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EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Research Unit H/02 Surface Transport Contact: arch. Maria Cristina Marolda European Commission O ce CDMA 4/182 B-1049 Brussels Tel. (32-2) 29-2958391 E-mail:
EUROPEAN COMMISSION European Community Research, Technological Development and Innovation Framework Programme
A background document prepared by the services responsible for the management of relevant projects under the EC RTD Sixth Framework Programme (DG RTD, DG TREN, DG FISH, DG ENTR)
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1. Introduction EU Research and Maritime Policies mutual benefits 2. Marine-related research challenges and opportunities 2.1 Main challenge: Using the full potential of the oceans responsibly 2.2 Specific challenges Competitiveness Environment and societal goals including biodiversity Supporting capacities and decision making 2.3 Opportunities offered by European Research to the Maritime Policy Connectivity Complementarity Curiosity 3. Communitys support to marine-related research 3.1 Introduction 3.2 European Research Framework Programmes Maritime Research in FPs 4-6 The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) 4. The Way Forward 4.1 A vision for marine-related research in Europe 4.2 Dialogue with societal actors and policy-makers 4.3 Enhancing coordination 4.4 Exploiting research results for the benefit of the European economy 4.5 Communicating research raising public awareness Maritime activities under COST Maritime activities under EUREKA
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Improved understanding of the Marine Environment and supporting Infrastructure 38 Towards Coordinating and Structuring ERA The International Dimension of Marine Research Research in Support to Policy Coastal and water management gets a boost from Marie Curie FP6 Funded Projects in the Maritime Sector ERA-NET (Coordination Actions) SPACE (Priority 1.4) FOOD (Priority 1.5) TRANSPORT (Priority 1.6.2) ENVIRONMENT (Priority 1.6.3) ENERGY (Priority 1.1.6 Policy Support SSP (Priority 1.8) Co-operative and Collective Research (SMEs) International Co-operation (INCO) Marie Curie Actions (Human Resources and Mobility) Infrastructures 40 41 42 43 45 46 46 46 47 49 50 51 53 54 54 56
1. Introduction
Marine research has been identified by the European Commission as a key element of the future Maritime Policy. This has been recognised both in the Communication on Maritime Policy(1) and in the EUs overall strategic objectives for 2005-2009, where it is noted that an all-encompassing maritime policy should be supported by excellence in marine scientific research, technology and innovation. This paper outlines the challenges and opportunities in marine-related research in Europe with regard to a future EU Maritime Policy. The paper The European Research Framework Programmes describes the contribution from the European Research Framework contribution and impact on the Programmes, as well as from other research activities at international level, marine and maritime sector and their impact on the marine and maritime sector. Specific challenges arising in the domain are considered, as well as the opportunities offered by the existing schemes; consideration is also given to new activities that could or should be undertaken in support of a future Maritime Policy. Research is a cornerstone that supports competitiveness and sustainable development in line with the three pillars of the Lisbon Agenda (Economic, Social, and Environmental). Quality research, which engages with societal stakeholders and communicates in ways that are perceived as being trustworthy and relevant, is a pre-condition for a knowledgedriven economy, and a major contribution to developing robust and sustainable solutions to complex problems. Moreover European Research is contributing to the development of educational horizons, new skills and to the creation of high value-added knowledge-based jobs. Research is a cornerstone All these aspects are considered as paramount for the development and that supports competitiveness and sustainable development implementation of the European Maritime Policy. The latter is also an opportunity in line with the Lisbon Agenda to demonstrate the benefits for EU citizens arising from European research, as well as further enhancing the definition of the European Research Area.
Communication of the European Commission President Barroso and Commissioner Borg Towards a future Maritime Policy for the Union: a European vision for the oceans and the sea adopted by the Commission in February 2005.
efficient, safe and environmentally sustainable ships, as well as appropriate consideration to hinterland connections in expanding port capacities, is paramount to meeting this target. The EU is one of the worlds major fishing powers, and a major market for processed and aquaculture products imported from third countries. In 1998, the value of the whole production chain (fishing, aquaculture, processing and marketing) reached approximately 20 billion (0.28% of EU GDP). Aquaculture has been one of the fastest growing areas in the food sector. The value of the Member States production is currently about 3 000 million each The importance of fishery year. Aquaculture constitutes about 17% of the volume and 33% of the value and aquaculture in European of the total EU fishery production. Within the EU-15, the total employment economy and employment in the fishery and aquaculture sector (according to the most recent figures available) is over 500 000 people. Marine fishing accounts for the largest share of direct employment in the sector (241 010 jobs), followed by fish processing (89 468) and aquaculture (61 898, of which over 80% are in marine aquaculture). These activities play a significant role, especially in regions where alternative job opportunities are scarce. Marine biotechnology in Europe has huge potential for innovative, sustainable research with a view to providing solutions to societal needs. The global market has been valued at $2.4 billion with a predicted growth rate exceeding 10% per annum, making marine biotechnology one of the most exciting emerging technology sectors. Marine biotechnology will contribute to nearly every industry sector, from healthcare to bioremediation and from cosmetics to nutraceuticals (i.e. nutritional Marine biotechnology: an supplements). Furthermore, marine metagenomics provide a novel emerging sector with huge potential to provide solutions approach to the exploitation and understanding of an, as yet, poorly to a number of societal needs understood marine biodiversity, and nutraceuticals is a major growth area for both the pharma, food and feed sectors. The oceans and marine environment also provide a range of intangible goods and features that cannot be easily quantified in commercial terms but nonetheless have an intrinsic environmental, economic and social value. There is a need to expand the basic understanding of ocean ecosystems, and the mutual influence of the marine ecosystems and human activities.
The intrinsic, intangible, environmental, economic and social value of the oceans
Integrated ecosystem-based approaches across scientific disciplines and sectoral types of expertise, involving engagement with the full range of stakeholders, can unlock this high potential, the sustainable exploitation of which is the main challenge of the proposed innovative approach.
Environment and societal goals including biodiversity: Climate change, pollution, natural and man-made phenomena and hazards Research provides the necessary scientific underpinning to the formulation and implementation of workable policies and strategies for marine governance at local, regional and global levels, and contributes to the dissemination of appropriate best practices and technological solutions. To be most effective, this relies on an ecosystem-based approach which fully engages all the relevant stakeholders.
An ecosystem-based approach is the most effective for the implementation of policies and strategies for marine governance
The specific areas in which the contribution of research is needed include: developing the ecosystem-based management approach, including marine spatial planning; the development of technical and managerial/institutional solutions for coastal zone protection and management; sustainable management of resources and restoration of degraded marine ecosystems; environmental monitoring technologies GOOS (Global Ocean Observing System), GMES (Global Monitoring for Environmental Security); assessment tools; safe maritime transport, ship disposal and secure maritime structures. Furthermore, research helps in fighting the pollution of seas (oil, SO 2, NO x, acidification) and of eco-systems, including species transfer, mitigation or preparedness for natural disasters (tsunami, typhoon, flooding), and understanding the global climate change. Land-shore interfaces (especially discharges to the sea) are also Research helps in fighting a main concern of research activities, as well as marine safety and security pollution and in setting (cf. the new international port security rules), piracy (a real, current international standards problem in some parts of the world traversed by European shipping) and terrorist threats. The development and implementation of international standards is also based on the results of advanced research projects, in particular when these are considered within a global framework, such as the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) initiative to develop the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). The European fisheries and aquaculture research community needs to grow further to be capable of addressing the new challenges facing Europe, where the move towards an ecosystembased management of natural resources will require answers to very complex questions.
Supporting capacities and decision making: Human resources, dissemination, awareness and education, knowledge transfer, need and effective use of European research infrastructure Research results provide the necessary science-knowledge base and communication strategy to inform citizens and the society at large on marine A well-communicated resource development, restoration, conservation and sustainable use, research encourages the contributing to the quality of life. It will ensure that knowledge generated by creation of new opportunities research directly and visibly contributes to socio-economic development and innovation, and that Europe has the necessary research infrastructure to tackle Europes research and societal challenges effectively. These are some of the answers to the objectives set up by the Barcelona European Council in March 2002, which aim at a competitive economy based on knowledge combined with responsible international co-operation. The development of future policies demands an early scientific input in the process. Wellcommunicated research provides the knowledge enabling the formulation of realistic and enforceable regulations and the creation of new opportunities. The dimension and mechanisms where research can provide support should be specifically considered within each policy area. The development and successful implementation of the ongoing Common Fisheries Policy reform, for example, is highly dependent on research and scientifically based advice. The Scientific Support to Policy theme in the European Communitys Sixth Research Framework Programme has been a successful tool; considerable benefits are expected from this activity, which is proven to be a cost-effective mechanism, capable of effectively bringing new concepts and management tools into policy actions. (cf. Showcase Research in Support to Policy.)
The European Research Area addresses the fragmentation of European research and aims at avoiding duplication of efforts
1 1
Structuring, strengthening and coordinating effects and the consequent increased impact can be achieved through: Connectivity: Between sectors and policy domains The crosscutting nature of research is reflected in the Maritime Policy: the extent and mechanisms where research can provide support are specifically considered within each policy area. The development of the future policies requires an early scientific input to the process, as research provides the necessary knowledge to enable the formulation of realistic and enforceable regulations, and the creation of opportunities. Within the logic of the innovative comprehensive approach, the sectoral separation of research activities can be overcome by a trans- and interdisciplinary cross-fertilisation including socio-economic research to be developed in the framework of a marine research agenda. Moreover, engagement with the full range of stakeholders is to be encouraged to facilitate uptake of results and increase impact.
A marine research agenda can contribute towards overcoming the sectoral separation by means of a trans- and interdisciplinary cross-fertilisation
Research in support of Community Policies (Specific Support to Policies activity in FP6), Technology Platforms within an industrial context and ERA-NET activities (networking of national or regional research programmes) within a science-driven context are important examples of how connectivity is being improved at European, national and regional levels. These instruments can be fully exploited within a European Maritime Policy. By its very nature, marine research has many international aspects and will have to be further internationalised in line with globalisation trends. This implies a need to both attract talent and experience from other parts of the world to work with European teams in pursuit of knowledge and viable solutions in Europe, and to bring European expertise to bear on problem solving in the socio-economic context of international co-operation partner countries.
All Framework Programme instruments are relevant for supporting a European Maritime Policy
Complementarity: Exploiting the synergies and complementarities at international, European, national and regional levels Commonalities are recognised between different EU policy areas which may previously have operated in isolation: Regional Aid support, under the Interreg II programme, and research activities in coastal regions; research projects that relate to the clean disposal of ships managed by the Directorate General for The Maritime Policy provides Research, which are of a direct interest to the Directorate General a focus for coordinating for Environment. Ocean monitoring systems arising from advanced different initiatives and can be a catalyst for further communication technologies can provide data for both the environmental actions programmes and for monitoring the movements of ships for security and regulatory purposes, not only in Europe but also in other parts of the world. The multi-annual programme for fisheries data collection may also be beneficial to others users (DG ENV, RTD). EUREKA, COST and national programmes can provide a complement at a European level. Specific international co-operation actions are an integral part of FPs and will facilitate addressing some of the international dimensions of any marine policy. The development of an ERA that is open to the world reduces these overlaps and ensures complementarities as a longstanding goal for European Research. The Maritime Policy provides a focus for these coordination activities and can be a catalyst for further actions. The regions are becoming increasingly more important in Europe, as are globalisation processes and interconnectedness between different regions and countries in the world; this is also well reflected in research. Building on the successful pilot scheme initiated under FP6, the Regions of Knowledge action in FP7 aims at strengthening the research potential The Regions of Knowledge of European regions, in particular by encouraging and supporting the initiative supports the development of researchdevelopment of research-driven regional clusters, associating regional driven regional clusters authorities, universities, research centres and enterprises. Such clusters would cover joint analysis of regional research agendas; regions with a less developed research profile would be mentored by highly developed ones based on an R&D focused cluster building; these are initiatives to improve the integration of research actors and institutions in regional economies, via their interactions at cluster level. In this context, the role of European Structural Funds will have an increased importance, focusing on knowledge, research and innovation in the future The complementary role of in order to fully implement growth and employment, as indicated in the European Structural Funds Lisbon strategy. It is possible to envisage that a number of activities related to research and innovation such as regional clusters, poles of excellence, technology transfer, business support services and human capital development can be financed from the Structural Funds, with a major gearing effect on more specific scientific research activities.
International co-operation in research, but also in other relevant policy areas from foreign relations and development to trade and environment, is particularly pertinent to marine issues, which are by their nature international to a very large degree. Curiosity: Exploring the new frontiers of knowledge The oceans, like space, have a role to stimulate human beings fundamental desire to explore and understand their environment. The greatest proportion of our planet is covered by oceans and is still largely unexplored. There is a vast potential for curiosity-driven research to advance knowledge and understand the sea and maritime phenomena, which often have a huge social or economic impact (cf. for example the effects of El Nio, sea ice, etc). This innate curiosity provides underlying fundamental knowledge, which is of unknown future benefit, but cannot be ignored. Such curiosity-driven explorations have been the basis for creating new knowledge and advancing existing understanding, thereby also leading to many innovations. A wide range of basic maritime research opportunities is available in Europe, and the involvement and engagement of European scientists is crucial. In particular, the proposed FP7 foresees support for basic, knowledge-driven research of this type, and this will be carried out by the European Research Council.
The added value of R&D action at EU level: overcoming the fragmentation of R&D investment Community research is a vehicle that streamlines R&D investments, adding value through coordination and the transfer of knowledge across frontiers. EU R&D fosters excellence through training, mobility, career development and competition at European level. EU research funding has a significant economic impact: each euro invested in Framework Programmes leads to a mid- to long-term economic return of between four and seven euros Participants at EU level are willing to invest additional resources of their own to have access to foreign researchers and output in a way that national funds cannot provide; EU projects have large economic multipliers associated with them, as the pooling of competencies and resources increases the likelihood of a breakthrough in a given area.
The European Community research Framework Programmes evolved within their scientific and technical approaches
There has been an evolution of the underlying approaches of FPs from a largely technologydriven approach (FP4: 1994-1998), through problem solving (FP5: 1998-2002) to the establishment of the European Research Area within FP6 (2002-2006). Examples of the different approaches in the marine-related sector are given below. In the aquatic/marine areas there are some noteworthy initiatives of organising and archiving basic knowledge on marine life in publicly Storing and disseminating accessible forms supported by the research and co-operation activities basic knowledge of the European Commission. One example is the web-based archive of scientifically validated information, FishBase, which serves more than 2 million users each month (>20 million hits) and has more than 1 000 voluntary collaborators from all over the world. ( Initiatives for promoting the progressive adoption of an ecosystembased approach to fisheries management, notably through the use of An ecosystem-based area-based fishery management tools, are also of relevance. Specific approach to fisheries and complementary research projects funded under FP6 investigate the management potential of different regimes in protected areas as a measure to preserve sensitive and endangered species, habitats and ecosystems from the effects of fishing. (see page 16). Work on species transfers through ballast water have also involved Europeans in leading positions and involved dynamic international collaborations. However, as previously mentioned, European research is still often fragmented with research efforts being partially duplicated at the national level. Consequently, building the ERA is a major initiative to address these weaknesses. It aims at integrating and coordinating European research efforts, at better structuring research capacity and engages with a range of stakeholders both within Europe and internationally.
The Framework Programme needs to be complemented with substantially increased Member State investment and stronger connection between research and society
Europe could enjoy better socio-economic benefits when the Framework Programme is complemented with substantially increased Member State investment in research and a stronger connection between research and society. A recent model calculation shows that doubling the EU research budget would cause Europes GDP in 2030 to be 1.6% larger than under a business as usual scenario. This figure would be as large as 4.8% if Member States doubled their growth rates of research investment during the duration of FP7 (2006-2013). R&D investments are a clear driver for growth and innovation, but a study of the European Environment Agency in 2001 (Late lessons from early warnings) showed that it can take between 30 and 150 years to achieve uptake of research results, unless there is stakeholder engagement and specific attention paid to communication beyond the scientific community. Therefore, financing European research co-operation together with the structuring influence of the EU research programme on national funding schemes adds value.
Stakeholders engagement and specific attention paid to communication beyond the scientific community are essential to achieve uptake of research results
Maritime Research in FPs 4-6 Due to the complexity of the challenge at European and international levels, there has been increased support for research activities within the maritime field over the FPs (Figure 1). EC support to maritime related research (in Million ) 600 500 400 300 FP4 (1994-1998) 200 FP5 (1998-2002) 100 FP6 (2002-2006) 0 Although maritime research is not a single thematic priority within FP6, a wide range of marine-related research activities are undertaken under the different thematic priorities managed by Directorates responsible for Ecosystems, Sustainable Transport and Energy, Space, Biotechnology, Food Quality and Safety, International Co-operation and research for Policy Support (reflecting its crosscutting nature).
A significant amount of EC RTD funding has been devoted to marine-related research projects in FP6
An analysis of these activities shows that within FP6 more than 600 million of European funding has been provided to date towards research projects in the maritime domain (Figure 2).
4% 3% 6%
4% 4% 4% 11%
4% 3%
202,79 .*--*0/ 33% 154,26 .*--*0/ 25% 65,23 .*--*0/ 11% 23,42 .*--*0/ 23,68 .*--*0/ 4% 2% 4% 12,44 .*--*0/ 25,58 .*--*0/ 4% 4%
Within FP6, emphasis is given to activities enhancing and structuring synergies within the ERA. A significant instrument in building the ERA is the ERA-NET scheme. Initiatives such as BONUS (Baltic Sea Science Network of funding agencies) and Marine-ERA (Marine RTD programmes in Europe) stimulate and support programme coordination and joint activities at both national and regional levels (see page 17). FP6 introduced new concepts and tools, such as the Networks of Excellence, to structure thematic research domains better by supporting long-lasting collaborations and integration, and Integrated Projects, aimed at gathering the necessary multidisciplinary critical mass around a specific research theme. (Ref. project show case: EUR-OCEANS; MERSEA.)
Galway Declaration
This is an initiative following the 2004 Galway European conference, led by the Irish EU presidency and bringing together environmental research bodies and commercial operators on a common declaration concerning marine research. The Galway declaration calls on the European Commission and the Member States to recognise: the crucial role of the oceans in climate patterns, carbon cycle and life on Earth; the major contribution that maritime industries can make to the achievement of the objectives outlined in the Lisbon Agenda; the essential role of marine science and technology in generating the knowledge needed to fuel this economic achievement in harmony with the environment; the critical role the European Research Area and the Seventh Research Framework Programme must play in supporting the world-class excellence in marine science and technology.
The Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7) The Commissions ambitious proposals for FP7 are designed to meet the needs of the Lisbon Strategy to build a Europe of Knowledge. FP7 represents a flagship programme for enhancing knowledge in Europe with also considerable potential for partner countries and regions. The core of the proposed FP7 is the Co-operation Specific Programme which will support research in a number of thematic areas corresponding to major fields of knowledge and technology where trans-national cooperation can address European social, economic, environmental and industrial challenges.
Crosscutting relevance of marine and maritime issues in the Co-operation Specific Programme
Research relating to marine and maritime issues is integrated into all of the Themes, but in particular into those on Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology; on Environment (including Climate Change) and on Transport (including Aeronautics). The definition of the research to be supported under the Themes builds upon the input received from a wide range of stakeholders, such as contributions from policy Directorates General, international commitments of the Union, and Technology Platforms. In the context of maritime research, particularly relevant contributions were the Galway Declaration (see page 19) and the Waterborne Technology Platform (see page 22). The implementation of FP7 foresees both a need to coordinate marine and maritime research across the relevant Themes and the flexibility to respond to new policy needs as they arise.(1) This will be achieved by supporting collaborative research through a range of funding schemes: Collaborative Projects, Networks of Excellence, Coordination/Support Actions. The Environment Theme will support research targeted at the sustainable management of the environment and its resources through advancing our knowledge on the interactions between the biosphere, ecosystems and human activities, and developing new technologies, tools and services in order to address global marine issues in an integrated way.
Emphasis will be put on the prediction of climate, ecological, earth and ocean systems changes; and on tools and technologies for the monitoring, prevention and mitigation of environmental pressures and risks. Research will also help to develop an ecosystem-based approach, whereby human activities affecting the marine environment will be managed in an integrated manner promoting conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way of oceans and seas. Marine spatial planning will also play an important role in developing the ecosystem-based approach to the management of Europes marine resources.
In addition, coordination of national research programmes will be strengthened, including a possible initiative for a joint programme according to art. 169 of the Treaty(2) concerning Baltic Sea research (see page 17). Further relevant elements have been reinforced in the FP7 proposal, including promotion of researcher training and careers within the People programme (see page 23), and strengthened support to European research infrastructure and new activities to address research potential at a regional level (within the Capacities programme).
European research infrastructures are a key factor in increasing competitiveness in both fundamental and applied research
The access to effective research infrastructures in Europe is a key factor in increasing competitiveness in both fundamental and applied research. A strategy on research infrastructures at European level provides added value by pooling talent, maximising resources and generating a strategic vision for research in the European Research Area. European support for infrastructure may be relevant to maritime research, such as support for marine research vessels, climate modelling super-computing facilities, a pan-European multi-disciplinary sea-floor observation network, etc. The Seventh Research Framework Programme is designed to have strong links to other Community Programmes supporting the knowledge economy and society, in particular the proposed Structural Funds, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme and the educational programmes. In order to achieve the desired level of impact, it will require stronger R&D efforts on the part of Member States, with more effective coordination between the EU, national and regional levels.
FP links with Structural Funds, Competitiveness and Innovation Programme and educational programmes
It is explicitly mentioned that special attention will be paid to priority scientific areas which cut across themes, such as marine science and technologies (2) In implementing the multiannual framework programme, the Community may make provision, in agreement with the Member States concerned, for participation in research and development programmes undertaken by several Member States, including participation in the structures created for the execution of those programmes.
Apart from general business objectives and management, WATERBORNE TP is mainly building on the know-how of navigators, naval architects and marine engineers who drive the development in all the subsectors included in the technology platform. The Waterborne Technology Platform is a consensus-based forum. The objective of WATERBORNE TP is to bundle the efforts of the European waterborne actors, to remain champions, in maritime transport, in the production of efficient and safe vessels as well as the related systems and equipment, in providing infrastructure and logistics for ports and waterways, in offshore technology and for leisure craft to continue to create value and highly qualified employment opportunities in Europe. Consequently the platform is industry-driven but includes, with equal importance, universities and research institutes, EU Member States, the European Commission and other stakeholders relevant to society as a whole.
For example, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) The International Council for has gained a reputation for providing impartial and reliable scientific advice the Exploration of the Sea to fisheries and environmental policy. Its main role is to coordinate and provides impartial, reliable promote marine research in the North Atlantic, including adjacent seas such scientific advice to fisheries as the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. Furthermore, ICES provides advice and environmental policy and information on issues related to the marine ecosystem with focus on the impact of fisheries. This includes some of the largest databases in the world on these subjects. It should also be noted that there is no similar organisation for the Mediterranean Sea or the Black Sea which provides the same quality of advice, and with the same impartiality and regularity. An integrated and holistic approach should serve to achieve objectives at regional level (broad knowledge- and technology-related questions of common interest), European level (best use of research facilities, technology transfer and An integrated and holistic research in support of Community Policies) and global level (knowledge of approach achieves the international concern such as climate change, operational oceanography, objectives at all levels, from regional to global polar, tropical and marine ecosystem research for restoration and conservation, Earth observation, ocean research, drilling, transport, etc).
4.4 Exploiting research results for the benet of the European economy
It is commonly acknowledged that Europe produces almost one third of the worlds scientific knowledge. At the same time, Europe is less successful in converting these achievements into commercial technologies and socioeconomic innovation.
Among the reasons for this are: The slow co-evolution of a whole range of areas which need to reach a tipping point before new technologies can be adopted on a broad front A relatively weak effort in communicating science on a sufficiently broad front and in a manner that facilitates uptake and appropriation A growing gap between the perceptions of social actors about challenges and opportunities, and those of researchers working on the fundamentals of nature and society. If Europes high social expenditure and environmental costs are to be turned into an asset, Europes competitiveness and growth must be based on creativity and ideas, investment in people and institutions, and on a healthy environment. The focus must remain, if not be intensified, on improving the knowledge triangle: the way knowledge is produced through research, diffused through education, and used and applied through innovation and policy implementation.
The knowledge triangle: research produces knowledge to be diffused through education, and used and applied through innovation
Public spending in RDI represents the best possible investment in Europe s future. The creation of a knowledge-based economy will allow the safeguarding of the European model of society, without having to find compromises between economic growth, social cohesion and environmental protection.
A public that is better informed and more engaged could lead to a transparent culture of explanation, consultation and dialogue, which means democratic governance based on a degree of trust. Foremost, researchers need to acquire better communication skills or seek support from people with such skills, as a constituent part of the way science needs to be done under todays conditions. Societal debate could also naturally lead to new avenues in science through new questions raised by concerned stakeholders. The Green Paper, Towards a future Maritime Policy for the Union: a European vision for the oceans and the seas, examines all activities linked to or influencing the oceans and seas. The wide consultation launched with this Green Paper is targeted to both stakeholders and the general public, with the aim of getting fresh input for the optimisation of ways of getting most benefits from the oceans in a sustainable manner.
A better informed and more engaged public leads to societal debate, thus opening new avenues in science
Research is a cornerstone in the development of such a policy, therefore communicating research and engaging with the public is more than a priority. It is an obligation in order to put the potential of the oceans at the right level of public perception and to ensure that citizens experience the benefits of this common heritage of humankind, and understand the need for public research into its better understanding and sustainable use. What do Europeans actually think about science?
Two Eurobarometer reports published in June 2005 demonstrated that 71% of EU citizens agree that collaborative research at EU level is growing in importance and 59% consider that the EU should spend more money on scientific research. In spite of the overall result, some critical messages came out of the survey: Europeans tend to resist some technologies. For example, 54% of Europeans consider that food made from genetically modified organisms is dangerous. Although there is an overwhelming recognition of what science and technology have done for society until now, people also see negative impacts, for example on the environment and employment. A majority of people believe that computer technologies eliminate more jobs than they create. There is still a comprehension gap between science and society. Europeans feel badly informed and not very involved in science and technology issues. Efforts still need to be made to bring science and technology closer to people and to foster communication between scientists and the public. This duality is also valid for the image Europeans have of scientists: people recognise the positive role scientists play in society but there is also some criticism of the way scientists explain their achievements and handle information towards the public. At the same time, 64% of Europeans agree that our economy can only become competitive by applying the most advanced technologies and acknowledge the role S&T play today in industrial development. Eighty-seven percent agree that science and technology have improved their quality of life and 77% believe they will continue to do so for future generations. Europeans expect more investment in scientific research, both at national and at EU level, a more intensive collaboration between researchers in Europe, and more coordination between Member States, in which the EU must play a key role. Regarding science and technology decision-making, 73% of EU citizens want politicians to rely more on expert scientists.
The consultation launched with the Green Paper, entitled Towards a future Maritime Policy for the Union, is an opportunity to communicate research and engage with the public
Earths atmosphere plays an important role in the Earths climate and in possible climate change. Several strong feedback mechanisms in the climate system are strongly influenced by the
processes in the UTLS but the sparse knowledge of these processes is one of the weaknesses in current climate prediction. The Action is trying to advance the understanding of the state of the global UTLS, in order to provide an improved basis for policy advice in connection with global change.
Action 724: Developing the basis for monitoring, modelling and predicting space weather Space weather is succinctly defined as: conditions on the sun and in the solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere that can influence the performance and reliability of space-borne and ground-based technological systems and can endanger human life or health. The impact of space weather ranges from technical problems with satellites arising from charged particles to problems experienced by power transmission grid operators on the ground during geomagnetic storms. The main goal of the Action is to develop a European framework for the science underpinning space weather applications, as well as exploring methods for providing a comprehensive range of space weather services to a variety of users, based on modelling and monitoring of the Sun-Earth system. AGRICULTURE: Action 867: Welfare of fish in European aquaculture The welfare of farmed fish is a subject of increasing concern within Europe. This Action is focused on the provision of a secure foundation for the development of operational welfare indicators, in order to monitor and safeguard the welfare of farmed fish. Identifying and measuring welfare requires a better scientific understanding of the fundamental physiological and behavioural capacities of fish. URBAN CIVIL ENGINEERING: Action C22: Urban flood management The main objective of the Action is to increase knowledge required for preventing and mitigating potential flood impacts to urban areas by exchanging experiences, developing integrated approaches, and by promoting the diffusion of best practices in urban flood management. CHEMISTRY: Action D28: Natural products as a source for discovery, synthesis and application of new pharmaceuticals The main objective of the Action is the target-orientated discovery of new natural products with an important biological profile based on new and unusual sources, e.g. secondary metabolites of bacteria or marine organisms combined with efforts to synthesise these molecules by the use of novel strategies and methods. The development of new strategies to synthesise complex natural products is the second main objective. As a result, a broad screening of analogues will be possible. Structure activity data will then be used to refine the pharmacophore model further, enabling the rational design and synthesis of more focused active compounds. Action D33: Nanoscale electrochemical and bio-processes (corrosion) at solidaqueous interfaces of industrial materials The main objective of the Action is to develop the understanding of biochemical processes at solid-aqueous interfaces leading to a universal approach to all biofouling-related issues. For more information on COST and individual Actions:
INNOFISK (UMBRELLA) The InnoFisk Umbrella aims at the creation of a European-wide platform to combine research and development capabilities and expertise in order to generate projects in the area of fish breeding throughout the entire fish production chain, assuming sustainability and transparency as clear preconditions, and reinforcing the all-encompassing fork-to-farm approach in which high quality and safe food prevails. The following principles lie at the basis of the InnoFisk Umbrella: 1. Animal well-being: create a breeding environment with sufficient freedom of movement and minimise stress in order to avoid outbreak of diseases. 2. Sustainability: avoid environmental pollution and avoid the use of antibiotics and harmful chemicals. Make use of natural organic resources where possible and try to reach an optimal feed conversion ratio. 3. Biodiversity: avoid escapes of farmed fish to natural populations and find alternative solutions for the use of fishmeal and fish-oil. 4. Consumer acceptance: produce high-quality farmed fish with a good texture and make the fish farming chain transparent, for instance by developing a hallmark. LOGCHAIN (UMBRELLA) Building of advanced freight chains and logistics technology LOGCHAIN is aimed at improving international freight transport within Europe through the development and optimisation of continuous logistic chains between shipper and receiver. This can be achieved by integrating innovative techniques, advanced forms of organisation, efficient operating procedures and novel IT applications. Central to the initiative is the concept known as intermodal transport a mixture of different modes of transportation (road, rail and inland waterways). The overriding political objective of LOGCHAIN is to shift freight traffic from Europes roads and highways to rail and waterways. It provides actors in the European transport sector and transport research community with a platform for launching co-operative research projects, aimed at redesigning cross-border freight transport in such a way so as to make it friendlier to the environment, more efficient and more customer-oriented (
EUROGIA (CLUSTER) Eureka Oil and Gas Industry Initiative for sustainable development and a secure energy supply for a cleaner/safer future EUROGIA is an Oil and Gas Industry Initiative for sustainable development and a more secure energy supply for a cleaner and safer future. EUROGIAs primary purpose is to initiate the technological developments that are fundamental to ensuring a better management of fossil fuels, in order to facilitate a rapid migration towards the hydrogen economy. This will be achieved in the following two ways: Reserving management optimisation by adding up new reserves, which is, therefore, an essential element of the energy strategy Decarbonising the fossil energy chain, moving instead towards a wider use of natural gas and, in the long-term, migration towards the hydrogen economy. EUROGIA was initiated by a group of European industrialists representing the largest possible market segments. They are supported by public and private research institutes specialised in the accompanying disciplines of geosciences, information technology, materials, fluids mechanics, marine science, etc. ( INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS: E!3194 FORCE 8 Broadband Satellite Services and Technologies for Maritime Communications Duration: 36 months Total Cost: 3.09 million The project aims are to provide broadband satellite services for maritime environments, based on standards and infrastructure of European satellite network operators (Ip, Dvb, Mpe). It will use innovative antenna technologies. E!3065 INCOWATRANS Environmentally Friendly Inland and Coastal Ships for Polish East-West Waterways Duration: 43 months Total cost: 7 million A study of the technical conditions of Polish inland and coastal waterways and its modernisation perspectives, economical analysis of transport conditions and needs. The development of environmentally friendly inland waterways and coastal ships. E!3593 SAFEPASEA Safe Passenger Transport at Sea Duration: 21 months Total cost: 3.1 million Develop and validate methodologies and tools for the safer design, construction and operations of the next generation of cruise and ferry ships with specific attention to propulsion and steering devices. E!3509 EUROAGRI+ SLURRY ICE (Sub-umbrella) Advanced Technology for a Compact, Low-energy Expenditure Wiped Surface Crystalliser System Duration: 12 months Total cost: 0.5 million To develop a new wiped surface crystalliser system that produces liquid slurry ice using innovative technology. The product will have small dimensions making it suitable for installation in supermarkets and fishing vessels, thus using a minimum amount of valuable space.
E!2278 WWEC R&TD for the Wavebob Wave Energy Converter (Finished - 19 August 2002) Duration: 12 months Total cost: 0.5 million Wavebob is a novel wave energy-converter that generates up to three times more power from the sea than previous models. With the buoy placed far offshore, it can be rapidly tuned to the waves frequency for maximum efficiency. E!2600 SALINITY POWER Power Production based on the Osmotic Pressure Difference between Fresh Water and Seawater (Finished-18 October 2004) Duration: 43 months Total cost: 2.69 million The objective is to develop a technical foundation for the development of salinity power as a competitive power source for the production of electricity. E!2835 SAFENVSHIP Safe And Environmentally Friendly Passenger Ships Duration: 42 months Total cost: 15.33 million Develop, evaluate and validate methodologies and tools for design of the next generation cruise/ferry ships related to: 1. safety fire protection, structural (hydro-elasticity) and wind effects/evaluation; 2. environment clean sea/air. E!2326 GPSFISH Positioning System for Marine Fauna Duration: 36 months Total cost: 0.89 million Fish are tagged with a positioning tag which can receive acoustic sounds transmitted by sonar. By modulating the signal with the GPS position, the tag attached to the fish can receive the sonar position and define that position. E!2772 BALTECOLOGICALSHIP Environment Friendly Ships for the BalticArea Duration: 38 months Total cost: 7.12 million Development of environmentally friendly diverse cargo ship types, ecological construction processes, technological and business risk management models, and cost-effective Polish/ Swedish infrastructure. For more information about the Eureka initiative:
Project Showcase
Project Showcase
This section is aimed at illustrating the impact of research on the various challenges faced by Europe through some examples of FP funded projects. The examples also show how the different programmes contribute to the common goals. Environment and Societal goals Competitiveness Improved understanding of the Marine Environment and supporting Infrastructure Towards Coordinating and Structuring ERA The International Dimension of Marine Research Research in Support to Policy
DAMOCLES: Arctic Modelling and Observation for Long-term Environmental Studies Damocles is an Integrated Project that addresses uncertainties concerning the rate and the predicted possible disappearance of Arctic sea ice and the consequent social economic impacts. The effect of this disappearance would be a 40% increase in the summer heat absorbed by the Artic ocean, and the large environmental consequences of this change would particularly affect the inhabitants of Europe, North America and Russia. Damocles brings together 47 institutions (including 10 SMEs) in 12 EU countries to identify the on-going changes, evaluate the confidence in simulation models and predict the socioeconomic impacts. Ultimately the project will increase the timeframe for the forecasting of extreme environmental events in the Arctic and consequently improve societies ability to mitigate for their impacts. QUANTIFY: Quantifying the impact on climate from European Transport Systems The Integrated Project QUANTIFY determines the impact on global climate from European transport modes, using both the current situation and a number of future scenarios. Of particular interest are emissions of ozone precursors, CO 2, N20 and particulates from shipping. In addition, the project examines contrails and ship tracks. The project is expected to contribute to better emission inventories and provide a sound underlying body of knowledge to support policy. CARBOOCEAN: Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment This Integrated Project aims at an accurate assessment of the marine carbon sources and links. Its targets include reducing the present uncertainties in the quantification of net annual air-sea CO2 fluxes of the worlds ocean. The project is based on three elements observations, process studies and integrative modelling equivalent to description, understanding and prediction. It will deliver a marine carbon balance for the last 200 years based on high quality observations; a process-based understanding of the marine carbon cycle response to a change in forcing as derived from process studies in the field, in the laboratory, and through modelling; integrated carbon budgets for the interval -200 to +200 years from now by synthesis of a modelling network. (
Project Showcase
Sustainable economic and wealth generation
InterSHIP: Improving European shipbuilding InterSHIP is an EU-funded project aimed at increasing EU shipbuilders competitiveness by improving the integration of tools and methods used to design and manufacture complex vessels. It will enable shipyard engineers to analyse simultaneously leading-edge knowledge in environmental aspects, safety, comfort and cost-efficiency, ensuring that optimum solutions can be obtained for the total life cycle of vessels such as cruise ships or gas carriers. The project brings together a significant proportion of the European production capacity, and proposes a programme that will advance the integration of production processes in shipyards and reinforce future research and industrial co-operation among Europes shipyards. SEAFOODplus: The consumer-driven concept for promoting health with safe, high quality seafood The benefits to human health of regularly eating seafood have led to an increase in fish farming and market demand, which needs to be further developed by maintaining the quality and safety of farmed and caught seafood, and tailoring products to consumers wishes. The concentration on six main themes (seafood and nutrition, consumer health, safety and risk-benefit analysis, new products, aquaculture, traceability) will enable promoting the production, marketing and consumption of better and safer fish of all kinds. CHITOMED: Seafood waste that heals The processing of shrimp and similar crustaceans by the seafood industries generates large volumes of shells, generally as a waste product. However, this material contains a potentially useful chemical, chitin, which is an abundant biodegradable fibrous polymer that could be used in a number of industrial and medical applications. The CHITOMED project is investigating the production of biomedical textiles from dibutyrylchitin and chitin, aiming to produce biocompatible dressings that will aid the healing of wounds. ENDOW: Efcient offshore wind farms Europe has large offshore wind energy potential that can contribute substantially to providing a clean, renewable and secure supply of energy. The ENDOW project will reduce uncertainties in estimating power production due to wake effects in large offshore wind farms. By evaluating wake models in offshore environments, ENDOW will produce a tool that can to assist planners and developers in getting the most out of offshore wind farms.
Wave Dragon: Turning waves into energy Offshore waves carry a great deal of power and the Wave Dragon project is developing ways to turn this power into clean energy. The concept is based on a wave energy converter. Two wave reflectors focus the incoming waves towards a ramp leading to a reservoir that collects the seawater and then the water reservoir flows out through hydro turbines, like a hydropower plant. The main aims are the development and testing of the floating structure, of small head hydro turbines operational in seawater and of a control strategy to maximise power generation. A prototype was built and launched in a Danish fjord and connected to the grid, thus becoming the worlds first offshore wave energy plant to deliver electricity. VIRTUE: Virtual Tank Utility in Europe VIRTUE will develop new and improved components and software tools to deliver concise and comprehensive numerical analysis of marine hydrodynamic behaviour. It constitutes an EU-wide initiative of leading marine Computational Fluid Dynamics (CDF) players to create a Virtual Basin by integrating advanced numerical fluid analysis tools to tackle multi-criteria hydrodynamic performance optimisation of ships in a comprehensive and holistic approach. It aims to complement model testing in real basins and thus substantially enhance the provision of current services to the marine industry, and nurture development of innovative design techniques and concepts. This will help increase the competitiveness of the EU shipbuilding and shipping industries, promote a truly European co-operation with strong structuring and integration effects, strengthen SMEs through involvement in leading-edge developments as a means to gaining and sustaining competitive advantage and leadership, and enhance quality and safety in waterborne transportation.
Project Showcase
MARBEF: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning The MARBEF network will address the long and large-scale changes in marine ecosystems, including the rising of anthropogenic pressures on marine biodiversity. The creation of this network aims at integrating research efforts by forming a particular group of marine scientists and institutes, and creating a virtual European institute with a long-term research programme and dedicated links with industry and the public at large. MARBEF will also contribute to fill gaps in the information needs of a large and growing number of stakeholders that depends on the sustainable use and exploitation of marine biodiversity. This includes tourism, fisheries and aquaculture but also new industries which explore and commercialise marine genetic and chemical products. (
Project Showcase
Project Showcase
Exposed jetties:
Coastal trade activities rely on jetties for the shifting of marine cargo. Traditionally, these facilities are constructed in naturally sheltered locations or are protected by artificial breakwaters. Recent years have seen demand increase for the development of large single-use industrial terminals, especially for the loading and unloading of liquid natural gas (LNG) and liquid petroleum gas (LPG). These terminals require deep water, but are often located in remote areas where there is no existing infrastructure, no wave shelter, and where the construction of new protective structures would not be cost-effective. Thus, modern jetties now have to be built in such exposed locations, requiring new design and better understanding of the dynamics of wave-current-structure interaction.
BONUS for the Baltic Sea network of funding agencies European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling Coordination of national and regional marine RTD activities in Europe European Concerted Action to foster prevention and best response to accidental marine pollution An ERA-Net in biodiversity research The European Polar Consortium: strategic coordination and networking of European polar RTD programmes Control Objectives and Shellfish Target Assurance Levels Climate Impact Research Coordination within a Larger Europe Coordination of research financed in the EU on flood risk management Maritime technologies Coordination of European marine fisheries research programmes
Total funding: 16.3 million
3.00* 2.40 2.95 1.68 2.84 3.00 0.19 2.96 3.00 2.00 3.00
Marine Environment and Security for the European Area Port environment information collector Data integration system for eutrophication assessment in coastal waters
Total funding: 39.6 million
Integrated Projects (IP) SEAFOODplus Promoting health, together with safe, high quality seafood in a consumer-driven fork-to-farm concept Imaquanim AQUAMAX Improved immunity of aqua-cultured animals Sustainable aquafeeds to maximise the health benefits of farmed fish for consumers
Specic Targeted Research or Innovation Projects (STREP) BIOTOXMARIN Development of novel analytic tools for the detection of marine biotoxins DETECTOX BIOTOXMARIN Development of an SPR-based biosensor for the detection of lipophilic phycotoxins in shellfish residues Development of cost-effective tools for risk management and traceability systems for marine biotoxins in seafood
* in Million
Networks of Excellence MARSTRUCT Network of Excellence in marine structures VISIONS HTA Visionary concepts for vessels and floating structures An alliance to enhance the maritime testing infrastructure in the EU
Specic Targeted Research or Innovation Projects (STREP) CREATING Concepts to reduce environmental impact and attain optimal transport performance by inland navigation DSS-DC ECODOCK LOGBASED NG2SHIPI/F POP&C ROTISII SAFECRAFTS SAFEICE SAFETOW SHIPMATES ADOPT CAS Decision Support System for ships in Degraded Condition Environmentally friendly coatings for ship building and ships in operation Logistics-based design New generation natural gas ship interfaces Pollution prevention and control of safe transportation of hazardous goods by tankers Remotely Operated Tanker Inspection System II Safe abandoning of ships, improvement of current lifesaving appliance systems Increasing the safety of icebound shipping Strategic Aid For Escort Tugs at Work Ship repair to maintain transport which is environmentally sustainable Advanced decision support system for ship design, operation and training Cost-effective inspection and structural maintenance for ship safety and environmental protection throughout its life cycle
Double Inverted Funnel for Intervention on Shipwrecks Elimination Units for Marine Oil Pollution Gas Import Floating Terminal Hull Identification System for Marine Autonomous Robotics Oil Sea Harvester Cost-effective and environmentally sound dismantling of obsolete vessels Superior life-time operation economy of ship propellers Sustainable ballast water management plant Container Handling in Intermodal Nodes optimal and secure Boat hulls with enhanced performance Production to improve total efficiency of new generation short sea shipping Development of lightweight modules for transport systems, featuring efficient production and lifecycle benefits of structural and functional integrity using risk-based design Decision support system for ship operation in rough weather Design of improved and competitive products using an integrated decision support system for ship production and operation Development of new thermal spraying equipment and technology for production of components for marine transport engines Progressive Oil Sensor System for Extended Identification Online Design of an innovative system for the drive and control of port cranes for safe remote operation Sustainable methods for optimal design and operation of ships with air-lubricated hulls Passenger intermodality knowledge base
1.80 1.90 2.30 1.10 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.70 1.50 1.40 2.50 2.50
1.70 2.50 1.00 1.20 2.20 1.50 1.25 0.80 1.00 0.70 0.90 0.60 0.50
Coordination Actions (CA) INMARE Technologies and methodologies for safe, environmentally friendly and efficient shipping operations in the future ACMARE CAREMAR SPREEX ALERT CAPOEIRA Coordination Action to implement an advisory council for maritime transport research in Europe Coordinated academic RTD and education-supporting innovation in marine industries Spill response experience Assessment of life-cycle effect on repairs to tankers Coordination Action on ports for the integration of efficient innovations and development of adequate research, development and innovation activities Maritime Transport Coordination Platform Intermodal technologies and strategies European passenger intermodality forum
Specic Support Actions (SSA) CRONET-DAYS Promoting and facilitating ERA-networking between European Contract Research Organisations (CRO) ENCOMAR TRANSPORT ICOMOB EUROMARBRIDGES Enhanced Co-operation between EU Member States and Associated Candidate Countries in maritime research on transport Icebreaker Co-operation on the Motorway of the Baltic Sea Building bridges between EU Member States and Candidate Countries in maritime research on transport within the framework of the European Research Area
Integrated Projects (IP) CARBOOCEAN Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment HERMES MODELKEY DAMOCLES SESAME SPICOSA ECOOP Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas Models for assessing and forecasting the impact of environmental key pollutants on marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity Developing Arctic Modelling and Observing Capabilities for Longterm Environmental Studies Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem changes Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assessment European coastal-shelf sea operational observing and forecasting system
Networks of Excellence EUR-OCEANS European Network of Excellence for ocean ecosystems analysis MARBEF MARINE GENOMICS EDIT ESONET Marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning Implementation of high-throughput genomic approaches to investigate the functioning of marine ecosystems and the biology of marine organisms Towards the European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy European Seas Observatory NETwork
11.90 7.00 2.00 2.50 1.40 1.60 0.95 1.50 2.00 3.69 3.50
Specic Targeted Research or Innovation Projects (STREP) COBO Integrating new technologies for the study of benthic ecosystem response to human activity: towards a Coastal Ocean Benthic Observatory ELME ESTTAL FISH & CHIPS HABIT SEED EXOCET/D FACEIT ECODIS European Lifestyles and Marine Ecosystems Expressed Sequence Tags of Toxic Algae Towards using DNA chip technology as a standard analytical tool for the identification of marine organisms in biodiversity and ecosystem science Harmful Algal Bloom species In Thin layers Life history transformations among HAB species, and the environmental and physiological factors that regulate them Extreme ecosystems studies in the deep ocean: technological developments Fast Advanced Cellular and Ecosystems Information Technologies Dynamic sensing of chemical pollution disasters and predictive modelling of their spread and ecological impact
Coordination Actions (CA) ENCORA European network on coastal research Specic Support Actions (SSA) GRAND GRAND GOOS (Global Ocean Observing System) regional alliances network development SEPRISE ESONIM ASCABOS SIMORC SEARCH for DAMOCLES BASIN Sustained, Efficient Production of Required Information and Services within Europe is our only justification European Seafloor Observatory Network Implementation Model A supporting programme for capacity building in the Black Sea region towards operational status of oceanographic services Proposal to establish a System of Industry Metocean data for the Offshore and Research Communities Study for Environmental Arctic Change Developing Arctic Modelling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies Resolving the impact of climatic processes on the ecosystems of the North Atlantic basin and shelf seas: integrating and advancing observation, monitoring and prediction Tropical Eastern North Atlantic Time-Series Observatory
Integrated Projects (IP) Beatrice offshore deepwater wind farm project BEATRICE WINDENERGY LOWEC Low offshore wind energy cost Specic Targeted Research or Innovation Projects (STREP) Wave SSG Full-scale demonstration of robust and high-efficiency wave energy converter SEEWEC Wave Dragon MW AWS-MKII WaveStar BREAKWAVE AquaBuOY NEREIDA MOWC ALDA Sustainable Economically Efficient Wave Energy Converter Development and validation of technical and economic feasibility of a multi MW Wave Dragon offshore wave energy converter Deployment, monitoring and evaluation of a prototype advanced wave energy device High-efficient, low-weight, pile-supported 500 kw wave energy converter BREAKWAVE OWC in Breakwater Douro Demonstration offshore wave energy plant OWC integration in the new Mutriku breakwater Demonstration plant of a tunnelled wave energy converter
2.00 4.00 1.00 2.30 2.43 2.17 1.71 2.50 1.37 0.83 1.36 1.50 0.24
Coordination Actions (CA) CA-OE Coordinated Action on Ocean Energy Specic Support Actions (SSA) STANDICE Standardisation of ice forces on offshore structures design
Specic Targeted Research or Innovative Projects (STREP) EFIMAS Operational evaluation tools for fisheries management options FISBOAT COMMIT NECESSITY CAFE CEVIS DEGREE POORFISH PRONE UNCOVER SHEEL CEDER WEALTH AQUAFIRST EUROCARP Fisheries Independent Survey-Based Operational Assessment Tools Creation of multi annual management plans for commitment Nephrops and Cetacean Species Selection Information and Technology Capacity, F and Effort Comparative Evaluations of Innovative Solutions in European fisheries management Development of fishing Gears with Reduced Effects on the Environment Probabilistic assessment, management and advice model for fishery management where only poor data is available Precautionary risk methodology in fisheries Understanding the mechanisms of stock recovery Secure and Harmonised European Electronic Logbook Catch, Effort and Discard Estimates in Real-time Welfare and health in sustainable aquaculture Combined genetic and functional genomic approaches for stress and disease resistance in marker-assisted selection of fish and shellfish Disease- and stress-resistant common carp: combining quantitative, genomic, proteomic and immunological makers to identify high performance strains, families and individuals Farm assessment of stress levels in fish Critical interactions between species and their implications for precautionary fisheries management in a variable environment a modelling approach European Marine Protected Areas as tools for FISHeries management and conservation Marine-protected areas as a tool for ecosystem conservation and fisheries management Ecosystem Approach for Sustainable Aquaculture A framework for fleet and area-based fisheries management Fisheries-induced evolution Automated fish ageing Improving assessment and management of small pelagic species in the Mediterranean Cost and Benefit of Control Strategies Evaluation and modelling of benefits and costs of fish welfare interventions in European aquaculture Sustainable extensive and semi-intensive coastal aquaculture in Southern Europe Indicators for fisheries MAnaGement in Europe REsolving CLimAtic IMpacts on fish stocks
4.50 1.50 1.51 4.27 1.80 1.20 2.00 1.00 1.10 3.70 1.20 1.30 2.53 3.80 1.09
1.10 2.96
2.39 2.00 2.48 1.32 1.80 0.60 1.10 1.40 1.26 1.55 1.00 1.70
Coordination Actions (CA) AQUAGENOME Genomics in fish and shellfish: from research to aquaculture INDECO DIPNET GENIMPACT IN EX FISH ISTAM IMPASSE PANDA RANA Developing indicators of environmental performance of the Common Fisheries Policy Disease interactions and pathogen exchange between farmed and wild aquatic animal populations a European network Evaluation of genetic impact of aquaculture activities on native populations a European network Incorporating the extrinsic drivers into fisheries management Improve Scientific and Technical Advice on fisheries Management (West Africa) Environmental impacts of invasive alien species in aquaculture Permanent network to strengthen expertise on infectious diseases of aquaculture species and scientific advice to EU policy Risk assessment of new and emerging systemic Iridoivirus diseases for European fish and aquatic ecosystem
Specic Support Actions (SSA) IMPACT FISH Impact assessment of the FP4 and FP5 Research Programmes on fisheries, aquaculture and seafood processing research area and the fishery industry ICES-FishMap AQUAFUNC ENVIEFH PROFET POLICY SAMI SLIME REPROFISH IBEFish AQUA Breeding OATP FEUFAR Update and revision of the ICES atlas of North Sea fishes: a webbased application Integrated knowledge on functional genomics in sustainable aquaculture Environmental approach to essential fish habitat designation A European platform for the communication of European RTD results to stakeholders in fisheries and aquaculture Synthesis of Aquaculture and Marine ecosystems Interactions Restoration of the European eel population: pilot studies for a scientific framework in support of sustainable management Integrating basic and applied knowledge on finfish reproduction Interaction Between Environment and Fisheries - a challenge to management Towards enhanced and sustainable use of genetics and breeding in the European aquaculture industry Evaluation of the promotion of Offshore Aquaculture through a Technology Platform The Future of European Fisheries and Aquaculture Research
0.10 0.17 0.53 0.76 0.16 0.19 0.14 0.16 0.23 0.20 0.49
Reduction of malformations in farmed fish species The development of an SME-friendly European breeding programme for hard corals A hyperintensive fish farming concept for lasting competitiveness and superior production Genetic improvement of farmed sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax: strain testing and response to selection Sustainable production, Physiology, Oceanography, Natural products, Genetics and Economics of Sponges Development of an intelligent fish tank for cost effective aquaculture through the control of water quality in different fish tanks Improvement and innovation of aquaculture effluent treatment technology Collective Research on Aquaculture Biofouling Biological optimisation and development of processing methods for turbot farming Dramatically reducing the spreading of invasive, non-native exotic species into new ecosystems through an efficient and high volume capacity Ballast Water Cleaning System Development of a cost-effective submersible fish cage system Non-intrusive in-service inspection robotic system for condition monitoring of welds inside floating production storage and offloading vessels Development of innovative plastic structures for aquiculture using a new composite with crop waste as reinforcing filler Intensive and sustainable culture of the freshwater species Tencii Development of an automated innovative system for continuous live feed production in aquaculture hatchery units Development of a cost-effective technique for mussel harvesting combined with product control and re-tubing Development of an autonomous mobile inspection vehicle for detecting structural defects in ships hulls To investigate sustainable biological carrying capacities of key European coastal zones Enhancing research and development projects to find solutions to struggle against various marine pollutions Facilitating innovation for sustainable fisheries and marine resources Development of an rRNA-biosensor for the detection of toxic algae
3.02 2.61 0.89 0.52 1.44 0.62 1.38 1.58 0.75 0.70
0.70 1.09 0.61 0.94 1.14 0.52 1.03 0.75 0.75 0.51 0.59
CLEAN BLACK Clean Black Sea working group SEA GEWAMED MELIA MANGROVE ECOST Mainstreaming gender dimensions into water resources development and management in the Mediterranean region Mediterranean dialogue on integrated water management Mangrove ecosystems, communities and conflict: developing knowledge-based approaches to reconcile multiple demands Ecosystems, societies, coincidences, precautionary principles: development of an assessment method of the societal cost for best fishing practices and efficient public policies Integrated ecological coastal zone management system Integrating multiple demands on coastal zones with emphasis on aquatic ecosystems and fisheries Discovery Modelling Mediation Deliberation: interface tools for multistakeholder knowledge partnerships for the sustainable management of marine resources and coastal zones Developing ubiquitous restoration practices for Indo-Pacific reefs Assessing impacts of TBT on multiple coastal uses Sustainable options for people, catchments and aquatic resources Transboundary networks of marine-protected areas for integrated conservation and sustainable development: biophysical, socio-economic and governance assessment in East Africa Peri-urban mangrove forests as filters and potential phytoremediators of domestic sewage in East Africa Climate variability and El Nino southern oscillation: implications for natural coastal resources and management
1.65 3.00
Research Training Networks FISHACE FISHeries-induced Adaptive Changes in Exploited stocks MOMARNET WAVETRAIN Monitoring deep seafloor hydrothermal environments on the MidAtlantic Ridge Research training network towards competitive ocean wave energy
Intra-European Fellowship BIO-ENGINEERS Influence of biological and physical processes on intertidal sediment dynamics and on the release of pollutants trapped in sediments, and the toxicity of these pollutants BIOECOTOX BIOWARM CAESAR CD-PALEO Biomarkers: the early warning sentinel of chemical pollution risk assessment Marine sponges as models for assessing biological effects of the Mediterranean Sea warming Capillary electrophoresis separation of dissolved carbohydrates of the aquatic realm Development of Cadmium isotopic measurements by MC-ICP-MS using a double spike approach: Application to marine sediments and palaeoceanography
Chemical characterisation and cycling of marine dissolved organic matter Calcareous dinoflagellate culturing experiments: understanding the life cycle of oceanic species Geological assessment of gas hydrates in the Mediterranean Sea Exploring the influence of intraseasonal oscillations on the climate variability in the Indo-Pacific sector during boreal summer Larvae in situ tracking: detection and identification of early-life-stages of marine organisms using in situ hybridisation with oligonucleotide probes Synthesis of marine Macrolides and hybrid structures as novel Microtubule Stabilising Anticancer Agents Ecological control of nitrogen fixation in marine Cyanobacteria Molecular indicators of DNA damage in aquatic organisms Modelling sedimentation and vegetation patterns in tidal marshes The mitochondrial genome of the fish parasite Gyrodactylus salaris characterisation and utility Determination of plaice lifetime movements in the North Sea by linking natural and electronic data records The characterisation and temporal evolution of the South Atlantic plume Biodiversity of microbial communities involved in sulphur cycling at a shallow water hydrothermal vent
0.15 0.15 0.19 0.15 0.14 0.16 0.14 0.17 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.14
Outgoing International Fellowship LOTUS Long time-series Undersea Surveillance Incoming International Fellowship AUVI Autonomous vehicle for underwater inspections ECCRE Biodiversity and vulnerability of European cold-water coral reef ecosystem
European Re-integration Grants Molecular phylogeny and evolution of specialisation in anemone CLOWNFISH fishes and in their host sea anemones EVOLUTION FISH CONDITION PHYTODEATH Effects of environmental and habitat characteristics on condition and reproduction of exploited marine fish populations Effect of ultraviolet radiation on programmed cell death in phytoplankton: impact on biomass cycling and biodiversity
Early-stage Training RISICO Risk assessment of surfactants in coastal environments Transfer of knowledge PARAQUAM Parasite pathogens in new species of Mediterranean aquaculture: an experimental approach SEAPAID Sea grass production and isotopic discrimination Specic Support Actions (SSA) DOCREG Development of oceanographic research in Greece Series of events AQUALABS Advanced laboratory training courses in aquaculture for early-stage researchers
Black Sea SCENE HYDRALAB-III SALVADORE METRI 2 Black Sea scientific network Integrated Infrastructure Initiative
Integrating Activities and Transnational Access SEADATANET A pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data management
Seismic analysis of the lithosphere via advanced processing techniques and access to deep ocean recorders during exploration Marine Environment Tests and Research Infrastructure 2
Design Studies and Construction of New RI DesignACT Designing the European Aquaculture Centre of Technology CeMaCE Centre for Marine Chemical Ecology
Accompanying Measures PLANKTON-NET An open-access framework for developing and supporting distributed knowledge centres for taxonomic data a pilot study targeting EU phytoplankton
European Commission Marine-related Research and the Future European Maritime Policy Luxembourg: Oce for Ocial Publications of the European Communities 2006 56 pp. 21.0 x 29.7 cm ISBN 92-79-02687-9
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