasma frequency p in (c). The static permittivity (a) and the electronic frequency (b) alternate with the small dierences identied in the gure, but the plasma frequency (c) alternates between p = 0 in the nonconducting even layers and p+ in conducting odd layers with p =2E14 rad/s. Results are overplotted for calculations made with increasing numbers of layers n = 1, 2, 3, 5, . . . (all shown as dashed), and n = 20 (solid). Relative changes less than 5E3 in the estimated Casimir force over the range of scales are found with increasing the number of layers used in the calculation above about n = 3. The Casimir force estimates all follow the 1/3 or 1/3 thin-limit power-law form, 0 but the thick-limit power law 1/4 does not apply with uctuations of the electronic 0 vibration frequency e /e as we elaborate in Appendix A. The numerical experiments for the uctuating electronic vibration frequency e (b) suggest another denite thick-

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


Figure 6. Casimir force F ( = + ell+ = /2) in the central layer of a multilayer stack with alternating static permittivity e (a), alternating electronic vibration frequency e (b), and plasma frequency in the odd layers p+ (c). Calculations with dierent parameter contrasts for 41 layers n = 20 (solid) and fewer n =1, 2, 3, 5, . . . (dashed) are shown.

layer power-law form of 1/8 . Though power-law dependencies 1/3 and 1/4 are seen 0 0 0 over ranges in or 0 with alternating plasma frequency in panel (c), these do not show a single cross-over separation, but eects depend strongly and specically upon the plasma frequency contrast. The separation between the successive force curves with increasing permittivity contrast goes as the relative contrast squared, (e /e )2 in panel (a), and as (e /e )2 in (b), with deviations in the Casimir force across the range in no larger than 5E3 up to relative contrasts 0.01. For higher contrasts, larger variations arise as nonlinear eects begin to be important. A squared dependence is natural, as the Casimir force

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


(11), and the jump coecients follow the relative derivative r(s) (/z)/ in their p most signicant contributions to the integrals, as might be seen from (14) and (15).

from (6) goes like R2 s . The reection coecients feel their main contribution from (p) the rst jump, and so must go like R(s) (0 /2) r(s) as in the discussion following
p p

Figure 7. Casimir force dierence F () between normal and permittivity-reversed stacks for alternating static permittivity e (a), alternating electronic vibration frequency e (b), and plasma frequency in odd layers p+ (c). Calculations with dierent parameter contrasts for 41 layers n = 20 (solid) and fewer n =1, 2, 3, 5, . . . (dashed) are shown.

Though the Casimir eect is mainly unchanged between the normal and the oddeven reversed stacks, small residual systematic dierences do exist. The change in Casimir force between normal and reversed static-permittivity states F () is shown in Figure 7 for alternating static permittivities e in panel (a), alternating electronic vibration frequency e in (b), and plasma frequency in odd layers p+ in (c). Force

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


dierences have to be computed before frequency integrals in (6) to avoid a large relative numerical noise, as the dierence is small compared to the force itself. Force dierences are overplotted for increasing numbers of adjacent layers used in the calculation n = 1, 2, 3, 5, . . . (all shown as dashed), and n = 20 (solid). Relative changes no larger than about 0.05 are found for calculations made with more than about 7 layers (n = 3). Force dierences between normal and reversed stacks F () increase as the permittivity contrast cubed in (a) and (b), as is natural for small dierences between forces that are the same to second order in their even and odd permittivity contrasts. Force dierences exhibit good thick-layer power-law forms with uctuating static permittivity e following the same power law as what is seen as for the Casimir force 1/4 0 in (a), and a much steeper thick-layer power-law form 1/10 for uctuating electronic 0 frequency e in (b). Force dierences between a normal and reversed plasma-frequency change in (c) show characteristic power-law forms 1/3 and 1/4 over ranges in scale, 0 0 but with no obvious dependence of the cross-over separation upon the plasma frequency contrast. Force dierences do not exhibit very well-dened thin-layer power-law forms, but go only approximately as 1/1.5 in all panels (a)(c). 0 As the modulation of the Casimir force cycles between the nearly identical normal and reversed permittivity states it passes through zero, so with a permittivity modulation at frequency , the Casimir force is modulated mainly at the frequency 2. 5. Casimir Eect in a Permittivity Wave Figure 8 shows an example Casimir force prole F (z) over one wavelength in permittivity (z) (illustrated on top), for =E6.5 cm = 3.16 nm and contrast e /e = 0.1. The Casimir force prole (upper panel) is everywhere repulsive and ranges from zero for no eect at the permittivity wave maxima and minima to a maximum eect in the most slopping portions of the wave. Though most of the power is in the /2 wave F2c and bulk F0 modes, as expected from our analytic derivation in Section 3, a small residual remains, which is evident when the main Casimir wave modes are subtacted (middle panel). The residual mainly contains just the F1c and F3c modes. The Casimir force dierence between normal and sign-reversed permittivity waves (bottom panel) closely follows the residual in the middle panel, showing twice its amplitude with matching relative F1c and F3c mode proles. The main Fourier modes F0 and F2c do not change with the reversal of the permittivity wave phase and so vanish in the F prole, however both of the other signicant wave modes do fully. Thus the principle Fourier modes F0 and F2c are modulated with twice the frequency of the permittivity wave as we anticipated in Section 3, and the two residual modes F1c and F3c are modulated with the same frequency as the permittivity wave. All of the Casimir force proles for small amplitude permittivity waves e /e 0.1 look qualitatively alike, being dominated by Casimir wave modes F0 and F2c . However the Casimir force prole at large permittivity contrasts does noticeable change its appearance as illustrated in Figure 9, showing an increased contribution from secondary

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


Figure 8. Casimir force prole F (z) for =1E6.5 cm= 3.16 nm (upper panel), with principle wave modes F0 and F2c subtracted (middle panel), and the force dierence F (z) between the normal and reversed permittivity waves (bottom panel), showing decomposition of proles into wave modes F1c (dashed), F3c (dot dash), and secondary residual F4c (long dash), for a permittivity wave of contrast e /e = 0.1 (illustrated on top), with e =2E16 rad/s and e =6.

Casimir wave modes F1c and F3c , and a small but here signicant contribution from F4c (long dash). For larger amplitude permittivity waves, proles of the residual force (middle panel), and force dierence (lower panel) dier noticeably, indicating that the secondary wave mode F4c oscillates at twice the frequency of the permittivity wave with the principle wave modes F0 and F2c . For our numerical calculations the innite integrals from (6) are evaluated as nite angular integrals as for the multielement stacks in Section 4 with sampling at 100 evenly spaced angular intervals. Integrals in become negligible above the electronic vibration frequency e and are cut o with a smooth function around 100e . For general graded media, the integral in frequency is divergent, and so is smoothly truncated around the Compton frequency using a smooth Lorentzian, as we have described. Reection coecients at each and were derived in two ways, using the recursion relation Eq. (12) starting many wavelengths from the domain of interest, and using the integral method from (16). For self-consistent results within a percent, each method requires many samples per unit of the dissipative length scale 1/ 0 , 100 samples with the recursion relation (12), and 10 with the integral method (16) using Simpsons rule.

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


Figure 9. Casimir force proles as in Figure 8 for a larger amplitude permittivity wave e /e = 0.5.

For the longest wavelength tested =1E4 cm at the highest frequency =1E20 rad/s for wavenumber 0 = /c, 100 0 =3.3E7 recursion samples are needed or 10 0 =3.2E6 integration samples per wavelength. The integral method was iterated three times in the reection coecients R(s) (z), and always gave good convergence showing changes

no larger than 10% after the initial iteration. Both methods give nearly identical results, except that the recursion method is noisier, with noise comparable to signal for a relative permittivity uctuation of about 1E4. The integral solution gives consistent solutions even for relative permittivity uctuations as small as 1E8. The gures shown here were obtained using the integral method. The strength of the Casimir eect for a uctuating static permittivity is approximated using (25) evaluating the integral with the permittivity model (27) for a nonconductor p = 0 and estimating the wave contrast by the derivative 1c /0 = / with = (/e )e , which gives an analytic integral that is evaluated as )2 ( ) 1/2 ( 4z e e c e cos 1 . (29) F (z) = 642 c e For the parameters used in the Figure 8, the force has its most negative value for cos = 1 of F = 1.31E10 dyn/cm2 , a little larger than the most negative value for the numerical integrations from the gure. The small discrepancy arises because the

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


frequency cuto in the numerical integrations is approximated by a smooth function rather than the sharp cuto used in the analytic integral from (29). Figure 10 shows the Casimir wave modes Fkc () (upper panel) and wave modes in the force dierence Fkc () (lower panel) as functions of wavelength for a number of static-permittivity contrasts e /e = E0.3, E1, E2, E3, E4, and E5. Each of the wave modes follows the 1/2 power law predicted in Section 3.

Figure 10. Casimir wave modes for the force Fkc () (upper panel) and the force kc () (lower panel) as functions of wavelength for dierent staticdierence F permittivity uctuations e /e showing the principle wave modes F0 and F2c (everywhere coincident solid), residuals F1c and F3c (coincident dashed), and F4c (long dash). As wave modes overlap considerably, vectors are drawn to connect the successive F0 with F1c and F1c with F4c in each permittivity contrast group. Only F1c and F3c appear in the force dierence.

For the Casimir force (upper panel), the principle wave modes F2c (solid) are separated by two orders 2 log10 (/), so its amplitude goes like the permittivity contrast squared. The residual wave modes F1c (dash) and F3c (dot dash) always exhibit the same power and are exactly one order log10 (/) below the principle F2c (solid) in each permittivity contrast group. The Casimir wave mode F4c (long dash) is also consistently reproduced, but everywhere two orders 2 log10 (/) below the main component in each permittivity contrast group. In every case, the bulk mode F0 follows exactly the wave mode F2c . In the dierence spectra (lower panel) the principle Casimir wave mode F2c and residual F4c disappear entirely. The dierence spectra are composed of only the residuals F1c (dash) and F3c (dot dash), which exactly overlap and are

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


separated by two orders of permittivity contrast between groups. Comparing the vertical scales between Figures 6 to 10 shows that the Casimir force for a sinusoidal wave of small wavelength scale =1E7 cm=1 nm is almost a 1000 times larger than what is found for the equivalent square permittivity wave or multilayer stack. The relative sinusoidal-wave strength grows considerably larger too at larger wavelength since the Casimir force for for sinusoidal waves goes only as 2 whereas for square waves or multilayer stacks drops o as 3 or 4 .

Figure 11. Casimir wave modes for the force Fkc () (upper panel) and the force kc () (lower panel) as functions of wavelength for dierent plasma dierence F frequency uctuations p /p identifying wave modes as in Figure 10. A plasma frequency of p =1.6E16 rad/s was used characteristic of the best normal conductors.

Almost identical results are obtained with permittivity variations due to uctuations in the electronic vibration frequency e , so these are not shown. That solution is approximated from (25) with = (/e )e , giving )2 ( ) ( 4z e e c (e 1)2 cos 1 . (30) F (z) = 162 c (1/2 + 1)3 e e Equating the force amplitude with that of (29) with the same relative permittivity contrasts e /e = e /e , and solving numerically the transcendental equation shows that the forces are equal when e =6.038948 , very close to the static permittivity we use in our models. A slightly larger Casimir force is obtained with static permittivity uctuations in materials of lower static permittivity, and with uctuations in electronic vibration frequency in materials of higher static permittivity.

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


Casimir proles for a uctuating plasma frequency or Drude collision frequency resemble the proles shown in Figures 8 and 9, except that the sign of the uctuations is reversed for uctuations in the Drude collision frequency. Figure 11 shows the Casimir mode amplitude as a function of acoustic wavelength for a uctuating plasma frequency with plasma frequency p =1.6E16 rad/s and Drude collision frequency p =1E14 rad/s for good normal conductors (with e =6 and e =2E12 rad/s). The Casimir wave modes F1c and F3c (dashed) here actually slightly exceed the principle modes F0 and F2c (solid) in the largest amplitude wave. The amplitude of the Casimir eect for plasma frequency uctuations is proportional to the plasma frequency, and is little aected by changes in the other parameters. Similar numerical tests made using the Matsubara sum from (3) in place of the integral from (6), with reection coecients derived using the integral method (16), show no temperature eect in the Casimir force in permittivity waves, having tested with contrasts up to /=0.5 and out to wavelengths as long as =E3.5 cm=3.16 m. We see no temperature eect whatsoever, perturbing any of the four parameters that enter the permittivity model (26). 6. Piezo ZP Energy Dynamics The practical utilization of zp energy requires that the Casimir-induced variations in a crystal couple eectively to an external electrical load. In this section we consider the piezo eect for the Casimir wave solutions from Eq. (25) from Section 3 in both traveling and standing waves. The general energy transfer is described by assuming the conservation of an internal energy U (equivalent to the Gibbs free energy) in a stressed piezo crystal [32] dU = Tij dSij + Ei dDi , (31)

using the summation rule over repeated indices in a term, with the usual stress Tij and strain Sij 3 3 symmetric tensors containing both longitudinal and sheared components, and the electric eld Ei and electric displacement Di 3-element spatial vectors. Indices count coordinates i = x, y, z; xi is the spatial coordinate (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = (x, y, z). For nonpyroelectric or magnetically aected piezo crystals and crystals that do not experience changes of state in the relevant ranges, the internal energy must be constant dU = 0, and the Casimir-forced internal stress couples exclusively to the crystal capacitance, so the total mechanical work Tij dSij over one wave cycle must balance the capacitive energy gain Ei dDi . Material parameters are taken to be linearly coupled connected by two constitutive relations [32]. We choose the most convenient pair for this work [33] Tij = cD Sk hkij Dk , ijk Ei = hijk Sjk +
S ij Dj ,

(32) (33)

S with the constant impermittivity at constant stress ij a 3 3 real matrix, which is the inverse of the unperturbed permittivity matrix ij for low frequencies where the electric

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


elds are important in the generation of capacitances that drive external currents. The elastic stiness cijk is a 3 3 3 3 real tensor, which is the inverse of the elastic compliance tensor sijk , cijpq spqk = (ij) (k) , for the Kronecker delta (ij) . The piezoelectric constant hijk is a 3 3 3 real tensor, which enters symmetrically between the material response for the inverse piezo eect in (32) and in the voltage response for the normal piezo eect in (33). Stress-caused energetic processes do not give a capacitive transfer when the mechanical work done Tij dSij over a cycle vanishes. In such cases the stress Tij and strain Sij vary in phase. Then the electric displacement Di and electric eld Ei must also vary in phase for conservation of the total energy U from (31) and for consistency with the constitutive relations (32) and (33). Such zp energetics are conservative, so that whatever Casimir work is done in the compressive part of the cycle is returned in the elastic reaction, giving a Casimir force with no external eect. As described in the introduction, in a stack of alternating tunably conductive and piezo layers, the Casimir force might be equated to the material tension, which represents a static piezo response, relevant when the piezo layer is acoustically isolated from the rest of the stack and incommensurate in scale compared to the acoustic wavelength. The Casimir tension is on during the conductive or compressive part of the forcing cycle and o during the nonconductive elastic response, and thus maps out the area W as dened in Eq. (2) in the T -S phase space. As that calculation simply took the stress T to be proportional to the strain S and ignored the additional electrical displacement contribution D in (32) representing the converse piezo eect, it needs to be increased by a multiplicative factor 1 + kp , equating the amplitudes of the total mechanical work and dielectric energies from (31). The piezo coupling constant kp is dened in Section 6.31 of Mason 1966 [32]. It is typically small, kp 0.1 in Masons example. In general the Casimir force F (z, t) in a permittivity wave in a crystal acts to introduce coupled stress Tij , strain Sij , electric eld Ei , and electric displacements Di , which depend upon the orientation of the natural crystal axes with respect to the acoustic wave z axis of the system. The attractive Casimir force per unit area is a traction force that acts internally in the crystal in the z direction and only as a function of z in our plane-parallel approximation, and thus must satisfy the force balance equation [34, Section 2.B] 2 ui Tij F (z, t) 2 = (iz) , (34) t xj z with the density of the medium, and ui the particle displacement 3 vector. In addition the spatially varying component to Dz must vanish due to Maxwells equation in an acoustic wave for charge conservation, written for a nonconducting medium as {Di } = Di /xi = 0, denoting the vector of elements as {Di }, which reduces to its z component Dz /z = 0 when /x = /y = 0 as we suppose everywhere in the interior of the crystal. Also Maxwells vanishing curl of the electric eld in an acoustic eld {Ei } = 0, requires that the spatially varying transverse electric eld in (Ex , Ey ) also be zero.

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point Particle displacements dene the strain tensor ( ) 1 ui uj Sij = + , 2 xj xi



which, for vanishing x and y derivatives everywhere in the interior of the crystal, gives the Casimir-force driving equations for the three nonvanishing strain elements Szz , Sxz , and Syz , by taking the z derivative of (34) 2 Szz 2 Tzz 2 F (z, t) = , t2 z 2 z 2 2 Siz 2 Tiz 2 2 = , t z 2 (36) (37)

for i = x, y. Using Eq. (33) to eliminate the tension terms in the force equations (36) and (37) denes the strain for a given Casimir force F and electric displacement Di , for Szz 2 Szz 2 Siz 2 cD = 2 (F (z, t) hizz Di ) , zziz t2 z 2 z and Syz 2 (38)

and for Sxz

2 Sjz 2 Siz 2 Dj cD = hjiz . (39) izjz t2 z 2 z 2 The set of coupled linear dierential equations are simplied by Fourier and eigenvalue analyses. Only strain waves and electric displacements at the frequency 2 for the Casimir forcing are relevant, but because of the Casimir bulk mode in the driving force from (25), a general spectrum of wavenumbers kz are possible. We analytically continue by supposing the complex temporal variation in every term exp(i4t) and Fourier transform with spatial z functions going over into wavenumber kz functions denoted by overbars. Then diagonalizing the matrix that multiplies the longitudinal/shear strain vector (Sxz (kz ), Syz (kz ), Szz (kz )) from the left sides of Eqs. (38) and (39) gives eigenvalue equations for at most three independent strain eigenvectors ( ) k2 S(kz ) = 2 z 2 F (kz ) + hD(kz ) ; (40) kz0 kz where the stain eigenstate is denoted S(kz ). The Casimir forcing function is denoted F (kz ) with a factor that projects the purely longitudinal z force into the strain eigenvector, and the projection of the shear electric displacement (Dx , Dy ) written D(kz ) with its projection into the eigenvector contained in the single scalar coecient h for the eective piezo force. The resonant wavenumber is dened kz0 = 4/cs for a sound speed cs that contains the density and the crystal stiness from cD for the eigenvector. ijk The common temporal variation exp(i4t) has been factored out of each of the terms, but possible temporal phase delays for the strain and electric displacement compared to the Casimir forcing may be contained as complex factors exp(iS ) or exp(iD ) in the functions S(kz ) and D(kz ). A transfer of energy between the mechanical and dielectric terms occurs if the integral of Tij dSij (or equally Eij dDij ) over a cycle is nonzero. As can be seen by

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


examining T -S phase diagrams, if the strain lags behind the stress, the integral T dS is positive and mechanical work is converted to dielectric energy. In some processes it is possible that the strain may lead the stress, corresponding to the transfer from an external electrical load into the quantum zp. The possible electric displacement and electric elds are dened by the boundary conditions, and by their coupling to the stress and strain from (32) and (33), but with phase delays that depend upon the external circuit load. We examine the piezo energy transfer arising with the Casimir wave and bulk modes for a permittivity wave in a uniform medium from (25) of Section 3. A strain wave eigenstate may be driven as described in Eq. (40) by the Casimir wave (standing or traveling) from (25) at wavenumber kz = |4/| if it is near resonance with the vanishing denominator at kz = kz0 = 4/cs . Resonance thus requires that = /cs , or that the sound speed for the acoustic wave is the same as that for the strain eigenstate, which has twice the frequency (and wavenumber). However high frequency acoustic waves with wavelength much smaller than the scale of the crystal do not normally couple capacitively anyway, as the spatially varying displacement eld Di must be perpendicular to the wave direction and the electric eld Ei parallel, and being always mutually perpendicular can do no work in the energy Eq. (31). We can imagine certain exotic arrangements perhaps like what is described in the literature [35] that may allow piezo coupling to the main Casimir wave mode. However with such arrangements it may be dicult to avoid dissipating the acoustic wave too that drives the Casimir eect. The Casimir bulk mode for standing waves from (25) couples more straightforwardly. That mode is described as a spatial boxcar between uniform z-facing electrodes as in the drawing Figure 2. Charge buildup on the electrode surfaces denes a boxcar function too for the electric displacement Dz (t) giving sinc functions in the kz Fourier domain for F (kz ) and D(kz ) in (40). Thus the strain S(kz ) is proportional the multiplier 2 2 2 kz /(kz0 kz ) times a sinc function in wavenumber space. Both functions are illustrated in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Wavenumber-space multiplier and forcing function for a strain response comparable in scale to the dimension of the crystal.

If the resulting strain spatial function S(z) is small in magnitude compared to the electric displacement for the projected eigenstate |S(z)| |D(z)| over z, then the stress T (z) and electric eld E(z) are determined solely by the electric displacement using

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


the constitutive relations (32) and (33), and signicant phase dierences between the quantities are precluded, so no energy transfer possible. The total mechanical work done through the volume in a wave cycle is determined by the spatial-temporal integral of T (z, t)S(z, t), which feels its determining contribution from the spatial-temporal integral of S(z, t) times the boxcar forcing. By the Fourier power theorem, the spatial integral can be equated to a wavenumber integral of the multiplier for S(kz , t) from (40) times a sinc function squared. As long as strain variations are on the scale of the crystal, the integral over wavenumber of the product of the two functions is large and comparable to what would be obtained if the strain response were a pure boxcar. A signicant strain response to longitudinal boxcar forcing on the scale of the crystal thus requires a small wavenumber kz0 0 corresponding to a wavelength for the eigenstate comparable to the size of the crystal. Characteristically phonon optical modes do exhibit zero wavenumber crossings corresponding to the Brillouin zone center at around 10 THz frequency in crystals [31, Chapter 3]. Perpendicular uniform surface electrodes say in x might be eective too, as electric displacement Dy (z) and electric elds Ey (z) constant in y may strongly couple to the induced strain eld S(z). As the Casimir forcing is everywhere one directional, power generation must be relatively tolerant against incoherence in the standing waves due to partial or incomplete acoustic wave reection, crystal imperfections, or acoustic attenuation eects. The voltage dierence between electrodes is dened by the electric eld, the order of which is determined by the piezo relation E gT gF for g the piezoelectric voltage constant; characteristically g 7E5 Volt cm/dyn for crystals. For a strength of Casimir bulk mode from Figure 10 of around 5E8 dyn/cm3 , we estimate an electric eld of E=35000 V/cm, which gives a current of 28.6 Amperes per cm2 of electrode surface area for a nominal total power of 1 MW/cm3 , which is the product of the two. Though it has not been our main interest, stacks of alternating layers, the basis for our thought experiment, might give another practical design for a crystal power generator. A stack of alternating p- and n-doped piezo semiconductor layers are conductive throughout except in the depletion zones between the layers, which may be tuned conductively via electric or light elds. The design satises the need for fast and easy tuning as semiconductors operating dierentially at p- to n- doped junctions exhibit a low excitation potential, and the Casimir force across the thin nonconductive depletion zone between conductive layers exhibits a strong piezo eect in many semiconductor materials. Fine tuning of the material parameters, doping concentrations, layer thicknesses, and frequency are needed to x the thickness of the depletion zone. The light-travel distance c/= 30 m for =10 THz is smaller than the size of multilayer stacks of interest, but larger than a useful layer thickness, but the stack need not be modulated in-phase. With slow in-phase cycling, an AC voltage across the total stack area and thickness is produced, whereas fast out-of-phase cycling feels diering contributions across the stack at any one time giving a more nearly DC voltage.

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point 7. Power Estimates


Figure 13. Available power per unit of crystal volume W as function of layer thickness = + + with + = in a stack with alternating static permittivity (a), electronic vibration frequency (b), and plasma frequency (c) for modulation at frequencies corresponding to the sound speed cs = =5E5 cm/s. Horizontal power levels (dashed) are for material compliance s=1E13 cm2 /dyn.

A stack of alternating layers cycled at a rate produces a Casimir forcing that cycles at twice that rate 2 as discussed at the end of Section 4. Thus our estimate for the maximum power that might be extracted represented by the formula (2) needs replaced by 2. Noting too the participation of the full volume in the process and supposing equal even-odd layer thicknesses + = , we obtain W = sF 2 . (41) The formula ignores the small force dierence F F between the two half cycles.

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


Figure 14. Available power per unit of crystal volume W as function of wavelength in a static-permittivity wave of indicated contrast for modulation at frequencies dened by the sound speed cs = =5E5 cm/s. Horizontal power levels (dashed) are for a material compliance s=1E13 cm2 /dyn.

Figure 13 gives estimates of the available power from (41) for modulating the static permittivity e (panel (a)), the electronic frequency e (b), and the plasma frequency (c), using the numerical computations from Section 4 supposing the acoustic relation between frequency and wavelength = cs /, and using a sound speed cs =5E5 cm/s, characteristic of dense materials at least at frequencies below 2 THz, or =2.5E7 cm=2.5 nm. The varying dispersion and possible phonon modes at small wavelengths may change greatly the appearance of the gure, but power levels should be representative. The available power goes like the Casimir force squared, and so drops quite rapidly with , and also depends quite critically on the relative permittivity uctuation going as the 4th power. Estimates for the plasma frequency modulation in (c) are similar in their maximum values, but form a relatively tight group for the range of possible plasma frequencies. For an idealized perfect conductor with plasma frequency above p =1E18 rad/s, the curves show little change, and represent an available power of about 1 MW/cm3 with 0 =5 nm (=10 nm=1E6 cm), for the conservative piezo compliance s=1E13 cm2 /dyn, consistent with the estimate given in the introduction. However power levels drop o rapidly when the plasma frequency contrast is less than 1E18 rad/s as with normally conductive materials, which exhibit plasma frequencies only as high as 1.6E16 rad/s. Figure 14 shows power per unit volume W from (41) for the main Casimir modes, the bulk mode F0 or main wave mode F2c as they are of equal amplitude, as a function of the acoustic wave wavelength for static-permittivity uctuations of diering relative strength. The gure illustrates the high power levels that are possible even with a modest relative permittivity wave amplitude of /=1E3 and shows the much greater range into longer wavelengths for the permittivity waves compared to multilayer stacks. Such amplitudes are easily below normal crystal damage thresholds [20].

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point 8. Mode Growth and Attenuation


Casimir modes should arise in any material, not just a piezo crystal, and may feed back producing either growth or attenuation in the principle acoustic wave. An acoustic wave exhibits an associated permittivity variation due to the acousto-optic eect, which is determined phenomenologically by the Pockels second-order nonlinear response due to the piezo-induced electric eld caused by an acoustic wave of pressure amplitude P = psP , (42) with s the material compliance relevant for the propagation direction and shear. The photoelastic coecient p is a dimensionless parameter for the material in the wave direction for an unsheared or sheared stress for longitudinal or transverse waves, respectively; characteristically p 0.1 and usually positive. The Casimir mode F1c must always couple linearly to the principle acoustic wave as it is of same frequency and wavenumber. For materials of positive photoelastic coecient p, the acousto-optic eect from (42) exhibits a pressure variation correlated with the induced permittivity wave (z), giving a Casimir wave mode F1c with the same sign as the pressure in the acoustic wave and so amplifying. But in materials of negative photoelastic coecient p < 0, such as GaAs or Ruby, the Casimir wave mode F1c is dissipative. In each acoustic wave cycle for standing or traveling waves at a given spatial location, the Casimir mode F1c is generated from quantum zp energy and forces the principle acoustic wave. All of the energy in the Casimir mode F1c feeding into the pressure wave amplitude P gives the maximum growth rate F1c ln P 1c = = 2 . (43) t P Taking F1c from (29) with P from (42), and using the static-permittivity uctuation for the permittivity variation e with the result from Figures 8-10 that F1c /F0 = e /e , we obtain 2 e c pse 3 1c = 32c c2 s

e e


]3 = 0.216 GHz

e e

)2 , (44)

now using the acoustic wave frequency rather than its wavelength in the formula, with sound speed cs = , and using characteristic parameters for the rightmost equality p=0.1, s=1E13 cm2 /dyn, cs =5E5 cm/s, e =2E16 rad/s, c =7.76E20 rad/s, the Compton frequency, and e =6. The growth rate represents an amplitude e-folding in a distance cs / for the often-used attenuation factor = (20 log e)/cs dB, giving ]3 ( )2 [ e dB/cm, (45) 1c = 35.3 GHz e in units of decibels per cm. For a wave of frequency = 1 THz and high amplitude e e , we obtain a maximum growth rate of 28 dB/cm. The growth rate drops o rapidly with decreasing acoustic wave amplitude going as (e /e )2 .

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


Unless it is an phonon eigenstate, the primary Casimir mode F2c will be strongly dissipated by interference from out-of-phase driving by F2c modes in adjacent wavelengths of the principle acoustic wave, leading to a rapid exponential attenuation rate. Though of frequency 2, the mode F2c is coherent with the principle acoustic wave and might exchange energy eectively with it if there is a sucient nonlinear interaction between the two. Coherent acoustic modes may exhibit nonlinear interactions similar to coherent electromagnetic states, which exchange energy easily between overtones, and generally satisfy a principle of energy equipartition [36]. If there is a strong coupling, the attenuation rate for the principle acoustic wave may be as much as half the F2c mode amplitude per acoustic wave cycle to give an attenuation rate or negative growth rate in the principle acoustic wave a factor (e /e ) larger than the growth rate for the smaller F1c mode from (43) (45). Such attenuation would go like 3 and be nonlinear as it depends upon the mode amplitude. If the Casimir mode F2c is a longitudinal phonon eigenstate, it may similarly aect growth in the principle acoustic wave of comparable magnitude. Thus it may be desirable to match frequencies and crystal orientations in materials where both of the main Casimir modes with frequency 2 are phonon eigenstates: the bulk mode with wavenumber kz 0 and wave mode of wavenumber twice that of the acoustic wave. Further discussion on the growth or attenuation of the principle acoustic wave that might be caused by Casimir modes is material dependent and discussion of possible nonlinear interactions seems beyond the scope of this paper. Noncrystalline substances do exhibit a limiting high-frequency attenuation that increases faster than 2 and appears to be close to a 3 form [37, Figure 10]. Though such measured THz attenuation factors are much larger than ours, these are for noncrystalline substances, which are known to exhibit a much stronger acoustic attenuation than what is seen in pure crystals [38, 39, 40]. Attenuation eects exhibit a strong temperature dependence below 100 GHz, but become temperature independent above that frequency, as we expect for Casimir modes. Measured attenuation eects in noncrystalline materials are found to have a nonlinear amplitude dependence at least at 10 GHz frequency [39]. 9. Conclusion We have studied the Casimir eect in multilayer stacks and in graded-permittivity media both analytically and with numerical models. In a stack of alternating high- and lowpermittivity layers, an attractive Casimir force is produced throughout the volume, which follows closely solutions for a three-layer sandwich, with thin- and thick- centrallayer 0 limiting power-law forms that go like 1/3 and 1/4 , respectively. The Casimir 0 0 force switches power laws at fairly small scales depending upon the permittivity contrast, as at thickness 7 nm for usual parameters. The compressive force is only slightly smaller across the high-permittivity layers than across the low-permittivity layers. By modulating the permittivity in the layers, it is possible to cycle the Casimir force on and o through the volume and harvest energy in each cycle by the piezo eect. The concept

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


might be implemented in a stack of alternating p- and n- doped piezo semiconductor layers, which are conductive and might rapidly tune the conducting state of depletion zones between the layers by an electric eld or light. Similarly a short wavelength permittivity wave in a uniform material produces large Casimir half-wavelength and bulk expansive modes. The Casimir eect in a 1 nm acoustic wave is about 1000 times stronger than that found in a stack of alternating layers of the same permittivity contrast and scale of variation, and extends to much larger scales decreasing only as 1/2 . The Casimir eect in a wave does not feel a natural frequency cuto as arises across a uniform layer due to retardation extinction, but feels contributions out to the frequency cuto for the zp interactions, which we take to be the Compton frequency. Smaller amplitude Casimir modes arise too as higher wavenumber overtones of the principle wave with amplitudes proportional to increasing powers of the relative permittivity contrast. Unlike for a multilayer, the Casimir eect in a permittivity wave exhibits no temperature dependence at least within the scope of our numerical models. Casimir modes induced by THz acoustic waves in a piezo crystal may couple eectively to an external electrical circuit, in eect taking energy out of, or returning it to the quantum zp, as we have shown through the piezo thermodynamic formalism. A signicant energy transfer is possible for standing acoustic waves of frequency through the Casimir bulk mode, but only if matched to a low wavenumber eigenstate at frequency 2, like a phonon optical mode. Acoustic waves might be introduced and coherently maintained in dierent ways, like by shining monochromatic microwave light on one or opposite piezo crystal surfaces through transparent electrodes [41]. The standing wave coherence that is possible for nm waves might be greatly limited by surface or crystal imperfections, or other sources of acoustic attenuation. However since the Casimir bulk mode is expansive, the voltage eect is single signed and so should add constructively through the volume with partially coherent standing waves for a partial ac or dc voltage dierence across the crystal. We estimate that signicant power may be derived of maximum order a MW/cm3 for 1 nm=1E7 cm wave even with a modest relative permittivity contrast of 1E3. A signicant eect persists even out to 100 nm acoustic wavelengths due to the slow fallo of the Casimir force with wavelength. Casimir modes may be important in the attenuation or driving of hypersonic (10 GHz - 10 THz) acoustic waves through nonlinear or direct linear feedback, as we have discussed. Authors Note It is the authors expressed intent that the guidance, concepts, and designs described remain unpatentable but in the public domain. It is his belief that energy derived from the quantum zp is God given for the free and benecial use by all on His good earth.

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point Appendix A. Limiting Solutions for Multilayer Stacks


Power laws arise for the Casimir force in the thin- and thick-layer limits for certain forms of permittivity variations. In this appendix, we parallel the Lifshitz derivation [12, 21] for the Casimir force integral from (6) for permittivity variations dened by contrasts in each of the parameters contained in (27). A rearrangement of the Casimir force integral in (6) facilitates evaluation of the force in the middle layer. Using the new variable = 20 0 = (0 () 2 + 2 )1/2 0 /c to eliminate 0 under the integral, and substituting for the integration variable using d2 = (42 /c2 )d2 , gives 0 F = 2 (Ds + Dp ) dd. (A.1) 16 2 3 0 0 0 denoting layers by subscript number with 0 , 0 , and 0 for the middle layer. The force integral in (A.1) is dominated by the single value 1 due to the tradeo between the 2 weighting factor under the integral, which increases with , and the decreasing exponential exp(20 0 ) = exp(), which determines the reection terms D(s) in (4),

through the products of Fresnel reection coecients from Eq. (11). As Lifshitz points out [12], when the middle layer is suciently thin 0 c/e , the dominant wavenumber 0 1/0 is higher than the wavenumber for electronic vibrations 0 e /c. The permittivity j () between layers changes little at frequencies e as is evident in Eq. (27), so the wavenumber between layers j changes little too. The jump coecients rs from (8) contribute little to the integral, and s polarization eects and Ds can be ignored. Also dependencies upon in the p polarization jump coecients rp from (9) or in Dp divide out. Taking contributions from only the nearest jump in the Fresnel reection terms, and dropping the product of reection coecients from the denominator of Dp in (4), as it introduces a fourth-order eect in the relative permittivity change compared to the main second-order eect, we obtain the Lifshitz thin-layer Casimir force formula written for permittivities symmetric about a middle j = 0 (Eq. (4.18) [21]) )2 ( () d. (A.2) F = 2 3 8 0 0 () using a compact notation to denote the permittivity contrast = (0 1 )/2 = ( + )/2, and the average = (0 + 1 )/2 = ( + + )/2 for layers numbered 0, 1, even , or odd +. As the permittivity () does not depend upon , the integral factors out in the derivation as a Gamma function 0 2 e d = 2. Supposing that the permittivity contrast arises due to static-permittivity uctuations = (/e )e for permittivities dened in (27), we obtain an analytic integral in (A.2) with the solution ) ( e e e 2 , (A.3) F = 323 e 0

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


assuming a nonconductor p = 0 for simplicity. The thin-layer limiting force with a uctuating electronic vibration frequency = (/e )e similarly gives ( )2 e (e 1)2 e F = . (A.4) 83 (1/2 + 1)3 e 0 e Corresponding limiting behavior with varying plasma frequency or Drude parameter is less obvious, as suggested in the numerical solutions described in Section 4. When the middle layer is suciently thick, the main contribution to the Casimir force in (A.1) comes from low frequencies, and wavenumber changes from layer to layer cannot be ignored. If static-permittivity variations exist, then it seems a good approximation to suppose that the permittivity is constant in frequency and well approximated by its static value ( = 0) . A critical integral substitution allows all of the variables of the problem to factor out and renders the integral essentially constant over parameter ranges of interest. Such a substitution is suggested by the behavior of the jump coecients rs in the low-frequency limit, which are equal to the wavenumber contrast between layers rs = /. Dierentiating with respect to in the wavenumber denition in (5) allows us to translate the wavenumber contrast into a static-permittivity contrast as ( )2 ( )2 (0) (0) (0) = , (A.5) 2c (0) (0) where 20 0 20 for small uctuations /, and dening a new variable = = 0 (0)/c. By substituting the new variable for , the wavenumber contrast becomes consolidated into a permittivity contrast with dimensionless coecients dened by the variables of integration. Such a substitution indeed factors out all spatial scale dependencies and simplies the integral in (A.1), giving ( )2 c (0) F . (A.6) (0) (0)4 0 with the coecient approximately constant over a wide range of static permittivity contrasts. Lifshitz has shown this simplication to an equivalent expression for noninnitesimal permittivity contrasts, which leads to a nonanalytic exponential-type integral he denotes dd (1 (0)/0 (0)), which relates to our coecient = ( 2 /240)dd (1+ 2(0)/(0)), writing the argument of dd for small static-permittivity uctuations (0) (0). He evaluates the integral numerically and obtains dd = 0.35 for 1 (0)/0 (0) 0.3 (Eq. (4.22) [21]), which gives = 0.0144 for relative staticpermittivity uctuations (0)/(0) 0.35. From the Lifshitz more general formulation, when the sandwiching layers are nonconductors with large permittivity contrast |e | e or pure conductors, the Casimir force is approximated as F in (1) discussed in the introduction. Only as long as the main permittivity uctuations have a low-frequency component, as in uctuations of the static permittivity e , the plasma frequency e , or the Drude collision frequency p does the limiting thick-layer solution form (A.6) apply. It does not

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


apply with permittivity uctuations produced by uctuations of the electronic vibration frequency e as illustrated in the numerical examples from Section 4. The cross-over thickness between the two power laws is dened as F ( ) = F ( ). Using (A.3) and (A.6) for static-permittivity uctuations, we obtain c = 1.448 , (A.7) e e supposing that a permittivity contrast arises due to static-permittivity uctuations with (0) = e and (0) = e . For the case in Figure 5 with e =2E16 rad/s and e =6, we obtain =3.62E7 cm or =7.24E7 cm=7.24 nm=E6.14 cm, in good agreement with the intersection of lines seen in the gure. The cross-over distance decreases with increasing static permittivity, suggesting a smaller cross-over distance in more conductive media. Appendix B. Computational Considerations with a Graded Medium Calculations of the Casimir eect in a medium with a small amplitude graded 1D permittivity variation are based upon the force integral Eq. (6) with (4), with Fresnel reection coecients dened by the integral (16) with (14) and (15). For numerical calculations the spatial integral in (16) is best dened in the specic way R(s) (z) = (s) (z) + e2
p p


(z )dz

C(s) , p ( )


where (s) (z) =




((z )(z))dz

r(s) (z ) 1 R(s) (z ) p p

dz ,


now including lower bounds on the integrals za for the integrating factor and zb for the main integral. The lower bounds are arbitrary, and C(s) is a constant of integration. p We have taken the external exponential factor under the integral, which is a form more suitable for numerical calculations, as the wavenumber dierence helps avoid very large exponential factors at the limits of normal computer precision that arise in integrals of the wavenumber (z). Integrals over a full long wave =1 m are of order 1E6 at the highest frequencies =6E20 rad/s, which would lead to cancelling exponential factors of order exp(1E6). Periodic solutions of wavelength require the condition R(s) (zc ) = R(s) (zc + n) p p for any origin zc and integer n. The condition uniquely determines the constant of integration C(s) , since the solutions must be periodic, as we have described in Section

3. Substituting with (B.1) then gives, with careful handling of the limits of integration in the sums and dierences of integrals that arise, the expression ) ( (s) (zc + ) (s) (zc ) z z )dz )dz p p . (B.3) e2 za (z C(s) = e2 zc (z zc 2 zc + (z )dz p 1e Using this form to represent the constant of integration avoids other possible occurrences of large exponential factors. The term is the oset in (B.1), which may be directly added

Crystal Power: Piezo Coupling to the Quantum Zero Point


to the integrals (s) (z) to give periodic solutions for the Fresnel reection coecients p R(s) (z).

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