PM3 9ºMIL Exercises

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01 | UNIRIO1995 A palavra que poderia c) more strong

substituir a expressão AS A RESULT em "As a
d) stronger
result, Struve claims, he can halve the time
required to grow a 1.5-inch diameter red oak" e) most strong
sem alteração do significado é:
a) Therefore.
05 | PUC 1975
b) However.
Fill in the blank of the following sentence
c) Moreover. correctly: The hole in front of his garage is
becoming __________.
d) Besides.
a) deep and deep
e) Anyhow
b) deeper and deeper
c) deep and deeper
02 | UEL 1995 Complete the sentence correctly:
__________ he is lazy, he makes a lot of money. d) deeper and deepest
a) But e) deepest and deepest
b) Thus
c) Due to 06 | EFOMM 2008
d) Unless The lecture we’ve attended was not good. It was
e) Although
__________, and the audience was __________.
03 | PUCSP 1998 No período "The struggle to
have a piece of land to work on for a decent
a) amusing – amused
living has produced rifes and conflicts between
the landless peasants, ON ONE HAND, and the b) bored – boring
powerful landowners and the government, ON
THE OTHER", as expressões on one hand e on c) amused – amusing
the other indicam uma relação de: d) boring – bored
a) alternância. e) interesting – interested
b) adição.
c) oposição. 07 | UNESP 2000
d) consequência. Assinale a alternativa que preenche
e) causalidade. corretamente a lacuna da frase apresentada:
This is the __________ day I have ever had.

04 | UNESP 1997 a) worse

A lion is __________ than a dog. b) bad

a) strong c) worst

b) strongest d) less good


e) very bad Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à

sequência de Question Tags adequados para
completar as frases a seguir:
08 | UEL 1995
1. He isn't at home, __________?
Complete the sentence below correctly: If you
2. That will happen, __________?
don't go, __________ very angry.
3. She hasn't a cue, __________?
a) I feel
4. It rains a lot, __________?
b) I am
c) I was
a) isn't he; won't it; has he; doesn't it
d) I'll be
b) is it; will it; does she; has it
e) I have been
c) isn't he; will it; has she; hasn't it
d) is he; won't it; has she; doesn't it
09 | UNESP 2002
e) isn't he; won't he; has she; does it
If senior citizens __________ more pessimistic
toward technology, Web developers and
marketers __________ to emphasize two things:
12 | UNESP 1987
ease of use and value.
Assinale a alternativa correta: Your name is
a) became – have
Mary, __________?
b) become – have
a) isn't you
c) became – would have
b) isn't it
d) became – will have
c) aren't it
e) became – had
d) aren't you
e) isn't he
10 | MACKENZIE 2002
Complete the gaps correctly: If I __________ my
13 | FUVEST 1998
raincoat, I __________ a cold.
Escolha a question tag correta para "I knew I
a) had worn – wouldn't have gotten
would be a scientist":
b) wear – would have get
a) didn't I?
c) didn't wear – wouldn't have get
b) wasn't I?
d) am wearing – would have gotten
c) won't I?
e) hadn't wear – couldn't have get
d) don't I?
e) would I?
11 | UNITAU 1995

14 | UNESP 1991

Those people are happy because they

__________ love in their childhood.
a) was given
b) has given
c) were given
d) have being given
e) be given

15 | MACKENZIE 1996
A voz passiva de "Somebody must send me the
new books" é:
a) I must send the new books.
b) The new books must be sent to me.
c) I will be sent the new books.
d) The new books would be sent to me.
e) The new books must be send by somebody.

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