7 Improper Integrals, Exp, Log, Arcsin, and The Integral Test For Series

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Improper Integrals, Exp, Log, Arcsin, and the Integral Test for Series

We have now attained a good level of understanding of integration of nice functions f over closed intervals [a, b]. In practice one often wants to extend the domain of integration and consider unbounded intervals such as [a, ) and (, b]. The simplest non-trivial examples are the innite trumpets dened by the areas under the graphs of xt for t > 0, i.e., the improper integrals 1 At = dx. xt

We will see below that At has a well dened meaning if t > 1, but becomes unbounded for t 1. One is also interested in integrals of functions f over nite intervals with f being unbounded. The natural examples are given (for t > 0) by 1 Bt =

1 dx. xt

Here it turns out that Bt is well dened, i.e., has a nite value, if and only if t < 1. In particular, neither A1 nor B1 makes sense. Moreover, At + Bt =

1 dx xt

is unbounded for every t > 0.


Improper Integrals

Let f be a function dened on the interior of a possibly innite interval J such that either its upper endpoint call it b, is or f becomes unbounded as one approaches b. But suppose that the lower endpoint call it a, is nite and that f (a) is dened. In the former case the interval is unbounded, while in the latter case the interval is bounded, but the function is unbounded. We 1

will say that the integral of f over J exists i the following two conditions hold: (7.1.1) (i) For every u (a, b), f is integrable on [a, u]; and (ii) the limit
ub, u<b a

u lim f (x)dx

exists. When this limit exists, we will call it the integral of f over J and write it symbolically as b (7.1.2)

f (x)dx.

Sometimes we will also say that the integral (7.1.2) converges when it makes sense. Similarly, if a is either or is a nite point where f becomes unbounded, but with b a nite point where f is dened, one sets b (7.1.3)

b f (x)dx =
ua, u>a u


f (x)dx

when the limit on the right makes sense. Lemma 7.1 We have c f (x)dx f (x)dx + f (x)dx =
a a c

c (a, )


b f (x)dx =

c f (x)dx +

b f (x)dx

c (, b),

whenever the integrals make sense. 2

Proof. We will prove the rst additivity formula and leave the other as an exercise for the reader. Pick any c (a, ). or all real numbers u > c, we have by the usual additivity formula, u f (x)dx =
a a

c f (x)dx +

u f (x)dx.


c u f (x)dx = lim f (x)dx + f (x)dx ,

u a c

which equals c f (x)dx + lim

a u c

u f (x)dx =

c f (x)dx +

f (x)dx.

2 If J is an interval with both of its endpoints being problematic, we will choose a point c in (a, b) and put b (7.1.4)

c f (x)dx =

b f (x)dx +

f (x)dx

if both the improper integrals on the right make sense. One can check using Lemma 7.1 above that this denition is independent of the choice of c. When an improper integral does not make sense, we will call it divergent. Otherwise it is convergent. Proposition 1 Let t be a positive real number. Then for t > 1, (A)

1 1 dx = , t x t1

with the improper integral on the left being divergent for t 1.

On the other hand, if t (0, 1), 1 (B )


1 1 dx = , t x 1t

with the improper integral on the left being divergent for t 1. Proof. all t = 1: We learnt in section 5.4 that for all a, b R with a < b, and for b

1 b1t a1t dx = . xt 1t

Hence for t > 1,

u u


1 1 1 1 dx = lim + = , t t 1 u (1 t)u x t1 t1

because the term ut1 1 goes to zero as u goes to . If t < 1, this term goes to as u goes to , and so the integral is divergent. Finally let t = 1. Then we cannot use the above formula. But for each N 1, we have the inequality N N 1 1 dx. n x n=1

The reason is that the sum on the left is a lower Riemann sum for the function 1 f (x) = x over the interval [1, N ] relative to the partition P : 1 < 2 < . . . < N . So, if the improper integral of this function exists over [1, ), the innite series N 1 1 = lim N n n n=1 n=1 must converge. But we have seen in Chapter 2 that this series diverges. So the integral is divergent for t = 1, and (A) is proved in all cases. The proof of (B) is very similar and will be left as an exercise. 2


Inverse functions

Suppose f is a function with domain X and image (or range) Y . By denition, given any x in X , there is a unique y in Y such that f (x) = y . But this denition of a function is not egalitarian, because it does not require that a unique number x be sent to y by f ; so y is special but x is not. A really nice kind of a function is what one calls a one-to-one (or injective) function. By denition, f is such a function i (7.2.1) f (x) = f (x ) = x = x .

In such a case, we can dene an inverse function g with domain Y and range X , given by (7.2.2) g (y ) = x i f (x) = y.

Clearly, when such an inverse function g exists, one has (7.2.3) g f = 1X and f g = 1Y ,

where 1X , resp. 1Y , denotes the identity function on X , resp. Y . We will be concerned in this chapter with X, Y which are subsets of the real numbers. Proposition 2 Let f be a one-to-one function with domain X R and range Y , with inverse g . Suppose in addition that f is dierentiable at x with f (x) = 0. Then g is dierentiable at y = f (x) and we have g (y ) = for all x in X with y = f (x). Note that if we know a priori that f and g are both dierentiable, then this is easy to prove. Indeed, in that case their composite function g f , which is the identity on X , would be dierentiable. By dierentiating the identity g (f (x)) = x 1 f (x)

with respect to x, and applying the chain rule, we get g (f (x)) f (x) = 1, because the derivative of x is 1. Done. Proof. We have to compute the limit L = lim g (y + h) g (y ) . h


Since f is dierentiable, it is in particular continuous, which implies that

h 0

lim f (x + h ) = f (x).

So, if we set

h = f (x + h ) f (x),

then h 0 when h 0. Writing y = f (x), we then get, after applying g to y + h = f (x + h ), g (y + h) = x + h , or in other words, h = g (y + h) g (y ).

We claim that, since f is one-to-one, we must also have h 0 when h 0. Suppose not. Then for some > 0, |h | = |g (y + h) g (y )| is for all h close to 0. But this will lead to f sending two distinct numbers, with x + h being one of them, to the same number y + h; the other number will be close to x, of distance less than . This contradicts the fact that f is one-to-one. Hence the Claim. Hence h L = lim , h 0 f (x + h ) f (x) which is the inverse of f (x). It makes sense because f (x) is by assumption non-zero. 2 Note that this proof shows that g is not dierentiable at any point y = f (x) if f is zero at x.

It is helpful to note that many a function is not one-to-one in its maximal domain, but becomes one when restricted to a smaller domain. To give a simple example, the squaring function f ( x) = x2 is dened everywhere on R. But it is not one-to-one, because f (a) = f (a). However, if we restrict to the subset R+ of non-negative real numbers, f is one-to-one and so we may dene its inverse to be the square-root function g (y ) = y, y R+ .

Another example is provided by the sine function, which is periodic of period 2 and hence not one-to-one on R. But it becomes one when restricted to [/2, /2].


The natural logarithm

For any x > 0, its natural logarithm is dened by the denite integral x (7.3.1) log x =

dt . t

Some write ln(x) instead, and some others write loge x. When 0 < x < 1, this signies the negative of integral of 1 from x to 1. Consequently, log x is t positive if x > 1, negative if x < 1 and equals 0 at x = 1. Proposition 3 (a) log 1 = 0.

(b) log x is dierentiable everywhere in its domain R+ = (0, ) with deriva1 tive x . (c) (addition theorem) For all x, y > 0, log(xy ) = log x + log y. (d) log x is a strictly increasing function. 7

(e) log x becomes unbounded in the positive direction when x goes to and it is unbounded in the negative direction when x goes to 0. (f ) log x is integrable on any nite subinterval of R+ , and its indenite integral is given by log x dx = x log x x + C. (g) log x goes to (resp. ) slowly when x goes to 0 (resp. ); more precisely, (i) and (ii)
x x0

lim x log x = 0


log x = 0. x

(h) The improper integral of log x over (0, b] exists for any b > 0, with b log x dx = b log b b.

Property (c) is very important, because it can be used to transform multiplicative problems into additive ones. This was the motivation for their introduction by Napier in 1616. Property (b) is also important. Indeed, if we assume only the properties (a),(c),(d),(e) for a function f on R+ , there are lots of functions (logarithms) which satisfy these properties. But the situation becomes rigidied with a unique solution once one requires (b) as well. This is why log is called the natural logarithm. The other (unnatural) choices will be introduced towards the end of the next section. Proof. (a): This is immediate from the denition. (b): For any x, the function 1 is continuous on [0, x], hence by the First t Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, log x is dierentiable with derivative 1/x. (c): Fix any y > 0 and consider the function of x dened by (x) = log(xy ) on {x > 0}. 8

Since it is the composite of the dierentiable functions x xy and u log u, is also dierentiable. Applying the chain rule, we get ( ) 1 1 = . (x) = y yx x Thus and log both have the same derivative, and so their dierence must be independent of x. Write (x) = log x + c. Evaluating at x = 1, and noting that log 1 = 0 and (1) = log x, we see that c must be log x, proving the addition formula. (d): As we saw in Chapter 4, a dierentiable function f is strictly increasing i its derivative is positive everywhere. When f (x) = log x, the derivative, as we saw above, is 1/x, which is positive for x > 0. This proves (d). (e): As log x is strictly increasing and since it vanishes at 1, its value at any number x0 > 1, for instance at x0 = 2, is positive. By the addition theorem and induction, we see that for any positive integer n, (7.3.2) log(xn 0 ) = n log x0 .

Consequently, as n goes to , log(xn 0 ) goes to as well. This proves that log x is unbounded in the positive direction. For the negative direction, note that for any positive x1 < 1, log x1 is negative (since log 1 = 0 and log x is increasing). Applying (8,2,3) with x0 replaced by x1 , we deduce that log(xn 1) goes to as n goes to . Done. (f) Since log x is continuous, it is integrable on any nite interval in (0, ). Moreover, by integration by parts, d log x dx = x log x x (log x)dx. dx The assertion (f) now follows since the expression on the right is x log x x + C. (g): Put L = lim x log x


1 u = , f (u) = log x

( ) 1 , u 9

and g (u) = u.

Then we have L = lim


f (u) . g (u)

Then by (e), f (u) and g (u) approach as u goes to , and both these functions are dierentiable at any positive u. (All one needs is that they are 1 2 dierentiable for large u.) Since u (x) = x 2 = u and f (u) = log x, we have by the chain rule, f (u) = df /dx 1/x 1 = = . 2 du/dx u u

Since g (u) = 1 for all u, we then get lim f (u) = 0. g (u)

So we may apply LHopitals rule (see the Appendix to this chapter), and conclude that f (u) L = lim = 0, u g (u) giving (i). The proof of (ii) is similar and will be left for the reader to check. (h): The improper integral of log x exists over (0, b] i the following limit exists: b L = lim log t dt.
x0 x

Thanks to (f), we have b log t dt = (t log t t)|b x = (b log b b) x log x + x.


To prove (h) we need to show that


lim (x log x x) = 0, 2 10

which is a consequence of (g).

Remark on innite products: Suppose x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , . . . is an innite sequence of positive real numbers. Often we will want to consider innite products of the form P := xn ,

which may not in general converge to a nite real number. Since the logarithm function converts multiplication into addition, it is convenient to consider the log of this product P , and consider the innite series log P :=

log(xn ).

We will say that P converges when log P does.


The exponential function

In view of the discussion in section 7.2, and the fact (see parts (d), (e) of Proposition 3) that log x is a strictly increasing function with domain R+ and range R, we can dene the exponential function, exp(x) for short, to be the inverse function of log x. Note that exp(x) has domain R and range R+ .


Proposition 4

(a) exp(0) = 1.

(b) exp(x) is dierentiable everywhere in R with derivative exp(x). (c) (addition theorem) For all x, y R, exp(x + y ) = exp(x) exp(y ). (d) exp(x) is a strictly increasing function. (e) exp(x) becomes unbounded in the positive direction when x goes to and it goes to 0 when x goes to . (f ) exp(x) is integrable on any nite subinterval of R+ , and its indenite integral is given by exp(x) dx = exp(x) + C. (g) As x goes to (resp. ), exp(x) goes to (resp. 0) faster than any polynomial p(x) goes to (resp. ), i.e., (i) and (ii)
x x


p(x) = 0 exp(x)

lim p(x) exp(x) = 0.

(h) The improper integral of exp(x) over (, b] exists for any b > 0, with b exp(x) dx = exp(b).

Proof. (a): we see that

Since log 1 = 0, and as exp log is the identity function, exp(0) = exp(log 1) = 1. 12

1 (b): Note that the derivative x of log x is nowhere zero on its domain R+ . So we may apply Proposition 2 with f = log, g = exp and y = log x to get the everywhere dierentiability of exp, with

(7.4.1) (c):

1 d 1 exp(y ) = = = x = exp(y ). dy (log x) 1/x

Fix x, y in R. Then we can nd (unique) u, v in R+ such that x = log u and y = log v.

Applying part (c) of Proposition 3, we then obtain exp(x + y ) = exp(log u + log v ) = exp(log(uv )) = uv. The assertion follows because u = exp(x) and v = exp(y ). (d): Let x > y be arbitrary in R. Write x = log u, y = log v as above. Since log is strictly increasing, we need u > v . Since u = exp(x) and v = exp(v ), we are done. (e): Suppose exp(x) is bounded from above as x goes to innity, i.e., suppose there is a positive number M such that exp(x) < M for all x > 0. Then, since log is a strictly increasing function, x = log(exp(x)) would be less than log(M ) for all positive x, which is absurd. So exp(x) must be unbounded as x becomes large. To show that exp(x) approaches 0 as x goes to , we need to show that for any > 0, there exists T < 0 such that (7.4.2) exp(x) < whenever x < T.

Applying the logarithm to both inequalities, writing T = log u for a unique u (0, 1) and = exp(), and using the fact that log is a one-to-one function, we see that (7.4.2) is equivalent to the statement (7.4.3) x < whenever log x < log u,

which evidently holds by the properties of the logarithm. Hence exp(x) goes to 0 as x goes to . (f) Since exp(x) is continuous, it is integrable on any nite subinterval of R. In fact, since exp(x) is its own derivative, it is its own primitive as well, proving the assertion.



To prove (i), it suces to show that for any j 0, the limit L = lim

xj exp(x)

exists and equals 0. When j = 0 this follows from (e), while the assertion for j > 1 follows from the case j = 1, which we will assume to be the case from here on. It then suces to show that the function exp(x)/x goes to as x goes to . By taking logarithms, this becomes equivalent to the statement that x/ log x goes to as log x, and hence x, goes to , which is what we proved in our proof of the limit (i) of Proposition 3, part (g). (One can also apply, with care, LHopitals rule directly to the quotient x/ exp(x) and thereby establish (i).) The proof of (ii) is similar and will be left for the reader to check. (h): The improper integral of exp(x) exists over (, b] i the following limit exists: b L = lim exp(t)dt.
x x

Thanks to (f), we have b exp(t) dt = exp(b) exp(x).


To prove (h) we need only show that


lim exp(x) = 0, 2

which is a consequence of (e). How many dierentiable functions are there which are derivatives (and hence primitives) of themselves? This is answered by the following Lemma 7.2 Let f be any dierentiable function on an open interval (a, b), possibly of innite length, satisfying f (x) = f (x) for all x in (a, b). Then there exists a scalar c such that f (x) = c exp(x) x (a, b). Moreover, if f (0) = 1, then f (x) equals exp(x) on this interval. 14


Dene a function h on (a, b) by h(x) = f (x) , exp(x)

which makes sense because exp never vanishes anywhere. Since f and exp are dierentiable, so is h, and by the quotient rule we have h (x) = f (x) exp(x) f (x) exp (x) f (x) exp(x) f (x) exp(x) = = 0, 2 exp(x) exp(x)2

because f and exp are derivatives of themselves. Therefore h(x) must be a constant c, say. The Lemma now follows. 2 Denition Put e = exp(1). Equivalently, e is the unique, positive real number whose natural logarithm is 1. It is not hard to see that, to a rst approximation, 2 < e < 4. One can do much better with some work, of course, and also show that e is irrational, even transcendental. A natural question now arises. We have worked with the power function x a before, for any positive real number a, which satises the same addition rule as exp x, i.e., (7.4.4) ax+y = ax ay .

. What is the relationship between ex and exp(x). The answer is very satisfying. Proposition 5 For all x in R, we have exp(x) = ex . We will need the following: Lemma 7.3 log(ex ) = x, for all x R. 15


This is clear for x an integer m. Since we have for any n > 0, 1 = log(e) = log((e1/n )n ) = n log(e1/n ),

we deduce that log(e1/n ) = 1/n. Consequently, log(em/n ) = m , m/n Q. n

For any real number x, ex is dened to be the limit limn x en , where n is a sequence of rational numbers n coverging to x. Since u log(u) is a continuous function, we get log( lim en ) = lim log(en ) = lim n = x.
n x n x n x

2 Proof of Proposition 5. Applying Lemma 7.3, and using the fact that exp(x) is the inverse function of logarithm, we get log(exp(x)) = x = log(ex ), x R. Since log is one-to-one, we must have exp(x) = ex . 2

Just like exp(x), the power function ax is, for any positive number a, a strictly increasing function. One calls the inverse of ax by the name logarithm to the base a and denotes it by loga y . Then loga satises many of the properties of log, but its derivative is not 1/x (if a = e). Proposition 6 Fix a > 0. Then d x (a ) = ax log a, dx and d 1 (loga y ) = . dy y log a Note that ax = exp(log(ax )) = ex log a , 16


which is the composite of x x log a and u eu . Applying the chain rule, we obtain d x (a ) = ex log a log a = ax log a. dx The formula for the derivative of loga y follows from this and Proposition 2. 2 The basic hyperbolic functions are dened as follows: (7.4.5) sinh x = ex + ex sinh x ex ex , cosh x = , tanh(x) = . 2 2 cosh x

The other hyperbolic functions are given by the inverses of these.


arcsin, arccos, arctan, et al

The sine function, which is dened and dierentiable everywhere on R, is periodic with period 2 and is therefore not a one-to-one function. It however becomes injective when the domain is restricted to [/2, /2]. One calls the corresponding inverse function the arcsine function, denoted arcsin x. Clearly, the domain of arcsin x is [1, 1] and the range is [/2, /2]. Moreover, since the derivative cos x of sin x is non-zero, in fact positive, in (/2, /2), we may apply Proposition 2 and deduce that the arcsine function is dierentiable on (/2, /2), with (7.5.1) d 1 1 1 (arcsin y ) = = , = dy cos x 1 y2 1 sin2 x

where y = sin x. One notes similarly that cos x, resp. tan x, is one-to-one on [0, ], resp. (/2, /2), and denes its inverse function arccos x, resp. arctan x, with domain [1, 1] and range [0, ]. Arguing as above, we see that arccos x is dierentiable on (0, ) and arctan x is dierentiable on (/2, /2), with (7.5.2) and (7.5.3) d 1 (arctan x) = dy 1 + y2 17 1 d (arccos x) = dy 1 y2

Consequently, we obtain dy = arctan y + C (7.5.4) 1 + y2 and (7.5.5)

dy 1 y2

= arcsin y + C.

This incidentally brings to a close our quest to integrate arbitrary rational functions, which we began in the previous chapter, where we reduced the problem to the evaluation of the integral on the left of (7.5.4). It should be notes that it is a miracle that we can evaluate the reciprocal of the square root of 1 y 2 (for 1 y 1) in terms of arcsin y . If one tried to integrate 1 for a polynomial f of degree n > 2, the problem becomes
f (y )

forbiddingly dicult. Even for n = 3, one needs to use elliptic functions.


A useful substitution

A very useful substitution to deal with trigonometric integrals is to set (7.6.1) which implies that x = 2 arctan u. Note that (7.6.2) du 1 1 1 + u2 = sec2 (x/2) (1 + tan2 (x/2)) = , dx 2 2 2 2 du, 1 + u2 tan(x/2) 2u = , 2 sec (x/2) 1 + u2 u = tan(x/2),


dx =


sin x = 2 sin(x/2) cos(x/2) = 2


and since cos2 (x/2) + sin2 (x/2) = 1, (7.6.5) cos x = 1 u2 cos2 (x/2) sin2 (x/2) 1 tan2 (x/2) = = . 1 + tan2 (x/2) 1 + u2 cos2 (x/2) + sin2 (x/2)

For example, suppose we have to integrate dx I = . 1 sin x Using the substitution above, which is justiable here, we get 1 2 du I = du = 2 . 1 2u/(1 + u2 ) 1 + u2 1 2u + u2 Since 1 d 1 = = 2 2 1 2u + u (1 u) du I = d ( 1 1u ) = ( 1 1u ) ,

we get

1 1 +C = + C. 1u 1 tan(x/2)


The integral test for innite series

When we discussed the question of convergence of innite series in chapter 2, we gave various tests one could use for this purpose, at least for series with non-negative coecients. Here is another test, which can at times be helpful. Proposition 7 Consider an innite series S = whose coecients satisfy an = f (n), for some non-negative, monotone decreasing function f on the innite interval [1, ). Then S converges i the improper integral I = f (x)dx
1 n=1

an ,

converges. 19


For any integer N > 1, consider the partition PN : 1 < 2 < . . . < N

of the closed interval [0, N ]. Then, since f is monotone decreasing, the upper and lower sums are given by U (f, PN ) = a1 + a2 + . . . + aN 1 and L(f, PN ) = a2 + . . . + aN 1 + aN . Suppose f is integrable over [1, ). Then it is integrable over [1, N ] and N a2 + a3 + . . . + aN

f (x)dx a1 + . . . + aN 2 + aN 1 .

As N goes to innity, this gives S a1


f (x)dx,

which implies that S is convergent. To prove the converse we need to be a bit more wily. Suppose S converges. Note that f is integrable over [1, ) i the series T = converges, where bn =
n n=1



f (x)dx

But since f is monotone decreasing over each interval [n, n + 1], the area under the graph of f is bounded above (resp. below) by the area under the constant function x f (n) = an (resp. x f (n + 1) = an+1 ). Thus we have, for every n 1, an+1 bn an . 20

Summing from n = 1 to and using the comparison test (see chapter 2), we get S a1 T S. Thus T converges as well. 2 As a consequence we see that for any positive real number t, the series
1 St = nt n=1

converges i the improper integral It =


xt dx

converges. We have already seen that It is convergent i t > 1. So the same holds for St . But recall that in the special case t = 1,we deduced the divergence of I1 from that of S1 .


LH opitals Rule

It appears that the most popular mathematician for Calculus students is Marquis de LH opital, who was prolic during the end of the seventeenth century. Everyone likes to use his rule, but two things must be taken due note of. The rst is that, as with any other theorem, one has to make sure that all the hypotheses hold before applying it. The second is a bit more subtle. One should not use it when it leads to a circular reasoning, for example when the numerator or the denominator of the limit L in question, which goes to 0 or as the case might be, is dierentiable as needed, but to prove it one needs the limit L to exist in the rst place. Here is an example to illustrate this point. Consider the following two statements: (I) The function ex is dierentiable with derivative ex . (II) The limit et 1 t0 t

L = lim equals 1. 21

When presented with the limit L one is tempted to prove that it is 1 by using LH opitals rule. Indeed, if we accept that it is applicable here, then, since et is by (I) dierentiable with derivative et , and since the limit L1 = lim

et 1

equals e0 = 1, one thinks that the problem is solved. But not so fast! This method assumes (I) and how does one prove it? Well, one has to show the following: ex+h ex lim = ex . h0 h x+h x h But since e is e e , one has to show that eh 1 lim = 1, h0 h which is the assertion (II). So (I) and (II) are equivalent and one cannot prove one using the other, unless one has found a dierent way to prove one of them. So if one uses the LHopitals rule to evaluate L, one has to show why ex is dierentiable without using L as a tool, which can be done. Of course one denes the exponential function exp(x) as the inverse function of the logarithm and the fact that the derivative of log x is 1/x implies, as we saw earlier, that exp(x) is dierentiable with derivative exp(x). But we then have to show, by another method, that ex is the same as exp(x). If one is not careful one will be drawn into a delicate spider web. This is not to scare you into not using LH opitals rule. Just make sure before using it that you can satisfy the hypotheses and that there are no circular arguments. Make sure, in particular, that the numerator and the denominator of the limit L can be shown to be dierentiable without using L. Indeed, the most important thing one has to learn in Ma 1a is to think logically. Without further ado, let us now present the rule of LH opital. Proposition 8 (LH opitals rule) Consider a limit of the form L = lim f (x) , g (x)



where a is either 0 or or or just any (nite) non-zero real number, and f, g are dierentiable functions at all real numbers x with |x a| suciently small. Suppose both and f and g approach 0, or both approach , or both tend to , as x goes to a. Then L exists if the limit quotient of the derivatives, namely f ( x) L = lim xa g (x) exists. Moreover, when L exists, L equals L . Proof of LH opitals Rule. We will prove this in the case when a = , with f (x), g (x) both approaching as x approaches . The other cases require only very slight modications and will be left as exercises for the interested reader. By hypothesis, f (x) and g (x) are dened and dierentiable for large enough x. Suppose the limit L exists. We have to show that L also exists, and prove that in fact L = L . The existence of L as a (nite) real number implies that for every > 0, there is some b > 0 such that for all x > b, (A1) f (x) L < . g (x)

Since g (x) goes to as x , we may choose b large enough so that g (x) = g (b) for all x > b. Applying Cauchys MVT to (f, g ) on [b, x], we get (A2) f (c) f (x) f (b) = , g (c) g (x) g (b)

for some c in (b, x). Combining with (A1), we then get (A3) In other words, (A4).

f (x) f (b) L < . g (x) g (b)


f (x) f (b) = L. g (x) g (b)


Now we are almost there. To nish, note that since f (x) as x , (A5) Similarly, (A6)
x x


f (x) = 1. f (x) f (b)


g (x) g (b) = 1. g (x) 2

The assertion now follows by combining (A4), (A5) and (A6).


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