Research Proposla
Research Proposla
Research Proposla
SUBMITTED BY: Md. Safiul Basher ID" #$#$#%&%'' &%th (A) Batch BBA Program
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Statement of the Pro+lem .+/ecti!es 0ustification Scopes Methodology Limitations 4ork Plan
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In this age of modern glo+ali5ation the importance of +anking is +eyond description. Banking sector is going ahead 6ith the impro!ement of ne6 technologically and inno!ation. Introduction to modern technology has made +anking sector user friendly and more competiti!e. 7he +anks of Bangladesh are not lagging +ehind in this regard . Banking is one the most competiti!e industries of Bangladesh that has seen a huge amount of gro6th during the last decade. A large num+er of ne6 +anks ha!e made their places in the industry and yet there are more to register in the list. In this modern era of +usiness, +anking acti!ities ha!e spread out in many areas like merchant +anking, share 3
trading, gi!ing lease and so on. In such a highly competiti!e ser!ice industry, the importance of accounting procedure cannot +e de8emphasi5ed. Accounting procedure depends upon a specific department of the +ank 6hich is named Accounting Department. 7his report 6ill e9plore the importance Accounting practice on !arious aspects of the ser!ice pro!ided +y Mercantile Bank Limited and at the same time assessed the accounting procedure. 7he findings of this report 6ill +e helpful for the management in attempting to impro!e the o!erall :uality of maintaining accounts of the +ank and also to impro!ement of the accounting procedure of the +ank. De!eloped +anking sector plays a !ital role for financial sta+ility of a country. In BBA program, the internship is one of the !ital parts, 6hich has to +e done +y e!ery student. 7he internship program pro!ides an opportunity for the student to minimi5e the gap +et6een theoretical and practical kno6ledge and 6ill help in practical life. I got this great opportunity to perform my research in 7he Mercantile Bank Ltd. I ha!e completed research +ased on theoretical and practical kno6ledge. My dissertation topic is A Critical Analysis of Accounting Procedure of Mercantile Bank Ltd. and it 6as assigned to me +y the academic honora+le course super!isor. It is a challenge for me to complete a report on such an important topic
1.$ O#%e&t'(es:
;eneral .+/ecti!e< 7he general o+/ecti!e of the report is to fulfill the re:uirements of BBA program in IBAIS Un'(e"s't). Specific .+/ecti!e< 7he specific o+/ecti!e is to conduct this research is to gain practical kno6ledge apart from institutional teaching and also to ac:uire kno6ledge a+out the e9isting +anking system and practiced +anking system in Mercantile Bank Limited. =o6e!er, the follo6ing are some secondary o+/ecti!es of conducting the research< 7o kno6 the Accounting procedure of MBL.
7o re!ie6 the duties and responsi+ilities of the employees of the accounting department of MBL. 7o analy5e and e!aluate the performance of accounting department. 7o understand the procedure of preparing of +alance sheet of MBL. 7o learn the methods of formulating income statement of MBL. 7o understand the techni:ues of preparing cash flo6 statement of MBL. 7o suggest some measures to +e taken to impro!e the e9isting Accounting Procedure of MBL.
+,st' '&at'on:
7he study is e9pected to +e useful to identify the pro+lems and shortcomings of accounting procedure of Mercantile Bank Limited. 7he study 6ill help the authority of Mercantile Bank Ltd. for taking the suita+le measure for standard Accounting Procedure. 7his study is e9pected to +e useful for the impro!ement of accounting system of Mercantile Bank Limited.
$. >ature of duties and responsi+ilities of the employees of MBL. &. Accounting procedure of MBL. -. Procedure of preparing of Balance Sheet of MBL. '. Methods of formulating income statement of MBL. 1. 7echni:ues of prepare cash flo6 statement of MBL. 2. Present performance of MBL. 3. ?9plore the potentials of Mercantile Bank Limited +y appropriate accounting procedure.
1./ Met!o0olog)
Primary as 6ell as secondary data 6ill +e used in the study. 0urisdiction of Mercantile Bank Limited, Dhanmondi Branch 6ill +e the location of the study. Sur!ey and case study method 6ill +e used for primary data collection. An inter!ie6 schedule 6ill +e formatted for the purpose of data Before selection of the sample a complete list of respondent 6ill prepared from employees of Mercantile Bank Limited, Dhanmondi Branch. 7he simple random sampling techni:ues 6ill applied to select the sample for the study. A total of $1 respondents 6ill +e selected randomly from the list. ?9perts Professionals, specialists in +anking sector 6ill +e inter!ie6ed on the e9isting pro+lems regarding accounting procedure and future prospects of Mercantile Bank Limited. Data 6ill +e analy5ed +y using proper statistical tools and techni:ues.
1.1 L'm'tat'ons
7he employees of the +ank are !ery +usy in +anking hours. So it 6ill +e !ery difficult to get them in time or ac:uire information from them.
7he span of time 6ill !ery limited to deeply understand the study and make a report. A!aila+ility of data is limited for 6hich data of only three years 6ill +e incorporate. pdated data is not a!aila+le. So in that case, I 6ill use the older !ersion of
De!eloping and su+mission of the research proposal De!eloping :uestionnaires Data Collection Data processing Data analysis and preparing draft report *inal report preparation
T'm'ng In Da)s
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