Drug Abuse HIV and AIDS
Drug Abuse HIV and AIDS
Drug Abuse HIV and AIDS
What is HIV/AIDS?
uman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and is transmitted through contact with infected blood and bodily fluids. Such contact can occur through unprotected sex, through sharing of needles or other drug injection equipment, through mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy or breast-feeding, and through receipt of infected blood transfusions and plasma products during medical care in some parts of the world. There is currently no cure for HIV/ AIDS. Once an individual contracts HIV, he or she has it for life. HIV infects immune cells in the body called CD4 positive (CD4+) T cells, which are essential for fighting infections. HIV converts these cells into factories that produce more of the HIV virus to infect other healthy cells, eventually destroying the CD4+ cells. An infected person may look and feel fine for many years and may not even be aware of the infection. However, as the individual loses CD4+ cells and the immune system weakens, he or she becomes more vulnerable to illnesses and other infections. Physicians make an AIDS diagnosis when a patient has one or more of these illnesses and a CD4+ cell count of less than 200. Treatment for HIV typically involves highly active antiretroviral therapy, better known as HAART. continued inside
Estimated Persons Living with HIV Infection (Diagnosed and Undiagnosed) and Estimated AIDS Deaths Among Adults and Adolescents United States, 19812008
*Estimates were obtained by statistically adjusting the national HIV surveillance data reported through June 2010 for reporting delays, but not for incomplete reporting.
HIV prevalence were estimated based on national HIV surveillance data for adults and adolescents (aged 13 years at diagnosis) reported through June 2010 using extended back-calculation. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Number and Percentage of HIV-infected Persons Engaged at Each Stage of HIV Care
How Has the HIV Epidemic Changed Over the Past 30 Y ears?
CDC data reveal notable shifts in the HIV epidemic in the United States, with a higher proportion of new infections today occurring among young men who have sex with men (MSM), racial/ethnic minorities, and women. Early in the HIV/AIDS epidemic, infections emerged mainly among White, urban MSM, or male injection drug users (IDUs). However, over the past 30 years, the boundaries between groups at greater and lesser risk for contracting the virus have been dissolving. From 2005 to 2008, estimated HIV diagnoses increased approximately 17 percent among MSM, particularly minority MSM. Risky sexual behavior linked to substance abuse exacerbates this trend, a specific example being the link between risky sexual behavior and methamphetamine abuse.9
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, MMWR 2011, 60(47):1618-1623.
AIDS cases stem from intravenous drug use, and one in four people living with HIV/AIDS in the period of 20052009 reported use of alcohol or drugs to an extent that required treatment.4 Drug abuse and addiction can also worsen the progression of HIV and its consequences, especially in the brain. For example, in animal studies, methamphetamine increased the amount of HIV virus present in the brain;5 and in human studies, HIV caused greater neuronal injury and cognitive impairment in methamphetamine abusers compared to non-drug users.6, 7
in the United States and that 1 in 5 (20 percent) are unaware that they are infected. In 2010, over 47,000 people were newly diagnosed with HIV, the majority of whom were men. HIV infection is over-represented in the African-American community: African-Americans make up almost one-half of the newly diagnosed cases, followed by Whites and Hispanics. Effective treatments have dramatically decreased the number of deaths from AIDS since the peak years of the epidemic (19931998); however, more than 17,000 people still died from AIDS-related illnesses in 2009. In fact, even among those diagnosed with HIV, a substantial proportion do not receive proper care or remain in treatment (see figure).8 Additionally, the trend of people living longer with HIV presents new, long-term healthcare challenges for this population.
Unprotected sex with an infected IDU Transactional sex to obtain drugs or money for drugs
reduced viral load means elimination of transmission risk.13-15 This belief can, in turn, lead to a resumption of unsafe sex and drug abuse practices.16 These and other unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking cigarettes, diminish the benefit achieved with HAART therapy. For example, cigarette smoking among HIV+ individuals is 23 times higher than in the general population. HIV-infected smokers are unusually susceptible to respiratory complications, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and suppressed immune function.17
(e.g., unprotected sex with an infected partner) could be exposed to HIV infection. However, while all groups are affected by HIV, some are more vulnerable than others, as summarized below.
Men Who Have Sex with Men
Although HAART has transformed the face of HIV/AIDS in this country and around the world, it has also altered the consequences of HIV infection. While new diagnoses of HIV-associated infections and some neurological complications, such as HIV dementia, have decreased since the treatments introduction,1 other medical complications have increased. For example, individuals receiving HAART therapy are more vulnerable to developing diabetes, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease.10 HIV+ patients also have lower bone mineral density,11 which HAART can amplify by contributing to bone loss, resulting in fractures. Some individual medications that are included in HAART can be toxic to the liver, especially in older individuals, for whom liver function may already be declining due to the natural aging process; this can lead to liver disease.12 Another unintended consequence of effective HAART therapy is the development of complacency. Because HAART reduces viral load, some patients mistakenly believe that they do not need to adhere strictly to the treatment regimen or that
Who Is at Risk for HIV Infection and Which Populations Are Most Affected?
Anyone can contract HIV, and while IDUs are at great risk because of practices related to their drug use, anyone who engages in unsafe sex
Gay or bisexual MSM are the most severely affected population. MSM account for just a small fraction (2 percent) of the total U.S. population, yet nearly two-thirds of all new infections occurred within this group in 2009, and one-half of all people living with HIV in 2008 were MSM. MSM within ethnic minority populations are at greatest risk (see Ethnic Minorities, page 5).
Injection Drug Users
Injection drug use has long been associated directly or indirectly with approximately one-third of AIDS cases in the United States. The fact that IDUs made up only 8 percent of new HIV infections in 2010 versus 23 percent in 19942000 demonstrates the progress made in HIV prevention
Diagnosis of HIV Infection amoung Adults and Adolescents, by Transmission Category (2010)*
*These transmission categories do not distinguish infections resulting from non-injection drug use (e.g., sexual behavior resulting from drug or alcohol intoxication). Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Diagnosis of HIV Infection amoung Adults and Adolescents, by Sex and Transmission Category (2010)
and treatment within this population. Still, much work remains; while there may be fewer new infections among IDUs, in 2009, nearly one-half of those who were HIV+ were unaware they were infected.18
Heterosexual contact with an HIV+ partner accounted for over onequarter of all new infections in 2010 and is the main way that women contract the virus (see figure), especially within ethnic minority communities. Regional variations of HIV incidence in women have changed over time. In the early years of the epidemic, incidence in women predominated in the Northeast, but infection rates and mortality have been steadily increasing in the southern United States.19 Although injection drug use has declined as a means of HIV transmission over recent years, it is still responsible for 14 percent of HIV diagnoses in women. A recent study conducted
by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health reported 40 percent of White women contracted HIV through injection drug use.20 Another factor contributing to HIV disease in women is trauma. Trauma resulting from sexual or physical abuse experienced during childhood or adulthood is increasingly associated with rising prevalence of HIV infection and poor health outcomes in HIV+ women.21 Comprehensive HIV treatment regimens that include mental health services are critical for this population.
Ethnic Minorities
HIV surveillance data show that the rates of new HIV infection are disproportionately highest within ethnic minority populations. AfricanAmericans account for a higher proportion of HIV infections than any other population at all stages of the disease from initial infection to death (see text box, page 6). Moreover, specific minority subgroups are at
particular risk. Nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of new HIV infections among MSM occurred in minority men (Black/African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islanders, and Native American/ Hawaiian). In addition, young minority men (1324 years old) had the greatest increase (53 percent) of HIV infections of all groups studied between the years 2006 and 2009, occurring predominantly in the South. The Hispanic population accounted for 1 in 5 new HIV infections in the United States in 2009 a rate 3 times that of the White community. A number of factors contribute to the high levels of HIV infection within this community, including the country of birth. For example, there is a substantially larger proportion of HIV infections attributed to injection drug use for Hispanic men born in Puerto Rico than anywhere else. Such differences underscore the need for interventions that are socially and culturally tailored for specific populations.
Young people are also at risk for HIV infection. Approximately 9,800 people aged 1324 were diagnosed with HIV in 2010, representing 20 percent of newly diagnosed cases,
Hispanic Black
with the highest rate occurring among those aged 2024. Particular HIV risk behaviors within this age group include sexual experimentation and drug abuse, which are often influenced by strong peer group relationships. Compounding this vulnerability is generational forgetting: Studies show that todays youth may be less likely to perceive the dangers associated with HIV than are older Americans, who witnessed a higher AIDS mortality rate associated with the rapid progression from HIV to AIDS in the early years of the epidemic.
Older People
Sixteen (16) percent of new diagnoses of HIV infection in the United States in 2010 occurred among individuals over the age of 50, and this number has been increasing for the past 11 years.26 Some older persons do not believe they are at risk and thus engage in unsafe sexual practices. The problem is further exacerbated by healthcare professionals who underestimate the vulnerability of this population. The growing number of people contracting HIV later in life, combined with the prolonged survival made possible by HAART, has contributed to an increasing number of people over the age of 50 living with HIV. This trend will continue, and by 2015, the over-50 population
is predicted to represent one-half of all HIV/AIDS cases.27 The aging population presents a variety of treatment challenges. Older adults progress more rapidly to AIDS, have a greater number of age-related comorbidities (e.g., cardiovascular disease, limited mobility), and report smaller support networks than their younger counterparts.28
Criminal Justice System
prisoners meeting the criteria for drug dependence or abuse.31 Yet, few offenders are screened for HIV,32 or receive treatment for substance abuse and other mental illness while incarcerated. This situation is further exacerbated upon reentry when released offenders often lack health insurance and fail to be linked to continuing treatment programs within the community. NIDA is helping to address these challenges by researching the best ways to identify and help prisoners get treatment for both drug addiction and HIV while incarcerated and in the community after release.
The criminal justice system is burdened with a significant population of HIV-infected individuals that can be 2 to 5 times larger than that in the surrounding community.29 An estimated 1 in 7 HIV+ individuals living in the United States passes through this system each year.30 The criminal justice system is also burdened with significant substance abuse, with about one-half of Federal and State
their chaotic lifestyles has resulted in delays in delivering HIV treatments to drug abusing populations, or even withholding of those treatments dramatically compromising the quality of life for these individuals and their partners (see figure). This further burdens the healthcare community, leaving unchecked illness within this population.35 These misperceptions have been refuted by a recent study showing no difference in survival between IDUs and non-IDUs receiving HAART.36 Moreover, treatment of drug addiction may actually improve adherence to HIV treatment. Studies show, for example, that treating opioid addiction with buprenorphine or methadone improves both adherence to HAART and the quality of care in HIV+ individuals with a history of opioid abuse.37,38 These studies confirm that drug addiction should not be a barrier
to HIV treatment and that treatment of both conditions is both necessary and effective. NIDA-funded research is also investigating new technologies to make adherence easier, more accessible, and relevant to targeted audiences. For example, textmessaging and other smartphone applications are being tested to help HIV+ youth improve adherence to HAART treatment. Culturally sensitive and gender-specific Web sites are also under development, designed to provide information to vulnerable populations to help modify risky behaviors, prevent infection, and build social support networks. Finally, since treatment of co-occurring drug addiction and HIV infection may involve the use of multiple medications, there can be a risk of drug interactions that can
90 percent of all participants reported no needle sharing.34 Drug treatment programs also serve an important role in providing current information on HIV and related diseases, counseling and testing services, and referrals for medical and social services. NIDA is also investing in research to identify the most effective strategies to treat HIV among drug users. The mistaken belief that IDUs are unlikely to benefit from HAART because of
HIV+ IDUs Are Less Likely to Receive HAART Treatment than Non-IDUs
decrease the effectiveness of either or both treatments. For instance, when methadone is administered to treat heroin and other opioid addictions along with certain antiretroviral medications (ARVs) that are components of HAART therapy, the concentration of methadone in the blood is significantly decreased,39 potentially compromising its effectiveness. Newer medications are now available to address these issues. Specifically, buprenorphine a medication approved for the treatment of opioid addiction in 2002 does not display the same cross-reactivity with the majority of ARVs and is thus a better choice for HIV+ patients who require treatment for both. 40, 41
for HIV (Test); initiate HAART for those who test positive (Treat); and provide the necessary support to help these individuals remain in treatment (Retain, e.g., linking criminal offenders to treatment upon their return to the community). These findings show great promise for preventing the spread of HIV and improving outcomes for those already infected, but studies are now needed to determine the most effective ways to scale up these interventions, especially in the most vulnerable populations.
healthcare costs by preventing highrisk practices and decreasing virus transmission.42 More recently, scientists demonstrated43 that providing early HAART therapy to the HIVinfected partner of a heterosexual couple was 96 percent successful in preventing the spread of the virus to the uninfected partner. In fact, early initiation of HAART has been shown to be pivotal in reducing viral load and HIV incidence at the population level.44, 45 Capitalizing on these and other findings, researchers and clinicians have been testing and promoting the Seek, Test, Treat, and Retain approach to identify highrisk populations (Seek) including substance abusers and those in the criminal justice system; test them While the need continues for more research, the scientific and medical communities are poised to move forward in developing and disseminating effective HIV prevention and treatment approaches. Three key principles underlie NIDAs strategy: (1) drug abuse and HIV are linked in ways that extend beyond injection drug use; (2) drug abuse and HIV remain intertwined epidemics in the United States and around the world therefore, drug abuse treatment is HIV prevention; and (3) the Seek, Test, Treat, and Retain approach, especially when implemented in high-risk populations or settings, stands to decrease viral load and HIV incidence at a population level, improving outcomes for all. Our mission now is to implement these evidence-based strategies so that we can attain our goal of an AIDS-free generation.
NIDA-funded research is also investigating new technologies to make adherence easier, more accessible, and relevant to targeted audiences.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS): The most severe manifestation of infection with HIV. An AIDS diagnosis is based on the presence of clinical symptoms, a patients HIV viral load, and a CD4+ T cell count at or below 200 cells per microliter in the presence of HIV infection. Persons living with AIDS often have infections of the lungs, brain, eyes, and other organs, and they frequently suffer debilitating weight loss, diarrhea, and a type of cancer called Kaposis sarcoma. Addiction: A chronic, relapsing disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and abuse despite adverse consequences. It is associated with longlasting changes in the brain. Antiretroviral Drugs: Medications used to kill or inhibit the multiplication of retroviruses such as HIV. Behavioral Treatments: A set of treatments that focus on modifying thinking, motivation, coping mechanisms, and choices made by individuals. CD4+ T Cells: A type of cell involved in protecting against viral, fungal, and protozoal infections. These cells normally stimulate the immune response, signaling other cells in the immune system to perform their special functions. Also known as helper T cells, they are destroyed or disabled during HIV infection. Cultural Relevancy: The ability of an intended audience to view an intervention as applicable to their life circumstances. Generational Forgetting: Term to describe when knowledge of adverse consequences experienced by a particular generation or population is lost by a younger cohort. In this report, it refers to the diminished view of the dangers of HIV/AIDS among those ages 25 and younger.
Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART): A combination of three or more antiretroviral drugs used in the treatment of HIV infection and AIDS. Hepatitis C Virus (HCV): A virus that causes liver inflammation and disease. Hepatitis is a general term for liver damage and hepatitis C is the most common type of hepatitis found among those with HIV. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): The virus that causes AIDS. Injection Drug Use (IDU): Act of administering drugs directly into a vein using a hypodermic needle and syringe. Injection drug users (IDUs) are individuals that abuse drugs in this way. Opioid: A compound or drug that binds to receptors in the brain involved in the control of pain and other functions (e.g., morphine, heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone). Pharmacological Treatment: Treatment using medications. Seek, Test, Treat, and Retain (STTR): A researchbased model of care that aims to expand HIV testing and reduce viral load and HIV transmission through initiating HAART therapy in HIV+ individuals. This approach reaches out to high-risk groups who have not been recently tested (Seek), engages them in HIV testing (Test), initiates and monitors HAART for those testing positive (Treat), and retains patients in care (Retain). Viral Load: The quantity of HIV RNA (ribonucleic acid) in the blood. Research indicates that viral load is a better predictor of the risk of HIV disease progression than the CD4+ cell count. The lower the viral load, the longer the time to AIDS diagnosis and the longer the survival time. Viral load testing for HIV infection is used to determine when to initiate or change therapy.
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Other Web Sites
Information about HIV is also available on these Web sites: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, HIV/ AIDS Research Program: http://www.niaid.nih.gov/ topics/hivaids/Pages/Default. aspx National HIV/AIDS Web Page: http://aids.gov Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HIV/AIDS: http://www.cdc.gov/hiv
NIDA Home Page: http://www.drugabuse.gov NIDA AIDS Research Program: http://www.drugabuse.gov/ about-nida/organization/offices/ office-nida-director-od/aidsresearch-program-arp Learn the Link Teen Web Page: http://hiv.drugabuse.gov
NIH Publication Number 12-5760 Printed March 2006, Revised July 2012. Feel free to reprint this publication.