592 - 1.600 Questões de Língua Inglesa - Edição 2014 Opt
592 - 1.600 Questões de Língua Inglesa - Edição 2014 Opt
592 - 1.600 Questões de Língua Inglesa - Edição 2014 Opt
005 | FATEC 2007 Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a forma correta do adjetivo + sufixo 'IBLE' como em 'Edible Cotton': a) Managible b) Gullible c) Drinkible d) Lovible e) Thinkible 006 | UNITAU 1995 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde traduo mais adequada da forma adjetiva destacada a seguir: Literally thousands of parts are used to make up even THE SMALLEST family saloon. a) o menor b) o maior c) o pequeno d) o grande e) o amplo 007 | UNITAU 1995 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde traduo mais adequada da expresso, em destaque, a seguir: Voc a pessoa MAIS INTERESSANTE que j conheci. a) the more interesting b) the interestinger c) the most interesting d) the much interesting e) the best interesting 008 | CESGRANRIO 1994 "The new generation of MT programs is less ambitious" is an example of comparative form. Mark the item which also contains a comparative form: a) Of the four translations, I like this one best. b) That young boy behaves the most carelessly of all. c) This is the worst ice cream I've had in a long time. d) This is the least expensive computer that we have. e) The airport is farther than the university. 009 | FEI 1995 Indique a palavra que significa "mais forte": a) larger b) clearer c) higher d) better e) stronger
a) V V V V F b) V V V V V c) V V F V F d) V F V V F e) F V F V F 053 | PUCRIO 2004 The only item that contains an adjective used in the superlative form is: a) "The widespread destruction (...) is happening before we even know the most basic facts about what we are losing." b) "Covering only 6 percent of the Earth's surface, tropical moist forests contain at least half of all species." c) "Scientists estimate that (...) as much as 20 or 25 percent of the world's plant species will soon be extinct." d) "However, the chemical structures of most natural drugs (...) simple extraction is usually less expensive than synthesis." e) "Tropical forests offer hope for safer contraceptives for both women and men." 054 | UFRS 2005 Considere a frase: This program teaches FASTER THAN any other language program. A alternativa que apresenta o significado antnimo da expresso destacada : a) less faster than. b) more slowly than. c) as slow as. d) as fast as. e) the slowest. 055 | UFRRJ 2003 The sequence that has the same formation of the words newer and higher is: a) good dark late. b) tough tight clear. c) great far easy. d) distant tidy thick. e) big wide dangerous.
001 | ITA 1995 ADAPTED The defenders of Normandy were not the best of Hitler's army. Those were in Russia and Italy, as well as in France, but on the other side of the Seine, the Pas-de-Calais, which the Germans thought the more likely invasion target. (Extracted from Time June 6, 1994) O pronome demonstrativo "those" faz referncia aos: a) Soldados escalados para a defesa da Normandia. b) Soldados soviticos da sia Central. c) Soldados mais adestrados do exrcito de Hitler. d) Soldados das divises estacionrias. e) Soldados russos, italianos e franceses. 002 | UNIRIO 1995 ADAPTED Researchers at Ohio State have developed a way to speed up the growth of native shade trees and the local utility plans to help promote these saplings to homeowners. (Popular Science October, 1994, p.39) A palavra THESE em "and the local utility plans to help promote these saplings to homeowners" refere-se a: a) plans. b) trees. c) researchers. d) bills. e) costs. 003 | UFMG 1995 ADAPTED PISCES 20 Feb. 20 March Every 200-odd years your fate becomes closely linked, for a while, to your neighboring sign Aquarius. This is one of those times so read their horoscope as well! THIS in refers to: a) Aquarius. b) confusion. c) horoscope. d) travelling. e) urging. 004 | UFAL 2000 ADAPTED If you're planning a trip abroad __________ summer, don't let phrasebooks leave you tongue-tied. a) a b) an c) the d) this e) that
005 | PUCMG 2001 ADAPTED I had just participated in a project that was to determine the minimum size of forest fragment necessary to save native species of animals and plants from extinction. With this information, scientists could then work to form preservation areas in the forest fragments left behind by cattle ranchers. The word THIS refers to the: a) utilization of many valuable native species b) necessity of urgently saving birds from extinction c) size of the forest needed for wildlife reserves d) destruction of thousands of native species 006 | UNIFESP 2002 ADAPTED The rise of molecular biology since the late 1950s has had the gradual and quite unforeseen effect of turning the eyes of medical scientists increasingly toward the basic mechanisms of life, rather than disease and death. Of course, this has always been the orientation of all nonmedical biologists, studying growth, reproduction, nutrition or any of the other characteristics shared by all living things. A palavra "this" refere-se a: a) research in molecular biology. b) gradual and unforeseen effect. c) medical scientists. d) study of basic mechanisms of life. e) study of disease and death. 007 | MACKENZIE 1998 Choose the correct alternative: "Aquele o Tim perto da porta?" "No, Tim o que est na janela." a) "Is that Tim on the door?" "No, Tim is the one on the window." b) "Is that Tim near the door?" "No, Tim is the one on in the window." c) "Is that Tim next to the door? "No, Tim is that one through the window." d) "Is that Tim over the door?" "No, Tim is that one across the window." e) "Is that Tim by the door?" "No, Tim is the one at the window." 008 | UNESP 1984 I know he'll tell __________ a different story. a) they b) his c) your d) we e) us
"International Herald Tribune", August 30, 2001. Mark the sentence which must be completed with "anywhere": a) The manager had to go off __________ else for an appointment. b) The dangerous dog was approaching but there was __________ to hide. c) Britney says she didn't go __________ yesterday. d) This is part of the original castle build __________ around 1700. e) Have you seen my glasses? I've looked __________ for them. 078 | UNESP 2004 Eating disorders __________ class, cultural, or gender boundaries. Therefore, they can affect __________. a) knows no anyone. b) know no someone. c) know some nobody. d) can know nobody. e) don't know any anyone.
075 | UFRRJ 1998 The sentence "there aren't any elephants here" in the affirmative form is: a) there are many elephants here. b) there are plenty of elephants here. c) there are some elephants here. d) there are a few elephants here. e) there are a lots of elephants here.
"A man named", no primeiro quadrinho, equivalente a: a) a man whose name is. b) a man that the name is. c) a man who the name is. d) a man whom the name is. e) a man that is name. 115 | PUCRIO 2006 ADAPTED In the expression "One-third of the youngest children in the United States babies through age 6 live in homes where the television is on almost all the time", where could be rephrased CORRECTLY with: a) Live in homes in which the television is on almost all the time. b) Live in homes that the television is on almost all the time. c) Live in homes which the television is on almost all the time. d) Live in homes the television is on almost all the time. e) Live in homes in that the television is on almost all the time.
a) C B E A F D b) C E B F A D c) C E B A F D d) E C B A F D e) E C B A D F 143 | FUVEST 2000 Choose the question for the statement: "the Sydney delegates promised that theirs would be the most environmentally-friendly Games ever". a) Whose Games the Sydney delegates promised that would be the most environmentally-friendly Games ever? b) Who did the Sydney delegates promise that would be the most environmentally-friendly Games ever? c) Who did promise that theirs would be the most environmentally-friendly Games ever? d) Whose Games did the Sydney delegates promise that would be the most environmentally-friendly Games ever? e) Which Games the Sydney delegates promised that would be the most environmentally-friendly Games ever?
a) 1. Whose, 2. Who, 3. Why, 4. How, 5. Who b) 1. Who, 2. Which, 3. What, 4. Why, 5. How c) 1. What, 2. Whose, 3. What, 4. Why, 5. What d) 1. Which, 2. Who, 3. How, 4. What, 5. How e) 1. Who, 2. Whose, 3. What, 4. Why, 5. How 147 | UFRS 2006 Em quais das frases a seguir o pronome WHAT usado corretamente? I. What impresses the visitor about Seattle is its wateriness. II. What time does the ferry boat leave for Bainbrigde Island? III. Seattle offered plentiful resources, what attracted Arthur Denny's clan. a) Apenas em I. b) Apenas em II. c) Apenas em III. d) Apenas em I e II.
005 | MACKENZIE 1996 Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentences: I. Could you give me __________ water? I'm so thirsty. II. I have very __________ money. I need more. III. Who has __________ friends than John? Nobody I think. IV. Only __________ people came to the party yesterday. It was boring! V. I have __________ time to stay with my family nowadays. a) I. less; II. little; III. lesser; IV. a few; V. few b) I. some; II. a little; III. few; IV. little; V. lesser c) I. a little; II. little; III. fewer; IV. few; V. less d) I. little; II. a little; III. less; IV. a few; V. least e) I. few; II. less; III. least; IV. little; V. more 006 | UFPR 1992 __________ of our history and the lives of __________ of our great men and women are recreated by the movies. Choose the alternative(s) that can complete the sentence above correctly: 01) much much 02) much many 04) many much 08) a lot a lot 16) a lot much 32) a lot many a) 02 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 58 b) 01 + 04 + 08 + 32 = 45 c) 02 + 04 + 08 + 16 = 30 d) 01 + 02 + 32 = 35 e) 02 + 08 + 32 = 42 007 | UNESP 1990 Assinale a alternativa correta: How __________ shoes are there in the shop windows? a) much b) many c) few d) a few e) a lot of 008 | ITA 1998 Assinale a opo cuja frase esteja gramaticalmente correta: a) There is fewer people at the party than Mary expected. b) There is less people at the party than Mary expected. c) There are less people at the party than Mary expected. d) There are fewer people at the party than Mary expected. e) There was less people at the party than Mary expected.
001 | FAAP 1997 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir: In my school __________ many foreign students. a) has b) there are c) there is d) have e) there have 002 | UNESP 1994 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir: There __________ two main obstacles. a) is b) was c) be d) to be e) were 003 | PUCPR 1997 Complete the following text with the correct form of the verb: A long time ago London __________ an important city, but it __________ different from London today. There __________ not very many big buildings. There __________ a lot of small boats on the river. a) is, is, are, are b) was, is, are, are c) was, was, were, were d) was, is, were, were e) had been, is, were, are 004 | MACKENZIE 1999 Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: She __________ German very well. a) speaks and both writes b) both speaks and writes c) speaks both and writes d) speaks and write both e) both speaks and both writes
Wear the old coat and buy the new book. Austin Phelps
a) 'he took my chair' it's 'my chair was took'. b) 'he took my chair' it's 'my chair was taken'. c) 'he took my chair' it's 'my chair was taked'. d) 'he taken my chair' it's 'my chair was taken'. e) 'he taken my chair' it's 'my chair was taked'. 074 | UFRS 2001 O verbo "lead" forma o passado e o particpio passado do mesmo modo que: a) meet. b) cut. c) tear. d) see. e) bear.
Adapted from www.unitedmedia.com exemplo de agramaticalidade caracterstica da linguagem oral: a) "You know what I wonder?" b) "Sometimes I wonder..." c) " ... pleased with me." d) "Do you ever wonder...?" e) "He just has to be!" 166 | EFOMM 2006 Lucy: - Has Betty finished writing that letter? Tom: - No, and she __________ three hours ago. a) should had finished b) should have finished c) should to finished d) should finished e) should finish 167 | JFS 2008 I __________ the job, but I __________ too tired. a) should have finished were b) could have finished was not c) cannot have finished am d) would have finished was 168 | UNESP 1992 Escolha a alternativa que responde corretamente s perguntas apresentadas: What happened to the bridge? a) Oh! We should have blew up it! b) Oh! We should blown it up! c) Oh! We should to have blown up it! d) Oh! We should have blown it up! e) Oh! We should had blown up it!
(Time, May 12, 2003) Considere as seguintes asseres: * Em "We're" e "they'd", "'re" e "'d" so, respectivamente, contraes de flexes verbais dos verbos I e II. * Uma outra forma de expressar a orao "If we told you everything, they'd have to kill us." III. A opo que melhor preenche as lacunas I, II e III : a) I. are; II. would; III. They'd kill us, unless we told you everything. b) I. are; II. had; III. They had to kill us, unless we told you everything. c) I. were; II. would; III. Unless we told you everything, they would have to kill us. d) I. were; II. could; III. Unless we told you everything, they could kill us. e) I. are; II. would; III. They wouldn't have to kill us, unless we told you everything. 176 | IME/CG 2011 ADAPTED By 1996, significant components of the aircrafts defensive managing system, just one small part of its electronics, __________ obsolete. a) will be b) is c) are d) were e) was
I believe that if one always looked at the sky, one would end up with wings. Gustave Flaubert
Modal Auxiliaries
001 | UNESP 1992 Assinale a pergunta correta para a resposta apresentada: Take the second on the left and then ask again. a) Can you give me an information? b) Excuse me. Where the Town Hall is? c) Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Town Hall is? d) Could you tell me where does the Town Hall is? e) Do you know when is the Town Hall? 002 | CESGRANRIO 1995 ADAPTED Shopaholics could be sexually frustrated, might suffer from lack of self-esteem, or they may just have a neurotic reaction to television commercials and glossy advertisements. The modals COULD, MIGHT and MAY appear in the text to express the idea of: a) permission. b) possibility. c) intention. d) prohibition. e) ability. 003 | UNIRIO 1995 ADAPTED Research shows that sunscreens may not be as effective as hoped at preventing sunburn. Users may be spending long hours in the sun with a false sense of security. The word MAY expresses the idea of: a) permission. b) possibility. c) prohibition. d) obligation. e) expectation. 004 | FUVEST 1977 Qual destas expresses corresponde a "ele no deveria ter feito isso"? a) He mustn't have made it; b) He shouldn't have done that; c) He could not have made it; d) He might not have done that; e) He cannot have done that.
005 | FUVEST 1977 Qual a forma correta? a) the mail must go on whether there are a hundred storms; b) the mail can go on whether there are a hundred storms; c) the mail should go on when there are a hundred storms; d) the mail must go on if there are a hundred storms; e) the mail is going on if there are a hundred storms. 006 | FUVEST 1979 He __________ avoid __________ mistakes. a) ought making b) must make c) shall make d) needs make e) should making 007 | FGV 1995 ADAPTED __________ we conclude, in line with the opinions of some scholars, that black Nigerians are genetically more intelligent than Europeans? Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto: a) Have b) Are c) Can d) Is e) Had 008 | PUCCAMP 1992 Janet: Look, our boat is sinking! Peter: Oh, dear! Can you swim? Janet: Yes, but we won't have to, there's a life boat on board. In the above dialogue, the verbs CAN and HAVE TO express respectively __________ and __________. a) ability obligation b) permission prohibition c) possibility prohibition d) permission possibility e) ability necessity 009 | UEL 1994 Assinale a alternativa correta: We __________ hurry. The bus leaves in 10 minutes. a) can b) must c) do d) did e) would
In "you should start each day with a song... in your soul", "should" expresses an idea of: a) certainty. b) obligation. c) impossibility. d) probability. e) advice. 051 | PUCPR 2003 Match the columns below. Then mark the option which provides the correct order of the second column: Coluna I (1) Shall I switch off (2) Could I carry (3) Can I take (4) I'll help (5) Would you like Coluna II ( ) you do the washing up. ( ) your coat? ( ) those bags for you? ( ) something to drink? ( ) the lights? The option that shows the correct order of the second column is: a) 4 3 2 5 1 b) 5 3 2 1 4 c) 4 2 3 1 5 d) 4 3 2 1 5 e) 5 2 3 4 1
"Don't have to" and "must not" indicate: a) absence and lack of obligation. b) required permission and necessity. c) lack of necessity and prohibition. d) no choice and permission. e) requirements and power. 061 | PUCRIO 2006 The only option in which the detached expression transmits an idea of obligation/necessity is: a) An email distribution list on Star Trek MAY HAVE close to one hundred members. b) The communication which takes place there COULD BE either one-way or merely informational. c) Users MUST BE invited to join the community by someone already there. d) Similar to Friendster, Orkut goes a step further BY PERMITTING 'communities of users'. e) InCircle WAS INTENDED for use by former university students.
Disponvel em: http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/list/listguid.html Acesso em: 14 out. 2004. Com base no texto, "ought to" usado para indicar o que considerado: a) Errado. b) Correto. c) Necessrio. d) Improvvel. e) Obrigatrio. 058 | PUCRS 2005 O verbo da orao principal na sentena "People faced with mental health concerns can find it difficult to get facts about symptoms and treatments, the services that are available to them, or even to find someone who is prepared to listen" : a) faced. b) concerns. c) can find. d) get. e) are.
I dont care what planet youre from, you cant run around Earth stark naked! Which sentence has the same idea as the modal cant in the sentence above? a) You dont have to run around Earth b) You neednt run around Earth c) You mustnt run around Earth d) You arent able to run around Earth 075 | JFS 2012 Match the following sentences with the best meaning expressed by the modal verb in each of them. I. She can speak four languages. II. I wonder if I might have a quick look at your newspaper. III. You should not talk to your brother this way. IV. Luggage must not be left unattended. a) ability / possibility / advice / prohibition b) capacity / possibility / suggestion / obligation c) ability / permission / advice / probability d) capacity / permission / suggestion / necessity e) ability / permission / advice / prohibition 076 | EFOMM 2013 Ive lost the key. I ought __________ it in a safe place.
So high as a tree aspires to grow, so high will it find an atmosphere suited to it. Henry Thoreau
005 | CESGRANRIO 1994 Mark the sentence below which is NOT in the passive voice: a) A revolutionary telephone system was unveiled. b) A sophisticated computer was programmed. c) It was instructed to translate "out of sight, out of mind". d) The Russian translation was then fed into the computer. e) A computer will invariably have difficulty in making sense of it. 006 | UNIRIO 1995 The PASSIVE construction equivalent to "in addition, Frogwear absorbs very little water" is: a) In addition, very little water is absorbed by Frogwear. b) In addition, very little water can absorb by Frogwear. c) In addition, very little water would be absorbed by Frogwear. d) In addition, very little water has been absorbed by Frogwear. e) In addition, very little water was absorbed by Frogwear. 007 | FEI 1995 Leia as sentenas a seguir e marque a que est na VOZ PASSIVA: a) We were experimenting with the use of sound waves. b) It was a very low-tech start. c) Madonna has now been replaced by high energy waves. d) All glass is weak because it cracks. e) Glass products have microscopic cracks in them. 008 | UNESP 1991 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir: Those people are happy because they __________ love in their childhood. a) was given b) has given c) were given d) have being given e) be given 009 | MACKENZIE 1996 Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice: They feed the seals twice a week. a) The seals are fed twice a week. b) The seals are feeded twice a week. c) The seals are found twice a week. d) Twice a week they are feeding the seals. e) The seals are being fed twice a week.
102 | IME 2013 Tomorrow Im going to __________ at the hairdressers. a) have cut my hair b) have cutting my hair c) cutting my hair d) have my hair cut e) my haircut
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Anatole France
Change the sentences from 05 to 11 into the Reported (Indirect) Speech: 005 | MACKENZIE 1996 Sally said to me, "Do you know what time it is?" a) Sally asked me if I knew what time it was. b) Sally told me whether she knew what time it was. c) Sally asked me whether she know what time it is. d) Sally asked me if I know what time it is. e) Sally told me if I knew what time was it. 006 | MACKENZIE 1996 Jeff said to Meg, "You don't understand me." a) Jeff told Meg she didn't understand him. b) Jeff asked Meg that her didn't understand herself. c) Jeff told Meg that she didn't understood him. d) Jeff told Meg that he didn't understand her. e) Jeff told Meg she did understand him. 007 | MACKENZIE 1996 "Are there any messages for me?", said Helen. a) Helen asked if there is any messages for her. b) Helen asked whether there were any messages for she. c) Helen asked whether were there any messages for herself. d) Helen asked if there were some messages for her. e) Helen asked if there were any messages for herself. 008 | MACKENZIE 1996 The director said to the boys, "Behave yourselves." a) The director asked the boys to behave yourselves. b) The director told the boys to behave himself c) The director asked the boys to behave themselves. d) The director told the boys to behave ourselves. e) The director told the boys, "Behave themselves." 009 | MACKENZIE 1996 The patient said to me, "How long have the doctors been operating her?" a) The patient asked me how long the doctors had been operating her. b) The patient told me how long her had been operating by the doctors. c) The patient asked me how long had the doctors been operating her. d) The patient told me whether have the doctors been operating her. e) The patient asked me how long had been the doctors operating her.
This morning, my husband stepped on our scale and shouted that (1) that much. He pointed at the machine and said it (2) a dirty liar. a) he didnt weigh was b) he dont weigh was c) he doesnt weigh were d) he did weigh were e) he hadnt weigh was 030 | JFS 2008 Complete the following sentences meaningfully: 1. I told him: 2. I didn't know: a) 1. what the homework was./2. what he meant. b) 1. what was the homework./2. what he mean. c) 1. what was to be the homework./2. what did he mean. d) 1. what is the homework./2. what did he meant.
Which alternative has the correct forms of the sentences below in the Reported Speech? I "Be brave. Dont cry." II "I think I have good news for you." III "What is your name?" a) I He told the man to be brave and not cry; II He told the woman he thought he had good news for her; III She asked what his name was. b) I He told the man be brave and not to cry; II He told the woman he thought he had good news for her; III She asked what his name was. c) I He told the man to be brave and not to cry; II He told the woman that he thought he had good news for her; III She asked what your name was. d) I He told to the man to be brave and not to cry; II He told the woman that he thought he had good news for her; III She asked what is your name was. e) I He told the man to be brave and not to cry; II He told the woman that he thought he had good news for her; III She asked what his name was.
001 | UNESP 1991 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir: If he put it this way, everybody __________ with him. a) would agree b) should have agreed c) will agree d) would has agreed e) agreeded 002 | ITA 1996 ADAPTED __________ just call our 24-Hour Card Replacement, and we'll have a new one in your hands usually by the end of the next business day. No texto acima omitiu-se uma orao. Preencha-a com a opo que representa a melhor redao: a) If you need a lost or stolen card replaced b) If you need replace a lost or stolen card c) If a lost or stolen card needs to replace d) If it is needed to replace a lost or stolen card e) If a lost or stolen card needs to be replaced by us 003 | PUCCAMP 1994 Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada: - "Frederick, what's the matter with you? This is the third assignment you haven't turned in!" - "I know, Mr. Dwarf. I would have turned them in __________ but I've been extremely busy." - "But that's no excuse. You must understand that I'll have to fail you if you don't complete your requirements." - "Yes, I know. I'll try to catch up." a) when I have time b) if I had time c) if I had had time d) if I will have time e) when I would have time 004 | UEL 1995 If you don't go, __________ very angry. a) I feel b) I am c) I was d) I'll be e) I have been
005 | UFMG 1995 Love Among the Laundry When Sally found a man's striped sock curled among her clothes at the launderette she returned it to the tall dark young man with a shy smile. They met there every week for several months, then were seen no more. One of their wedding presents had been a washing machine. (Molly Burnett) If they had not got married, they would probably have: a) changed their dirty clothes. b) lost their socks forever. c) rented a washing machine. d) returned to the launderette. e) sold their striped socks. 006 | MACKENZIE 1996 Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: If you had taken my advice, you __________. a) would learned the lesson b) would have learnt the lesson c) should learned the lesson d) would learn the lesson e) should understand the lesson 007 | CESGRANRIO 1991 Mark the item that shows the correct ending to the following sentence: If the process happens each time we eat sugar, we: a) will have dental problems. b) would have dental problems. c) would have had dental problems. d) could have dental problems. e) may have had dental problems. 008 | ITA 1997 Lady Astor MP: "If you (I) my husband I (II) poison your coffee". Churchill: "If you (III) my wife I (IV) drink it." Os termos que melhor preenchem as lacunas I, II, III e IV so: a) were (I), would (II), were (III), had (IV). b) was (I), would (II), was (III), would (IV). c) were (I), had (II), were (III), had (IV). d) was (I), could (II), was (III), would (IV). e) were (I), would (II), were (III), would (IV).
046 | EFOMM 2013 Were he not busy, he __________ your cousin. a) will accompany b) can accompany c) would accompany d) had accompanied e) should accompany 047 | EFOMM 2013 Fill in the sentences correctly: I. I wish you __________ all the water! Im thirsty. II. If you hadnt helped me, I __________ the task so easily. II. If you __________ me back, I wouldnt have to borrow money from my parents. V. If it __________ for the goalkeeper, our team would have lost. a) didnt drink / wouldnt finish / had paid / werent b) hadnt drunk / wouldnt finish / had paid / hadnt been c) hadnt drunk / wouldnt have finished / have paid / wasnt d) didnt drink / wouldnt have finished / paid / werent e) hadnt drunk / wouldnt have finished / paid / hadnt been
Chance is perhaps the pseudonym of God when He did not want to sign. Anatole France
Question Tags
001 | UNITAU 1995 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde sequncia de Question Tags adequados para completar as frases a seguir: 1. He isn't at home, __________? 2. That will happen, __________? 3. She hasn't a cue, __________? 4. It rains a lot, __________? a) isn't he; won't it; has he; doesn't it b) is it; will it; does she; has it c) isn't he; will it; has she; hasn't it d) is he; won't it; has she; doesn't it e) isn't he; won't he; has she; does it 002 | FUVEST 1978 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna: He doesn't study here, __________ he? a) doesn't b) do c) did d) does e) don't 003 | UNESP 1987 Assinale a alternativa correta: Your name is Mary, __________? a) isn't you b) isn't it c) aren't it d) aren't you e) isn't he 004 | UNESP 1988 Politics is a science, __________? a) weren't they b) isn't it c) wouldn't he d) wasn't it e) won't they 005 | UEL 1995 He hasn't seen you lately, __________? a) has he b) is it c) have you d) have we e) haven't you
006 | FEI 1997 He'll be back soon, __________? a) will he b) doesn't he c) shall he d) won't he e) couldn't he 007 | FUVEST 1998 Escolha a question tag correta para "I knew I would be a scientist": a) didn't I? b) wasn't I? c) won't I? d) don't I? e) would I? 008 | UDESC 1997 Complete with the CORRECT alternative: The sun shone the whole day, __________ it? a) is b) did c) doesn't d) didn't e) isn't 009 | FMTM 1998 You can sing well, __________? a) didnt you b) cant you c) dont you d) doesnt you e) couldnt you 010 | JFS 1999 Roy read the newspaper this morning before his father, __________? a) didnt he b) doesnt he c) is he d) did he e) does he 011 | JFS 2002 Em qual das alternativas abaixo a 'question tag' est errada? a) Lets go to a disco, shall we? b) Do the exercises, will you? c) Mariah put the book on the armchair, doesnt she? d) Let me go with you, shall I? e) The teacher came to help us, didnt she?
001 | FUVEST 1978 Selecione a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna: My mother doesn't drink tea and __________ do I. a) or b) also c) too d) either e) neither 002 | MACKENZIE 1997 Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: Anne disliked our new roommate, and __________. a) I didn't too b) I didn't either c) neither did I d) never did he e) so did I 003 | MACKENZIE 1999 Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: I haven't finished the homework and __________. a) my brother hasn't either b) neither my brother c) so did my brother d) either hasn't my brother e) neither does my brother 004 | MACKENZIE 2002 Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: Paulo knows how to drive a truck and ___________. a) Mark does neither b) either does Mark c) so does Mark d) nor does Mark e) Mark does either
005 | EFOMM 2006 Philip: "- She's got a place at college!" Kate: "- __________!" a) So have I b) So I have c) And I d) I am too e) So am I 006 | JFS 2008 Mr. Anderson cant speak Chinese. a) Neither I can. b) Neither can I. c) So can I. d) So I can.
001 | UNITAU 1995 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde sequncia que completa as lacunas a seguir: __________ Indian the ecologist saw, started __________ horrible fire because of __________ ordinary yellow bird __________ flew over his head. a) a; the; a; who b) an; the; a; whose c) the; a; an; which d) the; an; a; whom e) a; an; a; which 002 | FUVEST 1977 ADAPTED In __________ beginning, __________ religion played __________ important part in __________ history of __________ Brazil. a) a / the / a / the / * b) * / the / an / the / * c) the / the / a / the / * d) the / * / an / the / * e) the / the / an / the / * 003 | FUVEST 1978 ADAPTED __________ money is very important, but you can't buy __________ bit of luck with all __________ money you have. a) The / a / the b) * / a / the c) A / a / the d) Some / a / the e) The / a / * 004 | UNESP 1991 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase a seguir: It was __________ honor for us to see __________ Queen of __________ England. a) a the the b) * a * c) an a the d) the * an e) an the *
005 | PUCPR 1996 Fill in the blanks of the following sentence with the definite article: __________ Brazil is __________ most industrial country in __________ South America, while __________ United States holds __________ same position in North America. a) the; the; the; the; the; the b) *; the; the; *; the; * c) *; the; *; the; the; * d) *; the; the; the; the; * e) the; *; *; *; the; the 006 | PUCCAMP 1992 Fred: I've been thinking of buying __________. Sam: Really? Which make are you considering? Fred: That doesn't matter as long as __________ is economical. a) a car some car b) a car the car c) some car car d) the car a car e) car a car 007 | UFPB 1998 Read this sentence: __________ good idea is __________ good idea, whether it's done in __________ one, __________ three or 33 countries. It is completed by the following sequence: a) A / no article / the / the b) no article / no article / a / a c) The / the / no article / no article d) A / a / no article / no article e) The / no article / a / no article 008 | FATEC 1998 Indique a alternativa em que a traduo de a ou an difere do seu significado habitual de artigo indefinido (um, uma) em lngua portuguesa: a) However, the abduction of Gutirrez would be a new twist. b) After his family paid an undisclosed ransom. c) An American businessman help for eight days was released just last week. d) Kidnapping has become rampant in Mexico with hundreds of cases a year. e) Editorials are already referring to him as a "political kidnapee".
006 | FEI 2000 ALL HE NEEDED. Escolha a sentena correta, colocada no plural, tempo futuro simples: a) All they will need. b) They all will need. c) They would need all. d) All they would need. e) All they didn't need. 007 | PUCPR 1996 Match the columns below so that the words in the second column fit the sentences provided in the first one: 1.Tom and Mary love their __________. 2. Put the oranges inside those __________. 3. I can't walk. My __________ are aching a lot. 4. The __________ are flying south. 5. The cat is hunting the __________. 6. When Jane fell over, she broke two of her __________. ( ( ( ( ( ( ) feet ) teeth ) children ) geese ) mice ) boxes
Choose the correct alternative: a) 6 3 1 4 5 2 b) 3 6 1 4 5 2 c) 3 6 2 4 5 1 d) 5 3 4 2 6 1 e) 3 6 4 1 2 5 008 | PUCRS 2007 Nouns in English can be divided into countable or uncountable (e.g.: apple X water). In order to indicate some kind of "measurement" in the case of uncountable nouns, another noun is required (e.g.: "glasses" or "liters" of water). Accordingly, the expression below that is equivalent to the structure "blades of grass" is: a) structures of steel. b) classes of Chinese. c) cups of coffee. d) floors of wood. e) letters of complaint.
Genitive Case
001 | UNESP 1994 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna: The __________ uncle was dead. a) writer b) writers c) writer of d) writer's e) writers of the 002 | UNITAU 1995 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde traduo mais adequada da frase a seguir: My mother's maid has just bought the dog's meat. a) Minha me e a empregada acabam de comprar a carne do cachorro. b) A empregada de minha me acaba de comprar a carne do cachorro. c) Minha me acabou de fazer a carne do cachorro. d) Minha me far compras com a empregada e o cachorro. e) Minha me empregada e comprou carne de cachorro. 003 | FUVEST 1979 ADAPTED Reescreva empregando o caso genitivo: John and Mary are cousins. Have you met the parents of John and of Mary? a) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John and Mary's parents. b) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and Mary's parents. c) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and Mary parents. d) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and Mary's parents. e) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and Mary's parents. 004 | UFRS 1996 The phrases "Americans' encounter" the nation's energies" and "America's physical geography" are examples of: a) passive voice. b) the infinitive. c) the gerund, d) the genitive. e) indirect speech.
005 | UDESC 1997 __________ father is in Europe. a) The Mary's and George's b) Mary's and George c) Mary and George's d) Mary's and Georges's e) The Mary and George's 006 | UNESP 1999 __________ farm is that large one? It is __________. a) Which Peter's b) Whose Peter's c) Whose of Peter d) Which for Peter e) What Peter's 007 | UFRS 2001 O possessivo, usado como em "Woody Allen's Sweet and Lowdown", est correto em todas as alternativas abaixo, EXCETO em: a) There was a two hours' delay at the airport in London. b) Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange is a milestone in modern literature. c) In our last holidays we had to cope with our young relatives' weird ideas. d) Elizabeth I's interest on sea voyages brought development to England. e) Maggie and Millie's eyebrows are so thin you can hardly see them. 008 | FATEC 2003 Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto do caso possessivo, como no substantivo "media" em "the media's collective attention": a) mens' garment. b) womens' wear. c) mental's disturbance. d) children's clothes. e) disappointment's feeling. 009 | UNESP 2005 Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado da expresso em destaque na sentena: It is important to remember that THE BEHAVIOR OF DEPRESSED CHILDREN may change. a) the depressed children's behavior b) the behavior's depressed children c) the behavior of the depressed children's d) the children's depressed behavior e) the depressed behavior's children
001 | FEI 2000 Indique o ordinal referente a "four": a) forty b) fourteen c) fourteenth d) fourth e) fortieth 002 | FUVEST 1979 ADAPTED Reescreva a frase colocando por extenso os numerais, na sua forma ordinal: Her __________ (21) birthday will be on the __________ (11). a) Her twenty-first birthday will be on the eleventieth. b) Her twenty-one birthday will be on the eleven. c) Her twenty-first birthday will be on the eleven. d) Her twenty-one birthday will be on the eleventh. e) Her twenty-first birthday will be on the eleventh. 003 | JFS 2000 Marque a alternativa que possui os resultados corretos das operaes abaixo: 29=? 14 11 = ? ? + 4 = 16 a) eighteenth three twelve b) eighty thirty two c) eighteen third twelve d) eight thirteen twenty e) eighteen three twelve 004 | JFS 2000 Solve the problems below: 1. Two into ten goes __________ times. 2. A quarter plus three-quarters makes __________. 3. Twenty-eight from fifty leaves __________. a) five one twenty-one b) four four twenty-one c) five four twenty-two d) five one twenty-two e) four four twenty-two
005 | AFA 2001 Whats the right answer for the numerical expressions below?
1 3 16 ; 2 ; 5 5 15
a) One fives / two thirty-five / sixteen fifteen b) One five / two and third fifth / sixteen fifteens c) One fifth / two and three fifths / sixteen fifteenths d) First fifths / second thirty-five / sixteenth fifteenths 006 | JFS 2008 Some stats about the Olympic Games in Beijing: * 28 Olympic programs, 302 sub-categories * 302 gold medals * 10,500 athletes are expected to participate * 21,880 torchbearers will run 137,000 km over 130 days * The National Stadium (Birds Nest) covers an area of 258,000 sq. meters * The Birds Nest has 91,000 seats * The surface of the National Aquatics Center is covered by 1,437 pieces of transparant material * The highest price for the opening ceremony tickets is 5000 Renminbi, the lowest is 200 Renminbi * Beijing expects 550,000 international visitors and 2.4 million domestic spectators * Over 800 star-class hotels and 4,000 hostels will provide about 420,000 overprized rooms Give the marked numbers in full: a) three hundreds and two; ten thousands and five hundreds; one hundred and thirty-seven thousands; two hundreds and fifty-eight thousands; one thousand and four hundreds and thirty-seven; two millions and four hundreds thousands; four hundreds and twenty thousands b) three hundred and two; ten thousand and five hundred; one hundred and thirty-seven thousand; two hundred and fifty-eight thousand; one thousand and four hundred and thirty-seven; two million and four hundred thousand; four hundred and twenty thousand c) three hundred and two; ten thousand and five hundred; one hundred and thirty-seven thousand; two hundred and fifty-eight thousand; one thousand and four hundred and thirty-seventh; two million and four hundred; four hundred and twenty thousand d) three hundred and two; ten thousand and five hundred; one hundred and thirty-seven thousand; two hundred and fifty-eight thousand; one thousand and four hundred and thirty-seven; two million and four thousand; fourth hundred and twenty thousand
001 | PUCRIO 2004 Mark the only sentence that CANNOT be correctly completed with the preposition FROM: a) Commercial sales of drugs derived __________ this one plant are about US$160 million a year. b) Madagascar's rosy periwinkle, a plant __________ Africa, provides two important anti-tumor agents. c) Quinine, an aid in the cure of malaria, is an alkaloid extracted __________ the bark of the cinchona tree found in Latin America and Africa. d) __________ 1960, only 19 percent of Hodgkin's disease sufferers had a chance for survival. e) Until recently, wild yams __________ Mexico and Guatemala provided the world with its entire supply of diosgenin, an active ingredient in birth control pills. 002 | UFRS 2006 In the phrase "Exports to China are expected to quadruple by 2010", BY is being used with the same meaning as in: a) I'll finish reading the book by midnight. b) We could go to Gramado by car. c) He paid the hotel expenses by cheque. d) Forty divided by eight is five. e) Do you know "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown? 003 | PUCRS 2006 The alternative which contains the prepositions that best complete the sentences below is: Prepaid meters have been launched with the aim __________ improving water service; however, they might be a problem __________ those who cannot afford paying __________ water services. a) to for of b) on to for c) of to on d) for on of e) of for for 004 | UNESP 1994 Something is cooking __________ the oven. a) up b) to c) in d) into e) for
a) with among b) among between c) between among d) among at e) in at 036 | MACKENZIE 1999 Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: She's used __________ running __________ the park __________ 6 p.m. a) for at at b) for in at c) at in before d) into at about e) to in after 037 | UNESP 1999 Jim wanted to buy a ticket __________ the nine o'clock bus. a) for b) into c) out d) of e) over 038 | MACKENZIE 1998 She sent __________ a beautiful birthday card. a) for her teacher b) to her teacher c) into her teacher d) her teacher e) up to her teacher
001 | ITA 1995 'It's "weird" he muses, 'we're getting more comfortable playing live, and we're playing more consistently every night. Yet sometimes it's more difficult to get in that state of mind where you can just lose yourself to the music.' Stone Gossard, Pearl Jam A palavra "Yet", relacionada no texto, poderia ser substituda por: a) Furthermore. b) And. c) Nevertheless. d) Already. e) Rather. 002 | UNITAU 1995 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde a um sinnimo para a palavra, em destaque, a seguir: DESPITE the growing use of computers in classrooms American universities are still graduating millions of technological illiterates. a) spite b) spite the c) in spite of d) spite of e) spite of the 003 | CESGRANRIO 1995 The sentence "Though overshoppers later experience considerable remorse, they find shopping exciting" contains an idea of: a) addition. b) alternative. c) cause. d) condition. e) contrast. 004 | UNIRIO1995 A palavra que poderia substituir a expresso AS A RESULT em "As a result, Struve claims, he can halve the time required to grow a 1.5-inch diameter red oak" sem alterao do significado : a) Therefore. b) However. c) Moreover. d) Besides. e) Anyhow.
I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice. Abraham Lincoln
"A opinio pblica ainda est a seu favor... a no ser que ela esteja mentindo para voc". a) although b) whereas c) in spite of that d) unless e) for 047 | ITA 1999 Leia o recado de Ho Chi Minh aos franceses, em 1946: "You can kill 10 of my men for every one I kill of yours, yet even at those odds, you will lose and I will win". Assinale a opo cuja conjuno tenha significado semelhante ao de "yet": a) therefore b) despite c) thus d) moreover e) however 048 | UERJ 1999 Of course the programmers who created this system could foresee this would cause a problem, but AS WELL AS a degree of short-termism there was a widespread disbelief that anyone would be using the same computers and programs nearly thirty years later. The expression "as well as" indicates: a) conclusion. b) condition. c) contrast. d) addition.
In "... BECAUSE there weren't any malls, SO everyone was depressed", the ideas expressed by the capital words are respectively: a) comparison result b) reason addition c) contrast result d) consequence condition e) reason consequence 111 | JFS 2012 No texto abaixo, os vocbulos em destaque expressam, respectivamente: Newsweek circa 1965 and the iPad may seem worlds apart, but what they have in common outweighs their differences. Both eschew style over substance while wholeheartedly embracing substance with style. Marrying the 1965 version of Newsweek to the 2012 iPad's technology, we created a design that respectfully tips its hat to the past without ever getting stuck there. Call it retro with mojo. Won't you join us on the elevator. a) contraste e concesso. b) contraste e adio. c) contraste e simultaneidade. d) concesso e contraste. e) concesso e simultaneidade. 112 | UECE 2000 O vocbulo BUT, na frase But Bobby Crabtree and his wife thought Matilda was staying with friends that night, classifica-se gramaticalmente como: a) verbo b) pronome c) conjuno d) advrbio
Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man; but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also. Marcus Aurelius
005 | UEL 1994 Assinale a alternativa correta: He stopped __________ only after the doctor said he was going to die. a) drank b) drink c) drinks d) drinking e) to drink 006 | UNESP 1990 Both Mary and Roger enjoy __________ tennis. a) plays b) play c) to playing d) playing e) played 007 | MACKENZIE 1996 Indicate the correct alternative: I had hoped __________ my letter. a) her answer b) her answering c) that she answer d) that she would answer e) to her answer 008 | ITA 1995 A melhor forma de concluir a sentena a seguir : Although personal appearance is of great importance when going to an interview for a job, the candidate should be careful __________. a) to not overdress b) to do not overdress c) not to overdress d) do not overdress e) not overdress 009 | ITA 1996 Leia a frase e preencha a lacuna: By signing below, I ask that an account __________ opened for me and Card(s) issued as I request, and that you renew and replace them until I cancel. a) to be b) are c) is d) will be e) be
a) there is b) you do c) there be d) have e) may be 016 | JFS 2000 Relacione as colunas A e B, encontrando o Imperativo correto. Coluna A 1. I'm hungry. 2. I'm very tired. 3. I'm sad today. 4. I'm pissed off. 5. I'm thirsty. Coluna B ( ( ( ( ( ) See a comedy movie. ) Take vacation. ) Eat something. ) Drink some water. ) Chill out and take it easy.
a) 1 2 3 4 5 b) 5 4 3 2 1 c) 3 2 1 4 5 d) 3 2 1 5 4 e) 2 3 4 1 5
Phrasal Verbs
001 | MACKENZIE 1996 Choose the correct alternative which indicates the meaning of blow over in the following sentence: They're hoping that this crisis will BLOW OVER and be forgotten. a) happen suddenly and make you able to accept a pleasant experience. b) explode. c) succeed in spite of difficulties. d) become stronger and cause trouble for other people. e) pass without doing harm. 002 | UDESC 1996 Find the correct alternative: a) to put on to remove b) to put out to increase c) to put off to dress d) to put on weight to grow fat e) to put together to keep 003 | FUVEST 1979 Assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz a seguinte frase: I have run out of vinegar. a) Corri para buscar vinagre. b) Derramei o vinagre. c) Preciso sair para pegar vinagre. d) Meu vinagre acabou. e) Joguei fora o vinagre. 004 | MACKENZIE 1996 Choose the correct alternative. Indicate the meaning of catch on to in the following sentence: We didn't quite CATCH ON TO what the teacher said. a) reach the same standard or level b) hear c) confirm d) believe e) understand 005 | UNESP 1990 He took __________ his hat. a) off b) out c) in d) into e) on
006 | UECE 1997 SPLIT UP in After getting stores and various other commodities together in Mamfe, John and I decided to split up means that: a) they decided to separate. b) they decided to end their relationship. c) they decided to stay together. d) they decided to talk over their plans. e) they decided to sleep together. 007 | CESGRANRIO 1998 The verb to go may be followed by many adverbial particles and prepositions that add different meanings to it. Match the two columns and then mark the correct alternative: I go up II go on III go away IV go by R. continue S. leave T. rise U. move V. pass Mark the correct match. a) I T; II U; III S; IV R b) I T; II R; III S; IV V c) I T; II V; III U; IV R d) I U; II R; III S; IV V e) I U; II V; III S; IV R 008 | UDESC 1997 Choose the CORRECT answer: The woman is TAKING CARE of her baby. She is: a) looking back on her baby. b) looking for her baby. c) looking after her baby. d) looking down on her baby. e) looking over her baby. 009 | AFA 1986 Qual alternativa possui os trs verbos na ordem natural de seu uso? a) wake up/sleep/get up b) sleep/get up/wake up c) get up/wake up/sleep d) sleep/wake up/get up
Mixed Topics
001 | ITA 2001 Assinale a opo correta em relao s frases abaixo, extradas de um calendrio americano: I. "A really great talent finds its happiness in execution." Goethe. II. "There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart pursue these." unknown. III. "By cultivating the beautiful we scatter the seeds of heavenly flowers, as by doing good we cultivate those that belong to humanity." V. Howard. a) Na sentena (I), "its" refere-se a "happiness". b) Na sentena (II), "these" refere-se a "things in life that will catch your heart." c) Na sentena (II), "those" refere-se a "flowers". d) Os termos "but" na sentena (II) e "as" na sentena (III) so conjunes que podem ser consideradas sinnimas no contexto em que se encontram. e) Os termos "beautiful" e "good", na sentena (III), exercem a funo de adjetivos. 002 | UNITAU 1995 Assinale a alternativa que relaciona as construes adequadas e as construes inadequadas em ingls dentre as listadas a seguir: 1. The football is in the our hearts. 2. Romrio was not born in the United States. 3. Romrio does not come from the United States. 4. I see he and she. 5. Pel is more popular than Nixon. 6. A cat is more big than a mouse. 7. Parreira have a little sister. 8. An elephant is smarter than a feminist. 9. The Brazilian and the Italian teams have no problems here. 10. I am seeing the cup. a) Adequadas: 2, 4, 6, 8. Inadequadas: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10. b) Adequadas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Inadequadas: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. c) Adequadas: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Inadequadas: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7. d) Adequadas: 2, 3, 5, 8, 9. Inadequadas: 1, 4, 6,7, 10. e) Adequadas: 3, 2. Inadequadas: todas as demais. 003 | UFSM 1999 Over __________ last century, women __________ been __________ the opportunities __________ play a greater role in government and business. a) the had give by b) that has given for c) the have given to d) the has given by e) that have give to
It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely uneducated. Alec Bourne
Copyright 2000 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Redistribution in whole or in part prohibited. In the context of the cartoon above, the correct alternative is: a) another implies no other additional idea. b) can indicates ability. c) doesnt have to indicates permission. d) did is used to make questions with ordinary verbs in the Present Tense. e) can could be replaced with the same meaning by may. 013 | UFSM 2002 Se o sujeito da orao "that WINDS back 5,000 years in ITS native India" se referisse a uma expresso no plural e fosse mantido o tempo verbal, os termos destacados:
021 | UEL 1999 Preenche corretamente a lacuna (I) a alternativa: a) hold on b) hold up c) expect d) tell e) say 022 | UEL 1999 Preenche corretamente a lacuna (II) a alternativa: a) I'm b) I'd c) I've d) You'll e) You're 023 | UEL 1999 Preenche corretamente a lacuna (III) a alternativa: a) coming b) comes c) will come d) to come e) is coming
Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends. Czech Proverb
a) Quem no deve, no teme. b) Quem quer faz, quem no quer manda. c) Deus ajuda a quem cedo madruga. d) Longe dos olhos, longe do corao. e) Em terra de cego, quem tem um olho rei. 003 | ITA 1996 Na frase He is very, very rich and so powerful that even his enemies are eager to cut deals with him, o significado de to cut : a) competir b) concordar c) compartilhar d) tornarse e) cortar (qualquer tipo de relao) 004 | UEL 1997 Assinale a verso correta da frase a seguir: Prefiro ir de carro. a) I like cars. b) I dislike cars. c) I always go by car. d) I'd rather go by car. e) I don't have a car. 005 | CESGRANRIO 1991 In The sweet-and-lovely look is OUT; the aggressive punk pose is IN the capital words stand for: a) out of work / in vogue b) out of sight / in mind c) out of order / in memory d) out of date / in fashion e) out of mind / in sight
a) F V V V V b) F V V V F c) V V V V F d) F V V F V e) V F F F F
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright
004 | EFOMM 2004 Regarding the impact the ladys appearance caused, the word breathless in verse 16 means: a) simple. b) light. c) unimportant. d) remarkable. e) awful. 005 | JFS 2009 In the sentences The police, firefighters and other emergency personnel joined about 150 volunteers and Most of the injured passengers were able to walk out of the station, but about 20 were carried out on red stretchers, the word about cannot be replaced by: a) some. b) within. c) approximately. d) almost. e) roughly.
006 | JFS 2009 The verb TO BROIL means the same as: a) to fry. b) to grill. c) to burn. d) to boil. e) to cook. 007 | JFS 2009 In A pact made by a group of teens to get pregnant and raise their babies together is at least partly behind a sudden spike in pregnancies at Gloucester High School, school officials said, the verb to raise is synonymous with: a) to deal. b) to praise. c) to increase. d) to rise. e) to bring up.
When you relinquish the desire to control your future, you can have more happiness. Nicole Kidman
Okay, we realize it could be for Rogue 24's own protection. __________, their carefully-protected Journey menu runs 24 courses and takes three hours to serve (and eat). And surely hours of preparation go into each meal, providing apt backing for the intense cancellation restrictions. Imagine if photos from such a storied menu appeared on Twitter? The horror! But really, no matter how delectable the menu might be, since when is a simple meal run like a business deal? You might want to call your lawyer before planning your night out at Rogue 24. It's only fair. Adapted from http://newsfeed.time.com/
Qual o equivalente, em ingls, para o vocbulo em negrito na sentena acima. a) Receipts. b) Recipes. c) Prescriptions. d) Guidelines. e) Instructions. Persuading Leonardo Although both Ben Shneiderman's Leonardo's Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies and B.J. Fogg's Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do are written by academics, the books transcend academia to provide a different view of the Internet's potential. Shneiderman prepares the groundwork for what he calls the "new computing," while Fogg describes how to make that computing persuasive. The idea behind Leonardo's Laptop is a consideration of what Leonardo da Vinci would demand from a laptop computer and what he would do with it. To Shneiderman, who is founding director of the HumanComputer Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland, the new computing puts users first. Shneiderman begins with a brief history of computing and computer applications, declaring that, "These founders of the old computing overcame technological limitations to build impressive projects and then turned to producing tools for themselves, giving little thought to the needs of other users." Although not a founder, I admit to being of the old computing generation. I programmed in dead languages such as IBM's 1401 Autocoder and 360 Assembler before progressing to Cobol and RPG. I have now learned Visual Basic and C++, and I can report that there is nothing intrinsic to any of these languages that center a programmer's focus on those who use their applications. The new computing is not about languages but, as Shneiderman suggests, about understanding human activities and human relationships. With Leonardo as both creator and user, his laptop will enable greater creativity and grander goals. This book goads you with ideas for applications in e-learning, ebusiness, e-healthcare, and e-government. Each area is built around a framework for technology innovation that Shneiderman calls the "four circles of relationships" and the "four stages of activities." () Although the mental picture of Leonardo with a notebook computer excites the imagination, as a literary device, it does not wear well as the book progresses. Nonetheless, Shneiderman achieves the objective of Leonardo's Laptop creating a foundation for the new computing.
Adapted from http://brand.nmsu.edu/ 013 | JFS 2011 Julgue os itens a seguir: I. Os cursos da NMSU abrangem as reas de magistrio, engenharia, hotelaria e artes cnicas. II. A NMSU, por ser a melhor instituio de ensino superior do estado, afirma que o sucesso profissional dos graduados garantido. III. A partir do slogan da NMSU, infere-se que o aluno ser capaz de aprender no apenas o contedo pragmtico das disciplinas, mas tambm a harmoniz-los com as vicissitudes da vida cotidiana. IV. As reas de estudo mencionadas no anncio podem ser encontradas em todos os cinco campi da NMSU. Agora, marque a opo correta: a) H apenas uma assero correta. b) H somente duas asseres incorretas. c) As quatro asseres esto corretas. d) As quatro asseres esto incorretas. e) Apenas as asseres mpares esto corretas. 014 | JFS 2012 What we are seeing increasingly is a society of private affluence and public squalor.
If youre looking for love online, Finkel says, your best bet is to save your money and stick with the lessexpensive websites in which you browse profiles, as opposed to those that try to make matches for you. But, warns Finkel, who met his wife the oldfashioned way through a fix-up arranged by their grandmothers, get offline fairly quickly, because youre never going to be able to figure out from a profile and some emails whether youre compatible with somebody. Adapted from http://todayhealth.today.msnbc.msn.com/ 015 | JFS 2012 Os termos bemoaning (1 pargrafo), tantalizing (3 pargrafo), ranging (11 pargrafo) e fairly (16 pargrafo) podem ser substitudos, respectivamente, por: a) lamenting, fascinating, fluctuating e scantily. b) regretting, teasing, varying e pretty. c) complaining, charming, wandering e willingly. d) weeping for, harassing, stretching e barely. e) gloating, taunting, reaching e quite. 016 | JFS 2012 Levando em considerao o contexto, preencha correta e coerentemente a lacuna presente no 14 pargrafo: a) each other b) one another c) themselves d) them e) everyone 017 | JFS 2012 De acordo com o texto, marque o item correto. a) Os sites de relacionamento utilizam eficientes mtodos matemticos para relacionarem os usurios com os parceiros mais possivelmente equivalentes. b) Cincia e romance so completamente incompatveis, da a ineficincia dos sites de relacionamento. c) Os psiclogos que realizaram o estudo feito sobre os sites de relacionamento concluram que impossvel determinar o grau de compatibilidade entre duas pessoas antes delas se conhecerem pessoalmente. d) Os fatores determinantes, utilizados pelos sites de relacionamento, para que duas pessoas se apaixonem e tenham uma unio duradoura so idade, proximidade geogrfica, dinamismo conjugal e questes circunstanciais. e) Eli Finkel e sua equipe no tiveram acesso ao algoritmo utilizado pelo site de relacionamentos eHarmony.
Adapted from www.google.com 029 | AFA 2011 According to the cartoon, FIFA: a) pretends to improve the world. b) has more ambitious purposes than the others. c) wants to have control over the Roman, Genghis Kans, and British Empires. d) mustnt be considered an empire. With the 2014 World Cup being awarded to Brazil, it could be easily argued that football is going home. Ok, so football originated in Britain and we invented the game but the Brazilians have perfected it. Theyve taken the game to their hearts and elevated it to the extent that it is a religion to the people. The blue and yellow clad players of Brazil have given us some memorable moments and play the game with a style and rhythm that no other nation on earth seems capable of. The game is played to a samba beat that runs through the heart and soul of the entire country. When they are on song, they are unstoppable and people the world over clamour to see them play. Chances are, if you asked people to name the team they want to see win aside from their own it would be the magicians from Brazil. Adapted from http://www.footballworldcupbrazil2014.com/
TV Will Save the World In a lot of places, its the next big thing By Charles Kenny Forget Twitter and Facebook, Google and the Kindle. Forget the latest sleek iGadget. Television is still the most influential medium around. Indeed, for many of the poorest regions of the world, it remains the next big thing poised, finally, to attain truly global ubiquity. And that is a good thing, because the TV revolution is changing lives for the better. Across the developing world, around 45% of households had a TV in 1995; by 2005 the number had climbed above 60%. That's some way behind the U.S., where there are more TVs than people, but it dwarfs worldwide Internet access. Five million more households in subSaharan Africa will get a TV over the next five years. In 2005, after the fall of the Taliban, which had outlawed TV, 1 in 5 Afghans had one. The global total is another 150 million by 2013 pushing the numbers to well beyond two-thirds of households. Television's most transformative impact will be on the lives of women. In India, researchers Robert Jensen and Emily Oster found that when cable TV reached villages, women were more likely to go to the market without their husbands' permission and less likely to want a boy rather than a girl. They were more likely to make decisions over child health care and less likely to think that men had the right to beat their wives. TV is also a powerful medium for adult education. In the Indian state of Gujarat, Chitrageet is a hugely popular show that plays Bollywood song and dance clips. The routines are subtitled in Gujarati. Within six months, viewers had made a small but significant improvement in their reading skills.
Adapted from http://www.rampagesoccer.com/ 031 | JFS 2011 The expression run a couple of errands (1st balloon) means the same as: a) do tides of chores. b) pay two bills. c) do some shopping. d) do a few tasks. e) correct some mistakes. 032 | JFS 2011 In the 2nd balloon, take-out is a kind of: a) container. b) package. c) meal. d) food. e) duty.
Bernie Ecclestone runs the worlds most prestigious sport. One reason, five continents, 12 teams and over half a billion fans worldwide. It means compromise is not an option, and it means that speed, teamwork and precision are essential. That`s why the man at the top demands the best. And thats why he chose us to be the official __________ partner of F1, ensuring that the entire sport is delivered across the globe.
Adapted from TIME, May 24, 2010 042 | ITA 2011 Assinale a opo que preenche corretamente a lacuna presente no texto e que indica o tipo de servio ofertado pelo anunciante. a) sports b) environmental c) logistics d) finance e) economy
Adapted from http://www.readingreview.com/ 046 | JFS 2012 Consoante o autor do livro que Charlie Brown est lendo, as crianas so muito observadoras. Qual das opes abaixo no contm relao semntica, em ingls, ao vocbulo em negrito? a) Watchful. b) Perceptive. c) Overlooking. d) Discerning. e) Insightful.
The Bridgeman Art Library / Getty Images Not so fast, David Choe you can no longer call your Facebook murals the most expensive work of art, because Qatar has come to the rescue. The oil-rich country has bought Paul Cezanne's painting The Card Players for more than $250 million, making it by far the highest price ever paid for a work of art. Up until this point, the most expensive painting ever sold was a Jackson Pollock for $140 million in the frenzied pre-recession year of 2006, and in recent days the graffiti artist David Choe was reportedly given Facebook stock options for decorating the company's murals in 2005 that cost mere thousands then but will now be worth some $200 million after the social-network giant goes public. But Cezanne's small, quietly somber work beats them all there are four other Card Players in the world, and they are at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Muse dOrsay in Paris, the Courtauld in London, and the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia. Adapted from http://www.thedailybeast.com/ 064 | JFS 2012 De acordo com o texto: a) os quadros do artista David Choe eram considerados os mais valiosos do mundo, at a venda de um Czanne por 250 milhes de dlares para um magnata do Qatar. b) o autor do texto, ao comentar que o Qatar veio ao resgate, demonstra sua averso s obras de David Choe. c) antes do quadro The Card Players ser vendido por 250 milhes de dlares, a obra mais cara da histria era um Pollock, pintado em 2006. d) o quadro The Card Players to apreciado pela comunidade artstica que possui rplicas para exposio permanente, espalhadas por museus nos Estados Unidos e na Europa. e) o artista David Choe foi pago pelos seus servios ao Facebook em aes, hoje avaliadas em 200 milhes de dlares.
Newsweek offers an article on how schools are using empathy-training programs in an effort to reduce bullying in schools: http://www.newsweek.com/2010/12 /15/can-schools-teach-kids-not-to-bully.html The effective__________ of such programs is unclear at this point, and experts are divided on whether it makes more sense to offer the programs to young children (elementary school age) or older children (middle school age) (both, is probably the answer). High school kids are simply difficult to reach logistically, since they all have different schedules all day. Unsurprisingly, some experts have found that the most important component to empathy training is to include the parents. In assessing these programs and the broader issues of empathy-training and bullying, there are multiple factors to consider and no clear answers. First of all, empathy is one of the most difficult and least-understood skills we can develop adults and kids alike. Empathy is the process of viewing and understanding the world through anothers experience, and it is often confused with sympathy, which is, essentially, compassion and lacks the walking in anothers shoes component (which is not to say it is not an admirable trait, its just different from empathy). Developmentally, children may not be able to truly understand and practice empathy until they are closer to the pre-teen years, but introducing the concept early and often is a good primer for its later development. Another big question to consider: are programs focused on empathy simply band-aids on much larger, more systemic problems? Why are kids bullying other kids in the first place? What family issues, societal issues, educational issues, are contributing to the need/urge to humiliate and attack other children for some sort of personal gain and satisfaction? My guess is that for many kids, participating in a brief (or even a few brief) empathy-skills seminars simply is not enough, and will not get at the root(s) of the problem(s), no matter how young they are when the programs begin.
Adapted from http://cyberextazy.files.wordpress.com/ 069 | JFS 2012 Analise as seguintes asseres: I. O computador analisou o passado estudantil do rapaz sem curiosidade pessoal alguma. II. O gosto musical do rapaz considerado de baixa qualidade pelo computador. III. O computador utilizou-se de avanadas equaes matemticas para deduzir em que poca o rapaz havia se formado. IV. O rapaz tem vergonha de certas bandas que costumava ouvir nos anos 90. Agora, assinale a alternativa correta: a) H apenas um item certo. b) H apenas dois itens certos. c) Todos os itens esto certos. d) Todos os itens esto errados. e) Dos itens mpares, apenas um est certo.
Hybrid sharks have been discovered swimming in the waters off Australia's east coast. The finding may be driven by climate change, a research team says, suggesting such discoveries could be more common in the future. The hybridization is between the Australian black tip shark which favors tropical waters and the larger, common black tip shark, which favors sub-tropical and temperate waters. While the distribution for the genetically distinct species overlaps along the northern and eastern Australian coastline, the finding that they mated and produced offspring is unprecedented, according to the discovery team from the University of Queensland. "To actually find something like this and prove it genetically is unprecedented," Bob Hueter, director of the Center for Shark Research at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida, told me Tuesday. Hueter was not involved with the research, though one of the scientists responsible for the discovery used to work in his lab, which he said lends the finding credibility. The finding is based on genetic testing and body measurements and reported December 2011 in the journal Conservation Genetics. The team identified 57 of the hybrids from five locations spanning 1,250 miles along the Australian coast. "Wild hybrids are usually hard to find, so detecting hybrids and their offspring is extraordinary," Jennifer Ovenden, an expert in genetics of fisheries species and team member, said in a news release. The hybridization could be an adaptation to climate change, the team noted, allowing the tropical Australian black tip shark to live in the cooler, sub-tropical waters. It could also be a technique to survive in over-fished waters, speculated Hueter. As fisheries are depleted, hybridization is a way to keep reproducing. "In a sense, it is catching evolution in action," he told me. Adapted from http://futureoftech.msnbc.msn.com/
Torrential rain broke briefly on January 23rd 2010. Nevertheless, 33 stalwarts of the Military Institute of Engineering kept on gathering and reminiscing. 086 | IME 2012 What can be understood by the passage? a) In spite of the tempest, the gathering took place as planned. b) The torrential rain expected happened to pour lightly. c) Due to torrential rain just 33 people showed up. d) Heavy rains disturbed the meeting. e) The purpose of the gathering was observing the rain while telling of past experiences. NASA-Funded Research Discovers Life Built with Toxic Chemical
So, America, remember the Vietnam War? Because the war in Afghanistan just gave me a bad case of dj vu. On Wednesday, The Times' Ken Dilanian and David S. Cloud reported: The U.S. intelligence community says in a secret new assessment that the war in Afghanistan is mired in stalemate, and warns that security gains from an increase in American troops have been undercut by pervasive corruption, incompetent governance and Taliban fighters operating from neighboring Pakistan, according to U.S. officials. Could someone please tell me how in the world we've let this happen? Why is it that the best and the brightest keep getting Americans killed for nothing? The British got run out of Afghanistan in the 19th century. The Soviets got run out of Afghanistan in the 20th century. Yet we've allowed ourselves to get stuck there? And according to the classified National Intelligence Estimate completed last month and cited by The Times reporters, things aren't likely to improve: In a section looking at future scenarios, the NIE also asserts that the Afghan government in Kabul may not be able to survive as the U.S. steadily pulls out its troops and reduces military and civilian assistance. The costs? Cover your eyes: Some in Congress and the Obama administration are concerned that the bleak assessment suggests little progress was made in the last year. During that time, the U.S. has suffered more than 400 military fatalities and spent more than $100 billion. As of Wednesday, 1,873 Americans had been killed in Afghanistan since U.S. forces invaded in late 2001, according to the website icasualties.org. In 2001 and 2002, when the George W. Bush administration launched the war in retaliation for the 9/11 attacks, 51 U.S. soldiers died. Imagine if we'd had the good sense to declare victory then and get out?
Adapted from http://4.bp.blogspot.com/ 111 | JFS 2012 Consoante a imagem: a) o Presidente dos Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, dedicou uma linha direta para que os soldados em combate pudessem ter acesso a ele no caso de uma eventual necessidade. b) o fato de o Presidente Barack Obama ter visitado um pas normalmente to neutro como a Dinamarca pode indicar que ele est em busca de mais apoio para os projetos dos Estados Unidos junto comunidade externa. c) a visita de Barack Obama Dinamarca foi realizada com o intuito de se conseguir reforos para a guerra do Afeganisto. d) os soldados aguardam instrues diretas da Casa Branca para saber quais os procedimentos que devem ser realizados em combate. e) apesar de indisponvel no momento da ligao, o Presidente Obama tem o costume de comunicar-se diretamente com os soldados norte-americanos em combate. JUST 10 YEARS INTO A NEW CENTURY, MORE THAN TWO-thirds of the country sees the past decade as a period of decline for the U.S., according to a new TIME/Aspen Ideas Festival poll that probed Americans on the decade since the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. Osama bin Laden is dead and al-Qaeda seriously weakened, but the impact of the 9/11 attacks and the decisions that followed have, in the view of most Americans, put the U.S. in a tailspin that the country has been unable to shake during two administrations and almost 10 years of trying. ACCORDING TO THE POLL, ONLY 6% OF MORE THAN 2,000 Americans believe the country has completely recovered from the events of 9/11. Some of this pessimism can be tied to fears of more terrorist attacks. Despite the death of bin Laden, most Americans think another terrorist attack in the U.S. is likely.
Adapted from Time, July 11, 2011. 112 | FUVEST 2012 A pesquisa descrita no texto mostrou que a maioria dos norte-americanos: a) est satisfeita com as respostas dos EUA aos ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001. b) avalia a ltima dcada nos EUA de forma desfavorvel. c) pede ao governo aes mais efetivas de combate ao terrorismo. d) acredita que, desde os ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001, o governo conseguiu melhorar sua imagem. e) espera que o pas supere, completamente, o trauma dos ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001. 113 | FUVEST 2012 A sequncia most Americans think another terrorist attack in the U.S. is likely significa que, para a maioria dos norteamericanos, outro ataque terrorista nos EUA : a) iminente. b) muito temido. c) impensvel. d) provvel. e) uma incgnita.
Ever make a resolution to go out and exercise and end up grabbing a gooey chocolate cupcake instead? No matter how good our intentions are, sometimes it seems like our stomachs are out to sabotage us. Scientists are now starting to understand why this happens. As it turns out, the issue is often not insatiable stomachs, but diet-undermining brain chemistry. At labs around the country, researchers are finding that our brains behave in just the opposite way we would expect them to when it comes to diet and exercise. Researchers recently discovered that public service announcements exhorting the fat and flabby among us to get more exercise might have an unfortunate and unexpected side effect: They can inspire people to eat more, according to a study published in the journal Obesity. To learn a little more about the impact of campaigns designed to get couch potatoes moving, scientists from the University of Illinois rounded up 53 college students and asked them to judge a series of posters promoting exercise. After they rated the exercise posters, the students were then asked to evaluate some raisins. They were told they could eat as many raisins as they needed to make the evaluation. The researchers then ran the same experiment but substituted posters that promoted goals such as joining a group or togetherness for the exercise posters. Again the students were asked to rate some raisins after scoring the posters. The students scarfed down more raisins after scrutinizing posters that promoted exercise than after looking over the other set of posters.
128 | IME 2013 According to the passage, it is WRONG to say that: a) Barnes & Noble will not disappear overnight. b) E-books represent a real menace to traditional bookstores. c) There is a chance Amazon will dominate the book market in the future. d) Book publishers are confident they will make more money by publishing e-books directly through Amazon. e) Barnes & Noble projected that they will have a bad financial year. 129 | IME 2013 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? a) Book publishers do not need to struggle in the business world because traditional bookstores are in jeopardy. b) It is likely Amazon will publish e-books directly, without the need of a traditional publisher, in the future. c) Electronic books are scarce nowadays because people do not read enough. d) Publishers are struggling because e-books can be sold in bookstores. e) Publishers might disappear after the fusion of Barnes & Noble and Amazon. 5 Ways To Turn Fear Into Fuel Editors note: This is a guest post from Jonathan Fields, author of Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for Brilliance. Uncertainty. Its a terrifying word. Living with it, dangling over your head like the sword of Damocles, day in day out, is enough to send anyone spiraling into a state of anxiety, fear and paralysis. Like it or not, though, uncertainty is the new normal. We live in a time where the world is in a state of constant, long-term flux. And, thats not all. If you want to spend your time on the planet not just getting-by, but consistently creating art, experiences, businesses and lives that truly matter, youll need to proactively seek out, invite and even deliberately amplify uncertainty. Because the other side of uncertainty is opportunity. Nothing great was ever created by waiting around for someone to tell you its all going to be okay or for perfect information to drop from the sky. Doesnt happen that way. Great work requires you to act in the face of uncertainty, to live in the question long enough for your true potential to emerge. There is no alternative. When you find the strength to act in the face of uncertainty, you till the soil of genius.
a) Your ability to deal with the unknown isnt a matter of genetics but luck. b) Your ability to deal with the unknown has nothing to do with genetics or luck but training. c) Your ability to deal with the unknown rather than being simply about genetics is equally a matter of luck and training. d) Your ability to deal with the unknown, instead of being simply a matter of luck and genetics, is mainly something trainable. e) Your ability to deal with the unknown, instead of being entirely trainable, is mainly a matter of luck and genetics. 133 | ITA 2013 A expresso The head-to-toe butterflies (linha 31), no contexto em que se insere, significa: a) incertezas que confundem a mente. b) autoquestionamentos que imobilizam o corpo da cabea aos ps. c) aflies que acabam interferindo no bom funcionamento do organismo. d) sensao de formigamento nas extremidades do corpo. e) medos e anseios que do a sensao de frio na barriga.
Time was, advertising was a relatively simple undertaking: buy some print space and airtime, create the spots, and blast them at a captive audience. Today its chaos: while passive viewers still exist, mostly we pick and choose what to consume, ignoring ads with a touch of the DVR remote. Ads are forced to become more like content, and the best aim to engage consumers so much that they pass the material on to friends by email, Twitter, Facebook who will pass it on to friends, who will you get the picture. In the industry, viral has become a usefully vague way to describe any campaign that spreads from person to person, acquiring its own momentum. Its not that online advertising has eclipsed TV, but it has become its full partner and in many ways the more substantive one, a medium in which the audience must be earned, not simply bought. Adapted from Newsweek, March 26 & April 2, 2012.
Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep. Fran Lebowitz
008. I told my sister I'd lend her my new shirt if she let me borrow her jacket, but she didn't take the bait. a) oferta b) isca c) engodo d) negcio e) emprstimo 009. Poverty begets hunger, and hunger begets crime. a) aumenta b) acentua c) piora d) gera e) exacerba 010. Stay a little longer, I beseech you! a) solicito b) imploro c) peo d) exijo e) ordeno 011. The George Cross is a decoration that is bestowed on British civilians for acts of great bravery. a) apreciada b) merecida c) usada d) vendida e) concedida 012. His theory has produced a blizzard of statistics on the global dimming phenomenon. a) grande quantidade b) pequena quantidade c) mdia d) aumento e) diminuio 013. The breadth of her knowledge is amazing. a) alcance b) largura c) extenso d) limite e) fronteira 014. I've tried persuading her, but she won't budge. a) discutir b) vacilar c) mudar d) conversar e) tentar
Equal opportunity means everyone will have a fair chance at being incompetent. Laurence J. Peter
08. The word __________ describes a situation where there is no order at all and everyone is confused. a) orderliness b) outburst c) neatness d) chaos e) tidiness 09. If you take a __________ you stop the activity you are doing to have a short rest. a) burst b) nap c) gap d) hole e) breath 10. To __________ means to keep criticizing or giving advice to someone in an annoying way. a) assuage b) soothe c) relieve d) appease e) nag 11. The word __________ describes someone who is determined to do what they want and refuses to do anything else. a) stubborn b) broad-minded c) compliant d) indulgent e) yielding 12. Somebody __________ has special interest in or experience of something and so knowing what is happening in that subject at the present time. a) poignant b) keen c) aware d) thirsty e) weary 13. The word __________ describes something with a sharp, sometimes unpleasant, taste or smell, like a lemon, and not sweet. a) salty b) spicy c) tasty d) bitter e) sour 14. If a surface such as paper or skin is __________, it does not feel smooth when you touch it. a) delicate b) rough c) sensitive d) flat e) uneven
a) gossip b) quarrel c) struggle d) swear e) utter 37. The word __________ is used to describe a person who is a high-ranking official in a college or university and is responsible for the organization of a department or departments. a) dean b) headmaster c) principal d) manager e) governor 38. The verb __________ means to cause a boat to move through water by pushing against the water with __________ (= poles with flat ends). a) row flippers b) thrust paddles c) row oars d) thrust helms e) row rudders 39. The verb __________ means to experience something which is unpleasant or which involves a change. a) underlie b) undergo c) underachieve d) undermine e) underpin 40. The word __________ means full of hope, happiness and good feelings. a) teeming b) plentiful c) fruitful d) prolific e) upbeat
Aos colegas professores e estimados alunos de todo o Brasil que utilizam esta insana compilao de questes: Este material gratuito e sempre ser. Jefferson Celestino da Costa
Adjectives and Adverbs 001 D 011 A 021 D 031 A 041 A 051 D 061 B 071 D 081 A 091 E 101 C 111 B Pronouns 001 C 011 B 021 B 031 E 041 E 051 E 061 B 071 C 081 E 091 C 101 C 002 C 012 E 022 E 032 D 042 D 052 A 062 E 072 A 082 C 092 E 102 E 112 A 002 B 012 B 022 C 032 C 042 E 052 D 062 C 072 D 082 E 092 D 102 A 003 B 013 A 023 B 033 D 043 C 053 A 063 E 073 A 083 E 093 D 103 D 113 E 003 D 013 A 023 E 033 C 043 C 053 D 063 C 073 B 083 C 093 E 103 C 004 E 014 B 024 D 034 D 044 A 054 B 064 E 074 D 084 E 094 A 104 D 114 C 004 D 014 C 024 A 034 A 044 A 054 C 064 A 074 C 084 E 094 E 104 B 005 B 015 B 025 C 035 C 045 A 055 B 065 E 075 C 085 A 095 B 105 C 115 E 005 C 015 D 025 E 035 C 045 E 055 C 065 D 075 C 085 B 095 C 105 D 006 A 016 D 026 D 036 C 046 E 056 D 066 C 076 D 086 C 096 D 106 D 116 B 006 D 016 C 026 A 036 C 046 A 056 A 066 B 076 D 086 B 096 E 106 C 007 C 017 C 027 B 037 A 047 A 057 B 067 A 077 A 087 D 097 B 107 C 117 E 007 E 017 B 027 D 037 C 047 C 057 D 067 A 077 C 087 E 097 B 107 E 008 E 018 C 028 D 038 B 048 B 058 A 068 A 078 E 088 C 098 E 108 C 118 D 008 E 018 C 028 E 038 A 048 C 058 D 068 E 078 E 088 D 098 A 108 C 009 E 019 A 029 C 039 E 049 E 059 B 069 A 079 B 089 D 099 B 109 B 119 C 009 B 019 C 029 A 039 E 049 B 059 C 069 A 079 D 089 D 099 A 109 A 010 D 020 B 030 C 040 D 050 C 060 D 070 D 080 D 090 A 100 A 110 A 120 D 010 E 020 A 030 E 040 A 050 C 060 B 070 C 080 B 090 D 100 B 110 C
001 002 C E 011 012 E D 021 022 E C Plural of the Nouns 001 002 B D 011 012 A C Genitive Case 001 D 011 A 002 B 012 A
001 002 003 D A B 011 012 013 C C A 021 022 023 C D D 031 032 033 C D D Reading Skills and General Review 001 E 011 B 002 D 012 E 003 C 013 D
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