Report Pleno Geriatry
Report Pleno Geriatry
Report Pleno Geriatry
MODULE : IMPAIRMENT IN CHILDREN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT SCENARIO : A, a boy was taken to Puskesmas in Desember 5th 2009 due to overnight fever. He born in February the 25th, 2009; supported by a midwife, hardly breathing when he was first delivered, with weak muscle tonus, birth weight (BW) 3000 grams, birth length (BL) 49 cm, head circumference (HC) 35 cm. The last 2 months consequtive weighin records: 6100 grams dan 6300 grams, with HC 44 cms. For daily meal the baby was fed with rice and vegetables, tofu, tempe, and sometimes egg. Starting from the age of 3 months, he consumed formula milk, bananas and baby porridge because he cried most of the time. He got BCG immunization when he was 2 months old; 4 times polio vaccine; B Hepatitis vaccine twice, in the age of 40 days and 3 months; DPT when he was 2 and 6 months old. The baby was able to crawl, but not yet sit and stand by him self. Sometimes mumbled, not able to hold jingling toys with his hands. He responded to sound, and able to show the direction of the sound source, can not feed him self with biscuits, and do not know how to play peek-a-boo. His mother was elementary school graduate only. Toys available at home: jingling toys, dolls, a three wheel bicycle. The mother never talked much. KEYWORDS/PATIENT STATUS: A 9 months years old boy came with overnight fever Weak muscle tonus and hardly breathing during delivery A term baby with normal body weight Last two months weight: BW:6100 and 6300 (low, it should be >8500g) Daily meal variable Breast milk only given in 3 months Immunizations: polio 4x,BCG 1 x, Hep B 2x,DPT 2X Able to crawl but not yet sit and stand, mumbled not able to hold jingling toys, good hearing, cant feed himself cant play peek a boo Mother has low education and not talkative QUESTIONS: 1. Why does he got fever? 2. What are the normal growth and development bases? Is this baby has normal growth and development? 3. How does the nutritional status of the baby? 4. How does the immunization status of the baby? 5. How do we interpret the factor that influences the growth and development of the baby? What is the disturbance that cause delay in baby growth and development? Is there any relation between social interactions with impairment of development? 6. What is the relationship between birth status with the muscle tone and impairment of development?
ANSWERS: 1. Why does he got fever? Actually, both either bad nutritional status could cause fever and fever could cause bad nutrional status and finally impaired the growth and development of the baby. But, we are more agree that bad nutritional status causes the baby fever. Malnutrition or undesirable physical or disease conditions related to nutrition can be caused by eating too little, too much or an unbalanced diet that does not contain all nutrients necessary for good nutritional status. In this book the term malnutrition is restricted to undernutrition, or lack of adequate energy, protein and micronutrients to meet basic requirements for body maintenance, growth and development. Nutrition and infection, health and disease The interaction or synergism of malnutrition and infection is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children in most countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Viral, bacterial and parasitic infections tend to be prevalent, and all can have a negative impact on the nutritional status of children and adults. The situation was similar in North America and Europe from about 1900 to 1925; common infectious diseases had an impact on nutrition and produced high case fatality rates. The synergistic relationship between malnutrition and infectious diseases is now well accepted and has been conclusively demonstrated in animal experiments. The simultaneous presence of both malnutrition and infection results in an interaction that has more serious consequences for the host than the additive effect would be if the two worked independently. Infections make malnutrition worse and poor nutrition increases the severity of infectious diseases. Effects of malnutrition on infection The immune system The human body has the ability to resist almost all types of organisms or toxins that tend to damage the tissues and organs. This capacity is called immunity. Much of the immunity is caused by a special immune system that forms antibodies and sensitized lymphocytes which attack and destroy the specific organisms or toxins. This type of immunity is called acquired immunity. An additional portion of the immunity results from the general processes of the body; this is called innate immunity Innate immunity is due to: resistance of the skin to invasion by organisms; phagocytosis of bacteria and other invaders by white blood cells and cells of the tissue macrophage system; destruction by the acid secretions of the stomach and by the digestive enzymes of organisms swallowed into the stomach; the presence in the blood of certain chemical compounds that attach to the foreign organisms or toxins and destroy them. There are two basic but closely allied types of acquired immunity. In one of these the body develops circulating antibodies, which are globulin molecules that are capable of attacking the invading agents and destroying them. This type of immunity is called humoral immunity. Antibodies circulate in the blood and may remain there for a long time, so that a second infection with the same organism is immediately controlled. This is the basis for some forms of immunization, which are designed to stimulate antibody production.
The second type of acquired immunity is achieved through the formation of large numbers of highly specialized lymphocytes which are specifically sensitized against the invading foreign agents. These sensitized lymphocytes have the ability to attach to the foreign agents and to destroy them. This type of immunity is called cellular immunity. It is a highly complex system involving many different body organs (such as the spleen, thymus, lymph system and bone marrow) and also body fluids, particularly blood and its constituents and lymph. The study of the complex system of immunity is termed immunology. Effects of malnutrition on resistance to infection A considerable amount of literature, documenting studies both in experimental animals and in people, demonstrates that dietary deficiency diseases may reduce the body's resistance to infections and adversely affect the immune system. Some of the normal defence mechanisms of the body are impaired and do not function properly in the malnourished subject. For example, children with kwashiorkor were shown to be unable to form antibodies to either typhoid vaccine or diphtheria toxoid; their capacity to do so was restored after protein therapy. Similarly, children with protein malnutrition have an impaired antibody response to inoculation with yellow fever vaccine. An inhibition of the agglutinating response to cholera antigen has been reported in children with kwashiorkor and nutritional marasmus. These studies provide a fairly clear indication that the malnourished body has a reduced ability to defend itself against infection. Another defence mechanism that has been studied in relation to nutrition is that of leucocytosis (increased production of white blood cells) and phagocytic activity (destruction of bacteria by white corpuscles). Children with kwashiorkor show a lower than normal leucocyte response in the presence of an infection. Perhaps of greater importance is the reduced phagocytic efficiency in malnourished subjects of the polymorphonuclear leucocytes that are part of the fight against invading bacteria. When malnutrition is present, these cells appear to have a defect in their intracellular bactericidal (bacteria-destroying) capacity. Although malnourished children frequently have increased immunoglobulin levels (presumably related to concurrent infections), they also may have depressed cell-mediated immunity. In a recent study, the extent of this depression was directly related to the severity of the protein-energy malnutrition (PEM). Serum transferrin levels are also low in those with severe PEM, and they often take considerable time to return to normal even after proper dietary treatment. A quite different kind of interaction of nutrition and infection is seen in the effect of some deficiency diseases on the integrity of the tissues. Reduction in the integrity of certain epithelial surfaces, notably the skin and mucous membranes, decreases resistance to invasion and makes an easy avenue of entry for pathogenic organisms. Examples of this effect are cheilosis and angular stomatitis in riboflavin deficiency, bleeding gums and capillary fragility in vitamin C deficiency, flakypaint dermatosis and atrophic intestinal changes in severe protein deficiency and serious eye lesions in vitamin A deficiency. Why the boy has an overnight fever? This is probably caused lack of necessary nutrition for which in turn cause defect in immunity system for example: -PUFA-consists of omega 3 and omega 6 which is vital for production of IgA and IgM in blood plasma -vitamin A-modulate 500 productions of gene which in turn the gene controlled production of immune cells
-vitamin D-regulates immune gene expression -vitamin C-against oxidative agents produced by immune cells against the pathogen So thats probably why this boy is vulnerable in infection thus causing this boy to have fever
Effects of infection on nutritional status Infection affects nutritional status in several ways. Perhaps the most important of these is that bacterial and some other infections lead to an increased loss of nitrogen from the body. This repercussion was first demonstrated in serious infections such as typhoid fever, but it has subsequently been shown in much milder infections such as otitis media, tonsillitis, chicken pox and abscesses. Nitrogen is lost by several mechanisms. The principal one is probably increased breakdown of tissue protein and mobilization of amino acids, especially from the muscles. The nitrogen is excreted in the urine and is evidence of a depletion of body protein from muscles. Full recovery is dependent upon the restoration of these amino acids to the tissues once the infection is overcome. This requires increased intake of protein, above maintenance levels, in the post-infection period. In children whose diet is marginal in protein content, or those who are already protein depleted, growth will be retarded during and after infections. In developing countries, children from poor families suffer from many infections in quick succession during the post-weaning period, and they often have multiple infections. Anorexia or loss of appetite is another factor in the relationship between infection and nutrition. Infections, especially if accompanied by a fever, often lead to loss of appetite and therefore to reduced food intake. Some infectious diseases commonly cause vomiting, with the same result. In many societies mothers and often medical attendants as well consider it desirable to withhold food or to place the child with an infection on a liquid diet. Such a diet may consist of rice water, very dilute soups, water alone or some other fluid with a low calorie density and usually deficient in protein and other essential nutrients. The old adage of "starve a fever" is of doubtful validity, and this practice may have serious consequences for the child whose nutritional status is already precarious. The traditional treatment of diarrhoea in some communities is to prescribe a purgative or enema. The gastro-enteritis may already have resulted in reduced absorption of nutrients from food, and the treatment may further aggravate this situation. These are all examples of how illnesses such as measles, upper respiratory infections and gastrointestinal infections may contribute to the development of malnutrition. The relationship of intestinal parasites, diarrhoea and measles to nutrition is discussed below. Parasitic infections Parasitic infections, particularly intestinal helminthic infections, are extremely prevalent and are increasingly being shown to have an adverse effect on nutritional status, especially in those heavily infected. Hookworms(Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus) infect over 00 million people, mainly the poor in tropical and subtropical countries. They used to cause a prevalent debilitating disease in the southern United States. Hookworms cause intestinal blood loss, and although it appears that most of the protein in the lost blood is absorbed lower down in the intestinal tract, there is considerable loss of iron. Hookworm disease is a major cause of iron deficiency anaemia in many countries. The extent of the loss of blood and iron in hookworm infections has been studied (Layrisse and Roche, 1966): daily faecal blood loss per hookworm (N. americanus) was reported to be 0.031 0.015 ml. It was
estimated that about 350 hookworms in the intestine cause a daily loss of 10 ml of blood, or 2 mg of iron. Infection densities much higher than this are not uncommon. In Venezuela, where much of this work was done, iron losses greater than 3 mg per day often resulted in anaemia in adult males, and losses of half this amount frequently produced anaemia in women of child-bearing age and in young children. Worldwide, roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) is among the most prevalent of intestinal parasites. It is estimated that 1 200 million people in the world (one-quarter of the world's population) harbour roundworms. The roundworm is large (15 to 30 cm long), so its own metabolic needs must be considerable. High parasite densities, particularly in children, are common in environments where sanitation is poor. Complications of ascariasis can develop, including intestinal obstruction or the presence of worms in aberrant sites such as the common bile duct. In some countries ascarids are a cause of surgical emergencies in children, and many with obstruction die. In the majority of children, however, when malnutrition is prevalent, deworming improves child growth. Trichuris trichiura or whipworm inhabits the large intestine and infects about 600 million people worldwide. The worms are small and, in heavily infected children, may cause diarrhoea and abdominal pain. Many children living in poor sanitary conditions are infected with several parasitic infections at the same time. In areas where infection with these three parasites is common and where malnutrition is prevalent, deworming of children leads to an improvement in growth, a reduction in the extent of malnutrition and an increase in appetite. It also positively influences physical fitness and perhaps psychological development. Bilharzia or schistosomiasis infections are prevalent in some countries. They also contribute to poor nutrition, poor appetite and poor growth. The three organisms that cause schistosomiasis (Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum) are flukes, rather than ordinary worms. Somewhat less is known about the relationship between intestinal protozoa! diseases and nutrition, but amoebas, causing serious dysentery and liver abscess, are highly pathogenic organisms, and infection with Giardia lamblia may cause malabsorption and abdominal pain. The fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum) has an avidity for vitamin B12 and can deprive its host of this vitamin, with megaloblastic anaemia resulting. The fish tapeworm is common in people in only limited geographic areas, mainly in temperate areas and where undercooked fish is frequently consumed. In many northern industrialized countries, farm animals and domestic pets such as dogs and cats are dewormed routinely. Much evidence suggests that pigs grow better when they regularly receive anthelmintics. Now that highly effective, relatively inexpensive and safe broad-spectrum anthelmintics such as albendazole and mebendazole are available, routine mass deworming should be introduced where parasitic infections are prevalent in humans and where PEM and anaemia are common. Similarly, routine efforts to treat children with schistosomiasis using metrifonate or praziquantel seem highly desirable both to rid children of potential serious pathology and to improve their nutritional status. More attention needs to be given to population-based chemotherapy for these infections along with intensification of public health and other measures to reduce their transmission, including improved sanitation and water supplies. Such efforts would improve the health and nutritional status of millions of the world's children.
Effects of diarrhoea Many studies have indicated that gastrointestinal infections, and especially diarrhoea, are very important in precipitating serious PEM. Diarrhoea is common in, and often lethal to, the young child. In breastfed infants there is often some protection during the first months of life, so diarrhoea is often a feature of the weaning process. Weanling diarrhoea is extraordinarily prevalent in poor communities throughout the world, both in tropical and temperate zones. The organism responsible varies and often cannot be identified. Diarrhoea was a major cause of mortality in children in industrialized countries up to the beginning of the twentieth century. Several studies have shown that admissions of cases of malnutrition are greatly increased during the season when diarrhoea is most common. For example, in a report from the Islamic Republic of Iran, more than twice as many cases of PEM were admitted in the warm summer than in the cold winter. The incidence of diarrhoeal disease followed the same pattern. Hospital and community studies indicate that cases of xerophthalmia and keratomalacia are frequently precipitated by gastro-enteritis, as well as by other infectious diseases such as measles and chicken pox. Xerophthalmia is the major cause of blindness in several Asian countries; it is also prevalent in certain parts of Africa, Latin America and the Near East. Intestinal parasites may contribute to diarrhoea and to poor vitamin A status. The exact mechanism of this relationship has not been proved, but it is likely that many infections reduce vitamin A absorption and that some result in decreased consumption of foods containing vitamin A and carotene. Diarrhoea can be fatal, usually because it can lead to severe dehydration (see Chapter 37). Diarrhoea, and the complication of dehydration, may be said to be a form of malnutrition. Dehydration is a "deficiency" in the body of water and mineral electrolytes, and providing adequate quantities of these cures the deficiency. The term "fluid electrolyte malnutrition" (FEM) has been coined for this condition. Provision of water and adequate minerals in home-prepared food, breastfeeding or administration of oral rehydration fluids is now the accepted treatment. Although these are forms of therapy or treatment, they are really refeeding and replenishment. However, prevention requires measures and interventions to reduce infections, poverty and malnutrition. These are essential if countries are to reduce the incidence of diarrhoea. Fatality rates for measles and other infectious diseases A dramatic illustration of the effect of malnutrition on infection is seen in the fatality rates for common childhood diseases such as measles. Measles is a severe disease with a case fatality rate of about 15 percent in many poor countries because the young children who develop it have poor nutritional status, lowered resistance and poor health. In Mexico the fatality rate for measles has been reported to be 180 times higher than that in the United States; in Guatemala, 268 times higher; and in Ecuador, 480 times higher. The decline in case fatality rates of measles in North America, Europe and other industrialized countries has been dramatic over the last century. Differences in the clinical severity and the fatality rates of measles in developed and developing countries are due not to differences in virus virulence but to differences in the hosts' nutritional status. For example, during a measles epidemic in the United Republic of Tanzania that was causing considerable mortality among the children of poorer families, it was observed that fatalities from the disease were extremely uncommon in the children of families of moderate income, such as those of hospital employees. Measles is also related to vitamin A deficiency. It has been shown that providing vitamin A supplements to children with measles who have poor vitamin A status greatly reduces case fatality rates.
Immunization against measles is proving very effective, and in many countries measles incidence has been markedly reduced. Other common infectious diseases such as whooping cough, diarrhoea and upper respiratory infections also have much more serious consequences in malnourished children than in those who are well nourished. Mortality statistics from most developing countries show that such communicable diseases are the major causes of death. It was observed in several African countries at the end of the Sahel famine that very few children were dying of starvation or malnutrition, but that deaths from measles, respiratory infections and other infectious diseases were still very much above pre-famine levels. It is clear that many, perhaps the majority, of these deaths were due to malnutrition. This may seem a moot point for a grieving parent, but for the policy planner and the public health official it is important to know to what extent morbidity and mortality rates are due to or related to undernutrition. An inter-American investigation of mortality in childhood showed that of 35 000 deaths of children under five years of age in ten countries, in 57 percent of the cases malnutrition was either the underlying or an associated cause of death. Nutritional deficiency was the most serious health problem uncovered, and it was frequently associated with common infectious diseases Source: Human nutrition in the developing world 2. What are the normal growth and development bases? Is this baby has normal growth and development? What is the growth and development of the baby? Growth The change of large, amount, measures or dimension of the cell stage, organ and individual. Example : body weight, body length, bone age, circumference head, and circumference of the arm. Stages of growth-development Postnatal period (after birth) neonatal periods (0-28 days) adaption to environment, the change of blood circulation, start to the function of body organ Baby periods (1mo-2 yr) Early baby (1mo-1yr) Rapid growth, maturation process take place. continue the increasing of nerve system function final baby (1-2 years) Speed of growth start decrease, progress of growth of motor & function of excretion preschool periods(2-6 yr) stable of the growth, corporeal activity increase & the increasing of skilled & process of thinking School periods ( 6-10 yr, 8-12 yr) rapid growth, skill and intelectual more expand, like to play in the team adolescent periods (1018 yr,12-20 yr) the transition of period of child to adult, acceleration growth, marking of secondary sex
Based on our case, the age of the baby is 9 months. Thus, the baby is in early baby periods. In this period, rapid growth, maturation process take place continue and the increasing of nerve system function is occurred. The characteristic of growth 1. Change of measure physical ; increasing of the body organ improvement of requirement of body increased 2. Change of proportion head of the newborn baby relative have the bigger proportion than age furthermore. Center body in umbilicus, adult as high as pubis symphisis 3. The vanish of old marking growth process disappearing of the thymus gland, fall out of the milkteeth, the vanish of primitive reflects 4. Appear of the new marking the maturation effect of organ function permanet tooth, the marking of secondary sex
Growth Assessment 1. Body Weight(BW) Normal = 2500 4000g Birth BW: 3000g Interpretation: Normal Addition of BW: Trimester I 700-1000 g/month Trimester II 500-600 g/month Trimester III 350-450 g/month Trimester IV 250-350 g/month Calculation: Minimum BW: 3000g + 3(700)g + 3(500)g + 3(350)g = 7650g Maximum BW: 3000g + 3(1000)g + 3(600)g + 3(450)g = 9150g Normal BW Estimation: 7650g-9150g BW(9 m/o): 6500g Interpretation: Underweight
3. Head Circumference(HC) Normal = 33-38 cm Birth HC: 35cm Interpretation: Normal Normal HC Estimation: 42.5cm HC (7-9 m/o): 44cm Addition of HC for first 2y/o: 0-6 months 1.0cm/month 7-12 months 0.5cm/month 1-2 years 2.0cm/year Calculation: 35 cm + 6(1.0) cm +3(0.5)cm = 42.5cm Interpretation: Normal
Interpretation: Normal in range (-2SD +2SD) but cannot evaluate HC growth pattern due to only 2 data is available. Development Child development refers to the biological and psychological changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy. In general development also described as: 1. Increase in the complexity of function and skill progression. 2. It is the capacity and skill of a person to adapt to the environment. 3. Development is the behavioural aspect of growth Developmental change may occur as a result of genetically-controlled processes known as maturation, or as a result of environmental factors and learning, but most commonly involves an interaction between the two, it may also occur as a result of human nature and our ability to learn from our environment. Human beings have a keen sense to adapt to their surroundings and this is what child development encompasses. The characteristic of development There are several characteristic of development; first, it is associated with changes. This is also means that, every growth accompanied by change of function, example development of the reproduction system accompanied by change of organ sexual. The second is that early development determining the growth for the next level. This is means one cannot pass one development phase before going through the previous level. Third, developmental pattern has a fixed pattern which is from head to caudal area (cephalocudal) or from proximal to distal (proximodistal). It is in a regular and according to the sequence pattern. It has a different rate speed and always correlated to the growth also. Aspect of children development There are four main aspect of development in children: 1. Gross motor - Gross motor skills are the abilities required in order to control the large muscles of the body for walking, running, sitting, crawling, and other activities. 2. Fine motor and vision - Fine motor skills generally refer to the small movements of the hands, wrists, fingers, feet, toes, lips, and tongue. 3. Speech, language and hearing. 4. Social, emotional, behavioural.
Monitoring and early detection of the developmental problem: Developmental problems are all associated with the four main aspects as being mentioned above. There are four method of screening that we can do to detect early developmental problem in children, they are: 1. DENVER II Developmental Screening Test 2. Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) 3. CHAT (Checklist for Autism in Toddlers) 4. Bayley-III The interpretation according to the Denver II is listed in the table below: Aspect of Normal for a 9 months According to the development old boy scenario Gross motoric Stand holding on Able to craw development Pull to stand Cannot sit and stand by himself Getting to sit Bear weight on leg Fine motoric Take two cubes Not able to hold development jingling toys with Thumb finger his hand grasp Speech and language Dada-mama non Able to respond specific sound able to show direction of Combine syllabus the sound source Jabbers Sometimes Turn to voice and mumbled rattling sound Social behaviour Play peek a boo Not able to feed himself Feed self Not knowing how Wave bye bye to play peek a boo
Below is also the example of Danver II assessment sheet to evaluate the development of the children:
3. How does the nutritional status of the baby? Nutritional status cannot be determined since in we cannot plot the graph in CDC.Since the length of the baby cannot be determined we cannot use the waterlow formula to count the nutritional status Nutrition in our case: 1) For daily meal the baby was fed with rice and vegetables, tofu, tempe, and sometimes egg. 2) Starting from the age of 3 months, he consumed formula milk, bananas and baby porridge because he cried most of the time. Ideal nutrition: o ASI exclusive for 6 month! o By 9 months, babies are usually eating two solid meals in a day Nutrition Status Instrument: Rumus waterlow & Growth Status Percentage
BW/A= 6.5/9.2= 70.65% (moderate malnutrition) BL/A= 70/72= 97.2% (normal) BW/BL= 6.5/8.8= 73.86% (moderate malnutrition) According to the scenario given: Age 9 months old baby Current BW is 6.5kg (normal 9.2kg) Current BH is 70cm (normal 72cm) Nutritional status BW/A= 6.5/9.2= 70.65% (moderate mulnutrition) BL/A= 70/72= 97.2% (normal) BW/BL= 6.5/8.8= 73.86% (moderate malnutrition) BL is suitable for 8 months baby
5. How do we interpret the factor that influences the growth and development of the baby? What is the disturbance that cause delay in baby growth and development? Is there any relation between social interactions with impairment of development? A. INTRINSIC risk factors birthweight Apgar score Asphyxia Hyperbilirubinemia Infection congenital abnormality temperament
APGAR Scoring
B. EXTRINSIC risks factors (environment) 1. MICRO environment (quality of mother, care-giver) 2. MINI environment (quality of father, siblings housing, toys, faciliities, rule, norm, reward) 3. MESO environment (neighbour, health & educational services, sanitation) 4. MACRO environment (WHO, Unicef, proffesion program and services) 1. MICRO Environment (quality of mother): age, height, health status during pregnany and delivery (anemia, nutritional status, therapy), smoking, drugs, alcohol, educational status, occupacy), family planning (number of children, spacing,) infectious diseases, knowledge and behavior, marietal status (single parent, diforce, unwanted child etc) 2. MINI environment (father, siblings, caregiver, facilities etc) : Father : age, height, educational status, occupancy, salary, knowledge / skill/ behavior, diseases, marietal status, family planning Siblings : number, spacing, ages, health status (nutrition, immunisation, congenital abnormality, delayed development), Caregiver: education, knowledge/skill/behavior, norm, value, rule,reward, punishment, Facilities : toys, housing sanitation (water, air, illumination).
3. MESO environment : neighbour (economic status, behavior), playtmatch, play fasilities, health and educational services, sanitation, environmenmtal ststus, socio-culture 4. MACRO environment: awarness of health staff, officials, profesionals WHO, Unicef, governmnet programme etc
6. What is the relationship between birth status with the muscle tone and impairment of development?
Perinatal asphyxia or neonatal asphyxia is the medical condition resulting from deprivation of oxygen to a newborn infant that lasts long enough during the birth process to cause physical harm, usually to the brain. Hypoxic damage can occur to most of the infant's organs (heart, lungs, liver, gut,kidneys), but brain damage is of most concern and perhaps the least likely to quickly or completely heal. In the more pronounced cases, an infant will survive, but with damage to the brain manifested as either mental, such as developmental delay or intellectual disability, or physical, such asspasticity in fact, spastic diplegia and the other forms of cerebral palsy almost always feature asphyxiation during the birth process as a major, if not defining, factor. It results most commonly from a drop in maternal blood pressure or some other substantial interference with blood flow to the infant's brain during delivery. This can occur due to inadequatecirculation or perfusion, impaired respiratory effort, or inadequate ventilation. Perinatal asphyxia happens in 2 to 10 per 1000 newborns that are born at term, and more for those that are born prematurely. An infant suffering severe perinatal asphyxia usually has poor color (cyanosis), perfusion, responsiveness, muscle tone, and respiratory effort, as reflected in a low 5 minute Apgar score. Extreme degrees of asphyxia can cause cardiac arrest and death. If resuscitation is successful, the infant is usually transferred to a neonatal intensive care unit. Signs and symptoms of Perinatal asphyxia :
Each baby may experience symptoms of birth asphyxia differently. However, the following are the most common symptoms. Before delivery, symptoms may include: Abnormal heart rate or rhythm An increased acid level in a baby's blood At birth, symptoms may include: Bluish or pale skin color Low heart rate Weak muscle tone and reflexes ****** Weak cry ****** Gasping or weak breathing ****** Meconium the first stool passed by the baby in the amniotic fluid, which can block small airways and interfere with breathing The complications of neonatal asphyxia? CNS: hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy(HIE), intracranial hemorrhage(ICH) RS: meconium asphyration syndrome(MAS), respiratory distress syndrome(RDS), pulmonary hemorrhage CVS: heart failure, cardiac shock GIS: necrotising enterocolitis(NEC), stress gastric ulcer Others: hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia ClassificationClinical features of HIA: Mild(stage I): hyperalert, irritable, normal muscular tone & reflex, no seizure, normal EEG Moderate(stage II): lethargy, hypotonia, weak sucking & Moro response, often seizure, EEG+ Severe(stage III): coma, absent muscular tone & reflex,persistent seizure, EEG++
Conclusion Early management Improving nutrition status by giving the appropriates nutrition. Give the enough immunization and on time. Optimalize of parents responsibility in stimulation of infant in order to development of infant achieving the appropriates ASUH, ASIH and ASAH. Controls the fever and give appropriate treatment based on diagnosis if need Monitoring is very important and helpful!