Empowering Socio-Cultural Environment of Women - An Empirical Study of Female Professionals of District Faridabad
Empowering Socio-Cultural Environment of Women - An Empirical Study of Female Professionals of District Faridabad
Empowering Socio-Cultural Environment of Women - An Empirical Study of Female Professionals of District Faridabad
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org, editorijaiem@gmail.com Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847
Empowering Socio- Cultural Environment of Women- An Empirical Study Of Female Professionals of District Faridabad
Dr. Archana Bhatia1 , Ms Kanika Mehandiratta2
Socio cultural empowerment is necessary for the overall development of the females. The present research paper tries to study the perception of female professionals belonging to different age groups an d professions on different attributes of socio- cultural empowerment at workplace and bring forth suggestions for strengthening the socio-cultural empowerment of women in the Indian society.
The indicators of social empowerment of women include the base of gender inequality, sex ratios, life expectancy rates and fertility rates which shows the general status of women in terms literacy, economic growth, availability of health care and birth control facilities, educational status of women, age at marriage, literacy rates and participation of women outside the home. Gender inequality is a worldwide phenomenon and leaving aside some Nordic nations, gender inequality base reflects very poorly for almost all major countries in the world. Sex ratio is against women in Asia and even though life expectancy has gone up around the world including in Asia it has not improved the overall status of women in much of the world. Same is the case with fertility rates which have declined in some regions including Asia but the positive impact of this change on women around the world is not as much as that was desired. Glaring gender gap exists in terms of literacy rates though it is narrowing across Asia. The figures for female literacy rates are not at all encouraging in the developing world. Now let's focus on various issues that are closely associated with the social and cultural empowerment of women. Ending violence against women Violence against women is a real fact and we need to acknowledge the real tragedy behind this crime. It totally shatters the women from the core psychologically as well as physically. It is time that community development and feminist values are made an integral aspect of empowerment of women. Women need to be educated and made aware of their rights and they should be encouraged to stand united against the biased and discriminating social environment which directly and indirectly affects their psychological and physical self. Education and awareness would be a big step towards the fight against gender based violence. Only through education and awareness we can connect with the vast majority of women living in various parts of the world and prevent them from falling pray to the numerous forms of possible violence in their life. We have to accept the fact that women are constantly under the threat of violence from various sides. The oppressive structures of the society need to be changed and oppression of women need to be stopped but it wont happen through some quick fix solutions. The change can be only possible through social and cultural empowerment of women at the grass root level with education and awareness. Issues related to social empowerment of women When we talk of social empowerment of women then we are actually addressing various issues which might be applicable to different parts of the world for improving the overall status of women. Among them the prominent issues relate to education for women, health for women, nutrition for women, drinking water and sanitation for women and their family, housing and shelter for women and their family, environment and the connection with women, participation of women in the field of science and technology, care for women under difficult circumstances, fighting the violence against women and rights of the girl child. Healthcare for women Coming to the health of women we need to understand that women are facing very difficult times at all stages of their life cycle. It is sad to note that a section of our society is highly prejudiced against the girl child and in fact can be labeled as
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Food grains are essentially important for existence of our human body. Status of growing crop can be better answered by the fertility of land and its support services like watering, ploughing, sowing the seeds, protection from unfavorable environment and any other neglect. Likewise, in the case of women- the real builder of this world which has undergone several degradations and elevations in status over a period of our civilization has to be taken care. In ancient era, women have been recognized as Devi (Goddess) and sometimes treated as most ignorant- Daasi status. While tracing the cards of history- during Rig-Veda, it is revealed that women enjoyed status of equality, freedom and place of honour but these credentials declined at later Rig-Veda, Naryastu yatra pujyante, ramante tatra devta, (Mitter et al). Next generation was of Samirities, which customized marrying a girl at 8 years -full of paradox, neglect of women, where status of women reduced drastically. Inhuman and cruel traditions like Sati Pratha started where women were burnt alive on the death of husband to get rid of widows as they were treated as liability. When history was stepping in medieval era, the condition of women further worsened where Sati-Pratha continued consistently and Parda-system (veiling) was imposed on women. On seeing such crimes on women, Mitter et al reminded of a new era known as Bhakti Movement that came into existence where all Hindu Saints and bold women like Meerabai, Janabai, Bahinabai etc. came out and propagated the idea of equality between men and women. Kant (2003), assessed the revolutionary efforts by reformer personalities like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Mahadev Govind Ranaday who convinced Britishers to bring laws for banning Sati Pratha by introducing Civil Marriage Act, 1872, the Married Womens Property Act, 1874 and Age Consent Act, 1881. Glancing at post independence era, the position of women did not change much except in the area of health and education. It was largely felt that the attitude of men did not change to the desired extent and women are being tortured right from the family in which they live upto the open world in which they move. Most of the cruelties, family feuding and physical and mental torture of women occur by women directly or indirectly. The empowerment of woman is one of the central issues in the process of development of countries all over the world. Empowerment in social and personal front has improved drastically. In 1938 the National Planning Committee was set by the National Congress under the chair of Laxmi Bai Rajwade included Sarojini Naidu, Begum Humid Ali, Amrit Kaur, Vijay Lakshmi Pandit. Eminent persons like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar and Baba Saheb Ambedkar emphasized on womens education and it got a fillip after independence in 1947.
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4. Hypotheses Formulation
The following two hypotheses have been formulated for the research study:
H01: There is no significant difference in the perception of female professionals belonging to different age groups on different attributes of socio- cultural empowerment. H02: There is no significant difference in the perception of female professionals belonging to different professions on different attributes of socio- cultural empowerment.
5. Research Methodology
This study is descriptive and exploratory. Both primary and secondary sources of data are used in this research study. Primary data have been collected through questionnaire designed to get first hand information from 250 female professionals in Faridabad district but there were 204 usable responses. The respondents were asked to rate their perception at workplace on a scale of 1-5 (1 extremely poor and 5- excellent). Secondary data has been collected from various books, articles, print media and internet.
6. Sample Design
In the sample of 204 respondents there are 76 teachers, 45 doctors, 30 lawyers and 53 female professionals belonging to others category which consisted of female Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Engineers and managerial level females working in corporate sector. 192 females were married and the remaining 12 were unmarried. 59 females belonged to the age category of less than 34 years, 77 belonged to the age category of 34-40 years and 68 belonged to the category of more than 40 years.
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1.999 (.139)
1.201 (.204)
Insignificant Difference
34.273 (.000)
22.235 (.000)
Significant Difference
11.192 (.000)
2.158 (.119)
Insignificant Difference
6.330 (.002)
12.482 (.000)
Significant Difference
6.779 (.002)
2.794 (.064)
Insignificant Difference
.275 (.760)
1.140 (.323)
Insignificant Difference
13.392 (.000)
9.115 (.000)
Significant Difference
1.228 (.296)
7.939 (.001)
Significant Difference
2.659 (.073)
.754 (.472)
Insignificant Difference
14.605 (.000)
4.765 (.010)
Insignificant Difference
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Teachers Doctors
1.191 1.50 2.00 1.80 1.84 2.27 1.33 2.00 2.50 2.11 2.45 1.83 1.70 1.80 1.97 3.00 4.17 1.40 2.50 2.62 2.64 2.67 2.00 2.20 2.35 4.00 2.50 3.80 3.00 3.43
1.395 .511 .906 .992 1.057 1.065 .482 .906 .506 .897 .901 1.090 .911 1.181 1.056 1.294 .702 .496 1.377 1.407 1.313 .482 1.109 1.344 1.194 .747 .978 .405 .906 .949
7.953 (.000)
Insignifica nt Difference
6.881 (.000)
11.098 (.000)
Significan t Difference
.487 (.092)
4.782 (.003)
Significan t Difference
17.798 (.000)
35.620 (.000)
Staying independent with spouse is preferred by you over joint family culture
Significan t Difference
11.144 (.000)
2.865 (.039)
Do you feel that girl child is discriminated over boy child in your family
Insignifica nt Difference
5.499 (.001)
27.256 (.000)
Significan t Difference
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Insignifica nt Difference
Significan t Difference
Significan t Difference
Significan t Difference
Significan t Difference
Do your family consider your verdict at par in family planning on all front
Insignifica nt Difference
The table shows that for the attributes of A1, A5, A7 & A12, the p value of f statistic is found to be more than 5 percent level of significance. Hence for all these attributes the null hypothesis H02 is accepted i.e. socio-cultural empowerment is same with profession. It is also depicted that for the attributes of do you feel you are mostly suffocated or victimized in social setup & do you feel exploitation in society the females belonging to the others category agree more as they are the engineers and corporate level managers who have to travel at late hours from workplace and spend more time there as well. For the attributes of is their gender equality in India and do you feel free comfortable, safe & secure in the society and are you happy with personal, reproductive and sexual help, the females belonging to the category of teachers agree more .For the attribute of staying independent with spouse is preferred by you over joint family culture and do you feel that you are an important part of your family, the females belonging to the category of doctors agree more as they have to go to hospitals or clinics in the late hours so they dont want any interference from their in-laws and as they stay in nuclear family therefore they are important part of their families. But for the attribute of are you empowered to influence decisions taken by your family the females belonging to the category of lawyers agree more as they have better arguing and negotiating qualities
9. Conclusion
Investing in women is said to be a key to development. Educate her, buy her a cow or goat, or help her start a business and great things will follow such as sustained increase in income, greater empowerment and social inclusion, health and education for the children and especially mental health and happiness.
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[1] Anand Neeta, (2003), Working women: issues and problems, Yojana, March.pp11-14.) [2] BatliwalaS.Takingthepoweroutofempowerment:AnexperientialaccouDevelopmentinPractice2007:557565 [3] Devasia Leelaamma, Devasia V.V (2011) Empowering women for sustainable Development, New Delhi:APH Publishing Corporation.) [4] Equality The Unfinished Agenda. Status of Women in India, National Commission for Women, New Delhi. [5] Gro Harlem Brundtland World Conference on Women, Beijing, 2006 [6] Gro Harlem Brundtland World Conference on Women, Beijing, 2006 [7] http://www.indiatogether.org/women/opinions/year2001.htm#sthash.vhJ2k1Cg.dpuf http://www.indiatogether.org/women/opinions/year2001.htm#sthash.vhJ2k1Cg.dpuf http://www.indiatogether.org/women/opinions/year2001.htm#sthash.vhJ2k1Cg.dpuf) [8] http://www.wcd.nic.in/empwomen.htm [9] Institute of Development Studies. Available at: www.ids.ac.uk/go/idsperson/nailakabeer. [10] Saraswathi Mishra., Sarala (2002). Towards Equal status of Indian Women , Gyan publishing House, New Delhi 2002) [11] Women empowerment through the SHG approach by Augustine D in Indian Journal of Social Work 71:4 (2010) [12] WOMENS SOCIO-ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT THROUGH PARTICIPATORY APPROACH by Abdul Rashid Khan and Zainab Bibi [13] www.poverty-action.org/sites/default/.../wings_full_policy_report_0.pdf
Dr. Archana Bhatia is currently working as an Associate Professor, Head and Dean (Since 2006), Department of Commerce DAV Centenary College Faridabad. She is PhD from M.D.U. Rohtak , M.Phil in Business Economics, University of Delhi and M.Com. from M.D. University, Rohtak, (Gold Medal). Her areas of expertise are General Management, Statistics, Marketing, and Income Tax.
Ms. Kanika Mehandiratta is cyrrently working as an assistant professor at DAV Centenary College Faridabad. She is NET qualified and pursuing PhD from M.D.U. Rohtak.
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