Kirby Handbook 2020-2021
Kirby Handbook 2020-2021
Kirby Handbook 2020-2021
HANDBOOK 2020 – 2021
Band Directors
Mrs. Maribel Sanchez, Director of Bands
Mr. Maximiliano Juarez, Associate Director of Bands
Mr. Raul Cisneros, Percussion Director
Ms. Sue Arredondo, Principal
Ms. Sherri Harris-Stokes, 8th Grade Asst. Principal
Mr. John Libby, 7th Grade Asst. Principal
Ms. Michelle Smiley, 6th Grade Asst. Principal
Ms. Christina Lyons, Academic Coach
Ms. Alex Nieves, Academic Trainer
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Kirby Middle School Band
Program. The purpose of our handbook is to provide information concerning expectations,
responsibilities, and traditions that are an important part of our band program. Our intention is to
help you understand the policies, complexities, and concepts of a strong organization. We hope it
can be used to answer questions and define the boundaries that are important in keeping our
program functioning as an efficient organization. If utilized properly, concepts such as
leadership, responsibility, teamwork, commitment, good citizenship and discipline will develop
in your child. These are valuable life skills that will last your child a lifetime.
If you need additional information that does not appear in this handbook, please feel free to
contact our band office and we will clarify any specific questions that you may have. We are
here to serve our community and to prepare your child for success in and out of the classroom.
Maribel Sanchez Maximiliano Juarez
Director of Bands Associate Director of Bands
210-661-1140 ext. 23602 210-661-1140 ext. 23602
All members and their parents are requested to read this information thoroughly and
complete the handbook form indicating understanding of the expectations presented.
As you fill in the the requested forms either, at the end of this handbook or through a google
form, your child will be making a commitment that includes:
Students placed in this band are a majority 6th and 7th grade students who have no band
experience or did not successfully pass their first year of beginning band. These students meet
with the band directors, at the end of the previous school year, to determine which instrument is
best suited for them. The beginner band students learn the fundamentals and skills necessary to
successfully play an instrument. There are 2-3 major concerts each year. Successful completion
of the beginning band is the gateway to the Advanced Bands and later, the Wagner High School
Students placed in this band are 7th and 8th grade students who have successfully passed the
beginning band level and demonstrate an elevated level of music understanding and
performance. This band performs several times per year, and competes in the annual UIL
Concert and Sightreading Contest. Students in this band are encouraged to audition for the
District Honor Band and All Region Band and participate in the Kirby Solo Contest.
Students placed in this band are majority 7th and 8th grade students that have successfully passed
the beginning band level and demonstrate an advanced level of musical understanding and
performance. This band performs many times each year and competes in the Annual UIL
Concert and Sightreading Contest. Students in this band should audition for the District Honor
Band and All Region Band.
*Changes may occur each semester in band placement based on the following:
• Playing ability: Scales, Prepared Music, Sight Reading
• Exceeding performance expectations or high level of effort
• Improvement in academic achievement
• Missed sectionals or habitual tardiness
• Inability to perform at the expected level or lack of effort
• Missed performance or failure to participate in any required function
• Class disruption
• Academic ineligibility
• Disrespect towards directors, guest clinicians, substitutes or KMS faculty
***All Kirby Band Members Behavioral distractions and/or repeated discipline issues may result
in an immediate schedule change OUT of band, contingent upon individual circumstances. It is a
PRIVILEGE and not a right to be in band. Placement is earned by past achievement,
performance, work ethic and commitment.
It is our wish that, by working toward the accomplishment of these objectives, along with the
learned appreciation and enjoyment of participating in a musical organization, each student will
graduate with a sense of personal pride and musical understanding that will be with them into
adult life.
● Band students are expected to follow all band policies, as well as all school rules, both inside
and outside of the band hall.
● Band students must be personally responsible for their daily supplies. When a band student
forgets his/her music or instrument, he/she misses out the same way as a Math or English
student who forgets his/her textbook.
● Band students are expected to show proper respect and care for all band equipment.
● Band students must attend all before/after-school band rehearsals and concerts.
● Band students are expected to develop a schedule of daily practice – to make a strong effort
to learn, improve daily, and be a positive member of our organization.
● Practice prior to each rehearsal. Your preparation is your contribution to the group. Come
● Be present and on time to each rehearsal and performance.
● Take care of your restroom and water needs prior to the beginning of class.
● Have all necessary materials and equipment when you sit down (extra reeds, valve oil, etc).
● We warm-up as a group, not individually.
● Always keep a pencil on your stand and mark your music correctly.
**Any infraction of the Judson ISD/Kirby Code of Conduct or band expectations will be
dealt with in one or more of the following manners:
● Conference with student
● Parental telephone call
● Conference with parent(s) and student
● Conference with administrator, parent, and student
● Expulsion from the program
The purpose of grades is to inform the students and parents concerning their son/daughter’s
academic progress, participation and achievement. The following components will constitute the
student’s grades for all levels of participation in our band program:
Weekly Participation: based on either in person or online participation, having a working
instrument, and having proper materials for class.
Playing Quizzes: will be done utilizing an online format called Flipgrid. Quiz results are a
grade and will also be a factor in determining chair placement. Students will be allowed to retake
playing quizzes, with teacher approval, using Flipgrid. Quizzes that are retaken will only affect
the students grade, but not chair placement.
Sectional Attendance: All 7th and 8th grade Honors & Symphonic band members will have a
weekly sectional. Schedules and times will be communicated at a later date. Sectionals are a
major part of the nine weeks grade, and will also be a factor in determining chair/band
placement. Sectionals are very difficult to make-up. The only excuse for missing a sectional is
student illness, doctor’s appointment that cannot be rescheduled, or family emergency.
Notification before or immediately afterwards in the form of a parent written note, phone call or
email is greatly appreciated to be considered for an excused absence.
TO BE LATE. Sectional times will be posted in the band hall and emailed to parents.
Major Grades: All performances are major test grades. Please make sure to attend all
performances. Even one missed performance can extremely affect your child’s grade. All
concerts/performances are worth two grades:
1.) performance and punctuality (having working instrument, music, materials, complete band
2.) proper concert etiquette (remaining in seat, not waving at audience, not talking to anyone &
sitting in correct concert position)
Parents please make certain that you monitor your child’s progress in their academic classes. All
band members who earn a grade in ANY class below a 70 average have the possibility of not
participating in U.I.L. competitions or select functions that occur off campus. They will remain
ineligible for the following nine weeks period until they demonstrate that they are passing all
their classes upon the next reported grading period. If an Honors band student is unable to fulfill
these performances, academic and conduct obligations, the band director along with the
counselors and principal will evaluate the situations and reassignment to a band with less
demanding curricular and extracurricular obligations may result.
An annual calendar of major events and activities will be available online. If needed, please
contact one of the band directors for a hard copy. Please keep in mind the band calendar is
subject to change at any time as deemed necessary. Parents/guardians will be contacted via email
or Remind of any changes to the calendar. Please refer to this calendar often so you and your
child are aware of upcoming events. Your child will receive a grade for all rehearsals and
performances listed on the calendar of events.
Any changes will be posted on the Kirby band website and emailed home. Please stress to
your child they must communicate any information that is said during class. Any failed
miscommunication may negatively impact your child’s grade if it results in a missed
performance or other graded activity.
All Bands Outdoor Performances – Casual
Band shirt, Blue Jeans, socks and tennis shoes or ‘Sperry’ type shoes. You are more than
welcome to wear your band t-shirt to school or other days to show your Band Pride!
Beginning Band Indoor Performances – Concert Attire
Band shirt, black slacks (no jeans), black dress shoes with tall black socks. Ladies may wear a
black skirt with black blouse and black tights/hose in lieu of pants, socks and black closed-toed
dress shoes-no dress sandals. If you wear a skirt, the length of the skirt must meet below the
knees when seated.
Concert Black Performing Attire for Honor Band and Symphonic Band Concerts
The band uniform will consist of a partial tuxedo for boys (checked out at school-more
information to come) with dress black shoes and blacks socks. Ladies are to wear black dress
(checked out at school-more information to come) with black tights/hose, black closed-toe dress
shoes-no dress sandals.
***All band students must have their uniform by the date of their first scheduled public appearance***
Music Supplies and Instrument Rental Stores (San Antonio)
High School Music Hillje Music Center
2106 NW Military 18130 San Pedro Ave
(210) 349-2775 (210) 545-3131
Online Websites
Woodwind and Brasswind Muncy Winds
Accessories you will need:
● Swab or a men’s cotton handkerchief
● Tuning/cleaning rod
● Polishing cloth
Make/Model To Look For: Open holed - Yamaha (YFL 281) or (YFL 361 preferred)
Accessories you will need:
● Clarinet swab
● 1 box of size 2 1/2 Vandoren reeds
● Mouthpiece: Vandoren 5RV Lyre OR Clark Fobes Debut
● Ligature: Rovner Ligature
● Cork Grease
Make/Model To Look For: Buffet E11 Or Yamaha 450N
Accessories you will need:
● Bass Clarinet Swab
● 1 box of size 3 Vandoren reeds
● Mouthpiece: Clark Fobes Debut OR Yamaha 4C
● Ligature: Rovner Ligature
● Cork Grease
You will be using school owned instruments. The annual usage fee for these is $60 for the entire
year. Please talk to the directors with any questions or concerns that you may have.
Accessories you will need:
● Saxophone Swab
● 1 box of size 2 1/2 Vandoren reeds
● Mouthpiece: Vandoren AL3 OR Clark Fobes Debut
● Ligature: Rovner Ligature
● Neck Strap w/ metal hook (NOT plastic)
Make/Model To Look For: Yamaha YAS-26 or YAS-23 (old model) only
Accessories you will need:
● Rotary Oil
● Mouthpiece: Holton Farkas MDC w/ Pouch
● Slide Grease
● Polishing Cloth
● Mouthpiece Brush
● Cleaning “Snake”
You will be using school owned instruments. The annual usage fee for these is $60 for the entire
year. Please talk to the directors with any questions or concerns that you may have.
Accessories you will need:
● Slide-O-Mix
● Mouthpiece: Bach 6 1⁄2 AL or Bach 5G with pouch
● Slide Grease
● Polishing Cloth
● Mouthpiece Brush
● Cleaning “Snake”
● Small Spray bottle (can be purchased at any retail store)
Make/Model To Look For: Yamaha YSL-354 [No 200AD models]
Eastman ETB 432G or Yamaha YSL 448G with F attachment (RECOMMENDED)
Accessories you will need:
● Valve Oil: Al Cass or Blue Juice
● Mouthpiece: Schilke 51 D with case
● Slide Grease
● Polishing Cloth
● Mouthpiece Brush
● Cleaning “Snake”
You will be using school owned instruments. The annual usage fee for these is $60 for the entire
year. Please talk to the directors with any questions or concerns that you may have.
Accessories you will need:
● Valve Oil: Al Cass or Blue Juice
● Mouthpiece: Conn Helleberg 120S with pouch
● Slide Grease
● Polishing Cloth
● Mouthpiece Brush
● Cleaning “Snake”
You will be using school owned instruments. The annual usage fee for these is $60 for the entire
year. Please talk to the directors with any questions or concerns that you may have.
Accessories you will need:
● Solid Black hand towel (16 in. X 28 in.)
● Metronome
● Innovative Percussion CP1R Practice Pad
● Bell Kit
● Innovative Percussion FP2 Intermediate Mallet Pack:
(comes w/ all of the following):
▪ F2 Hard Marimba Mallets
▪ F9 Hard Xylophone Mallets
▪ CT-3 Medium Concert Timpani Mallets
▪ IP-LD Lalo Davila Concert Snare sticks
▪ SB-3 Fundamental Stick Bag
* The “Innovative Percussion FP2 Intermediate Mallet Pack” is an investment that will cost
roughly $70 - $80, however, this investment will last them through middle school and some of
high school. So this purchase is a one-time purchase. If the student/parent decides to invest more
in the future, they can then add more mallets/sticks and accessories to their percussion bag.
You will be using school owned instruments. The annual usage fee for these is $60 for the entire
year. Please talk to the directors with any questions or concerns that you may have.
Band Fee
It requires a great deal of money to run a quality band program. However, we understand that
families undergo financial crises. Therefore, we have kept our band fee as low as possible. The
Kirby Band fee is $20 per year for each student. This fee covers the cost of cleaning band
concert attire, purchasing band shirts, sheet music given, method books and our band
**All students must pay a band fee; school-owned instrument people must pay
both fees.
For those in severe financial hardship, payment plans may be made with the band directors at the
beginning of the school year. Please be prompt on these payments – this money is necessary to run the
band program!
All students will be assigned an instrument locker that is located in the band hall. Students are
responsible for making certain that their locker is secure and locked at all times. Percussionists
need to place their sticks/mallets towards the back of their lockers so other students cannot reach
them through the front of the locker. A fee of $10.00 will be charged for lost locks. Students are
never permitted to exchange instruments or lockers at any time. When a band student removes
their instrument from their locker they must lock the lock to make certain that it is not lost or
stolen. Also, the student should not give his or her combination number to anyone else. When
students take their instrument home after school they are not permitted to leave the instrument in
another locker or classroom. It is important to note that our band staff will periodically hold
instrument and locker inspections as deemed necessary.
In the event that an instrument is missing, the student should contact the band director
immediately and file a police report. We will try to help locate the instrument; however, if the
instrument is not found, parents should take the necessary steps with their insurance company.
Students are not to use another instrument unless loaned a JISD instrument by one of the
directors. Any instrument that is borrowed from the directors must be placed back in the original
location. If the instrument is a JISD instrument and the repair shop concludes that the instrument
has been intentionally neglected or damaged, the parent will be contacted. If no instrument is
available while repairs are being performed on your child’s instrument they will be given an
alternate assignment. This assignment must be completed and turned in at the end of each class
period to receive a substitution grade.
Please avoid having your child acquire braces or the retightening of them shortly before any
performance and/or competition. Your son/daughter needs 1 to 2 months to heal. During this
time they need to slowly relearn how to play their instrument with braces. This is often a very
painful and frustrating time for musicians, especially when they are expected to perform at their
highest level during a concert or a competition. Please try to schedule dental appointments after
their performance. Please refer to the Calendar of Events for performance dates and
Our band program will participate in fundraisers. It takes a tremendous amount of financial
resources to make the band program function in the manner that enables it to become both
successful and visible. Fundraisers assist us in defraying the cost of transportation to band trips,
acquiring music supplies, clinicians, consultant services, and master classes.
We ask all band parents to get involved every time we have fundraising events. All funds are
utilized to provide your children with opportunities they otherwise may not have. Your help is
greatly appreciated. Please turn in all money or product in a timely fashion. Just a reminder, any
money not turned in takes money away from the band program. It becomes a loss to our program
and we will be forced to report any missing merchandise or money to the appropriate officials.
All Honors band members are expected to attend and audition for acceptance into the Region XI
Middle School Band. In addition, all other 7th and 8th grade advanced bands are highly
encouraged to audition as well. Only students who successfully pass off their music for the
directors three weeks before the competition will be allowed to audition.
Students who earn placement in Region Band will be required to participate in a Clinic/Concert.
Band members will have the opportunity to travel with the band for a spring festival/trip. More
detailed information will be handed out about cost and itinerary at a later date when all details
are finalized.
Students must:
● be academically eligible starting at the 3rd Nine Weeks
● have not violated the Kirby Code of Conduct, which required out of school suspension
(all other violations will be on a case by case basis)
● have attended all required band performances during & outside of the school day
● have paid all band fees in full
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us, Mrs. Sanchez or Mr. Juarez, at
210-661-1140 Ext. 23602 in the Band Hall. Once again thank you for allowing your child to be a
part of the Kirby Band Family. By working together we can accomplish much. Let us make this
school year a special one by communicating and building memories that will last a lifetime for
your child.
Thank you,
Maribel Sanchez & Max Juarez