MatK PCR & Sequencing Protocols

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PCR and Sequencing Protocols - matK

I. PCR protocol for matK marker Note: Phusion High-Fidelity DNA polymerase was tested on a broad range of plant taxonomic groups and selected as the enzyme with the highest performance for PCR amplification of the chloroplast barcode markers. First choice matK primers Forward: matK-xf TAATTTACGATCAATTCATTC Reverse: matK-MALP ACAAGAAAGTCGAAGTAT Second choice matK primers MatK-1RKIM-f ACCCAGTCCATCTGGAAATCTTGGTTC MatK-3FKIM-r CGTACAGTACTTTTGTGTTTACGAG PCR reagents per 10 L reaction # of reactions 5X HF Buffer (with MgCl2) 100% DMSO 10 mM dNTPs 10 M Primer Forward 10 M Primer Reverse ddH2O Phusion High Fidelity Fisher Scientific #-530 (5U/ L) Total DNA template 1 2 L 0.3 L 0.2 L 0.5 L 0.5 L 5.375 L 0.125 L 100 200 L 30 L 20 L 50 L 50 L 537.5 L 12.5 L Ford et al. 2009 Dunning & Savolainen, 2010 Ki-Joong Kim, pers. comm. Ki-Joong Kim, pers. comm.

9 L 900 L 1 L per reaction

Recommendation: taking into account pipette error, aliquot approximately 73 L of the PCR cocktail in each of the upper 12 wells of the plate. Using a 12-channeled pipette, transfer approximately 8.7 L of the PCR cocktail into each well. Add 1 L of DNA. Centrifuge the plate before thermocycling. PCR Thermocycling Program for matK marker First choice matK primers: 98C for 45 seconds; 35 cycles of 98C for 10 seconds, 54C for 30 seconds, 72C for 40 seconds; final extension 72C for 10 minutes.

November 2013

Prepared by Masha Kuzmina, PhD.

Second choice matK primers: 98C for 45 seconds; 35 cycles of 98C for 10 seconds, 52C for 30 seconds, 72C for 40 seconds; final extension 72C for 10 minutes. II. Sequencing protocol for matK marker Dilute PCR product adding 40 L of water in each well. Centrifuge the plate. For the first choice PCR use primers: MatK-1RKIM-f ACCCAGTCCATCTGGAAATCTTGGTTC Reverse: matKACAAGAAAGTCGAAGTAT MALP Ki-Joong Kim, pers. comm. Dunning & Savolainen, 2010

For the second choice use the same primers those were used for PCR Sequencing reagents per 10 L reaction # of reactions 5X Sequencing Buffer 100% DMSO 10 M primer BigDye ddH2O Total Diluted DNA 1 104 1.875 L 195 L 0.355 L 37 L 1 L 104 L 0.250 L 26 L 5.520 L 574 L 9 L 936 L 2 L per reaction

Recommendation: taking into account pipette error, aliquot approximately 78 L of the sequencing mix in each of the upper 12 wells of the plate. Using a 12-channeled pipette, transfer approximately 9.5 L of the PCR cocktail in each well. Add 2 L of DNA. Centrifuge the plate before thermocycling. Sequencing Thermocycling Program for matK marker matK Forward (matK-KIM-1R-f) 94C for 10 seconds; 35 cycles of 94C for 20 seconds, 48C for 20 seconds, 60C for 4 minutes; hold at 4C. matK Reverse (matK-MALP-R) 94C for 10 seconds; 35 cycles of 94C for 20 seconds, 50C for 20 seconds, 60C for 4 minutes; hold at 4C.

November 2013

Prepared by Masha Kuzmina, PhD.

Sequencing Cleanup Add Sephadex powder to the Acroprep 96 filter plate. The standard amount of powder is measured by a column loader. Add 300 L of dH2O. Let Sephadex hydrate for 2 hours at room temperature or overnight at 4C. Assemble the Sephadex plate onto collection plate and centrifuge at 2100 rpm for 5 minutes. Immediately proceed to loading sequencing product onto the Sephadex columns to avoid drying. Use a fresh plate as a collecting plate. Centrifuge at 2100 rpm for 5 minutes. Dry the cleanup product at 88C for 20 minutes, then cover the plate with a rubber lid and place in the freezer at -20C until it is placed in ABI capillary sequencer. * The front panel of the plate should be labeled by the standard order number generated by Smithsonian GeneSifter (

References Dunning LT, Savolainen V (2010) Broad-scale amplification of matK for DNA barcoding plants, a technical note. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 164: 19. Ford CS, Ayres KL, Haider N, Toomey N, van-Alpen-Stohl J, et al. (2009) Selection of candidate DNA barcoding regions for use on land plants. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 159: 111.

November 2013

Prepared by Masha Kuzmina, PhD.

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