The document provides information on MERO Access Floor Type 5 wood floor systems. It describes the different components of the system including the floor panels made of high density wood, the adjustable steel pedestal understructure, and various floor covering options. The document also outlines the advantages of the system such as flexibility, load capacity, and sound absorption. It notes the system is tested according to industry standards and can be used in a variety of commercial and industrial building applications.
The document provides information on MERO Access Floor Type 5 wood floor systems. It describes the different components of the system including the floor panels made of high density wood, the adjustable steel pedestal understructure, and various floor covering options. The document also outlines the advantages of the system such as flexibility, load capacity, and sound absorption. It notes the system is tested according to industry standards and can be used in a variety of commercial and industrial building applications.
The document provides information on MERO Access Floor Type 5 wood floor systems. It describes the different components of the system including the floor panels made of high density wood, the adjustable steel pedestal understructure, and various floor covering options. The document also outlines the advantages of the system such as flexibility, load capacity, and sound absorption. It notes the system is tested according to industry standards and can be used in a variety of commercial and industrial building applications.
The document provides information on MERO Access Floor Type 5 wood floor systems. It describes the different components of the system including the floor panels made of high density wood, the adjustable steel pedestal understructure, and various floor covering options. The document also outlines the advantages of the system such as flexibility, load capacity, and sound absorption. It notes the system is tested according to industry standards and can be used in a variety of commercial and industrial building applications.
Innovative solution out of one hand Development Access oor Consultation Hollow oor Project management Loose covering tiles and Production Laying Installation Change of applied coverings 2 The access oor type 5 can be offered in different variants/ systems. Depending on the re- quirements of the user, systems are suitable for: Standard ofce areas Ofces requiring increased static load bearing capacity, e.g. lecture rooms, training and performance rooms, the- rapy rooms and construction ofces Industrial buildings with light operations (e.g. storage rooms, laboratories with light operations, libraries) Computer centres Electric switching station rooms On request, systems reinforced by additional equipment can be delivered for: Floors with fork-lift trafc, for industrial plants and laborato- ries MERO-TSK access oor sy- stems are tested acc. to DIN EN 12825 and certied by indepen- dent laboratories. High exibility Easy processing of panel material for installation Low panel and system weight Easy handling of later additio- nal installations Achieves plenum as standard High preventive re protection properties High sound protection proper- ties Variable construction heights, heights of more than 1.000 mm on request Large variety of oor co- verings can be applied Floor panel: The oor panel type 5 consists of high density wooden mate- rial of emission class E1. The panel edges are chamfered and protected all round by synthetic trim. On request, panel surface and/or panel underside can be provided with galvanized steel sheet or aluminium foil. Panel can be produced in different thickness, density and dimensi- on acc. to requirements. MERO-TSK uses only environ- ment friendly material. There- fore, waste disposal or recycling is not a problem. Fields of application Advantages: Construction principle: 3 Understructure: The understructure can be used for all panel types. It consists of steel pedestals adjustable in height to t with precision. All Flexibility: The use of panels with oor coverings applied in factory guarantees high exibility. This variant allows to change panels with mounting units like sockets etc. against standard panels. Partition walls: For an unlimited use of the ac- cess oor cavity partition walls should always be installed on the access oor system. Only re section walls respectively walls between different building sections should be installed directly on the suboor. Parti- tion walls with re resistance requirements can be installed on the access oor system and supplemented with re fascias below the access oor on re- quest. Floor coverings: The access oor systems MERO-TSK type 5 can be provi- ded with different types of oor coverings. Elastic oor coverings suitable for access oor like PVC, lino- leum, rubber as well as laminate can only be applied in the fac- tory. Textile oor coverings can be glued or loosely laid on the oor panels. Glued oor coverings must be suitable for access oor. MERO-TSK has a lot of experience in this eld and can even test the suitability of new oor coverings in own labora- tories. For loosely laid textile oor co- vering tiles panels with alumi- nium foil or steel sheet on top should be used. Panels with steel sheet on top offers utmost protection during construction period and enables additional- ly the installation of magnetic oor coverings like MERO-TSK Magnetoor. During installation of loosely laid oor covering tiles please see that the neces- sary release bond adhesive does not inltrate the panel joints in order to avoid that panels stick together (not necessary with MERO-TSK Magnetoor). Furthermore, oor covering ti- les should always be installed middle over cross to the access oor module. Glueing of carpet rolls is only possible by additional measu- res. However, it should generally be avoided as it stands against the exibility of an access oor system. Type 5 panels with steel sheet on the underside can also be used for parquet. However, due to its swelling behaviour not all parquet coverings are suitab- le. For detailed information plea- se contact MERO-TSK. Delivery and installation of oor coverings: MERO-TSK stores standard oor coverings being available at short notice. If the oor co- verings will not be applied in our factory we recommend to have application and delivery done by/or under instruction of skilled MERO-TSK installers. This avo- ids problems between different suppliers which could become cost-intensive for the contractor or afterwards the builder. Mounting units Cutouts for mounting units like sockets, air outlets etc. can either be done in factory or on jobsite. However, step bores for twist air outlets can be done in the factory only. Wall connections: The access oor system con- nected to walls or rising building parts are done by a special self- adhesive foam tape which avo- ids sound conduction and seals the connection joints. For rigid installations (e.g. heating tubes) a distance of 120 mm should generally be kept from the wall which enables the installation of system pedestals and avoids expensive and additional sound absorbing wall supports. The edges of cut panels have always to be sealed. Special advice for use: With beginning of installation the thermal conditions of nal use should already been given. Renovation: MERO-TSK has the necessary know how in the eld of access oor renovation. We have a ma- chinery for the removal of worn oor coverings, application and edging of new ones as well as its execution by professionals. For the renovation of old buil- dings with very low nished ac- cess oor heights (after removal of the screed height) please see our special brochure for type 5 systems. Accessories: (see brochure) cutouts special wall connections sockets air outlets air conditioning panels fascias (re, acoustic, air conditioning) front fascias bridgings expansion joints stairs ramps additional foot fall sound absorption MERO-TSK underoor hea- ting/cooling MERO-TSK oor coverings pedestals are galvanized and passivated against corrosion The base plate is designed to be glued to the suboor. On re- quest, pedestal base plate can aditionally be dowelled. For installation pedestal head is provided with gasket for panel xing and sound dampening. The gasket is electrically con- ductive and can be provided with metal rivets if high frequency shielding is required. The use of stringers increases the lateral stability of the whole construction. Later installation of stringers is not a problem. On re- quest, stringers can be screwed with pedestal had which avoids high frequency disturbances. Stringers are installed as U-type stringers for lateral stability and as C-type stringers for increase of load bearing capacity and la- teral stability. Planning instructions MERO-TSK International GmbH & Co.KG Floor System Division Lauber Strae 7 D-97357 Prichsenstadt/ Germany Phone: +49 (0) 9383/203-351 Fax: +49 (0) 0383/203-629 Email: bodenysteme@ Internet: 2 3 1 0 e 0 6
S u b j e c t
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t e c h n i c a l
c h a n g e s
w i t h o u t
f u r t h e r
n TV certicate since 2005-01-20 Technical Data*: Access Floor Type 5 / Wood *For detailed technical data please see the data sheets of the different type 5 systems or internet page under 1. Floor covering, steel or aluminium sheet 2. Floor panel 3. Steel sheet, aluminium nishing or without nishing 4. Gasket 5. Pedestal head 6. Hexagonal nut 7. Tube 8. Pedestal base plate glued to the suboor, dowelled on request
l. 8odenbelag, Stahlblech oder
Alubeschichtung 2. 8odenplatte 3. Stahlblech, Alubeschichtung oder ohne 8eschichtung 4. Stutzenkopfauflage 5. Stutzenkopf 6. Sechskantmutter 7. Pohr 8. Puplatte am Unterboden verklebt, bei 8edarf verdubelt 0 8 . 0 7 /
T y p e 5 /
S u b j e c t
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c h a n g e
w i t h o u t
f u r t h e r
n o t i c e Panel: Dimension: 600 x 600 mm (special module on request) Panel thickness: (without oor covering) ~ 23 - 39 mm Panel surface: Aluminium foil, steel sheet or covering Panel underside: Aluminium foil or steel sheet System weight: ~ 23 - 36 kg/m (without oor covering, oor height 250 mm) Panel weight: ~ 7,5 - 12 kg/piece Panel material: High density wood material panel
Understructure: Module: 600 x 600 mm Pedestal material: galvanized steel pedestals Construction height: (without oor covering) ~ 55 2400 mm Recommendation for use: we recommend to use stringers from a nished oor height of 500 mm on, e.g. u-type stringers
Load values: Concentrated load: acc. to DIN EN 12825 class 1 - 5 Nominal load 2.000 5.000 N (increased load steps on request) Ultimate load > 4.000 10.000 N
Electrostatic: > 10 5 Ohm (Depending on systems and oor covering)
Fire protection: Building material class acc. to DIN 4102 T1: B2 or B1 Fire resistance class acc. to DIN 4102 T2: F30 (depending on system)
Thermal conductivity: (base material) ~ 0,13 W/mK
Acoustic values depending on system and oor covering: New terms acc. to DIN EN sound reduction index R L,w,P 44 57 dB Standard ank level difference D n,f,w,P
normalized impact sound pressure level L n,w,P 71 45 dB Standard ank impact sound level L n,f,w,P improvement of sound pressure level reduction L w,P 15 32 dB Impact sound reduction L w,P