The 80386 and 80486 Microprocessor

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The document discusses the architecture and instruction set of the Intel 80386 and 80486 microprocessors. Key aspects covered include the components, memory management, addressing modes, and differences between the two processors.

The main components of the 80386 microprocessor are the central processing unit, memory management unit, and bus interface unit. The CPU is further divided into the execution unit and instruction unit.

The memory management units in 80386 include the segmentation unit and paging unit. The segmentation unit allows segments of up to 4GB in size, while the paging unit organizes physical memory into pages of 4KB each.



-80386 Microprocessors -Speci ! 80386 Re"isters -80386 Me#or$ M n "e#ent -Mo%in" to Protecte& Mo&e -'irt( ! 8086 Mo&e -T)e Me#or$ P "in" Mec) nis# -80486 Microprocessor -80386 A&&ressin" Mo&es -Instr(ction Set

Introduction to the 80386

T)e 80386 is n &% nce& 32-*it #icroprocessor opti#i+e& ,or #(!tit s-in" oper tin" s$ste#s n& &esi"ne& ,or pp!ic tions nee&in" %er$ )i") per,or# nce. T)e 32-*it re"isters n& & t p t)s s(pport 32-*it &&resses n& & t t$pes. T)e processor c n &&ress (p to ,o(r "i" *$tes o, p)$sic ! #e#or$ n& 64 ter *$tes /20/461 *$tes1 o, %irt( ! #e#or$. T)e onc)ip #e#or$- # n "e#ent , ci!ities inc!(&e &&ress tr ns! tion re"isters2 &% nce& #(!tit s-in" ) r&3 re2 protection #ec) nis#2 n& p "e& %irt( ! #e#or$. Speci ! &e*(""in" re"isters pro%i&e & t n& co&e *re -points e%en in ROM-* se& so,t3 re. T3o %ersions o, 80386 re co##on!$ % i! *!e4 51 80386D6 2180386S6

80386D6 32 *it &&ress *(s 56 *it & t *(s P c- "e& in 532 pin cer #ic p c- "e A&&ress 478 o, #e#or$

80386S6 24 *it &&ress *(s 32*it & t *(s 500 pin ,! t pin "ri& rr $/P7A1 56 M8 o, #e#or$

80386S6 3 s &e%e!ope& ,ter t)e D6 ,or pp!ic tion t) t &i&n9t re:(ire t)e ,(!! 32-*it *(s %ersion.It is ,o(n& in # n$ PCs (se t)e s #e * sic #ot)er *o r& &esi"n s t)e 80286.Most pp!ic tion !ess t) n t)e 56M8 o, #e#or$ 2so t)e S6 is pop(! r n& !ess cost!$ %ersion o, t)e 80386 #icroprocessor. T)e 80386 cp( s(pports 56- no4o, se"#ents n& t)(s tot ! %irt( ! #e#or$ sp ce is 478 ;56 -<64 ter *$tes Me#or$ # n "e#ent section s(pports 'irt( ! #e#or$ P "in" 4 !e%e!s o, protection 20-33 MH+ ,re:(enc$

Architecture of 80386
T)e Intern ! Arc)itect(re o, 80386 is &i%i&e& into 3 sections. Centr ! processin" (nit/CPU1 Me#or$ # n "e#ent (nit/MMU1 8(s inter, ce (nit/8IU1 Centr ! processin" (nit is ,(rt)er &i%i&e& into E=ec(tion (nit/EU1 n& Instr(ction (nit/IU1 E=ec(tion (nit ) s 8 7ener ! p(rpose n& 8 Speci ! p(rpose re"isters 3)ic) re eit)er (se& ,or ) n&!in" & t or c !c(! tin" o,,set &&resses.

>T)e Instr(ction (nit &eco&es t)e opco&e *$tes recei%e& ,ro# t)e 56-*$te instr(ction co&e :(e(e n& rr n"es t)e# in 3- instr(ction &eco&e& instr(ction :(e(e. >A,ter &eco&in" t)e# p ss it to t)e contro! section ,or &eri%in" t)e necess r$ contro! si"n !s. T)e * rre! s)i,ter incre ses t)e spee& o, !! s)i,t n& rot te oper tions.

> T)e #(!tip!$ ? &i%i&e !o"ic i#p!e#ents t)e *it-s)i,t-rot te !"orit)#s to co#p!ete t)e oper tions in #ini#(# ti#e. >E%en 32- *it #(!tip!ic tions c n *e e=ec(te& 3it)in one #icrosecon& *$ t)e #(!tip!$ ? &i%i&e !o"ic. >T)e Me#or$ # n "e#ent (nit consists o, Se"#ent tion (nit n& P "in" (nit. >Se"#ent tion (nit !!o3s t)e (se o, t3o &&ress co#ponents2 %i+. se"#ent n& o,,set ,or re!oc *i!it$ n& s) rin" o, co&e n& & t . >Se"#ent tion (nit !!o3s se"#ents o, si+e 47*$tes t # =. >T)e P "in" (nit or" ni+es t)e p)$sic ! #e#or$ in ter#s o, p "es o, 4-*$tes si+e e c). >P "in" (nit 3or-s (n&er t)e contro! o, t)e se"#ent tion (nit2 i.e. e c) se"#ent is ,(rt)er &i%i&e& into p "es. T)e %irt( ! #e#or$ is !so or" ni+es in ter#s o, se"#ents n& p "es *$ t)e #e#or$ # n "e#ent (nit. T)e Se"#ent tion (nit pro%i&es 4 !e%e! protection #ec) nis# ,or protectin" n& iso! tin" t)e s$ste# co&e n& & t ,ro# t)ose o, t)e pp!ic tion pro"r #. >P "in" (nit con%erts !ine r &&resses into p)$sic ! &&resses. >T)e contro! n& ttri*(te P@A c)ec-s t)e pri%i!e"es t t)e p "e !e%e!. E c) o, t)e p "es # int ins t)e p "in" in,or# tion o, t)e t s-. T)e !i#it n& ttri*(te P@A c)ec-s se"#ent !i#its n& ttri*(tes t se"#ent !e%e! to %oi& in% !i& ccesses to co&e n& & t in t)e #e#or$ se"#ents. >T)e 8(s contro! (nit ) s prioriti+er to reso!%e t)e priorit$ o, t)e % rio(s *(s re:(ests.T)is contro!s t)e ccess o, t)e *(s. T)e &&ress &ri%er &ri%es t)e *(s en *!e n& &&ress si"n ! A0 A A35. T)e pipe!ine n& &$n #ic *(s si+in" (nit ) n&!e t)e re! te& contro! si"n !s. >T)e & t *(,,ers inter, ce t)e intern ! & t *(s 3it) t)e s$ste# *(s.

Register Organisation:
>T)e 80386 ) s ei")t 32 - *it "ener ! p(rpose re"isters 3)ic) # $ *e (se& s eit)er 8 *it or 56 *it re"isters. >A 32 - *it re"ister -no3n s n e=ten&e& re"ister2 is represente& *$ t)e re"ister n #e 3it) pre,i= E. >E= #p!e 4 A 32 *it re"ister correspon&in" to A6 is EA62 si#i! r!$ 86 is E86 etc.

>T)e 56 *it re"isters 8P2 SP2 SI n& DI in 8086 re no3 % i! *!e 3it) t)eir e=ten&e& si+e o, 32 *it n& re n #es s E8P2ESP2ESI n& EDI. >A6 represents t)e !o3er 56 *it o, t)e 32 *it re"ister EA6. > 8P2 SP2 SI2 DI represents t)e !o3er 56 *it o, t)eir 32 *it co(nterp rts2 n& c n *e (se& s in&epen&ent 56 *it re"isters. >T)e si= se"#ent re"isters % i! *!e in 80386 re CS2 SS2 DS2 ES2 BS n& 7S. >T)e CS n& SS re t)e co&e n& t)e st c- se"#ent re"isters respecti%e!$2 3)i!e DS2 ES2BS2 7S re 4 & t se"#ent re"isters. >A 56 *it instr(ction pointer IP is % i! *!e !on" 3it) 32 *it co(nterp rt EIP.

Flag Register of 80386:

T)e B! " re"ister o, 80386 is 32 *it re"ister. O(t o, t)e 32 *its2 Inte! ) s reser%e& *its D58 to D352 DC n& D32 3)i!e D5 is !3 $s set t 5. T3o e=tr ne3 ,! "s re &&e& to t)e 80286 ,! " to &eri%e t)e ,! " re"ister o, 80386. T)e$ re 'M n& RB ,! "s.

> 'M - Virtual Mode Flag4 I, t)is ,! " is set2 t)e 80386 enters t)e %irt( ! 8086 #o&e 3it)in t)e protection #o&e. T)is is to *e set on!$ 3)en t)e 80386 is in protecte& #o&e. In t)is #o&e2 i, n$ pri%i!e"e& instr(ction is e=ec(te& n e=ception 53 is "ener te&. T)is *it c n *e set (sin" IRET instr(ction or n$ t s- s3itc) oper tion on!$ in t)e protecte& #o&e. >RF- Resume Flag4 T)is ,! " is (se& 3it) t)e &e*(" re"ister *re -points. It is c)ec-e& t t)e st rtin" o, e%er$ instr(ction c$c!e n& i, it is set2 n$ &e*(" , (!t is i"nore& &(rin" t)e instr(ction c$c!e. T)e RB is (to# tic !!$ reset ,ter s(ccess,(! e=ec(tion o, e%er$ instr(ction2 e=cept ,or IRET n& POPB instr(ctions. >A!so2 it is not (to# tic !!$ c!e re& ,ter t)e s(ccess,(! e=ec(tion o, DMP2 CA@@ n& INT instr(ction c (sin" t s- s3itc). T)ese instr(ction re (se& to set t)e RB to t)e % !(e speci,ie& *$ t)e #e#or$ & t % i! *!e t t)e st c-. >Segment Descriptor Registers4 T)is re"isters re not % i! *!e ,or pro"r ##ers2 r t)er t)e$ re intern !!$ (se& to store t)e &escriptor in,or# tion2 !i-e ttri*(tes2 !i#it n& * se &&resses o, se"#ents. >T)e si= se"#ent re"isters ) %e correspon&in" si= E3 *it &escriptor re"isters. E c) o, t)e# cont ins 32 *it * se &&ress2 32 *it * se !i#it n& F *it ttri*(tes. T)ese re (to# tic !!$ !o &e& 3)en t)e correspon&in" se"#ents re !o &e& 3it) se!ectors. >Control Registers4 T)e 80386 ) s t)ree 32 *it contro! re"isters CR02 CR2 n& CR3 to )o!& "!o* ! # c)ine st t(s in&epen&ent o, t)e e=ec(te& t s-. @o & n& store instr(ctions re % i! *!e to ccess t)ese re"isters. >System Address Registers4 Bo(r speci ! re"isters re &e,ine& to re,er to t)e &escriptor t *!es s(pporte& *$ 80386. >T)e 80386 s(pports ,o(r t$pes o, &escriptor t *!e2 %i+. "!o* ! &escriptor t *!e /7DT12interr(pt &escriptor t *!e /IDT12 !oc ! &escriptor t *!e /@DT1 n& t s- st te se"#ent &escriptor /TSS1. >Debug and Test Registers4 Inte! ) s pro%i&e set o, 8 &e*(" re"isters ,or ) r&3 re &e*(""in". O(t o, t)ese ei")t re"isters DR0 to DRE2 t3o re"isters DR4 n& DRC re Inte! reser%e&. >T)e initi ! ,o(r re"isters DR0 to DR3 store ,o(r pro"r # contro!! *!e *re -point &&resses2 3)i!e DR6 n& DRE respecti%e!$ )o!& *re -point st t(s n& *re -point contro! in,or# tion. >T3o #ore test re"ister re pro%i&e& *$ 80386 ,or p "e c c)in" n #e!$ test contro! n& test st t(s re"ister.


! OD E S :

T)e 80386 s(pports o%er !! e!e%en &&ressin" #o&es to , ci!it te e,,icient e=ec(tion o, )i")er !e%e! ! n"( "e pro"r #s. >In c se o, !! t)ose #o&es2 t)e 80386 c n no3 ) %e 32-*it i##e&i te or 32- *it re"ister oper n&s or &isp! ce#ents. >T)e 80386 ) s , #i!$ o, sc !e& #o&es. In c se o, sc !e& #o&es2 n$ o, t)e in&e= re"ister % !(es c n *e #(!tip!ie& *$ % !i& sc !e , ctor to o*t in t)e &isp! ce#ent. >T)e % !i& sc !e , ctor re 52 22 4 n& 8. >T)e &i,,erent sc !e& #o&es re s ,o!!o3s. >Scaled Indexed Mode4 Contents o, t)e n in&e= re"ister re #(!tip!ie& *$ sc !e , ctor t) t # $ *e &&e& ,(rt)er to "et t)e oper n& o,,set. >Based Scaled Indexed Mode4 Contents o, t)e n in&e= re"ister re #(!tip!ie& *$ sc !e , ctor n& t)en &&e& to * se re"ister to o*t in t)e o,,set. >Based Scaled Indexed Mode it! Displacement4 T)e Contents o, t)e n in&e= re"ister re #(!tip!ie& *$ sc !in" , ctor n& t)e res(!t is &&e& to * se re"ister n& &isp! ce#ent to "et t)e o,,set o, n oper n&.

Real Address !ode of 80386

>A,ter reset2 t)e 80386 st rts ,ro# #e#or$ !oc tion BBBBBBB0H (n&er t)e re ! &&ress #o&e. In t)e re ! #o&e2 80386 3or-s s , st 8086 3it) 32-*it re"isters n& & t t$pes. >In re ! #o&e2 t)e &e, (!t oper n& si+e is 56 *it *(t 32- *it oper n&s n& &&ressin" #o&es # $ *e (se& 3it) t)e )e!p o, o%erri&e pre,i=es. >T)e se"#ent si+e in re ! #o&e is 64-2 )ence t)e 32-*it e,,ecti%e &&ressin" #(st *e !ess t) n 0000BBBBBH. T)e re ! #o&e initi !i+es t)e 80386 n& prep res it ,or protecte& #o&e.

Memory Addressing in Real Mode4

In t)e re ! #o&e2 t)e 80386 c n &&ress t t)e #ost5M*$tes o, p)$sic ! #e#or$ (sin" &&ress !ines A0-A5F. >P "in" (nit is &is *!e& in re ! &&ressin" #o&e2 n& )ence t)e re ! &&resses re t)e s #e s t)e p)$sic ! &&resses. >To ,or# p)$sic ! #e#or$ &&ress2 ppropri te se"#ent re"isters contents /56-*its1 re s)i,te& !e,t *$ ,o(r positions n& t)en &&e& to t)e 56-*it o,,set &&ress ,or#e& (sin" one o, t)e &&ressin" #o&es2 in t)e s #e 3 $ s in t)e 80386 re ! &&ress #o&e. >T)e se"#ent in 80386 re ! #o&e c n *e re &2 3rite or e=ec(te&2 i.e. no protection is % i! *!e. >An$ ,etc) or ccess p st t)e en& o, t)e se"#ent !i#it "ener te e=ception 53 in re ! &&ress #o&e. >T)e se"#ents in 80386 re ! #o&e # $ *e o%er! ppe& or non-o%er! ppe&. >T)e interr(pt %ector t *!e o, 80386 ) s *een !!oc te& 5G*$te sp ce st rtin" ,ro# 00000H to 003BBH.

"rotected !ode of 80386:

>A!! t)e c p *i!ities o, 80386 re % i! *!e ,or (ti!i+ tion in its protecte& #o&e o, oper tion. >T)e 80386 in protecte& #o&e s(pport !! t)e so,t3 re 3ritten ,or 80286 n& 8086 to *e e=ec(te& (n&er t)e contro! o, #e#or$ # n "e#ent n& protection *i!ities o, 80386. >T)e protecte& #o&e !!o3s t)e (se o, &&ition ! instr(ction2 &&ressin" #o&es n& c p *i!ities o, 80386.

ADDRESSIN7 IN PROTECTED MODE4 In t)is #o&e2 t)e contents o, se"#ent re"isters re (se& s se!ectors to &&ress &escriptors 3)ic) cont in t)e se"#ent !i#it2 * se &&ress n& ccess ri")ts *$te o, t)e se"#ent. >T)e e,,ecti%e &&ress /o,,set1 is &&e& 3it) se"#ent * se &&ress to c !c(! te !ine r &&ress. T)is !ine r &&ress is ,(rt)er (se& s p)$sic ! &&ress2 i, t)e p "in" (nit is &is *!e&2 ot)er3ise t)e p "in" (nit con%erts t)e !ine r &&ress into p)$sic ! &&ress. >T)e p "in" (nit is #e#or$ # n "e#ent (nit en *!e& on!$ in protecte& #o&e. T)e p "in" #ec) nis# !!o3s ) n&!in" o, ! r"e se"#ents o, #e#or$ in ter#s o, p "es o, 4G*$te si+e. >T)e p "in" (nit oper tes (n&er t)e contro! o, se"#ent tion (nit. T)e p "in" (nit i, en *!e& con%erts !ine r &&resses into p)$sic ! &&ress2 in protecte& #o&e.

>Descriptor t *!es4 T)ese &escriptor t *!es n& re"isters re # nip(! te& *$ t)e oper tin" s$ste# to ens(re t)e correct oper tion o, t)e processor2 n& )ence t)e correct e=ec(tion o, t)e pro"r #. >T)ree t$pes o, t)e 80386 &escriptor t *!es re !iste& s ,o!!o3s4 >7@O8A@ DESCRIPTOR TA8@E / 7DT 1 >@OCA@ DESCRIPTOR TA8@E / @DT 1

>INTERRUPT DESCRIPTOR TA8@E / IDT 1 >Descriptors4 T)e 80386 &escriptors ) %e 20-*it se"#ent !i#it n& 32-*it se"#ent &&ress. T)e &escriptor o, 80386 re 8-*$te :( ntities ccess ri")t or ttri*(te *its !on" 3it) t)e * se n& !i#it o, t)e se"#ents. >Descriptor Attri*(te 8its4 T)e A / ccesse&1 ttri*(te& *it in&ic tes 3)et)er t)e se"#ent ) s *een ccesse& *$ t)e CPU or not. >T)e THPE ,ie!& &eci&es t)e &escriptor t$pe n& )ence t)e se"#ent t$pe. >T)e S *it &eci&es 3)et)er it is s$ste# &escriptor /S<01 or co&e?& t se"#ent &escriptor / S<51. >T)e DP@ ,ie!& speci,ies t)e &escriptor pri%i!e"e !e%e!. >T)e D *it speci,ies t)e co&e se"#ent oper tion si+e. I, D<52 t)e se"#ent is 32*it oper n& se"#ent2 e!se2 it is 56-*it oper n& se"#ent. >T)e P *it /present1 si"ni,ies 3)et)er t)e se"#ent is present in t)e p)$sic ! #e#or$ or not. I, P<52 t)e se"#ent is present in t)e p)$sic ! #e#or$. >T)e 7 /"r n(! rit$1 *it in&ic tes 3)et)er t)e se"#ent is p "e &&ress *!e. T)e +ero *it #(st re# in +ero ,or co#p ti*i!it$ 3it) ,(t(re process. >T)e A'@ / % i! *!e1 ,ie!& speci,ies 3)et)er t)e &escriptor is ,or (ser or ,or oper tin" s$ste#.

>T)e 80386 ) s ,i%e t$pes o, &escriptors !iste& s ,o!!o3s4

5.Co&e or D t Se"#ent Descriptors. 2.S$ste# Descriptors. 3.@oc ! &escriptors. 4.TSS /T s- St te Se"#ent1 Descriptors. C.7ATE Descriptors.
>T)e 80386 pro%i&es 80286 &oes. ,o(r !e%e! protection #ec) nis# e= ct!$ in t)e s #e 3 $ s t)e

P "in"4 >P "in"

Oper tion4
P "in" is one o, t)e #e#or$ # n "e#ent tec)ni:(es (se& ,or %irt( ! #e#or$ #(!tit s-in" oper tin" s$ste#. >T)e se"#ent tion sc)e#e # $ &i%i&e t)e p)$sic ! #e#or$ into *(t t)e p "in" &i%i&es t)e #e#or$ into ,i=e& si+e p "es. % ri *!e si+e se"#ents

>T)e se"#ents re s(ppose& to *e t)e !o"ic ! se"#ents o, t)e pro"r #2 *(t t)e p "es &o not ) %e n$ !o"ic ! re! tion 3it) t)e pro"r #. >T)e p "es re I(st ,i=e& si+e portions o, t)e pro"r # #o&(!e or & t . >T)e &% nt "e o, p "in" sc)e#e is t) t t)e co#p!ete se"#ent o, t)e p)$sic ! #e#or$ t n$ ti#e. t s- nee& not *e in

>On!$ ,e3 p "es o, t)e se"#ents2 3)ic) re re:(ire& c(rrent!$ ,or t)e e=ec(tion nee& to *e % i! *!e in t)e p)$sic ! #e#or$. T)(s t)e #e#or$ re:(ire#ent o, t)e t s- is s(*st nti !!$ re&(ce&2 re!in:(is)in" t)e % i! *!e #e#or$ ,or ot)er t s-s. >J)ene%er t)e ot)er p "es o, t s- re re:(ire& ,or e=ec(tion2 t)e$ # $ *e ,etc)e& ,ro# t)e secon& r$ stor "e.

>T)e pre%io(s p "e 3)ic) re e=ec(te&2 nee& not *e % i! *!e in t)e #e#or$2 n& )ence t)e sp ce occ(pie& *$ t)e# # $ *e re!in:(is)e& ,or ot)er t s-s. >T)(s p "in" #ec) nis# pro%i&es n e,,ecti%e tec)ni:(e to # n "e t)e p)$sic ! #e#or$ ,or #(!tit s-in" s$ste#s.

"aging $nit:
T)e p "in" (nit o, 80386 (ses t3o !e%e! t *!e #ec) nis# to con%ert !ine r &&ress pro%i&e& *$ se"#ent tion (nit into p)$sic ! &&resses. T)e p "in" (nit con%erts t)e co#p!ete # p o, t s- into p "es2 e c) o, si+e 4G. T)e t sis ,(rt)er ) n&!e& in ter#s o, its p "e2 r t)er t) n se"#ents. T)e p "in" (nit ) n&!es e%er$ t s- in ter#s o, t)ree co#ponents n #e!$ p "e &irector$2 p "e t *!es n& p "e itse!,.

"aging Descri%tor &ase Register: T)e contro! re"ister CR2 is (se& to store t)e
32-*it !ine r &&ress t 3)ic) t)e pre%io(s p "e , (!t 3 s &etecte&. T)e CR3 is (se& s p "e &irector$ p)$sic ! * se &&ress re"ister2 to store t)e p)$sic ! st rtin" &&ress o, t)e p "e &irector$. T)e !o3er 52 *it o, t)e CR3 re !3 $s +ero to ens(re t)e p "e si+e !i"ne& &irector$. A #o%e oper tion to CR3 (to# tic !!$ !o &s t)e p "e t *!e entr$ c c)es n& t ss3itc) oper tion2 to !o & CR0 s(it *!$.

"age Director' : T)is is t t)e #ost 4G*$tes in si+e. E c) &irector$ entr$ is o,

4 *$tes2t)(s tot ! o, 5024 entries re !!o3e& in &irector$.T)e (pper 50 *its o, t)e !ine r &&ress re (se& s n in&e= to t)e correspon&in" p "e &irector$ entr$. T)e p "e &irector$ entries point to p "e t *!es.

"age (a)les: E

c) p "e t *!e is o, 4G*$tes in si+e n& # n$ cont in

# =i#(#

o, 5024 entries. T)e p "e t *!e entries cont in t)e st rtin" &&ress o, t)e p "e n& t)e st tistic ! in,or# tion *o(t t)e p "e. >T)e (pper 20 *it p "e ,r #e &&ress is co#*ine& 3it) t)e !o3er 52 *it o, t)e !ine r &&ress. T)e &&ress *its A52- A25 re (se& to se!ect t)e 5024 p "e t *!e entries. T)e p "e t *!e c n *e s) re& *et3een t)e t s-s. >T)e P *it o, t)e *o%e entries in&ic te2 i, t)e entr$ c n *e (se& in &&ress tr ns! tion. >I, P<52 t)e entr$ c n *e (se& in &&ress tr ns! tion2 ot)er3ise it c nnot *e (se&. >T)e P *it o, t)e c(rrent!$ e=ec(te& p "e is !3 $s )i").

>T)e ccesse& *it A is set *$ 80386 *e,ore n$ ccess to t)e p "e. I, A<52 t)e p "e is ccesse&2 e!se (n ccesse&.

>T)e D *it / Dirt$ *it1 is set *e,ore 3rite oper tion to t)e p "e is c rrie& o(t. T)e D-*it is (n&e,ine& ,or p "e &irector entries. >T)e OS reser%e& *its re &e,ine& *$ t)e oper tin" s$ste# so,t3 re. >T)e User ? S(per%isor /U?S1 *it n& re &?3rite *it re (se& to pro%i&e protection. T)ese *its re &eco&e& to pro%i&e protection (n&er t)e 4 !e%e! protection #o&e!. >T)e !e%e! 0 is s(ppose& to ) %e t)e )i")est pri%i!e"e2 3)i!e t)e !e%e! 3 is s(ppose& to ) %e t)e !e st pri%i!e"e. >T)is protection pro%i&e *$ t)e p "in" (nit is tr nsp rent to t)e se"#ent tion (nit.

'irt( ! 8086 Mo&e

>In its protecte& #o&e o, oper tion2 80386D6 pro%i&es %irt( ! 8086 oper tin" en%iron#ent to e=ec(te t)e 8086 pro"r #s. >T)e re ! #o&e c n !so (se& to e=ec(te t)e 8086 pro"r #s !on" 3it) t)e c p *i!ities o, 803862 !i-e protection n& ,e3 &&ition ! instr(ctions. >Once t)e 80386 enters t)e protecte& #o&e ,ro# t)e re ! #o&e2 it c nnot ret(rn * c- to t)e re ! #o&e 3it)o(t reset oper tion. >T)(s2 t)e %irt( ! 8086 #o&e o, oper tion o, 803862 o,,ers n &% nt "e o, e=ec(tin" 8086 pro"r #s 3)i!e in protecte& #o&e. >T)e &&ress ,or#in" #ec) nis# in %irt( ! 8086 #o&e is e= ct!$ i&entic ! 3it) t) t o, 8086 re ! #o&e. >In %irt( ! #o&e2 8086 c n &&ress 5M*$tes o, p)$sic ! #e#or$ t) t # $ *e n$3)ere in t)e 47*$tes &&ress sp ce o, t)e protecte& #o&e o, 80386. >@i-e 80386 re ! #o&e2 t)e &&resses in %irt( ! 8086 #o&e !ie 3it)in 5M*$tes o, #e#or$. >In %irt( ! #o&e2 t)e p "in" #ec) nis# n& protection c p *i!ities re % i! *!e t t)e ser%ice o, t)e pro"r ##ers. >T)e 80386 s(pports #(!tipro"r ##in"2 )ence #ore t) n one pro"r ##er # $ *e (se t)e CPU t ti#e.

IN(ROD$*(ION (O 80+86
T)e Inte! 80+86 /or i+861 3 s #icroprocessor pro&(ce& *$ Inte! n& t)e ,irst ti")t!$ pipe!ine& =86 &esi"n. Intro&(ce& in 5F8F2 it 3 s !so t)e ,irst =86 c)ip to se #ore t) n #i!!ion tr nsistors2 &(e to ! r"e on-c)ip c c)e n& n inte"r te& ,!o tin" point (nit. It represents ,o(rt) "ener tion o, *in r$ co#p ti*!e CPUs since t)e ori"in ! 8086 o, 5FE82 n& it 3 s t)e secon& 32-*it =86 &esi"n ,ter t)e 80386. A C0 MH+ 80486 e=ec(te& ro(n& 40 #i!!ion instr(ctions per secon& on %er "e n& 3 s *!e to re c) C0 MIPS pe -. T)e instr(ction set o, t)e i486 is %er$ si#i! r to its pre&ecessor2 t)e Inte! 803862 3it) t)e &&ition o, on!$ ,e3 e=tr instr(ctions2 s(c) s CMP6CH7 3)ic) e=ec(tes t)e co#p re- n&-s3 p to#ic oper tion n& t)e 6ADD 3)ic) e=ec(tes t)e ,etc)- n&- && to#ic oper tion ret(rnin" t)e ori"in ! % !(e2 (n!i-e t)e ADD instr(ction t) t on!$ ret(rne& so#e ,! "s. t)e rc)itect(re o, t)e i486 is % st i#pro%e#ent o%er t)e 80386. It ) s n on-c)ip (ni,ie& instr(ction n& & t c c)e2 n on-c)ip ,!o tin"-point (nit /BPU12 e=cept in t)e S6 n& S@ #o&e!s2 n& n en) nce& *(s inter, ce (nit. Si#p!e instr(ctions /s(c) s A@U re"2 re"1 e=ec(te in one c!oc- c$c!e A 56-MH+ 486 t)ere,ore ) s per,or# nce si#i! r to 33-MH+ 386 /or 28612 n& t)e o!&er &esi"n ) s to re c) C0 MH+ to *e co#p r *!e 3it) 2C-MH+ 486 p rt.

Differences )et,een the 386 and +86

An 8 G8 on-c)ip SRAM c c)e stores t)e #ost recent!$ (se& instr(ctions n& & t /56 G8 n&?or 3rite-* c- on so#e ! ter #o&e!s1. T)e 386 ) & no s(c) intern ! c c)e *(t s(pporte& s!o3er o,,-c)ip c c)e. Ti")t!$ co(p!e& pipe!inin" !!o3s t)e 486 to co#p!ete si#p!e instr(ction !i-e A@U reg"reg or A@U reg"im e%er$ c!oc- c$c!e. T)e 386 nee&e& t3o c!oc- c$c!es ,or t)is. Inte"r te& BPU /&is *!e& or *sent in S6 #o&e!s1 3it) &e&ic te& !oc ! *(s "i%es , ster ,!o tin" point c !c(! tions co#p re& to t)e i386Ki38E co#*in tion. I#pro%e& MMU per,or# nce. 32-*it & t *(s n& 32-*it &&ress

T)e 486 ) s *(s.

D(st !i-e t)e 803862 t)e 32-*it &&ress *(s o, t)e 80486 en *!e& (p to 4 7i" *$te o, #e#or$ to *e &irect!$ &&resse& (sin" ,! t #e#or$ #o&e! 3it) 32-*it !ine r &&resses in protecte& #o&e.

Internal Architecture of the 80486

Pin description of 80486


T)e rc)itect(re is #ore i&entic ! to 80386.A # t) co-processor n& &&e& in &&ition 3it) t)e 80386 rc)itect(re

one !e%e! c c)e is

The purpose of the Register is to hold temporary results, and control the execution of the program. General purpose registers in Pentium are !"#, !$#, !%#, !&#, !'P, !&P,!'(, or !%(. The )* +it registers are named ,ith prefix !, !"#, etc, and the least -6 +its 0 -. of these registers can +e accessed ,ith names such as "#, '( 'imilarly the lo,er eight +its /0 01 can +e accessed ,ith names such as "2 3 &2. The higher eight +its /8 -.1 ,ith names such as "4 3 &4. The instruction pointer !"P 5no,n as program counter/P$1 in 8 +it microprocessor, is a )* +it register to handle )* +it memory addresses, and the lo,er -6 +it segment (P is used for -6 +i memory address. The flag register is a )* +it register The (67 Pri8ilege uses t,o +its in protected mode to determine ,hich (67 instructions can +e used, and the nested tas5 is used to sho, a lin5 +et,een t,o tas5s. The processor also includes control registers and system address registers , de+ug and test registers for system and de+ugging operations.

T)e intern ! pro"r ##in" #o&e! is "i%en *e!o3

T)e ,! " re"ister o, 80486

-E. (ER! A Arc)itect(re 3 Arc)itect(re o, t)e 804865E ADDRESSIN7 MODESE 8 8US CHC@E IDENTIBICATION5F E E=ec(tion (nit 3 B B! " Re"ister6 P Protecte& Mo&eF P "in"52 R Re"ister Or" nis tion4 Re ! A&&ress Mo&e8 S Se"#ent tion50 ' 'irt( ! 8086 Mo&e54

-E.(ER! /$I0
5.Ho3 # n$ st "es re % i! *!e in pipe!inin" o, 80386L 2.t)e c!oc- ,re:(ecnc$ o, 80386 is . 3.T)e ,! "s (se& to se!ect *et3een %irt( ! n& protecte& #o&e is 4.3) t is t)e si+e o, #e#or$ t)e 80386 c n ccess. C.80486 ) s intern ! ROM o, 4G .S $ Hes?No 6.T)e p)$sic ! &&ress is *its. E.t)e &&ressin" #o&e o, MO' EA62ME86K5234C68FN is 8.T)e &&ress n& & t *(s o, !! =86 re s #e. s $ tr(e or , !se F.J)ic) processor ) s t)e c c)e or" ni+ tion 18086 *180286 c180386 &180486 50.T)e re ! #o&e in 686 3i!! 3or- in t)e #e#or$ &&ress r n"e o, on!$.

M *$tes



5. T)e ter# PSJ Pro"r # St t(s 3or& re,ers 1 Acc(#(! tor O B! " re"ister *1 H n& @ re"ister c1 Acc(#(! tor O Instr(ction re"ister &1 8 n& C re"ister 2. A PP is (se& to iso! te *it2 it &oes t)is *ec (se t) t ANI sets !! ot)er *its to Qero 1 s(*ro(tine *1 ,! " c1 ! *e! &1 # s3. Inter ction *et3een CPU n& o(tp(t oper tion is -no3n s 1 ) n&s) -in" *1 ,! ""in" c1 re!oc tin" &1 s(*Lro(tine perip)er ! &e%ice t) t t -es p! ce &(rin" n& i#p(t

4. A&&ressin" in 3)ic) t)e instr(ctions cont ins t)e &&ress o, t)e & t to t)e oper te& on is -no3n s

1 i##e&i te &&ressin" *1 i#p!ie& &&ressin" c1 re"ister &&ressin" &1 &irect &&ressin"

C. Res rt is speci ! t$pe o, CA@@ in 3)ic) 1 t)e &&ress is pro"r ##e& *(t not *(i!t into t)e ) r&3 re *1 t)e &&ress is pro"r ##e& *(i!t into t)e ) r&3 re c1 t)e &&ress is not pro"r ##e& *(t *(i!t into t)e ) r&3 re &1 None o, t)e *o%e 6. T)e # =i#(# &&ress *!e #e#or$ sp ce o, 80386 is 1 647 *1 56 7 c1 87 &1 47

E.T)e st c- is speci !i+e& te#por r$ LL ccess #e#or$ &(rin" L.. n& LL instr(ctions 1 r n&o#2 store2 !o & *1 r n&o#2 p(s)2 !o & c1 se:(enti !2 store2 pop &1 se:(enti !2 p(s)2 pop 8. T)e No. o, contro! !ines in 80386 re PPF. T)e !en"t) o, EA6 L re"ister is PP- *its 50. T)e !en"t) o, pro"r # co(nter is PPA *its 55. T)e !en"t) o, st c- pointer is PPA *its 52. T)e !en"t) o, st t(s 3or& is PP- *its 53. T)e No. o, CONTRO@ ,! "s re PP54. J) t is t)e p(rpose o, (sin" A@E si"n ! )i") L 1 To ! tc) !o3 or&er &&ress ,ro# *(s to sep r te A0 L AE *1 To ! tc) & t Do L D E ,ro# *(s "o sep r te & t *(s c1 To &is *!e & t *(s ! tc) 5C. J) t is t)e p(rpose o, READH si"n !L 1 It is (se& to in&ic te to (ser t) t #icroprocessor is 3or-in" n& re &$ to (se *1 It is (se& to pro%i&e ,or proper JAIT st tes 3)en #icroprocessor is co##(nic tin" 3it) s!o3 perip)er ! &e%ice. c1 It is (se& to pro%i&e ,or proper s)o3in" &o3n o, , st perip)er ! &e%ices so s to co##(nic te t #icro processors spee&.

56. J) t is t)e &&ressin" #o&e (se& in instr(ction MO' 8@2 C@L 1 Direct *1 In&irect c1 In&e=e& &1 I##e&i te

5E. T)e # =i#(# n(#*er o, IRo &e%ices c n *e inter, ce& 3it) 80386 in t)e IRo # ppe& IRo tec)ni:(e re 58. S) &o3 A&&ress 3i!! e=ist in 1 *so!(te &eco&in" *1 !ine r &eco&in" c1 p rtic ! &eco&in" &1 none o, t)e *o%e 5F. T)e Instr(ctions (se& ,or & t tr ns,er in IRo # ppe& IRO re 1 IN2 OUT *1 IN2 @DA && c1 STA && &1 None o, t)e *o%e 20. N(#*er o, A&&ress !ines in 80486 is 1 56 *132 c1 34 &1 528


5. Di,,erenti te *et3een 80386 n& 80486. 2. C! ssi,$ t)e &i,,erent "ro(ps o, 80386 instr(ction set 3it) e= #p!e. 3. Di,,erenti te *et3een (ni&irection ! *(,,er n& *i-&irection ! *(,,er.

4. J) t is t)e nee& ,or A@E si"n ! in 808C #icroprocessorL C. 7i%e t)e oper tion o, t)e ,o!! instr(ctions4/ 1 DAA /*1 DEC. 6. St te t)e ,(nctions ,or A@E n& TRAP pins . E. M -e note on t)e re ! #o&e oper tion o, 80386. 8. J) t is MPUL F. J) t &o $o( #e n *$ #(!tip!e=in" t)e *(sL 50. @ist o(t t)e t3o #o&es o, oper tion o, =86 , #i!$. 55. J) t is pro"r # co(nterL

52. J) t is n instr(ctionL 53. J) t is PSJL Dr 3 54. De,ine - Interr(pt. 5C. J) t re t)e &&ressin" #o&es ,or 80386 #icroprocessorL 56. # -e note o, t)e protecte& #o&e o, 80386L 5E. De,ine st c-. 58. Speci,$ )o3 pro"r # co(nter is (se,(! in pro"r # e=ec(tion.

5F. Ho3 t)e & t

n& &&ress !ines re &e#(!tip!e=e&L

20. S)o3 t)e *it positions o, % rio(s ,! "s in 80386 ,! " re"isterL 25. @ist t)e % rio(s si"n !s o, 80486. 22. J) t re t)e instr(ction pipe!inin" st "es in 80386 n& 80486 23. J) t re t)e si#i! rit$ n& &i,,erence *et3een s(*tr ct n& co#p re instr(ctionsL 24. @ist t)e t$pe o, si"n !s t) t ) %e to *e pp!ie& to "ener te n ) r&3 re interr(pts. 2C. Jrite 26. Dr 3 s(*ro(tine to c!e r t)e ,! " re"ister n& cc(#(! tor (sin" 80386L si#p!e &i "r # ,or t)e ,! "s o, 80486L

2E. @ist o(t t)e si#i! rities *et3een CA@@SRET n& PUSHSPOP instr(ctions. 28. @ist interr(pts o, 80386 2F. De,ine4 / 1 Instr(ction C$c!e /*1 M?c c$c!e /c1 T-st te. 30. E=p! in t)e e=ec(tion o, t)e instr(ction PUSHAH. 35. J) t re t)e &i,,erent #e#or$ # ppin" sc)e#esL 7i%e n$ one &% nt "e n& &is &% nt "e ,or e c)



5. . Dr 3 t)e *!oc- &i "r # o, 80386 #p n& e=p! inL /58 *. Jrite n sse#*!$ ! n"( "e pro"r # to && t3o 2-&i"its 8CD N(#*erL /41 2. . E=p! in t)e instr(ction set o, 80386L /501 *. Jrite notes on contro! ,! "s .

3. . E=p! in t)e rc)itect(re o, Inte! 80486 t)e )e!p o, *!oc- &i "r #L /50 *. E=p! in t)e si#i! rities &i,, *?3 80386 n& 80486L

4. . Jit) ne t *!oc- &i "r # e=p! in t)e 8IU (nit o, 80386L /81 *. @ist o(t t)e # s- *!e n& non # s- *!e interr(pts % i! *!e in 80386L /41

C./ 1Speci,$ t)e contents o, t)e re"isters n& t)e ,! " st t(s s t)e ,o!!o3in" instr(ctions re e=ec(te&./41 i. MO' A62 00 ii. MO' E862M02B8N iii. MO' EC62 E86 %i. H@T /*1Jrite instr(ctions to !o & t)e )e= &eci# ! n(#*er 6CH in re"ister C6 n& F2H in cc(#(! tor A./81 6. / 1J)$ t)e !o3er or&er &&ress *(s is #(!tip!e=e& 3it) & t *(sL Ho3 t)e$ 3i!! *e &e-#(!tip!e=e&L /61 /*1 Di,,erenti te *et3een # s- *!e n& non-# s- *!e interr(pts./61 E. 1Jrite n sse#*!$ ! n"( "e pro"r # (sin" #ini#(# n(#*er o, instr(ctions to && t)e 32 *it no. in E862 ED6 O EC6. Store t)e res(!t in MEMORH. /61 *1 E=p! in t)e si#i! rities &i,, *?3 s(*tr ct n& co#p re instr(ctions in 808CL /61 8. / 1E=p! in in &et i! t)e ,o!!o3in" instr(ctions4- /i1 ADD /ii1 RA@ /iii1 SHR /i%1 CMP /*1 De,ine O e=p! in t)e ter# &&ressin" #o&es. F. / 1Dr 3 t)e pin &i "r # n& e=p! in t)e contro! si"n !s present in 80386

50. E=p! in 3it) e= #p!es t)e rit)#etic instr(ction ./521 55. E=p! in 3it) e= #p!es t)e & t tr ns,er instr(ction ./521 52. E=p! in 3it) e= #p!es t)e contro! instr(ction ./521 53. E=p! in 3it) e= #p!es t)e !o"ic ! instr(ction o, 80386./521 54.J) t re t)e &&ressin" #o&es present in 80386 .e=p! in 3it) e= #p!e./521

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