Hollywood Salutes The World - The Hindu

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Hollywood salutes the world | The Hindu


Opinion Editorial
Published: February 26, 2013 00:28 IST | Updated: February 27, 2013 00:39 IST

Hollywood salutes the world

he! the !"#i!ati"!s $"r the 8%th &!!ual &'ade#y &(ards (ere a!!"u!'ed, there (as a se!se "$ &#eri'a! triu#phalis#, "$ the U!ited States re#i!di!) itsel$ that it (as i!deed the #"st p"(er$ul !ati"! "! the pla!et* Ste+e! Spielber),s -i!'"l!, ab"ut "!e "$ the '"u!try,s ar'hite'ts, led the ra'e (ith 12 !"#i!ati"!s* &r)", a dra#ati' "de t" &#eri'a! i!)e!uity a!d )u!).h" $ilibusteri!) a)ai!st Ira!, re'ei+ed se+e! !"#i!ati"!s* &!d /er" 0ar1 Thirty, a! a''"u!t "$ the 2I&.led "perati"! that resulted i! the death "$ 3sa#a bi! -ade!, e!ded up (ith $i+e !"#i!ati"!s* These (ere the three $il#s r"uti!ely dis'ussed by 3s'ar pu!dits e+ery(here, a!d -i$e "$ Pi, (ith its i#pressi+e tally "$ 11 !"#i!ati"!s, (as lar)ely '"!sidered a sh"".i! $"r '"!s"lati"! pri4es i! the te'h!i'al 'ate)"ries 5 $"r 6est 7isual 8$$e'ts, "r 6est 2i!e#at")raphy* I! the e!d, &!) -ee,s $il# ("! the #"st a(ards "$ the e+e!i!) 5 $"ur, i!'ludi!) "!e i! a #a9"r 'ate)"ry, $"r 6est 0ire't"r* The 'l"si!) ("rds "$ -ee,s a''epta!'e spee'h said it all: :Tha!1 y"u &'ade#y* ;ie <ie* =a#aste*> F"r the !i)ht,s bi))est (i!!er (as a $il# s"ur'ed $r"# a 2a!adia! !"+el, sh"t i! I!dia, Tai(a! a!d 2a!ada, a!d '"#pleted "! '"#puters a'r"ss the ("rld* The &#eri'a! e!tertai!#e!t i!dustry,s bi))est !i)ht, ir"!i'ally but !"t u!surprisi!)ly, tur!ed "ut t" be a 'elebrati"! "$ the rest "$ the ("rld* It (as a $ar 'ry $r"# the years (he! ?"lly(""d,s s"le a'1!"(led)#e!t "$ the ("rld "utside 'a#e thr"u)h the t"1e! 6est F"rei)! Fil# 'ate)"ry* The e+e!i!) "$$ered t(" "ther surprises* 3!e (as @ue!ti! Tara!ti!",s (i! $"r 6est 3ri)i!al S'ree!play $"r 09a!)" U!'hai!ed, (hi'h re'ei+ed 'e!sure $r"# 'ertai! Auarters $"r its i!'"rre't depi'ti"! "$ a!tebellu# &#eri'a! hist"ry* Its (i! "+er the #"re :hist"ri'ally a''urate> /er" 0ar1 Thirty 5 barri!) the '"!tr"+ersy "+er the utility "$ t"rture 5 "$$ered its "(! 1i!d "$ '"##e!tary* The "ther upset (as Be!!i$er -a(re!'e,s (i! C6est &'tress, $"r Sil+er -i!i!)s Playb""1D "+er Bessi'a 2hastai!, (h" (as '"!sidered the $r"!t.ru!!er $"r her per$"r#a!'e i! /er" 0ar1 Thirty* Put di$$ere!tly, the !eur"ti' her"i!e "$ a r"#a!ti' '"#edy (as dee#ed ("rthier tha! the ("#a! (h" dedi'ated years "$ her li$e t" bri!)i!) d"(! 3sa#a* 3ther(ise, thi!)s (e!t a''"rdi!) t" pla!* &r)" ("! 6est Pi'ture a!d 6est &dapted S'ree!play* The a'ti!) a(ards (e!t t" 0a!iel 0ay.-e(is, &!!e ?atha(ay a!d 2hrist"ph alt4* 3!e "$ the pr"ble#s (ith the &'ade#y &(ards 'ere#"!y is that it '"#es at the e!d "$ a l"!) li!e "$ "ther a(ards, a!d there is rarely a!y 'ha!)e i! (h" (i!s i! a parti'ular 'ate)"ry* T" 1eep thi!)s ali+e, the e#'ee Seth Ea'Farla!e, i!9e'ted steady d"ses "$ rude hu#"ur* ?e e+e! #ade a 9"1e ab"ut the -i!'"l! assassi!ati"!* Truly, !"thi!) ab"ut &#eri'a is sa'red a!y#"re* Fey("rds: 3s'ar a(ards, 3s'ar !"#i!ati"!s, -i$e "$ Pi, &!) -ee, -i!'"l!, 0a!iel 0ay.-e(is, 3s'ar (i!!ers
Pri!table +ersi"! | Bu! 3, 2013 G:37:33 &E | http:HH(((*thehi!du*'"#H"pi!i"!Hedit"rialHh"lly(""d.salutes.the.("rldHarti'leGG%2722*e'e I The ?i!du

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6/3/2013 4:37 AM

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