Handbook Website

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Beginning & Intermediate Band Handbook

Beginning & Intermediate Band Handbook

*Please keep for your records This packet is designed to provide a reference for students and parents/guardians in regards to membership in the Eastview Area Band program. On the following pages you will find other building and district rules, regulations, guidelines, and general information. Students are asked to review these pages with their parents/guardians.

Table of Contents:
Contact Information General Goals General Code of Conduct Beginning Band Intermediate Band Required Materials Attendance Practicing Assessment Concerts & Concert Dress *District Attendance Policy *District Attendance Policy-Spanish Version 3 3 3 3-4 4 4 4-5 5-6 6 6 7 8

Contact Information
Name: Alex Rivera E-mail:AlexRivera@u-46.org Schools:Bartlett Elementary, Eastview Middle School Name: Jennie Spina E-mail: JennieSpina@u-46.org Schools: Centennial Elementary, Hawk Hollow Elementary, Spring Trail Elementary, Sycamore Trails Elementary Name: Paul Loucas E-mail: PaulLoucas@u-46.org Schools: Bartlett High School, Prairieview Elementary

General Goals for All Bands

To develop knowledge, understanding, habits, and attitudes concerning the basic elements of music (rhythm, pitch, texture, form, dynamics, tempo, and tone color). To develop musical literacy by developing the skills necessary for musical performance. To promote the understanding of the value of music as an art. To develop the desire and the potential to extend and continue the students school music experience in his/her social and cultural life. To meet the state learning goals for music.

General Code of Conduct for All Bands

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Show up for all lessons & after school rehearsals prepared and on time. Follow all directions the first time. Avoid having food, drinks, or gum in rehearsal spaces. Avoid talking or playing while the teacher is speaking. Treat every teacher, accompanist, and student with kindness and respect. Handle instruments properly to avoid damaging them.

Beginning Band
Beginning Band is for students who have not had any experience playing a Band instrument. Typically this ensemble is for 5th grade students, however a 6th grade student wishing to join Band will begin the year in this ensemble. Students will be grouped according to their instrument type and have 30 minute lessons in those groups once a week. Students who end up having one-on-one lessons will have a lesson time of 15-20 minutes. Beginning Band students will also have a weekly after school rehearsal at Eastview Middle School on Monday afternoons. Students will be picked up from their elementary schools, bussed to Eastview, and will rehearse there until approximately 3:15pm. Students will then need to be picked up at Eastview by a parent. Beginning Band students learn how to properly assemble, play, and care for an instrument and work on basic music literacy skills such as note reading and rhythm. Students will learn a variety of music in many different styles. Students joining this ensemble are making a commitment to attend all rehearsals and concerts. Students with frequent unexcused absences from rehearsal may be asked to leave the program.

Intermediate Band
Intermediate Band is for students who have had at least 1 year of experience playing a Band instrument. Typically this ensemble is for 6th grade students. Students will be grouped according to their instrument type and have 30 minute lessons in those groups once a week. Students who end up having one-on-one lessons will have a lesson time of 15-20 minutes. Intermediate Band students will also have a weekly after school rehearsal at Eastview Middle School on Wednesday afternoons. Students will be picked up from their elementary schools, bussed to Eastview, and will rehearse there until approximately 3:15pm. Students will then need to be picked up at Eastview by a parent. Intermediate Band students take the skills that they learned as beginners and apply them to more complex & lengthy pieces of music. Students will continue to build on their knowledge of instrument technique and music literacy. Students will learn a variety of music in many different styles. Students joining this ensemble are making a commitment to attend all rehearsals and concerts. Students with frequent unexcused absences from rehearsal may be asked to leave the program.

Required Materials for All Students (Have these EVERY WEEK!)

Instrument Measures of Success, Book 1 (Beginners) Measures of Success, Books 1 & 2 (Intermediates) Any sheet music that they receive A pencil 4

Band students are expected to attend any and all lessons, Eastview rehearsals, and concerts. Each one of these components offers a unique learning experience for our young performers and cannot be duplicated. If there are transportation issues for our Eastview rehearsals please let us know and we will try to help arrange a carpool. PLEASE E-MAIL US IF IT IS AN AFTER SCHOOL REHEARSAL OR CONCERT DAY AND YOUR STUDENT IS ABSENT FROM SCHOOL! We need to maintain accurate attendance records for ourselves as well as for use in emergency situations. Please see the District Concert Attendance Policy for the definition of an excused concert absence. The directors will do their best to make adjustments to lesson schedules as needed for field trips, testing, special presentations, etc., so that our students can be successful both in the classroom and in the Band room.

Practicing is a vital component of an instrumental program. It is through practicing that students are able to address personal difficulties, hone their technique, and improve their skills. We ask that for the 1st semester, all Beginning Band students set a goal of practicing an average of 15 minutes per day. In the 2nd semester, this goal should be increased to an average of 20-30 minutes per day. Intermediate Band members are asked to set a goal of practicing an average of 20-30 minutes per day. Students should log their daily practice times onto their practice record, which is in their book. At the end of the week, students should total the number of minutes practiced and have a parent/guardian sign that this total is correct. Students who consistently practice to these goals may be eligible to receive extra incentives. As with studying, finding an ideal practice location is key to your students success. We recommend that your student practice in an area where he/she can rehearse alone. This could anywhere in the house as long as he/she is able to practice without interruption or feeling nervous that the family is listening. The student should not rehearse in front of the television, computer, or video games so that he/she is able to focus on creating music. There are a multitude of things that a student can practice. If your student is running low on ideas/motivation, try some of these options: Have your beginner do a demonstration that includes naming each part of the instrument, assembling it, and caring for it. Have your student perform a mini-concert for the family using 3-4 of the student's favorite songs so far. If there are other musicians in the family, have a family "jam session." Use practice time to quiz your student on note names and fingerings (there is a chart in the back of each book that will let you know if he/she got it correct). Homemade flash cards are great for this! 5

Pick up a specialty book at your local music store that has solos based on something that your student is interested in (holiday music, Disney, etc.). Sometimes the pieces in those books are more difficult than one might think, so bring your student along to look at the music before you buy to ensure that he/she could actually play the pieces. Have your student perform at celebrations or family gatherings (birthdays, holidays, even sporting events). Use the accompaniment CD that comes with your student's book to enhance the pieces that he/she is working on. They often add a fun touch to the music! Utilize Iphone/Ipad/Andriod/computer applications such as Note Squish, Staff Wars, and Smart Music to enhance their playing experience and help them learn their music theory.

Band is now a part of the elementary report card. Every trimester students will receive marks regarding their progress in Band. Students may also be asked to occasionally complete written quizzes to check for understanding of musical concepts or to play assigned solos in lessons as a way to check technical ability. Attendance at lessons & Eastview rehearsals, effort, and practice record will also factor into their grade each trimester.

Concerts & Concert Dress

CONCERTS ARE A REQUIRED PART OF THE BAND CURRICULUM!! Concerts allow the students to take what they have been practicing in lessons and apply it to a full piece of music in front of a live audience. Concert dates have been provided; please mark your calendars and be sure to keep the evening free of other events. Concerts typically last between 60-90 minutes, and although your student may not play the entire time, we do ask that all students and parents remain for the entire duration of the concert. This allows students to hear the other ensembles and get a taste of what the Band program looks and sounds like as they get older. There are very few concerts throughout the year which makes attendance at them even more important. The District Concert Attendance Policy is attached and must be signed and returned. Students in the band program will want to look their best for performances. We want our ensembles to look as uniform as possible. We achieve this by asking that students are dressed the following way: Elementary Band shirt (available for purchase through your students director), khaki pants/skirt, and nice shoes.

SCHOOL DISTRICT U-46 CONCERT ATTENDANCE POLICY 1. Major concerts and performances are culminating events in the study of music and with school music groups. Because performances are such an important component of our districts instrumental and choral program, attendance at every concert and scheduled performance is required for all students enrolled in district music groups. 2. Any unexcused absence from a required performance may result in a lowering of the students quarterly and/or semester grade up to and including failure and possible dismissal from the organization. 3. The director will excuse emergencies such as death in the family and student illness, if a written explanation is provided by the parent/guardian within 48 hours. STUDENT and PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Students and parents will read and sign a copy of the attendance policy, and will return the signed form to the musical director. 2. The student will be responsible for notifying the director/teacher of conflicts with required performances as soon as possible (far in advance of the required event). 3. Students are required to provide written notice regarding the reason for an absence that is signed by the appropriate parent/guardian. 4. No verbal excuses will be accepted. DIRECTOR RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The director will provide a schedule of the required concerts/performances to all students during the first week of school, along with a copy of the district concert attendance policy. 2. The director will provide students with any updates regarding current and/or new required performances as quickly as possible. 3. The director will keep all signed copies of the concert attendance on file. 4. Reasonable reminders must be given to students and parents prior to a required concert/performance.

DETACH AND RETURN TO YOUR DIRECTOR I have read and clearly understand the policy for attendance at concerts and performances and will comply with the guidelines outlined above.

Parent Signature


Student Signature




4. Los conciertos y las representaciones son eventos esenciales en el estudio de la msica y en grupos musicales de la escuela. Las presentaciones son un elemento importante en nuestro programa instrumental y coral del distrito, por esa razn se requiere que todos los estudiantes inscritos en grupos musicales del distrito asistan a todos los conciertos y representaciones. 5. Cualquier ausencia sin excusa a una representacin requerida puede resultar en una calificacin ms baja al final de un periodo de 9 semanas y/o semestre hasta la reprobacin y posiblemente el/la estudiante ser excluido de la organizacin. 6. El director puede excusar faltas por emergencias como el fallecimiento de un familiar o una enfermedad del estudiante, si el padre/tutor provee una explicacin escrita dentro de 48 horas.


5. Los estudiantes y padres deben leer y firmar una copia de la poltica de asistencia y regresar la forma firmada al director del programa musical. 6. El estudiante tiene la responsabilidad de avisarle al director/maestro si hay algn problema con una de las representaciones requeridas lo ms pronto posible (mucho ms antes del evento requerido). 7. Los estudiantes necesitan entregar un aviso escrito con la razn de la ausencia y firmada por el padre/tutor apropiado. 8. No se aceptaran excusas verbales.


5. El/la director(a) proveer un horario de los conciertos/representaciones requeridos para todos los estudiantes durante la primera semana de clases, junto con una copia de la poltica de asistencia en los conciertos del distrito. 6. El/la director(a) les proveer a los estudiantes la informacin actualizada con respecto a las representaciones nuevas lo ms pronto posible. 7. El/la director(a) mantendr un archivo de las copias firmadas de la asistencia en los conciertos. 8. Se le dar a los estudiantes y padres un recordatorio antes de un concierto/representacin requerido.


He ledo y entiendo claramente la poltica de la asistencia en los conciertos y representaciones y obedecer las reglas explicadas aqu.

Firma del Padre


Firma del Estudiante


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